Akashic Record

Your Akashic Records: The Keys to Your Soul’s Purpose

Akashic Record

I first learned about the Akashic records when I was in my twenties. Through my initiation into energy healing — when I was healed from cancer — I was first introduced to, and began to work with, the Akashic Records.

The Akashic Records, also known as “The Book of Life,” hold the plans and lessons you have chosen to experience for the growth of your soul, and show how those plans are part of everything that’s happening in your life.

Your Akashic records are a metaphorical “library” that hold all the life experiences of every soul since time began.

And these records not only hold YOUR information… they capture all human events, thoughts, words, emotions, and intentions of every event in the past, present, and future.

In other words, it’s the entire memory of the planet!

In this 9-minute video, I’ll share with you, five simple — yet powerful — ways you can access the wisdom of your Akashic Records:

5 ways to Access Your Akashic Records & How this Wisdom Can Help Guide You

To help you access your Akashic Records, you have your own personal guide. I refer to this guide as your Compassionate Witness, they’re like your personal librarian who can help you find and access your records, information, and lessons contained in the pages of your book.

You can call on your Compassionate Witness to help you retrieve any information you are seeking. Some people see their guide as an image, some a ball of light, and some have a sense, or knowing, that their guide is with them.

Here’s just a peek at what you can discover with your guide — your Compassionate Witness — when you begin to access your “Book of Life”:

1) Dissolve Limiting Beliefs & “Old Stories”

You can access your Akashic Records to locate information and insights on blocks you might be experiencing in different areas of your life. This could be in your relationships, or your work life, or even with specific health challenges.

You can call on your guide to point you to areas where these blocks formed or energy is stagnant. You can also learn where trauma or negative imprints are held, so you can begin to release them.

Through accessing this spiritual information in your records, you can begin to heal and release the stories, beliefs, and patterns that no longer serve you and replace these energies with love and restorative power of the Divine.

2) Uncover Your Soul’s Purpose

Especially in these times, you might be asking yourself more deeply, why am I here now? What role do I have to play in what is happening now? What is my Soul’s Purpose?

Your Akashic Records hold information on your Soul’s contract and why you incarnated here in this body, in this life, at this time. To access higher levels of consciousness to access this information — as well as to integrate it into your daily life, you can work with your Akashic Records.

You will gain insights into your Dharma for this lifetime and how to course-correct when life’s challenges throw you off track. You can always return to your baseline by returning to your Akashic Records.

3) Discover Your Divine Potential

Your Akashic Records contain all of the possibilities and potential for you in this lifetime. They also contain the wisdom of your past and present lives, as well as all that is open to you in the future.

You can access this knowledge through your Akashic Records, heal what’s blocking you from embodying your purpose and potential, and then initiate a daily integration practice so you can begin to receive this potential from a position of higher consciousness — and to make choices with this knowledge.

4) Connect with the Divine

When you access your records, you are reconnecting with the Divine Source within you. Your Soul’s imprint is on every page of every book. Reconnecting with Source amplifies your inner guidance, inner knowing, and builds confidence and trust in the guidance of your intuition.

You will also feel a sense of peace and calm as you begin to connect regularly with this inner resource.

5) Identify The Lessons From Your Past Lives

As I’ve mentioned, your Akashic Records, your “Book of Life,” hold the memories, experiences, emotions, happenings of your previous incarnations, as well as the lessons from those lifetimes — and the lessons you are here to discover in this lifetime.

You can also find information on “contracts,” or agreements you have made in other lifetimes or for relationship agreements you also made in other lifetimes. These insights will shed light on current situations or dynamics in your life.

You can also bless and release out-of-date contracts in this lifetime — allowing you to tap into greater creativity, more life force energy, and more of your true essence.

By releasing old contracts, you also open yourself to embody your full potential for this lifetime.

These are just a few highlights from working with your Akashic Records. Once you begin to access your records on a regular basis, you’ll find a wealth of wisdom and support for your daily life.

2020 April Supermoon full moon

5 Healing ‘Supermoon’ Practices: Release Old Beliefs & Manifest New Dreams

The moon has long been a source of guidance for planting and harvest, spiritual illumination, and play…

As a child, you may have seen the “man in the moon” or “the girl on the rabbit,” or believed your parents when they told you the moon was made of cheese!

The full moon is also a powerful symbol of abundance, fertility, and rebirth….

And like every celestial body, the moon vibrates energy and its gravitational pull affects the rise and fall of ocean tides. And it can affect our bodies, our moods and our relationships.

This energy is strongest during a Supermoon, when the moon is closest to the Earth and shining up to 30 percent brighter!

Pink Moon… Sprouting Grass Moon.. .Fish Moon… Hare Moon… Egg Moon, the April full moon has many names around the world.

This coming week, April 7-8, you can witness the biggest Supermoon of the year and receive the healing energy of Earth’s only natural satellite.

You can begin to tap into the creative, healing, manifesting power of this Supermoon starting now.

This Supermoon is a perfect time to release limiting beliefs, set intentions, and begin manifesting a project or lifelong dream…

Maybe you’re feeling overwhelmed or triggered by the fear in the collective…

You can invite the vibrations of this giant sphere of light into your body, heart and mind…

The Supermoon is also a time for affirming the GOOD in our lives…

Here are 5 Healing Supermoon Practices & Rituals:

  1. Release a Belief that no Longer Serves You

    Find a quiet place, light a candle if you have one, turning off any digital devices to set a sacred space.On a sheet of paper, write down the belief you want to release down such as “I’m unworthy of love,“ “I don’t deserve abundance,” or “If I let go of control, everything will fall apart.”Burn this sheet of paper in a safe place and when the embers have cooled, sprinkle them in your garden, on your lawn, or in a potted plant. Give this belief, now transformed by the moon’s healing light, back to the Earth.

