Manifest future

How to Make Manifest the Future You Want

Manifest future

Three Keys that Show Source You’re Serious about Achieving Your Goals

Today, I want to share with you the three main ingredients that Source requires of you before it can agree to unleash its power to deliver you the future you want.

The first ingredient is forgiveness, both of yourself and of those who have harmed or thwarted you in any way.

The reason forgiveness is required is because as long as you hold a chronic grudge against yourself or anyone else, you are diverting too much crucial energy pursuing an unhelpful and counterproductive result. Unforgiveness causes your vibrational level to plummet as your mind and body become badly polluted by a toxic brew of rage, shame, and blame. Unforgiveness is like drinking poison with the expectation that someone else will die.

Manifest future

Forgiveness may seem a bridge too far, but if you can remind yourself that, in every instance, you signed on to learn valuable lessons during the incarnation you’re experiencing this time around, it’s easier to get to forgiveness. Whatever you are not forgiving has been set before you by fellow teachers who are challenging you to learn the lessons that they incarnated to teach you. They are not adversaries. They are beacons. They are saying, “Here’s where you’re stuck. Get beyond this to free up your energy to pursue what you want, instead of staying stuck because of something that happened to you that you didn’t want, or didn’t think you needed, to get where you are today.” By forgiving, you are acknowledging the “blessin’ in the lesson” and the fact that you are now wiser and more resilient than you would otherwise have been had the lesson not occurred.

The second ingredient is fearlessness. Human infants are born with just two innate fears: the fear of falling and the fear of loud noise. All other fears are learned as the result of experience or indoctrination, and indoctrination is the usual culprit.

Most fear is an illusion. Think of the acronym for F.E.A.R: False Evidence Appearing Real.

Albert Einstein famously pondered, “I think the most important question facing humanity is, ‘Is the universe a friendly place?’


“If we decide that the universe is an unfriendly place, we will use our technology, science, and natural resources to build bigger walls to keep out the unfriendliness and bigger weapons to destroy all that which is unfriendly.

“But if we decide that the universe is a friendly place, then we use our technology, science, and natural resources to create tools and models for understanding. Because power and safety will come through understanding.” Einstein ended by stating categorically — and let me underscore this: “God does not play dice with the universe.”

Manifest future

Albert Einstein and I consider the universe friendly because Source is unconditionally friendly and loving, and we all came from, and are a part of, Source; it allows everything to be here that is here. Source loves all of it and all of us. Love can only love. It can and will produce, or offer, nothing beyond its own essence.

That’s our lesson, too. We’re here to find unique, personalized ways to manifest pure, unconditional love via the work we do, the people we influence, and the skills and talents we possess, to enrich our lives, our loved ones (which includes everybody: animal, vegetable, mineral, and human!), the planet, and the universe.

Manifest future

That’s why it’s counterproductive to lug fear around. Go ahead and remain fearful of loud noise and of falling – that’s built right into your DNA – but do whatever you can to rid yourself of every other fear, because fear, like unforgiveness, converts crucially needed energy into unhelpful imaginings that keep you from boldly acting to achieve the results you want and that the universe needs. Embrace your life, embrace your lessons, and your goals fearlessly!

The third ingredient — keeping with the alliteration to help you remember the three crucial ingredients to manifesting your destiny — is Future-Telling. Another term for that is Vivid Visioning.

The universe wants to see your blueprint. In fact, Source MUST see your blueprint to deliver what you need to help you reach the goals and the future you envision. One of the questions most frequently posed to me as a teacher is, “What if I don’t know what I want?” THAT’S why some people aren’t getting results. When they can’t see what they want vividly enough to be able to describe it and ask for it, Source has no order to fill. So, figuring out what you truly want is step one!

Then be specific. For example, don’t just say you need a car when you genuinely need one. Vividly imagine the car you want: its make, model, color, and accessories, and don’t forget to mention that you want a working engine and everything else in working order. Don’t leave anything crucial out.

If the make or model isn’t important to you, ask for a good car that runs well and leave it up to the universe to deliver what you need. But if you don’t want a tractor or an airplane or a boat, get more specific than saying “a vehicle”. Source requires specifics. Source wants to deliver your vision, but it needs to be able to see your vision as clearly as you do! And hear this: if Source delivers something you didn’t ask for, THAT’s the vehicle that will get you where you’re going. Trust the answer more than you trust your request! Source knows the best vehicle to attain your goal!

