
Endangered Species: What it Means for Us

“Blessed are those who love animals, for they shall preserve the Earth.” I’m misquoting the Sermon on the Mount for a really good cause. Environmental protection looms large in our minds right now due to the extreme threat our planet faces from climate change and the missteps we humans continue to make. Whenever we think of protecting our planet, we also need to think of the other sentient beings who have something at stake. We are not alone. We live here with an incredible array of other life forms whose existence also hangs in the balance. And their welfare impacts ours in every way.

Our natural world is a complex interconnected system of human, animal, and plant life. We now know that the health and well-being of animal and plant populations reflect the quality of the environment we share. Think canary in the coal mine. We function with the millions of other living species on our planet as part of a finely balanced system. The loss of any single species can create a ripple effect that will eventually touch all of us.

The ecosystems of the earth function smoothly because of biodiversity—the full array of diverse life forms that populate our planet. Biodiversity, it turns out, is critical to ending poverty and promoting shared prosperity for the millions of people who depend on nature for their livelihood. When species disappear or fall in number, ecosystems and people suffer—especially the world’s poorest. We can’t know how valuable a species of animal or plant may be for us in the future. Everything is connected. When we protect endangered species, we also protect the ecosystems that permit us to live.

Naturalist and author Paul Rosolie writes about the urgent importance of preserving endangered species, “Wild animals keep our world alive. Without them, there is no us.” We don’t want to find out what the world would look like without our fellow creatures, and yet the problem of disappearing habitats and dwindling animal populations continues to grow. Just two months ago, the world’s last male northern white rhino, “Sudan,” died, leaving only two females left. Among other endangered animals are tigers and other big cats, elephants, gorillas, sea turtles, black rhinos, blue whales, and whooping cranes, to name the most widely known. There are many other endangered species within more localized habitats. Maybe you even know of some close to where you live.

“The appreciation of wildlife goes beyond merely what they have given us,” says Rosolie. “Wild animals have their own inherent value, their own reasons for existing. There are many species capable of making tools, sharing innovations, and having complex thoughts and emotions. They, like us, have families, endure struggles, feel pain, experience joy, and even play with one another.” I know you can testify to the truth of Rosolie’s words. Recently, I saw a heartbreaking photo of orphaned baby elephants wearing small blankets on their backs. Placed there by animal aid workers, the blankets were meant to simulate the feeling of their mother’s trunk draped over them for comfort and protection. These babies were not orphaned by Nature, they were orphaned by us.

We humans are now the dominant population on planet Earth with numbers greater than 7 billion. How have we been treating our fellow inhabitants? You may have heard the term “sixth extinction” coined by scientists as an expression of how rapidly species and ecosystems are vanishing under our watch. Humans of an earlier era did not have the scope of knowledge we have about our planet and its complex workings—and the delicate balance of life. With our increased awareness comes increased responsibility and the need to take action. We can work to reverse the ongoing damage. We don’t want to find out what it would mean for us if wildlife becomes extinct.

“Blessed are those who love animals, for they shall preserve the Earth!” What we love we protect. People around the world are working to help save endangered animals from extinction. Conservation organizations like the World Wildlife Fund, Defenders of Wildlife, Project AWARE Foundation, the Jane Goodall Institute and many others work to increase public awareness of the problems facing endangered animals, and by association, all living creatures. Opportunities to support the cause of animal welfare are global and local. You can help save creatures great and small, far and near—from the elephants in Africa to the local wildlife in that nature preserve your city is working to create. Every loving action counts. For more information on animals and what you can do to help save them, check out my newest course.


A Thoroughly Modern Mother’s Day

What Mom Really Wants: Peace, Love and Understanding

Bloomingdale’s flagship store in New York City is honoring Mother’s Day with something a little different this year. Instead of the usual spring fashions, their windows will showcase the good works of five New York moms in “Magnanimous Moms, Moms Who Make a Difference and Moms with a Heart.” Consumerism, move over – it’s time for what the world needs right now: the loving activism that mothering is all about.

Honoring activist mothers turns out to be in perfect keeping with the energy that started Mother’s Day to begin with. Contrary to what you might be thinking, Mother’s Day in the U.S. was not founded by the florists, the candy shops, or the greeting card companies. The holiday was first celebrated in 1908 when Anna Jarvis held a memorial for her mother at St Andrew’s Methodist Church in Grafton, West Virginia. Anna’s mother, Ann Reeves Jarvis, had been a peace activist who cared for wounded soldiers on both sides of the American Civil War and created Mother’s Day Work Clubs to address public health issues. Anna’s campaign to create an official Mother’s Day succeeded in 1914 when Woodrow Wilson proclaimed the second Sunday in May a national holiday to honor mothers.

Giving cards, candy, and flowers on Mother’s Day is sweet, but look deeper into the activist heart of the holiday. What do today’s mothers really want? They want the same thing that mothers throughout time have always wanted—a better world for their children. Each of the activist moms being honored in the Bloomingdale’s window found a cause that mattered to her and took action. Each of them leads a philanthropic organization that they created to make things better.

Bloomingdale’s didn’t have to look far to find these caring mothers: Agnes Gund founded Studio in a School in 1977, in response to city and state budget cuts that were threatening art education programs in public schools in New York. Gund is a legendary arts patron known for supporting a variety of social justice causes.

Chelsea Clinton’s Too Small to Fail promotes the importance of early brain and language development and empowers parents with tools to talk, read and sing with their young children from birth. Christy Turlington Burns founded the global maternal health organization, Every Mother Counts, dedicated to making pregnancy and childbirth safe for every mother. Kim Sweet is Executive Director of Advocates for Children of New York, whose mission is to ensure high-quality education for New York students from low-income backgrounds. Elizabeth Bryan-Jacobs is an upstate New York artist who pioneered her “Spread Your Wings” art-making program at Dell Children’s Hospital in Austin, Texas, where it broke all fundraising records and “brought out the angel in everyone.” Think children in wheelchairs painting brightly colored feathers for an enormous pair of wings!

The possibilities for celebrating Mother’s Day with social activism are truly boundless. One thing about today’s world—there is no scarcity of vital, life-saving work to be done. Whether the realm is health, education, justice, government, environment, animal welfare, the arts and whether the venue is local, national, or global, finding a cause that speaks to your heart is easy. Making a better world is an equal opportunity job with room for everyone. In addition to the local public schools, day care centers, health clinics, libraries, and senior centers that could probably use your in-person assistance, there are national and international organizations ready to welcome your support. Heifer International out of Little Rock, Arkansas, works to end poverty and hunger and build community with donations of farm animals (and bees) around the world. Habitat for Humanity (think President and Mrs. Jimmy Carter) works locally and internationally to build homes for low-income families. Doctors Without Borders provides humanitarian medical care wherever it is needed most. Amnesty International supports human rights efforts. The Sierra Club works to preserve the environment and the World Wildlife Fund? Their name says it all.