  2. Take a Gratitude Moon Bath

    In the evening, fill your bathtub, adding lavender oil, salts, or your favorite bubble bath, if you wish. Soak… and surrender to the warm water, spending some of this time meditating on what you’re grateful for. Perhaps, family and friends you’re missing in this time of social-distancing, your health, or a thing of beauty in your home.Thank the moon, too, for its beauty, illumination, and healing presence…

    Or you can take a moon bath, literally…

    Go outside during the moonrise, and sit someplace in the light of the moon, which won’t be hard…Bathe in this light, thanking it always being there for you, in Full Moons and New Moons…and times of sickness and times of health…
  3. Offer Your Fears & Worries to Up to Mother Moon

    List all of your fears on a piece of paper, no matter how small or big the fear. Close your eyes and ask the Mother, Divine, Spirit, God, to replace these fears and worries with acceptance and courage.Say a prayer or create daily affirmation, that will support you in releasing these fears into the loving care of the Universe.

  4. Set an Intention for Daily Self-care

    Are you getting the physical exercise you need? Maybe your routine has been upset by shelter-in-place or stay-at-home orders in this time of social-distancing.Or, maybe you’re not eating as well as you could…such as too much sugar or foods that aren’t healthy for you.Perhaps have a simple spiritual practice you can recommit to, or begin doing in the morning, evening, or anytime in between to reconnect and reground…You can use this Supermoon to recommit, TODAY to do one thing for your selfcare.

    Create a short affirmation or statement of intention, committing to this act of self-care.

  5. Journaling with Your Soul to Manifest Your Dreams

    Take some time to journal about your Highest desires. Begin a dialogue with your Higher Self… your soul. Invite in the moon’s illumination for guidance.The Supermoon has super powers for manifesting — and here three journaling prompts to help you align with it:

    1. Spirit, Source, my soul, what do you want to say to me right now?
    2. When I was a child, I dreamed…
    3. What do I feel most called to create in my life right now?

To learn more about tapping into the power of the moon and the entire cosmos, you can checkout my course on Astral Wisdom here.


Access the Healing Power of the 5th Dimension

Have you ever found yourself suddenly “traveling” to another realm? 

Maybe in meditation, right before sleep, or in a dream… or perhaps as the result of a near-death experience…

In this “other world,” you may have felt the absence of fear, a presence of unconditional love, or a peaceful, spacious sense of calm.  

There are many dimensions of consciousness that can evoke these healing vibrations… 

In fact, science now tells us that there are as many as 11 dimensions beyond 3-D reality, and what we can see, hear, touch, and smell. (I’ve experienced many beyond those 11, but that’s a story for another day) The universe is actually a multiverse

And, in many spiritual traditions, it’s believed that each cosmic dimension vibrates at a higher frequency than the dimension below it — offering limitless possibilities for spiritual expansion.  

The fifth dimension is the level of consciousness in which you are living totally from the heart. 

Here, you are aware of your True Self, the core of your authentic being. There is no fear, no judgment, no polarity — and no sense of separation or limitation. 

Sounds pretty amazing…

Additionally, there’s also healing wisdom for you in this dimension of consciousness, as well as the guidance of your “Core Star” to help you manifest your higher calling here on Earth.  

You can actually experience aspects of the 5th dimension in nature. Walking barefoot in the grass, lying on a sunlit beach, or listening to beautiful music.  

In this revelatory, 9-minute video, Deborah King shares about different dimensions of consciousness — plus a powerful activation practice to take you much deeper into 5th dimension-consciousness — to your Core Star. 

Watch as Deborah guides you to your Core Star, located in the center of your body about an inch or inch and a half above your navel.  

During this activation, you may be able to see the brilliance of your core star, but if not, you’ll know when you are there — when you are in a state of calm and relaxation, yet filled with power and light. 

As Deborah shares, in the 5th dimension, your core strength is magnified, and you experience inner harmony as you inquire how to best fulfill the karmic tasks — as well as the contracts your soul incarnated to complete.  

You can access healing in the 5th dimension of consciousness anytime, with the Core Star 5-minute practice in the video. 

Sending out light energy from your Core Star helps bring your dreams to fruition.

Clearing Mental Chaos

Clearing Mental Chaos: Energy Medicine For Upended Times

Clearing Mental Chaos

Are you finding your inner chaos is mirroring the chaos swirling around you?

Racing or obsessive thoughts, a feeling of “leaving your body,” overwhelming emotions… 

Where can you turn for a sense of inner peace and calm?     

Fortunately, your own, subtle energy body holds the key that can set your mind, free…

In fact, you can clear any mental chaos you may be experiencing, right now, by turning your attention (and intention) to your first chakra, at the base of your spine.  

In the brief video below, Deborah shares a simple Energy Medicine teaching and practice, to help you experience calm instead of mental chaos — now, and in the days, weeks, and months to come.

Watch as Deborah guides you to rediscover your foundation, by pulling Earth’s energy up through your root chakra, allowing this healing vibration to fill your entire body…

Your ability to feel safe and supported resides in your first chakra, which receives healing, life-force energy from the Earth. Simply focusing on the vibrant, red, spinning vortex of energy in your root chakra grounds you and helps quell any mental chaos. 

You can see mental and earth energies as polarities — your accelerated mind in relationship to your grounded, centered, root.

As you listen to this short video, feel your body relax and your mind clear… notice your attention in the present moment… and a greater sense of what is yours to do, right now.   

Perhaps there is nothing to do? Just be present and lean into trusting that Spirit is guiding you.

You can return to this Energy Medicine practice throughout your day (anywhere, any time) to calm your mind, ground, and reconnect with the healing energy of Mother Earth… and affirm your deep anchor into the Earth’s generative and resilient core.

To support you in grounding and staying centered during these times, Deborah hosts a regular Facebook Live.

Your Inner Witness

Journey to Your Inner Witness: Holding Your Center in the Face of a Storm

The ancient rishis, the seers and sages of India, taught that the “Inner Witness”  is the key to holding your center in the face of a storm…

The Inner Witness approaches each situation with curiosity and observation. As if watching a movie, the Inner Witness engages in nonattachment — allowing thoughts, feelings, and worries to pass through.

This does not mean we don’t take situations seriously, we do. Especially right now. 

