Spiritual Initiation

Discover & Embody Your Advanced Gifts (Initiation Part 2)

Spiritual Initiation

This is not well-known in our culture, but these amazing capabilities you have — your advanced gifts — are part of being human. They’re actually built into your cellular memory and our collective unconscious.

You probably already use some of these gifts with or without realizing it…

You intuit who’s calling before you look at the Caller ID.

You sense that your child is in trouble before the school calls you.

Maybe you refrain from renting or buying a particular house or taking a particular job because you just know it feels wrong.

Perhaps you have an innate gift of clairvoyance and being able to see on other planes. You might have the gift of telepathy or the ability to astral travel or speak with animals. Maybe you’re meant to speak, teach, or heal at a high level.

Your gifts can be many, and that’s one of the promises of working with energy — you have the power to open yourself up and allow all your gifts to flourish.

It’s natural to work first with the gifts you already sense you have, as they’ll be your strongest abilities, but as you’ll discover in the video, you have others waiting in the wings.

Together, let’s connect you with a gift that wants to reveal itself to you… this gift that’s going to come with a feeling of expansion that fills you with wonder and purpose. Let’s immerse you in it like a soft, enveloping cloud, and let it fully take up residence in your life — so you can use it to uplift yourself, others, and our ailing world.

And as you develop your gifts, you’ll be part of the spiritual revolution that’s helping to raise the consciousness of this planet.

If you’re fascinated to tap into the limitless power of your soul, check out my Master-in-Training year-long program >>>

You know you have gifts, you know you can help, but where do you start?

In Part 1 of this series, I went into depth about the transformative power of initiation, a beautiful process that allows you to expand your consciousness and step fully into your unique purpose and gifts. I also led you through a powerful practice to explore the first seven levels of initiation.

In Part 2 today, I’m going to tell you about beginning your personal initiatory process, and I’ll lead you through a guided meditation to discover and embody your advanced gifts:

August Full Moon

Will You Take Advantage of the August Portal to the Astral Plane?

Here you are at the peak of summer and likely staying close to home. No large family reunions or adventures in far-away places, but lots of “staycations.” Chaos may be swirling around in the outer world with pandemics and politics and protests, but there’s nothing blocking the energies that come from the higher astral realms . . . and you can access those energies throughout the night sky of August.

The August Full Moon

Monday, August 3rd, is the Aquarian full moon. As you may recall, the moon doesn’t have its own light; it reflects the light of the sun. When those two heavenly bodies are directly opposite each other, the whole surface of the moon is totally illuminated by the sun. The full moon’s energy lasts for around three days both before and after the official “full moon” moment.

For many centuries, humankind has lived by the lunar cycles (just ask any woman), knowing there is a synergy between the great cosmos above and our lives here on earth. Since the waxing moon gathers the light of the sun for the two weeks following the new moon and is completely filled with light during the full moon, you too can fill with light at this time and use it as your springboard to the higher realms.

Your intuitive pull to the light peaks when the moon is full; your mind opens, you can find it easier to adapt to the conditions you find yourself in at the moment, and you can find new opportunities for spiritual awakening.

Sit outside at night to absorb the beauty and the light of the August full moon. Even sleep outside if that’s possible where you live. Native Americans have called this “the Moon When All Things Ripen,” referring not only to your baseball-sized zucchinis, but also to the ripening of your inner strength and your ability to tap into astral wisdom. Think about using your time under the full moon to connect with the Ascended Masters of the higher realms, your spiritual guides, your angels. Open yourself to receive their gifts and blessings and feel how your Higher Self is ripening into fullness.

The Perseids Meteor Showers

Another spectacular display in the August night sky is the Perseids meteor shower, which will peak on the warm summer nights of August 11, 12, and 13, but know that the shower began its annual appearance in mid-August and will last for 10 days or so after the peak. Every year around this time our planet crosses the orbit of the Comet Swift-Tuttle; it’s the debris from this comet that becomes the “shooting stars” of the meteor shower. Much more poetically, the ancient Greeks said the Perseids shower began with the visit of Perseus’ father Zeus to his mortal mother Danae in a shower of gold.

But consider that it is meteoric “debris” that gives stargazers such a spectacular display. Comets are composed of ice, dust, and gasses. You can think of them as representing your frozen emotions and anything you have ignored or suppressed, the “dust” of your fears. To the ancient wisdom keepers, seeing a comet spoke of great change to come. So a meteor shower, which comes from the breakup of the comet, represents great beauty arising from the ashes, like a lotus emerging from the mud.

Connecting to the energy of the Perseids meteor shower is a way to experience the sparkling bursts of moments of awakening. Think of all the spiritual insights and astral wisdom you can gain by breaking up that which may be frozen inside you, by burning up the dust of your difficult thoughts and emotions in a shower of gold.

In the Northern Hemisphere, you can start seeing the Perseids at mid-to-late evening, with the “radiant point” coming around midnight, sparkling the sky as these meteors are only 60 miles or so above the surface of the Earth as they burn up. Give yourself at least an hour to observe the dark open sky as it may take 20 minutes for your eyes to adapt to the darkness. The meteors come in bursts and fly in all different directions across the sky.

As you enjoy the exquisite night sky dancing above you, reflect on how you will use this burst of cosmic energy. How will you tap into your potential within? What ways will you be inspired to use your creative energy as you release your fears? What astral wisdom will light up within you?

Catch a falling star and let it carry you far beyond your earth-bound self as you go through the portal of the August night sky into the highest realms of beauty, truth, love, and compassion.

Cosmic events like these enhance energy that you can tap into and use in your life. But Astral Realms are always available for wisdom, guidance, and healing. You just need to know how to get to those realms.

Right now, you can learn those life-changing skills during the launch of our innovative Astral Wisdom course. Learn more by clicking here.

Lucid Dreaming Astral Travel

Tap Into the Wisdom of a Teacher From Beyond This Realm (Lucid Dreaming Part 2)

Lucid Dreaming Astral Travel

Do you tune in to your spirit guides every day, to ask what insight and information they have for you?

In Part 1 of this series, I led you through a powerful practice to prepare you to lucid dream to change your waking life. There I called on all the beautiful beings who are available to give you answers and keep you safe anytime.

In Part 2 today, we’ll build off the foundation we created together, as I take you through a quick meditation to connect with your main guide.

Take a few moments and relax as I orient you to your primary guide who can provide you with valuable insights into your health, relationships, emotions, career, purpose — anything you need guidance with. Join me and I’ll connect the guidance you receive to the activity of lucid dreaming:

Who is your main guide from beyond this realm?

Your main guide might be an ancestor from way back in your lineage, or maybe from just one generation back. It could even be someone who’s not part of your direct family line, but who you feel is part of your family. Maybe you have a specific angel you like to work with — you could call in that angelic guidance.

Whoever your main guide is for you, they’re very available to you personally. Whether you’re aware of it or not, they’re always at your side waiting to offer support and guidance whenever you ask for their assistance.

