
Revitalize your day: crazy busy and on overwhelm?

In these insane times, it’s easy to feel like you’re on the verge of tripping and falling flat on your face. That report for work is long overdue, but you had to take time off to plan for your dad’s care. Your teenage daughter is falling behind in school while your youngest has yet another appointment for new braces. And to top it all off, your ex is late again with the child support.

Your clothes no longer fit since you’ve been binging on ice cream and cookies (not to mention the wine) to calm yourself down. So why oh why do you have to volunteer to head the church picnic this year…?

Crazy busy and there it is again, that sick feeling in the pit of your stomach when you see your mile-long to-do-list. There is no way that you can get it all done and please everybody.

And where on that list does it say to make time for yourself? Who are you kidding? What does that even mean? Then you remember that old Simon and Garfunkel song: “Slow down, you move too fast.” But that didn’t really come with instructions of HOW can you do that…

Learn to meditate, that’s how!

And for that you don’t need to escape to a cave like a yogi. In fact, all it takes is a few minutes in your bedroom at the start of each day to make a significant impact. Despite my crazy schedule, I haven’t missed a single day of meditation in over 40 years!

Here are five tips to seamlessly incorporate meditation into your daily routine:

Start Your Day Right:

Make meditation the very first thing you do in the morning. Before checking emails, scrolling through your phone, or attending to the needs of others, dedicate just 20 minutes to meditation. You’ll find yourself in a calmer and more spacious mindset, setting the tone for a smooth day ahead.

Afternoon Recharge:

If you’re feeling frazzled in the late afternoon, gift yourself another 10-20 minute meditation break. Get creative—whether closing the office door or appearing to be peacefully napping on public transportation, create a space for tranquility. Remember, protect your meditative state from disturbances to ensure a seamless experience.

Create a Disturbance-Free Zone:

Safeguard your meditation space from disruptions. Equip yourself with noise-canceling earpods to drown out nearby talk, and consider putting up a “do not disturb” sign to ward off unexpected interruptions.

Embrace the Nod-Off Moments:

If you happen to nod off during meditation, celebrate it! Consider it a pat on the back, acknowledging that your body needed a brief moment of rest. It counts as meditation in those circumstances. However, if drowsiness becomes a regular occurrence, perhaps it’s a sign to adjust your bedtime routine.

Guidance Matters:

I firmly believe that the most effective form of meditation, one that reduces stress and elevates consciousness, is best learned from an instructor rather than a book, and involves a mantra selected just for you. I do just that in my teaching video which is a free bonus to the course I’m currently teaching, Master the Secrets of the SutrasCome join me and all the others who, like you, are looking for serenity now!


Unleashing Your Inner Power: Transforming Challenges into Triumphs

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the chaos and negativity in the world? The constant barrage of distressing news, political turmoil, and personal challenges might have you questioning if everything has taken a nosedive. Instead of succumbing to the negativity, consider taking a proactive step towards a more fulfilling life. If you find yourself stuck in a cycle of despair, it’s time to dig deeper within yourself to discover the untapped potential for healing and transformation.

I vividly recall facing a daunting diagnosis of cancer back in my 20’s, a situation that seemed insurmountable at the time. The prospect of invasive surgery loomed, threatening to disrupt not only my health but also my career and active lifestyle. As a young adult accustomed to life in the fast lane, the thought of slowing down for introspection was far from my mind. However, a pivotal moment at a bus stop, where an advertisement about meditation caught my eye, marked the beginning of a profound journey.

In that moment, fear and hopelessness gave way to an unwavering determination to seize control of my life and manifest a brighter future. Little did I know that the path to healing lay in ancient and modern methods designed to release the emotional burdens associated with trauma.

Acknowledging our true emotions is a crucial first step in the healing process. I started by honestly documenting my feelings, discovering layers of jealousy and anger that I had been suppressing. Journaling became a cathartic release, allowing me to shed the weight of years of abuse and speak my truth. The process, though challenging, was transformative, paving the way for emotional processing that was essential for both my mind and body.

Meditation emerged as a newfound ally, offering solace and peace in the midst of life’s chaos. Committing to a daily meditation practice became a cornerstone of my healing journey, unlocking a multitude of benefits that extended beyond my expectations., Once there, I was introduced to the transformative power of the sutras.

The Sutras, ancient aphorisms originating from the Vedas, became a secret weapon in my healing arsenal. Learning and practicing these short sayings led to the quieting of the internal screams—the echoes of childhood trauma—that had haunted me for years. As I delved into the world of sutras, I found a sense of completeness and profound healing. Remarkably, around the same time, my cancer went into remission, leaving medical professionals shaking their heads, and offering the typical refrain – “whatever you’re doing, just keep doing it.”

You, too, can embark on a journey to heal emotional wounds and address their physical manifestations. By turning your attention inward and actively listening to your needs, a transformative path will unfold. With diligence and intention, you can become the highest version of yourself, living in alignment with your true destiny.

If you’re ready to reclaim your power, rediscover your voice, and stand up for what you believe in, it’s time to explore new avenues, take risks, and embrace the most potent force in the universe: love.

