
5 Healing Rituals & Practices to Honor the Summer Solstice

Summer Solstice is coming up fast, and now is the time to decide how you want to celebrate…

On June 20, we honor this major celestial event in the Northern Hemisphere — a magical time when you can connect with the sun’s vital power and usher in spiritual initiation and CHANGE.

What exactly IS the Summer Solstice?

The word “solstice” comes from the Latin words for “sun” and “standing still.” On the 20th, the sun will reach its highest position as seen from the northern half of the Earth, and it will appear to stand still as it marks the height of long days and the abundant aliveness of Nature. Summer Solstice also marks the longest day and the shortest night of the year. And of course for folks in the southern part of the planet, the reverse is true: Winter Solstice comes at this time, bringing the regenerative darkness that nurtures the rebirth of life. (We are thinking of all of our students and friends Down Under)

In ancient cultures around the world, Summer Solstice was considered the turning point of the year. In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna describes the solstice as the way out of the physical world and into the spiritual realms. It’s a time (as is the Winter Solstice) when the veil that separates you from nonphysical reality is so thin that it can be easily pierced. Especially if you’re highly attuned to the cycles of the Earth, you might be able to feel this shifting of energy. It offers a powerful opportunity for renewal that stays open for several days before and after the actual occasion.

Summer Solstice rituals & ceremonies

Just as the ancients held special ceremonies on the solstice, you too can connect to the sun’s heightened energy at this time, and take advantage of its radiance to shine light on whatever you want to transform in your life or the world. Plus, if you’re starting to shift out of shelter-in-place, this is an optimal time to explore more deeply what you’re thinking of stepping into.

So let’s take a look at some simple things you can do to celebrate your connection to the sun, and take stock of where you are and what you want to accomplish.

5 healing rituals & practices to honor the Summer Solstice

  1. Call in your highest intentions for your life or the world. As we birth a new consciousness across the Earth, harness the energy of this day to help usher in change for the better. Light your favorite yellow or orange candle. Call in your angels and guides. Journal about or pray for what you’d like to see come to fruition. Summer is the time of flowering, so let the warmth of the sun help you grow the seeds of your intentions into an abundance of health, happiness, wisdom, peace, and justice.
  2. Take a gratitude sun bath. Try watching the sunrise on solstice, or do Sun Salutations, and give our life-giver your gratitude for gracing the Earth, for bringing warmth and helping seeds grow. And while it can be hard to keep in mind that good things are happening on Earth, acknowledge a change that’s come that you’re happy about. For example, this week we saw a historic national ruling in the US that protects LGBTQ workers. Another example is that more and more companies are honoring Juneteenth as a paid holiday. While we’re bombarded by bad news left and right, it’s crucial to honor everything you view as positive. That’s one of the keys to uplifting consciousness — and higher consciousness uplifts our physical reality.
  3. Meditate on this: What role will you play in evolving your community and our global family? This is the time to ask yourself: “What can I do now to welcome the change I want?” This year more than ever, people have felt like everything is out of our control, but the truth is that you always have the power to start working with the universe toward meeting a goal. What steps — even if they seem small — can you take now to uplift your workplace, to change a law in your community, to ensure justice, to shift a broken system, to help someone who’s struggling
  4. Visualize yourself crossing a threshold. See the place you’re crossing from as what you’re ready to leave behind. See the place you’re approaching as what you’ve been longing for. With the sun shining brightly ahead of you, will you enjoy more nurturing relationships? Make a job change? Be more creative? Use this time when the sky is at its brightest to welcome more nurturance into your life!
  5. Recharge your life-force energy in nature. As a spiritual teacher and energy healer, I make sure my ties to the sun, the Earth, the sky, the wind, the stars, the plants, and our fellow animals are always intact. I have my favorite places in nature that support my spirit and strengthen my knowledge of the unconditional love and universal connection we all share. Are you making good use of the power of nature to soothe and guide you? Choose a favorite tree to hug. Lie on your back under the sun with your palms up in a receiving position and watch the sky. Marvel at the absolute majesty.

Most of all, enjoy this magical time of year! The more open you are to new energy, the more you’ll increase its presence within you. Remember that like the sun, you can shine brightly, and you have the power to help bring forth the great new growth that’s so needed on this beautiful planet.

To learn more about tapping into powerful life-force energy, check out my master-in-training certification course here.

Work one-on-one with Deborah
2020 June Eclipse

3 Practices to Embrace Hidden Aspects Through June’s Full moon + Lunar Eclipse

This month’s full moon is INTENSE — but there’s hope…

Are you feeling it? Tensions are mounting, personally and collectively — and here in the US we’re seeing this energy play out with strong reactions to deep-seated issues with racial injustice and police brutality, to name just a few of the conflicts that have been erupting.

Full moons in and of themselves are all about illumination — both literally as the moon brightens the night sky — and figuratively as it lights up different aspects of our personal and collective lives…

And this month on June 5 or 6 (depending on where you live), our full moon is also a lunar eclipse. I’ll tell you about the significance of the lunar eclipse shortly, but first I’ll tell you that this week’s full moon is also in a T-square with Mars and Neptune.

In a nutshell, the T in T-square stands for Tension. Some of the manifestations of Mars include energy, action, and drive — and the tenser manifestations include violence and upheaval. Some of the manifestations of Neptune include oneness and deep sensitivity — and the tenser manifestations include deception and emotional turbulence.

In Vedic astrology, eclipses herald change. Combine that with Mars’s energy for making something happen, and Neptune’s energy for oneness, and we have a recipe for people gathering to create necessary change that’s long overdue.

This applies especially in America right now, but you’ll likely be able to see it wherever you live on one scale or another — perhaps with families and educators coming together to change the way we teach our children, or maybe in your personal life with a job or a relationship.

After all, we know that tension and conflict drive action, right?

As I shared in a post about transforming your perspective during the pandemic, there are different levels of perception — and with the God brain, we can see this as the potential to make the necessary changes that need to happen for us to grow, to change, to step ­up in consciousness, and to progress to higher levels of being.

Which is something we ALL need, right? You’re very likely seeking to step up personally, and I bet your intention — like mine — is to help humanity rise up from its current state.

As individuals, and society as a whole, if we make racial bias a moral issue, then no one will want to embrace their bias, because most people don’t want to be a “racist.” However, the truth is, we all exist in a society with inherent bias built into the system, therefore, we all carry bias — consciously or unconsciously.

The path forward is in embracing our bias… which means digging into our inner work and exploring our shadow aspects.

Fortunately, there’s tremendous opportunity for positivity that we can reap from this moon, which has the potential for great transformation — a potential driven by tension and drive, determination, and resolve.

Harnessing the Power of the Strawberry Full Moon Lunar Eclipse for Healing and Transformation — and Embracing Your Shadow

The strawberry full moon lunar eclipse? You read that mouthful right — the June full moon is traditionally called the strawberry moon or the rose moon — because strawberries are abundant and roses bloom in June. (There’s a little opportunity for some vibe-lifting, chakra-clearing gratitude!)

Because emotions are heightened during a full moon, it’s a perfect opportunity to acknowledge and release them.

Try these full moon cleansing strategies to access the full spectrum of healing energy from this cycle’s moon.

Journal to release racial bias and inherited imprints & beliefs
Want to see big benefits during the full moon? Journal to express your inner feelings and observations, write out your intentions for change, make decisions about what to do next, and channel tension into positive action.

Try these journal prompts to help you get started:

  • What does Black Lives Matter mean to me?
  • Do I hold any pain my ancestors experienced through racism? Do I hold any responsibility? (If you feel you do, call on your guides and the Violet Flame to help you release old wounds.)
  • What did I learn about race from my mom, dad, or family in general?
  • What is hidden or eclipsed in me? Are there experiences or beliefs I can release?
  • What are my deepest desires when it comes to racism and humanity?
  • What actionable steps can I take to help heal racism?

Meditate, meditate, meditate
In Vedic astrology, eclipses are caused when the North and South Nodes of the moon, Rahu and Ketu, swallow the sun and the moon. The moon at these times is not actually auspicious to watch with the naked eye, but going inward and meditating is extra beneficial.

I recommend meditating for 20 minutes twice a day with a mantra I give you. If I haven’t taught you yet, here’s a link to learn. Use this contemplative time to receive messages from your inner guidance, spend extra time grounding and connecting to the creative and generative power of the Earth, and open to the wisdom being revealed to you.