They can help you reach higher levels of initiation, assist you in discovering your real truth and self-awareness… their aid is deep, vast, endless, and always focused on your highest good.

What’s the best way to connect with your main guide?

The key to identifying and connecting with this guide is to ask. Guides won’t reach out to help unless you request their help. They don’t volunteer or “butt in” because they will not interfere with your free will.

So you’ll want to actively, consciously ASK every morning and every night — it only takes a moment. Be patient as you practice connecting with your guide, and I guarantee that soon you’ll sense that teacher at your side.

Once you connect with your main guide and get a sense of them, ask what messages they have for you. Their messages may come in words, their messages might appear in pictures… they could come to you just as a knowing. It all depends on how YOU tend to receive channels of communication.

Your guide and lucid dreaming

After the meditation I guide you through in the video above, you might have a lucid dream tonight in which your main guide appears to you.

Remember that when you…

  1. Set the intention now to lucid dream tonight (that is, when you set the intention to be aware when you’re dreaming and to intentionally shape what happens in the dream), AND
  2. When you set the intention again just before you go to sleep tonight
    … you can meet your main guide — your teacher from another realm — again, and get even more guidance and connection.

And I want you to know… now that you know how to do this, you can access this kind of guidance whenever you need it.

To discover more about connecting with higher realms for guidance and healing, sign up for my free event on the power of Lucid Dreaming.

Lucid Dreaming Astral Travel

Discover How to Lucid Dream to Change Your Waking Life

Lucid Dreaming Astral Travel

Do you ever feel like your life is happening TO you?

What if you could shape your life so it works WITH you, and FOR you?

Lucid dreaming is a powerful tool for influencing not only what happens in your dreams, but also what happens in your waking life.

What exactly is lucid dreaming?

Lucid dreaming is clear dreaming — it’s the act of being consciously aware when you’re dreaming. It’s when you’re asleep, and yet you know that you’re dreaming — and you control what happens in the dream with awareness and intentionality.

Cultures all over the world throughout history have worked with lucid dreaming. The oldest reference is from around 800 BCE, in the Hindu Upanishads. Eighth-century Tibetan Buddhists also described lucid dream practices in the Tibetan Book of the Dead. And Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle all explored the nature of reality during their nightly journeys. The term itself was coined in the 1900s by a Dutch psychiatrist named Frederik van Eeden.

How to lucid dream

In this 12-minute video, I will lead you through a powerful practice to prepare you to lucid dream TONIGHT.

I share details about lucid dreaming, with a focus on technique and practice — to give you tools so you can easily work with the unlimited field of possibility that is your dreams.

Benefits of lucid dreaming

When you’re aware that you’re dreaming, you can consciously:

  • Change jobs
  • Find a partner
  • Communicate with loved ones — alive or passed on
  • Resolve conflict with someone you’re having trouble with
  • Learn what’s hidden in your subconscious mind
  • Fly, shape shift, or HEAL!
  • Meet your goals (don’t miss the video’s 5-minute mark, where I describe how I used lucid dreaming to influence my ski-racing results)
  • Or just have fun and explore new possibilities

Want to soar through the air, speak another language, swim in a coral reef, or try out some other new skill or adventure tonight?

How to set your intention

In the video I walk you through a calming meditation to set your intention for lucid dreaming this evening. Once you’ve had this intention-setting experience, you’ll know how to do it on your own, anytime.

Here are a few prompts to jot down so you can set your intention any night:

  1. Sit or lie down comfortably and take a deep breath. Send that breath down your legs, releasing any tension in your body through the soles of your feet. Send your next breath down your arms, releasing any pain through your fingertips. Breathe into your heart, releasing any fears or negative emotions as you exhale. Breathe into the top of your head, releasing any discomfort or unwanted thoughts with your exhale.
  2. Imagine a white or golden light above you. It’s brilliant, warm, and soothing. Let it completely surround you. Extend this light throughout the room you’re in, feeling enveloped in comfort and safety.
  3. Call in the presence of the Higher Beings to guide you. Your Higher Self, your Spiritual Guides, or an angel such as Archangel Michael — all the beautiful beings who are available to keep you safe anytime. You just need to call them and they’ll come.
  4. Now, set the intention that you will lucid dream tonight. Say aloud or simply think, “Tonight, I will know when I’m dreaming.” Later on, before you fall asleep, repeat again: “I intend that I will know when I’m dreaming.” It’s that easy.
  5. Set an intention for what you’re going to dream about. This can be whatever you want, whether you want to solve a problem, meet a goal, do something fun like take a trip somewhere…

Another key to lucid dreaming that I encourage for you is keeping a dream journal.

Sweet dreams! May you have fun working with the deep reservoir of possibility that resides in your soul tonight.

Dream journaling

Dream Journaling: Tap Into Your Inner Wisdom for Guidance & Healing

Dream journaling

Your dreams are filled with wisdom to guide you through every aspect of your life.

They give you access to knowledge beyond your ordinary, everyday awareness. They can show you the future, preparing you for challenges and opportunities. They can speak to your past, providing you with clues for healing old wounds. And they can guide you in the present, offering you wisdom for making the best decisions and honoring your soul’s desires.

A powerful way to start tapping into the wisdom of your dreams is to keep a dream journal.

Why you should keep a dream journal

The benefits of dream journaling are as vast as the realms your dreams take you to. Here are just a few of my favorite reasons to keep a dream journal.

Healing, transformation, and growth:
When you look back on your dream journals, you hold up a magic mirror that can reveal patterns in long-standing challenges. Your dream journal can even serve you as a data log that gives you insight into themes regarding your attitudes, beliefs, experiences, and actions.

You can also get precognitive glimpses of things that appear in your waking world later on. Dream journaling helps you develop a sixth sense, opening you to correct a course you’re on, restore your inner compass, expand your consciousness, or develop telepathic or clairsentient skills.

Brain balance:
Dream journaling can benefit your corpus callosum — the part of the brain that joins the right and left hemispheres, physically connecting your intuitive abilities with your analytic abilities.

In “Dreams Make Me Smarter,” one of our students wrote: “I let the dream images come to me, then write the dream in my journal, which engages my left brain. I pay close attention to any right-brain feelings about the dream. Then I brainstorm about any associations with those images or feelings. Working with dreams is a whole-brain exercise!”

Dreams offer you a treasury of images and symbols that can light your creative fire if you’re an artist. And even if you’re not, recording your dreams can inspire you to tap into the creativity inside you that yearns to be expressed.

Sketch that mountain or underwater temple when you wake up, then turn it into a deeply expressive painting or sculpture! Write down a dream-encounter as a short story, or see how it’s a clue into how to finish a scene you’ve been working on for your novel. Record that guitar line that came to you in your dreams. Whatever ways you express yourself — or would like to express yourself — journal your dreams to ignite your imagination.

How to keep a dream journal

Choose a notebook or a specially-crafted dream journal with thick, high-quality paper that you can joyfully write and sketch in.