Taking loving action in the world seems like the perfect way to warm a mother’s heart and honor the day that is dedicated to mothers everywhere. Everything in this world is connected to and dependent upon everything else. To honor our connectedness is to honor life itself and the Creator of all. Whatever actions you take to provide loving service in the world will send forth pulses of healing energy. When you choose a way to serve that matches your passionate interests, it brings joy to you and to Mom and to all the moms who pray for the health, safety, freedom, and happiness of their children. Think about Ann Reeves Jarvis, Civil War nurse, who did not discriminate between North and South in her healing mission. There couldn’t be a better symbol of the stuff that needs healing today than the American Civil War. Thank you, Ann Jarvis, and daughter Anna, for the loving spirit that inspired Mother’s Day. It’s just what the world needs now.

If you’re interested in promoting feminine values like those you read about in this blog, you’ll love my course, Living Out Loud: Activate your sacred feminine energy and connect to your soul’s wisdom, so you can live a life of beautiful radiance.


Cosby Conviction a Victory for Women and Men

It’s nothing less than a seismic cultural shift, perhaps the greatest our generation will ever witness.

Twelve men and women comprising the jury in a Norristown, Pennsylvania courtroom did the unthinkable on Thursday, convicting Bill Cosby, now 80 years old, of drugging and sexually molesting Andrea Constand in 2004. The verdict was met with cries of relief and joyful celebration. It changes everything, and not just for women, but for everyone. Its significance cannot be overstated, because this is about more than any one man, any one case, or any one movement.

#MeToo will garner much of the credit for changes in attitude that brought the man down. The movement was certainly a catalyst, and deserving of credit, but what’s bigger this time is that it’s about all of us. Understanding it requires putting the man, his groundbreaking life, the broken and shattered lives of millions of women throughout history, along with the movement, into context.

Bill Cosby was nothing less than an American icon; wildly popular stand-up comic that broke ground in the 50’s and 60’s and never stopped. The first African-American to star on a national network’s television series, I Spy in 1965. He won Emmy’s, three consecutively.

“The Cosby Show,” a staple on NBC from 1984-1992, featured America’s first affluent and educated black family. Here he became America’s Dad. With “I Spy” some had called Cosby the Jackie Robinson of TV, and there was truth to that. In “The Cosby Show” he became the black Marcus Welby and during its run there was no bigger star on TV.

Cosby’s wealth and influence grew along with his fame. He was revered, respected, trusted and handsomely paid. His voice could be heard on Saturday morning children’s television, and for years, he was the famous spokesperson for no less an American institution than Jello Pudding.

Now, his name and face are infamous, and he has become a national pariah synonymous with something evil and wrong that has gone on for the past 5,000 years + of patriarchy. Molesting Andrea Constand was no isolated event. Dozens of accusers had made similar charges over decades against the comedian, television star, and professor, that had embodied what we considered good and admirable in our society for over half a century.

Constand’s case, however, was the only one where the statute of limitations hadn’t yet run. She deserves our thanks and admiration for her courage and commitment to finding justice.

And so, last Thursday, in a retrial after a hung-jury couldn’t reach a verdict in a trial last year, America’s most famous dad became America’s most infamous felon.

The thunder of hooves you hear is the stampede of corporations, universities, the rich, the famous, and the rest of us, cutting financial and emotional ties with a man that had been part of American life for most of our lives. The silence is the absence of his sitcom reruns no longer airing.

Women around the world are celebrating and this is proper given the conviction of a man of such stature that did unconscionable evil.

What Harvey Weinstein ignited fueled movements and a meteoric cultural recalibration. Cosby’s conviction is the best worst-case example of how society’s bullet-proof protections for sexual predators have disappeared; perhaps, at last, forever. What was once okay is no longer okay and will no longer be ignored and swept under the rug. At last, a woman’s voice can be heard.

The movement, like the Cosby conviction, should be considered not only a game-changing, needle-moving event, but also a moment and opportunity for national healing.

After experiencing sexual abuse as a child, I’ve worked through it all my life as a writer, speaker, and spiritual teacher. I wrote my first book, Truth Heals, because healing should be our highest priority. Even now. Especially now.

The verdict isn’t just a victory for #MeToo, and it’s much more than a victory for women. It’s a victory for all of us, women, and men, too.

Equality of rights, opportunities and treatment under the law – for everyone.

Perhaps it’s time for #MeToo to consider a companion movement.

We could call it #AllofUs.

We’d love to read your comments.

Pink Moon

Let April’s Pink Moon Shine for You!

You may have heard that April showers bring May flowers. That’s a lovely positive affirmation when spring is taking a little too long to arrive and the storms won’t stop rolling through with showers that are white and icy! That is probably how we got the Native American’s traditional name for the April full moon. The Pink Moon of April usually coincided with the appearance of blooming ground phlox, a stunning pink carpet of tiny flowers. Ah, Spring at last! This year’s full Pink Moon appears on April 29, and with a little reflection, it might bring you a very special spiritual bouquet!

Think about how sweet it is to spot the first flowers of spring—whether they are crocuses peeking through the snow or daffodils, tulips, or hyacinth pushing up through the soil in your garden. The ground phlox that inspired the Pink Moon’s name is a North American native whose meaning in flower lore is “harmony” and “sweet dreams.” The first-blooming flowers of spring do bring a feeling of hope, sweetness, and the excitement of new possibilities. Which one is your favorite?

Bring yourself into the spirit of the Pink Moon with a nature walk in a spot you love. While you walk, let your eyes take it the details of the setting that make it unique. Are there any plants, trees, flowers, or rocks that you have noted in passing but not truly studied? Take time to look closely and focus on the light, the color, the shape, or the feeling of one or two familiar features. If you can find a flower, look inside—like modern artist Georgia O’Keeffe loved to do. (Watch out for bees and bless them for their vital work in pollinating the plant kingdom.) Try to really examine your flower’s form and consider the complexity, artistry, and beauty you see. Are there any birds or small animals to observe? Could they be present with you right now for a purpose?

Take a deep breath as you enjoy the natural surroundings you have chosen to visit. Remember to give thanks for your senses of sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste which allow you to experience the natural world on multiple levels. You are part of the natural world, too, part of the work of the creative universe. During the last few days before the full Pink Moon, think about ways in which you can make your life more joyful and purposeful. Each cycle of the moon marks the passage of time, and this Pink Moon marks the beginning of a new month and a new beginning for any dream or endeavor or developmental step you have been thinking about.