Your meditation and prayer time is also vital to helping every other sentient being on the planet. Dedicate your practice time to amplify vibrations of higher consciousness raising the unified field around all of us. Our world needs healing more than ever right now, and by consciously sending healing intentions into the universal field, you’ll help create the healing our planet needs so desperately.

Protest peacefully
If there are protests taking place in your community and you feel called to join, do so, guided by your heart. If you’d prefer to stay at home and drop in to the reflective time that lunar eclipses call for, watch this TedTalk with Damon Davis. Courage is contagious, he says, which could not be more true.

In everything you do this week and always, know that you can navigate turbulence with grace, and your thoughts, prayers, and intentions will help make this a turning point for upleveling consciousness — yours and the people in your life and the planet’s. You are never alone; call upon Spirit and your guides to help you harness this moon’s power for personal and collective upliftment.

Full Flower Supermoon

5 Practices to Access the Healing & Transformative Power of the Full Flower Supermoon

The moon is your ally…

Its size and brightness are immense (especially a Supermoon!) pouring out healing energy for you to soak up…

You can draw on its magnetic power — an awe that lights you up till you start shining like the moon herself.

The full moon is all about illumination — both literally as it brightens the night sky — and figuratively as it lights up different aspects of our personal and collective lives. It shines a light on what’s been going on (which is why full moons can be intense), and it brings any intentions you set at the new moon to fruition.

And the energy will be especially strong because it’s a Supermoon, when Luna is closest to the Earth, shining up to 30 percent brighter than the rest of the full moons this year!

This month (May 7-9) we will be treated to our third Supermoon in just as many months. And this Supermoon is in Scorpio…

Even if Scorpio isn’t your sun sign (what people typically think of as their “sign”), we all actually have Scorpio somewhere in our charts — meaning you have a Scorpio part of you in some aspect. (In fact, we each have all 12 zodiac signs in our charts!)

Scorpio is often associated with sex, lust and power — but the truth is it’s also about life-changing transformation, fierce protection, and deep healing.

And we could really use some deep healing right about now, yes?

We’re certainly going through a life-changing transformation…

And, combined with the May moon which is known as the “Full Flower” moon because it marks a time of new blooms (new growth, new beginnings) this Supermoon is sure to bring you the added boost you’ve needed… or a kick in the pants?

So how can you harness the power of this month’s full moon to get unstuck, heal what’s been blocking you, and usher in deep transformation — for yourself and for all of us around the globe?

This Thursday through Sunday, May 7-9, you can draw on the healing power of the final Supermoon of 2020.

It’s the perfect time to invite the change you’ve been seeking. Even if you don’t know exactly what you need, the amplified power of the Full Flower Moon and the Supermoon and in Scorpio, will bring clarity and a surge of energy to move you to your next step.

It’s also a powerful time to release fear and trauma, receive blessings, and invite your highest intentions to bear fruit in your life and our world…

There’s an added dimension too. Vesak — the Buddhist (and for some Hindus too) celebration of Buddha’s birthday — falls on Thursday’s full moon.

During Vesak, Buddha is said to pour blessings over people gathered in ceremonies, and the blessings then flow to everyone everywhere, regardless of creed/country/status/etc.

Needless to say, this is a powerful and MUCH-NEEDED full moon!

Here are 5 Practices for Access the Healing & Transformative Power of the Full Flower Supermoon:

    1. Tap Into the Wisdom of Your Guides
      Draw on the effortless magnetism of this month’s Supermoon, to access the wisdom and guidance of your spirit allies. Spend some extra time in prayer and meditation, using a journal prompt to guide your inquiry and reflection. Trust the answers and inspiration that come to you. Also notice the different symbols and signs that you see during your day. Maybe a message that catches your eye, a certain animal that comes to visit you, or a song that starts playing… open to the communication that is all around you.


    1. Increase Your Meditation & Prayer Time
      I recommend meditating for 20 minutes twice a day, with a mantra I choose for you. If I haven’t taught you yet, here’s a link to learn.You can use this contemplative time to receive messages from your inner guidance, spend extra time grounding and connecting to the creative and generative power of the Earth, and open to the opportunities being revealed before you.Your meditation and prayer time is also vital in helping every other sentient being on the planet. You can dedicate your practice time to amplify vibrations of higher consciousness raising the unified field around us. Our world needs healing right now, and by consciously sending healing intentions into the universal field, you are participating in this great healing.Meditating in a group can be particularly powerful too and be effective in raising our collective consciousness. (I am leading weekly guided meditation on Facebook Live every Thursday during the panedemic (except for this Thursday, where I’m doing an Open House), you can get the details and join here.)


    1. Journal to Usher Your Ideas Into Being
      Take some extra time this week to journal. To tap into greater creativity and messages from your intuition, try journaling with your non-dominant hand. You can also use this time to draw and allow your pen to be guided across the page and reveal to you words, signs, and symbols that can take on new meaning during this time.You can also take time on Thursday to journal about your deepest desires for your health and the health of medical staff, grocery workers, the elderly, the immune compromised, and all of humanity. Write to your Higher Self… your soul, asking for guidance. Record the responses you receive. Invite in the moon for her illuminating wisdom too.


    1. Take a Healing Moon Bath
      The moon is associated with water — the tides, women’s cycles, motherhood, the womb — so every full moon is the perfect time to connect with the energy of water. Scorpio, too, is a feminine water sign.So on Thursday night, fill up your bathtub, adding lavender oil, Epsom salts, or your favorite bubble bath. Soak in the nurturance and surrender to the warm water, spending some of this time thinking positively about your deepest desires for your health and our Earth.. Thank the moon, too, for blessing us with her light, power, and healing presence.Or take a literal moon bath…
      Especially if you live near a body of water, go outside during the moonrise, and sit near the lake, river, or sea and bask in the light of the moon.


    1. Immerse Yourself in the Creative Arts
      Poetry, stories, music… your creations will be supercharged with lunar energy and divine inspiration during this time.Even if you do not think of yourself as a writer or artist, surrounding yourself with art — and not just classic art forms, from kid’s art to family heirlooms to beautiful vases to graffiti — music, an inspirational podcast, or powerful poem (ala Maya Angelou, Still I Rise) will help you access the transformative power of this time and receive messages from Spirit.Full Moons, especially the Full Flower Moon, is a time for magical energy too. Using crystals, adding a sacred bowl of water to your altar, even fresh flowers from your garden, will help activate your senses and stimulate the energy of this Supermoon.


To deepen these skills, and to learn more about healing the past, thriving in the present, and growing into the very best version of you, check out my course on LifeForce Energy Healing® here.

2020 April Supermoon full moon

5 Healing ‘Supermoon’ Practices: Release Old Beliefs & Manifest New Dreams

The moon has long been a source of guidance for planting and harvest, spiritual illumination, and play…

As a child, you may have seen the “man in the moon” or “the girl on the rabbit,” or believed your parents when they told you the moon was made of cheese!

The full moon is also a powerful symbol of abundance, fertility, and rebirth….

And like every celestial body, the moon vibrates energy and its gravitational pull affects the rise and fall of ocean tides. And it can affect our bodies, our moods and our relationships.

This energy is strongest during a Supermoon, when the moon is closest to the Earth and shining up to 30 percent brighter!

Pink Moon… Sprouting Grass Moon.. .Fish Moon… Hare Moon… Egg Moon, the April full moon has many names around the world.

This coming week, April 7-8, you can witness the biggest Supermoon of the year and receive the healing energy of Earth’s only natural satellite.

You can begin to tap into the creative, healing, manifesting power of this Supermoon starting now.

This Supermoon is a perfect time to release limiting beliefs, set intentions, and begin manifesting a project or lifelong dream…

Maybe you’re feeling overwhelmed or triggered by the fear in the collective…

You can invite the vibrations of this giant sphere of light into your body, heart and mind…

The Supermoon is also a time for affirming the GOOD in our lives…

Here are 5 Healing Supermoon Practices & Rituals:

  1. Release a Belief that no Longer Serves You

    Find a quiet place, light a candle if you have one, turning off any digital devices to set a sacred space.On a sheet of paper, write down the belief you want to release down such as “I’m unworthy of love,“ “I don’t deserve abundance,” or “If I let go of control, everything will fall apart.”Burn this sheet of paper in a safe place and when the embers have cooled, sprinkle them in your garden, on your lawn, or in a potted plant. Give this belief, now transformed by the moon’s healing light, back to the Earth.

