
Unveiling the Path to True Healing: The Power of Ancient Techniques

Have you ever wondered what lies beneath the surface of your everyday aches, pains, and worries? Modern science may offer a pill or a quick fix, but what if there’s something far deeper—a hidden energy that, once tapped into, could transform not just your body but your very essence?

Deborah King has spent decades exploring these ancient pathways, and now, she’s opening the door for you to embark on this journey too. Imagine a place where healing doesn’t come from outside forces but from unlocking your own inner reservoir of energy. Here’s a glimpse into a few time-honored techniques that can guide you toward a more vibrant, balanced life.

The Art of Chelation: Clearing the Pathways

Picture this: energy flowing freely, like a river unimpeded by debris. That’s the goal of chelation, a hands-on practice designed to clear the blockages that disrupt your energy flow. It’s not about treating symptoms; it’s about addressing the root cause—the energetic “gunk” that keeps you stuck. Imagine the difference when those blockages melt away, allowing vitality to surge through every cell.

Chelation is about more than just feeling better; it’s about becoming attuned to your body’s whispers, understanding what it needs, and healing from within. It’s a practice that bridges the physical and the spiritual, leaving you lighter, more aligned, and ready to embrace your true self.

Sound Healing: The Forgotten Frequency

Did you know that the ancient Greeks believed the universe was formed through sound? It’s no coincidence that certain tones have the power to penetrate the deepest layers of our being. In the practice of sound healing, the human voice is used like a tuning fork, recalibrating the chakras and restoring harmony.

What if the key to your emotional well-being was a simple tone, resonating at the perfect pitch to unblock what’s been weighing you down? By attuning to the sacred sounds Deborah teaches, you can clear energetic clutter and experience a renewed sense of peace. It’s a journey not just of hearing but of feeling, where vibrations shift the very fabric of your being.

Unwinding: Release What No Longer Serves You

Think of the unwinding technique as a gentle dance between body and spirit, a release of tightly held tensions that have been stored for years, even decades. These knots of energy often arise from old traumas, hidden deep within the muscles, the bones, the very core of your being.

Imagine slowly rotating, guided by an experienced healer, allowing your body to release what it no longer needs. It’s like unwinding an old, tightly wound spring, freeing you to move through life with ease, grace, and newfound energy. The results are often profound, leaving you lighter, freer, and more in tune with yourself.

The Power of the Pendulum: A Sacred Tool for Intuition

We all carry within us a well of intuition, but how often do we listen to it? The pendulum technique is more than a tool; it’s a compass that guides you to the truth that’s already within. As you hold the pendulum and watch it move, you’re not just reading energy—you’re aligning with it, understanding it, and using it to make informed decisions for your health and well-being.

In Deborah’s training, students learn to use the pendulum to assess chakra health, identify blockages, and restore balance. It’s not just about what the pendulum reveals; it’s about the confidence that comes from knowing you can tap into your own inner wisdom whenever you need it.

Taking the First Step: Joining the LifeForce Energy Healing® Level I Program

These techniques are not just for advanced practitioners. In fact, Deborah has made it possible for anyone—regardless of experience—to dive into these powerful healing methods through her LifeForce Energy Healing® Level I Program. This program is your gateway to exploring these ancient techniques, allowing you to start your own healing journey from the comfort of your home.

In the Level I course, you’ll not only learn the foundations of chelation, sound healing, unwinding, and pendulum work but also gain the tools to use these practices for yourself and your loved ones. Imagine having the ability to transform your energy, release what’s holding you back, and step into a life filled with clarity and purpose.

Ready to Transform?

If you’ve been feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or disconnected, this is your sign. The LifeForce Energy Healing® Level I Program is a chance to reclaim your power, heal old wounds, and start living the life you were meant to lead. It’s time to stop searching outside of yourself for answers. The answers are already within you—you just need the tools to access them.

Don’t wait. Join the thousands who have transformed their lives through Deborah’s teachings. Start your journey today and discover what’s possible when you align your energy, heal your heart, and connect with the wisdom that’s been waiting within you all along.

Explore the Level I Program here >>


Did You Miss the Sign?

I didn’t have much experience with advanced hearing, tasting, smelling, or knowing, until I had been in the healing field for some time. Then one day, out of the blue, I suddenly began to hear, taste, and sense things that other people couldn’t. Believe me, this can be a little unnerving at first! Initially, I noticed that I was hearing tones while I was working with clients and, after a while, figured out what the tone meant in that setting. Since I’ve studied music, I wasn’t surprised to find that minor tones signified illness, while major ones signified health, and eventually, I ended up doing almost all of my healing work using sound. Sometimes I will also hear a word or phrase, at other times entire sentences. During the same period, I also developed an uncanny sense of smell; I can sense the rotting odor of sickness in a person from quite a distance. And then there’s my sense of taste, which comes in handy when I “taste” a chemical or drug that someone has ingested. Last to develop for myself and, I’ve noticed, for my students, is “knowings” which are difficult to evaluate.

Most novices think they are having “knowings” but it’s really just their personality they are consulting, which isn’t a form of higher sensing. In fact, typically, it takes many years and many initiations into higher consciousness before “knowings” become available to the practitioner.

As you expand your perceptual abilities, don’t be disturbed if you begin to hear—in what may seem like the most normal circumstances—phrases or sentences in your head containing information that could be helpful to the person or situation you are contemplating.

If you want to begin developing your extrasensory capabilities on your own, simply intend to allow Spirit to work through you. The greatest obstacle is being  afraid. Over time, trust will grow as it becomes easier and easier to surrender your personal will to Divine will. And if you can study under a teacher, like myself, or one of my Grad Teachers, who can validate your sensing, that will accelerate your development in this arena, as lack of faith in your intuitive hits is usually what holds you back. Once a teacher tells you your hits are valid, you begin to trust yourself, and your gifts will open even more fully.

Another common block is the urge many people feel to be in control. The world we live in encourages the development of a strong self-identity. We like to “have it all together” so we can “take the ball and run with it” and always “come out on top.” All of this leads to a false sense of self-sufficiency and strengthens the urge to be in command. Yielding is misinterpreted as giving up, but in reality it gives us access to a far greater power than the small, egoic self. Once an individual gets a glimpse of the vast resources that come flooding in when he or she lets go of the need to maintain control, the resulting freedom can lead to a highly exalted state.

EXERCISE: No Mind Awareness

We’re all constantly receiving information from our environment, but much of it doesn’t make it into our consciousness. People would be amazed to learn how much they missed in any given scene. For one thing, we’re all on sensory overload, and each year that gets worse. If we absorbed that amount of light, sound, and vibration consciously, we’d simply blow out, so our psyche protects us. Another related problem is that, culturally, we rely too heavily on our mind. This misplaced emphasis has resulted in the loss of much of our natural ability to sense. When we learn to relax and shift into “no mind” awareness, we start to receive and experience images, impressions, and sensations that we would otherwise have missed.

The following process outlines steps to focus your awareness:

First of all, relax. Take a few deep breaths and let go of your mind. Let go of the part of you that “tries,” your perfectionist part. You’ll want to allow the right brain—the receptive, feminine, and intuitive side of you—to be present.

Next, open yourself. Take a moment to feel the ground beneath your feet, which will help open your lower three chakras. Intend to release your vertical power current, the energetic cord that runs up through your spine. Then intend to open your heart and feel compassion. Now, relax your brow area, and intend to open your third eye. Feel your scalp relax and intend to open the crown chakra at the top of your head.

Next, lift. Using your intention, imagine an elevator going up inside you, lifting your awareness through your energy field and body up toward your higher self above your head. Imagine that there is a column extending above your head, which makes it easier for the elevator to lift. Let the earth energy—pushing upward from the center of the earth—come through the minor chakras in the soles of your feet, through the legs, and then up through your first chakra at the base of your spine to help propel your awareness skyward.