Here are three questions to consider as you prepare for the next step:

What do you know?
Do you know yourself deeply and truly? How would you describe yourself? What are your greatest strengths and abilities? Do you know the desires of your heart? Do you know what you really want to do? Do you feel that you know your life’s purpose? Where do you want to go? How do you want to feel? Who and what do you love? What do you believe? What are your values?

What do you want to know?
If you know your life’s purpose, do you want to know whether your present actions are taking you in the right direction? Or do you still need to discover your purpose? Do you want to know how to do something that interests you? Is there some knowledge or skill that you want to explore? What are the biggest questions in your life that you would like to answer? What are the biggest challenges in your life that you would like to face and find ways to overcome?

Who can you ask?
Where do you go to seek wisdom? How do you fill your need for spiritual guidance, fulfillment, and inner peace? Where do you turn in times of need? Who can you call? Do you seek help from the Divine—“Ask and it shall be given”? Do you rely on friends and family for solace? Do you have a tool kit of practices for comfort and healing? Do you call on the angels, guides from the spirit realm, spiritual teachers and counselors, sacred texts, or the energies of nature? From whence cometh your strength?

Exploring the answers to these questions helps you connect with your higher Self, and brings comforting knowledge of who you really are and why you are here. Self-discovery brings peace, joy, and a sense of what is possible for you in the new span of days opening before you.

May the full Pink Moon bring you a new awareness of the miracle of being you. And may you be blessed with the radiance of healing moonlight on the evening of April 29.


From the Stars to Your Cells: How Energy Healing Bridges the Cosmic & the Physical

For those who feel the call of the cosmos, the notion of being a Starseed is more than just a passing curiosity. It’s an inner knowing. A recognition that your soul may have origins beyond Earth… and that your mission here is far bigger than what the modern world would have you believe. But knowing […]

Starseeds, the Snow Moon, and the Call of the Cosmos: A Celestial Invitation

Somewhere beyond the glow of city lights, the sky is speaking. Ancient civilizations knew how to listen. They charted the heavens, marked the movements of planets, and synchronized their lives with the rhythms of the stars. But in today’s world – drowned in artificial noise and fluorescent distractions – few still hear the whispers of […]

The Planetary Alignment of January 25th: A Catalyst for Energy Shift in 2025

The cosmos often whispers truths to those who are willing to listen. On January 25th, the universe orchestrated a rare planetary alignment that many astrologers believe signals a monumental shift in energy. Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Mercury aligned in a dance visible from Earth, each carrying its own significance and energy. But what does […]


Out of the Mouths of Babes
Wisdom We Should All Be Thankful For

This old saying, familiar to most all of us, has in the aftermath of last week’s tragedy in Parkland, Florida, been given new meaning that is unlike anything we’ve witnessed before in our history. The children of Parkland are showing themselves to be articulate, informed and committed young adults, and in so doing they have given us a gift of profound significance:


Hope that maybe this time will be different.

It sure feels different this time. Boomers like me are reminded of Peter Finch in the 1976 Sidney Lumet classic Network – these kids are mad as hell and aren’t going to take it anymore.

That anger and fear has resonated with people of all beliefs and political persuasion.

From the mouths of babes hope that their efforts will serve as the long, overdue and desperately needed catalyst for change, and not degrade into the inactivity we fear and have seen countless times before.

But there is much more than that – these kids are serving notice of a refusal to tolerate anything but that this time will be different. Because it must be the start of a movement. It is simply inspiring.

Fueled by the hope that Parkland isn’t merely the most recent, but that Parkland inspires us by being the last.

Their determination is to make a difference, and with that comes the refusal to accept lack of action. This should make the special interests so deeply invested in preservation of the status quo of guns very nervous indeed.

Confronted with horror and tragedy that defies words, these kids are taking action, and no one should be misled by their youth and inexperience. Yesterday’s ‘lie down’ in Washington, D.C., was only a preview of what we can expect with their announced March on Washington tentatively scheduled for March 24th.

They’re serving notice, and the implications are sobering.

Consumed by the Russia investigation and sexual misconduct scandals, the administration shouldn’t view this as a welcome changing of the conversation. Be careful what you ask for.

No, these kids are changing the national conversation in ways few imagined possible, because this is the long-awaited outpouring of the national heart and conscience with a vengeance. Demanding that all elected officials that refuse to support sane, common sense gun sales regulations and background checks are being put on notice and should be worried.

Focusing on the wise and timely idea that it’s time to take steps that prevent the mentally ill and individuals on watch lists, as examples, to purchase weapons.

These wise kids are committed to having the conversation that every generation, from theirs to the boomers, has feared we’d never have. Consideration of such topics such as whether the school shooting weapon-of-choice, the AR-15, a weapon whose purpose is mass killing, even belongs on our streets, and if 18-year-olds should be able to buy one as easily as a DVD.

Yes, wisdom out of the mouths of babes that offers hope when it is in such short supply yet needed more urgently and desperately than ever.

If it seems ‘divinely-inspired’, it should. The origin of this old saying can be traced to the Bible.  Matthew 21:16 and Psalms 8:2.

Our children may be inexperienced, but they’ve seen enough and know enough to rescue us from ourselves, and for that they deserve our thanks, admiration, and support. Join me in insisting that all our politicians come out in favor of responsible gun laws.


#MeToo 2.0: The Movement’s Painful Next Step


Before offering my take on #MeToo v2.0, first things first.

It’s only fair to tell you where I stand, what I think needs to be said and should happen next, and why keeping silent on that subject screams loudly to all of us that know better. This is because silence threatens the very values under attack that we’re all seeking to protect.

As a victim of sexual harassment that spoke out many years ago, my heart is with the movement, it aches for the suffering of so many, and is in awe of their courage. From my own childhood and adult experiences, I wrote a New York Times bestselling book and spoke around the country and around the globe about finding the strength and path to healing, encouraging others to do the same.

I’d never claim that it’s easy, but I’m living proof that it’s possible.

It’s true now, more than ever, the cultural paradigm has shifted, the needle has moved, and thankfully, there’s no going back.

Yet, where we’re going can’t be assumed or short-shifted, it must be thoughtfully weighed.

In the wake of so many of ‘the mighty men’ that have justly fallen, are two crucial questions that thus far have been largely ignored, but must be answered. Especially considering Dr. Larry Nassar, Senator Al Franken, and the horde of entertainers, politicians and countless regular folks receiving their payback.

First, we all agree that sexual harassment in any form is unacceptable, but does that inarguable fact justify a one-size-fits-all penalty matrix? When are just desserts just and when are they over-reactions we’ll regret in the future and look back upon as cringeworthy moments we’d rather not revisit? We can’t allow ourselves to ignore the obvious fact that not all bad behavior is equally bad. These are the degrees that HBO’s Bill Maher so aptly ascribed to an enlightened society.