Keep your journal near your bed and write your dreams in it as soon as you wake up. If you find that your bedside notes are barely legible, try transcribing them into a Google Doc later in the day.

While I suggest charging your phone away from your bedroom at night (so you can get a nightly retreat from constant digital clutter and melatonin-disturbing blue light), another option is to record a voice note as soon as you wake up. Then use a voice-to-text program to transcribe your dreams.

Ready to start recording the wisdom of your dreams?

Here are 5 journaling prompts to get you started:

  1. When was the dream? Note the date (including the year) so you can look back on the entry in the context of what was going on in your life and the world at the time.
  2. What happened in the dream? The key is to record your dream in as much detail as you can. Where were you? What was it like? What were the events? What did you do? Was anyone else there? What did they do or say? When did the dream take place? What did the events remind you of? If a detail seems too trivial or obvious to note, write it down anyway. When you look back on your dream entries, you’ll find that what might have seemed like useless details are highly significant in retrospect.
  3. What did you think or feel during the dream? Your internal experience is one of the most (if not THE most) telling aspects of your dreams. Did you feel elated, joyful, rejected, connected, relieved, anxious, relaxed, fascinated, blessed? Did you think “This reminds me of the time I…” Or maybe you thought “This is a place I’d love to….” Whatever your interior response was, make a note of it.
  4. How does the dream connect to your highest desires? This year, Spirit is really calling us to focus on what we want to create in our lives on this beautiful planet. We all long for something. Look back on the things you’ve desired in your past that you’ve manifested. That’s evidence that goals come to fruition, that “dreams come true”! So think about what you want at this point in your life. A new house? Healing from an illness? A fulfilling relationship? A rewarding career that suits your soul? Clean waterways? The end of injustice? Jot down anything about your dream that seems connected to your longing.
  5. What do you think the dream means? Don’t worry right away about dream interpretations like “owls represent wisdom” — you can look those up later if you’d like. For now, focus on writing down what significance the feelings, events, people, and images of the dream have for you. Because it’s your dream, you have the most insight into what it’s telling you.


Tap into the creative, healing wisdom of your dreams now!

If you want to start journaling right now, write down your response to one of these prompts:

  • Last night I dreamed…
  • When I was a child, I dreamed…
  • The best dream I ever had was…
  • A recurring dream I’ve had is…
  • The other day I had the strangest dream…

Start writing now or when you wake up tomorrow, and watch the wisdom flow from your soul, through your pen, and into your life.

Dream on!

To learn more about tapping into the power of your dreams, you can checkout my course on Astral Wisdom here.

astral wisdom course

5 Healing Rituals & Practices to Honor the Summer Solstice

Summer Solstice is coming up fast, and now is the time to decide how you want to celebrate…

On June 20, we honor this major celestial event in the Northern Hemisphere — a magical time when you can connect with the sun’s vital power and usher in spiritual initiation and CHANGE.

What exactly IS the Summer Solstice?

The word “solstice” comes from the Latin words for “sun” and “standing still.” On the 20th, the sun will reach its highest position as seen from the northern half of the Earth, and it will appear to stand still as it marks the height of long days and the abundant aliveness of Nature. Summer Solstice also marks the longest day and the shortest night of the year. And of course for folks in the southern part of the planet, the reverse is true: Winter Solstice comes at this time, bringing the regenerative darkness that nurtures the rebirth of life. (We are thinking of all of our students and friends Down Under)

In ancient cultures around the world, Summer Solstice was considered the turning point of the year. In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna describes the solstice as the way out of the physical world and into the spiritual realms. It’s a time (as is the Winter Solstice) when the veil that separates you from nonphysical reality is so thin that it can be easily pierced. Especially if you’re highly attuned to the cycles of the Earth, you might be able to feel this shifting of energy. It offers a powerful opportunity for renewal that stays open for several days before and after the actual occasion.

Summer Solstice rituals & ceremonies

Just as the ancients held special ceremonies on the solstice, you too can connect to the sun’s heightened energy at this time, and take advantage of its radiance to shine light on whatever you want to transform in your life or the world. Plus, if you’re starting to shift out of shelter-in-place, this is an optimal time to explore more deeply what you’re thinking of stepping into.

So let’s take a look at some simple things you can do to celebrate your connection to the sun, and take stock of where you are and what you want to accomplish.

5 healing rituals & practices to honor the Summer Solstice

  1. Call in your highest intentions for your life or the world. As we birth a new consciousness across the Earth, harness the energy of this day to help usher in change for the better. Light your favorite yellow or orange candle. Call in your angels and guides. Journal about or pray for what you’d like to see come to fruition. Summer is the time of flowering, so let the warmth of the sun help you grow the seeds of your intentions into an abundance of health, happiness, wisdom, peace, and justice.
  2. Take a gratitude sun bath. Try watching the sunrise on solstice, or do Sun Salutations, and give our life-giver your gratitude for gracing the Earth, for bringing warmth and helping seeds grow. And while it can be hard to keep in mind that good things are happening on Earth, acknowledge a change that’s come that you’re happy about. For example, this week we saw a historic national ruling in the US that protects LGBTQ workers. Another example is that more and more companies are honoring Juneteenth as a paid holiday. While we’re bombarded by bad news left and right, it’s crucial to honor everything you view as positive. That’s one of the keys to uplifting consciousness — and higher consciousness uplifts our physical reality.
  3. Meditate on this: What role will you play in evolving your community and our global family? This is the time to ask yourself: “What can I do now to welcome the change I want?” This year more than ever, people have felt like everything is out of our control, but the truth is that you always have the power to start working with the universe toward meeting a goal. What steps — even if they seem small — can you take now to uplift your workplace, to change a law in your community, to ensure justice, to shift a broken system, to help someone who’s struggling
  4. Visualize yourself crossing a threshold. See the place you’re crossing from as what you’re ready to leave behind. See the place you’re approaching as what you’ve been longing for. With the sun shining brightly ahead of you, will you enjoy more nurturing relationships? Make a job change? Be more creative? Use this time when the sky is at its brightest to welcome more nurturance into your life!
  5. Recharge your life-force energy in nature. As a spiritual teacher and energy healer, I make sure my ties to the sun, the Earth, the sky, the wind, the stars, the plants, and our fellow animals are always intact. I have my favorite places in nature that support my spirit and strengthen my knowledge of the unconditional love and universal connection we all share. Are you making good use of the power of nature to soothe and guide you? Choose a favorite tree to hug. Lie on your back under the sun with your palms up in a receiving position and watch the sky. Marvel at the absolute majesty.

Most of all, enjoy this magical time of year! The more open you are to new energy, the more you’ll increase its presence within you. Remember that like the sun, you can shine brightly, and you have the power to help bring forth the great new growth that’s so needed on this beautiful planet.

To learn more about tapping into powerful life-force energy, check out my master-in-training certification course here.