  2. Take a Gratitude Moon Bath

    In the evening, fill your bathtub, adding lavender oil, salts, or your favorite bubble bath, if you wish. Soak… and surrender to the warm water, spending some of this time meditating on what you’re grateful for. Perhaps, family and friends you’re missing in this time of social-distancing, your health, or a thing of beauty in your home.Thank the moon, too, for its beauty, illumination, and healing presence…

    Or you can take a moon bath, literally…

    Go outside during the moonrise, and sit someplace in the light of the moon, which won’t be hard…Bathe in this light, thanking it always being there for you, in Full Moons and New Moons…and times of sickness and times of health…
  3. Offer Your Fears & Worries to Up to Mother Moon

    List all of your fears on a piece of paper, no matter how small or big the fear. Close your eyes and ask the Mother, Divine, Spirit, God, to replace these fears and worries with acceptance and courage.Say a prayer or create daily affirmation, that will support you in releasing these fears into the loving care of the Universe.

  4. Set an Intention for Daily Self-care

    Are you getting the physical exercise you need? Maybe your routine has been upset by shelter-in-place or stay-at-home orders in this time of social-distancing.Or, maybe you’re not eating as well as you could…such as too much sugar or foods that aren’t healthy for you.Perhaps have a simple spiritual practice you can recommit to, or begin doing in the morning, evening, or anytime in between to reconnect and reground…You can use this Supermoon to recommit, TODAY to do one thing for your selfcare.

    Create a short affirmation or statement of intention, committing to this act of self-care.

  5. Journaling with Your Soul to Manifest Your Dreams

    Take some time to journal about your Highest desires. Begin a dialogue with your Higher Self… your soul. Invite in the moon’s illumination for guidance.The Supermoon has super powers for manifesting — and here three journaling prompts to help you align with it:

    1. Spirit, Source, my soul, what do you want to say to me right now?
    2. When I was a child, I dreamed…
    3. What do I feel most called to create in my life right now?

To learn more about tapping into the power of the moon and the entire cosmos, you can checkout my course on Astral Wisdom here.

Winter Solstice

A Long Cold Night: Healing with the Winter Solstice

Here’s a riddle for you:

When is growing darkness and disappearing light a reason to give thanks?

When the sun moves south toward the Tropic of Capricorn and the shortest day of the solar year arrives in the Northern Hemisphere—in other words, the winter solstice.

This annual planetary event—which comes this year on December 21—has been celebrated for its spiritual importance since ancient times. The days grow shorter and the nights longer until the solstice.

At the winter solstice, the balance of dark and light tips, and the sun begins a return trip that promises such good things as new life, new growth, increasing warmth, and those bright spring blossoms that gladden your heart! Whether your longest night is truly frigid or just chilly, those hours of darkness are a gift and a time for special spiritual reflection.

Are you ready to pause for a prayer of gratitude for the gift of another year of life and love?

As a spiritual teacher and energy healer, I invite you to celebrate this seasonal cycle by creating your own personal rituals to mark the passing of darkness and the coming again of healing, life-giving light. The winter solstice is a time of rebirth, a special window of peace and renewal. The quiet calm of a long winter’s night welcomes you to look within and nurture your connection to Source. Now is the perfect time to honor your own inner light with renewed attention, awareness, and gratitude.

What are some healing gifts that you can give your spirit this December?

Winter solstice healing practices:

1. Give thanks for the sheltering night

Meditate on the blessings of restful darkness when the busy daytime work is done. Reflect on the amazing spiritual gift of being able to restore your strength and energy whenever you need to. You can create light whenever and wherever you need it. Embrace the quiet, the calm, and the peace you have been given.

Send forth prayers for all who need rest, including yourself, and give thanks for the wisdom to recognize your need to reach out for loving assistance from the Source of All Being.

2. Reflect on the need to let go

At the winter solstice, the sun changes course and begins to move in a new direction. It’s a perfect time to think about the course of your life and decide if you, too, are ready to change direction. With the return of the sun and the longer days to come, what will you do with your “new light”?

Use your journal to reflect on ways you might deeply long to change course.

  • What would you do with a new chance to reinvent your life?
  • Do you need to let go of negative thoughts and beliefs that are holding you back?

Let go of fear and let feelings of love and gratitude rise and refresh your spirit.

3. Imagine ways to re-engage

The return of the light that follows the winter solstice has long been seen as a time of awakening for higher consciousness. The growth of your inner light reflects the growing return of sunlight to a world in need of healing energy. The time is right for you to nurture your spiritual practice, to diminish your personal darkness and increase your light.

  • How will you move forward in the months ahead?
  • How will you contribute to your own healing and thereby help to heal the world?

Honor the solstice by spreading light to others who are in need.

4. Remember the natural world

What’s going on outside as winter begins?

Find time to observe the night sky and study the wonder of the stars in the cold, clear air. Look for bird and animal visitors to your yard and neighborhood. They may be looking for shelter and sustenance that you can help provide. Notice how the trees and plants adapt to a new season. Like them, you are connected to the cosmos.

Can you restore that feeling of connection by getting outside for a while each day?

5. Cultivate joy

From ancient times, the winter solstice has been a time of celebration. The dark that has been building will now retreat. Light begins its return with all the gifts that longer daytime brings—warmth, color, and the power to grow! The year-end gathering of friends and family, the food and drink, the music, and the traditions are all part of the seasonal longing to celebrate happiness and community. Taking good care of your spirit is part of the healing promise of a new season.

You can make your winter solstice a turning point and a time of renewal. Use these spiritual practices to shine your light of love and peace into the world!

Leonid Meteor shower

Leonid Meteor Shower: Catch a Falling Star

“Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket
Never let it fade away…”

This week the Leonid Meteor shower is due to hit Earth on its yearly path, when the orbit of the Earth crosses the trail of space debris left by the Comet Tempel-Tuttle each November. Pieces of the comet, usually no bigger than a grain of sand or a pea, fall toward the surface of our planet and burn up as they enter the Earth’s atmosphere, giving us a fantastic light show in the night sky. These burning balls of light are called meteors (or “falling stars”); when a larger one survives its atmospheric entry and crash lands on the Earth’s surface, it is called a meteorite.

This year the peak meteor shower will be from midnight to dawn next Monday, November 18th. If you’re lucky enough to live in a place, like I do, in Ojai, where the night sky is dark enough to see the stars, you will likely be able to catch the heavenly appearance. 

If you trace the meteors of the Leonid shower backward, they would seem to radiate from the constellation of Leo the Lion, from the star Algieba in the area of the lion’s mane. This is called the radiant point, the area in the sky that seems to be the starting point for these particular meteors. In other words, these little specks of a comet that flash so enticingly across the sky come to us as extraterrestrial greetings, or as the ancients saw them, as gifts from heaven—lights in the sky that bring awareness of something beyond our daily existence. 

These sparkling lights in the dark night sky are a reminder that “cosmic” consciousness is a living frequency—the original “star dust” of life. When you see the dazzling display of meteors, or when a meteorite lands on earth, you are in the presence of the far-flung inhabitants of the galaxy. Mystics have always used the term “light” to represent consciousness, so it’s as if the meteor shower brings cosmic consciousness raining down on Earth. You are impacted by the vastness of space, which can seed a new awareness in your heart—an awareness that we are connected to a much larger unfolding drama than just what is happening here. 

Since meteors are seen as coming from other worlds, throughout history meteor showers have been deemed sacred and are said to hold supernatural powers. The Orionid meteor shower, composed of debris from Halley’s Comet and originating from the constellation of Orion, is believed by Australian aboriginals to form a mystical canoe that carries the spirits of the dead and sends a message to their loved ones back on earth that they have arrived safely in the land of spirit. The Chumash, the local tribe of my Ojai area, call meteors Alakiwohoch, meaning “shooting star,” which they believed was a person’s soul on its way to the afterlife, while the Wintu of northern California thought of meteors as the spirits of shamans on their way to the afterlife.

Shooting stars have been a symbol of reaching your destiny, but they also have been seen as bad omens. In Christian and Jewish traditions, falling stars are fallen angels and demons. In parts of Asia, a falling star may predict war or death. Usually, however, it’s a good omen; when you see a falling star and “put it in your pocket,” your wish will be granted, since the gods are clearly looking down and can hear your wish.

Shooting stars certainly bring an influx of energy that can be accessed for healing purposes. As can meteorites, when the falling star actually lands on earth. A meteorite can actualize your purpose here, a trusting energy that opens lines of communication and provides the strength to endure on your spiritual quest. Small pieces of meteorites can be used to strengthen the blood and tissues, and to help you merge with spirit while in the physical body. 