And secondly, what about redemption and forgiveness, which are the hallmarks of advanced civilization, underpinning the social, religious and democratic fabric of our society, and can’t be permitted to become casualties of indiscriminately meted wrath, however heinous the offense.

The path should be: Awareness >Acknowledgment > Appropriate Punishment > Forgiveness > Redemption.

Granted, some offenders are easier to forgive than others, and others are so vile, it’s hard to even think of forgiving them. Yet, shouldn’t we lean toward forgiveness and redemption more than cold-blooded execution that’s hellbent on righting the wrong that can’t ever be righted?

I’m not advocating leniency for serial offenders that defy words like Dr. Larry Nassar, but the presiding judge seemed more a hangman then a defender. Justice may have been served for the victims and their families, but with such retribution came no spiritual salve for the perpetrator or for the rest of us. And the way we treat him does matter as, ultimately, it impacts us as a whole.

Senator Al Franken was embarrassed, apologized and resigned with barely a whimper. Yet, in the scheme of things, and on the Missing-in-Action Scale of Bad, his crimes were more moments of profoundly poor judgment, incomprehensible thick-headedness, and stuff that, for a very smart and funny guy, was more fatally dumb and criminally unfunny.

Hollywood stars like Kevin Spacey and Lewis C.K. have fallen to earth and will never rise again. Media titans like Roger Ailes and Bill O’Reilly made swift, albeit enormously ‘well-endowed’ exits, protesting the injustice every step of the way as they were shown the door. With one notable, high-profile and apparently (so far) bullet-proof exception, despite shocking numbers, habitual frequency, hush money and a graphic self-narrated video, many politicians have seen their politicking days come to an early end, never to return, and good riddance.

Look, I’m not calling for anyone’s head but for all of us to realize that it makes no sense to crucify some while we wink at others. Truth like fairness, shouldn’t be selective.
Just as important, justice should be just. Some offenders deserve no more than a humiliating slap on the wrist, while guys like Larry Nassar should never again see the light of day.

At the same time, I want the Larry Nassars to get the opportunity for redemption; I would love to hear a year from now that Larry is tirelessly serving the poorest and sickest inmates in his prison as his path to redemption.

Who gets what matters, because degree of guilt matters. It always has, and it always will.

#MeToo must accept that speaking-up was the easy part. Now coming to terms with a most uncomfortable fact is much harder: all the guilty aren’t necessarily equally guilty and even the guilty need the opportunity for redemption.

Which in no way diminishes the violation and the pain so many of us have suffered, it prioritizes our ability to see beyond and rise above, especially when it’s hard and inconvenient.

Just desserts must include degree of guilt, redemption, and forgiveness.

Without them, we’ve all lost something truly precious.

divine feminine


I’d love to hear more about your thoughts and feelings around the #MeToo movement. Do you agree with my article? Disagree?

All voices and opinions are welcome, just please be respectful to one another.

Healthy Cats

Raising an Energetically Healthy Pet

When you aim energy healing in the direction of your loving pets, much of that healing mojo will come right back to you. All you have to do is show a little love for an animal by merely petting it on the head and it will automatically produce a hormone in you that activates your nurturing abilities. And this is just the tip of the iceberg—innumerable studies are now being conducted on the powerful connection between owners and their pets.

You’d be amazed to learn at how much making a conscious effort to heal and connect with your pets will benefit you in return.

Healthy Pets
Healthy Cats
Healthy horses

An example of how helping a pet can heal you: Elizabeth and Miracle Millie

A student of mine (who I’ll call Elizabeth) recently shared a story with me that demonstrates how animals and people can have powerful healing impacts on each other, both physically and emotionally. A few years ago, Elizabeth’s’ world was turned upside down when she suddenly lost her job. In addition to the devastating blow to her confidence and self-esteem, Elizabeth immediately lost her health insurance and was unable to continue working with the therapist who had been treating her for the debilitating anxiety and depression she had struggled with since childhood.

It didn’t take Elizabeth long to retreat to the dark places of her mind: she was spending days in bed, ignoring texts from concerned friends, and phone calls from family asking her to come visit so she could rest and reset in a safe environment.

One week after Elizabeth’s life shattered, she was scrolling mindlessly through Facebook on her phone from bed. Suddenly, she stopped at a post from an animal rescue organization about a disabled dachshund in need of a foster home. The rescue called her “Miracle Millie” because they didn’t think she would survive the night; a staff member at Animal Care and Control had found Millie in a cardboard box outside of the employee entrance to the shelter. In addition to surviving the severe August heat, the on-duty vet recognized symptoms that pointed to poisoning. Upon further evaluating Millie, the doctor realized that she had “gone down” and likely had IVDD (a common—but devastating and lifelong—back disease in dachshunds). We’ll never know the exact events that took place to Millie arriving at Animal Care and Control, but most likely whoever had Millie before she arrived at the shelter didn’t want to deal with a dog that couldn’t use their back legs, so they poisoned her. When Millie didn’t die, they left her outside the shelter.

By the grace of higher powers, the dachshund rescue group that Elizabeth followed on Facebook pulled Millie from the shelter and got her into an animal hospital nearby. Over the course of weeks, Millie made an amazing recovery and—on that one day when Elizabeth was on Facebook—needed a foster home where she could gain back her strength, put on the weight she had lost, and begin to trust again.

Over the course of the next few weeks, Millie made an amazing recovery, and on the day she was scheduled to be released to a foster home, Elizabeth checked out the shelter’s Facebook page, and the rest is history. She took Millie and for a month, they kept each other company on the couch…each healing in their own way: Millie from her physical trauma (Elizabeth assisted her in eating, drinking, and physical therapy exercises designed to build up her back muscles again) and Elizabeth from her job loss that compounded her depression and anxiety (Millie sat there right next to Elizabeth while she responded to job post after job post, listened to recruiters wax and wane about their wonderful client…only to never be heard from again, and gave her the extra confidence she needed when a hiring manager wanted to talk on the phone).

The story of Elizabeth and Miracle Millie has a happy ending: Elizabeth landed a job that was a step up from her previous one and Millie now lives in the countryside with a newly retired couple who are avid sports fans (and spend a lot of time hanging out on the couch together). When you hear Elizabeth speak of Millie, she doesn’t consider it an act of charity or a “nice thing” that she did for an animal in need—rather, she speaks of how Millie saved her. Millie gave Elizabeth a reason to get out of bed each morning and helped her work through what could have been a much more difficult time.

Any pet lover will immediately understand the bond between Elizabeth and Millie. As someone who has worked with both people and pets, I can attest to the shared and exchanged energy between both parties. And as a pet owner, you want to keep that energy healthy, happy, and balanced all around—so you both are able to thrive and live your best lives.

how pets heal us
Millie's preferred activity: snoozin' next to Elizabeth on the couch.
pets and healing
Elizabeth helping Millie at a physical therapy session.