If that’s appealing, come join me in my best-selling course, Master the Secrets of the Sutras. Drawing on now 50 years of practicing the art of energy healing, I share invaluable teachings to guide you on your journey towards healing and empowerment. It’s time to refresh your perspective, transcend the challenges, and embrace a life filled with purpose and love.


Unveiling the Sacred Mysteries of the Vedas

The Veda was the most precious gift for which the West had ever been indebted to the East.

In the 17th century, the sacred teachings of ancient India reached the West, opening a new path of wisdom for those ready to embrace it. As French philosopher Voltaire acknowledged, the Vedas became the West’s most precious gift from the East.

Translated by European scholars from Sanskrit, the language of the ancient Hindu scriptures, the Vedas stand as the world’s oldest literature. Comprising hymns, poems, and writings, these sacred texts were orally transmitted for generations before being recorded between 1500 to 1000 BCE, predating even the story of Moses.

The term ‘Veda’ in Sanskrit translates as knowledge or revelation, with authorship believed to be divinely inspired, akin to the Bible. The sages who recorded the Vedas lived and embodied the teachings, using the wisdom to connect with the Divine, the created world, and fellow beings.

Among those captivated by this ancient wisdom was American Transcendental philosopher Henry David Thoreau, who marveled at its power and beauty. Thoreau expressed, “Whenever I have read any part of the Vedas, I have felt that some unearthly and unknown light illuminated me.”

Thoreau’s sentiment captures the transformative experience the Vedas offer, containing universal truths that facilitate a profound connection to the Divine through study and practice.

Fast-forward through the centuries, and the wisdom tradition of ancient India remains relevant, offering keys to inner work that can bring about life-changing transformations.

If you’re ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth, the Vedas hold the key to unlocking your highest potential. Whether you seek healing, personal development, purpose finding, or a deeper connection to peace and abundance, this ancient wisdom tradition can guide you.

Discover the power within you, as the Vedas impart:

  1. The power to face your fear: Move beyond limitations, exercise self-love, and contribute positively to the world.
  2. The courage to open your heart: Awaken your heart-felt connection to Source, freeing yourself to accept, forgive, extend, and embrace your purpose.
  3. The presence to live in the moment: Cultivate present-moment awareness and awakened intention to unleash the Divine creative power within.
  4. The faith to accept your life purpose: Embrace your strength and creativity, focusing on what lies ahead with divinely-inspired energy.
  5. The love to feel connected: Rediscover the joy of possibility through an unbreakable connection with the Divine.

The Vedas, with their collection of transformational Sutras, form the basis of my brand-new course “Master the Secrets of the Sutras.” This course teaches the skill of connecting to Ascended Masters and Spiritual Guides beyond this realm as well as delivers the most secret of the secrets, never before revealed. If you are interested in acquiring this knowledge and skill set, click here to learn more >>>


Discover Ancient Secrets From India

“The spirit sits near you, eagerly awaiting.”

For millennia, spiritual wisdom has been preserved and shared by word-of-mouth, long before the written texts of the Abrahamic traditions and philosophies of the East were recorded. Ancient wisdom took the form of sutras, brief words and phrases that carry a wealth of power. These spiritual words and phrases of insight have been collected and weaved together through time, creating a secret code of profound meaning and significance.

Originating from the Sanskrit word for ‘thread’, sutras are much like threads of thought that can be woven together to create a whole. But they’re more than that – they’re like a secret code, with the deepest of meanings condensed and compressed into a single word or phrase. These sutras are passed from teacher to student, and when truly understood and enlivened in your personal energy field, can be incredibly powerful.

But how can you tap into the spiritual power of the sutras in modern times? Well, an effective way to do so is through a practice provided by a teacher like myself. First, I make sure your mantra meditation is effective. Next, I “seed” the sutras into the fertile soil of your consciousness, allowing you to reach higher realms of Spirit and uncover the unique gifts and powers that are meant to be yours, right now, in this body, in this lifetime. Lastly, I share the most secret of the secrets, never before shared, to make your practice even more profound.

By raising your personal vibration through the practice of sutras, you can help heal the world. Patanjali, author of the Yoga Sutras, assures us that spirit and wisdom are not hidden from us – they are right beside us, waiting to be acknowledged and absorbed.

To open yourself up to the secrets of the sutras, join Deborah on her brand-new course: Master the Secrets of the Sutras. If you’ve studied sutras with Deborah before, here’s your chance to renew and recharge your practice and take it deeper, as well learn the secret meanings. This spiritual adventure of a lifetime will guide you through unlocking the mysteries of the ancient sutras, leading to a massive shift in your energy that will positively affect all aspects of your life.

Your Souls Plan

Awakening Your Soul’s Plan

Your Souls Plan

The Upanishads, which complete the Vedas, are among the most beautiful and influential spiritual texts in the world. The poems contained within seek to understand the meaning of life, the law of karma, and the pathway to enlightenment.