Finally, connect by consciously and intentionally forming a triangle between your heart, your third eye, and the person or thing being observed. Still using your intention, expand that triangle by moving the point at the third eye up to include your higher self; picture it as the eighth chakra about three feet or so above your head. Now you’re ready to observe that person (with permission, of course), place, or thing, and get information. Allow all of your senses and feelings to receive, and allow your inner ear to hear vibrational tones.

With practice, you will be able to hone your awareness and innate perceptive abilities, and more readily observe, listen, and receive.

Do you currently feel like you are getting a sign to explore your spiritual evolution further? That your personal transformation can use a guiding hand and that you are ready to ascend to the next level of your life?

Perhaps that you are reading this blog today is Spirit giving you a sign.

And maybe the guiding hand you need is waiting for you within our year-long Level IV Master-in-Training program. It is a full year of learning, healing, connecting, and transformation. It is also the only program where you can work with Deborah directly to shortcut your way into becoming the person you were meant to be.

Listen to the voice if it is speaking to you. Learn more about this life-changing program by clicking here >>


4 Healing Practices to Ground Your Base Chakra & Thrive in Uncertain Times

Whether it’s the global pandemic, racial injustice, or personal challenges you’re dealing with, fear can seep into your energetic system and wreak havoc.

With all that we’re experiencing, around the world and especially in the US right now, it’s hard to know what’s coming next — and that uncertainty can feel like walking blindfolded toward the edge of a cliff. Many people are struggling financially too.

If you know about your first chakra — also called the base chakra or the root chakra — you know that it’s the power center that deals with security and survival…

What you might not know is that the Earth has a chakra system too, and her base chakra is deeply off balance in all this upheaval.

People are feeling this profound disruption in themselves and the Earth whether they know it or not. Feelings of anxiety and being on edge are easy to blame on the nearest little thing, but in fact you’re absorbing the energy of everyone and everything on the planet, and everyone in every country is deeply anxious right now.

From jobs and health to finances, family, and groups we care about — these are all base chakra survival issues. So are disruptions in the Earth — tropical storms, wildfires, you name it.

The good news — and we REALLY need good news, right? — is that you can release fear and anxiety from your base chakra and replace it with useful energy… and stop fear from taking hold in your power centers and energy field.

You can also send healing energy right into Mother Earth. And when you do this, the positive effects reverberate, which can help ease the tumult that’s running rampant on our planet.

A quick word about fear: To some degree, fear is necessary to life on this physical plane. Fear can keep you safe from threats — whether it’s heights, snakes, water, or any kind of injury. Your ancestors relied on fright as a warning system to protect them from falling off a cliff, getting bitten by a poisonous reptile, drowning in a river, or being hurt by someone or something. Your brain continues to use thousands of years of programmed fear to shield your body from harm.

But what happens when you live in fear every day? All day? Fear of a world seeming to fall apart, fear of loneliness, fear of failure — these fears can burrow into your psyche and prevent you from helping to advance humanity or live a meaningful life full of positive relationships and experiences. These fears can damage your chances — and humanity’s chances, and the planet’s chances — of living in light and love, so let’s get some relief! It’s long past due.

The power of your base chakra for releasing unproductive fear.

Fear’s primal place to live is in your first chakra. This base chakra is located at the base of your spine and it’s connected to your security and survival. It’s your foundation, and it has the power to ground and connect you to the physical world. But when it’s unbalanced, you might not feel safe in your body or your place in the world. You might not feel grounded or present. You might find yourself stressed, to say the least.

Childhood traumas can stay stuck in your base chakra until you discover strategies to release them. Fear of illness, global calamity, brutality — the things we’re seeing in our world today — combined with personal fears about safety, security, and stability can disrupt or distort the free flow of energy in your base chakra.

Here are 4 Healing Practices to Help You Clear Blocks in Your Base Chakra — and the Earth’s Base Chakra:

  1. Do a Grounding Meditation

    When you’re ungrounded, you’re vulnerable to fear’s draining energy and you can get blocked. Fear walks right through those open doors of stress and strain and settles in your mind and body. Meditation is one of the best ways to ground yourself so you can keep those doors closed to fear and open to love.Meditate every day, and your fears — along with those fear-in-disguise feelings like anxiety and hopelessness — will start to subside.

    Start by sitting with your eyes closed — either in the traditional lotus position on the floor, or with your feet planted on the ground as you recline in a chair. Keep your hands on your knees — this in itself is very grounding.

    Focus on your base chakra, right at the base of your spine, and see a red cord from it planting itself firmly in the ground.

    As your cord drops down, visualize the energy of the Earth’s base chakra radiating in every direction and spinning rhythmically as it glows with ruby-red light. This base chakra of the Earth is usually thought to be located at Mount Shasta in Northern California, which Native American tribes considered to be a geyser of upward energy.

Watch its radiating energy spread up through your grounding cord and into your physical body. Breathe deeply as you absorb the strength that the Earth always holds for you. Like the most resourced mother, the Earth always has the capacity to hold and nourish you — as she replenishes herself with infinite love and a profound connection to the whole of the universe.

It’s now time to visualize this energy saturating the entire planet and flooding your own base chakra with life. As you visualize this vibrant red energy,, observe how its healing flow flushes away fear, old systems and ways of life that need to be released, negative thoughts and patterns, and stale energy. Watch stuckness release from your body and the Earth’s body — into a vacuum of light, where it’s being transmuted into golden love.

Now visualize the Earth’s base chakra as a red flower. Watch that flower bloom. Visualize its radiant energy travelling up your grounding cord until your own red flower blossoms at the base of your spine. Try to spend about 5 minutes visualizing the flowers spinning and radiating stability, comfort, and safety. Watch fear, negativity, and everything you and we don’t need fall away.

After a few minutes, rest your hands on your heart chakra and feel the corners of your mouth raise as you smile with a sense of security that you and the Earth are well.

  1. Work with affirmations

    Affirmations are powerful chakra-balancing tools. Consciously repeating positive declarations while focusing on your base chakra helps you cement its natural power to ground you and make you safe..Affirmations also have the added benefit of rewiring your brain. Chronic negative thoughts (“This world is insane — we’ll never have equality,” “The virus is still rampant — it’ll never go away,” etc.) are not only symptoms of an unbalanced base chakra, they can also add to stress and blockages. Productive affirmations help you more easily replace fear-focused thoughts with love-focused thoughts.To use the following affirmation, meditate on your base chakra, and either out loud or in your mind, repeat the words:

    I am safe, secure, and deeply rooted to the world. I belong here.

    Repeating this affirmation throughout the day will help you feel protected and secure. Write it down and post it on your mirror, refrigerator, or dashboard. Another idea is to set reminders on your phone to repeat the affirmation every couple hours. You can even write it down on a slip of paper you tuck under your pillow at night. Let its power seep into your sleep and dreams. After all, your sleep connects you to Spirit, which, like the Earth, is always there to nourish you.
  1. Play With Color

    A simple way to restore your base chakra’s balance is to use color. Red is the color of your first chakra, so wear more red. Incorporate ruby hues into your home environment — get a red lampshade, pull out that red blanket for a cozy nap, or paint your living room a warm, deep red. Wear a garnet ring, a coral necklace, write with a burgundy pen. Sprinkle rose petals in your bath water, paint your nails the color of red wine, try a bright red lipstick, trade in your yellow tea kettle for a red one. The important thing is to consciously work with the red items you choose, linking them with your base chakra. To do this, just repeat the affirmation to seal the connection.
  1. Eat Healing Base-Chakra Foods

    Since your base chakra is all about grounding you to the Earth, adding root vegetables to your diet can help strengthen your connection to the physical world. For an easy, delicious grounding meal, try roasting any of the following with salt and olive oil: beets, rutabagas, potatoes, garlic, ginger, turnips, onions, parsnips. If you eat meat, earthy stews and bone broths can be very nourishing for your base chakra. Don’t forget about grains like oats, mineral drops from the Great Salt Lake or elsewhere, red fruits like berries, or spices like paprika for extra flavor and rich, red goodness.Again, think of sending nourishment to your base chakra as you eat the healing foods. Perhaps include the affirmation in your prayers, thanking Mother Earth for sustenance. This will infuse the foods even more with nurturance for your base, filling you with a greater ability to thrive even in these times of tremendous transformation.