During this unprecedented time, and all the ways COVID-19 is impacting our daily lives, our communities, and our global family, is a signal that we are being called to a deep level of grounding, self-healing, and self-care at this time

The path forward is to find your center in the face of the storm… 

So, the question you might be asking yourself is, “Just how do I do that?” 

When the impulse is to “do something,” to take action, to move forward, to “think” of answers… the solution may actually seem counterintuitive. 

The invitation right now is for BEING not DOING.

Your Inner Witness is here to guide you. It’s part of your energy body and it vibrates with the higher frequencies of your being.

From your center, you can also bear witness to all the positive shifts that are unfolding in lockstep with the spread of the virus. Humankindness at its finest. Strangers helping strangers, communities coming together, and growing solidarity replacing growing division. 

I had an opportunity to be interviewed by Lisa Bonnice at the Shift Network and shared a special teaching and guided practice on just this — how to connect with your Inner Witness and how critical it is for us to do at this time

When you watch the video, you’ll also receive a short journeying practice, which will connect you with your Inner Witness. Watch here: 

Watch video meditation

I invite you to stop everything you’re doing and to just listen in as we do this practice, together. At the end of the guided journey, we also opened up for some of your most pressing questions. 

Topics like: 

How can this help me right now? Especially with everything happening in the world?  

How can I show up for others, and not contribute to the fear? And also not take on their energy or panic? 

How can this help address what we’re dealing with now in a global pandemic?    

I also discuss the important link between the vedas and the chakras, and why integrating science and ancient wisdom is so important for us right now too.

I hope you’ll take a few minutes and enjoy this guided meditation. And, if you would like to join me to discover deep journeying practices for healing and transformation, I invite you to check out my upcoming course at The Shift Network (which you’ll hear about in the video too). You can get all the details here.

Divine Manifesting

Divine Manifesting through the 10th Chakra

Divine Manifesting

Do you have a ‘Higher Vision?’

Maybe your vision is to discover your “right work” in the world, and live a fulfilling, prosperous life…

Maybe you’re ready to meet your soulmate…

Or, you have a creative dream — a project, a business, a nonprofit, or a way you feel called to serve your community — but you’re afraid to say it out loud because it’s way too big…

There’s wisdom available to you through your own, subtle energy body…

You can draw on the creative power of your seven chakras — from your root chakra to your crown chakra to guide you.

There are actually even more energy centers that you can tap into to manifest your vision — some teachings reveal as many as 13 chakras, and others offer a path to many more.

Each energy center, a “wheel,” or cakra as they’re called in the ancient Vedic texts of India, hold sacred healing power…

The 10th Chakra is the doorway to Divine creativity, where your dreams can be seeded…

In this video teaching, leading energy teacher and bestselling author Deborah King, shares about this important energy center, a portal where you can co-create with Spirit, Source, God, the Divine — to give wings to your big dreams and daily intentions for your life.

Deborah also shares a quick way you can connect with this energy center, four to five feet above your head.

You can access this inner resource anytime, anywhere throughout your day — when you need to reconnect with your center and realign with your higher vision.

To discover how to access the wisdom of your entire energy body including your chakras, join Deborah for a FREE event — Discover the Healing Vibrations of Vedic Energy Medicine: Essential Practices to Release Emotional Blocks in Your Energy Body & Access Higher Levels of Consciousness.

When you join Deborah, you’ll experience the healing power of your subtle energy body as you release emotional blocks and access higher levels of consciousness.

Ancient Vedic Wisdom

How to Activate Your Chakras With Ancient Vedic Wisdom

“The Seven Gods have seven spears and seven lights. They hold seven glories.” — Rg Veda 8.28.5 (Translated by David Frawley)

You’ve likely experienced the profound healing that’s possible in working with your body’s innate wisdom.

Guidance for activating this inner resource is rooted in one of civilization’s most ancient texts — the Vedas (Sanskrit for “knowledge” or wisdom).

The Vedas are the oldest scriptures of Hinduism, a body of religious texts, spiritual writings, poems, and hymns that were passed down through oral tradition.

These time-honored texts encompass Divine knowledge and bring to life the deep, healing vibrations of consciousness. 

Woven throughout these ancient scriptures, are references to the chakras… 

The Rg Veda (one of the holiest of the four sacred texts of the Vedas) directly references the cakra — the Sanskrit word for “wheel,” “disc” or “circle” — more than 29 times.   

Described as moving in circular motion with a cyclical nature, the cakra are also depicted through vivid imagery and symbols, such as “seven wheels” and “rays of light.”  

Yet, you don’t have to become a Vedic scholar to transform your energy field… and access higher states of consciousness…

You can tap into the healing frequencies of these energy centers within you through Vedic Energy Medicine — integrating the ancient wisdom of the Vedas with the sacred vibrations of your subtle energy body. 

Higher Heart Chakra: The Healing Power of Unconditional  Love 

If your mind is full of negative thoughts,  or you’re feeling drained due to a chronic health condition, such as depression, the Thymus Chakra unlocks the healing power of your “Higher Heart.”  

Stuck energy can create stuck emotions and negative thoughts… just as an infection that makes the thymus gland, which supports the body’s immune function, lose its ability to fight off colds and other attacks to your immune system.

The powerful, energetic vibrations of this chakra can help you clear blocked emotions in the thymus gland, which also creates illness.  

Simply tapping in the center of your chest will start the process of activating your higher heart, and help you to forgive others and forgive yourself. As you move into the higher heart, you vibrate at a higher frequency and can feel love and joy.

When the Thymus Chakra is in balance, you have access to the higher love of the Divine… connecting your heart energy to your thoughts and words….and guiding you to share your truth.  

If you would like to experience the healing power of your entire energy body, release emotional blocks, and access higher levels of consciousness — join me for Discover the Healing Vibrations of Vedic Energy Medicine here.


How to Heal From Heartbreak

Heartbreak is universal. There is not a person on this planet who has not experienced loss in some way. Be it through rejection, betrayal, abandonment, or death, the pain of losing love, or never having love in the first place, can literally break your heart.