Work one-on-one with Deborah
2020 June Eclipse

3 Practices to Embrace Hidden Aspects Through June’s Full moon + Lunar Eclipse

This month’s full moon is INTENSE — but there’s hope…

Are you feeling it? Tensions are mounting, personally and collectively — and here in the US we’re seeing this energy play out with strong reactions to deep-seated issues with racial injustice and police brutality, to name just a few of the conflicts that have been erupting.

Full moons in and of themselves are all about illumination — both literally as the moon brightens the night sky — and figuratively as it lights up different aspects of our personal and collective lives…

And this month on June 5 or 6 (depending on where you live), our full moon is also a lunar eclipse. I’ll tell you about the significance of the lunar eclipse shortly, but first I’ll tell you that this week’s full moon is also in a T-square with Mars and Neptune.

In a nutshell, the T in T-square stands for Tension. Some of the manifestations of Mars include energy, action, and drive — and the tenser manifestations include violence and upheaval. Some of the manifestations of Neptune include oneness and deep sensitivity — and the tenser manifestations include deception and emotional turbulence.

In Vedic astrology, eclipses herald change. Combine that with Mars’s energy for making something happen, and Neptune’s energy for oneness, and we have a recipe for people gathering to create necessary change that’s long overdue.

This applies especially in America right now, but you’ll likely be able to see it wherever you live on one scale or another — perhaps with families and educators coming together to change the way we teach our children, or maybe in your personal life with a job or a relationship.

After all, we know that tension and conflict drive action, right?

As I shared in a post about transforming your perspective during the pandemic, there are different levels of perception — and with the God brain, we can see this as the potential to make the necessary changes that need to happen for us to grow, to change, to step ­up in consciousness, and to progress to higher levels of being.

Which is something we ALL need, right? You’re very likely seeking to step up personally, and I bet your intention — like mine — is to help humanity rise up from its current state.

As individuals, and society as a whole, if we make racial bias a moral issue, then no one will want to embrace their bias, because most people don’t want to be a “racist.” However, the truth is, we all exist in a society with inherent bias built into the system, therefore, we all carry bias — consciously or unconsciously.

The path forward is in embracing our bias… which means digging into our inner work and exploring our shadow aspects.

Fortunately, there’s tremendous opportunity for positivity that we can reap from this moon, which has the potential for great transformation — a potential driven by tension and drive, determination, and resolve.

Harnessing the Power of the Strawberry Full Moon Lunar Eclipse for Healing and Transformation — and Embracing Your Shadow

The strawberry full moon lunar eclipse? You read that mouthful right — the June full moon is traditionally called the strawberry moon or the rose moon — because strawberries are abundant and roses bloom in June. (There’s a little opportunity for some vibe-lifting, chakra-clearing gratitude!)

Because emotions are heightened during a full moon, it’s a perfect opportunity to acknowledge and release them.

Try these full moon cleansing strategies to access the full spectrum of healing energy from this cycle’s moon.

Journal to release racial bias and inherited imprints & beliefs
Want to see big benefits during the full moon? Journal to express your inner feelings and observations, write out your intentions for change, make decisions about what to do next, and channel tension into positive action.

Try these journal prompts to help you get started:

  • What does Black Lives Matter mean to me?
  • Do I hold any pain my ancestors experienced through racism? Do I hold any responsibility? (If you feel you do, call on your guides and the Violet Flame to help you release old wounds.)
  • What did I learn about race from my mom, dad, or family in general?
  • What is hidden or eclipsed in me? Are there experiences or beliefs I can release?
  • What are my deepest desires when it comes to racism and humanity?
  • What actionable steps can I take to help heal racism?

Meditate, meditate, meditate
In Vedic astrology, eclipses are caused when the North and South Nodes of the moon, Rahu and Ketu, swallow the sun and the moon. The moon at these times is not actually auspicious to watch with the naked eye, but going inward and meditating is extra beneficial.

I recommend meditating for 20 minutes twice a day with a mantra I give you. If I haven’t taught you yet, here’s a link to learn. Use this contemplative time to receive messages from your inner guidance, spend extra time grounding and connecting to the creative and generative power of the Earth, and open to the wisdom being revealed to you.

Your meditation and prayer time is also vital to helping every other sentient being on the planet. Dedicate your practice time to amplify vibrations of higher consciousness raising the unified field around all of us. Our world needs healing more than ever right now, and by consciously sending healing intentions into the universal field, you’ll help create the healing our planet needs so desperately.

Protest peacefully
If there are protests taking place in your community and you feel called to join, do so, guided by your heart. If you’d prefer to stay at home and drop in to the reflective time that lunar eclipses call for, watch this TedTalk with Damon Davis. Courage is contagious, he says, which could not be more true.

In everything you do this week and always, know that you can navigate turbulence with grace, and your thoughts, prayers, and intentions will help make this a turning point for upleveling consciousness — yours and the people in your life and the planet’s. You are never alone; call upon Spirit and your guides to help you harness this moon’s power for personal and collective upliftment.

Your Life Purpose

Part 2: Tap Into Your Hara Line to Anchor Your Goals, Mission & Intentions

Your Life Purpose

Are you ready to ignite your goals, your aspirations, or an intention you have — so you can THRIVE in sync with your soul’s deepest desires?

In Part 1, we explored the power of the Hara and I shared a quick, powerful practice for connecting with your Hara line. This practice pulls energy from the Earth up into your field and helps you clarify your life’s purpose…

In Part 2, we’ll build off of the foundation we created together, and I’ll guide you to tap into your Hara line to anchor your goals, mission, and intentions…

The Hara line is at the center of your incarnation in this lifetime…

It’s the expression of your Soul’s intention for this life — including fulfilling your unique mission and your Soul’s purpose…

The energy flowing your Hara line is also what brings you ease and supports your flow with ALL of life.

When you cycle energy through your energy system and field, you recharge the Hara which supports this flow state and truly living from a place of joy.

Charging the Hara also empowers you to move through your life from a strong inner authority that is a “truth-telling” or “straight-shooter” type of energy.

With authenticity and integrity and respect, you’re able to see clearly and speak clearly about what is true — this includes your needs, your worth, your self-care.

This clarifying energy also supports you in creating and holding healthy boundaries.

It is in this place — this place of clarity and power, strength and purpose — where the Hara anchors your aspirations, your goals, and your intentions.

What is it that you most want to create for yourself right now?

If you’re on a path of higher consciousness, this time, during the pandemic, has opened up an opportunity for deep reflection… on what is working and not — in our lives and our world.

As we emerge from this time, especially with the momentum of Spring, we are entering a time of new beginnings… of renewal…

The invitation is for us not to go back to the way things were, not to just restart… but to return to our activities and life’s work — stronger, wiser, more resilient.

And for some of you, the invitation is to not return to your former life, or lifestyle, at all.

In this 10-minute meditation, I’ll guide you in tapping into the Hara line with a focus on what you’re most wanting to manifest for yourself at this time.