The Upanishads speak of three different types of self: the external self (Bahya-atma), the inner self (Antar-atma), and Param-atma (the highest self or Purusha). When we attain Purusha, we become one with the soul of the universe and finally transcend the cycle of reincarnation. Our ultimate purpose has been fulfilled as we finally reach the eternal bliss of Sat-cit-ānanda, unchanging truth, bliss, and consciousness.

Yet while enlightenment is our eventual destiny, the law of karma ensures that we each have a different road to travel through the cycle of samsāra. Each incarnation on this Earth gives you opportunities to cleanse your karma and learn the lessons you need to move forward on your spiritual path. Though you may not consciously remember it right now, your soul made a plan for you before you were incarnated in this lifetime. When you connect with your soul’s plan, you begin to live authentically and in harmony with your life purpose.

Your Souls Plan

Are You Fulfilled?

The idea of a soul plan might seem like a luxury in this busy and stressful world we live in. Yet I believe that it is only when you awaken your soul’s plan that you can really begin to live the full life that is your birthright as a divine being. To be in alignment with your soul’s plan is to have clarity of purpose and an inner strength that can meet challenges with confidence. Life will continue to happen to you, as it does to everyone, in all its joy and sadness, but knowing your soul’s plan keeps you moving forward on your personal journey.

Many students who come to me for energy healing do so because they feel restless, dissatisfied, or stuck. Life does not seem to have any real meaning or color. I often see clients who feel that time is “running out” and that the window for living a full life is closing rapidly. Regret and fear are two emotions that signal to me that a student or client is out of alignment with their soul’s plan. They have paid far too much attention to what society thinks they should want than to their own inner wisdom and truth.

Activating Your Soul’s Plan

If you have consistently felt bored, irritated, uninspired, or regretful for a long period of time, I encourage you to look within and see if you are in alignment with your soul’s plan. This is a time to be gentle with yourself and to stop piling on the guilt. All of us are connected to webs of people—our family, friends, and co-workers—who have strong ideas about how we should be living. It takes courage to reconsider these “rules” and take a step toward authenticity.

Your Souls Plan

I cannot promise doing so will be easy, but I can say with confidence that as you start to connect to your true self, the way forward becomes clearer. When you get out of your own way—and stop trying to force yourself into a suit that does not fit—your energy vibrations shift to a higher plane and obsessive thoughts and recriminations start to drop away. You learn to trust yourself.

Here are three steps that you can begin today to start clearing energy blockages and connect to your soul’s plan:

Your Souls Plan
  1. Cleanse Your Sixth Chakra

    The sixth chakra is also known as the third eye chakra. It is in the center of the forehead and in line with the eyebrows. Known in Sanskrit as Ajna, this chakra rules imagination, intuition, and self-realization. When you work with an energy healer to cleanse the sixth chakra, the door to your higher self opens. Imagine entering a library wherein the blueprints for your soul’s plan are waiting for you, bathed in a clear, illuminating light. This is the power of a healthy third eye chakra.
  1. Be Open

    To activate your soul’s plan, you must learn to trust yourself. Change can be risky, and you should not be pressured into doing something “different” just for the sake of it. But, usually, to live in true alignment with our soul’s plan means that we need to be open to new ideas and possibilities that may seem odd, at first, to the part of us that is used to playing by the rules. Often, you may find that even among the people who love you most, you need to give these new ideas time to percolate before you announce them to the world. There is no need to rush. You are allowed to take the time you need to build a bigger and more fulfilling life.
Your Souls Plan
Your Souls Plan

  1. Meditate


    As a teacher, it always amazes me how easy it is to be led off-track by the voices of others and so hard to listen to our inner wisdom. We often let the noise of opinions and belief systems and social pressure steer us away from what we know to be right. Over time, you cannot happily live someone else’s life. Meditation unlocks your soul’s plan by allowing you to tune-in to the quiet, still voice within that speaks for the real you. In the beautiful words of the teacher Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati, “Quiet the mind, and the soul will speak.”

If you would like to learn more about how to release energy blockages and awaken your soul’s plan, please join me for my new online course hosted by the Shift Network, Decode Ancient Vedic Face Reading & Energetic Body Types to Heal Childhood Trauma, which begins Thursday, May 18, 2023.

Space will be limited, so you’ll want to reserve your spot as soon as you can.

You can do that by clicking here >>

Celebrating the Vedic New Year

Vedic New Year: Global Traditions and Our Relationship with Time

Celebrating the Vedic New Year

Calendars are flexible and so is time. The Gregorian calendar, the solar dating system commonly used today, was created by Pope Gregory XIII in the late 16th century. It is itself  a revision of the Julian calendar, established by Julius Caesar.

“I like to think of a new year being possible at any moment, as every moment is a kind of doorway,” said Joy Harjo, the United States poet laureate. “You can go any direction.”

Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, arrived this past year in September with the sounding of the shofar.

Sometimes I think of time as fluid, almost reversible, the way that music can be. Playing the scales, I can play them forward or backward, and lose myself in them, for a moment, not having a sense of direction, or, for that matter, a sense of time.

