
5 Compelling Reasons to Embrace Energy Medicine

Do you want to enhance your vitality and bring more balance into your life?
Could energy medicine hold the key to your well-being?

But, first, what exactly is energy medicine? It’s a dynamic approach to healthcare where energy is the primary healing force. Energy, boundless and universal, permeates everything, including you, me, and the vibrant roses in your garden. Within this expansive energy field, everybody possesses their own unique energy systems—a personal energy field within the larger unified field. Blocked or distorted chi in your energetic pathways and energy centers (your chakras, focal points of energy within the field) is the reason why you may not enjoy radiant health, mental clarity, emotional balance, or inner peace.

Here are five compelling reasons why embracing energy medicine could be important for you:

  1. Energy Medicine Addresses the Root Cause
    While conventional medicine tackles symptoms and illnesses through surgery and pharmaceuticals, energy medicine gets to the bottom of why you got sick in the first place and works to clear the root cause of your ailment.  Your physical well-being reflects the state of your energy field. For instance, unprocessed emotions like anger and grief over a divorce or a betrayal from your ex,  affects your heart chakra and might manifest as heart disease or breast cancer later on. Energy medicine aids in identifying and releasing buried emotions safely. It also complements conventional treatments like radiation and chemotherapy  for more effective outcomes and minimizes difficult side effects.
  1. Energy Medicine is an Emotional Clearing House
    Energy medicine serves as an emotional clearing house, allowing you to identify and safely release emotional traumas that disrupt your energy flow. A trained energy healer can spot issues in your energy field before they manifest physically and can help you break up or dissolve any blockages.

    Practices like journaling can further assist you discover painful emotions that are buried deep inside of you and help process them. Think of journaling as a modern-day shamanic technique to transform yourself and your emotions.

  1. Energy Medicine is Great Preventative Medicine
    If you are finding yourself in good health, energy medicine can help you stay healthy and prevent future illnesses. Along with its power to release any energetic blockages in your energy system, it also ensures that your energy functions optimally, safeguarding your physical, emotional, and spiritual balance.
  1. Energy Medicine Facilitates Self-Healing
    Built on the body’s ability to heal itself, energy medicine releases toxic energy from past wounds in your system, clearing the way for your energy to flow smoothly and gives your body the ability to self-correct.
  1. Energy Medicine Connects You to Source
    Energy medicine intertwines with your spiritual and physical health and happiness and your emotional balance. It harmonizes all parts of you, including your spiritual well-being, which is critically important. When you are so deeply connected to your Source (God, Spirit, The Divine, whatever word resonates the most with you), you will hear your intuition guiding you and you’ll know your inner truth. Also, your body will tell you what you need to be in optimal health, and you will be able to live in a state of clarity, compassion, and authentic happiness.

If you enjoyed this material and want to learn more about energy medicine, you can begin your journey by joining my Level I program. Joining also grants you access to my Soul Family, where you can meet up regularly with other like-minded individuals. You can learn more about the program here…




According to vastu shastra, the traditional Hindu science of architecture,
the answer is YES!

You have probably heard of feng shui, the ancient Chinese art of arranging buildings, objects, and space to achieve harmony and balance within a specific environment. Feng shui means “the way of wind and water.”). But you may not be familiar with vastu shastra, feng shui’s architectural counterpart.

If you’ve experienced sleepless nights for days, weeks, or months on end, you don’t have to be reminded how crucial sound, restful sleep is when it comes to your daily functioning, mindset, and energy levels. Restful sleep helps heal your body, refresh your spirit, and give you the get-up-and-go you need to tackle your duties and your delights.

Ayurveda is the form of alternative medicine (and the traditional system of medicine of India) that seeks to treat and integrate body, mind, and spirit using a wide-ranging holistic approach that emphasizes eating with the seasons, exercise, herbal remedies, and meditation to establish and preserve robust health. It emphasizes three pillars of health: diet, sleep, and energy management. All three are crucial, irreducible aspects of wellness. Unless all three are addressed simultaneously at all times, disharmony ensues inside our bodies, paving a path toward malaise and ultimately disease.

If you find yourself unable to achieve a full rejuvenating night’s sleep despite doing all the usual things to decompress and deescalate prior to retiring for the night (turning off your electronics before 8 p.m., journaling, etc.), I suggest you try the sleep positions discussed below to see if any of them can help.

Vastu shastra’s goal is to balance the five natural planetary elements (earth, water, fire, air, and ether) by preserving and placing each element within its proper position and proportion. Whenever this is achieved, your dwelling spaces become harmonious, peaceful, and wellness-centered. And like creates like: your enhanced energy helps your surroundings and other beings in your orbit receive and radiate healing energy.

According to vastu shastra, the direction in which the top of your head points when you’re asleep truly matters!


“Only dead people sleep with their heads pointing north.” — Vasant Lad

The Vedas teach that North is the route your soul will take when it exits your body at the end of your corporeal lifetime. So, only those interested in occasional lucid dreaming or astral travel should sleep with their head pointing in that direction.

In all other cases, it’s not a good idea because of the planet’s magnetic field. Because we, too, respond physically to magnetic poles — with our internal positive charge facing north and our negative charge facing south — those who try to sleep against this natural polarity are similar to two positive magnets being forced into face-to-face contact. Good luck with that! Those who sleep with their heads facing north regularly can expect to wake up feeling exhausted night after night, with no end in sight.

And because it is magnetic polarities that affect the circulation of your blood, sleeping with the top of your head facing north can cause stress, illness, and thought disturbances, none of which help you attain a restful night’s sleep. The result: potentially unhelpful emotional instability, frustration, lack or diminution of willpower, misery, and physical problems.

In a single sound bite, sleeping with the top of your head facing north withdraws energy from your body.


Academic students, listen up! Sleeping with the top of your head facing east is an excellent strategy. Doing so will boost your ability to retain what you’re learning, increase your ability to concentrate, and promote meditation-like sleep.

East is also the perfect direction for educators, scholars, and job and promotion-seekers. Sleeping in this position can help you feel more powerful, masterful, and energetic.

East is also ideal for anyone who is striving to overcome health challenges.


Sleeping with the top of your head facing west can be problematic for anyone who is experiencing sleep deficits. Although west is okay (not ideal, but okay), if you’re success-driven and striving for some form of world renown or domination in your field, the head-facing-west position won’t necessarily serve you as a reliable sleep-inducer. Although some sleep experts suggest that west is a neutral sleeping position, others claim it’s hard to get excellent rejuvenating rest because of the occurrence of frequent, unsettling action/adventure type dreams. (Type A’s are especially prone to sleeping fitfully, so East and South are ideal for them.)

Bottom line: Sleeping with the top of your head facing west or north opposes your goal to maximize the amount of rest and recuperation you want to achieve.


Ding ding ding ding ding! When it comes to achieving restful, rejuvenating sleep, south is the hands down, gold-plated winner.