This time in inner reflection has opened in you a renewed sense of purpose. Or maybe you were on your path, but just got slightly off track, and you are ready to course correct, to recalibrate…

This is the importance of working with the Hara specifically at this time. Your essence and the imprints of all that this lifetime holds for you, is held here.

So, whether you are reconnecting to your authentic self… or reclaiming the call on your life in this incarnation… or you’re discovering and committing to a path of higher consciousness… the Hara holds the key.

If you want to create a new career, a new relationship, let go of old patterns, heal and release old wounds… this is the momentum of this time and the power of Hara.

Everything is possible when you focus on your intention.

Discover the Change-Making Power of Living Your Life Purpose

If you’re curious to explore more, I invite you to check out LifeForce Energy Healing® IV — my yearlong depth-training (and the only way to work with me 1:1) — where our focus is on supporting you to transform into exactly who you were meant to be in this lifetime. All your Soul’s plan to be embodied and lived out FULLY.

In the yearlong program, you’ll receive training to take this next step on your evolutionary path — and I’ll mentor you on how to become a practitioner, teacher, author, speaker — really, whoever it is you are meant to be.

If this is for you, and you’re ready to take this next step, then I invite you to register during the special enrollment that’s happening right now. (We also have special pricing and payment plans during COVID.)

Get all the details (including a 1:1 with me!) here:

Discover Initiation During LifeForce Energy Healing IV Here

Your Life Purpose

Part 1: Discover Your Life Purpose by Aligning With Your Hara Line

Your Life Purpose

Do you hear the words “life purpose” and wonder what your mission is in this life? What you’re here to do with your life, to experience, to accomplish?

You might not consciously remember this, but before you incarnated into your current physical body, your soul made a plan for your life here on Earth — your life purpose. Your soul decided what lessons you should learn in this lifetime and what you should do with your skills and abilities… with the ultimate goal of keeping you evolving into higher consciousness.

Between lives, your soul creates blueprints outlining the best ways you can learn and benefit from the lessons you encounter in life. The details are not set in stone, though — just as you have a blueprint, you also have free will, so how you choose to respond to everything determines your life course, and how you live your soul’s calling.

The question I have for you today is: Do you feel fulfilled?

Most people do not, feeling that something is missing — and they often feel trapped by limiting life circumstances. In fact, one of the biggest sources of negative emotions and blocked chakras for students who come to my energy healing courses and workshops has to do with feeling a lack of purpose in their lives.

That’s why I’m SO HAPPY to give you a quick, powerful practice for clarifying your life’s purpose — so you can get out there and LIVE it! Imagine how satisfied you’ll feel when you do.

How Aligning Your Hara Line Connects You With Purpose and Fulfillment…

When you’re living in alignment with your soul’s plan, you feel more at peace with yourself and your place in this world. That nagging sense of dissatisfaction falls by the wayside and you feel fulfilled instead of empty or longing for something you can’t identify. Feelings of stuckness, pressure, and being drained fall away, replaced by feeling of purpose, freedom, and flow.

And the key to that is aligning your Hara Line.

When your Hara is aligned, you’ve accepted your life purpose. You’re living it with integrity, and this personal task of yours — the core reason why you’re ALIVE — is in sync with your soul’s deepest desires.

So what exactly is the Hara Line?

Your Hara Line is an invisible (to most people) line that runs one level below your personal energy field. As you’ll discover in the video below, your Hara Line connects three important points that relate to your life purpose.

While your seven main chakras are like a totem pole that runs from the base of your spine to the top of your head, your Hara line goes up your spine at a deeper level, connecting your:

  • Tan tien (also known as your lower dantien). This is your center of balance, intention, and power. It connects you to the core of the Earth and then runs upward to your soul seat. It’s located an inch or two below your belly button.
  • Soul seat. This is where your purpose and sacred goals lie. It connects to your tan tien and then runs upward to your Individuation point. You’ll find your soul seat below your throat, above your heart and over your thymus gland.
  • Individuation point. This point connects you to Source and is located three to five feet above your head.

What happens when you align these points and your Hara Line is incredibly beautiful.

In this 12-minute video, I’m going to guide you to connect them…

In this Part 1 of my 2-part series (Part 2 is here) on your Hara Line — I guide you to connect those three important points, so you can feel more clear, more alive, and more receptive to the beauty and the connection that’s always available to you.

When your Hara line is not in alignment, it reveals inner conflicts that so many struggle with:

  • Feeling like you can’t cope or like this earthly plane is too much
  • Feeling lost or alone or just plain stuck, like you’re not able to move forward in a mean­ingful way
  • Having a hard time fully understanding who you really are or why you’re here
  • Not being empowered to use healing energy for yourself or others

When your Hara Line IS in alignment, you’re clear on the big, fulfilling reason why you’re here, and (!):

  • Your entire chakra system and energy field are energized and enlivened
  • Stuck energies release and problems like depression or anxiety clear up
  • You feel well ­grounded, with no need to defend yourself or prove that you’re right about anything
  • You stand taller and straighter and can see where your life is going

Enjoy the practice and let me know how it helps you. I am so grateful every time I hear from one of you about the synchronicities that start appearing when your Hara is aligned — and the clarity and purpose you tap into.

In Part 2 of this series, I’ll share with you how to anchor your Hara Line with your goals, your mission, your aspirations, or an intention you have. As you’ll see, when you’re in the place where your Hara line is in alignment, there are no problems or obstacles that you cannot overcome with intention.

Discover the Change-Making Power of Living Your Life Purpose

If you’re curious to explore more, I invite you to check out LifeForce Energy Healing® IV — my yearlong depth-training (and the only way to work with me 1:1) — where our focus is on supporting you to transform into exactly who you were meant to be in this lifetime. All your Soul’s plan to be embodied and lived out FULLY.

In the yearlong program, you’ll receive training to take this next step on your evolutionary path — and I’ll mentor you on how to become a practitioner, teacher, author, speaker — really, whoever it is you are meant to be.

If this is for you, and you’re ready to take this next step, then I invite you to register during the special enrollment that’s happening right now. (We also have special pricing and payment plans during COVID.)

Get all the details (including a 1:1 with me!) here:

Discover Initiation During LifeForce Energy Healing IV Here

Higher Initiations

How To Prepare For Your Next Initiation: The Transformative Possibilities of Levels 5, 6, and 7

Higher Initiations

What if you could become filled with light and bliss, more deeply connected to Source and to the Ascended Masters?

What if you could choose which path of higher evolu­tion suits you best?

These are just some of the possibilities you can unlock within the highest levels of initiation.

Recently I shared with you about the transformative power of initiation… and your ability to expand your awareness and progress to higher levels of being.

I gave you an overview of initiations and shared a little about the first four levels of initiation. If you haven’t seen that video yet, I recommend checking it out — it lays the foundation for what we’ll be exploring now…

Today I’m going to share the next three levels of initiation with you — levels 5, 6, and 7 — and share a practice with an energy tool to help you prepare for your next initiation.