Manifest future
Manifest future

One other piece of advice. Source won’t get for you what you are perfectly capable of getting for yourself. You can’t just put in an order and sit there waiting for the giant vending machine in the sky to drop it in your lap. You have been given immense energy, skills, and latitude to make manifest whatever it is that you want or need. As long as your goal is one prompted by goodwill and a desire to use it to benefit all concerned, Source will be willing to respond — sometimes in truly miraculous ways! Do everything you can do unilaterally to reach your goals and leave the rest to Source. But remember to request the additional help! God is not a gatecrasher.

You will want take a sec to write down your vision. Put it in large, beautiful font. Frame it. Put it on a wall, or near your desk. Read it often.

That’s your future. You can make it happen. And I will be here to applaud you when you do, so keep me posted!

On the face of it, these three essential steps may seem simple. But this is a clear case of easier-said-than-done. Even figuring out what you want in the first place can be a daunting task. That is why getting some help is a great idea.

Our flagship LifeForce Energy Healing programs are designed to help you manifest your future by acting on these essentials. Start with Level I if you want an introduction to the world of LifeForce Energy Healing®.

Or, if you already have a base of experience and knowledge, dive into our most transformational, year-long Master-in-Training program. It is our most life-changing, and most exclusive, program. Space is extremely limited but doors are currently open for registration, and you can find out more by clicking here >>

Padre Pio

The Healing Secrets of Padre Pio

Padre Pio

Predictably enough, there appears to be a common thread winding its way through a great many biographies of spirit-led individuals: they are alternately venerated and vilified.

They are also subject to illnesses, accidents, and other roadblocks (both natural and human-erected) that most of us would expect to slow them down or shut them up completely forever, but they just keep on going, and going, and going!

Italian priest Padre Pio is yet another of these amazing individuals.

He was born Francesco Forgione, on May 25, 1887, in Pietrelcina, Italy. By age five, he realized he wanted to be a saint. That’s pretty early!

Because his family was poor, young Francesco tended the family’s small flock of sheep, which caused him to miss a lot of school, so his advancement as a scholar suffered.

He was also ill frequently as a child, and throughout his life. At six, he suffered from gastroenteritis; when he was ten, he caught typhoid.

After about three years of school, Francesco told his parents he wanted to become a friar. They inquired into the option and were told he needed more education before he could join the friars, so they hired a private tutor for him. His father even sailed to America to earn the money required to pay the tutor.

At age 15, Francesco officially took the name “Padre Pio.” After joining the Friary of St. Francis, he experienced repeated bouts of serious illness as well as religious ecstasy. Neighboring friars reported that strange noises emanated from his cell at night. Padre Pio mentioned experiencing personal attacks from the devil, and said his cell was where these battles occurred.

Just two years into his stay at the Friary, Padre Pio became extremely ill. Hardly able to eat, he was sent to the mountains with an expectation that his health would improve, and that he would recover. When that didn’t happen, he was sent back to his family.

Padre Pio

Undaunted by the setback, Pio continued to study. In 1910, Padre Pio was ordained as a priest and allowed to remain at home because of his poor health. During one prayer session, a fellow worshipper reported watching as Padre Pio levitated off the floor.

By 1919, Padre Pio was well known to many locals, who began to talk about his supernatural abilities. People who came to know him well claimed he could levitate and perform healing miracles. Some even said he could appear in two places at once, or bilocate.

Known for the power of his prayer, his connection to spirit, and the quality of his teaching, he counseled, “Pray, hope, and don’t worry. Worry is useless.”

Padre Pio continued to battle additional illnesses for the rest of his life.

He is one of my favorite examples of someone who used confession to create personal healing. He advised everyone to make a habit of confessing once a week, like clockwork, to remove the emotional and spiritual roadblocks caused by retaining (instead of releasing) a negative view of oneself.

Gradually at first, but progressively in greater numbers, pilgrims began to flock to the village, desiring to meet Padre Pio, to receive his blessing, to hear his words of counsel and to go to confession.