It is said that the rare nickel-iron meteorites (less than 1% of all meteorites) in particular help you develop the patience you need while walking the spiritual path, and stimulate the third eye and crown chakras in preparation for spiritual awakening and inner vision. These meteorites were used in ancient times to make weapons that were powered by star energy. They also stabilize “walk-ins” and give them the ability to navigate unfamiliar environments.

Stony meteorites (which make up the great majority of meteorites that have made it to Earth), have been dated to be over 4.6 billion years old, and vibrate at a frequency that is attuned to interdimensional communication with extraterrestrials. They can be programmed to store information and may contain the history of other entities in the solar system. Other types of meteorites (called Pallasites) open your heart chakra so you don’t fear expanding your consciousness beyond your body and can resonate with the universe, while helping those who are empaths to stay grounded.

So if you’re able to be out under the dark sky in the pre-dawn hours next Monday, November 18th, see if you can catch the falling stars and reap the spiritual other-worldly energies that can connect you with your higher self. You can also connect with the love from the stars and the celestial beings who can expand your consciousness and bring you into harmony with the cosmic One. And if you want to converse with ET, here is your opening!

Strawberry Moon Summer Solstice

2019 Strawberry Full Moon and Sagittarius: Summer Solstice to Follow

This week, as we move into summer, we are gifted two wonderful opportunities to experience the incredible healing energy of the cosmos.

First: The Full Moon

Take some time tonight or tomorrow night to sit outside and connect to the feminine energy of this week’s full moon, known as the sweetest moon of the year. Since ancient times, Native Americans have given very descriptive names to each full moon, inspired by what’s happening in nature at that time of year. They call this full moon in June the Strawberry Moon because it is the time of year when wild strawberries ripen and are ready to pick.

As you sit outside under the night sky, allow the light of the full moon to gently open your spiritual side. And listen to whatever fruitful guidance she may offer you. I’ve had some of my biggest spiritual openings outside, under the light of a summer full moon, feeling her energy and receiving her counsel. So head outside and let the moon do her magic on you!

Then you’ll be ready to make the most of the solar energy of solstice this Friday – you’ll be open to hearing what’s best for your body and how to restore and optimize your health, open to hearing the perfection of the now.

Next: The Summer Solstice

The Earth is closer to the sun this week than at any other time of the year, and we are bathed in solar energy. In summer, we celebrate the incredible bounty of the earth and the powerful energy that can turn tiny seeds into nourishment. The warmth of the sun can help you to grow the seeds of your inner being into an abundance of health, happiness, and wisdom.

For those of us who live in the Northern Hemisphere, Friday, June 21st marks the longest day of the year. Ancient astronomical monuments like Stonehenge are aligned to the sunrise of summer solstice, celebrating the height of glory for the Sun King before the days start growing shorter once again. You can connect to the sun’s vital power at solstice during the extra hours of daylight and remember that you, too, can burn brightly and bring nurturance into your life.

Summer is the time of flowering, a time to reap the rewards of your spiritual efforts and grow in the Light. It’s also a powerful time to recharge your life force energy out in nature, seeing how everything is alive and vibrant under the sun.

Summer is a happy time of year, filled with incredible energy. Use the available energy to walk in the woods (and try Forest Bathing, see last week’s blog, swim in the ocean, or a lake, tend your organic garden (even if it’s just a pot or two on the windowsill) and relish the beauty of nature’s patterns in the vegetables and flowers you grow. Align with the influx of powerful solar energy as you swim or kayak across the water, the sun sparkling its surface and infusing you with joy.

Fuel Yourself Accordingly

It’s a good time of year to eat more lightly, and the perfect time to try eating a more plant-based diet with so much fresh produce readily at hand. Remember to stay well hydrated while out in the summer sun. There are so many luscious fruits available to help your liquid intake. Try blending chunks of watermelon into juice; it’s about 92% water with lots of nutrients and beneficial compounds that lower inflammation and improve your heart health as well.

The Light – It’s Here For You

When the sun is shining and your body is warming along with the outside temperature, and you’re able to sleep outside under the summer’s night sky, you are content in the moment and grateful to be able to serve the light – the moon light, the sun light, the star light, and the inner light of Spirit. So let the light of the full moon and the glorious sunrise of the summer solstice awaken you and guide your way.

full moon ritual 5

Full Moon Magic: Harness Lunar Energy for Healing

You don’t have to be a NASA scientist, astronomer, or astrology-aficionado to appreciate the sheer awe-inspiring magic of a full moon.

It’s an experience we’ve all encountered: after a long day, you’re heading home at twilight and suddenly you notice a stunning full moon rising on the horizon. Whatever thoughts were on your mind disappear and you feel an amazing surge of energy and awe. Your connection to the natural world wakes up and you, too, begin to shine!

Full moon energy

Full moons stir up our emotions and amplify mystical powers connected to the human spirit. You take joy in watching what was once dark come into the light, your mind plays out scenes of potential chaos in a wild and untamed world while also basking in deep and uninhibited feeling that is impossible to define.

The time of the full moon is a powerful energy healing opportunity, an optimum time for meditating, recharging your energy field, and clearing your chakras. That is why so many cultures have full moon rituals and ceremonies—there’s so much pure energy in the moonlight that anything it touches can’t help but respond to its radiance and love.

Using the lunar energy of a full moon can yield incredible healing results, both physically and mentally. Full moons bathe your skin in a soft light, while also illuminating the often overlooked crevices of your subconscious—giving you insights into your spirit and soul.

Five full moon rituals that use the healing power of lunar energy:

Full moon ritual #1
Shine a light on your emotions

full moon ritual 1

During the full moon, emotions are magnified. You have probably heard people blame the full moon when human behavior gets a bit wacky.

Because emotions are more easily accessible during a full moon, it’s a perfect opportunity to acknowledge and release them. By releasing strong emotions that come to light during a full moon, you’ll clear your chakras; this full moon cleansing ritual ensures that you are able to capture the full spectrum of healing energy from the full moon.

If you actively journal, you’ll see big benefits during a full moon.  In addition to expressing your inner truths and feelings, it’s a good time to write out your intentions, make decisions about what you really want, and fully embrace your truest self.

Below are a few journal prompts to help you get started:

  • What does my physical body most need right now?
  • What environments make me feel good?
  • What self-care routines most nourish and heal me?
  • What am I stopping myself from doing?

Full moon ritual #2
Take a moon bath

full moon ritual 3

Moonlight has holistic healing properties and is able to cleanse your mind, body, and spirit. Spending time under a full moon’s vibrant white glow is like stepping into a warm soothing bath (without the water).

Take a walk under the full moon, preferably with some of your skin exposed to its healing light. As you begin to relax, gaze up at the brilliance of the full moon and bask in its energy and love. Pay special attention to the feelings and emotions coursing through your body and in your chakras. Listen closely to your subconscious: perhaps there is a message that the moon is lighting up inside of you.

A moon bath steeps your body and spirit in purifying light, washing away negativity and leaving you fresh and renewed.

Full moon ritual #3
Tack up some dreams

full moon ritual 3

Harness the positive energy of the moon by envisioning your goals and dreams. Picture your life as you wish it to be and tack up some actual pictures of your dreams and desires on your vision board. As you dream, so shall you become!

What are your intentions? Your goals? Bucket list experiences?

The full moon will magnify any energy you send out, and help guide it into the welcoming embrace of the universe. Be clear and specific about what you wish to manifest and don’t be surprised when your intentions come true.

Full moon ritual #4
Turn toward the positive

full moon ritual 4

The full moon’s light is so strong, it’s hard for darkness to stand up in the face of its glory. Use this opportunity to discover and release negativity.

The moon can reach the deepest parts of your soul and pull out the things you’ve been hiding or trying to ignore. The moon illuminates any negative emotions stored in your chakras or your body and reflects that knowledge back to you so that you can begin the process of clearing those blockages through meditation, healing courses, or other practices.

Full moon ritual #5
Turn down the covers—outside!

full moon ritual 5

I have always tried to spend my summers sleeping outside, especially during the full moons. While some are puzzled by my choice, anyone who is a camper, hiker, or nature-lover understands my habit instantly: in addition to grounding myself to Mother Earth, I give my body much needed Vitamin M (moonlight, that is).

So, grab a sleeping bag and pitch a tent in your backyard or, find a warm blanket and string a hammock between two sturdy trees. Falling asleep under twinkling stars and a glowing full moon will leave your body, mind, and soul more rested than eight hours of sleep ever could.