Ways to care for your pets that keep you both feeling good:

Feed your pets natural foods

Animals are as sensitive as humans to the unnatural additives, colorings, and preservatives that are used in many brands of commercial pet food. They may be allergic to some of these harmful chemicals, which could lead to behavior problems, excess weight gain, or dental issues. Holistic vets recommend natural diets, like raw foods, for cats and dogs.

Give your pets pure water

If your pets are not drinking enough pure water, it will affect both their health and their energy field. The smell or taste of tap water may not be appealing to them, so try filtered water or still (non-bubbly) mineral water. Beef broth or other meat broths, which you can cool down for them, are another way to get your pets to drink more.

Let the sun shine on your pets

Pets need sunshine for health as much as we do. They need to go outside for at least an hour a day to prevent depression, lethargy, and illness. Full-spectrum lighting has been used to prolong the lives of hamsters with heart disease. Keep both you and your pet healthy by going outdoors in the sunshine for a walk. If you have indoor pets, make sure they can access a place in the sun by a window.

Be a friend to your pets

Just like us, pets need companionship. Animals get lonely, so they love being around people and sometimes even other pets. I actually got a mini—a small horse—to keep my big horse, Influence, company when his pet goat passed on. Some pets, such as rabbits, gerbils, birds, fish, guinea pigs, and even rats, do best in same-sex pairs. Hamsters, on the other hand, are happiest by themselves in their own little world. Some pets, like llamas, will really become despondent if they don’t have the companionship of another llama; you’ll want to be informed about their needs before you choose an exotic pet.

Give your pet(s) space

All pets need lots of room to move around easily. We cannot imprison our pets in cages, pens, or runs that are too small. However, some dogs feel safest in a “den,” like a crate or kennel for sleeping. Listen to your animal’s needs and act accordingly.

energy healing for dogs

heal yourself heal the worldLearn more about energy healing for pets

Pets have always been an important part of my life and I have experienced their amazing healing capabilities firsthand. So, when I started working with Simon & Schuster on my latest book, Heal Yourself—Heal the World, I planned for an entire section of it to be dedicated to energy healing for pets.

As an energy healer (and animal lover), I’ve spent many years studying and practicing a variety of mindfulness methods and healing techniques specifically for animals. This helped me to be there when any of my own loving animal companions were in pain and in need of my healing hands. In Heal Yourself—Heal the World, I share these methods with you so you can be equipped for any animal that might live with you (or come through the doors of your new practice as an energy healer).

energy healing for cats

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Astral Projection Destinations

Astral Projection Destinations for Healing

How is your spiritual home holding up?

One of my favorite passages from the New Testament is from Matthew 7:24-27 where Jesus gives His Sermon on the Mount. In this Bible parable, Jesus tells a story of two men: one who built his house on a rock and another who built his house on top of sand. When stormy weather arrived, the house built upon a rock was able to withstand the harsh winds and rain—and the first builder is called wise. However, the house built on the sand collapsed during the storm—and the second builder is called foolish.

astral projection quotesThe wise man built his house upon the rock.

—Matthew 7:24

The meaning of this Biblical parable is quite obvious: proper foundations are necessary.

Are you the wise man who stands upon a firm foundation? Or, do you sometimes feel like there’s sinking sand under your feet instead of granite? What’s holding you up, keeping you afloat, and is it propelling you toward the life of your dreams?

Just like there are tasks you must routinely do to maintain your literal house throughout the year—from replacing the batteries in your carbon monoxide detectors to performing a smudging ritual to cleanse the energy—spiritual home ownership also requires routine work. And while it may not always be glamorous (or even fun, for that matter), a regular evaluation of your spiritual house’s standing will pay off in dividends in the long-term.

Taking time to evaluate the underpinnings of your life to see whether all aspects are holding firm is the equivalent of cleaning the gutters of your spiritual home. One tool you can use to strengthen your spiritual foundation is astral projection (also called astral travel)…however, it does require knowledge and technique training to be done properly. If you’re a beginner and searching for how to do astral projection fast, I encourage you to pull into the slow lane and enroll in my Astral Wisdom course. In this online self-study course, I’ll teach you ways to safely and gently explore the astral realms so you can master the out-of-body experience (OBE) and design the life of your dreams through meaningful experiences and things you can do while astral projecting (such as visiting the astral projection destinations I discuss below).

If you are familiar with astral travel, keep reading to explore every aspect of your life to rejuvenate, heal, and elevate your body, mind, and Spirit.


Five astral projection destinations for healing:


astral projection destinations for physical health, vitality, and weight lossPhysical health, vitality, and weight management

If you have struggled with your physical health, found your body’s vitality dwindling, or been unable to manage your weight despite a healthy diet and exercise regimen, you might discover that difficult emotions are the source of your struggle. These emotions can be the result of childhood trauma, divorce, illness, job loss, or the death of loved one (to name a few).

Repressed emotions can affect the body in various ways. When you don’t take the time to process your emotions (thinking it is easier to push them aside until they “go away”), you run the very real risk of doing damage to your physical body by disrupting and blocking the flow of energy to a particular area. Over time, these emotions that you thought “went away” take a toll on your physical health and can be a major source of struggle and barrier to living your happiest life.

To improve your physical health, vitality, and manage your weight, focus on an astral travel trip that encourages self-compassion and allows you to find the clarity needed to unblock your repressed emotions. Once you are able to let go of habits that comprise your highest state of well-being, you’ll learn to get in touch with (and process) difficult feelings and emotions more effectively and efficiently—so you can focus on your spiritual development at a higher level.


astral projection destinations for career, finances, and life workCareer and life work

While it’s normal to have a bad day (or week…or month, let’s be honest) at work, what’s not normal is to be perpetually troubled by questions around your career. If you are always trying to placate that nagging voice in the back of your mind with rational reasons for “sticking it out” in a career or job you find unfulfilling, I can guarantee you that it’s not going to go away no matter how hard you argue.

One of my students, who I’ll call “Katherine,” is a perfect example of someone in need of a career change: she was “living her dream” of being a businesswoman in New York City after four years of college and many more of “putting in her dues” and climbing the corporate ladder in the marketing and advertising industry. When I met Katherine, I instantly knew that she was deeply unsatisfied with her career, despite her insistence otherwise; she was overworked, had a manipulative boss that kept the promotion carrot always just out of her reach, and struggled when working with the agency’s clients who viewed marketing as a way to con customers into contracts for shady products and services.