If you want to sleep like the proverbial dead and wake up ready to embrace and enhance your life, turn your bed so its head faces south.

Recall the above magnetic pole information. Sleeping with your head facing south and your feet facing north draws energy into your body. Not only will your sleep be happy and contented, your health, happiness, and prosperity are likely to increase. Sleeping with head south means you’ll absorb the energy required to tackle what needs doing to advance you to the next level in your journey toward your life goals.

If you enjoyed reading this article, you might also like learning about lucid dreaming, an excellent precursor to astral projection and traveling the astral realms. Take a look at my Astral Wisdom course where I teach you how to design the Life of Your Dreams By Mastering the Out-of-Body Experience.

astral wisdom course

Revitalize your day: crazy busy and on overwhelm?

In these insane times, it’s easy to feel like you’re on the verge of tripping and falling flat on your face. That report for work is long overdue, but you had to take time off to plan for your dad’s care. Your teenage daughter is falling behind in school while your youngest has yet another appointment for new braces. And to top it all off, your ex is late again with the child support.

Your clothes no longer fit since you’ve been binging on ice cream and cookies (not to mention the wine) to calm yourself down. So why oh why do you have to volunteer to head the church picnic this year…?

Crazy busy and there it is again, that sick feeling in the pit of your stomach when you see your mile-long to-do-list. There is no way that you can get it all done and please everybody.

And where on that list does it say to make time for yourself? Who are you kidding? What does that even mean? Then you remember that old Simon and Garfunkel song: “Slow down, you move too fast.” But that didn’t really come with instructions of HOW can you do that…

Learn to meditate, that’s how!

And for that you don’t need to escape to a cave like a yogi. In fact, all it takes is a few minutes in your bedroom at the start of each day to make a significant impact. Despite my crazy schedule, I haven’t missed a single day of meditation in over 40 years!

Here are five tips to seamlessly incorporate meditation into your daily routine:

Start Your Day Right:

Make meditation the very first thing you do in the morning. Before checking emails, scrolling through your phone, or attending to the needs of others, dedicate just 20 minutes to meditation. You’ll find yourself in a calmer and more spacious mindset, setting the tone for a smooth day ahead.

Afternoon Recharge:

If you’re feeling frazzled in the late afternoon, gift yourself another 10-20 minute meditation break. Get creative—whether closing the office door or appearing to be peacefully napping on public transportation, create a space for tranquility. Remember, protect your meditative state from disturbances to ensure a seamless experience.

Create a Disturbance-Free Zone:

Safeguard your meditation space from disruptions. Equip yourself with noise-canceling earpods to drown out nearby talk, and consider putting up a “do not disturb” sign to ward off unexpected interruptions.

Embrace the Nod-Off Moments:

If you happen to nod off during meditation, celebrate it! Consider it a pat on the back, acknowledging that your body needed a brief moment of rest. It counts as meditation in those circumstances. However, if drowsiness becomes a regular occurrence, perhaps it’s a sign to adjust your bedtime routine.

Guidance Matters:

I firmly believe that the most effective form of meditation, one that reduces stress and elevates consciousness, is best learned from an instructor rather than a book, and involves a mantra selected just for you. I do just that in my teaching video which is a free bonus to the course I’m currently teaching, Master the Secrets of the SutrasCome join me and all the others who, like you, are looking for serenity now!


Unleashing Your Inner Power: Transforming Challenges into Triumphs

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the chaos and negativity in the world? The constant barrage of distressing news, political turmoil, and personal challenges might have you questioning if everything has taken a nosedive. Instead of succumbing to the negativity, consider taking a proactive step towards a more fulfilling life. If you find yourself stuck in a cycle of despair, it’s time to dig deeper within yourself to discover the untapped potential for healing and transformation.

I vividly recall facing a daunting diagnosis of cancer back in my 20’s, a situation that seemed insurmountable at the time. The prospect of invasive surgery loomed, threatening to disrupt not only my health but also my career and active lifestyle. As a young adult accustomed to life in the fast lane, the thought of slowing down for introspection was far from my mind. However, a pivotal moment at a bus stop, where an advertisement about meditation caught my eye, marked the beginning of a profound journey.

In that moment, fear and hopelessness gave way to an unwavering determination to seize control of my life and manifest a brighter future. Little did I know that the path to healing lay in ancient and modern methods designed to release the emotional burdens associated with trauma.

Acknowledging our true emotions is a crucial first step in the healing process. I started by honestly documenting my feelings, discovering layers of jealousy and anger that I had been suppressing. Journaling became a cathartic release, allowing me to shed the weight of years of abuse and speak my truth. The process, though challenging, was transformative, paving the way for emotional processing that was essential for both my mind and body.

Meditation emerged as a newfound ally, offering solace and peace in the midst of life’s chaos. Committing to a daily meditation practice became a cornerstone of my healing journey, unlocking a multitude of benefits that extended beyond my expectations., Once there, I was introduced to the transformative power of the sutras.

The Sutras, ancient aphorisms originating from the Vedas, became a secret weapon in my healing arsenal. Learning and practicing these short sayings led to the quieting of the internal screams—the echoes of childhood trauma—that had haunted me for years. As I delved into the world of sutras, I found a sense of completeness and profound healing. Remarkably, around the same time, my cancer went into remission, leaving medical professionals shaking their heads, and offering the typical refrain – “whatever you’re doing, just keep doing it.”

You, too, can embark on a journey to heal emotional wounds and address their physical manifestations. By turning your attention inward and actively listening to your needs, a transformative path will unfold. With diligence and intention, you can become the highest version of yourself, living in alignment with your true destiny.

If you’re ready to reclaim your power, rediscover your voice, and stand up for what you believe in, it’s time to explore new avenues, take risks, and embrace the most potent force in the universe: love.

If that’s appealing, come join me in my best-selling course, Master the Secrets of the Sutras. Drawing on now 50 years of practicing the art of energy healing, I share invaluable teachings to guide you on your journey towards healing and empowerment. It’s time to refresh your perspective, transcend the challenges, and embrace a life filled with purpose and love.


Unveiling the Sacred Mysteries of the Vedas

The Veda was the most precious gift for which the West had ever been indebted to the East.

In the 17th century, the sacred teachings of ancient India reached the West, opening a new path of wisdom for those ready to embrace it. As French philosopher Voltaire acknowledged, the Vedas became the West’s most precious gift from the East.

Translated by European scholars from Sanskrit, the language of the ancient Hindu scriptures, the Vedas stand as the world’s oldest literature. Comprising hymns, poems, and writings, these sacred texts were orally transmitted for generations before being recorded between 1500 to 1000 BCE, predating even the story of Moses.

The term ‘Veda’ in Sanskrit translates as knowledge or revelation, with authorship believed to be divinely inspired, akin to the Bible. The sages who recorded the Vedas lived and embodied the teachings, using the wisdom to connect with the Divine, the created world, and fellow beings.