Go one step further and meditate or pray, and let the peace and beauty of the full moon soak into your body and soul while you drift off to sleep. You’ll wake up refreshed and rejuvenated.

Your meditations, prayers, dreams, willingness to forgive, and extend love are all magnified by the lunar energy of the full moon. Whatever good feelings you experience for yourself (or wish for others) are more powerful than ever right now. Any love you send into the world and any service you perform will be extra powerful.

Give yourself the gift of moonlight this week. Get outside and enjoy the benefits of spending time in the soft white glow of the full moon.

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Light Up Your Life

Light Up Your Life

Winter Solstice is a time of great symbolism and a time of reflection as the darkest and longest night of the year gives way to the return of the sun. Solstice actually lasts for 3 days, since the change in the Sun’s path is so slight on the days around the solstice that the Sun seems to “stand still.” The “high noon” of Solstice is when the Sun is exactly overhead the Tropic of Capricorn. This year, that moment is on December 21st at 5:22 p.m. EST.

This is a great time to ask yourself: What in your life needs to emerge from the darkness into the light? What seeds have been nurtured in the depths of your being that want to find expression in the light?

All ancient spiritual teachers had some type of ceremony to honor the return of the sun, and they left us some vivid reminders. Stonehenge in England is known for its precise alignment with the movement of the sun and has been a sacred place to celebrate the solstice for thousands of years. The same is true for Newgrange, a burial mound in Ireland that is over 5,000 years old. It has a 62-foot passage leading to a chamber. During winter solstice, the rising sun comes through the top of the chamber and lights the room.

All over the world, there are festivals and rituals to mark the beginning of longer days and the return of the Sun, symbolized by Christmas tree lights, menorahs, Kwanzaa candles, and Twelfth Night bonfires. Another of the ancient customs comes from the Druids and Pagans, who still call their celebration Yule and burn a yule log. The log, an emblem of the returning Sun, is a huge block of wood, meant to last for the 12 days of Christmas, turning night into day and illuminating the house.

There is something within us all that needs to know there will be light after the darkness of the longest night. So how will you celebrate the Sun’s return to greater light?

You could make your own yule log. Each type of wood has its own spiritual qualities, and the type of wood you burn in a ritual can indicate your hopes and prayers for the new year ahead. Aspen brings spiritual understanding; oak symbolizes endurance and strength, victory and triumph; pine (fir, juniper, cedar) can bring prosperity and protection; the yew tree connects with immortality and longevity; and birch is associated with rebirth and regeneration, as well as fertility.

You can decorate your yule log with candles and greenery. A sprig of holly ensures your family’s safety and brings good luck. And do you know the song about “the holly and the ivy?” Ivy lives on after its host plant has died—a reminder that life goes on. It symbolizes healing, protection, and the binding of lovers together, so it’s associated with loyalty and the powerful bonds of family and friends. And then there’s mistletoe, associated with peacemaking and the end of discord, not just kisses, although nothing wrong with them either!

Wrap your log loosely with ribbons of different colors. Here again, see what you want to symbolize. Red, which we associate with Christmas poinsettias, holly berries, and Santa’s suit, is used to indicate passion and prosperity and good fortune. Green, the other color associated with the Yule season, is a reminder of the evergreen tree, and therefore everlasting life. White symbolizes purity and truth and represents purification and spiritual development. Gold, of course, is the blazing sun. It was one of the gifts brought to the newborn “light” of Jesus by the Magi, and the first menorah was made from a single lump of gold. Gold ribbons invite in wealth for the coming year and a sense of revitalization. You can also decorate the log with pine cones, dried berries, cinnamon sticks (makes a lovely smell as the log burns), along with the ribbons and the cuttings of holly and ivy.

When you’re ready to burn your yule log, you can do it in a fireplace or outside in a fire pit. Write down an intention for how you will live in the light during the coming year and stick the paper in with the log. On the night of winter solstice, set up an altar with pictures of your loved ones and spiritual guides, and turn off all the lights in your house, and then meditate. At the end, and facing the altar, say a blessing for the return of the light.

It could be: “The wheel of the year has turned once more. Tonight, the darkness starts to retreat and the light begins its return. The sun returns to us once more.” Then light the log or some candles, and say, “The shadows vanish and life continues. We are blessed by the light of the sun, and the inner sun of our divine self.”

Rituals are reminders. This time of year, in the midst of the usual holiday chaos, align yourself with the solstice and mark the birth of more and more light in your life. It is your light that brings you immortality.

Harvest Moon

The Night of the Harvest Moon


Weather permitting, don’t miss your chance to experience an amazing annual event that takes place tonight. Just after sunset the moon will be magically transformed into a giant ball of glorious orange gracing the night sky.

Lunar Energy is a powerful source of energy healing, and a full moon is a perfect opportunity to activate your chakras. This Harvest Moon may well be the best of all.

With its unique properties, the moon has been endowed with names to capture its monthly lunar transition. For me, nothing quite compares to the Harvest Moon. I hope you’ll take advantage of this rare and wondrous opportunity to join me in meditation under its glow.

A Time to Recharge and Reflect

Harvest Moon is the name given the full moon that is closest to the Autumnal Equinox that occurred just a couple of days ago, this past Saturday. Year to year, it can be up to two weeks before or after, and while the Harvest Moon typically is in September, it can also happen in early October.

What’s unique is that unlike any other time of year, for a few special nights the moon rises earlier than usual, just after sunset, giving you a perfect evening of moon gazing.

We’re treated to a visual feast and a spiritual reawakening all in one.

For a spiritual teacher, it’s hard to ask for more.

Why the Harvest Moon is Special

This is the night sky at its most romantic and dramatic, affording us a connection with the fullness of the season and the bounties of the earth. Since ancient times, the Harvest Moon has been revered and central to our celebration of the seasonal harvest traditions timelessly binding our cultural and spiritual fabric.

This annual celestial event is one of nature’s great visual displays but what we see only hints at the role it has played in different cultures around the world.

Celebrated Since Ancient Times

In the Northern Hemisphere, it signals the beginning of autumn. Many believe the origins of the Harvest Moon date back to Europe in the 700s. In the centuries since, observances and cultural traditions have been recounted around the world. Two are particularly intriguing.

In China the Harvest Moon is celebrated with a festival where games are played and delicious treats, ‘mooncakes’, are enjoyed. Due to calendar differences, the Chinese call it the ‘August’ Moon.

In America, the Algonquin Indians, among other indigenous tribes, not only celebrated the Harvest Moon but put its unusual brightness to work. Like Mother Nature’s flashlight, they used its light to harvest crops well into the night.

One of Nature’s Optical Illusions

What we see is bigger and bolder than usual, and the moon’s surface appears warmer and a vibrant orange. An optical illusion that is the result of the moon’s positioning, the Harvest Moon’s remarkable brightness occurs because we’re viewing it through the lower, and thicker, part of atmosphere.

While the moon’s color is inarguably more intense, and it appears larger and warmer, as it rises through the night, the moon will appear smaller and cooler.

Upcoming Lunar Events

For those of you who like to plan ahead, a truly rare event is when the Harvest Moon falls on the night of the Autumnal Equinox. This wont won’t again until 2029, but let’s start planning now!

Next up, however, and usually in October as it is this year, is the Hunter’s Moon; the first full moon after the Harvest Moon. It also features unique color, this time red, not orange, and it’s known as a Blood or Sanguine Moon.

Get Out and Experience It

Wherever you are, I urge you to get outside, even if just for a few minutes, and bask in the lunar energy on display and become part of a celestial event celebrated around the world for millennia.

And no worries of you miss it tonight – there are encore performances for a few nights after that are nearly as spectacular.

Worldwide traditions transcending our differences and bringing us together like these should be cherished, so I offer three words of advice:

Sit. Meditate. Enjoy.

That’s what I’ll be doing.

Separated by the miles, we’ll be together in spirit.


Pink Moon

Let April’s Pink Moon Shine for You!

You may have heard that April showers bring May flowers. That’s a lovely positive affirmation when spring is taking a little too long to arrive and the storms won’t stop rolling through with showers that are white and icy! That is probably how we got the Native American’s traditional name for the April full moon. The Pink Moon of April usually coincided with the appearance of blooming ground phlox, a stunning pink carpet of tiny flowers. Ah, Spring at last! This year’s full Pink Moon appears on April 29, and with a little reflection, it might bring you a very special spiritual bouquet!