He was famous for disregarding many of the Catholic Church’s rules. He would receive Confession and give Communion to Catholics and non-Catholics alike, believing (as I do) that all human beings are equally beloved and deserving of divine blessings. He was all about inclusion, not exclusion; he was way, way ahead of his time.

When Padre Pio passed away on September 23, 1968, more than 100,000 people attended his funeral.


The most famous of Padre Pio’s gifts was the stigmata – the appearance of bodily wounds in locations that correspond to the crucifixion wounds of the Christ. The first person to ever receive the stigmata was St. Francis of Assisi. Pio had the stigmata for over 50 years; he hid the marks on his hands with gloves.

My favorite story about Padre Pio is about the time a journalist asked him if he caused the gift of his stigmata to appear through his own mental focus. He laughed and replied, “Go out to the fields. Look very closely at a bull. Concentrate on him with all your might. Do that and see if horns grow on your head!” Padre Pio is my kind of guy!

Padre Pio

Padre Pio also was known for the gifts of healing, prophecy, performing miracles, speaking in tongues, levitation, and my personal favorite, bilocation (being seen in two places at the same time). He was legendary for bi-locating, which is one of the (obviously) more advanced spiritual gifts.

However, his biggest gift, in my opinion, and the one that is central to my teachings, was his ability to “read hearts” or see into souls. He could get right to the core of a person’s problem, below both their conscious and unconscious thoughts—at the level of their soul. He would zero right in on the one thing they were doing that was causing them harm, and he would gently tell them what it was—perhaps, for example, they had spoken coldly to another or refused to forgive yet another. Whatever it was, he always knew. He was a master at this type of healing and used it with everyone he met. He did this, in part, by holding the practice of Confession, which he advised should be done once a week, like dusting a room. He would sometimes spend 20 hours a day listening to local townspeople as well as visitors from around the world who had come to reveal their mistakes to him and obtain absolution. It was one of the most valuable services he could offer those in his spiritual care.

Journaling: Modern-Day Confession 

Padre Pio

All religious traditions know the value of admitting our wrongdoings, and they have some kind of practice for it: Christian churches all have some form of individual or group atonement. So do other religions: in Judaism, it’s Vidui; in Islam, they call it Declaration; in shamanism among Eskimo people, a public confession is carried out by the shaman on behalf of the patient he’s trying to cure; in West Africa, the Dagara tribe conducts elemental rituals, such as a water ritual to clear detrimental energies so that one may shed their issues and again be in touch with their higher purpose in life.

Today, unburdening our shame is easier than ever. One of the main practices I espouse for this purpose is journaling—writing down your thoughts and feelings as they occur so you can both know yourself and get your truth out.

It’s also important to share your wounds, sins, and secrets with someone else, as the confession of old used to help us do. Today you’d want to talk to your energy healer, shaman, or therapist (not your family member or friend, who may very well have their own agenda for you). It’s very important to be able to express where you think you went wrong, both to your journal and to someone else. Declaring to another your failings, your core wounds, is a fundamental tool for healing.

The practice of admitting our wrongs and clearing ourselves of them is a whopping 7 steps out of the 12 steps in the 12-Step Program. If we don’t do it, we end up carrying around a lot of sludge from our past that can really keep us stuck—and, in the worst-case scenario, sick.

Connecting with Others

Many of the things I’m advocating —the awareness and expression of your thoughts and feelings and regrets—are to support you in getting connected to yourself. One of the biggest faults of our modern-day culture, and a major reason so many people are forced to rely on alcohol and drugs, including prescription drugs like anti-anxiety medication, anti-depressants, sleeping pills, and the like, is that we’ve dropped many of the things that in previous times supported us. We don’t go to church anymore, so we have lost the idea of doing some sort of confession as well as the connection with others that we crave. Of course, we stopped going because church lost its power, just as most human institutions eventually do. But that didn’t change our need for it—for the method of declaring our sins, as well as the connection to spirit and the sense of community, church was once there to provide. That’s why I make it possible most Tuesdays to get together with me and my community live on Facebook and YouTube; these purposeful gatherings create the opportunity to experience the Light, unburden ourselves from guilt and self-punishment, and fulfill our need for connection to one another and to Source. You can register for show alerts here.