A broken heart has deeper effects than overwhelming sadness. Emotionally, your heart shuts down and blocks your ability to give or receive love, which affects your ability to love yourself and all your relationships. Energetically, your heart chakra closes and blocks the flow of nourishing energy from the unified field. If the energetic blocks aren’t cleared, you can develop physical problems like lung cancer or even heart attack.

Mending the Cracks

Heartbreak is very real, but it doesn’t have to be forever. Believe me, I know. When I was very young I sensed that my mother didn’t love me. I tried not to believe it—what mother doesn’t love her own child?—and after years of her icy glares of resentment and cold-hearted lack of affection, I built a wall around my heart and vowed never to let that pain inside. Perhaps you made a similar vow at some point in your life, and now it’s become the way you live. It may seem safer, but I know how lonely it can be.

By the time I was an adult, my heart chakra had been closed off for so many years, it wasn’t just broken, it was shattered. I didn’t trust in love, and didn’t know how to love myself since I’d never been properly loved by anyone else. With energy healing, I was able to mend the cracks and fissures in my heart, heal my heart chakra, and learn to love in a healthy way. I’ve seen energy medicine heal the hearts of thousands of students, too, and I know it can do the same for you if you let it.

The Key to Healing

In energy healing, chakras are the key to your emotional, spiritual, mental, and physical health. Basically, chakras open you to all the wisdom you need to live a healthy, happy, fulfilling life, but they can become dysfunctional by unprocessed trauma or repressed emotion. If a chakra becomes distorted or imbalanced, the areas of your live governed by that chakra become distorted or imbalanced, wreaking havoc in your life.

Dysfunction in your heart chakra, which corresponds to your thymus, ribs, back, lungs, and of course, your heart, can lead to circulatory problems, lung disorders, breast cancer and heart attack. Heart chakra imbalance can also cause depression, a lack of empathy, and an inability to give and receive love. One of the most essential questions to ask yourself when determining the health of your heart chakra is, “Do I give and receive love easily and without fear?” If the answer isn’t yes, chances are that your heart hasn’t fully healed from a break somewhere in your past.

The Common Response to Heartbreak

Take a minute to think about what loss or lack of love you may have experienced. So many of my students come to my healing courses and workshops with heart chakra blockages that were initially formed as defense mechanisms against a pain that seemed unbearable. The death of a loved one or the death of a relationship, a hateful rather than loving parent, the rejection of a first love, an unfaithful partner, and many more situations where love is revoked or betrayed all cause heartbreak, and the common response to the crushing ache of heartbreak is to shut down the heart’s ability to feel.

The problem is that when you close your heart from the bad feelings, you also shut out the good feelings. But there is always hope! With energy medicine, there is no statute of limitations on releasing pent up emotions from any form of trauma, and it is never too late to begin working with a spiritual teacher or energy healer to get your heart chakra cleared and functioning properly. With a charged and balanced heart chakra, you can enjoy love in your life and create healthy relationships.

Unhurt, Unstruck, Unbeaten

In Sanskrit, the heart chakra is called anahata, which means “unhurt, unstruck, or unbeaten.” No matter what happened to break your heart, it can be healed and “unhurt.”

Here are a few ways to begin the process:

1. Grieve and then let go.

Grief is a heavy burden to carry, and it sits on your heart, weighing you down and keeping your heart chakra closed. You have to open your heart chakra and feel the pain of your grief, even though it hurts, in order to move past it and feel the love that’s waiting for you beyond the grief. Cry, journal, talk to someone you trust, scream if you have to, but let that grief out and let it go.

2. Love a pet.

Basking in the unconditional love of a pet is one of the best ways to begin opening a closed heart chakra. Dogs, cats, horses, even birds have fully expanded hearts that just want to love and be loved in return, and they are not shy about asking for attention and love when they want it. Pets show you what happiness can be found in simple, small gestures of love like a pat on the back or a snuggle. Spending time with these furry beacons of love can help you begin to trust love again.

3. Be nicer to yourself.

Heartbreak can steal your self-esteem, stripping you of the ability to see how lovable and deserving of love you really are. Part of the process of healing your heart is to learn how to love yourself, which not only makes you internally happier, but will improve your relationships with others as well. Try making a list of the qualities you love about yourself. What are you proud of? How are you unique? Do something nice for yourself every day until you really believe you are worthy of that self-love, because you are.

If you would like to learn more about how to clear, balance, and charge your heart chakra, come check out my chakra wisdom online video course where I go deeply into all the chakras.  

Battling Depression

One Key Ingredient for Battling Depression and Mental Illness

It’s only the 3rd week of January in Southern California, but we are already welcoming the sun back into our daily lives. We missed her and our time outside under her sunny rays. 

Once the sun comes back into your life, go outside and make some vitamin D and you will feel a whole lot better, because, chances are, you are battling low-level depression.

Today, we understand better the role of vitamin D and its protection against depression. This little vitamin, best obtained from sunlight, not only plays a role in bone health, but also in the health of your brain. A plethora of neurological disorders have been linked to insufficient vitamin D, including depression and Alzheimer’s. 

Even more recent studies connect the ever-increasing problem of childhood mental health issues like bi-polar and schizophrenia, showing up in younger and younger children, to the lack of vitamin D; kids just don’t play outside like they used to.

But what about all the advice you hear to slather up/cover up at the first blush of the sun? It turns out that 20+ years of advice was dead wrong, and, as is often the case, your mother was right, when she urged you to get outside and get some sun.

Nearly three quarters of people living in the Northern Hemisphere have less than the required amount of vitamin D and nearly one quarter in the Southern Hemisphere are below par. People live indoors and when they are outside, they are covered with sunscreen. Not like our early days when we ran around all day under the sun, buck-naked and free. That all changed around 75,000 years ago, when we moved out from East Africa to points around the world, many of which required the wearing of skins and living under a roof of some sort. But even those folks were outside a lot, up until about 100 years ago, when we started living indoors, and more so every single year.