Think about how sweet it is to spot the first flowers of spring—whether they are crocuses peeking through the snow or daffodils, tulips, or hyacinth pushing up through the soil in your garden. The ground phlox that inspired the Pink Moon’s name is a North American native whose meaning in flower lore is “harmony” and “sweet dreams.” The first-blooming flowers of spring do bring a feeling of hope, sweetness, and the excitement of new possibilities. Which one is your favorite?

Bring yourself into the spirit of the Pink Moon with a nature walk in a spot you love. While you walk, let your eyes take it the details of the setting that make it unique. Are there any plants, trees, flowers, or rocks that you have noted in passing but not truly studied? Take time to look closely and focus on the light, the color, the shape, or the feeling of one or two familiar features. If you can find a flower, look inside—like modern artist Georgia O’Keeffe loved to do. (Watch out for bees and bless them for their vital work in pollinating the plant kingdom.) Try to really examine your flower’s form and consider the complexity, artistry, and beauty you see. Are there any birds or small animals to observe? Could they be present with you right now for a purpose?

Take a deep breath as you enjoy the natural surroundings you have chosen to visit. Remember to give thanks for your senses of sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste which allow you to experience the natural world on multiple levels. You are part of the natural world, too, part of the work of the creative universe. During the last few days before the full Pink Moon, think about ways in which you can make your life more joyful and purposeful. Each cycle of the moon marks the passage of time, and this Pink Moon marks the beginning of a new month and a new beginning for any dream or endeavor or developmental step you have been thinking about.

Here are three questions to consider as you prepare for the next step:

What do you know?
Do you know yourself deeply and truly? How would you describe yourself? What are your greatest strengths and abilities? Do you know the desires of your heart? Do you know what you really want to do? Do you feel that you know your life’s purpose? Where do you want to go? How do you want to feel? Who and what do you love? What do you believe? What are your values?

What do you want to know?
If you know your life’s purpose, do you want to know whether your present actions are taking you in the right direction? Or do you still need to discover your purpose? Do you want to know how to do something that interests you? Is there some knowledge or skill that you want to explore? What are the biggest questions in your life that you would like to answer? What are the biggest challenges in your life that you would like to face and find ways to overcome?

Who can you ask?
Where do you go to seek wisdom? How do you fill your need for spiritual guidance, fulfillment, and inner peace? Where do you turn in times of need? Who can you call? Do you seek help from the Divine—“Ask and it shall be given”? Do you rely on friends and family for solace? Do you have a tool kit of practices for comfort and healing? Do you call on the angels, guides from the spirit realm, spiritual teachers and counselors, sacred texts, or the energies of nature? From whence cometh your strength?

Exploring the answers to these questions helps you connect with your higher Self, and brings comforting knowledge of who you really are and why you are here. Self-discovery brings peace, joy, and a sense of what is possible for you in the new span of days opening before you.

May the full Pink Moon bring you a new awareness of the miracle of being you. And may you be blessed with the radiance of healing moonlight on the evening of April 29.


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winter solstice traditions

Winter Solstice Traditions from Around the Globe

The winter solstice has been celebrated for thousands of years by people from all over the globe. Every year in the Northern Hemisphere (on Dec. 21 or 22) and the Southern Hemisphere (on June 20 or 21), the sun appears to stand still at the Tropic of Capricorn, shinning directly overhead at 12 noon, before reversing its direction. At the winter solstice, the balance of dark and light tips, and the sun begins a return trip that promises such good things in the months ahead…new life, growth, warmer weather, and those beautiful spring flowers that push their way out of the soil like clockwork and bring a smile to your soul.

The days leading up to the winter solstice might be dark and cold, but this is actually nature’s way of helping us to come together as a community and focus on spiritual rebirth. It’s always easier to work with Mother Nature, so take advantage of these shorter days and dedicate time to feeding your spirit, nurturing your soul, and reflecting on your journey over the past year—you can then set your intentions for the year ahead and celebrate the return of the light.

People have been celebrating the winter solstice for thousands of years—and yet, while these winter solstice traditions and rituals are diverse and unique, each is centered around the universal theme around light and renewal. You may already have your own winter solstice rituals in place, so you can clear away past trauma, find strength in the present moment, and pave the way to the future of your dreams…but what if there’s a tradition from a far away ancient civilization or culture that can help you move to the next level in your spiritual journey? Keep reading for winter solstice traditions and rituals around the world and different ideas you can use to incorporate elements of the celebration into your own practice.

Winter solstice celebrations around the world

Winter solstice rituals from all over the world

The Labyrinth of Light in Vancouver, BC

Winter solstice labyrinth of light

Photo credit: Flickr

Every year, Vancouver residents and visitors join together to celebrate the winter solstice at the Labyrinth of Light, an evening of processions, music, and art performance. The event is organized by the Secret Lantern Society and attendees are invited to wander through intricate light mazes (created with 700+ beeswax candles!) for a meditative experience that fosters relaxation and encourages self-reflection.

The concept of a “labyrinth of light” has long been used in cultures around the world for meditation and prayer on the winter solstice. Vancouver’s interpretation, with its self-guided ceremony, helps attendees to release old attachments and envision new possibilities for the future while the darkest night of the year gives birth to a new season filled with hope and light.

Labyrinth of Light celebration idea:

Create your own maze of lights
If you’re not able to make an impromptu trip to Canada, you can still capture some of the magic that happens at the official Labyrinth of Light by creating your own “mini” version at home. On the night of the winter solstice (Dec. 21), setup rows of beeswax candles throughout your home or backyard; if you have young children, or are nervous about having so many candles burning simultaneously, pick up some flameless candles at your local craft store or Amazon.

Winter solstice celebrations around the world

Winter solstice at Stonehenge in England

winter solstice stonehenge

Stonehenge is synonymous with the summer and winter solstices because of the ancient structure’s precise alignment with the sun’s movement, as well as the fact that it is a bucket list item for so many.

Every year, thousands of revelers make the journey to this sacred place of worship to witness the mid-winter sun set perfectly between the two upright stones of the Great Trilithon at dusk. For those lucky enough to witness the magic of Stonehenge in-person during the winter solstice, there will be lots of activities going on around you: dancing, singing, Druic ceremonies, and Pagan celebrations, to name a few. The grounds open at first light the next morning (December 22) to allow thousands of druids, pagans, and other devotees to celebrate the sunrise in a spiritual, respectful manner (which does not involve activities like drinking alcohol, playing loud music, or using fireworks).

Stonehenge-inspired winter solstice celebration idea:

Say a little prayer (for you and for the Earth)
The weather outside might be frightful, but that doesn’t mean that there’s nothing going on below. Think about your own life and what might be lying dormant at the moment, and then envision what may bloom a few months from now.

A Prayer to You and the Earth at Yule
Cold and dark, this time of year,
the earth lies dormant, awaiting the return
of the sun, and with it, life.
Far beneath the frozen surface,
a heartbeat waits,
until the moment is right,
to spring.

Winter solstice celebrations around the world

The Dōngzhì Festival in China

winter solstice dongzhi festival

The Chinese winter solstice Dōngzhì festival is a major winter solstice and holiday in East Asian culture, dating back thousands of years to the Han Dynasty (206 BC–220 AD). Dōngzhì festival revelers celebrate the time when winter’s darkness begins to give way to light by gathering together with family for celebratory meals and trips to temples to honor ancestors.

The concept of balance is integral to East Asian philosophy of Yin (positive) and Yang (negative) and its influence can been seen in the Dōngzhì festival: at the Winter Solstice, Yin is at its peak and will gradually disappear, while Yang will become stronger from that day forward.

Dōngzhì festival celebration idea:

Cook: family meals are central to Chinese winter solstice celebrations, so cook up (or order from a specialty store) a hearty, nourishing meal to share with family and loved ones. Traditional foods served during the Dōngzhì festival include tang yuan (glutinous rice dumplings) and lamb dumplings.

Winter solstice celebrations around the world

Yalda Night in Iran

Yalda winter solstice festival

Yalda, or Šab-e Yaldā, is an Iranian festival held on the “longest and darkest night of the year” – the winter solstice. Yalda means “birth,” and Yalda Night is viewed as the birthday of the sun god Mithra and the victory of light over dark.

During this ancient festival, which originated prior to the advent of Islam and at a time when the majority of Persians were followers of Zoroastrianism, people were advised to stay awake most of the night and gather in the safety of groups, while sharing the last remaining fruits of summer. The same Yalda winter solstice customs are carried today, with families gathering together, eating, drinking and reading poetry (Hafez) throughout the evening to pass the darkest night of the year with laughter and joy. Iranians believe that those who begin winter by eating summer fruits (especially pomegranate and watermelon as the red in these two fruits symbolizes the crimson hues of dawn and the glow of life) will not fall ill during the cold season.