Initially, I met with Katherine every Tuesday at 9:00 pm her time and, without fail, she was always still at the office. Reflecting back on those first two months, the irony around the New York City skyline that sparkled with life right outside her lower-Manhattan glass office was not lost of Katherine; the city never slept and neither did Katherine, who mistakenly equated success with a big job title and bonus. In addition to the toll this job was taking on her mentally, it was also wreaking havoc on her body: a cold that she couldn’t shake turned into a four-day hospitalization for pneumonia.

One day this past fall, I dialed into our video conference as usual but didn’t see the NYC skyline I had grown accustomed to behind Katherine. Instead, I saw an almost unrecognizable Katherine in a warm and cozy apartment, her two dogs snoozing on the couch behind her. Gone was the stress, the unrealistic expectations she had placed on herself, the expensive designer dresses, the hair and makeup—in front of me sat a calmer, more peaceful, and enlightened version of my student who smiled as she said to me, “I quit.”

Like so many other people, Katherine realized that choosing to leave a career isn’t a poor reflection of you by any means; it is a simply a reflection of a world and economy that are always shifting and changing. In fact, your ability to identify that you have evolved and are ready to move onto the next phase of your life work is a milestone that you should be proud of: it takes self-awareness, mindfulness, and strength to reach this often difficult decision. Know that you don’t have to struggle and suffer to discover your true purpose: you can use astral travel to reset and recharge the spiritual dimension of your working life.


astral projection destinations for relationships with family, friends, and loved onesRelationships with family, friends, and loved ones

Are you satisfied and uplifted by the all the relationships in your life? Do you know how to activate the incredible power of unconditional love—the source of true happiness?

The ability to love and forgive unconditionally, as well as surrender (the ability to “let go and let God”), are the hallmarks of a heart chakra that is perfectly balanced. If you want to learn more about your chakras and the role they play in your physical, mental, and spiritual health, check out my popular Chakra Wisdom course.

In addition to a healthy and balanced heart chakra, you can also use astral projection to jumpstart your level of compassion—both for yourself and others—that will lead you to unconditional love. Focus on opening your heart and feeling the power of the Divine coursing through your veins as you open your body, mind, and Soul up to receive new wisdom and knowledge.

During your astral journey, you’ll realize that the barriers you initially set up to protect are actually blocking you from achieving your hopes and dreams; to move forward and experience the love you long for, it’s time to face your fears and confront your doubts that are standing in your way.


astral projection destinations for sharing your healing gifts and abilitiesSharing your healing gifts and abilities

Every single one of us has unique gifts and abilities to share with the world. If you are ready to step up and help heal the world—but aren’t sure how to get started—try taking a step back and reflecting on your own journey up until this point.

The next time you sit down to journal, ask yourself these questions:

  • How well do you know yourself?
  • Do you understand what lies behind your fears and your dreams?
  • Why are you attracted to some aspects of reality and afraid of others?
  • Have you ever suspected that you have hidden abilities that you can’t quite access?

After you have reflected on these questions, you can use astral projection to unlock your powers and completely engage your body, mind, and Soul with the joy that comes from sharing your gifts with those searching. While opening yourself up can be scary at first, know that the world needs your uplifting contribution, given in your own way with the love that only you can provide.


astral projection destinations for supercharging your intuitionSupercharge your intuition

Would you like to learn to see beyond the limitations of space and time? Do you sometimes feel yourself on the verge of opening new avenues of perception and understanding but you are either afraid or unsure? Are you able to access your sixth chakra to help you transcend your personal identity and gain entry to the universal field of all information?

Learn to overcome fear and small-mindedness and to develop trust in your ability to move toward your highest self and build your connection to the Divine by using astral projection to supercharge your intuition. Discover the ways in which you can learn to allow Spirit to work through you and expand your perceptual abilities.

In your astral travel adventures, you are free to seek out any realms that your Soul longs to explore and learn from…so, the question becomes: where will you go first?


astral wisdom course

winter solstice traditions

Winter Solstice Traditions from Around the Globe

The winter solstice has been celebrated for thousands of years by people from all over the globe. Every year in the Northern Hemisphere (on Dec. 21 or 22) and the Southern Hemisphere (on June 20 or 21), the sun appears to stand still at the Tropic of Capricorn, shinning directly overhead at 12 noon, before reversing its direction. At the winter solstice, the balance of dark and light tips, and the sun begins a return trip that promises such good things in the months ahead…new life, growth, warmer weather, and those beautiful spring flowers that push their way out of the soil like clockwork and bring a smile to your soul.

The days leading up to the winter solstice might be dark and cold, but this is actually nature’s way of helping us to come together as a community and focus on spiritual rebirth. It’s always easier to work with Mother Nature, so take advantage of these shorter days and dedicate time to feeding your spirit, nurturing your soul, and reflecting on your journey over the past year—you can then set your intentions for the year ahead and celebrate the return of the light.

People have been celebrating the winter solstice for thousands of years—and yet, while these winter solstice traditions and rituals are diverse and unique, each is centered around the universal theme around light and renewal. You may already have your own winter solstice rituals in place, so you can clear away past trauma, find strength in the present moment, and pave the way to the future of your dreams…but what if there’s a tradition from a far away ancient civilization or culture that can help you move to the next level in your spiritual journey? Keep reading for winter solstice traditions and rituals around the world and different ideas you can use to incorporate elements of the celebration into your own practice.

Winter solstice celebrations around the world

Winter solstice rituals from all over the world

The Labyrinth of Light in Vancouver, BC

Winter solstice labyrinth of light

Photo credit: Flickr

Every year, Vancouver residents and visitors join together to celebrate the winter solstice at the Labyrinth of Light, an evening of processions, music, and art performance. The event is organized by the Secret Lantern Society and attendees are invited to wander through intricate light mazes (created with 700+ beeswax candles!) for a meditative experience that fosters relaxation and encourages self-reflection.

The concept of a “labyrinth of light” has long been used in cultures around the world for meditation and prayer on the winter solstice. Vancouver’s interpretation, with its self-guided ceremony, helps attendees to release old attachments and envision new possibilities for the future while the darkest night of the year gives birth to a new season filled with hope and light.

Labyrinth of Light celebration idea:

Create your own maze of lights
If you’re not able to make an impromptu trip to Canada, you can still capture some of the magic that happens at the official Labyrinth of Light by creating your own “mini” version at home. On the night of the winter solstice (Dec. 21), setup rows of beeswax candles throughout your home or backyard; if you have young children, or are nervous about having so many candles burning simultaneously, pick up some flameless candles at your local craft store or Amazon.

Winter solstice celebrations around the world

Winter solstice at Stonehenge in England

winter solstice stonehenge

Stonehenge is synonymous with the summer and winter solstices because of the ancient structure’s precise alignment with the sun’s movement, as well as the fact that it is a bucket list item for so many.