Feeling Rooted, Firm, and Secure in the World Is Your Birthright.

Always remember that it’s natural for your base chakra and ALL your chakras to be in a state of balance. It can take a short time or a while to restore that natural balance — depending on a lot of factors. No matter what, you deserve to experience the safety, security, vitality, and JOY that comes from practicing these exercises. As you spend more time grounding yourself in your base chakra and that of the Earth, you’ll begin to develop a deeper feeling of security on this beautiful planet that’s been troubled for a long time, but is rife with potential.

Your root base chakra is only the beginning of your journey. And these practices are only a tiny taste of the actions you can take in order to change the course of your life. As you go on your healing journey, you can find yourself uncovering your life’s true purpose. But it takes work. And that work is best done in a community of like-minded healers and seekers.

If you want to take your healing journey seriously, consider our Master-in-Training program. It is a year-long program that fast-tracks your transformation. Shed past traumas. Discover your true purpose. Step into the person you were meant to be. All while joining a powerful community led by Deborah herself.

Doors are now open. Click here to learn more about the program >>


Connecting with Your Earth Star: Grounding for Spiritual Growth

Here we are, gathered in our love for our home, this beautiful planet Earth. Often, we find ourselves lost in thoughts about our daily tasks, personal struggles, or feelings of inadequacy. Today, let’s shift our awareness from ourselves to our Mother, the Earth, and recognize what she needs from us. It’s time to thank her for all she provides and offer ourselves as helpers in the great task of healing the world.

Sit quietly and connect to the nature around you. Can you hear the wind rustling the leaves outside your window? Do you smell the flowers on your altar? Can you feel your cat curled up beside you? Notice the sounds and sensations around you.

Now, turn your attention inward, to your center, to your heart chakra. Breathe gently in and out of your heart. Rest here as you start your journey deep into the earth.

Long ago, ancient peoples lived in harmony with the earth. They knew that Earth was a living, breathing being, just like them. There was no separation between the sacred and the secular; all life and creation were sacred. But over time, especially during the industrial revolution, we began treating Earth badly—polluting her soil, waters, and air, and exploiting her resources.

Breathe in the sorrow of what we have done to Earth. Connect to her suffering. Feel her pain.

In Judaism, there’s a concept called tikkun olam, which means “repairing the world.” According to the mystical tradition of the Kabbalah, God made the world but left it incomplete. Humans were meant to finish the creation, but instead, they sought to exploit every resource. This made the work of tikkun much harder. Every human being is called to help heal and restore the soul of the world.

To repair the world, we first need to repair our consciousness, to see the world and each other as Source intended. Breathe in a strong intention to be of service in helping to repair the world.

How can we help repair the world if we are not firmly grounded on the earth? Often in meditation, we focus upward to commune with Spirit, raising our energy out through the crown of the head. Today, we will travel in the other direction. It’s in the lower chakras, the feet, and below, where we need to connect with Earth’s energy.

The Earth Star chakra, located about 12-18 inches below our feet, is our key connection to Earth’s energy. Through this chakra, we put down roots into the earth’s core. This is the doorway that allows us to receive energy from the Earth and be supported by it.

The chakras in the soles of each foot allow energy to flow in and out. Visualize a cord of energy, like the roots of a tree, going down from the bottom of your feet and connecting to your Earth Star.

Feel your connection to the earth. Ground your energy by plugging into the Earth Star. Go deep below the crust of the earth, into the core, beneath the shifting tectonic plates, and the floor of the mighty oceans.

Ask Mother Earth to help you stay grounded and stable. Talk to her. Thank her. Honor her. Promise to help her by remembering to water your plants, hug trees, and listen to the messages she sends through the natural world. Remember this space, and tune into it whenever you feel ungrounded, flighty, or too much in your head.

Go into the darkness of the earth, its rich, nourishing soil, to reconnect with the parts of yourself you have tried to hide. Bow low before the powerful dark energies you have split off from. Now that your roots are planted in this nourishing earth, now that you are stable in your grounding, you can acknowledge what you have tried to hide, ignore, or pretend isn’t part of who you are.

You are light and dark, yin and yang, earth and sky, male and female. You are one with it all. There is only One. You are whole and holy. From this place of Oneness, you are now ready to repair the world.

May every day be a day to honor the Earth.

If you are interested in discovering the current state of your chakras, we have developed an absolutely free guide for you to help do just that. You can download this printable chakra chart by clicking here >>


Spring Equinox: 7 Methods to Clear Your Chakras

As the last snow of the winter season disappears from the ground and green stems start to push through the soil that has protected them from the harsh elements, the cycle of life begins again with the annual spring equinox. During the spring equinox, the plane of the Earth’s equator passes through the center of the Sun, resulting in the day and night being equal in duration — an astrological event of absolute balance.

The spring equinox is a time of rebirth for all life on our planet: plants sprout from the ground and colorful flowers bloom; animals emerge from hibernation to mate and give birth to new generations; and birds migrate north for nesting and nourishment opportunities. As winter places us in a life of darkness, the spring equinox is a time of joyful celebration as all life on Earth receives an extra dose of nourishing sunlight.

When the day and night are in equal balance, it’s no surprise that your body, mind, and spirit feel naturally energized (probably more so than you have at any time during the dark winter months). You may already have plans to spring clean your home — changing the batteries in your smoke detector, donating accumulated items that you do not use to goodwill, and cleaning behind the refrigerator — so, what better time to take stock of your spiritual house and do a bit of spring cleaning. Just like your physical home, the debris of everyday life can accumulate and cause clutter in your energy field; use the natural energy boost that the spring equinox gives you to clear away stagnant energy in your chakras and ensure you start the cycle of rebirth both healthy and happy.

The annual spring equinox: a time of balance, rebirth, and rejuvenation

March 19th marks the vernal equinox and official first day of spring, and the weeks before and after this significant date are a time of balance, rebirth, and rejuvenation.

Equinoxes happen twice a year (in the spring and fall), giving you the opportunity to use the natural balance of solar-lunar energies to achieve balance in your own life. Working in alignment with nature’s vibrations boosts your spiritual efforts, and this time of reawakening is ripe for clearing and balancing your chakras and energy field. Harness this power of renewal to purge the unnecessary from your energetic closets and vacuum up any emotional residue. It’s time to spring clean your soul!

Clearing your chakras = cleaning debris out of your pipes

Your chakras are invisible (but vital!) energy centers that are designed to move energy between your personal field and the universal field, and, when spinning correctly and unencumbered, these chakras are the means by which you replenish your energy and restore your health. If you’ve been studying energy medicine with me, you know that your body is made from your energy field — and that anything that goes on (or in) your energy field has a direct impact on your body. So, if your chakras are blocked, energy is unable to flow freely in your field; eventually, the clog will result in physical symptoms, which can be anything from headaches to chronic disease.