Yalda is also celebrated in parts of Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan.

Yalda Night celebration idea:

Read: Hafez was a 14th-century poet in Iran whose mystical love poems express the ecstasy of divine inspiration. Join people in Iran as they open the Divan of Hafez to a random page and read the poem on it, which is believed to be an indication of things that will happen in the future. If you can’t locate a copy of the Divan of Hafez in time for Yalda, don’t stress! In addition to the Kindle edition on Amazon, both Google and Apple have apps available in their stores.

Winter solstice celebrations around the world

Inti Raymi in Peru

winter solstice southern hemisphere

Peru, located in the Southern Hemisphere, celebrates the winter solstice on June 24. Inti Raymi (Quechua for “sun festival”), which takes place on the solstice, is dedicated to honoring the Incan sun god, Inti.

Prior to the Spanish conquest and colonization—which had a devastating impact on the Indigenous Peoples of South America—the Incas would fast for the three days leading up to the winter solstice. Before dawn on the fourth day, they would travel to a ceremonial plaza in Cusco and wait to see the sun rise on the horizon. When the sun appeared, the Incas would crouch down before it, offering up golden cups of chicha (a sacred beer made from fermented corn) and hundreds of animals (mostly llamas)  in sacrifice.

When preparing for the ceremony, the Incas would use a mirror to focus the sun’s rays and ignite a flame that would be kindled into a fire. Sadly, after Spain conquered the Incan civilization, Inti Raymi was banned. However, modern society has revived the ancient festival (sans the live animal sacrifices) and the yearly re-enactments bring thousands of people from all over the world to Cusco, the ancient Incan capital.

Inti Raymi winter solstice celebration idea:

Traditional Incan music and dance are a big component of the Inti Raymi celebration, so why not watch the YouTube video below and try the moves out yourself?

Winter solstice celebrations around the world

Toji in Japan

Winter solstice japan

In Japan, the winter solstice is less a festival than a traditional practice centered around starting the new year with health and good luck.

During this sacred time of year, farmers welcome the return of the sun’s nourishing light after a long, dark winter. To encourage the sun’s return, people create massive bonfires that burn on Mount Fuji every December. In addition to ensuring the earth gets off to a healthy start, Japanese winter solstice participants also focus on healing their own bodies by taking warm baths scneted with yuzu, a citrus fruit that is believed to ward off colds and facilitate strong health. If you are lucky enough to be in Japan during Toji and you happen to stop by a public bath or hot spring, you’ll notice that yuzu has been thrown into the water; most-likely, you’ll also be served kabocha squash during a winter solstice meal in Japan, as it is thought to bring luck.

Toji winter solstice celebration idea:

Relax in a nice hot bath
After all the praying, reading, cooking, and dancing you’ve been doing in celebration of the winter solstice, perhaps it’s time to wind-down and help your body relax. The Japanese use yuzu in their baths during the winter solstice, but you can use whatever essential oil you find relaxes you (lavender is always a good choice when you want to rest). As you let your muscles relax in the warm bath, focus on letting go of anything negative that you’ve been carrying around all year…and when you’re ready to rejoin the world, pull up the bath plug and watch as all that heavy energy whisks away down the drain.

Winter solstice celebrations around the world

Additional materials for the winter solstice

Winter solstice journal questions

  • What would you do with a new chance to reinvent your life?
  • Do you need to let go of negative thoughts and beliefs that are holding you back?
  • How will you move forward in the months ahead?

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The Frequency Shift: Why More Starseeds Are Awakening Right Now

Something is happening. You can feel it. The world doesn’t quite vibrate the same way it did before. It’s subtle yet undeniable—like a radio station just slightly out of tune, sending whispers through the static. For those who have always felt different, for those who have sensed they are not from here, the shift is […]

From the Stars to Your Cells: How Energy Healing Bridges the Cosmic & the Physical

For those who feel the call of the cosmos, the notion of being a Starseed is more than just a passing curiosity. It’s an inner knowing. A recognition that your soul may have origins beyond Earth… and that your mission here is far bigger than what the modern world would have you believe. But knowing […]

Starseeds, the Snow Moon, and the Call of the Cosmos: A Celestial Invitation

Somewhere beyond the glow of city lights, the sky is speaking. Ancient civilizations knew how to listen. They charted the heavens, marked the movements of planets, and synchronized their lives with the rhythms of the stars. But in today’s world – drowned in artificial noise and fluorescent distractions – few still hear the whispers of […]

Autumn equinox

Stay Healthy During the Autumn Equinox

Early September is a time of deep transition. For those of us who love the sun and enjoy the feeling of its warm light on our bodies, September is our last call; it is the time of year where we find that if we have lingered outdoors for too long in the evening, we are met with a chilly darkness that ushers us indoors faster than anticipated. Others look to ground down, embracing new beginnings and looking forward to mugs of cinnamon spice tea enjoyed with loved ones in warmly lit living rooms.

As with any type of significant change, September is a time where we are at our most fragile and susceptible to both physical and mental ailments. As we move toward the Autumn Equinox, the days become shorter and nights longer. As much as some of us want to hold on to every last bit of summer, now is the time to focus on releasing the past and clearing out negative energies and lingering emotions so you can start new.

Keep reading for different things you can do to prepare yourself for the shifting temperatures and seasonal changes that will keep your entire being healthy — all while still enjoying those last vibrations of summer. ?

Ways to stay healthy during the Autumn Equinox

Equinoxes occur two times a year in the Spring and Fall and is the moment in which the plane of the Earth’s equator passes through the center of the Sun’s disk. The result? On an equinox, the day and night are of approximately equal duration all over the planet.

We are approaching the Autumn Equinox this week: September 22, 2017.

As with any major astronomical event, you — and your environment — will experience changes and shifts in energy. It’s important that both before, during, and after, the Autumn Equinox, you focus on achieving balance.

Journaling: Fertilize your mind

We live in a world where we’re constantly on the go, and it can be difficult to find the time you need to sit down and work through a painful experience. However, dedicating time to healing yourself should always be a priority, especially during a time of year when there are so many energy changes happening all around you. It’s not surprising that people struggle with fatigue, mental fogginess, a lack of time, and achiness before and after the Autumn Equinox (if not year-round) when they don’t dedicate time to healing themselves.

When you are writing, it is easy to simply document what you see in the world (which is often disorder and chaos). Try to go a step deeper and understand how the events unfolding in the world around you are impacting your psyche when journaling. Once you understand how you are being affected, you can then work on finding a solution! Remember, it’s important to give yourself time to reflect on the changes that you want to make. Focus specifically on what you will be releasing and what will take its place, as well as how these new energies will help you at this stage in your journey.

Think about your mind as a garden (and no, your garden doesn’t have to be a perfectly manicured one…it can be a vast mountainside or even a tiny windowsill terrarium). Whatever type of garden you are growing in your mind, there is one constant: if you don’t regularly attend to it, you will quickly be overgrown with weeds, which make it difficult for flowers to grow. With a regular journal practice, you are clearing out the thoughts and emotions in your mind that stifle your creativity and happiness.

Meditation: Find balance

In addition to journaling, regular meditation is crucial to the overall healing process and it will help you find balance during this chaotic time of year.

During the Autumn Equinox, your meditation practice should focus on finding balance and letting go of negative energies from the past that you may still be holding onto. When you don’t reconcile conflicting issues, chaos and sickness will move in and take over: which is why so many people find themselves getting sick during this time of year. The Autumn Equinox will only magnify your unresolved conflicts by adding its own intense energies into the mix.

During your meditation practices, try to release any energy that you have that is no longer serving you, so you can regain harmony within yourself and move toward completion. If you feel that there is something that remains unfinished, but you can’t put your finger on it, have patience and trust that it will unfold for you in divine timing.

While it is important to listen to your inner guide for reassurance, know that anything you are removing will be replaced with something better — even if it feels chaotic at the moment. It can certainly be difficult at times, but don’t allow yourself to be pulled back down with old emotions of fear and despair; Spirit has given you all the tools you need to make it through these uncertain times and find your balance once again. You are a lightworker, and there are hundreds of others working on the other side of the veil, to help you ground and release.

If you feel that there is something that remains unfinished, but you can’t put your finger on it, have patience and trust that it will unfold for you in divine timing.