Padre Pio

So, when I ask myself what causes healing, one thing that I have found for sure, though I don’t yet completely understand why, is that connection heals. Being in a group heals. I have found that healing takes place much more in a group than it does individually, which is why I always work with groups. I discovered 40 years ago that I could be much more effective with if an individual if I worked with him or her in a group. As Jesus said, “Where two or three are gathered together in my name, I am there in the midst of them.” It’s the light that heals and the light comes from each one of us; we share it and we amplify it for the benefit of each other.

If you are interested in learning more about energy healing, and joining a community of like-minded healers, that is exactly what we provide in our flagship LifeForce Energy Healing® certification programs. You can start at Level I by clicking here, which grants you access to our Soul Family group, designed to provide us all the connection we need to cultivate healing.

Forgive, Not Forget

Forgive, not Forget

You’re angry. You’re hurt. You’ve been betrayed, cheated, assaulted. Or your loved one was hurt badly. It was the other guy’s fault and you’re completely justified in your rage, in your desire for revenge.

Now what?

Will you let those powerful feelings take over your life? Will you let your pain color everything and everyone around you?

“60 Minutes” recently had a segment on the show about the Restorative Justice Project at the University of Wisconsin Law School, which, after careful vetting, introduces victims of violence to the convicts that committed the crime. One woman, whose brother had been killed by a drunk driver who was serving 10 years in prison for his crime, said that she, too, had been locked in a prison of her own making. A mother of four and a teacher, she was trapped behind the steel bars of her feelings of hatred and resentment; as she called it, she had been “sentenced to a life of vengeance.” She had become a “bad” teacher, a “bad” parent, and knew she had to find a way to forgive so she could live in peace again.

She finally reached out to the Restorative Justice Project, and five years after her brother’s death she was able to meet with the driver. They talked for hours, and she cried for him. In order to rectify her own situation, she had to extend her personal forgiveness to him. She apologized for having made it her job to find evidence of his character flaws so he would receive the longest sentence possible.

The victim has to request help from the Project; the prisoner has to be seeking redemption. Both parties have to be willing to meet and face each other. And while nothing will bring back the murdered love one, or fix the injuries that may have been suffered, forgiveness does allow both the victim and the perpetrator to get out of self-generated emotional prisons.

The University of Wisconsin program is one of many that focuses on what harm has been done and how to make amends. Restorative Justice is both a philosophy and a social movement. It thinks differently than our usual system that emphasizes punishment, instead focusing on healing and rehabilitation. Not only are victims helped, but so are the perpetrators, through dialogue and communication, community support, and respect.

You could be the victim of a crime as heinous as the murder of a loved one, or the victim of rape, or the betrayed one in a relationship. Maybe you were cheated or scammed out of all your money. Maybe a doctor bungled your surgery. There are hundreds of ways you could become a victim and be furious at the one who perpetrated your suffering. And you could get stuck there. Because you don’t understand that forgiveness is for your own benefit, not the other person’s.

It doesn’t mean you forget. You don’t forget that type of trauma, the physical or emotional violence that was done to you. But in time you can learn to forgive. You can get yourself out of a life-long prison sentence in which you are endlessly trapped in negative thoughts and feelings.

You don’t necessarily have to have a face-to-face meeting with the person who hurt you so badly. You may never see or speak with them again, and that’s fine. But in your heart you can plant a seed of forgiveness. You can water it with compassion, with kindness for yourself.

You can seek your own restorative justice. It’s like going through the divorce from hell, feeling like you have lost everything and that you made terrible decisions; you’re really angry at your yourself and your ex. You can brood, gain 40 pounds, and dream of revenge, or you can see that you are victimizing yourself more than your ex ever did and let go. Let go of those feelings of resentment, let go of those revenge fantasies, and forgive yourself. Eventually, you may feel good enough about yourself to also forgive your ex.

Forgiveness is not an extension of victimization. You are not lying down like a doormat and saying, hey, you hurt me but it’s okay. It’s not an extension of people-pleasing. It’s a way to release the negative emotions that are crippling your chances of happiness. It’s a way to live in the world and with yourself, not as a victim, but as a whole functioning person. It’s for you.