Every year, thousands of revelers make the journey to this sacred place of worship to witness the mid-winter sun set perfectly between the two upright stones of the Great Trilithon at dusk. For those lucky enough to witness the magic of Stonehenge in-person during the winter solstice, there will be lots of activities going on around you: dancing, singing, Druic ceremonies, and Pagan celebrations, to name a few. The grounds open at first light the next morning (December 22) to allow thousands of druids, pagans, and other devotees to celebrate the sunrise in a spiritual, respectful manner (which does not involve activities like drinking alcohol, playing loud music, or using fireworks).

Stonehenge-inspired winter solstice celebration idea:

Say a little prayer (for you and for the Earth)
The weather outside might be frightful, but that doesn’t mean that there’s nothing going on below. Think about your own life and what might be lying dormant at the moment, and then envision what may bloom a few months from now.

A Prayer to You and the Earth at Yule
Cold and dark, this time of year,
the earth lies dormant, awaiting the return
of the sun, and with it, life.
Far beneath the frozen surface,
a heartbeat waits,
until the moment is right,
to spring.

Winter solstice celebrations around the world

The Dōngzhì Festival in China

winter solstice dongzhi festival

The Chinese winter solstice Dōngzhì festival is a major winter solstice and holiday in East Asian culture, dating back thousands of years to the Han Dynasty (206 BC–220 AD). Dōngzhì festival revelers celebrate the time when winter’s darkness begins to give way to light by gathering together with family for celebratory meals and trips to temples to honor ancestors.

The concept of balance is integral to East Asian philosophy of Yin (positive) and Yang (negative) and its influence can been seen in the Dōngzhì festival: at the Winter Solstice, Yin is at its peak and will gradually disappear, while Yang will become stronger from that day forward.

Dōngzhì festival celebration idea:

Cook: family meals are central to Chinese winter solstice celebrations, so cook up (or order from a specialty store) a hearty, nourishing meal to share with family and loved ones. Traditional foods served during the Dōngzhì festival include tang yuan (glutinous rice dumplings) and lamb dumplings.

Winter solstice celebrations around the world

Yalda Night in Iran

Yalda winter solstice festival

Yalda, or Šab-e Yaldā, is an Iranian festival held on the “longest and darkest night of the year” – the winter solstice. Yalda means “birth,” and Yalda Night is viewed as the birthday of the sun god Mithra and the victory of light over dark.

During this ancient festival, which originated prior to the advent of Islam and at a time when the majority of Persians were followers of Zoroastrianism, people were advised to stay awake most of the night and gather in the safety of groups, while sharing the last remaining fruits of summer. The same Yalda winter solstice customs are carried today, with families gathering together, eating, drinking and reading poetry (Hafez) throughout the evening to pass the darkest night of the year with laughter and joy. Iranians believe that those who begin winter by eating summer fruits (especially pomegranate and watermelon as the red in these two fruits symbolizes the crimson hues of dawn and the glow of life) will not fall ill during the cold season.

Yalda is also celebrated in parts of Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan.

Yalda Night celebration idea:

Read: Hafez was a 14th-century poet in Iran whose mystical love poems express the ecstasy of divine inspiration. Join people in Iran as they open the Divan of Hafez to a random page and read the poem on it, which is believed to be an indication of things that will happen in the future. If you can’t locate a copy of the Divan of Hafez in time for Yalda, don’t stress! In addition to the Kindle edition on Amazon, both Google and Apple have apps available in their stores.

Winter solstice celebrations around the world

Inti Raymi in Peru

winter solstice southern hemisphere

Peru, located in the Southern Hemisphere, celebrates the winter solstice on June 24. Inti Raymi (Quechua for “sun festival”), which takes place on the solstice, is dedicated to honoring the Incan sun god, Inti.

Prior to the Spanish conquest and colonization—which had a devastating impact on the Indigenous Peoples of South America—the Incas would fast for the three days leading up to the winter solstice. Before dawn on the fourth day, they would travel to a ceremonial plaza in Cusco and wait to see the sun rise on the horizon. When the sun appeared, the Incas would crouch down before it, offering up golden cups of chicha (a sacred beer made from fermented corn) and hundreds of animals (mostly llamas)  in sacrifice.

When preparing for the ceremony, the Incas would use a mirror to focus the sun’s rays and ignite a flame that would be kindled into a fire. Sadly, after Spain conquered the Incan civilization, Inti Raymi was banned. However, modern society has revived the ancient festival (sans the live animal sacrifices) and the yearly re-enactments bring thousands of people from all over the world to Cusco, the ancient Incan capital.

Inti Raymi winter solstice celebration idea:

Traditional Incan music and dance are a big component of the Inti Raymi celebration, so why not watch the YouTube video below and try the moves out yourself?

Winter solstice celebrations around the world

Toji in Japan

Winter solstice japan

In Japan, the winter solstice is less a festival than a traditional practice centered around starting the new year with health and good luck.

During this sacred time of year, farmers welcome the return of the sun’s nourishing light after a long, dark winter. To encourage the sun’s return, people create massive bonfires that burn on Mount Fuji every December. In addition to ensuring the earth gets off to a healthy start, Japanese winter solstice participants also focus on healing their own bodies by taking warm baths scneted with yuzu, a citrus fruit that is believed to ward off colds and facilitate strong health. If you are lucky enough to be in Japan during Toji and you happen to stop by a public bath or hot spring, you’ll notice that yuzu has been thrown into the water; most-likely, you’ll also be served kabocha squash during a winter solstice meal in Japan, as it is thought to bring luck.

Toji winter solstice celebration idea:

Relax in a nice hot bath
After all the praying, reading, cooking, and dancing you’ve been doing in celebration of the winter solstice, perhaps it’s time to wind-down and help your body relax. The Japanese use yuzu in their baths during the winter solstice, but you can use whatever essential oil you find relaxes you (lavender is always a good choice when you want to rest). As you let your muscles relax in the warm bath, focus on letting go of anything negative that you’ve been carrying around all year…and when you’re ready to rejoin the world, pull up the bath plug and watch as all that heavy energy whisks away down the drain.

Winter solstice celebrations around the world

Additional materials for the winter solstice

Winter solstice journal questions

  • What would you do with a new chance to reinvent your life?
  • Do you need to let go of negative thoughts and beliefs that are holding you back?
  • How will you move forward in the months ahead?

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Adventures in Astral Travel

Adventures in Astral Travel

What is the furthest out destination you can imagine for a travel adventure?

  • Seeing the Stone Heads on Easter Island?
  • Climbing to the top of Mt. Everest?
  • Winning the lottery and buying a ticket on a SpaceX shuttle to outer space?

Now, what if I told you that you would be able to do all of that—and more!—without ever leaving your bedroom. It’s 100% within your reach when you travel via astral projection.