One way to visualize your energy flow is to think about it in terms of the water pipes in your home (your energy = water / your chakras = pipes). Just like your chakras, if there is a clog somewhere in your home’s pipes, there will be water back-up…which eventually has to go somewhere and will likely cause damage to the pipes and structures around it. Just like that water, your energy has to go somewhere…and keeping your chakras clear and your energy flowing is the best way to keep your body from experiencing injury or illness as a result of clogged pipes.

Clear away old traumas and release built-up emotions

So, how can you keep your chakras clear?

Clogs and blockages in your chakras are caused by traumas that aren’t fully released or emotional build-up (that can be two days, two months, two years, or two decades old). And just as it’s never too late to tackle the often overlooked places in your house (like the chimney or under the couch cushions) that can go years without a thorough clean-up, it’s never too late to clear out old traumas with energy healing. Every bit of work you do toward improving the flow of energy in your field and body is going to make you feel better.

There are activities that will do a general job of clearing negativity from your field, like meditation, but there are also targeted methods for balancing each of your seven main chakras. To find out which of your chakras is dysfunctional, you can work with a spiritual teacher or energy healer, or have a friend check your chakras with a pendulum.

Energy healing methods to clear and balance your chakras for the spring equinox:

Together, your chakras govern all areas of your life: relationships, weight loss, stress, career, self-esteem, love, spiritual progress, and everything else. When they are in balance, you are in balance, and your whole being is lighter, freer, healthier, and happier. So take advantage of the days getting longer and the blossoming of nature this spring, and rejuvenate your soul with the clearing, charging, and balancing of your chakras.

Your first chakra is all about security and feeling safe in your environment. To ground yourself and strengthen your connection to Mother Earth, try walking barefoot in freshly grown grass or on a sandy beach.

Your second chakra governs how you experience pleasure, and a common issue for this chakra is shame. Water has cleansing and healing properties, so immerse yourself in water for 20 minutes — in the ocean or a clearing bath with sea salt and baking soda.

The third chakra is where your will and self-esteem resides, and physical movement, especially outside in the early morning sun or in the evening before sunset, really recharges this chakra.

Your fourth chakra is the heart chakra, and when it’s open, you can give and receive love easily and in a healthy way. Practicing love with a pet who loves unconditionally is a great way to heal your heart and become open to trusting love again.

The fifth chakra is about speaking your truth, choosing to express the real you. Journaling with total honesty can clear and charge this chakra—and help process old traumas. Journaling is a major part of energy medicine and is incredibly freeing!

Your sixth chakra, the “third eye,” is where your higher intellect and clarity of vision reside. Daily meditation—another essential part of energy healing—helps to awaken this chakra so you can increase your intuition and inner wisdom.

An open seventh chakra can be attained through meditation and prayer since the crown chakra is what connects you to spirit. Here you can ask your higher self for guidance.

Interested in learning more about your 7 chakras?

Download your printable Chakra Wisdom Chart PDF today (it’s free!).

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The chakras you didn’t know about (and their locations on Earth)

The Earth Has Multiple Powerful Energetic Vortices. Here Are Seven That Serve As Its Chakras.

You undoubtedly know a lot about your own energy centers, the chakras, but have you ever thought about the Earth as having energetic vortices as well? As we slowly transit out of the Piscean Age and enter the Aquarian Age, we should regard the Earth as a sacred living being instead of as a battleground for the endless wars of humanity. One way to see the planet’s sacredness is to delve into the mystery of its highly-charged chakras.

The first chakra is Mt. Shasta, in northern California at the southern end of the Cascade Mountains. Shasta is the primal chakra of the world’s energy system. It is here that the universal life force is gathered before being formed into you and me and every living thing on earth. Mt. Shasta is like a geyser, spouting a huge uprush of prana into global circulation before it is embodied in various forms, just like the kundalini energy surges upward.

The second chakra of the Earth is centered on the Island of the Sun in Lake Titicaca, high in the Andes Mountains. Here positive life forms are “birthed”—evolutionary advancements that will take us into the future. The raw material of Mt. Shasta is structured in new ways by the Lake Titicaca chakra. The great circle of the second Earth chakra also includes Cusco and Machu Picchu. How does the undifferentiated life force get from Mt. Shasta to Lake Titicaca? It travels an energetic current, called the Plumed Serpent (found in many myths from South America), which is one of the two great ley lines on the planet. (ley lines are mystical alignments of landforms)

For the third chakra we go to Uluru and Kata Tjuta—twin sites in Australia’s Northern Territory. You may know Uluru as Ayers Rock, the former name used to describe the huge red monolith. Kata Tjuta has many large red stones rather than just one. Here, the solar plexus of the globe functions to keep up the Earth’s vitality and that of all the species on the planet. The Rainbow Serpent, that great ley artery, comes up from beneath the Earth to emerge at Uluru, which then “sings” a special songline that moves on to Kata Tjuta. In Dreamtime legends of the Aborigines, it is said that this umbilical cord of the planet will one day unite heaven and earth.

Making the leap to the fourth chakra, the “heart” of the Earth is at Glastonbury, Somerset, and Shaftesbury, Dorset. The Rainbow Serpent sweeps through the sacred sites there, such as the Tor at Glastonbury and the Avebury Stone Circle. Glastonbury is famed as the center of the Holy Grail, while Shaftesbury holds the Sacred Spear of Purpose. When these two massive earth energies merge, the Rainbow Serpent will be able to carry the Holy Grail frequency around the world. Interestingly, this is where there are so many sightings of crop circles that have magnetic abnormalities. Here is where we can open our hearts and help to heal the earth.

The fifth chakra, in the Middle East, is the throat’s energy center, where the voice of the Earth is coming forth. It is the only chakra that is not along a ley line, but it is in the exact center of the Earth’s land mass. The turmoil in the Middle East is trying to tell us something, but it seems like no one is listening to the “cries of the mother” as the planet calls for help. Mt. Sinai is the center of the three sites that define the Earth’s throat chakra in between the Great Pyramid of Egypt and the Mount of Olives. Here is where a planetary “New Jerusalem” can be the eternal home of all faiths and cultures living in peace.

What about the planet’s “third eye?” The sixth chakra of Earth moves west, a twelfth of the way around the world, at the dawn of each new aeon. These days, the sixth chakra is located in western Europe, conjunct with the heart chakra. This Aeon Activation Center will next be in Brazil. In the same way as your pineal gland opens portals that let higher dimension energies enter you, so does this chakra of the earth.

Mt. Kailash, the “roof of the world,” is the most sacred of the Himalayan mountains and represents the seventh chakra, the crown of creation. Mt. Kailash connects the earth with its spiritual destiny just the way your crown chakra connects you with Divine Will.

It is said that there is a Lost Chord of Creation. In terms of the earth chakras, Mt. Kailash sounds the note of praise of the sacred; the heart center of the world sounds the note of love, and Uluru and Kata Tjuta sing of thanksgiving. When these three notes are combined into one force, the world will be regenerated!

Now that you’ve learned about the energy vortexes that represent the Earth’s chakras, you may be interested in reading, clearing, balancing, and charging your own personal chakras for healing. You could start by exploring our Chakra Wisdom course. And if you’d like to begin your journey toward energy healing (including the higher chakras), consider beginning with our Level I LifeForce Energy Healing Certification course. If you think you’re ready for more advanced and individual training and healing, check out our Level IV LifeForce Energy Healing Certification course. Either way, we’d love to see you here!


5 Things You Need to Know About Your 8th Chakra

You probably already know a bit about the seven chakras that are focal points of energy on your body. But did you also know that there are more than a dozen more chakras beyond these seven? No kidding! These higher or spiritual chakras are the links between your personality and your higher self, and when activated, allow you to access to an expanded universe, increase your spiritual awareness and compassion, and free yourself from the weight of karmic residue.