You can watch the “60 Minutes” show segment at


The Truth About Truth

Roy Moore and the Weaponization of the Lie

Roy Moore got me thinking about this, but that was only the beginning, not the end. Truth, or what each of us as individuals believes the truth to be, goes beyond politics, religion, pretty much everything.

Independent of your point of view or agenda, truth today is under assault. The impact is seen in the heated, passionate and all too often irrational debate on sexual harassment, health care, tax reform, North Korea, and Roy Moore.

Today, such monumentally important topics are all bound by an association that is at once awkward and uncomfortable. It summons conversation few are willing or prepared to have because the topic is Truth in the largest context of all: Does it matter anymore?

You may remember what George Costanza told Jerry Seinfeld back in the day:

Remember, Jerry. It’s not a lie if you believe it.

Who could have imagined the King of Angst would be so incredibly prescient?

Only now, the Truth hurts but this time not in a playful, comedic way. It’s personal.

Alternative truth, like alternative facts, undermines our confidence in our ideas, our values, our leaders, our institutions, our future, even in ourselves.
If truth can become a malleable discretionary possession, where does that leave us?

Last week on TV I watched as an older female voter in Alabama was asked if given Judge Roy Moore’s burgeoning stable of accusers, she could still support him.
She answered, Yes, emphatically, and the reporter pressed on, asking the question that had to be asked. Was it because she didn’t believe the accusers, or did what they say just not matter?

The woman didn’t hesitate. She didn’t believe them. She believed it was all made-up, a passel of lies. Whether she wore blinders or rose-colored glasses, you’ve seen this before. What’s different today is how the context and pervasive nature continues to evolve.

Bigger, bolder and scarier because it’s so commonplace. The new reality is Fake News from Fake Media delivering Fake Truth.

A big chunk of the public seems more than okay with this, while the rest of us don’t know what to do about it. Truth is no longer known and defined but highjacked and become the stuff of political alchemy.

Truth twisted, subverted and leveraged, as needed, and on-demand.

How did it come to this?

It’s in our very nature but that fact should alarm more than comfort.

Children, when caught by their parents, instinctively know their best defense is Deny, Deny, Deny. This recalls the Sales Rule of 3’s; that timeless axiom that vendors of every product or service know as a path to a successful sale.

  1. Tell ‘em.
  2. Tell ‘em, again.
  3. Tell ‘em what you told ‘em one more time.

Such repetition is also frighteningly effective with a darker purpose.

It’s simply this:

  • Say something three times and many people will believe it’s true.
  • Say it ten times and many of them will think it’s their own idea.

Bringing us back to the Honorable Roy Moore. This troubled and disgraced judge, assailed by teenage accusers, notorious for spewing ideas that scared people on both sides of the aisle, who had to be watched at high school football games because he hung around young cheerleaders, knows just how to handle it. He denies, denies, denies.

Roy says he didn’t do it, he denies everything. Alabama voters soon will decide if they believe him and give him a pass, or looking beyond politics, hold him morally accountable.

The new normal can’t be that something is true because the speaker believes it to be true, or thinks it ought ¬to be. That’s not good enough. That sells everyone short.

Because truth is what simply is. When truth is under siege, the lynchpins of society become precariously unmoored. Red or blue, young or old, rich or poor, black or white, immigrants or Mayflower descendants, there are pronounced consequences for all of us when the truth is abused and misused.

My first book, Truth Heals, (no irony there) addressed sexual harassment; I’ve long advocated zero-tolerance for it. Yet, I also believe in the power of forgiveness and second chances, but with a caveat: forgiveness that is earned by taking ownership for behavior, learning from past mistakes, and accepting the empirical truth about truth.

That truth does matter.

Because truth must matter.

For all us, from individuals and private citizens to public servants and world leaders.

One standard for all because the truth is the truth and a lie should not be weaponized.

Obliterating the truth can’t be allowed to excuse a serial child molester like Roy Moore. A man with a history of perverse behavior so widely known that as an Alabama District Attorney he was banned from the mall.

By any measure, that takes some doing.

Truth should be revered, respected and protected at all costs.

Because in the end, the truth is all we have.