First, though, let’s get reoriented…

Initiation is a process that expands your consciousness, so there’s more of the real you available in this body, in this incarnation — with all of its higher spiritual values.

This process takes place over many lifetimes — and you’ve likely already had your first initiation or two. During this lifetime, you might experience the first two, three, or may even four (that’s very high!) levels.

In this 14-minute video, we’ll explore levels 5, 6, and 7 — because although these higher levels are rare, I want you to become aware of the possibilities that come along with them. At a deep unconscious level, you can begin striving for these levels… and that’s how you’ll truly transform.

Follow along with the video as I guide you through:

  • The fifth initiation, the energy that comes from the light-­filled heart of your soul star is downloaded into your heart
  • The sixth initiation is the initiation with your Monad, your God Self, where you actually connect to ascension energy and enter the fifth dimension
  • In the Seventh Initiation, the highest one you can reach while here on earth…

We’ll also move through a brief guided meditation that focuses your attention inward, calms your mind, and has a wide range of powers to transform and heal you — emotionally, physically, and mentally.

As you’ll discover, each new level brings more power, love, and wisdom into your energy healing practice.

Discover the Power of Initiation

During LifeForce Energy Healing IV® — my yearlong depth-training (and the only way to work with me 1:1 to experience initiation) — our focus is on supporting you to transform into exactly who you were meant to be in this lifetime. Your Soul’s plan embodied and lived out FULLY.

In the yearlong program, you’ll receive training to take this next step on your evolutionary path too — you’ll be mentored on how to become a practitioner, teacher, author, and more.

If this is for you, and you’re ready to take this next step, then I invite you to register during our open enrollment that is happening right now. (We also have special pricing and payment plans during COVID.)

Get all the details (including a 1:1 with me!) here:

Discover Initiation During LifeForce Energy Healing IV Here

Higher Initiations

Discover How to Unlock Higher Levels of Initiation

Higher Initiations

I want to share with you about the transformative power of initiation… and your ability to expand your awareness into higher levels of being.

Initiation is a process that expands your consciousness so that there is more of the real you — with full access to the higher spiritual values that are available to you in this incarnation.

This depth-process can take place over many lifetimes… and you’re likely to experience a few new levels during this lifetime. (In fact, you may have likely already had your first initiation or two!)

That’s actually likely why you’re here, reading this… and if you’re sensing an uptick in your vibration while you’re reading this, you’re in the right place.

Initiation encompasses step-­ups in consciousness on the path to mastery.

Mastery at healing yourself and others with energy…

Mastery at more open, compassionate, and balanced life…

Mastery at living in receptive and flowing energy…

Mastery at shifting your perception of yourself and the world around you — toward possibility and your highest potential.

It’s incredible what happens when you begin to move away from fear, anxiety, “me me me,” “worry worry worry,” and separation. You start to see everything more broadly, more deeply, and more highly. More clearly. Your vantage point RISES.

In this 14 minute video, I am going to guide you through the first few levels of initiation…

There are actually 352 levels of initiation (!!) when following the journey back to Source. (Christ, a man and a Master Healer, made it there — and that’s our goal too, a lofty one, no doubt, but definitely one to have!)

In Part 1 of this 2-part series on the Power of Initiation (Part 2 is here)— I tell you about only the first seven levels of initiation, since they make up the first round of the ascension process.

In my book, Heal Yourself, Heal The World, I refer to the first level as “Physical Self — Birth,” because this is at the core of this level.

This first level represents your physical self and what can happen at any powerful moment in your life — when you’re being intimate with a partner, giving birth, having a moment in nature, perhaps while running or watching the waves roll in… and in the moments you feel connected to everyone and everything.

After this initiation, you’ll feel more connected to Source and have the desire to do good for others rather than being focused so much on yourself. You may start to seek out new spiritual books, companions, or teachers.

Following this first journey to the first level of initiation, we’ll continue onto the upper levels and unlock the transformative power of initiation so you can truly master each level (initiatory levels 2, 3, and 4 are discussed in the video above) .

Discover the Power of Initiation

During LifeForce Energy Healing® IV — my yearlong depth-training (and the only way to work with me 1:1 to experience initiation) — our focus is on supporting you to transform into exactly who you were meant to be in this lifetime. Your Soul’s plan embodied and lived out FULLY. 

In the yearlong program, you’ll receive training to take this next step on your evolutionary path too — you’ll be mentored on how to become a practitioner, teacher, author, and more.

If this is for you, and you’re ready to take this next step, then I invite you to register during our open enrollment that is happening right now. (We also have special pricing and payment plans during COVID.)

Get all the details (including a 1:1 with me!) here:

Discover Initiation During LifeForce Energy Healing IV Here

Attached by an energy vampire

Do you have an ‘Energy Vampire’ in your life?

You are born pure light…

In childhood, your light is vulnerable to the energy of those around you. If you experienced trauma as a child or were raised in a dysfunctional family or with an unhealthy parent, this changes your energy, and can even “darken” your light.

This sensitivity likely developed as a way to stay safe and get your needs met — scanning the energy of the room or the energy of your caregivers, and calibrating your energy and presence to match what was appropriate.

Over time, this way of being in the world can diminish your essence — diluting what makes you “you,” and negatively influencing your emotions, your health, and your ability to authentically live the life you were meant to live.

And now, likely a caregiver yourself, you’ve been conditioned to bond with others by taking on their energy, so loved ones can perpetuate this pattern even if they’re not an “energy vampire.”

Today, you can begin to clear out other people’s energy from your ENTIRE system, and call your energy back to yourself. The first step is to understand the types of “energy vampires” and how to establish boundaries to protect yourself.

And actually, the step before the first step is always meditation. If you feel like you are “under attack” from other people’s energy, spending time in prayer and meditation is the fastest way to reconnect to yourself and strengthen your grounding — the first line of defense against other people’s invasive energy. I recommend meditating twice a day, using a mantra, that I provide.

Energy follows thought. As you bring your attention back to yourself (with loving kindness!), your energy will follow.

Imagine that you are a big magnet, effortlessly drawing your energy back to yourself and then running that energy down through your grounding, expanding your base and strengthening your energy field around you.

Here are a few insights on energy vampires…

In general, energy vampires drain your energy. They are often creating or contributing to “drama” and often take a negative, “glass-half-empty” approach to life. They can be very critical and judgmental — of you and others.

They also tend to be filled with worry and anxiety, and look to you to fix them or solve their problems. And, of course, you’re quite good at calming them down and finding solutions!

They need you and suck your time, attention, and focus away from your priorities. Even when you’re not with them, you are thinking about them or their needs.

These exchanges can leave you feeling tired, melancholy, even depressed — even if you think you are being of service and helping at the time.

When your energy is depleted by others, your sleep can be disrupted, you feel sluggish, and lack mental focus. You become vulnerable to illness, poor eating habits, and even addictive behaviors.