It’s no wonder that depression is becoming one of our biggest problems world-wide. 

You get 90% of your vitamin D from the sun; chances are, your bank of vitamin D (stored in your liver) is close to empty at the moment. If you’re vegetarian or vegan, your bank is even more depleted, as meat and fish eaters have higher levels of D. 

Dietary sources of Vitamin D

The problem intensifies once you are over 60, as your skin requires 4 times as much sun exposure to make the same amount of vitamin D as it does for someone younger.

What to do?

  1. Every day you see the sun in the sky, run out and get 10 to 20 minutes, on as much bare skin as is legal, and as the temperature allows. No sunscreen. Preferably before 9:00am and, in the summer, after 5:00pm. 
  2. Worried about skin cancer? Up your ingestion of foods rich in carotenoids, like carrots, tomatoes, pumpkins, kale, and spinach. These foods significantly lower your risk of skin cancer. 
  3. Add a little butter to those carotenoids as they are fat-soluble. Yum. 
  4. In the dark days of winter, supplement with vitamin D3, (make sure it is 3, not 2); supplementation is now known to be an effective treatment for depression.
  5. Finally, don’t laugh, but your mother was right about this too: take fish oil, specifically cod-liver oil, daily. 

The tried-and-true advice from days past is often still very viable today, but we tend to forget these simple pieces of sage wisdom. 

Ensuring you’re getting your proper dose of Vitamin D can not only help you be healthier and feel better in the present, but it can prevent serious issues in the future. 

So, make sure you make vitamin D a priority and part of your daily routine!

Get better sleep without drugs

5 Easy Steps to Get a Better Night’s Sleep

This is the third blog in a row I’m focusing on sleep because we simply aren’t getting enough of it!

If you missed the first 2 blogs, you can read them here:

The Best Sleep Ever: Why You Need It and How to Get It

8 Natural Herbal Remedies for a Better Night’s Sleep

This week, let’s talk about 5 more easy, actionable steps you can take to improve your quality of sleep.

      1. Limit your exposure to EMFs.

        We are all very sensitive to electromagnetic radiation, and there’s little data out there on what it’s doing to us. How to counteract all that WIFI that’s coursing through your bodymind? Try grounding every day: in warm weather, walk barefoot. In cold, go outside and stand near a tree, even hugging it when the mood strikes you. Keep your phone a foot away from you, or, radical thought, put it on airplane. Turn off your WIFI in your home or apartment at night. Keep sections of raw silk where you work and where you sleep; silk absorbs EMFs.

      2. Exercise before noon, not after.

        The idea is to keep your core temperature lower as evening approaches, allowing you to sleep more easily because your body is cool. (more on that in my first sleep blog) Exercise will not only raise your body temperature but also release cortisol and adrenaline. Cortisol is a daytime hormone, that is the opposite of melatonin. When cortisol is high, melatonin is low. To get good quality sleep, cortisol needs to be low, so exercise early in the day. Plus, when you exercise in the morning, it produces feel-good brain chemistry that make you feel happy all day. Sleep naked, it will keep you cool and your partner will love it. Oddly enough if you keep your socks on, that will help lower your body’s temp, and you will fall asleep faster.

      3. Make sure the air in your bedroom is fresh.

        Even 100 years ago, we spent most of our day outdoors; now, we spend over 90% of our time indoors. Indoor air can be very polluted and dead, not carrying enough oxygen to oxygenate your cells. What to do? Open your bedroom windows during the day, if it’s too cold at night. Or install an air ionizer or a HEPA filter if your outdoor air is bad and opening windows isn’t an option. Bring in plants, they will purify your air for you. Sleep outside in the summer, like I do, and not only get great air, but exposure to the moon and stars, which balances the lunar, feminine energies in your body, relaxing you, and promoting good sleep.

      4. Take magnesium at night.

        Magnesium is necessary for good sleep; take it with a dash of calcium. Alternatively, eat a few bites of a banana (just a couple of bites, since they are very sweet), which will help you develop melatonin.

      5. Meditate for just 10 minutes, no more.

        That little bit of meditation will take off the edge and allow you to drop off to sleep easily. More would wake you up, so just 10 minutes.


Sweet dreams!

Get better sleep

8 Natural Herbal Remedies for a Better Night’s Sleep

Having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep? This may be due to a short-term issue or it can stem from longer-term sleep habits that are incorrect. Beyond a week, sleeping pills are not the solution. Prescription meds don’t address the underlying cause, and they have some serious side effects. 

In addition to the suggestions in last week’s blog, what about diet, can it help with sleep? It may be surprising, but what you eat at dinner or in nighttime snacks can affect your sleep. Certain foods, like cheese and turkey, are rich in tryptophan, an amino acid that helps produce serotonin, which will help you feel sleepy. Almonds also have tryptophan as well as calcium and magnesium, minerals that calm the body and the mind. However, you will want to avoid carbs at dinner (especially potatoes), as they convert to sugar and six hours later, you could very well wake up. You would avoid sweets after lunch for the same reason.

One study revealed that tart cherries help people with insomnia; they are the only food source of melatonin, that necessary hormone for sleep. Tart cherry juice works as well, but stay away from caffeinated drinks, alcohol, and spicy and fatty foods, all which can lead to sleeplessness. 

There are natural herbal remedies that make it easier to go to sleep and stay asleep. Here are 8 of them:

  1. Chamomile tea: it’s been used for hundreds of years as a sleep aid because it acts like a mild sedative. Brew for 10 minutes using two or three tea bags to calm your nerves and get a full night’s sleep.
  2. St. John’s wort: this flower can be brewed as a tea to ease anxiety and insomnia or taken as a supplement. Make sure you stay out of direct sunlight when you take it because it can make you more sensitive to UV rays.
  3. Valerian root: over 16 studies have shown this flowering plant helps you fall asleep faster and have a more sound night’s sleep. It’s the most commonly used herbal supplement to promote sleep in the U.S. and Europe. Taken together, valerian and hops are well-studied herbal supplements for sleep; they boost production of GABA, a brain chemical that reduces anxiety and has sedative properties. You will want to restrict your use to a week or two, so as not to overly burden the liver.
  4. Kava: Pacific Islanders have long used this root for relaxation. Like valerian, don’t use over a long period of time. Use a high quality supplement.
  5. Passion flower (also called maypop): is not only a delicious tea, but is also a mild sedative. Steep for 10 minutes in boiling water.
  6. California poppy: the bright orange leaves of the poppy should be steeped in hot water for 10 minutes to make a tea that gets you ready for a good night’s sleep.
  7. Lavender: the soothing fragrance of lavender’s purple flowers enhances sleep. Lavender aromatherapy is often as effective as pharmaceutical medications, with no side effects. Don’t take lavender orally. Use a good quality lavender oil in a diffuser around 30 minutes before bed.