Among those captivated by this ancient wisdom was American Transcendental philosopher Henry David Thoreau, who marveled at its power and beauty. Thoreau expressed, “Whenever I have read any part of the Vedas, I have felt that some unearthly and unknown light illuminated me.”

Thoreau’s sentiment captures the transformative experience the Vedas offer, containing universal truths that facilitate a profound connection to the Divine through study and practice.

Fast-forward through the centuries, and the wisdom tradition of ancient India remains relevant, offering keys to inner work that can bring about life-changing transformations.

If you’re ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth, the Vedas hold the key to unlocking your highest potential. Whether you seek healing, personal development, purpose finding, or a deeper connection to peace and abundance, this ancient wisdom tradition can guide you.

Discover the power within you, as the Vedas impart:

  1. The power to face your fear: Move beyond limitations, exercise self-love, and contribute positively to the world.
  2. The courage to open your heart: Awaken your heart-felt connection to Source, freeing yourself to accept, forgive, extend, and embrace your purpose.
  3. The presence to live in the moment: Cultivate present-moment awareness and awakened intention to unleash the Divine creative power within.
  4. The faith to accept your life purpose: Embrace your strength and creativity, focusing on what lies ahead with divinely-inspired energy.
  5. The love to feel connected: Rediscover the joy of possibility through an unbreakable connection with the Divine.

The Vedas, with their collection of transformational Sutras, form the basis of my brand-new course “Master the Secrets of the Sutras.” This course teaches the skill of connecting to Ascended Masters and Spiritual Guides beyond this realm as well as delivers the most secret of the secrets, never before revealed. If you are interested in acquiring this knowledge and skill set, click here to learn more >>>


Embarking on a New Beginning:
Navigating the Seas of Change with Archangel Michael’s Blessing

“I saw the angel in the marble and carved it until I set him free.” ~Michelangelo

Just as the great master found inspiration in freeing the angel within the stone, we, too, can draw strength and guidance from celestial beings. Imagine having a powerful ally in Archangel Michael, poised to provide divine guidance as you set sail for the new year and embark on a transformative journey.

Connecting with Archangel Michael: The Guardian of Strength and Protection

Archangel Michael, whose name means “he who is like God,” is a formidable force of protection, guidance, and strength. In moments of uncertainty, he stands ready to shield us from negative energy and infuse our being with the energy of unconditional love. Whether you are a healer, teacher, or simply seeking a source of strength, Archangel Michael is a steadfast companion on your spiritual voyage.

To connect with him, visualize his vibrant blue energy enveloping you as you meditate on your path. Seek his protection and draw upon his unwavering strength to navigate the challenges that lie ahead. In times of darkness, call upon him to channel divine love and healing to illuminate the path for yourself and those around you.

Choosing Your Divine Companion: Archangel Michael for Strength and Protection.

Just as Michelangelo chose the perfect strokes to unveil the angel within the marble, we can invoke Archangel Michael.
In your healing and teaching work, call upon him to surround you and protect you from any negative energy or darkness. To counteract the darkness, ask him to channel divine love and healing to everyone around you. Connect with him when you need a little extra strength, faith, and determination to continue your work.

In the spirit of embracing new beginnings, I invite you to a powerful guided meditation where I connect you to Archangel Michael to seek his blessing and let him guide you toward higher consciousness as we begin a brand-new cycle at the start of this new year.

Join me tomorrow, Wednesday, January 3rd at 1:00pm EST for a powerful guided meditation to embrace the new year with clarity and purpose under the wing of Michael’s blessings.


Are You a Modern Master? Explore the Spiritual Science of Ancient India

Ever wondered what it takes to truly master something? Let’s not just talk about honing a skill or learning a new hobby. We’re talking about the big stuff, like conquering your fears, developing a robust meditation practice, or refining your unique healing abilities to reach new heights of accomplishment.

Mastering these aspects of life means acquiring new knowledge, gaining control of your inner world, and exhibiting great skill in your actions and relationships. As we strive for these qualities, we’re blessed with the advancements in technology, science, medicine, and engineering that bring these goals closer than ever before.

So, now the question arises — What does it take to become a master of your spiritual life?

Seeking Spiritual Wisdom Across Ages

Over centuries, seekers have trekked to spiritual masters in pursuit of wisdom. It’s akin to the classic cartoon of a pilgrim climbing the tallest peaks to consult with the solitary Master about life’s purpose. This pursuit of spiritual wisdom is deeply ingrained in all cultures and times.

The spiritual science of ancient India, venerated in the East and rediscovered by Western icons (the Beatles in India, anyone?) in the 20th century, has witnessed a bloom in interest in yoga, meditation, and musical rituals like kirtan.

During this transformative era, I had the privilege of immersing myself in this ancient tradition in India, amplifying my abilities as a spiritual teacher and energy healer. It was an intense journey demanding time, energy, resources, and the right teachers to unravel this precious knowledge and insight.

But the payoff? Absolutely worth it.

Embrace the Spiritual Awakening

Here’s an oft-repeated truth — the frequency and pace of spiritual awakenings happening today are mind-boggling, but exhilarating! There’s never been a time in history where so many people are tapping into their innate healing abilities, embracing spiritual practices, and recognizing the immense value of this learning.

Wondering how you can join the ranks of these modern masters, faster and more effectively? Here’s how…

Master the Ancient Wisdom with Me

Join me for a deeper dive into the ancient knowledge through my course, Master the Secrets of the Sutras. Whether you’ve studied sutras previously with me, or are new to them, it’s a perfect opportunity to build, refresh, replenish, and rekindle your practice.

This wisdom tradition from India offers invaluable insights, whether you’re keen on learning how to heal yourself and others, advance on physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual planes, discover your life purpose, or simply attract more peace, joy, and abundance into your life.

These traits embody the modern master, a path you can tread with the spiritual science of ancient India.

The Path to Modern Mastery: 3 Key Steps

  1. Master Your Mind: Ancient Indian spiritual science reveals the secrets of special secret words and phrases. Once enlivened in you, they are a tool to quieten your mind, detoxify and rejuvenate your body, and strengthen your connection to the divine. Our collective connection to the Source can bring about a profound transformation on Earth.
  1. Master Your Unique Gifts: Deepen your self-awareness and understand your connection to the divine and the world around you. Understanding the spiritual science of ancient India provides resources for contributing to world healing.
  1. Master Your Heart: Learn to swap a fear-based perspective for a massive energy shift that positively affects every aspect of your life. Embrace love, compassion, and joy, and journey to a place of peace and calm, where your dreams of health, abundance, and fulfillment can materialize.

Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and visualize yourself as a master of all areas of life touched by spirituality. The growth of your spirit inevitably uplifts every aspect of your being and contributes to those around you as well. Envisage everything that you long to do, be, and give — and you’re envisioning the role of the modern master you have the potential to become.