December 31, which comes from the Gregorian calendar, is an internationally accepted marker of the shift from the old year to the new. However, many cultures adhere to different dates and traditions. The Chinese Lunar Calendar, for example, is based on the cycles of the moon and the sun. In 2023, New Year’s Eve celebrations in China (and in Chinese ethnic communities around the world) will begin on January 21 and end on February 5, the day of the Lantern Festival.

Celebrating the Vedic New Year

In India, there are multiple days and festivities associated with the new year, depending on the region, culture, and calendar that one consults. These traditions began to emerge approximately three millennia ago. To fully understand New Year’s within Indian history requires study.

Here we look at some of the most significant differences and Vedic traditions. In each case, celebration of a new year is a time for joy, spiritual reawakening, new beginnings, and the release of bad karma.

A Short Overview of the Vedic New Year(s)

Celebrating the Vedic New Year

Per the Vedic calendar, Ougadi (Ugadi), the New Year, will take place on March 22, 2023, and is a public holiday, though states and regions may differ from the federal government regarding which days are officially recognized. Ougadi is primarily celebrated as the official New Year by the Hindu Telugu and Kannada communities, though celebrations occur across India with great fanfare.

In Vedic astrology, the timing of the new year corresponds to the movement of the Sun into Aries and the start of the first month (known as the Chaitra month). This is an auspicious time for karma removal, spiritual dedication, and new projects. The Vedic New Year also recognizes the day on which Lord Brahma, the Creator, created the universe. 

Diwali (or Deepawali), known in English as the Festival of Lights, is another tradition associated with the concept of a new year and the need to celebrate and reflect. Diwali began as a celebration of the summer harvest and takes place in the fall season. The next Diwali will take place between November 12 and November 16, 2023. 

Let me emphasize that India is an extraordinarily diverse country wherein regions may differ culturally, linguistically, historically, and ethnically. Western states, such as Gujarat, and areas in northern India are most likely to associate New Year’s Day with Diwali, as described above.

Other regions and/or cultures may celebrate the New Year at a different time. For example, the Marathi New Year (Gudi Padwa) will take place on March 22, 2023, as per the Hindu calendar. Sikh Indians in Punjabi celebrate the New Year (Baisakhi, sometimes known as Vaisakhi) on the 13th or 14th of April each year, to recognize the birth of Sikhism as a faith and to ask for good fortune in the coming year. As with the Vedas, comprehending the richness of India can take more than one lifetime’s worth of effort!

Celebrating the Vedic New Year

Several gods and goddesses are evoked in Vedic New Year’s celebrations, again depending upon the region and cultural traditions. For many Vedic believers, Diwali reveres the Goddess Lakshmi, the wife of Vishnu and the goddess of wealth and prosperity. Meditation is one way to honor the power of Lakshmi.

Ganesha, the elephant-headed son of Parvati and Shiva, is also evoked by many Vedic believers as he is the god of new beginnings and good luck and has the power to remove obstacles. The mantra Om Gum Ganapatayei Namah roughly translates as “I bow to Ganesha, who is capable of removing all obstacles. I pray for blessings and protection.” This is a devotional mantra to use when asking for protection and guidance as you navigate the challenges of a new year.

Celebrating the Vedic New Year

Diwali has spread from India to include countries such as Guyana, Fiji, Sri Lanka, and Singapore (though dates may differ), as well as many adherents of Buddhism and Jainism. While dates and traditions may differ widely, common to all these celebrations is a focus on family, spiritual reflection, knowledge, hope, and joy. Indian tradition holds that adherents should begin to prepare for Diwali thirty days in advance through various cleansing and organizing rituals and customs that clear out the old and make way for the new.

Some Final Thoughts

Vedic philosophy is rich and complex, spanning such interrelated concepts as vedic astrology, ayurveda, meditation, and the chakras. It requires sincere devotion, a spiritual teacher, and a commitment to stay the course even when things become challenging. This brief overview of the New Year in the Vedic tradition can give you only a glimpse of the bounty that awaits careful study.

One way to become more familiar with the wisdom that the Vedic New Year brings is to seek out Diwali celebrations. Diwali is celebrated throughout the world and the spectacle of food, generosity, and beautiful colored lights can inspire and uplift. I love the unique traditions and history of this area of the world and enjoy sharing them with you.

In closing, you may also find the Lakshmi Gayatri Mantra to be a powerful way to honor Lakshmi and the New Year and to seek abundance and good fortune: Om Mahalakshmyai Cha Vidmahe Vishnu Patnyai Cha Dhimahi Tanno Lakshmihi Prachodayat.

Much can be learned from the Vedas, including mantras, which can be leveraged to enhance (and often simplify) your daily meditation practice. It is this sort of meditation that is taught in our bestselling Vedic Meditation course, through which you can also receive your very own personal mantra. Click here to access it  now >>

Celebrating the Vedic New Year

I wish you a happy and abundant New Year.