Ideally, your chakras are open, moving energy in and out between your personal energy field and the larger unified field. With proper self-care and maintenance, you can keep your energy flowing and prevent your chakras from becoming blocked by emotional baggage. Journaling, meditation, and working with an energy healer are all good ways to keep these energy centers clear and open, so you can move on to opening the spiritual chakras.

The first spiritual chakra is located approximately two feet above your head. If you’ve ever seen paintings depicting holy figures with circles of golden light around their heads, you’ve seen a visual representation of the love and light that flows from activated higher energy centers. But this glow is not only available to holy men. Here are the five most important things to know about what activating your 8th chakra can do to help you live a truer,

  1. Connect to Your Higher Self

    Your 8th chakra is the doorway between your immortal soul and your earth-bound personality. When I teach students how to activate their 8th chakra, I teach them an exercise that leads to a meeting with their higher selves. If you’ve done the requisite self-work—through meditation or energy healing or other methods—you should be able to talk to your higher self and ask her the questions you most want answered. Your higher self can give you access to the Akashic records, help you find your true life purpose, and remind you that you are a perfect being made of love and light. Opening your 8th chakra and stepping through the veil that separates your earthly self from your eternal soul will open your eyes to the vast space beyond physical plane boundaries.

  1. Clear Your Karmic Residue

    Karmic residue sounds pretty gross, and it lives up to its name. It’s the leftover karmic energy that builds-up after lifetimes of clinging to the same patterns. These tired and worn-out routines keep you rooted to this planet. Since your 8th chakra is the gate that leads to the divine, it is the last chakra that holds the human information that is not needed or desired in the expanded universe of an opened 8th chakra. Residual energy sticks around, waiting for you to clear it out once and for all before you move on to connect with your higher self and beyond. Activating your 8th chakra can help you shed those patterns that keep you reincarnating and are not useful any more, release that icky karmic residue, and connect with the greater spiritual universe that starts with your higher self.
  1. Uncover Spiritual Gifts

    As your connection to the greater spiritual community grows with an activated 8th chakra, your awareness expands, and you may find that you develop new abilities. Perhaps you’ve always been intuitive, but with an open 8th chakra, you’ll discover your powers of intuition increasing. Other latent talents may reveal themselves as you continue to widen your 8th chakra, including astral travel, telepathy, clairvoyance, and even energy healing. At first, these new capabilities may seem overwhelming, but please don’t worry! Your higher self would never bestow these gifts upon you unless you were ready. Taking healing courses or other spiritual workshops, and working with an energy healer or other type of spiritual teacher can help you control, manage, and develop your newfound abilities.
  1. Learn Your Soul’s Purpose
    The 8th chakra is like the record room for your soul’s contract, which is another way of saying your life purpose. Your soul enters this world with a goal, which has to do with learning lessons in order to evolve. Your soul’s purpose is always clear to your higher self, but may not be as obvious to your personality once it incarnates onto the physical plane. It takes the activation of the 8th chakra to get in touch with your higher self enough to be let into that record room for a glimpse at your soul contract.

    After your 8th chakra is activated and open, don’t be surprised if you begin to feel like you need to shift your focus, especially if you have spent years ignoring your true passion. That nagging voice that tells you to follow your true path is really your higher self offering guidance, nudging you to get to work on whatever your soul is meant to do while in this body at this time.
  1. Experience Divine Love and Spiritual Compassion

    When you start to understand that you are truly a soul living temporarily in a physical body rather than a body with a soul, your capacity for deep compassion and divine love begins to blossom. As the 8th chakra expands and this knowledge is fully absorbed, you become more spiritually compassionate because you now know that everyone else is on the same journey. Each soul plays its own important role in the interconnected community we’re all a part of, and by activating your 8th chakra and peeking at that huge spiritual tapestry, you experience true unity, which is followed by unconditional love from the Divine. Once you feel the power of divine love, you will reflect that love in your actions and it will spread like ripples in a pond. Imagine what the world could be like if everyone had golden halos from their open 8th chakras beaming love and compassion. It starts with you.

If you’d like to learn more about your 8th Chakra, watch this video. You’ll also want to check out my Secrets of Chakra Wisdom course, an on-demand course you can move through at your own pace.


Hara line: The blueprints of your life’s purpose

You, my friend, have been born countless times. And you will continue to be born countless times. Each time you arrive on Earth, you are here to learn deeply personal lessons that will help you on your path to enlightenment.

Whether you choose to learn some or all or none of those lessons is entirely up to you. That is your freewill.

But where do those lessons come from? Who plans out these lessons? You do! Between reincarnations, your souls plot out your lessons and hopes for your life, imbuing them into your Hara line, for when you make the great trip back to Earth.

But sometimes it’s difficult to see that blueprint, isn’t it? It’s not like you have a physical checklist of your lessons that you need to walk through. Instead, it’s imbued into your energy field, and tapping into that energy field isn’t necessarily easy to do.

That’s what I want to teach about today. Today, I’d like to teach you about the Hara line, and how you can align it to ensure you’re accessing your life’s purpose.

The Hara line is an invisible line that runs through your body, just one level energetically below your human energy field. It starts down near the base of your spine, around 2 inches from your navel, and runs in tandem along with your spine upward to the top of your head, reaching higher and further into Source.

It’s parallel to your chakras, but at a level deeper. This deeper level is all about intentionality and purpose, as opposed to the chakras, which control your physical and spiritual health.

When your Hara line is in alignment, you have a direct connection to Source, allowing you to seamlessly ascertain your higher purpose – those blueprints that your soul worked so hard on in between your reincarnations.

So, if you’re feeling confused, if you don’t know what your purpose is, if you’ve been asking, “what do I need to do with my life?” — you may have a distortion in your Hara line.

If you’re feeling stuck, or unable to comprehend the reason that you’ve been placed on this Earth, then I encourage you to watch this video. Everyone has a purpose. Everyone has a reason for being here. Realigning your Hara lines allows you to understand that purpose. Understanding is a gift, one that will fill you with renewed happiness and fulfillment.

So, let’s straighten out that Hara line. Follow along with me in this brief video where I show you a simple way to align your Hara line, allowing you to access that amazing source of purpose.

Join me now

If aligning your Hara line proved positive for you, then I encourage you to join me at our Open House where you can get an unprecedented look behind the scenes of my LifeForce Energy Healing advanced program. Our Open House will help connect you with fellow healers, learners, and your higher self – presenting you with sacred insight and wisdom that I know you’ll want to receive.

Join our Open House. Wednesday, June 14th, 2023 at 2pm Pacific.

Hope to see you there!

Higher Chakras

3 Things You Didn’t Know Your Higher Chakras Could Do

Higher Chakras

Over the years there has been a lot of information published about chakras. Often you’ll find that even people who aren’t actively pursuing a spiritual path have heard the term chakra, and may even be able to tell you where one is—a vast shift in awareness since I started studying energy healing three decades ago! Now, the seven major chakras are fairly mainstream.

But what do you know about the higher chakras? Though the higher chakras are much less talked about, they are just as important. In fact, they are essential for connecting you to the vastness of the universe and meeting your higher self.

You Have to Crawl Before You Can Walk

Higher Chakras

Before we can discuss the higher chakras, which are the conduits to higher realms, we must first address your seven main chakras, which are your roots. Just like any tree needs a solid base from which to grow its branches into the sky, you need a strong foundation in your lower chakras before you can reach the stars through the higher chakras.

Your seven bodily chakras, which start with your root chakra at the base of your spine and move up along your spinal cord until reaching the seventh chakra at the top of your head, each govern different aspects of your life here on the physical plane. This includes the way you see yourself, how you perceive and interact with other people, and your larger ideas about the world and your place within it. Pretty important stuff!