Intrigued by this learning journey or curious about the path to modern mastery? Click here to discover more >>>


Discover Ancient Secrets From India

“The spirit sits near you, eagerly awaiting.”

For millennia, spiritual wisdom has been preserved and shared by word-of-mouth, long before the written texts of the Abrahamic traditions and philosophies of the East were recorded. Ancient wisdom took the form of sutras, brief words and phrases that carry a wealth of power. These spiritual words and phrases of insight have been collected and weaved together through time, creating a secret code of profound meaning and significance.

Originating from the Sanskrit word for ‘thread’, sutras are much like threads of thought that can be woven together to create a whole. But they’re more than that – they’re like a secret code, with the deepest of meanings condensed and compressed into a single word or phrase. These sutras are passed from teacher to student, and when truly understood and enlivened in your personal energy field, can be incredibly powerful.

But how can you tap into the spiritual power of the sutras in modern times? Well, an effective way to do so is through a practice provided by a teacher like myself. First, I make sure your mantra meditation is effective. Next, I “seed” the sutras into the fertile soil of your consciousness, allowing you to reach higher realms of Spirit and uncover the unique gifts and powers that are meant to be yours, right now, in this body, in this lifetime. Lastly, I share the most secret of the secrets, never before shared, to make your practice even more profound.

By raising your personal vibration through the practice of sutras, you can help heal the world. Patanjali, author of the Yoga Sutras, assures us that spirit and wisdom are not hidden from us – they are right beside us, waiting to be acknowledged and absorbed.

To open yourself up to the secrets of the sutras, join Deborah on her brand-new course: Master the Secrets of the Sutras. If you’ve studied sutras with Deborah before, here’s your chance to renew and recharge your practice and take it deeper, as well learn the secret meanings. This spiritual adventure of a lifetime will guide you through unlocking the mysteries of the ancient sutras, leading to a massive shift in your energy that will positively affect all aspects of your life.


What the Spiritual Science of Ancient India Can Teach Us Today

“Live each moment completely and the future will take care of itself.”
― Paramahansa Yogananda

Today, as miracles of technology are shrinking our world and bringing us closer together, the global village is growing before our eyes. Yet the challenges are growing, too, with climate change, conflict, and resource scarcity demanding more of the human heart, mind and soul than ever before.

What will it take to become worthy citizens of an enlightened future? How will people build the spiritual strength they need? Many have already discovered that the sacred wisdom of the past holds the key.

The spiritual science of ancient India has re-emerged in a modern setting with remarkable tools for navigating the path ahead!

When asked for advice by a fellow entrepreneur, tech giant Steve Jobs recommended a trip to India. As a teenager, Jobs had discovered the book Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda, master teacher from India and founder of the Self-Realization Fellowship in Los Angeles. Jobs made a trip to India during his years of developing his iconic computer company, Apple, and gained a new realization of his purpose and his future in the home of one of mankind’s earliest and richest spiritual traditions.

Jobs made a point of rereading Yogananda’s book of spiritual wisdom once every year. Those who attended the memorial service for Steve Jobs when he died in 2011 each received a copy of Autobiography of a Yogi in a plain brown box. It was a gift from the heart of the best advice for living that Jobs had ever found.

In the twentieth century, the arrival in the West of teachers like Yogananda sparked interest in the spiritual traditions of Eastern philosophy and religion. Practices like yoga and meditation opened new avenues of self-discovery, healing, and spiritual awakening, just as quantum science began to open new vistas in the study of energy and matter.

Today the healing and empowering influence of the ancient wisdom of India is spreading like a breath of fresh air into classrooms, boardrooms, homes, and meeting houses. Technology is bringing the principles of yoga and meditation, mindfulness, positive thinking, and compassion into the everyday world of everyday people.

From celebrities attending yoga classes to school boards approving daily meditation sessions for young children, the practice of mindfulness is growing in popular culture, offering a new lease on spiritual life for millions. The opportunity to embrace this ancient wisdom has come at the perfect time.

It was my great privilege to live and study in India where I discovered the power of this ancient wisdom tradition. My personal quest for knowledge and spiritual training led me to India to explore what I knew was available there. The spiritual science of ancient India holds secrets about human life and the Divine that speak to a modern world overwhelmed by the increasing pace of life, the rapid change, the flood of information, and danger on a global scale.

The message of community, life purpose, and personal connection to nature and the Divine has never been more needed. In my work today, I see a huge blossoming of interest in the study of energy healing and amazing growth in the rate of initiations into higher and higher spiritual levels. Spirit is aware that our world is in a true state of crisis, so we need as many conscious people as possible who are willing to be of service.

What is it about the spiritual science of ancient India that offers inspiration to everyone who seeks it? What does this wisdom hold for anyone today looking for personal growth, fulfillment, happiness, and purpose?

I’ve got a free webinar coming up next week which offers an opportunity to discover the ways this wisdom of the ages can help you create a richer, fuller, and more meaningful life. The pursuit of wisdom involves taking an active role in study and learning and includes these important steps:

1.  Gain knowledge about the nature of life in the context of thousands of years of tradition. Learn how to think about your life in the most honest, productive, and compassionate way.

2.  Face your emotional ebb and flow and decide in what ways your emotions are hindering or healing you. Learn to make choices that center and calm you and move you in the direction of joy, harmony, and contribution to a loving world.

3.  Make peace with uncertainty and change in the world while recognizing the unchanging space within. Strengthen your connection to the Divine.

4.  Learn to create personal well-being through self-awareness and a positive outlook. By honoring the divine gift of life, you express gratitude and radiate love and kindness that all can share.

5.  Recognize the unity of all creation. Your compassionate service helps build the common good even on the smallest level.

If you’re attracted to this kind of learning, or you’re curious to learn more about mastering your spiritual life through the wisdom traditions of ancient India, join my free webinar on Thursday, December 14th 11am PST or register to receive the replay >>>


Worried about the Flu?

Stress can make you more vulnerable.

Tips to keep your immune system hopping!

We are officially entering flu season. And without fail, each season introduces a new reason to panic (such as the recent surge in child pneumonia in China). And while we certainly hope there isn’t going to be another global pandemic, one fact remains inevitable: illness will spread this season.

But there are a few things that you can do to get through this flu season with your health intact.

The number one best preventative measure against the flu is Vitamin D, also called the sunshine vitamin. It protects you from colds and flu and works to boost your immune system. Good quality vitamin D is easily available. I take approximately 5,000 IU of Vitamin D3 a day during the cold and flu season (check with your health care practitioner to see what level is appropriate for you). Our bodies produce vitamin D when we are exposed to the sun, so getting out in the sun every day—always a great prescription—also helps. And some foods, like salmon and sardines, naturally contain vitamin D. Maintaining healthy levels of Vitamin D in your body can also protect against cancer!

