Light from the dark

Bring light to the dark this Hallowed Eve

The spookiest of nights can be dated back over 2000 years to the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, a night where it was thought that the barrier between worlds was at its thinnest and most easily breachable. On this frightening night, it was expected that monsters and fairies would roam. Some of these monsters were shape-shifting night wanderers. One, in particular, was called Pukah or Púca, a mischievous spirit who is said to bring good and bad energies in equal measures. It could appear in various insignificant forms like a horse, goat or cat, but could also take on a human form with animal features such as a swishy tail or pointy ears.

Samhain was a night of fear. This day marked the end of summer and the precious harvest, and was the beginning of endlessly dark and cold nights, a time associated with death. There was a strong haunting belief that ghosts of loved ones would return to earth on the night of 31 October. We know universally that light attracts light and dark attracts dark.

Across the world, we possess a macabre fascination of fear-provoking haunted houses. On Halloween night, we intentionally wander through the dark, allowing our imagination to run riot and create troubling shadows that taunt us. There is something deep within all of us that acknowledges our own mortality and death. In early Christian times in Britain, people would huddle together behind locked doors so that the wandering dead couldn’t drag them to the underworld. In the world of spirituality, our bodies are beautiful homes for our souls; when our bodies die, our soul transitions back into the spirit realm and thus the cycle is repeated.

Thankfully, Halloween has changed over the last two millennia. We no longer huddle in our houses waiting for the dead to return to their graves. We are so far removed from our fears of death hence our fascination to wander alongside them and be at one with unsettling darkness on the night of Halloween. We dress in the scariest outfits from the myths and legends of long ago; we become the witches and ghouls that would have chased away vengeful and mischievous spirits. We shroud ourselves in death and darkness. The trees lose their leaves and animals make a hasty retreat to their safe places of hibernation. Mother Nature makes it clear that she is transitioning through the freedom of summer to the nuture of winter.

From darkness, there becomes light. Spiritually, we are leaving the past behind and allowing ourselves to look at the potential of life not yet seen. By taking time to nurture and care for ourselves, we allow our dreams the freedom to manifest a new life of positivity and create things that we have not yet imagined. These nights of darkness encourage us to slow down and turn inwards and contemplate the passing of one phase and discover another. We can take the time to applaud our accomplishments, reflect on our past, and prepare for what we want to happen next.

Halloween is the time for mindfulness, we can all connect to the earth and relate to the cycle of the seasons. Be conscious of mother nature, and how she releases old life, hibernates for the winter and returns with a burst of new life each spring. You too are going through seasons in your life where parts of your past must be released so new growth and life can emerge.

However you choose to spend Halloween, remember it is a spiritual holiday. Take time to remember your loved ones that have crossed over and thank them for enriching your life. Honour your own cycle and season of living. We only have a limited time on the physical plane to accomplish our goals, so let go of the old and head into this next season with new ambition and perspective. Be fully open to new experiences and opportunities for material and spiritual growth. Watch out for spiritual tell-tale signs and trust your intuition.

Surround yourself with protective light before embarking on your magical inner journey.

Orionids Meteor Shower 2020

Orionid Meteor Shower: How to tap into its powerful energy

The Orionids Meteor Shower Peak will return to our skies in just a couple of days, allowing minerals to be redistributed throughout the universe and help harmonize everyone and everything on the earth, as well as the earth itself. This glittering, display of magnificent shooting stars will be at its most powerful, and harness incredible energy during the night of Wednesday, October 21st, 2020.

The Orionids Meteor Shower Peak is the most abundant meteor flurry that is connected directly to Comet Halley. These mystical shooting stars are essentially minute meteors, or pieces of debris that is left by comets burning up in the earth’s atmosphere, giving us another earthly light show, and when combined with meditating, brings deeper insights to our lives.

When the comet moves through the solar system at intense speed, the sun displaces ice which, in turn, allows rock fragments to come away from the comet. These particles continue on the comet’s trajectory and appear as firey meteors when they pass through the earth’s upper- atmosphere. If a meteorite lands on earth, it can epitomize your life purpose by providing a line of clear communication to your spiritual journey.

People across the world wish upon shooting stars. It is thought that the rarity of such stars gives them magical powers which might lead to a wish being granted. Some historians believe that Greek astronomist, Ptolemy, started this “conscious-tradition”. He wrote extensively about the Gods that looked down upon the earth from their heavenly homes. He believed that the shooting stars would open a portal between heaven and earth, which allows human souls to travel. Perhaps our ancestors are right, they are extraterrestrial messages that bring us optimism, wisdom, and courage beyond our current existence.

The Orionids are so named because the point they appear to come from, called the, “radiant”, lies in the constellation of Orion. The meteors, however, can be seen over a vast area of the sky.