2023 Happy New Year

New Year, New Light: Five Ways to Make This Your Best Year Yet

2023 Happy New Year

Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties. —Helen Keller

What makes it feel so good to turn the page on a new calendar year? The open days ahead are waiting to be filled with exciting new adventures, voyages of learning and discovery, meaningful new connections with fellow human beings, the joy of serving those in need. It’s the hopeful promise of new beginnings. The calendar waits for you to chart a course and the possibilities are endless and exhilarating!

There is just one vital ingredient necessary for creating a joyful new chapter in the book of your life. It’s both an awesome responsibility and a glorious opportunity. You have the power to make what you will of your new year. Will it be bright with love, laughter, hope, happiness, faith, and dreams? Only you can decide.

You know it’s true that your mind and thoughts have a say in the future. You are a creator of this world. You came here to contribute to the betterment of all. There are a vast number of ways that you can serve to lift humanity out of the lower energy frequencies that feed fear, greed, and violence. It is in your hands to generate a better world through the power of your heart in alignment with a focused mind. When you align with the love in your heart, you immediately begin to see life with new eyes.

How can you make yourself ready to turn a new page and create new beginnings? Meditation and prayer put you in direct communication with Source. Journaling will put you in touch with your own emotions, and along with forgiveness, will help you keep negative energy from blocking your way. Strengthening your connection with Source is the first step to creating the purposeful and meaningful life of your dreams.

As a light-filled spark of the Divine, your soul longs to experience good and to help others do the same. By focusing on the positive and the good, you’ll be able to bring more of it into your life.

Here are five ways you can shine new light on your life and make this your best year yet:

2023 Happy New Year

1. Focus on positive thoughts – Use your powerful creative mind to imagine all the good things that could happen, rather than fearing what could go wrong at every turn. Look at yourself and your endeavors with the eyes of a kindly parent who hopes every good thing will come to their beloved child. Create a dream of your happiest, most purposeful life and nurture it. Use affirmations to reinforce your goal of always thinking positive. “Wonderful new doors are opening for me all the time.”

2. Seek out positive people – Build a circle of like-minded friends. Look for people whose spirit lifts you up and inspires you. Have a beautiful dream and gather together with those whose dreams match yours and who offer support and encouragement. Who is living a life you admire? Who is doing work you love? Who is teaching what you long to learn and how can you become a student in that field? Open new vistas by attending courses and workshops that will expand your life’s possibilities.

2023 Happy New Year
2023 Happy New Year

3. Speak positive words –Words have power so use them to your advantage. Use your words as affirmations to create self-respect, confidence, and good will. Speak kind words. Practice kindness in order to feel good and be a comfort to yourself and others. Be a role model for loving, respectful behavior. Be “for” something rather than “against.” Mother Teresa declined to join a march “against” war but said she would be happy to support a march “for” peace. Read the work of a spiritual teacher you admire to help build your vocabulary of positive words and ideas.

4. Take positive action—Find ways to serve others while pursuing your dreams. Whatever you love to do, make, build, or create contains an aspect of service and empowerment for others as well. Focus on making a contribution by doing something you love. What would you love to see and do? Expand your vision and understanding with a visit to a new neighborhood, a new city, or a new country. Experience a culture or cuisine that is new to you. Make a new connection with the world in a positive way. Counter negative, destructive forces in the world with a focus on those who are working to make it better. How can you help them?

2023 Happy New Year
2023 Happy New Year

5. Channel positive energy – Be a role model for well-being in the world. Spread joy and compassion. Take good care of yourself. Notice what makes you feel good. Create a happy mood when you need it—smile often, laugh, dance, sing, hike, swim, head for the playground and swing! Release negative emotions. Make unconditional love your set point emotion.

In your bright new year, you have the power to create the life you want and to help heal the world, as Gandhi said, by being the change you want to see.  If you would like to learn more about the field of energy healing and its role in building the life of your dreams, check out my LifeForce Energy Healing I Certification Course here.

And I will be so honored to be with you at the beginning of a bright new year. Join me for my weekly Facebook Live show starting January 24, 2023.

Meditation sutras

Your Healing Connection: A Vision of Oneness

Meditation sutras

“All differences in this world are of degree, and not of kind, because oneness is the secret of everything.”
― Swami Vivekananda

Many years ago, when I first began seeking to expand my consciousness and grow in Spirit, I discovered the power of meditation. I needed a healing connection, and meditation appeared. It was the key to my spiritual growth—the one true constant in my life—and has brought me more of everything I could ever have wanted. Did I know in the beginning all the gifts that expanding consciousness could bring? I knew that I was looking for something and Spirit knew the way.

I began doing everything I could to cultivate an expanded consciousness, and here’s what I found. Besides the fact that it feels really good, it’s also the best state from which to get guidance and direction for your life, to have your energy field recharged (resulting in better health), and to get the information and instructions you need for transformation. All of the concerns that your “small self” doesn’t know how to address, as well as all of your bigger life questions, can be answered by tapping into the universal energy field shared by all, the unified field, your connection to Spirit.