When in good health, the seven chakras spin gently in the correct direction. This allows the chakras to move energy in and out between your field and the unified field beyond, replenishing your personal field and maintaining your health.

As Routine as Brushing Your Teeth

When your energy field isn’t healthy, your body isn’t healthy, so if you feel your chakras could use some cleansing and recharging from energy medicine—and, honestly, whose couldn’t?—consider attending energy healing courses or workshops. If your chakras need a jumpstart, an energy healer can sense where there are blockages and remove them. An experienced energy healer will also be able to open and charge your higher chakras.

While you’re waiting to work with an energy healer or spiritual teacher, keep up a daily practice of meditation, journaling, and staying grounded in nature, all of which go a long way toward clearing the imbalances in your energy field. It may help to schedule meditation and other energy-clearing activities until they become as routine as showering and brushing your teeth.

These practices help to free up emotional baggage that can slow your spiritual progress, and make it easier to connect to the higher chakras and reach the higher levels of consciousness that await you.

Higher Chakras

Going Up, Up, Up

Each chakra has its own color and vibrational tone, and as you move up the chakras, the vibrations increase. In the higher chakras, the tones begin to sound heavenly, like angels singing, and it is just gorgeous and uplifting to hear.

Here are 3 more things you may not have known about the incredibly powerful higher chakras:

1. Higher chakras can lead you to your higher self.

The first of the spiritual chakras is the eighth chakra. This chakra is the passageway that connects your personality in this body, in this lifetime, with your immortal soul, the part of you not confined by physicality that spans many bodies and lifetimes.

Higher Chakras

When you journey to the eighth chakra and beyond, you will be able to meet with your higher self, provided you have done the requisite self-work through energy healing, meditation, or other means. Your higher self is a perfect being made of light and love—it’s you, the ideal version of you— and she can offer guidance no one else can.

Your higher self also has access to the Akashic records, which contain all knowledge, and can answer questions your conscious mind doesn’t know the answers to—past, present, or future.

2. Higher chakras can reveal your life’s purpose.

The higher chakras contain the best parts of yourself, the qualities you came into this body and this life to manifest. When you activate the higher chakras, you can download those qualities and that energy and absorb them into your being. This allows you to act from a place of spiritual truth, in alignment with your soul.

The higher chakras, particularly the eighth, hold the record of your soul contract—the plan your soul set in place before you incarnated, or, your life purpose. You must learn specific lessons in this life in order to evolve, and while your higher self never forgets what those lessons are, your personality can. When you begin to reach the higher spiritual chakras, you are able to get in touch with your higher self and check out the blueprints you made for this life.

3. Higher chakras allow you to experience divine love.

Students often ask what the higher chakras are like, and it becomes difficult to describe because they are experiential planes, not intellectual. I can say that by the tenth chakra you start to feel ungrounded, like you’re floating above your body, so you’ll want to be sure to only go this high when led by a spiritual teacher or energy healer. If you can join me for one of my meditations where I take you to the higher chakras, I promise it will be an experience you won’t forget.

Higher Chakras

But the greatest gift that reaching higher chakras provides is the experience of Divine love. The perception you have of being a separate being, alone, will begin to crumble as your consciousness expands and you become aware of just how immeasurably large this universe—and therefore the universal field you’re connected to—is.

Cosmic love will change you down to your core. The effects of understanding that you are part of the interconnected world and knowing that you are loved unconditionally will make you more compassionate and loving towards others, and the Divine love will radiate like ripples, spreading through you and out into the world.

If learning to attain states of higher consciousness is of interest to you, then you may want to take a virtual journey to beautiful Malibu, to relive a powerful Deborah King Center retreat with our Highlights of Higher Consciousness Video Series. You’ll be able to tap into teachings on Vedic philosophy, connecting to the Divine, reaching a state of pure consciousness, and so much more! Learn how to access the video series here >>

Law of abundance

Abundance Comes from Within

Law of abundance

Did you know that the greatest gift you can give yourself is the gift of abundance? Whatever it is you want—peace, joy, laughter, happiness, strength, a dream career, a better connection to Source, a deeper alignment with your higher self and life purpose—anything your heart desires can be attracted to your life with an abundant mindset and an open crown chakra. With this one shift, you can literally change everything!

The Source of Happiness

You’ve probably noticed that there are people who seem to have it all: health, wealth, successful careers, marriages, partnerships, and most of all, they are honestly happy. From the outside looking in, it may seem as though the material prosperity they’ve achieved created their happiness, but the truth is that it’s usually the other way around. Internal perspective, clarity, and alignment with your soul purpose leads to external abundance. Abundance begins within you, with your thoughts and attitude, and with the proper mindset, there’s no limit to what the universe can provide for you.

Law of abundance

You Get What You Give

The world is a closed circle; energy can’t be created, only transformed, and every single thing on this planet is linked to every other thing through the unified field. This means that you are connected to your neighbors and everyone else, to the physical earth, and to higher planes and Source, and what you do affects your personal energy as well as the energy around you. You see this in little ways every day. Think about how easy it is to get sucked into someone else’s bad mood when they’re nearby—their energy can literally drag yours down.

But the reverse is true as well, and positive energy can also spread like energetic wildfire. In fact, that is what you are doing by studying energy healing and walking the path of light; you are helping to raise your own vibration, which raises the vibrations of those around you, and collectively, the universe at large. This is no small thing—energy may be invisible, but it is more powerful than anything you can see with your eyes, and as it heals you, it heals the whole planet.

Ask and You Shall Receive

It is this same principle of interconnectedness that guides abundance. Your thoughts and emotions have their own energy, and what you think about, obsess about, will eventually manifest. You give it weight by thinking and feeling about it so much. This has been proven in studies that show how effective prayer is. Thought and emotion together push that energy out into the world where the desire can be formed and returned to you. Abundance is as simple as a consistent, meaningful request to the universe, accompanied by giving back what you hope to receive.

Law of abundance
Law of abundance

Shift Your Focus

So if you spend all your time thinking about the fact that you don’t have enough money, the universe sees that as a request, and you will be provided with a continued absence of money. If you constantly lament the fact that you’re not in a relationship, it will be hard to find one. If you are always worried about getting sick, then the universe will provide you with an illness. The universe will give you what you put your energy into, so if you want to manifest the good, you have to shift your focus and attitude.

If you want more money, start donating what you can spare. If you want more love, adopt a pet. Be of service without expectations. True abundance is an inner knowing that you are living the best version of yourself, so switch from focusing on the lack of what you want to focusing on bringing what you want into your life so you can be that best version.

Sometimes I find students can’t manifest their desires because they don’t really believe they deserve them. If your thoughts contradict your emotions, the universe tends to hear your feelings. You may think you want more peace, but if you secretly feel you deserve to be punished for past mistakes, you will continue to be punished. Energy healing techniques like meditation and journaling to release those negative emotions can help you adjust your thoughts toward the positive, and allow you to attract the abundance you want and deserve.

Open Your Crown Chakra

Another way to create internal abundance is to open your seventh chakra, which sits at the top of your head and is connected to thought, consciousness, information, and intelligence—all aspects of the process of knowing. When the seventh chakra is clear and balanced, divine energy can flow into it from the universal field, expanding your consciousness, and providing you with a greater awareness of what you are truly meant to do. With this knowledge, you then have the potential to manifest the life you want to have—the life you were born to live—and the abundance you seek.