Recognize anyone on this list?:

  • “Betrayed” energy vampireThis energy type, along with many of the energy vampire types, can feel like an “old” relationship or like there is more history to the relationship than this lifetime. Karmic ties likely keep you tethered to this person, and the dynamic is one of “winning the fight.” Their energy field can be highly charged and they can feel aggressive or like an invasive weed in your garden.It’s essential to reinforce your energy field and grounding when interacting with this type. Imagining a waterfall between the two of you will help protect you and neutralize their energy coming at you. Take slow deep breaths, lower your voice and slow your cadence.Dealing with this type involves an Aikido-style approach where you step out of the way of their incoming energy bombs.
  • Fear-based energy vampireThis type is full of fear and insecurity. They are unable to fully inhabit their bodies and connect to their own grounding. They are disconnected from their emotions and are difficult to have linear conversations with, they are “all over the place.” Being kind and helpful, you want to reassure them, troubleshoot their problems, or calm their anger. You become ensnared in their energy field.To care for yourself in this dynamic, will require you to have very firm and clear boundaries. You will need to maintain conscious awareness that their needs and feelings are never ending and you cannot fix or help them. If you cannot maintain your own energy and grounding separate from them, you may need to avoid this type.
  • Insecure energy vampireThis type holds the worldview of scarcity. There is not enough for them and they’re in fear that their needs won’t be met and they’re driven by a fear of abandonment. It is sort of a self-fulfilling prophecy, because they are afraid you will abandon them, yet they are so needy, you have to remove yourself to replenish your energy.The intensity of their “lack” is projected onto you with the expectation you’ll fill their bottomless cup. They are often compulsive, jumping at any chance to fix their problem (which is generally other people) or chase after the “next best thing” that is “going to change everything” and solve all their problems. Between managing their expectations and their irrational schemes, you become lost and massively drained.Similar to the fear-based type, to care for yourself in this dynamic, will require you to have very firm and clear boundaries. You will also need to increase your self-care routine to ensure that you are mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually fit to be around them without losing yourself. Again, if you cannot maintain your own energy and grounding separate from them, you may need to avoid this type.
  • Passive-aggressive energy vampireThis type brings lifetimes of victimization into this lifetime. Their worldview is one of victimhood and everything happens “to” them. They are unable to take care of themselves and they rely on others to do for them. They don’t communicate their needs or wants and then project that others are not caring for them or helping them. They blame everyone but themselves, however most of this is unspoken so it is through their energy and nonverbal communication. They are very manipulative and use a dynamic of switching between appreciation and validating how much they need you, with guilt and scorn. You are either helping or hurting, and everything is about them — from their perspective.Recognizing that this is not about you, that you have done nothing wrong, and that this is their storyline that they are living out, will help you stay sane and keep from merging with their energy trying to “prove” yourself and your intentions. Remembering that there is nothing you can say or do or explain, can shift this dynamic within them. Amplifying your own energy within yourself and deepening your grounding will turn up your vibration and keep you immersed in your own essence and anchored in the center of your energy field.

Understanding your role in these relationships will also help you to shift the dynamic from your end. Energy vampires will always “suck” so it’s up to you to put a stop to it and protect yourself.

If you’d like to learn more about how to protect yourself from other people’s energy, and turn your sensitivity into a healing tool, check out my signature LifeForce Energy Healing IV® training here.

Work one-on-one with Deborah
4 different perspectives COVID-19

4 Levels of Perception to Transform Your Perspective During the Pandemic

There’s no doubt that covid-19 has taken up all the air in the room these days, but know that there are different ways of viewing the situation . . . and new perspectives that will let you breathe more easily.

Let’s take a look at what’s happening from the four different directions of the medicine wheel. In Native American symbology, the four cardinal points (plus Mother Earth, Father Sky, and the Spirit Tree) embody all the dimensions, everything from your health to the cycles of life. Think of how many things you know that are comprised of fours: the four seasons, the four directions, the four stages of life (birth, youth, adult, and death), and the four basic aspects of life: physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual.

Add to that the four brains, and their corresponding levels of perception. Here’s how you can shift your perspective on the pandemic:

At the lowest level, you perceive the world through the reptilian brain, comprised of the cerebellum and the brain stem on the physical level. In the energy world, this brain is connected to the first chakra. At a deep instinctual level, survival is uppermost. You need food and water and shelter from the storm. You’re on the lookout to avoid danger, ever ready for fight or flight. That’s the basic level of the evening newscast, the literal and physical level of what’s happening. What parts of the body is the virus affecting? Do any treatments work? What about your underlying condition? How many deaths have been reported in your local area? Is it safe to eat take-out?

The reptilian brain works through action-reaction. The governor says stay at home. You immediately react. Of course, I want to avoid danger; I’ll socially distance and wear a mask when I have to go out. Or hell no, you can’t restrict my freedom and tell me what to do while my business is collapsing. Danger to the left, danger to the right. You’re not looking for causes, for underlying meaning, for spiritual connection; you’re just wanting things to get back a.s.a.p. to “normal.” Meaning, safe.

As you rise a bit in consciousness, you enter your mammalian brain and the second level of perception. Physically, this is the limbic system, the structures in the brain involved in emotions and memory. Energetically, it is connected to the second chakra and to your mind and emotions. Here you’re going from the purely physical level to words and their meaning, and to your feelings. “Shelter in place,” for example, can evoke a feeling of protection and security, or a stifling feeling of imprisonment, depending on your perspective.

You seek solutions at this level; you’re not just running from fear but looking for possibilities. Maybe you are helping get surplus food to those in need. Or you’re a formerly retired health care worker who has returned to the front lines. Or you’re making masks for your local hospital.

You seek solutions to keeping yourself healthy, beyond simply social distancing. You combat your concerns about the virus by boosting your immune system—eating foods rich in antioxidants, taking supplements that support your health. If your livelihood has been compromised, you are busily working to secure PPP and other disaster loans to cover the gap.

Rising higher in awareness, you come into the human brain, which is the neocortex, the layers involved in the functions of the higher brain, such as perceiving with your senses, thinking, reasoning and language. This third level of perception is connected to your sixth chakra. You have the vision to frame your time at home as an opportunity to uplevel your care for yourself. You enjoy offerings online, from art to yoga to music. You are grateful for having the time to stop, to take stock, to clean out what is no longer wanted or needed in your life and embark on personal projects you simply never had time for before. And you continually find ways to serve others, reaching out on Facetime to an elder who is home alone, or helping home school a child online so his parents can get some work done.

You can envision this “time out of time” as a spiritual retreat, and do ceremony, meditation, soul-searching, diving deeper into your spiritual lineage or exploring new ones. You combat loneliness and isolation by connecting to others via WhatsApp or FaceTime or Zoom. You attend spiritual teachings you wouldn’t have had time for before. (Come to my teaching on The Spiritual Gifts today at 1:00 pm PDT or watch the replay later) You participate in online group meditations. (Join mine every Thursday at 1:00 pm PDT) In the Native American tradition, and most indigenous traditions, the importance of community is a bedrock of belief.