In an expanded state of awareness, you perceive beyond the limitations of your body and mind and feel that you are part of the vast universe around you, connected to All That Is. You might experience the unified field while hiking in the mountains or watching the waves roll in at the beach—nature can certainly ease you into an expanded state of awareness. Or maybe you’ve reached it through exercise or prayer or music, or through making love or being present at the birth or death of a loved one—events where you feel deeply connected to another person. Oftentimes, an expanded state has come upon me while mountain climbing or cross-country skiing in the wilderness. But the surest route to heightened consciousness is meditation.

Meditation sutras

By expanding your awareness—by bringing yourself into balance, experiencing greater peace, raising your consciousness, and connecting with the Divine light—you are actually assisting every other person and creature on the planet to do the same. We’re all connected. The ripples that you send out into the world are reflections of your inner state of being; they touch and affect others.

If you’re uplifted, you uplift others. If all human beings are in a higher state, we’ll very likely feel more inclined to come to creative and harmonious solutions to our global problems. That’s what is going to give us: a world without war, terrorism, polluted air, or toxic water. Simply put, enhanced consciousness can bring about a better life for all. Meditation matters not just for healing individuals but for healing the planet as well.

All beings on Earth communicate through consciousness. That’s why what you think and feel is so important—with every thought and emotion you have, you’re sending out energy that makes its way into the fabric of humanity’s consciousness. This is one reason I have my students meditate together at workshops: our state of mind produces waves of energy that affect not only the people in the group or our next-door neighbors. The larger and more powerful the group, the farther the energy radiates, affecting those at greater distances.

Early in my training, I had an extraordinary group meditation experience.  I was on a yearlong meditation retreat with a spiritual teacher, receiving instruction in ancient Hindu sutras, the highly condensed spiritual texts (usually short phrases or even single words) that are memorized in order to produce powerful awakenings. Students are instructed to focus on these sutras while meditating.

Having been admitted to the program at the 11th hour, I’d had no opportunity to read books or quiz friends as to what I could expect. And since the 200 students were instructed not to discuss the sutras among themselves, I simply showed up each day ready to sit silently and await instruction.

Once the last sutra had been whispered to me, I began quietly repeating it in my mind. Suddenly, I noticed my whole body become very hot, as if it were on fire. I started to feel heat coming from my hands, up my arms, up my neck, and into my head. I remember thinking, I’m too young to be having a hot flash.

The heat became more and more intense, and I began to vibrate—just a little at first, and then a great deal. I felt my body expand…and expand…and expand …until it seemed that there were no longer 200 separate people sitting on the floor. All of a sudden, I saw in my mind’s eye an amazing vision of one body in the room; we were all so connected that we became one. I gasped in delight as I merged into this vision; I could feel one heart beating inside of me, and it contained the hearts of all the people in the room.

Meditation sutras

It was as if we were so linked that we were all one, beating with one heart. Although I didn’t know it at the time, I had, for a brief moment, experienced the unified field, where we are all intimately connected.

Once you have experienced a direct connection to this energy, you will not want to live without it. It truly feels like home.

I have never forgotten that first experience of oneness, and for several years now, Spirit has been guiding me to teach the sutras in a way that I can reach many people. These ancient teachings are the most advanced learning I have ever experienced.

While it took me over a year to learn them myself, and many years to learn how to teach them, I found a way to teach YOU the sutras in an amazing 7-session program.

Light & Dark

The Cycle of Light and Dark

Light & Dark

I wake in the early morning hours, when I can still see the stars, to bring in the light of day with meditation. It has always been important, in all the ancient spiritual traditions, to greet the dawn of a new day, to give praise for having come through the darkness yet again.

The ancient Egyptians believed the Sun God, whom they called Amun-Ra, created and then sustained life itself, and ruled as the first king of Egypt. Each day Ra arose as a beautiful child, climbed into a boat and swept across the sky. At the zenith of the day, high noon, he was at the height of his manhood and strength. By late afternoon, he was exhausted, and by sunset he was a feeble old man. At night, he entered another boat and the gods took him through the 12 perilous provinces of the underworld, the hours of the night, when the serpent monster of darkness threatened to swallow him in his weakened state. Somehow, Ra always survived the battles of the night and emerged once more into the brilliant light of a new day. Praise be!

If you look at the cycles of your life, they are much the same as Ra’s daily journey. You come through whatever darkness strikes at your heart—whether that’s depression, or illness, or financial difficulties, or any distress or unhappiness—and, with the help of energy medicine, are born again into the light of day, where you grow stronger in wisdom and inner illumination as you get more connected to your inner Sun, your Higher Self.

Light & Dark

In the cycle of light and dark, the dark symbolically evokes negativity and the unknown, while light conveys the positive aspects. The Bible is full of light as the symbol of divine presence and salvation. Jesus became the “light of the world,” while Satan, originally an angel of light, became the prince of evil and darkness and ruled the underworld.

But many thousands of years ago, the Vedic seers in ancient India saw the cycle of light and dark in a much “bigger picture” way—as a vast cycle of time, a great spiral of creation that brings mankind and our planet close to the source of light, then we move farther away into the darkness, and finally return to the light again in great cycle composed of four yugas (great ages). These ages are based on the movement of our solar system within our galaxy—a 12,000-year “descending” time period when our solar system is moving away from the galaxy’s center of magnetism and the strongest light, and 12,000 “ascending” years when our solar system slowly returns to the point closest to the “central sun.”