The moon during the Orionids phase in 2020 is in its waxing crescent phase and provides the perfect dark backdrop for this year’s display. You’ll usually see the highest number of meteors a couple of hours just before dawn. These ultra-fast meteors will plunge into the earth’s atmosphere at almost 70 km per second. Orionid meteors leave persistent trains, or ionized gas trails, that last only for a few seconds. After the meteor and its tail have gone, you’ll be able to trace the trail back to Orion. It’s like your own ethereal paint by numbers.

This is a great opportunity to really connect with Orion during this energetically powerful cosmic event. Find a peaceful location, as far away as possible from any light pollution, sit or lie comfortably. It’s worth allowing your eyes to adjust to the dark for about 15 minutes, so that you don’t miss even the faintest of light trails. Spend a few minutes out there, lying in comfort gazing into the night, and watch in awe, as the light crisscrosses the inky-black canvas. Take this time, being surrounded peacefully by our night skies, and collectively, we can resonate with the universe, and expand our consciousness.

Meditation toward self-discovery

A Powerful Practice for Self-Discovery: 3 Ways Meditation Helps You Connect to the Real You.

Has life in the Information Age ever made you feel out on a limb, disconnected, out of it? The great irony of modern life is that heaps of factual information can sometimes leave you feeling short of human information—understanding, insight, self-knowledge, and purpose. Beyond trying to remember your password or pin number, you struggle to make sense of your life. Traditional ways of connecting to our divine Source, the true treasure trove of information, have dwindled in our technologically-advanced and secularized world. More people are feeling unsettled and anxious, restless and discontented, forever searching for something that will make them feel happy and whole.

Our Source connection holds the key to the highest and best information needed for life. So what’s the best way to make sure that connection is strong and ever-ready? As a spiritual teacher and energy healer, the tool I’ve found to be absolutely the most important, effective, and long-lasting is meditation. Recognized for its power to relieve stress, meditation is the practice of focusing your attention to help you feel calm and give you clear awareness of your life. Meditation involves turning your attention inward and focusing your mind to a place where you are connecting to Source and to your universal self. Meditation is a tool with huge potential for personal development and growth and many successful and happy people swear by its benefits.

Your connection to Source, achieved through meditation, gives you exactly what you need—information about you! To release any inner darkness and bring in more light, you need information about your true self. How hard do you work at really getting to know yourself? Meditation can help you discover the deep cause of what’s off, whether it’s long-buried negative feelings, unexpressed grief or anger, and then find the most effective path for releasing it. The wisdom and insights that come from meditation can assist in healing every area of your life.

Here are 3 ways making meditation a regular part of your spiritual life can help you grow and improve your capacity for health, happiness, and healing:

  1. Meditation keeps you grounded. The state of being grounded comes naturally from connecting to Source energy. When grounded you are fully present and completely focused. Like a sturdy platform on which to stand, this state of groundedness gives you strength, confidence, and stability. You are connected and present and ready to give your best to any endeavor.
  2. Meditation helps you make better decisions. The self-awareness and mindfulness you gain from meditation gives you insight into who you really are and where you want to go. You are able to make healthy, productive, and loving choices. The present awareness you experience clears away fear and worry, past and future concerns. Decisions made with a grounded, focused awareness will help heal you in body, mind, and spirit.
  3. Meditation gives you more confidence in your natural abilities. As you plug in to the light and love that is your divine origin, what is bound to happen? You will experience the knowledge of who you are and where you came from. Connecting to higher-vibration energy is your birthright. It’s always present for you, accessible and waiting. It rejoices in your connection to it and passes on its blissful feeling to you the moment that bond is formed. Feeling your connection to Source through meditation can restore your sense of purpose and give you confidence in all that you are capable of accomplishing with the power of unconditional love.

Meditation is the perfect antidote for Information Age anxiety—if you are suffering from too much information that really isn’t helping you live, love, and prosper. How much better would it be to learn to connect with the divine intelligence that created the universe and everything in it? Meditation can help you tune in to your waking life in a way you never thought you could experience. It paves the way for emotional healing, boosts self-knowledge and is also an excellent method to balance your chakras.

[su_note note_color=”#FFF8b7″]If you’d like to improve your life by making meditation a daily practice, make sure to enroll and go through Learn to Meditate course now.

Starting Monday, October 19th, we will be going through a live 10-day challenge open to anyone who has ever taken this course and received their mantra from Deborah. If you are new to meditation, the challenge will help you build a meditation habit; if you are a current meditator, it will revitalize your practice.

Click here if you don’t yet have a mantra and want to Learn to Meditate.

Meditation benefits

Benefits of Daily Meditation: Turning Back the Hands of Time

Have you ever daydreamed of turning back the clock to a more youthful, more energetic, more carefree time in life? Or perhaps having at your disposal a magical cosmic “Undo” button that could erase certain effects that have accumulated over the course of time—from stress, abuse, and destructive habits that have left you with less than perfect health or a waning enthusiasm for life.