Another important factor in maintaining your health and keeping your immune system in fighting mode against infection is to get enough sleep. Go to bed in a totally dark room to ensure melatonin production. Melatonin not only helps you sleep better, but is also a powerful antioxidant—more protection against the flu.

And finally, try to stay emotionally balanced. If you are living in fear of getting the flu or worrying excessively about your health (or anything else), the stress leaves you more vulnerable to infection. Do whatever works best for you to maintain balance—exercise, meditate, journal, get out in nature, do creative projects, and find the inner joy and happiness that will sustain you through the winter months ahead.


The Perfect Time to Reflect on Your Dark Side

As we enter the “dark” part of the year, with short days and long chilly nights, it’s time to look at the dark forces that we would prefer to ignore. It’s not just the ghosts and goblins of Halloween or the presence of dead relatives on the Day of the Dead that can give us the shivers.

Whether we recognize it or not, everyone has some darkness within. We store our negative feelings—jealousy, anger, bitterness, shame, hatred, insecurity (to name a few)—in our shadow side. When we don’t do the inner work of acknowledging and releasing these disturbing emotions, the shadow side can take charge and cause real problems for someone else.

Take Beth, for example. She was so excited when she got her new job, with a hefty pay increase. Soon, however, she could barely get out of bed, much less drag herself to work. I could see the problem clearly: Beth’s father, although he was outwardly proud of his daughter, was inwardly jealous of her success. He’d been laid off and was having trouble finding a job because he was “too old.” There was a psychic attachment between father and daughter—a negative “cord” that connected them. I taught Beth a powerful shamanic technique that is used to sever negative cords between people while still keeping the positive cords of love and respect. Soon Beth was happy again at work.

The dark side deals with pretty low-level energies. When you are under “attack,” you might find that you feel more tired than usual, have trouble sleeping, come down with one awful cold after another, or just feel blue and miserable. You aren’t functioning in your normal perky and organized way and can’t figure out why. Well, consciously or unconsciously, someone may have formed an intention to harm you.

Does your mother-in-law hate the fact that you stole away her darling son or daughter? That old “evil eye” she gives you is for real. Maybe your ex is still angry at you, even years after you split. Or maybe you have a “frenemy” who can’t stand the fact that you’re in a loving relationship while her marriage has fallen apart.

Most people are unconscious of 90 percent of their thoughts and feelings. Your mother-in-law probably isn’t aware of how she feels about you. Your ex may not realize he’s holding on to such anger. Your frenemy probably thinks you’re her best friend. That’s why I’m forever urging people to meditate and journal—two of the best ways to recognize what you’re really feeling so you can clear those emotions.

You always play a role in whatever happens to you; you aren’t a helpless victim. When you deal with your shadow side and process the negative feelings you have about yourself and about other people, you can transform the negative energy of a psychic attack and stay healthy, happy, and peaceful.

Don’t think psychic attack is too “out there.” It’s real, and happens all the time. However, you can learn to protect yourself from psychic attack and to clear yourself of negative energy.

Don’t be scared of the ghosts and goblins you harbor inside or the dark forces sent your way by others – you can clear them!

It’s all about being able to read your own energy, the energy of others, and gaining the skills and knowledge to heal that which needs healing.

Start your journey by joining our Level I Certification Program (which also grants you access to our private Soul Family community). Click here to take the first step >>


Three Universal Life-Enhancing Insights

In one form or another, I’ve been asked to share my accumulated insights time after time. Usually, I’ll be asked in a setting that focuses on a single topic or theme, but following are three pieces of wisdom I would gladly offer you, independent of topic or theme, because they are universal in nature and valuable to all. I know that you can benefit by incorporating them into your lives.

  1. My first piece of wisdom is “Love what you do.” Loving what you do gives life its greatest meaning. Although I may not feel like breaking into a song and dance routine every time I write a blog, empty my inbox, or travel to a speaking engagement, by focusing on the love that prompted those activities, they become consciously proactive expressions of my concern and compassion.

    And for more noteworthy tasks — your profession, longer-term goals, and the like — staying in touch with your “loving why” can help propel you past the problems and challenges that will inevitably arise as you pursue loftier goals.

Are you hiring?

One way to find out who to hire is to ask, “Why are you interested in this position?” and then listen for love, passion, and compassion.

Here’s an example.

One time I was invited to speak before a business networking group in the real estate field. After I was introduced and before I began speaking, I asked each of the members to identify their “whys” – why they had chosen to enter the field they were in, since they were all real estate entrepreneurs and had self-selected their professional endeavor.

One guy stood up and declared, in a monotonous tone, without a stitch of satire, “I sell real estate because I can make a ton of money.” It took concerted effort not to laugh!

Now, everyone chooses a career with an eye toward making a decent living. There’s no shame in that. But if income is someone’s sole motivating factor, something significant is missing, and the people they do business with will sense that. But from this introduction and the corroborating information which he provided later during the meeting, many of his more enlightened fellow networkers and I sensed that, should we retain him, we’d be getting myopic, self-serving “guidance” from this individual.

In sharp contrast, another real estate agent in the same group defined her “why” this ebullient way: “I just love helping people find the perfect property and shepherding them through the process of paperwork and prudent practices to be sure they end up with a definite happy ending!”

Guess which one got the most business? Most property seekers are looking for safety and transparency as much as they are for property. The one sallied forth every day to make money; the woman to spend her love, passion, and care helping her clients achieve cherished dreams.

So, loving what you do matters — especially to your bottom line!

  1. My second piece of wisdom is this: “You are not your thoughts, but what you do as a result of sifting and sorting through them will determine your trajectory and success in life.”

    A famous Henry Ford quote pretty much says it all: “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.” I’m referring here to your vibrational level. Higher-vibration emotions, feelings, and self-concepts — love, joy, enthusiasm, self-esteem, and the like — cause your personal energy field to vibrate at faster and higher frequencies, which significantly boosts your ability to proactively believe in and make manifest your most cherished goals. With a high energy level, you feel ready to take on the world.

At the opposite extreme, I’m sure you’ve met people who are utterly convinced that life has dealt them a lousy hand and it’s just no use trying for anything better. These unfortunate folks are saddled with debilitating vibrational frequencies, so they don’t have the power-pack working for them that higher vibration individuals do. As a sad result, their prophecies about their future will manifest in the unfortunate ways they believe they will.

Among the best ways to boost your vibrational frequencies is to focus intentionally on what you want your future to look like, and to invest your time imagining every positivity-boosting thing about it.

To realize your most cherished future, you might use affirmations, journaling, meditation, exercises, music, or some other energy/vibration-boosting technique to enhance and uplift your spirits toward your goal.

It’s crucial to remember that you are not your thoughts. Thoughts are like clouds. They can enchant you or ruin your day. Choose wisely which ones to linger on and entertain. The best ones will take you in the direction of your goals! Let the others simply and harmlessly drift on by. (If they’re invasive, say “NO!” verbally and shake your head from left to right to evict them.)