Stay with me. I know this may seem complicated, but it’s worth understanding because it relates directly the spiritual awakening that is happening these days.

The four yugas are: the Satya yuga, the Golden Age with its direct perception of spiritual truth; the Treta yuga, when spiritual perceptions are less clear; the Dwarpara yuga, when humankind is focused on conquering space and electrical energies; and the infamous Kali yuga, when humanity is not able to perceive anything beyond the physical, material universe.

Light & Dark

According to some modern spiritual teachers, well-versed in astronomy and mathematics, we started to cross the threshold into the ascending Dwarpara yuga around 1700 AD, the beginning of the Age of Enlightenment, and now we are finally starting to come out of the Kali yuga, which darkened humanity’s knowledge for 2,400 years. It’s the journey to more light, more consciousness, and more awakened beings on the planet.

If you’ve wondered why you have a certain pull towards spirituality now, why teachings about energy medicine are starting to enter mainstream awareness, and why so many of the patriarchal beliefs and institutions that came out of a Kali yuga mentality are now crumbling before our eyes, it’s because we are on the path back to the light. Sort of like Amen-Ra, we are waking up as children of the light. We’re taking our first steps into higher consciousness, or we’re here to guide others along in their awakening process. Enlightened beings, after all, are those who have merged with the light.

Light & Dark

As we leave the Summer Solstice behind us, it’s a good time to think about these cycles, what season comes next, and what part we can each play individually to bring the world closer to harmony, balance, and enlightenment over time.

While it may not seem like it, this is the general trend of the world (although sometimes it’s two steps forward, one step back). But we each have a part to play to make it so.

What will be your part?

If you have a hard time answering this question, consider joining our flagship Level I program, which provides an introduction and base for LifeForce Energy Healing.

Or, if you already have some experience and knowledge, dive into our most transformational, year-long Master-in-Training program. It is our most life-changing, and most exclusive, program. Space is extremely limited but doors are currently open for registration, and you can find out more by clicking here >>

Spring Equinox

Spring Equinox: Planting Your Soul Garden in 5 Easy Steps

Spring is just around the corner and the flowers have gotten the word! At the vernal equinox, the equilibrium is perfect—night and day, light and dark are balanced on the brink of change. The shorter days of winter are past and the longer days of summer are approaching. Just as the natural world is poised for a season of new growth and rebirth, so is the human spirit. Spring is the perfect time for cleaning, clearing, balancing and beginning fresh. I’m sure you can feel the urge to open your heart to brighter and better times ahead. Why not plant the seeds of new spiritual growth today? Think of the beautiful blooms and life-giving plants that nature is calling forth right now. You can be blossoming, too, and nurture a garden for your soul.

What spiritual growth would you like to experience this spring? What do you need to be happier, healthier, more loving, and more giving? As a spiritual teacher and energy healer, I can suggest a dizzying array of ways for you to nurture your soul, discovering new life and vitality where you might not expect it. Just acknowledging your connection to the Divine source of all life is a great beginning. All growth, all healing, and all awareness are yours for the asking when you draw closer to the ultimate energy of creation. Let’s look at some of the seeds you can plant right now for a blossoming future.

Spring Equinox
  1. Clear and balance your personal energy system. Since all the universe is made of energy, the best way to keep flowing and growing is to make sure your connection to the power grid is solid. Your chakras, your personal power stations, work best when swept clean of the negative energy, the debris of last season’s traumas and disappointments.
Spring Equinox
  1. Rediscover your connection to Nature. There’s no denying your deep attachment to the natural world. You are as much a part of the green and growing flow of life as that lovely daffodil blowing in the spring breeze. Treat yourself to regular visits to a favorite natural place—a park, a grove of trees, a beach, a hillside, or even a leafy neighborhood block. Make this your place to observe closely and know well. Your place will welcome you as a regular and offer the grounding energy of Mother Earth, the blessings of fresh air, sunlight, and infinite sky overhead.
Spring Equinox
  1. Start a course of spiritual study. Whether you read spiritual texts, study the wisdom of ancient or modern masters, or take classes and workshops, you can embark on a program of learning that feels good to you. When faced with the greatest challenge of my life, I studied energy medicine and found not only healing but my soul’s purpose and the path to profound joy.
Spring Equinox
  1. Keep a daily journal of your observations, your feelings, and your blessings. One good thing about regular visits to your favorite spot in nature is that you will always have something to write about. You can begin with your observations of things you notice with your practiced eye: a new bird, a friendly squirrel, new plant growth, a blossoming flower, a spider web, colors, patterns of light. Then move into your feelings and thoughts each day and finally record all the things you have discovered to be grateful for. Your gratitude creates a positive and healing energy that attracts even more reasons to feel blessed and beloved by the Universe.
  1. Learn to meditate. With the help of a trained instructor who can guide you, you can create a meditation practice that will stay with you and open amazing avenues to peace, joy, and understanding. If you always suspected there was more to you than the material world was seeing, there is! Meditation offers an opportunity to travel deep within and discover the astonishing connection you have with the Universe and all that is. If you have questions, the answers can be found and a path can be opened to the life of your dreams.