So, forget counting sheep and brew a cup of herbal tea to catch some Z’s. 

And if you’d like to hear more about this and other topics, come join our live show on January 22nd at 3PM Pacific. We’ll be talking to expert herbalist and Deborah King Center Graduate Practitioner, Lisa Vander Kaay.

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Getting best sleep

The Best Sleep Ever: Why You Need It and How to Get It

This is the time of year when everyone focuses on diet and exercise, but it’s sleep that needs our attention – the importance of sleep is vastly under-rated. When you get enough sleep, you rebuild your body and your mind: sleep releases human growth hormone, essential for staying young; it balances your appetite hormones (ghrelin and leptin), keeping you slender; repairs your DNA; speeds up muscle recovery; preserves your memory; and improves your ability to learn. What’s not to like about sleep! (Meditation does all these things too, so be sure to meditate once you do wake up.)

Even one night of poor sleep can throw you out of whack, making you over-do carbs and sugar the next day. Plus, staying up late causes your immune system to plummet, your blood pressure to rise, and inflammation to increase. Not a pretty picture.

To this day, every animal on the planet sleeps, so clearly sleep is not optional. Here are five steps to good sleep:

Step One: Spend a little time early in the morning, outside, letting your eyes be exposed to the morning light, so your all-important circadian rhythm gets set for the day.

Step Two:  Spend a minimum of 15 minutes outside during the day, getting more natural light on your eyeballs, which will reinforce your body’s regular wake/sleep rhythm.

Step Three:  Minimize the amount of blue light you are exposed to both during the day and the evening from devices like computer screens, TVs, iPads, and smart phones; blue light blocks the critical melatonin production that you need to sleep properly. Melatonin is generated in your pineal gland when it’s really dark. To prepare for that production, turn off the TV an hour before bedtime and make sure your devices are on “night shift” settings that warm the color of the screens. Check out an app like iristech.co for ways to minimize the amount of blue light you are exposed to from your screens. Or grab a pair of blue light blocking glasses from raoptics.com and be healthy and hip looking all at the same time.

Step Four: Go to bed at about the same time every evening, ideally within 15 minutes of your routine time. I spent many years on the farm, watching all the animals, and saw how well animals do this – always bedding down at the same time every night. Or sleeping standing up, as horses often do.

Step Five:  Make sure your bedroom is as dark as possible. If you need your phone (on airplane mode, of course) to see the time, choose a red screen for that purpose. Wear an eye mask just in case light is leaking in under the door or around the drapes. Even your skin takes in light, so the darker the room, the better.

Step Six: Enjoy all the benefits of your prep during the day with a blissful night of sleep in a room that is between 60- 65 degrees Fahrenheit/15 – 19 degrees Celsius – your body needs to be in that temperature range in order to continue to produce melatonin and to stay asleep. And, if you wake up too early, simply meditate and chances are, you’ll drop back off to sleep before long. Happy ZZZs!

Personal Health Tracking

Stay on Track: A Personal Healing Action Plan

Personal Health Tracking

Healing is a marathon, not a sprint. Whether you are five minutes or five years into your healing journey, it’s easy to get distracted and wander off the path – especially when the world around you is in chaos.

In my book Heal Yourself—Heal the World, I dedicate an entire chapter to teaching you the basics of a Personal Healing Plan. Students often get bogged down with complex concepts, like chakras and mind/body types, and forget that simple lifestyle changes can make a big difference in their personal energy field.

Living a healthy and balanced life is one of the best things you can do to protect and heal yourself. Doing things like getting enough rest and dedicating time to process emotions, eating clean food that nourishes your body, and spending time with people who lift you up (rather than depress you and bring you down), are all things you can do give yourself a leg up on the healing ladder.

All of the practices I write about below will nourish your body, mind, and spirit…if you make them a habit in your self-care routine. Over the years, the number one thing that the majority of my students struggle with is dedicating time for their self-care; this is not surprising considering there are so many things competing for their time and attention. To keep your healing goals front and center (and to see your progress over time), think about adding a monthly activity tracker page to your journal. You can create your own (there is no shortage of fun designs and ideas on Pinterest) or download a copy of my Personal Healing Plan Tracker.

The activities that you include in your Personal Healing Plan Tracker will be unique to you, however, there are some universal basic practices that you should use as guidelines. Think about the practices below and think about how you can incorporate them into your self-care routine and Personal Healing Plan Tracker.

Personal Healing Plan Habit Tracker

Download your free Personal Healing Habit Tracker today

Basic practices for personal healing

Good food

A new day, a new diet (or so it seems). As a general rule, diets are created by companies that want to sell you a product, be it supplements or shakes. The truth of the matter is that the foods that work best for you are completely dependent on your unique makeup.

We are all different, but there are a few basic rules to follow that will point you in a healthier direction:

  • Choose real food that is not processed whenever possible. Stick to the perimeter of the grocery store: fruits, vegetables, eggs, fish, poultry, dairy, and whole grain bread.


  • Drink plenty of pure water. You need about a quart a day just to replace the water that your body loses by breathing!


  • “Nonfoods” should be avoided at all costs. Think: processed foods in boxes or bags that have preservatives; canned items, especially tomatoes, that do not specifically say BPA is not used in the lining of the can; genetically modified and foods that are microwaved – your body doesn’t recognize these “nonfood” items and doesn’t know what to do with them.


