Mother in the new year

5 Ways to Replenish Your Divine Feminine (and Why Now is the Ideal Time to Do It)

5 Ways to Replenish Your Divine Feminine (and Why Now is the Ideal Time to Do It)

The beginning is always a birth, and a birth needs a mother. The same is as true for the beginning of a new year as it is for the start of any new life. The Mother comes first.

Many cultures throughout history have birthed their Sun gods in late December or early January. In Hellenistic times in Greece, on the night of the January 5th, Aion, or time, was born from his mother Kore, the Virgin. Early Christians chose December 25 as the day of Christ’s birth from a Virgin, the same day the ancient Egyptian goddess Isis gave birth to her son Horus, a sky god who contained the sun and the moon and was thus the god of light.

Why was December 25th the birthday of solar deities? Because the Roman calendar considered December 25th the traditional date of the winter solstice, even though it was off from the astronomical solstice. By December 25th, you can actually see that the sun is returning. Early Christians chose that date because it was the return of the light, thus connecting the birth of Jesus with the birth of Sol Invictus, the Unconquerable Sun.

Christians were not the only ones to recognize the days between the Winter Solstice on December 21st, when the return of the light begins, and January 10th as the period of time that rightfully belongs to the returning light as it is birthed by the Mother.

Images of Isis with Horus on her lap became the Virgin Mary and her son Jesus when the temples of Isis were turned into Christian cathedrals. In her temple at Philae, Isis was herself worshipped as a Sun Goddess and as the Sun itself. An inscription at that temple says Isis is the “One Who illumines the Two Lands with Her radiance…”

Isis herself was born at this time of year. The Egyptian calendar had 360 days and added the “epagomenal”—five days at the end of the year to complete the 365 days of the solar year. During those extra five days, the Egyptian goddess Nut gave birth on the first day to Osiris, on the second to Horus the Elder, on the third to Set, and on the fourth to Isis.

Catholics celebrate the Solemnity of Mary on January 1st, the Octave (8th) day of Christmastide. In 1960, Pope John XXIII gave the day fully to Mary and the part she played in the “mystery of salvation.”

All of that is to say the Divine Feminine energy is uppermost, and most available to you, from mid-December to mid-January, when the mother births the return of the light. The feminine part of your consciousness, whether you are male or female, is responsible for nurturance, intuition, empathy, creation, community, collaboration, and the feeling rather than thinking sense.

So how can you replenish your divine feminine at this auspicious time of year? Or as the ancient Sumerians put it: “In Hestia, the darkest month, a tiny light is born. Our Lady, Inanna, the Queen of Heaven, in Her Mother’s arms, shines forth on the grey dawn.”

Here are a few suggestions for bringing the light of the divine feminine more strongly into your life:

Try cooperation instead of competition

Climbing the ladder of success by stepping on other people is the masculine image of competition. Other people are seen as possible threats and you have to fight for what’s yours. But when you operate out of your divine feminine, others are seen as allies or mentors that you want to bring into your circle, not keep them out. The circle, not the hierarchical ladder, is the symbol of the divine feminine energy of inclusion.

Intuition, not just rationality.

The cognitive mind does a great job at thinking, but often misses the wisdom that is available from the senses of the body. Your mind may say “I’m confident I can do this,” while your stomach is “tied up in knots.” Listen to your body. Listen to the intuitive sense that says “stay away from this guy” rather than thinking, “what a great job he has.” Meditation is the master key to strengthening your intuition.

Seek balance.

You may be working on “loving everyone,” but have you allowed into yourself the love that is offered to you by others? Is the energy you expend balanced with the energy you take in? Are you taking care of yourself as well as caring for others? Are of head and heart in balance? Are your chakras in alignment?

Help Mother Earth.

We have dishonored the Great Mother in the way mankind has treated Gaia, our beloved planet Earth. Spend some time caring for the earth in any way you can—recycling; planting trees; cleaning the waters; using alternative forms of energy; clearing your house of toxic chemicals; eating more plant-based food than animals; living in harmony with the plant and animal kingdoms.