  1. My third piece of wisdom is this: Gather around you people who are heading the same direction you are. The people you surround yourself with are crucial when it comes to “leveling up” step by step on the way to your goals.

Since you’re a member of my tribe, you’re already doing some of this virtually and occasionally in person. (Perhaps at our next gathering in Malibu!) You will know you’ve found the right sojourners when their presence supports, celebrates, and uplifts you as you engage in your pursuits.

Even if you’re an introvert who needs your space on a regular basis, you have a tribe; please do reach out and join mine! We can help make your journey so much more enjoyable, and we can offer additional insights to help you thrive.

And if you are looking for personal hand-holding in figuring out your life’s path and purpose – figuring out which path to take that will resonate with you and allow you to live up to the person you were placed on this Earth to be – consider booking a private session with one of Deborah King Center’s graduate practitioners. All are incredibly well versed and experienced in the field of LifeForce Energy Healing, and can be an incredible support for you to lean on. Learn more and choose a practitioner here >>


Using Vedic Astrology to Guide our Spiritual Journey

The Karmic Wisdom of the Stars

Today, I would like to tell you about Vedic astrology. Vedic astrology is not separate from Vedic philosophy or Vedic meditation, (both of which I teach), but entwined with both. Many Bollywood celebrities believe deeply in the power of Vedic astrology, and it is threaded throughout Eastern culture and spirituality today. Teachers and sages continue to give it serious study around the world, and the line from now to the dawn of Vedic astrology can be traced back for thousands of years. 

To begin with the words of the spiritual teacher Yogananda, “Astrology is the study of man’s response to planetary stimuli. The stars have no conscious benevolence or animosity; they merely send forth positive and negative radiations. Of themselves, these do not help or harm humanity, but offer a lawful channel for the outward operation of cause-effect equilibriums which each man has set in motion in the past.” As we shall see, this is very important to understand. Because when we talk about Vedic astrology, we are also talking about karma.

Vedic astrology first emerged in India between 5,000 to 10,000 years ago. Ancient Indian astrologers looked to the stars for guidance and navigation. Jyotisha, which translates roughly as the “science of light,”  helps us understand how karma influences the present. The seven chakras of the human body correspond to the seven main planets in the Vedic system. We can draw upon Vedic astrology and its insights to guide us along our spiritual journey.

Astrology is thought of as the “eyes of the Veda.” Vedic astrology is not just about daily predictions but is integrated with meditation as a means to approach the divine. In practice, Vedic astrology is mathematically sophisticated and requires extensive study to master. Some family lines in India can track their lineage as teachers of astrology back for centuries.

Vedic astrology needs to be studied on its own terms and within the long history of Vedic philosophy. Still, it can be helpful to begin with comparisons to one’s own culture and traditions. Western astrology began in the Hellenistic period, which dates from the death of Alexander the Great in 332 B.C.E. to the start of the Roman Empire in 31 B.C.E. In other words, while not as old as the Vedic tradition, Western astrology is also really old.  Western science may frown on astrology, but it still has much to teach us if we are willing to learn.

Western astrology uses the tropical calendar, which is based on the 365 days it takes the Sun to pass from vernal equinox to vernal equinox. A tropical year is divided into 4 seasons: Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall. Western astrological charts are based on the planet’s fixed positions.

Vedic astrology, on the other hand, uses the sidereal system, which looks at changing, observable constellations. The sidereal system dates to the time of the Pharaohs in Kemet, over 7000 years ago; a little older than Western, for sure! A sidereal year is the time it takes a planet, say the Earth or Mercury, to orbit the Sun once with respect to fixed stars. In Vedic astrology, the birth chart for an individual reflects the exact position of the planets over the place of their birth, at the precise moment of their birth.

Now it starts to get very interesting. The tropical system and the sidereal system drift apart by about 1 degree every 72 years, and a sidereal year is 20 minutes longer than a tropical year. This may seem inconsequential, but it has a huge effect on the results of the two systems. Nevertheless, Western and Vedic astrology both have twelve signs, and the meanings ascribed to the signs have some similarities.

However, your sign in Vedic astrology will likely be different from what you are used to. One of my students, for example, was born on October 25. In Western astrology, she is a Scorpio (Vrishchika in Hindi). In Vedic astrology, she is a Libra (or Tula in Hindi). Vedic astrology would also point out that your rising sign is more important than your Sun sign.

This is all quite complex, which is part of the reason that some Indian universities offer degree programs in Vedic astrology. We can only consider the broad outlines of the two systems today. However, hopefully, this brief introduction to the differences between the two systems will demonstrate how distinctive Vedic philosophy is.

Before we move on, I want to say a quick word about one more astrological system. In the early 20th century, K.S. Krishnamurti, one of India’s most noteworthy astrologers, developed a system called KP Astrology. Many consider this to be a modernized version of Vedic astrology; it is, in fact, simpler to use and integrates certain aspects of Western astrology. I do not have time to go through the key differences now, but I just wanted to mention this and emphasize that we are talking here about ancient Vedic astrology, not the KP version.

In the Vedic tradition, astrology works with meditation and other devotional practices to guide us as we walk our spiritual path toward Enlightenment. Parashara Rishi, a Vedic sage, is the father of Jyotish Shastra, Vedic astrology. Parashara Rishi wrote the Vishnu Purana—the first 19 Puranas—and established the fundamental principles of Vedic astrology. Roger Gabriel, an expert in this field, puts it well when he wrote that “Jyotish helps you understand the effects of an external Universe on your life. Meditation brings you the realization that the Universe is within you; that you are the Universe.”

Vedic astrology, meditation, and ayurvedic medicine are interwoven in a holistic system that seeks balance in the mind, the body, and the spirit. Daily pop horoscopes are fun, but Vedic astrology is a serious approach to understanding cause and effect as it influences you throughout your lifetimes. All of them. Which brings us to . . . karma.

Vedic astrology as a philosophical system cannot be separated from the concepts of karma and reincarnation. A Vedic birth chart not only lifts the veil on your future; it shows you how the arrangement of the planets at the moment of your birth reflects all that has come before. In other words, it shows you your collective karma from previous incarnations. Whether positive or negative, these reverberations shape you as you continue your journey in this current body.

Karma has many layers in the Vedic system. Sanchita Karma is the accumulated karma of all your past lives, both good and bad. Pralabda Karma can be thought of as the “unfinished business” of your previous lives, which you need to confront in this lifetime. Kriyaman Karmais is the new karma you are generating, right now, every moment of every day, through our thoughts and actions. And, finally, Aagmi Karma is the karma of future birth for those of you whose journey continues into yet another lifetime. 

Let’s pause for a moment. The idea of karma can be difficult for Westerners to accept and even disturbing to some. Contemporary and secular Western values put a great emphasis on individual agency. The notion of past lives and collective karma often agitates those who believe that life should be largely under their control.