  • Chemicals and pesticides are a problem. Whenever possible, opt for organic. (Note: you should also be mindful about the personal care products you put on your body. In the United States, lotions, fragrances, deodorants/antiperspirants, makeup, and hair styling products do not go through any regulatory approval process. Your body absorbs 60% of everything you put on it and I doubt you’d be okay with absorbing 60% of the lead in your signature red lipstick – no brands will be mentioned, but a quick Google search will reveal a Mother Jones investigation.)


  • Use of nicotine, alcohol, recreational and prescription drugs increase the body’s toxic load.


  • Opt for small frequent meals that contain protein if you are over 30 years old and/or are stressed; every two hours is ideal.



Your body’s health is dependent on moving it. And you don’t need to start training for a marathon to get enough exercise: studies have shown that walking briskly every day can reduce a woman’s chance of getting diabetes breast cancer, and heart disease.

Here are some tips for exercising to support your body:

  • Exercise that requires focused and conscious movement (Quigong, T’ai chi, Pilates, yoga) give your muscles and brain a workout.


  • Go outdoors for part of your exercise. If you’re a gym or class fan, that’s fine but changing it up every once in a while (go to an outdoor yoga class or walk in the park instead of on the treadmill) will help you connect to nature.


  • Aim for a minimum of 20 minutes of exercise every day. Build it into your Personal Healing Plan Tracker and do your best to check off those boxes. Even a quick walk during your lunch break, taking the stairs, or parking further away from the building count.



There are so many benefits to meditation that I’m always surprised that not everyone does it. It puts you in the present moment, relaxes your body and mind, washes away your stress, bolsters your intuitive abilities, and even makes you look and feel younger (take that expensive wrinkle creams!). Twenty minutes morning and evening are ideal.


Sleep is one of those things that everyone struggles with at some point in their lives, be it getting too much or too little.
How much sleep do you need? Just like your diet, this also depends on your individual makeup. If you wake to an alarm clock, try going to bed ten minutes earlier each night until you wake up before the alarm rings.

You should also be conscious about using light-emitting devices before bed (sorry, turning on the dimming feature on your iPhone doesn’t make it an exception). Electronic devices have a higher concentration of blue light vs. natural light – and this impacts the levels of melatonin that your body produces. In short, you’re playing Russian roulette with your body’s natural circadian rhythm clock – and this can have devastating health effects beyond just not being able to fall asleep.

Connect with other people and creaturesContemporary Western culture – especially American culture – is extremely isolating. In contrast to American culture where children are expected to move out at 18 (and if they don’t, are considered unsuccessful), in many other parts of the world, such as Southeast Asia and Russia, it’s normal for entire families to live together, even when children are grown.

And while technology has allowed us to connect with family and friends that live far away, when you are out with family and friends put the phone down! How many times have you watched two people sit at dinner completely absorbed in their phone? It’s no surprise that we feel disconnected, alone, lonely, and isolated; we are social creatures and have an innate desire to be part of a community.

If you live alone (as many people do these days), consider adding a pet to your life. We need physical contact as well as social, and I’ve never met a dog that didn’t jump at the chance to sit on their owner’s lap.


The world we live in is extremely chaotic, which results in instability and stress on society. Don’t ignore atrocities, but don’t be consumed by them either. For example, watch Seinfeld or The Big Bang Theory instead of the six o’clock news when you come home from a long day. Laughter is good for the body and the soul; it relieves stress and boosts immune functioning.
As much as possible, go to bed happy.

Challenge yourself

We all have bucket lists – and if you don’t, whip out that journal of yours and get planning! Keep in mind that your bucket list doesn’t have to be exotic and crazy, like skydiving or hiking Machu Picchu. Some of my students have confided that their number one bucket list item was to overcome an eating disorder or free themselves from a particular medication.

Essentially a bucket list is a set of goals you would like to achieve in your lifetime. By identifying long-term goals, you can begin identifying obstacles that sit in the middle of your path (either right now or in the future). A bucket list that you plan and work toward will challenge you and magnify your own personal healing power many times over.

For a complete guide to building out your Personal Healing Action Plan, check out Chapter 15 of my new book Heal Yourself—Heal the World. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet, you can pick a copy up at your favorite bookseller (or Amazon). The book also contains detailed guidelines and ideas about journaling, an activity that is crucial to healing. And you don’t have to put pen to paper to benefit from journaling — there are many other options available too.

You can set up a blog on your computer or tablet that can be purely for you, or if you are brave about sharing your journey, make it available for others to read. Another powerful way to record your thoughts and feelings is by vlogging: making a video of yourself speaking. Many people are more comfortable talking than writing. You can set up your smartphone or computer to video yourself speaking.

LifeForce Energy Healing Explained

The Powerful LifeForce Energy Healing® Technique Explained

One day many years ago, when I was a young student teacher in an energy healing school in the United States, I was called up by the head teacher to take over a session he was doing on a client at the front of the room. As I replaced him at the head of the table, I sensed the presence of Jesus, the Master Healer, standing behind me. I was used to connecting with Him, having done so all my life, but never to the level I experienced at that moment; His presence was surreal.

The Master Healer gently changed my position, moving my arms from the sides of the client’s head, where I was clearing, charging and balancing her sixth and seventh chakras, and had me bend my arms at the elbow, with, with my hands, at the height of my shoulders, palms facing out. As I held my arms this way, I felt an enormous wave of energy emanating from my chest, the location of the heart chakra. I desperately tried to stay grounded as I was filled with energy from above, from somewhere above the twenty-fourth level of the universal energy field. The Master let me know that all I had to do going forward to effect healing on every level, from the physical to the emotional to the spiritual, was to intend it in my heart and allow that energy wave to pass from me to the intended recipient. I was overcome with emotion as I sensed an immediate positive change in the client on the table, a woman who was dealing with advanced cancer. Later, I realized that the arm position He had given me was the same position that the Catholic priest as well as religious leaders in other traditions adopt during their rituals.