Listen, and keep your heart open.

The divine feminine is birthed in an open heart and receptive frame of mind.

So before you take down all those Christmas lights, or put away the menorah that held the Hanukkah candles, or light the seven candles in the Kwanzaa kinara, or get out the lanterns for Chinese New Year, or remember all the floating lights of Diwali, think about how you can birth this new year and strengthen your divine feminine connection to the light.


This is the ideal time of year to awaken the Divine Feminine energy within you, to discover this sacred power of healing and grace, so you can see the world with clear eyes and a full heart. To begin your journey towards activating your sacred feminine energy and connecting to your soul’s wisdom, so you can live a life of beautiful radiance, click here.

Light Up Your Life

Light Up Your Life

Winter Solstice is a time of great symbolism and a time of reflection as the darkest and longest night of the year gives way to the return of the sun. Solstice actually lasts for 3 days, since the change in the Sun’s path is so slight on the days around the solstice that the Sun seems to “stand still.” The “high noon” of Solstice is when the Sun is exactly overhead the Tropic of Capricorn. This year, that moment is on December 21st at 5:22 p.m. EST.

This is a great time to ask yourself: What in your life needs to emerge from the darkness into the light? What seeds have been nurtured in the depths of your being that want to find expression in the light?

All ancient spiritual teachers had some type of ceremony to honor the return of the sun, and they left us some vivid reminders. Stonehenge in England is known for its precise alignment with the movement of the sun and has been a sacred place to celebrate the solstice for thousands of years. The same is true for Newgrange, a burial mound in Ireland that is over 5,000 years old. It has a 62-foot passage leading to a chamber. During winter solstice, the rising sun comes through the top of the chamber and lights the room.

All over the world, there are festivals and rituals to mark the beginning of longer days and the return of the Sun, symbolized by Christmas tree lights, menorahs, Kwanzaa candles, and Twelfth Night bonfires. Another of the ancient customs comes from the Druids and Pagans, who still call their celebration Yule and burn a yule log. The log, an emblem of the returning Sun, is a huge block of wood, meant to last for the 12 days of Christmas, turning night into day and illuminating the house.

There is something within us all that needs to know there will be light after the darkness of the longest night. So how will you celebrate the Sun’s return to greater light?

You could make your own yule log. Each type of wood has its own spiritual qualities, and the type of wood you burn in a ritual can indicate your hopes and prayers for the new year ahead. Aspen brings spiritual understanding; oak symbolizes endurance and strength, victory and triumph; pine (fir, juniper, cedar) can bring prosperity and protection; the yew tree connects with immortality and longevity; and birch is associated with rebirth and regeneration, as well as fertility.

You can decorate your yule log with candles and greenery. A sprig of holly ensures your family’s safety and brings good luck. And do you know the song about “the holly and the ivy?” Ivy lives on after its host plant has died—a reminder that life goes on. It symbolizes healing, protection, and the binding of lovers together, so it’s associated with loyalty and the powerful bonds of family and friends. And then there’s mistletoe, associated with peacemaking and the end of discord, not just kisses, although nothing wrong with them either!

Wrap your log loosely with ribbons of different colors. Here again, see what you want to symbolize. Red, which we associate with Christmas poinsettias, holly berries, and Santa’s suit, is used to indicate passion and prosperity and good fortune. Green, the other color associated with the Yule season, is a reminder of the evergreen tree, and therefore everlasting life. White symbolizes purity and truth and represents purification and spiritual development. Gold, of course, is the blazing sun. It was one of the gifts brought to the newborn “light” of Jesus by the Magi, and the first menorah was made from a single lump of gold. Gold ribbons invite in wealth for the coming year and a sense of revitalization. You can also decorate the log with pine cones, dried berries, cinnamon sticks (makes a lovely smell as the log burns), along with the ribbons and the cuttings of holly and ivy.