I experienced the need for a second chance at a clean slate earlier in life than most. I was just out of law school and not even 25 when I received a diagnosis of cancer. That cancer was just the last in a whole host of serious problems I’d had. Those of you who are familiar with my story know that I had a horrendous childhood filled with sexual and emotional abuse. I’m certain I had post-traumatic stress disorder by the time I was four. By my teenage years, I was a complete wreck. At that point, I began doing everything possible to numb my feelings and run from them—I smoked, drank, took drugs, and acted out all over town. I was anxious. I was depressed. When my cancer announcement came, it was really time for a change. By then, I needed some truly powerful help to undo all that I had been through so that I could continue to live.


Amazingly, I found it—the way to turn back time and release the many effects of all of the stress that my mind and body had endured. That way was meditation. A daily practice of 20 minutes, twice a day, gave me much more clarity to address my disease and ultimately helped me to heal my cancer, release my addictions, end my destructive streak, and get on my true life path. I can honestly say that meditation is the best thing I have ever done for myself.

I am not alone in this discovery. Science and religion alike have studied and documented the vast numbers of benefits of meditation, revealing that meditation has a positive effect on people suffering from or at risk for many physical and mental health conditions, including high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, congestive heart failure, stroke, diabetes, menopause, ADHD, memory loss, anxiety, obesity, and much more. It was even found to be twice as effective in helping people to quit smoking than the other popular remedies. Given that smoking is the number one cause of preventive death in the U.S., this is no small benefit! The studies also show advantages in other areas of our lives, such as making us more effective on the job and in school. Later this week, I talk about these studies and more in this free webinar.

So what is meditation and how does it create so much good for our bodies and minds?

meditation buddha

A big part of meditation’s success on improving conditions like those listed above is its powerful ability to reduce and release stress, as stress is often a precursor to so many of our physical and emotional problems. But the manner in which it does this happens at a lot deeper level than many people might think. Meditation works at the level of our consciousness.

There are four states of consciousness: waking, sleeping, dreaming, and meditating. So, meditation is actually a different state of consciousness from our waking life. It is a far more expanded state. Many people think that the purpose of meditation is to tune out, to get away from it all. While that’s partially true, the real purpose of meditation is actually to tune in—to take the journey into expanded consciousness that meditation provides.

Meditation expands our consciousness by helping us to get into the space, the gap, between our thoughts and taps into the incredible energy that exists there. So you have a thought, and then another thought, but between the two, there’s a little space. According to the ancients, this space between the thoughts is the portal to the infinite intelligence of the universe, our Source. Some people call this energy “Spirit”; some call it “God”; some call it the “Universal Energy Field” or the “Unified Field.”

Once you get into that gap, you’ll find that, through this all-pervasive web of energy, everyone and everything is connected to everything else. You also discover that this universal field of energy is unlimited; it’s pure potential, and anything can be accomplished when you’re connected to it.

When we connect to the Unified Field through meditation, our bodies and psyches are cleared, leaving us refreshed, restored, and balanced. Just 20 minutes of meditation offers as much rest as 1-2 hours of sleep! The effect is truly a turning back of the clock, where we look and feel healthier and younger.

We can experience other profound changes by tapping into the Unified Field through meditation. To heal ourselves and fix our lives, we need information. We need to root out the true cause of what is ailing us, and find the most expeditious and effective route to a cure. I certainly learned this with my experience of cancer. When you tap into the Unified Field, you are accessing life’s great encyclopedia—where every fact of the universe, past, present and future, exists and is accessible.  You are also connecting to your own highest wisdom., and the insights that come from meditation help us to heal every area of our lives.

In this way, meditation paves the way for emotional healing. On an energetic level, it helps to remove any blockages that come from holding on to anger and resentment. Meditation thereby ushers in what is perhaps the most crucial part of the healing process, forgiveness. It opens us up to our connection to other people, and to All That Is. In this way, meditation also paves the way for global peace and well-being.

That brings me to the most important reason I can think of to meditate. Even after all of the benefits I’ve touched upon here—the better health, becoming wiser, doing better at school or work, experiencing forgiveness, and having less anxiety, more creativity, greater joy, looking and feeling younger—I still haven’t told you the real purpose of meditation.

The most important outcome of your meditating every day is that by expanding your awareness, by bringing yourself into balance and experiencing greater peace, by raising your consciousness—you are actually assisting every other person and creature on the planet to do the same. Remember, we’re all connected by one vast field of energy. The ripple of energy you send out into the world is a reflection of your inner state of being. Your ripple touches and affects others. If you’re uplifted, you uplift them too. If we’re all in a higher state, we just might feel more inclined to help one another and come up with some harmonious and creative solutions to our global problems. What a different world that would be!

I can’t recommend enough that you learn to meditate—for your own well-being, for those you love, and for making a positive difference on the planet and fulfilling your life’s potential.

If you’d like to know more about meditation, register for this free event:

Clear Energetic Chaos and Create a Better Base for a Meditative Practice.

This event is perfect for beginners looking to establish a proper base for their practice. But is also great for the advanced, experienced meditator that wants to revitalize their current practice.

Click here to register >>