Karma, from the Western standpoint, also sometimes seems to contradict the notion of free will, which underlies everything from who we marry to our legal system. Taken simplistically, some observers may wonder if karma does not “blame the victim” and allow offenders to go “scot free.” If karma extends thousands of years and multiple lifetimes into the past, how can any of us be sure of what justice is today?

But let’s go a bit deeper. Vedic philosophy is distinct from Western philosophy. We do not want to simplify too much and the study of either of these systems requires dedication and effort. But we also do not have to put everything into a binary model of either “good” or bad.” Perhaps it is better to sit with these beliefs for a long time and resist the urge to judge. Wisdom does not happen in one day, or even one lifetime. 

So, without simplifying too much or proposing a false equivalency, let me note that the principle of “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you (Luke 6:31)” has a lovely resonance with the principle of karma. By the way, I am not the first to note this. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi—yes, the guru who instructed The Beatles in the practice of meditation—discussed this more than once, even on the Larry King Show.

My point is this: Vedic astrology does not absolve us of agency or free will. Sanchita Karma is eternal, but the other layers of karma can be changed. The birth chart maps our karma and points to areas wherein we may have challenges in this lifetime due to accumulated bad karma. But it also points to possibilities for growth and happiness. In either case, apart from our Sanchita Karma, we continue to steer the ship, within the boundaries of the planetary influences at the time of our birth.

In the slightly paraphrased words of Snei Joshi, a Vedic astrologer, “The Vedic horoscope of a person is like a businessman’s balance sheet at the beginning of every year. It represents the total debt and total credit accumulated by the soul in its past lives.” We are not absolved of the responsibility to use the wisdom of the stars in making good choices and attending to our spiritual wellbeing.

Which is why to talk of Vedic astrology is also to talk of Vedic meditation. Om is the sound of the universe at the very beginning, at a time stretching so far back into the mist that we label it eternity and try to understand. Through meditation, we can let go of our attempts to confront Enlightenment “head on,” and truly connect with that which is eternal, divine, everlasting. 

In Vedic astrology, the mantra selected by a spiritual teacher like myself resonates in your body and corresponds with the three fundamentals of life: Creation, Preservation, and Destruction. When you align your meditation practice with the insights contained in your astrological chart, you will begin to see the unity between thought and deed, action, and reaction, the past, present, and future. You will move beyond this moment to connect with all that has come before and that which will be, and finally achieve transcendence.

Now, none of this is going to happen today or tomorrow. It may not happen in many lifetimes. But the essential point is that meditation works with Vedic astrology to guide you along your unique spiritual journey. The past exerts a strong influence on what is possible in the present, but you are not a prisoner of past choices or a victim. You are not given a free pass to stumble around and chalk-up everything that happens to “karma.” Instead, drawing upon the knowledge contained in your birth chart, and devoting yourself to daily meditation and your mantra, you begin to move from darkness towards the light. If you are not yet meditating with a mantra that has been selected for you, you can do so here>>

Swami Vivekananda, the seer who we can thank for introducing the Vedas to the Western World, captures all of this in a very simple but profound way. He taught that the mind is everything. As many have said, “What we think, we become.” This is why Vedic meditation and astrology are inextricable from each other. The insights of your birth chart are not a prison sentence, but rather a way to connect the vast complexity of karma to your real, lived life. You have choices to make and work to do.

I hope that you have found this introduction to Vedic astrology helpful and encouraging. As noted, Vedic astrology is an ancient system, and we cannot master it in one session or even one lifetime. And yes, just as in the West, Vedic astrology can be used for what we might call “pop” purposes, but that is simply a byproduct of our times. Vedic astrology has enriched thought and culture immensely, been a core component of Vedic philosophy across oceans of time, and continues to be taught and used today.

Through serious study and meditation, each of us can apply this wisdom in our own lives. Vedic astrology, coupled with a devoted meditation practice, has the power to bring us that much closer to Enlightenment.

And because so many people have asked, we are going to be introducing Vedic Astrology in depth, beginning with a FREE event, which you can register for by clicking here >> 


Protecting Your Energy: 5 Actionable Steps

One of the topics I insist on covering when I’m teaching energy healing to students is the crucial necessity of protecting your personal energy field. This is because during your time on this planet, you will encounter toxic people, psychic attack, energy vampires, and global catastrophes. There is simply no way to sidestep all of it.

But there are ways to mitigate.

“What Drains Your Energy?”

Not everyone is drained of their energy by the same forces.

Introverts’ energy gets drained whenever and wherever human interaction with others occurs. No matter how intimate the connection or how fond the bond, introverts require space and distance to recoup their energy level.

Extroverts, on the other hand, are invigorated by social interactions and feel drained when they’re deprived of them for very long.

Example: The COVID social distancing protocols were embraced, by and large, by introverts because it became socially acceptable to isolate, giving them opportunities in abundance to “disappear” for the better part of two years, and recharge themselves.

But for extroverts, the exact same isolation protocols, for many, felt like an existential threat. Even with Zoom, FaceTime, and outdoor social-distanced communal activities, many extroverts’ energy levels became severely compromised, prompting them to fall into despair and depression. “Check on your friends’ and family’s mental health” became a constant theme because any change in customary routines could create tsunami-level emotional, psychological, and hormonal waves.

So, it’s important to positively identify whatever it is that is draining your energy. There are so many possibilities: certain family members (you know them – they’re experts at pushing your buttons); toxic associates (naysayers, dream stealers, curmudgeons, coworkers, bosses, Negative Neals and Nellies); psychic attack from a negative source (intentional or not); energy vampires (people who suck the energy right out of you for various reasons: codependence, neediness, fearfulness, narcissism, or some other energy-draining quality); social media (with its 24/7/365 ability to wear you out and down); mass shootings; and any of the other global crises that threaten our wellbeing (armed conflicts, climate change, regime challenges, what next)?

If you’re like me, there is more than a single source of your energy depletion, so you will need to employ several methods to restore your baseline energy level.

To be clear, most energy deficits come as a result of external negative-energy influences or internal medical or psychological/emotional challenges, not by way of direct psychic attack. Although your energy field helps to ward off external negative influences, it is not impervious; some negative energies can enter through a hole in your field. What causes a hole? Well, I’ve written entire books on that, but, the short answer is: unprocessed emotions. When your baseline energy level is restored, your personal energy field and chakra centers return to serve as illustrious defenders of your organic functions.

Among the best ways to protect yourself from negative energies is to develop habits and practices that bolster and restore your energy field on a regular basis.