Stay grounded — go outside!

If you have been tuning into my weekly Heal Thrive Grow shows, you know that I’ve spoken recently about the urgent need for us to protect our Mother Earth. Ignoring the fact that it is our only home and we are doing irreparable damage that needs to stop, the Earth (figuratively and literally) grounds us.

With the Autumn Equinox comes very powerful energies, and many of them will stir up feelings and emotions that aren’t all flowers and sunshine: we may feel confused, like we’re in the middle of a circus act with uncontrolled chaos swirling all around us; a feeling of unfinished affairs resulting from leftover energy; or even confusion and a fear that you’ll be dropped into an unpredictable situation with no way to escape.

One of the best ways to find your footing during the Autumn Equinox is simply to go outside and spend some time with Mother Nature. If you are lucky enough to live by the ocean, a lake, or a river, take a walk along its edge and when you find a peaceful spot, take a moment and appreciate the absolutely stunning surroundings that have been gifted to you in this very moment. If you live near a more suburban area, find a nearby park or hiking trail and spend some time there one day. And even city dwellers can take a walk up onto a patio, up to a rooftop, or simply open a window and feel the breeze blow outside.

Connecting with nature, no matter where you are in the world, will help you find stability and give you that reminder that we all need from time to time, that you are part of something bigger. As unpleasant as emotional instability, exhaustion, fogginess, and anxiety can be, nature will ground you and help you let go of what no longer serves you, allowing you watch as the wind carries it beyond the horizon.

summer solstice energy

When the Light is Brightest . . .

At Stonehenge, the Solstice is the day when the Sun rises over the Heel Stone and lands smack in the center of the Altar Stone. It’s preceded by Midsummer’s Eve, when magic abounds and the little folk can be seen.

In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna describes the Summer Solstice as the way out of the physical world and into the spiritual realms. It’s a time when the veil is so thin that it separates you from non-physical reality, and can be easily pierced. And it stays that way for days before starting to slowly fade.

We are in the midst of it now!

The next six months will see a daily diminishing of the light, so ritual fires are lit. Great bonfires to hold the sun’s heat, to honor the power of the Sun, to reflect the fire in the sky…or a candle on your altar or hearth.

It’s a time to do rituals and ceremonies that celebrate your connection to the Great Father Spirit, and to take stock of where you are and what you want to accomplish in the months leading up to Winter Solstice. It’s at this time that there is the most light in the sky, so take advantage of its radiance and reflect light on whatever you need to transform in your life.

Fire transforms wood into ash, ice into water, water into steam. In your body, there are transformative processes — like digestion — which take the food you eat and burn it into life energy. The solar energy also is associated with the light within, the light of consciousness. So, look inside: the light is bright at this time of year. As St. Francis of Assisi has been quoted as saying, “A single sunbeam is enough to drive away many shadows.”

The Sun has traditionally been considered masculine (Father Sun as opposed to Mother Earth), so it’s a good time to look at any issues you may have with masculine energies.

  • Are you overly competitive?
  • Stuck in logical rational thinking to the exclusion of your intuition?
  • Are you courageous enough to speak your truth?
  • Are you willing to take action?


Male or female, you want your masculine and feminine attributes to be in balance. It’s not Mars vs. Venus, it’s both/and.

All ancient spiritual traditions venerated the Sun. In Egypt, the head of the Sphinx is crowned by the Sun on Summer Solstice. The ancients knew that the journey the Sun makes each year can be seen as the journey of enlightenment, with the Sun standing for the Spirit in each of us. The Winter Solstice sees the birth of the Sun (the Son); the Spring Equinox sees the solar hero’s death and resurrection; followed by ascension at the Summer Solstice, the highest point when the Son reunites with the Divine. (The Autumn Equinox is the plunge into the regenerative darkness that will nurture the rebirth of the Sun at the Winter Solstice.)

When you become aware of the power of the cycle of the Sun and the seasons, you can align yourself with cycle of natural energies that help you connect to your own radiant spirit.

So, swim with the sunrise, walk in forest glens, gaze into the fire outdoors at night, but remember to use the light to shine on and fire up your relationship to your brightest and best self.


The Holy Daze: The Energy Healer’s Guide to Surviving the Holidays

That time of year is here once more, my friends! Just over the horizon you can almost see the tidal wave of food, festivities, family drama, and frayed nerves that is about to sweep into your world. You probably promise yourself every year that this time it’s going to be different. Here’s the good news! Whatever holidays you celebrate between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Eve, you can anticipate the season with joy rather than dread. You can make good on your promise to rise above, to love, to smile, to give, and to ENJOY the holy and sacred approach of the winter solstice. Read on for my “Energy Healer’s Guide to Surviving the Holidays.” Let me help you focus on the positive, the beautiful, and the light-filled way you’d love it to be!

For many, the holidays are way too full of unrealistic expectations and that nagging feeling that you owe yourself and your family the “perfect holiday” no matter what financial, emotional or family challenge you’re facing. Whether your fears include: “I can’t afford it,” “I don’t have time,” or “my family makes me crazy,” imagine stepping back and putting your own spiritual wellbeing first. What an amazing concept! Imagine bringing your highest self, your most balanced, serene, compassionate, loving, forgiving, and light-hearted self to the holiday party!

You can stay sane and centered in the midst holiday madness.   

Remember that you always have the choice to step back from the world and find your own realm of peace and tranquility. In a world gone mad (and not just with seasonal chaos), you are called to keep the faith, the love, and a firm grasp on eternal truth for yourself and for others as well. Cherish your sense of humor, and let happy laughter keep you grounded.

You can be forgiving and loving even when your family and the in-laws arrive at your door.

Remember that you are always safe. Open yourself to the soul connection that is always present for you. You are in the comfort zone that Spirit has created—safe, secure, powerful, and indestructible. Your holidays can be filled with joy and laughter when you feel the connection that is freely offered by a loving Universe.

You can keep your heart open, your channels clear, and your days holy–even in the midst of worry, resentment, exhaustion, and an extra big pile of dirty dishes.

Remember that no heap of dirty dishes, or even Uncle Al’s announcement that he is staying for a month, is anything compared to the power of your own inner light. Your connection to the sacred is always with you—all the time and everywhere. In my work as an energy healer and spiritual teacher, I have learned how to nurture the connection to Spirit that is always available when you need it. And don’t you always need it?  When you learn to see the sacred, the miraculous, around you at all times, celebration becomes a way of life.

Here are some simple things you can do each day to keep the sacred in your heart (and guarantee your survival) during the holidays:

  1. Pray – Prayer is a part of most traditional religious celebrations during the holidays. This powerful form of communicating with Spirit can bring joy and peace any time and any place.
  2. Meditate – Meditating each day is a healing practice that keeps you in touch with your soul and strengthens your ability to remain calm and balanced in all circumstances.
  3. Journal — Spend time using your journal to acknowledge your feelings about the people and events that fill your holidays. If you have something to forgive, choose to do so. You’ll feel a sense of relief and lightness that will carry you through the season. Be sure to forgive yourself, too, for meeting the Holy Daze on your own terms this year.
  4. Seek Nature – Giving yourself the gift of time in your favorite natural setting is guaranteed to help you appreciate the divine during the holiday season. Nature can be your cathedral. A fragrant pine tree covered with snow or a red cardinal sitting on an icy branch can bring feelings of joy that connect you to the sacred.
  5. Sing (or Just Listen) – Singing traditional holiday songs, listening to the harmony of a choir, or taking part in any musical experience are opportunities that come with the holiday season. Listen, sing, and dance when Spirit offers.
  6. Engage – When you gather with friends and family for the holidays, see if you can look at the scene with the eyes of Spirit, eyes of unconditional love and acceptance. Seeing those traditional gatherings through a lens of loving kindness can transform and heal.
  7. Give – By giving to those in need, by donating your time, by finding ways to shift the focus from excess for some to plenty for all, you’ll discover the sacred act of giving thanks to a boundless Universe.


By taking care of yourself, making time for your own spiritual and health practices, you’ll keep your mind clear and your spirit light. When you give yourself loving permission to enjoy the season, you’ll be able to spread that joy to others around you, to extend a healing presence. Let the Energy Healer’s Guide help you honor your soul and meet the season with an abundance of joy and light!

Find out more about the role of the energy healer in nurturing your connection to the Divine, I hope you’ll join me for my December retreat, Sanctuary for the Mantle of Healing, December 1-4 in Ojai, CA. Click here for more details >>>