Law of abundance

Of course, the Crown Chakra is just one of the several chakras you should focus on in order to find true balance, peace, happiness, and health in your life. And while this is too much to discuss in an article, we do have a resource that will help you gain this transformational knowledge (which can literally impact every part of your life). It is our bestselling Secrets of Chakra Wisdom Course. Learn more about it here >>

Law of abundance

Purpose Leads to Abundance

The more open your crown chakra, the more connected you are to your higher self, which allows you to really understand your purpose on this earth. Purpose is what many successful people attribute those successes to, and I see this quite often in my energy healing courses and workshops as well. Students who have won the lottery or finally reached the tenth floor executive office suite and are still not fulfilled are usually not following their true path—the roadmap their soul laid out for them before incarnating. Sure, they may look “successful,” but they are miserable, so does that really count as success?

People whose abundance blooms out of motivations deeper and more personal than money or fame are always happier. Real successes are life achievements that are in perfect alignment with your soul purpose and are therefore fulfilling and meaningful on a spiritual level as well as a personality level. My purpose is this—teaching you energy healing and how to live a healthier, happier life, which has made me happier and healthier, too.

When you find what you are meant to be doing on this earth, no matter how much money you make, you’ll have no shortage of fulfillment and joy. And chances are, you will make more money, have more peace, resiliency, love, and everything else your heart desires as well, for true abundance is what you feel in your soul, not just in your bank account.

Of course, becoming the type of person who can welcome and attract abundance requires effort for most of us, a process for overcoming past traumas and healing. And if you are ready to begin your personal journey, consider joining our flagship LifeForce Energy Healing Level I program >>


One Healing Technique with 3 Powerful Results


You probably know how important it is to keep your energy field clear, balanced, and fully charged, and if you’re like me, you want to learn every effective energy healing technique you can. Hands-on healing is a wonderful modality to use at any level of your studies, but a particularly great place to start healing other people if you’re new to energy medicine. It’s so powerful, it accomplishes three vital healing components in one step.

Energy Medicine to the Rescue


Your chakras are the gatekeepers of energy between you and the universal field, moving old energy out and new fresh energy in. This replenishes your field and, in turn, your body, keeping you healthy. But when trauma occurs and is not processed or when emotions are repressed, they can become stuck in your body and cause blockages in your energy field and chakras as well. A blocked chakra is like a crimp in a hose—your energy will be prevented from flowing properly and that will eventually manifest as pain or illness in your body.

This is where energy healing comes in. A qualified energy healer can remove blockages, increase your energy flow, and recalibrate your field. Attending healing courses and workshops and working with an energy healer is a great way to jumpstart your healing, as well as prepare for a healing practice of your own. As you continue to learn more about energy medicine and practice its techniques, you will be able to perform energy healing on others, beginning with chelation.

Clear, Charge, and Balance

One of the best qualities of energy healing is that it is flexible. There are many ways an energy healer can manipulate energy in order to heal themselves and others, and chelation is one of the most fundamental techniques.

Chelation is a form of hands-on healing, meaning that in this modality the healer touches the client with their hands in order to bring new, vibrant energy into the client’s body while clearing old energy away. This technique is often a good way to start a healing session as it accomplishes three essential aspects of energy healing: clearing, charging, and balancing the personal energy field.


From the Earth to Your Body—Energy Travels Up

Chelation has a very specific sequence of steps that emulate the way in which energy is naturally brought into your field. You start at the client’s feet because that’s where energy first enters the field, up from the earth and through the soles of your feet, and then fanning out through the rest of your field and your body.


Bringing in the universal energy this way allows the body to sense the energy as it rises and send it to where it most needs to go—to any distortions or pain or disease. Energy from the unified field is conscious, it has will, and it knows more than we do about where it is needed.

You are a conduit for the healing, so let the energy flow through you, and then let it do its thing. Through you, the energy will clear out any stagnant energy in the subject, recharge their chakras, and rebalance the field. It’s a lot of bang for their healing buck, so to speak, and a technique I highly recommend you learn.

Before You Begin a Chelation

Before you begin a chelation healing, be sure to attune yourself to the light and check in with your higher self, intuition, and your guides, just as you would for any energy healing session. Then, take a deep breath and use your intuition to sense which of the seven chakras is in the most need of clearing, charging, or rebalancing, and quickly write that feeling down.

Next, spend a few minutes asking your subject questions and gaining a little history from them. Jot down their comments and compare those notes to the observations you made with your intuition. If your intuition is not yet one hundred percent accurate, don’t worry! It takes time and practice to cultivate your intuition. Keep at it, and I promise it will improve. Meditation is one way to increase your intuitive powers, and a daily meditation practice provides dozens of other benefits as well.


Find the Right Height

Chelation takes place while the healing subject is lying on a table or another surface that is a good height for you to be able to stand comfortably next to the client without leaning over them. A kitchen counter with some blankets or pillows as padding can be a perfect option since they are usually just the right height for you to stand with your back straight.

How to Avoid “Push”


If you lean too far over the client’s body, you will be in “push” mode, which is something you want to avoid. In the push position, your own energy field and your own intention, rather than the intention of the healing energy, can interfere with your client’s healing.

Even as long as I’ve been an energy healer and spiritual teacher, I always make sure to ask myself before every session if I’m push, and if I’m present. It just takes a second to affirm that you are in the right space, that you are grounded and working from a foundation of light, and that your ego is subdued. Make this check-in a habit before energy healing sessions and you will have better results and strengthen your skills faster.

 An All-Purpose Tool for Your Healing Tool Belt

Chelation is one of the best tools to have in your energy medicine tool belt because it is able to charge, clear, and balance with one healing modality. It is absolutely worth learning, and in my LifeForce Energy Healing Online Certification Course, I spend a whole week teaching you chelation step-by-step through readings and a video demonstration. This course also teaches you how to heal yourself and others, and certifies you in the field of energy medicine.

Who’s In Charge Here? 3 Ways to Reclaim Your Personal Power

I am not afraid of storms for I am learning how to sail my own ship. ~Louisa May Alcott

How are you personally feeling right now? Stressed? Overwhelmed? With everything going on right now, reinforce by a 24-hour news cycle, no one could blame you. It’s easy to focus on the external. And you won’t be alone if you are looking around for excuses (and easily finding them).

Look for a new job? Tell my partner I want to make some changes? Devote time, energy, and resources to my own personal well-being and spiritual growth? Who, me?

If this sounds familiar, the time has come to reclaim your vital feeling of personal power.

Over time, there are many reasons why you may have let go of your personal power, your ownership of the real, authentic you. Your parents knew better about how you should live. Your teachers insisted that you think and act according to their views. You didn’t want to challenge or confront someone else’s overpowering will. Whatever caused you to let your personal power diminish, it’s time to regain the precious gift of knowing who you are and what you want.

Your body’s third chakra, the source of will, purpose, and action, is the seat of self-esteem and personal power. Located at the solar plexus midway between the navel and the sternum, the third chakra corresponds to the center of your metabolic fire—that which fuels you and gives you vitality. From this center you harness your energy and convert it into action. If your third energy center is compromised, you may feel doubtful, indecisive, and lacking in self-confidence. You might suffer from low energy, lack the ability to follow through, or always feel like a victim of circumstance, a pushover. Loss of personal power makes you unable to interact positively and powerfully in the world or even to simply show up for life each day.

When your third energy center is fit and healthy, you feel able to take action. Your intentions are clearly focused. You are able to claim your personal power with no need to demand or ruthlessly take power from someone else. Power flows to you because you know who you are and feel ready to accomplish all that you dream of.