You can do this in multiple ways. Here are a few of my go-to, standby favorites:

  1. Abide by the Golden Rule. Don’t expect to be protected if you engage in attacking anyone else’s energy field. The universe richly rewards those who treat others as they would like to be treated! Best Practice: Learn to keep your energy field in “neutral,” as opposed to on “push” or in “retreat.”
  1. Set boundaries for yourself and others. When you’re forced into close proximity with toxic individuals, (some interactions simply can’t be avoided), limit your exposure by setting boundaries: “We will not discuss politics.” “We will not discuss religion.” We will not bash or criticize each other’s significant other or children.” Best Practice: Set boundaries that align with your higher self.
  1. Start each day with the intention to act from the highest guidance. Begin the day by connecting to your guides, your angels, your ancestors. Best Practice: Build an altar on which to place those objects that help you focus on higher guidance and start each day with a prayer to those guides.
  1. Make a habit of clearing your energy field; employing white light to do so is often helpful. Best Practice: Spent one minute each morning after your mantra-based meditation clearing, charging, and balancing each of your seven main chakras.
  1. Get educated. If you are new to the world of energy and energy healing, join a program that will ramp up your energy healing abilities and connect you to a community of like-minded folks that will support you on your quest. Best Practice: Spend even 10 minutes a day reading/watch/listening about energy healing techniques and how they can help you protect your personal energy field.

    Consider joining our LifeForce Energy Healing Level I Certification Course. It is the first step on the way towards energy healing mastery and will be the perfect first step towards beginning that momentum. Or check out our Energy Shop to see which course is the right one to solve the specific issue you’re looking to remedy.

It’s important to take steps to protect (and enhance) your energy at all times. It is what drives your quality of life in all areas.

Animal Communication Energy Healing

Our Enlightened Friends: How and Why Animals Communicate with Us

Animal Communication Energy Healing

If you’re an animal lover like I am, you’ll have no problem embracing the notion that all animals – tame, domesticated, captive, and wild — think, react, and communicate among themselves and, more importantly, with us. Our experiences with them have confirmed this fact.

And if you know that humans are essentially spiritual beings, as I do, then it’s likely you believe, as do I, that animals are spiritual beings too. In fact, my life experiences with animals have convinced me that they are far more enlightened than we are.

Animal Communication Energy Healing

More than one animal lover has declared animals far better at offering unconditional loving-kindness and forgiveness than any human! I have often said that animals can teach us a thing or two (or two hundred) about how to live life as gracefully as possible.


Have you heard about Koko, the sign language-adept gorilla, meeting her favorite and most-watched TV celebrity, Mister Rogers, and taking off his shoes because she had seen him do that on every episode of Mister Rogers Neighborhood.

Or how about the documented cases of wild dolphins rescuing humans who have fallen overboard.

At one point, we had a dozen llamas living together with a gelded horse named Brio. One morning early, before the sun was up, Mama Llama, who had been pregnant for close to a year, gave birth. (llamas and alpacas, or camelids, have a pregnancy that averages a whopping 11.5 months) Eric and I were sleeping outside in a tent, near the blessed event, and Brio galloped over and whinnied excitedly that he had just had a baby! I guess the fact that Brio had been gelded young hadn’t daunted his desire to be a father nor was he troubled that the infant was of another species – he couldn’t have been prouder as he pranced around the field!

Animal Communication Energy Healing

And if you’ve ever had a cat, dog, horse, or some other kindred spirit in animal guise approach you because you’re in pain, to be with you to lend their support and comfort, you have all the proof you’ll ever need that our animals are proactively ministerial and compassionate guardian angels.

Animal Communication Energy Healing

One of my students, Kris, told me she had a Siamese cat named Charisma who she swore was psychic. Whenever Kris would have a truly distressing thought, the cat would run to her from outside with a loud “meow,” as if he had been summoned by her, although Kris hadn’t said a word! Kris told me she even tried faking the sensation of distress, but doing so elicited no response from Charisma. Only the real emotion worked, and it worked every time, no matter where the cat was. It was as though he had whisker-like appendages attached to his favorite person that notified him of her emotional status.

I love the song in Doctor Doolittle called Talk to the Animals. Sadly, though, a lot of people who haven’t experienced close contact with animals consider interactive communication with them whimsical, wishful thinking, or — in skeptical scientific terms —largely speculative and anthropomorphic projection.

Like many other animal lovers, I respect my pets and don’t consider myself their owner. We animal lovers realize we share the earth with all these other remarkably aware beings – beings that are so much more evolved than we are.

“Baby Cries, Caregiver Comes!”

Are you aware that cats don’t meow to each other? Meowing is an adaptation they came up with; researchers postulate that their meows are their best impression of a human baby crying. “Baby cries; caregiver comes! I will try that! Voila! Success!!!” (Two exceptions: young, still-nursing kittens will squeak out a meow-like vocalization to call their mothers back to them, and nursing mother cats will meow to notify their offspring that they’re returning or looking for them.)

Animal Communication Energy Healing

Among themselves, cats chirp, tweet, hiss, spit, purr, groom each other, and tussle. Their meows, after weaning, are for us alone. So, cats learned to speak literally eons before our scientists in the West decided to try to figure out what the rest of their vocal repertoire was all about!

Ears, Hackles, Tails & Vocalizations – How Animals Communicate

Animal Communication Energy Healing

I had so many conversations with my Dutch warmblood horse, Influence, across the years — some uproariously funny, others profound. In fact, he spoke better English than I spoke Horse!

A lot of people converse with their pets. Part whimsy, sure, but true communication, soul to soul, is occurring. You can call a beloved pet a derogatory term just for fun (one person I know calls her dog “turd butt”) but it will feel how much love you have for them. That’s because it isn’t the language you’re using that’s communicating; it’s your soul, your undamaged, loving essence.

Animals respond to what you’re actually feeling. They’re not fooled by your Oscar-worthy acting ability.

Pretending to be patient when trying to get a puppy to return to you goes over like a lead balloon. The puppy knows you’re feeling frustrated and maybe even angry, and that’s what it will respond to. It will decide whether it’s going to feel safe and ready to comply with your request.
Animals communicate verbally and non-verbally. Some of their nonverbal communications include flickering ears, wagging (or sagging or unmoving and level) tails, and a physical reaction called piloerection, which is when some of the hair on their bodies stands upright. (For humans, goosebumps are our body’s honest effort to raise our hackles.)

Being able to communicate back can have a profound impact on your life – making you a better person, allowing you to tap more fully into the healing power of your animal friends, and allowing you to return the favor of providing the healing energy they also need as living beings.

If your pets remain a mystery to you, here’s a suggestion. Put on your Keen Observer/Researcher hat. Emulate Jane Goodall as closely as possible.

Animal Communication Energy Healing

With patience and persistence, your pets — and the crows in your backyard, and the woodland and barnyard creatures that they communicate with — will become an open book to you.

This kind of sleuthing will become so much fun that you’ll find ways to do it every chance you get. And your pets and the environment will be just that much better off because of your new adventure in talking to, and with, the animals in your life.

If you are looking for a bit more guidance on how you can become a better communicator for your animal friend, how you can connect with the more deeply, and how you can better exchange healing energies to improve each others’ lives – consider accessing our Communicating with Pets and Animals course here >>