I spent years refining what I learned that day and I call this technique LifeForce Energy Healing®. I have used it with thousands of people I have worked with over the years. It allows you to establish, in a split second, a connection between Source/God, your energy field, and the field of the person you are assisting; it is extraordinarily fast and powerful.

I have successfully taught students to replicate this technique. Once you’ve learned it, you can, in less than a minute, attract divine energy, conduct it through your own energy field, and transmit it to the intended recipient. As this divine energy goes through you, the feeling of unconditional love is indescribable. Whatever was meant to happen to your client has now happened (in this instance, “client” is shorthand for the person you are healing). It isn’t necessary for the client to desire the intended result, as the client’s Higher Self knows what is best. For a brief moment, your energy field has merged with the Divine and with the energy field of your client; for a brief moment, you are in communion with All that Is. You are left with an overwhelming feeling of gratitude and a burning desire to use the technique again!

LifeForce Energy Healing® is different from pranic healing, telepathic healing, and radiatory healing, all of which I teach in the lower levels of my LifeForce Energy Healing® programs. In pranic healing, you direct your prana, your own personal energy, directly toward your client so your vitality reinforces his. In telepathic healing, you transmit positive concepts and ideas to the other person’s subconscious mind to stimulate healing or change the mental attitudes that are blocking him. With radiatory healing, you develop a sympathetic resonance between your personal energy field and that of the person you are working on.

Contrast those techniques with LifeForce Energy Healing® , where you align yourself with the Christ light. This isn’t a religious concept. The Christ is the most recent human being who fully mastered opening his chakras and his energy field and merging it with Source. When you merge with that Christ light, you are able to replicate His technique. All you need to do is open your heart chakra 360 degrees (that’s the tricky part, for sure!), and merge with Him and then with the client. Every fiber of your being is intending, with unbending intent, to merge with this divine light. (Note: You are not intending a certain result for the client, as that would be coming from your personality, which is of a lower value than your client’s Higher Self, who knows what’s best.)

You may have heard the phrase, “Where attention goes, energy flows.” It’s true: energy follows thought, so your strong and positive-focused intention is what powers up this healing technique. The link between you and the Christ light and the person you are healing is inevitable because you are joining your mind and spirit with the force of unconditional love.

It is the energy of Source, coupled with earth energy, coming through you that effects change in your client’s energy field and body. The client will experience a healing on some level, whether that’s psychological, spiritual, emotional, or physical. The exact nature of the healing is up to him and his Higher Self.

(Excerpt from Heal Yourself Heal the World, pp. 199-200.)

If you are curious to learn this technique, I teach it to Masters-in-Training in the advanced LifeForce Energy Healing® Level IV program. Go to: www.deborahking.com/masters for more information.

Beyond the 5 Senses

Go Beyond the Five Senses and Learn to Utilize Your Paranormal Gifts

Have you ever had a “gut feeling” that something wasn’t right and, sure enough, it wasn’t? Have you ever known who was calling when the phone rang, without checking Caller ID? Have you ever run into someone you hadn’t seen in a long time, and you were just thinking about that person? You might call all these experiences coincidence, but in actuality, they are examples of you tuning in to your intuitive abilities.

Don’t get scared. You won’t wind up wearing a turban and staring into a crystal ball just because you knew Aunt Sally was on the phone. Intuitive ability simply refers to a natural faculty we all possess that has long been denied or denigrated because it appears to be “supernatural” or “paranormal”—something that is outside the realm of the usual five senses: sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste.

It is easy to see how the five basic senses work according to natural laws; they can be poked and prodded by machines, tested in labs, scored, rated, and all the other scientific verifications that let us know they truly exist. But when it comes to the senses that are beyond the norm, science throws up its hands and says they can’t be proven, so obviously they don’t exist. Well, they do.

There are the “clairs”—clairvoyance, the ability to see with the “inner eye”; clairsentience, that feeling in the gut that “knows”; and clairaudience, like hearing your name called when there’s no one around. Throughout the ages and in every different culture, there have always been those who could access their expanded senses.

Here are 5 ways you can expand your horizons and learn to utilize the paranormal gifts:

5 Ways to Go Beyond the Five Senses

  1. Trust your intuition. You’re already receiving more information than you’re aware of.  When you meet someone who feels “off” to you in some way, don’t start dating that person. When you look at your child at breakfast and you get a really bad feeling in your gut about the school bus, drive your kid to school that day. Maybe nothing will go wrong, but then again, maybe that guy will turn out to be physically abusive, maybe the school bully will punch out the kid sitting where your child usually sits on the bus.
  2. Let your awareness expand in nature. Find a place outside where you feel safe and allow your awareness to widen as you gaze at the sky or mountains or body of water or the green of trees and fields. Sink into a “reverie,” letting your thoughts float away like leaves in a stream. Realize how far beyond the confines of your body your consciousness can travel.
  3. When you first come into someone’s presence, ask yourself what information you are receiving from that person. Do they feel happy or sad? Relaxed or stressed? Healthy or not? When you start bringing more awareness to that person’s energy field, you might start picking up events that happened to him or her, such as a quick flash of a recent divorce, or the way he or she felt when a parent died, or even a past life.
  4. Don’t automatically discount the information you receive in these extra-ordinary ways. Instead of reacting with “That’s impossible . . .,” try for “hmm, I wonder if what I feel is true?” Allow for the expansion of your senses without putting up roadblocks.
  5. Practice with animals. The easiest sense to develop is that of “feeling”—the “gut sense” you’ve so often ignored in the past. When you’re sitting quietly with your pet, with no TV or computer on, simply intend to open to whatever your pet wants to tell you. Touch your pet gently, and you may “hear” or “know” what your dog or cat has to say. Since we usually love our pets, you may experience the communication in your heart.

When you develop your intuitive gifts and open more fully to the information you’re receiving, your life will work better. You’ll “know” how to get healthier, which friends are really friends and which ones you should probably drop, what your child needs if that guy or job or house is right for you. No crystal ball necessary.