When you’re ready to burn your yule log, you can do it in a fireplace or outside in a fire pit. Write down an intention for how you will live in the light during the coming year and stick the paper in with the log. On the night of winter solstice, set up an altar with pictures of your loved ones and spiritual guides, and turn off all the lights in your house, and then meditate. At the end, and facing the altar, say a blessing for the return of the light.

It could be: “The wheel of the year has turned once more. Tonight, the darkness starts to retreat and the light begins its return. The sun returns to us once more.” Then light the log or some candles, and say, “The shadows vanish and life continues. We are blessed by the light of the sun, and the inner sun of our divine self.”

Rituals are reminders. This time of year, in the midst of the usual holiday chaos, align yourself with the solstice and mark the birth of more and more light in your life. It is your light that brings you immortality.

Mary Murphy Blog

Shine like the star you are

Guest blog by Mary Murphy, LifeForce Energy Healing® Master Grad Practitioner

Yes, it is the holidays and you remember the bad ones. The ones where dad drank too much and Christmas dinner became a shouting match between the drunk relatives. But this year can be different because you can choose to be different.

Yes, you choose to be different.

We all wish that we could change other people but the truth is we can only change ourselves. We can set boundaries around ourselves to ensure our own mental health. We can set realistic expectations for ourselves.

That is all we can do. Truly the only thing we are in charge of is me, myself and I. You are the master of your own thoughts, emotions and actions. Christmas and the holiday season is a great place to start creating the life you want.

Let’s begin.

Decide what it is that you love and do those things that make you happy.

Many of us take on a huge amount of the responsibility for our families happiness when really it is an individual thing.

First, we need to set reasonable goals for ourselves. Does our house really need to look like the cover of House and Garden? Will it make our celebration more special?

Forcing your husband or significant other to light up the entire house may not make him happy and consequently you as you fight yet again about the lights. Let each person in your household contribute by doing the things that mean the most to them. You’ll be surprised if you ask your kids what it is that is really meaningful to them. Then let them help.

Christmas (or any holiday for that matter) is not the time to be a martyr.

Secondly, pace yourself. If you reach Christmas exhausted and cranky because you’ve been acting like a frantic elf—stop!

If you meditate—keep your practice up.

It is even more important now to be calm and centered as the rest of the world rushes around trying to get the best deal on the big screen TV the family wants.

Exercise—yes in most parts fo the country it is cold and dark. And we are tempted to put it off till the New Year—then we will get back on track.

Keep up whatever you do for exercise.

The endorphins will help you keep humming along and the exercise will keep you from the frustration of the extra 10 pounds that many gain between Christmas and New Year. It will also help keep your cortisol levels from getting out of whack.

And lastly, don’t spend money you don’t have.

It may be tempting to buy things you can’t afford thinking that this is what will make your family happy, when really it is you that makes your family happy.

Sitting on the sofa, sharing a good book, a Christmas movie, a bowl of popcorn, Christmas caroling in your neighborhood, volunteering in the community, those are things that everyone will remember. Do you remember the gift your sibling gave you five years ago? Bet not.

And, if you can afford it, buy something for someone who might not have a Christmas without you.

One of our favorite activities when my children were school age was to get a family in need and buy gifts for them. It helps put things into perspective. Warm clothes and boots and a single toy for a child in need vs the XBOX that seems so necessary!

The holidays are a special time and needn’t be a time of exhaustion and sadness. Spending time with those we love is the real gift we give each other. Think about the things you really love about the holidays and do those. Let go of the rest. And let go of the past. It is over and done with. Set limits. Don’t put up with bad behavior.

A few years ago I bought myself my own Elsa doll that sings “Let it Go.” When I feel particularly wound up, I get the doll out and play the song over and over until I feel better.

And one last thing…don’t look at instagram again until after the New Year. Comparing your holiday to anyone else’s is a recipe for disaster. Be happy with what you have. Cherish your family whatever size, shape, color, gender orientation, race, religion or political persuasion. Time is short. Enjoy every minute!

Shine on you bright star!

Merry Christmas.