Here is where your beliefs are, as well as your ability to go beyond your ingrained beliefs, beyond your behavioral patterns, and redirect your efforts to walking the path.

And then you reach the fourth level of perception, the fourth brain, called the “God brain” by neuroscientists. Known more commonly as the prefrontal cortex, this is the part of the cerebral cortex that covers the front of the frontal lobe. Complex cognition, social behavior, and how you express your Self are all here, and are connected to the seventh chakra. It is the perspective of total wholeness. All is well at this level. Spirit is unfolding in the play of maya. You are living through your heart and know the truth of the heart. The virus is a small pinprick in your awareness, not a tidal wave of fear.

The God brain knows we are all One, and all is in Divine order. All those ads on TV blaring “we are all in this together” are more right than they know. At the energetic level, you trust the Universe, trust Spirit, to provide whatever you need to grow in awareness, to open your heart further, and to see the whole picture.

Remember, the more peaceful you are, the calmer you are, the more you can live with the silence within, the better prepared you are for whatever happens next. And the easier it will be for you to handle what is happening now, in your home, in your mind, and in your heart. You are never alone; Spirit is always with you.

Spring Sale Angels

Discover How to Connect With Your Angels & Guides for Wisdom & Healing

Spring Sale Angels

Are you seeking a deeper level of healing?

Are you looking for ways to access higher vibrations of consciousness?

Maybe you’re searching for answers to life’s big questions… like, “What now?” Especially during these times…
Angels can be a source of wisdom and guidance for you… offering healing and spiritual guidance.

You can access this wisdom and the healing energy of angels through your third eye.

Your third eye is the gateway to your higher consciousness, spiritual visions, clairvoyance, the plan for your life and your ability to connect with the Divine…

In this 8-minute meditation, I’ll guide you to open and expand your third eye — and heighten your awareness of angelic vibrational energy so you can embrace the divine guidance that’s waiting for you.

I’ll start by guiding you through your chakras… one by one… calling upon the colors, sounds, and imagery connected to each chakra — amplifying and clearing each chakra so you are able to access and ground the information you receive from your Angel guides.

Once we arrive at the 6th chakra, I’ll guide you to open your third eye… where you can see beyond this earth to the level of the angels.

You’ll feel yourself connect to the trust, intuition, and inner guidance as you begin to access this realm…

And, I’ll guide you as you receive the gifts they bestow upon you…

You’ll find yourself immersed in deep connection to every living being. This sweet spot is a place of Divine unconditional love.

To discover deeper healing with Angels, you can also check out Angels of Energy Healing — one of the featured products in our Spring Sale!

Receive up to 55% off our bestselling courses — for your healing, growth, and transformation.

P.S. Enjoy Our Spring Sale Through THURSDAY!

In this time of great change, we know that staying centered and grounded, investing in self-care, and doing our own personal work are the keys to growing through this time…

To support you on this journey, we are moving our summer sale to SPRING — and offering deep discounts up to 55% — on our bestelling on-demand video courses.

You’ll receive instant access to video and audio recordings, course materials, guided practices and meditations, PDF handouts and worksheets… and more!

PLUS you’ll receive a collection of bonuses with every course!

Check out our ENTIRE Spring Sale Collection Here!

Spring Sale Astral Wisdom

Tap Into The Healing Power of the Astral Realm

Spring Sale Astral Wisdom

If you’re seeking answers to your “big life questions”…

Looking for insights on your relationships…

Or yearning for clarity on the exact next steps for a project or new business…

There’s an essential technique to add to your toolkit, which is to access wisdom from your “Astral body” — a dimension of your subtle energy body, and referred to also as your etheric body.

In esoteric teachings, you might have heard the phrases “Astral travel” or “Astral projection.” The term Astral body is also linked with intentional out-of-body experiences, or “OBEs.”

The word “Astral” means “of the stars,” and so it was the Astral body that traveled to the Astral plane, which was thought to consist of the celestial spheres. The medieval alchemists also used that term because of the ability of the Astral body to travel in the “starry” regions.

Today, we think of our Astral bodies as another dimension of our consciousness…

Your Astral body is the essence of your Soul, separate from your physical, mental, and emotional bodies, but linked to EVERY aspect of your being.

Your Astral body is capable of accessing realms of information throughout the universe…

Through your Astral body, you can take a remarkable journey beyond time and space, beyond your physical body, and beyond ego…

Into the Astral Realms… where you can tap into your own powerful abilities for healing and growth — bringing forth the perfect, light-filled and limitless being you truly are.

You can develop various practices to shift your awareness beyond your physical body to access these deeper levels of consciousness — including through Lucid Dream states and OBEs.

OBEs are particularly powerful in working with your fear of death and dying… and also in helping you to process the death of loved ones (including your beloved pets!) as well as healing other experiences of grief and loss.

While these transcendental experiences may sound “far out,” they are actually very common and very accessible… and it’s possible that you’ve already experienced one or more yourself…

Have you ever been lying in bed, sort of half-asleep and half-awake, and suddenly feel like you’re floating…

Maybe you’ve had the sensation of moving around your room… looking down from the ceiling and watching your physical body lying peacefully in bed…

Maybe you think about a friend, and then have a sense of “visiting them” or “seeing them” and what they’re doing… or maybe you’ve experienced traveling to spiritual centers across the world, or temples in foreign lands in meditation… or maybe you find yourself in a lush valley studded with gorgeous flowers under a brilliantly lit sky and you’re in front of the exalted presence of an angel or spiritual guide…

Sometimes when this happens, you might become frightened or questioning what’s happening… then you hear a loud sound in your head, or whoosh, and you jerk awake in bed, back in your physical body… leaving you wondering, what just happened?!!

These are classic OBEs…

And about 14 percent of the population has had an out-of-body experience, often more than once in their lifetime.

OBEs are commonly reported during a crisis… like an auto accident or during surgery. Many people have reported floating above their body near the ceiling of the hospital room, watching objectively as medical personnel work on them. They have heard the doctors pronounce them dead. These types of OBEs are called near-death experiences.

Many spiritual teachers and scientists alike, have documented, and reported their own OBEs and near death experiences (NDEs)…

An Astral journey can take you to places where you can experience the love and bliss of the higher states of consciousness… or to realms where your etheric/vital body gets worked on by higher beings to restore your state of health…

In this powerful 15-minute video, I’m going to lead you through a guided practice from my Astral Wisdom course…

This guided practice is powerful, yet simple, and will help bring you calm and ease, as well as support you in connecting with other realms for wisdom and healing…

I will be guiding your journey, so relax and enjoy yourself. We’ll be traveling together to Mt. Shasta, one of the earth’s seven sacred mountains and one of my favorite places.

To discover more practices for accessing the Astral Realm — you can check out my digital course, Astral Wisdom.

This special digital course is one of our most popular courses and is a featured selection in our 2020 Spring Sale collection — on sale NOW!

You can access Astral Wisdom, and the ENTIRE sale collection, here.