Use these 3 steps to take to regain your personal power:

  1. Free your spirit of toxic energy.
    Let go of the old. Examine your life for anything or anyone that diminishes your personal or spiritual power. That includes old messages in your head from your parents or other authority figures, echoes of self-doubt and discouragement, beliefs that you are not worthy or undeserving of love. It includes people who put you down or “love” through control or abuse. As an energy healer and spiritual teacher, I always tell my students to protect and preserve their personal power. You need your personal power to heal yourself and the world.
  1. Decide your direction.
    After you have released all your old crippling patterns of thought and behavior, energy will flow back to you. Your inner strength and power will be replenished and ready for new direction. It’s time to set intentions for this new phase of your life. What do you truly want? Use your journaling and meditation practices along with walks in nature, proper rest, and good self-care to help you discover your hopes and goals. Give your newly regained personal power a strong focus.
  1. Begin to take action.
    Now that you have let go of all that was holding you back and decided what your soul wants to accomplish, take the necessary actions to reach your goals. You have the power, the will, and the self-awareness you need to move forward. Allow the joy of regaining your personal power, your spiritual energy and inner strength to propel you forward. You are ready to manifest your dreams.

Using your personal power in service of the light is never selfish. Any action you take will help to raise your vibration and therefore raise the vibration of the planet. When you are acting from a place of love, being your true self, and living the life you came here to live, you are putting your personal power to the highest and best use.

Bonus: Surround yourself with a community that supports you and lets you step into your most powerful self. Our year-long Master-in-Training program provides just that, along with guidance and healing that empowers you to live the life you were meant to live. Learn more by clicking here >>

Fifth Chakra

The Key to Get What You Want in Life: 5 Ways to Strengthen Your Voice

Fifth Chakra

There is a very specific element of your personality that is vital to getting what you want in life. Not developing it, or even suppressing it, actually holds you back from becoming the person you were put on this Earth to be (and makes you vulnerable to the whims of others!). This element is: your voice!

Finding and using your voice is an essential part of living the life you came here to live. Your true voice is guided by your higher self, who knows your life plan and can whisper advice that will lead you down the path you were meant to take. Your voice is also one of the main ways you express yourself to the world, so what you say is really important. It should come from an authentic place within you.

Fifth Chakra

If you have trouble speaking up for yourself, or find your voice is too small to be heard, you may have distortions in your fifth chakra. As a spiritual teacher and energy healer, I can’t tell you how many people come to me with issues that stem from dysfunction in their throat chakra and corresponding problems with its ruling principle of communication.

Many students in my energy healing courses, especially women, worry that speaking up for themselves is the same as being aggressive or confrontational, but it’s not! We all know those types of people who make a fuss about everything, constantly complain, and are always getting riled up and in other people’s faces for even the smallest things. No one wants to be that guy or gal. But there is a big difference between picking fights and refusing to let yourself be railroaded. You deserve to be heard, and energy healing can help you not only find your voice, but train it to be strong.

Here are 5 ways to strengthen your voice:

  1. Practice.

    One of the best ways to make your voice heard when it counts is to practice speaking up when the stakes aren’t as high. For example, if you want to ask your boss for the raise or promotion you deserve, practice saying a few versions of your main points. This can be to the mirror, or to yourself in the shower or your car. You can even practice with a friend or partner who feels safe to you. The point is to get used to the act of asking and speaking up for yourself in a comfortable environment first, so you are better prepared for the real thing.
Fifth Chakra
Fifth Chakra
  1. Listen.

    This may seem counterintuitive—to strengthen your voice by not speaking—but your throat chakra is the seat of your inner guidance, the wise voice inside you that always gives advice tailored to you and in your best interests. Your job is to listen to this voice so that you may act in alignment with your soul’s purpose. How can you express your true self if you’re unsure who that self is? Listening to your inner voice can help you find the real you so you can speak as the real you. In fact, routinely ignoring your inner guidance can cause it to eventually stop guiding and create problems in your throat chakra.
  1. Tell the truth.  Lying is the greatest obstacle to a heathy, vibrant fifth chakra. Even little white lies can be detrimental, especially if they begin to pile up, which is what tends to happen to lies. Telling your truth is the most important—from coming out to your family to admitting to your partner that you have feelings for someone else—because each lie that comes out of your mouth allows a little bit of darkness to enter your energy field. Lies can only take you farther from the light, but the truth will set you free.
Fifth Chakra
Fifth Chakra
  1. Journal.It’s not always possible to tell the truth directly to someone else. Sometimes the potential fall-out is not worth it, or sometimes you’re just not ready, and that’s okay. But in those cases, it’s essential that you write your true feelings in your journal. You need to have a place for those emotions and thoughts to go in order to release them before they get stuck in your chakras. Your journal is the place for one hundred percent honesty. As you become more and more comfortable expressing yourself in your journal, it will become easier to express yourself out in the world.
  1. Believe in yourself.

    If your voice is timid out of fear, remind yourself that your ideas are valid. Your thoughts have value, your suggestions are worth mentioning, and your truths are yours to express as you see fit. People will believe in you when you believe in yourself, and your confidence will command their attention. Remember that your voice is an extension of you, so if you’re strong, your voice will be, too.
Fifth Chakra

The benefits of strengthening your voice go beyond the ability to ask your boss for a raise or speak your mind to your overbearing sister—though, those are great, too. These tips will help to strengthen your fifth chakra, which helps to heal and charge your energy field and your whole being. That’s the wonderful thing about energy medicine and your chakras: they hold the key to healing your mind, body, and soul, while making practical improvements in all areas of your life.

If you’re interested in learning more about your energy field and your chakras, check out my free Chakra Wisdom video training series.

Soul Star

Exponentially Expand Your Ability to Merge with Your Higher Self (and the Universe)

Soul Star

When I started meditating back in the day, I had two pretty good size physical problems: I had cancer as well as chronic insomnia, and the latter did not help the former.

I was taught to meditate twice a day, 20 minutes each time, with a mantra, just as I now teach you that same format today. Some time later, I learned the sutras, which I now teach you. With the addition of the sutras to my core meditation practice, I began to access the higher chakras. This was incredibly powerful and transformational for me.

The seven main chakras are tied to your development here on Earth — and in becoming one with your earth home. They are also connected to higher guidance, but less so than the chakras above your head.

The higher chakras — starting with chakras 8 through 12 — exponentially expand your ability to merge with your Higher Self and the universe…

From these higher points of energy, you are able to access higher levels of consciousness.

You begin to shift your focus upward and outward, remaining anchored in your physical self and your physical world, yet moving toward the ever-expanding horizons and possibilities available to you…

Keep in mind, you are much, much larger than your physical body. Your energy body extends many feet above, below, and around you. And you actually have even more than 12 chakras above, below, and around you.

Each of your ascending higher chakras opens you to another doorway into the vast realm of Source — with each chakra activating another level of knowledge, growth and expansion for you.

The spiritual energy that is released as you access these higher levels, vibrates through your entire chakra system (above and below) and supports you in accessing and embodying your Soul’s plan for you.

In this 9-minute video, I am going to lead you through the powerful energy centers of your upper chakras.

In this enlightening journey, we’ll begin with the eighth chakra, which is called your Soul Star.

Your eighth chakra sits about two feet above your crown chakra. It functions as the epicenter of the entire chakra system — protecting your physical, emotional, and spiritual body.

It also acts as the root of the Divine energy that floods your energy system, which you can open to consciously receive anytime you want to feel rejuvenated, replenished, and return to a deep connection to your Soul.

Accessing the wisdom of your eighth chakra stimulates creative expansion and empowers you to draw on information beyond your “thinking” mind.

Through your eight chakra, you can connect with your higher guidance, and access symbols, colors, sounds — messages from your Soul to give you inspiration toward answers to your most pressing questions.

Now, get comfortable and join me for this magical exploration of your upper chakras… watch above.

To learn more about your entire energy system — including all of the chakras — and how to access higher levels of consciousness in the universal field around you, checkout my signature LifeForce Energy Healing® training.

Plus, I just opened my exclusive LifeForce Energy Healing® IV training for my most passionate students.

You’re invited to join me for an entire year of transformation and initiation to activate the life you were meant to live here:

Click here for details and pricing.