Just as a healthy garden needs a connection to the universal elements that nurture and nourish life so does a healthy soul. Take steps to provide the optimum conditions you need for your spiritual growth, blooming health and abundant happiness by starting a meditation practice with me!

2021 Thanksgiving Gratitude Holidays

7 Reasons to Embrace Gratitude

Thanksgiving is, quite literally, a holiday of giving thanks, so most people have some tradition of gratitude. Whether it is making a list of the things you’ve been grateful for this year, or sitting down at the family table piled with turkey and all the fixin’s with each person expressing thanks for one thing in their life, you probably consider gratitude as important a part of the Thanksgiving festivities as the turkey and pumpkin pie. But what about practicing gratitude the rest of the year?

Gratitude Is Not Just for Thanksgiving

Study after study has shown that gratitude is good for your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health, so the more often you do it, the better you’ll feel! Gratitude has been shown to have numerous benefits, from increased life satisfaction and happiness to more compassion to better rest. And in energy healing, gratitude goes a long way toward keeping your chakras clear and balanced.

The best way to practice gratitude is to add it to your spiritual routine. Just as you set time aside each day for meditation, set time aside each day for a gratitude session. Journaling right before bed about what you are thankful for is ideal, but any time of the day will work, and if you would prefer to speak your list, that’s fine, too. The most important thing is to keep it up. Here’s why:

  1. Gratitude can help you through tough times.
    Listing what you are grateful for seems like a small thing, but it carries so much weight. It’s so easy to forget how lucky you are, how much there is to appreciate even when things are rough. Think about how often someone who goes through a trauma comes out the other side with a new zest for life—this is the power of gratitude in action. When you are aware of and thankful for the small joys of being a body on this planet as well as a soul born out of light, you create a reserve of happiness that boosts you through tough times.
  1. Gratitude is a natural sleep aid.
    If you’re worried and anxious as you drift off—or toss and turn trying to drift off—the level of stress hormones in your body wreak havoc with your sleep quality, which results in you waking up feeling like you need another night of sleep. And a worried mind is restless, making it difficult to drift off. Gratitude improves your sleep quality and duration by keeping you calmer and less stressed, and having a positive attitude when you get into bed helps you fall asleep faster.
  1. It lowers your stress.
    Stress is responsible for so much damage to your mind, body, and soul that you should do whatever you can to help combat its negative effects. Just as energy healing is a natural stress buster, so is gratitude. When you are being thankful, you are in a positive frame of mind and you are focusing not on your troubles, but on a little piece of happiness. This moment of respite increases your ability to cope with the stressors in your life.
  1. Gratitude deepens your relationships.
    As part of your nightly gratitude list, try recognizing the qualities and behaviors of the people you are thankful for. Maybe your best friend always sends you birthday flowers or your partner makes you coffee before you get up each morning. Being thankful for the little things your family and friends do makes you appreciate them more, and improves your interactions with them. This shift in focus also helps train you to see the best in people, and the best in yourself, which makes you warmer, kinder, and better liked, because you are a better friend, spouse, sibling, etc. 
  2. It speeds up your spiritual progress.
    In my healing courses I often talk about the importance of service to others. It’s one of the best ways to increase your chances of an initiation by providing a solid base for the new energy. Gratitude makes you more compassionate and empathetic to others, which means you are more likely to engage in random acts of kindness and help others in need. Thinking of others also brings you out of thinking about yourself, which makes you happier and speeds up the process of processing old wounds and traumas, an essential part of energy medicine.
  1. Gratitude helps you live longer.
    Grateful people are usually more optimistic, and optimism has been linked to longer life spans, greater immune function, and lowered blood pressure. Studies have shown that people who are grateful and optimistic are also more likely to exercise regularly and maintain a healthy weight. Being thankful for all the small things makes you feel inspired, which turns into a desire to take better care of yourself, which can add years to your life.
  1. Gratitude begets gratitude.
    When you begin to notice all the little things there are to be grateful for each day: the unconditional love of a pet, your health, the sun in the sky, a thoughtful email from a friend, the smell of freshly brewed coffee—whatever small and large things make you smile—you begin to feel even more grateful to be alive and experiencing all this world has to offer. Your happiness makes you more appreciative, which makes you happier and kinder to others, which then rubs off and makes them grateful and happier. Gratitude is a win-win, a vital part of increasing the love on this planet.

Do you see how gratitude affects all areas of your life and builds on itself? Thankfulness is an upward spiral. Being grateful makes you happier, which makes you kinder and more compassionate, which means others respond to you with more compassion and kindness, which makes you even more grateful. As an energy healer and spiritual teacher who has seen the power of gratitude, I’d love for Thanksgiving to be a spring board for you to begin your daily routine of giving thanks. Try it for a year, and I guarantee that next Thanksgiving, gratitude is what you’ll be most thankful for.