Astral travel

Astral travel is an out-of-body experience (OBE) that can take you to the places you want to go, regardless of where and when these places exist.

Not only can you go to different places around the globe (a very affordable way to satisfy your wanderlust) to see sacred sites, experience the energy of natural vortexes, or simply see your neighborhood from another perspective, but astral projection can be used to travel to different levels of the astral plane. You can meet up with your spiritual guides for instruction or guidance, connect with loved ones who have passed away, and even visit your beloved pet who crossed the rainbow bridge.

astral projection safety
Just like you wouldn't get on a bike without wearing a helmet, there are safety measures you need to take when preparing to astral project.

Astral projection and safety

A lot of people have safety concerns and fears around astral travel, as they should; just like learning to ride a bike or drive a car, astral projection is an activity that requires knowledge and training to do safely.

Most-likely, you’ve spent the majority of your time here on Earth experiencing the world from inside your body. While you might not realize it, every time you go out into the world and engage with surrounding people and energy, you are learning how to discern safety from danger. For example, a child might not know that touching boiling water can burn them…until they test the waters (pun intended) for themselves. However, after they have that experience with hot water, the child has learned that they need to be careful around this particular dangerous object. The same theory holds true when we interact with more complex energies, such as living creatures and human beings, giving you have a lifetime of knowledge to reference in order to safely navigate your in-body experiences.

Unless you are a well-seasoned astral traveler, you won’t have direct experiences to learn from regarding ways to stay safe when projecting. While learning from experience is one way to acquire knowledge, the other is learning facts directly from astral projection experts. For example, there are demon-like entities with evil intent, aliens with a nasty agenda, and others that want to do harm to either your physical or astral body during an out-of-body experience. You’ll need to learn how to protect yourself before going out of your body; if you start your journey from a space of love and high spiritual energy—and if you can keep your fear in check—you will be safer from encounters with the dark side.

If you are interested in learning more about staying safe while you open a doorway to a different dimension, enroll in my Astral Wisdom course today. I’ll teach you a variety of advanced techniques that you can use to astral project, the many purposes of astral projection, and how to protect yourself and stay safe as you travel to the astral realms.

Astral projection and time travel

Another question that regularly comes up when discussing astral projection has to do with time travel. Astral projection allows you to move through time, for example seeing yourself in past lives or visiting scenes from history, but you are only there as an observer; you can’t change something that happened in the past.

So, you can’t go back and kill Hitler before the Holocaust or thwart the birth of the uncle who molested you in this life. But by observing, you may learn some vital information that will help you be at peace with certain aspects of yourself or with your history in this life.

Astral planes and physical planes

You also can’t affect things on the physical plane while you are astral—no knocking over a glass of water or moving a penny up the wall to let someone know you are there. Patrick Swayze managed it in the movie Ghost, but it would require a lot of practice and intention (although it was great in the movie). You can, however, float through walls or fly, which is much harder when you’re in your physical body.

Some of the things you can do while in the astral state are: help lost souls find their way to the light; visit with angels and other high-energy beings; have encounters with deceased relatives; go back in time; visit other planets and fantastic astral realms; fly around Earth and sightsee; and just have a great time.

Finding your astral travel guide

But before you get your ticket to ride, you should know who your guides are, know how to keep yourself in a high vibratory state to minimize fear or negativity and remember to ask your guides and angels to protect you. Your spiritual guides are always happy to help. If you feel like they never respond to you, you’re probably not hearing them or receiving the signs and synchronicities that signal the intuitive insights and flashes they are sending you. They will always try to help you down the right path, the one that is best for you.

The best way to guarantee that your experiences in the astral planes are positive is by building a solid meditation and prayer practice, which will ground you in love, compassion, and the higher qualities of spiritual life.

You already astral travel—every night when you drift off to sleep and fall into a dream—so in many ways you already know how to do it. But learning to astral project deliberately—to leave your physical body consciously and intend to travel to certain destinations—requires finding the technique that works best for you and then practicing until perfect.

If you’re wondering if you are ready to travel to the astral realms, head over to my Facebook Page and take my Astral Projection quiz.

It’s quick (and fun!) and will provide you with a good baseline on which to start building your astral travel knowledge.

Am I ready to astral project

The Truth About Truth

Roy Moore and the Weaponization of the Lie

Roy Moore got me thinking about this, but that was only the beginning, not the end. Truth, or what each of us as individuals believes the truth to be, goes beyond politics, religion, pretty much everything.

Independent of your point of view or agenda, truth today is under assault. The impact is seen in the heated, passionate and all too often irrational debate on sexual harassment, health care, tax reform, North Korea, and Roy Moore.

Today, such monumentally important topics are all bound by an association that is at once awkward and uncomfortable. It summons conversation few are willing or prepared to have because the topic is Truth in the largest context of all: Does it matter anymore?

You may remember what George Costanza told Jerry Seinfeld back in the day:

Remember, Jerry. It’s not a lie if you believe it.

Who could have imagined the King of Angst would be so incredibly prescient?

Only now, the Truth hurts but this time not in a playful, comedic way. It’s personal.

Alternative truth, like alternative facts, undermines our confidence in our ideas, our values, our leaders, our institutions, our future, even in ourselves.
If truth can become a malleable discretionary possession, where does that leave us?

Last week on TV I watched as an older female voter in Alabama was asked if given Judge Roy Moore’s burgeoning stable of accusers, she could still support him.
She answered, Yes, emphatically, and the reporter pressed on, asking the question that had to be asked. Was it because she didn’t believe the accusers, or did what they say just not matter?

The woman didn’t hesitate. She didn’t believe them. She believed it was all made-up, a passel of lies. Whether she wore blinders or rose-colored glasses, you’ve seen this before. What’s different today is how the context and pervasive nature continues to evolve.

Bigger, bolder and scarier because it’s so commonplace. The new reality is Fake News from Fake Media delivering Fake Truth.

A big chunk of the public seems more than okay with this, while the rest of us don’t know what to do about it. Truth is no longer known and defined but highjacked and become the stuff of political alchemy.

Truth twisted, subverted and leveraged, as needed, and on-demand.

How did it come to this?

It’s in our very nature but that fact should alarm more than comfort.

Children, when caught by their parents, instinctively know their best defense is Deny, Deny, Deny. This recalls the Sales Rule of 3’s; that timeless axiom that vendors of every product or service know as a path to a successful sale.

  1. Tell ‘em.
  2. Tell ‘em, again.
  3. Tell ‘em what you told ‘em one more time.

Such repetition is also frighteningly effective with a darker purpose.

It’s simply this:

  • Say something three times and many people will believe it’s true.
  • Say it ten times and many of them will think it’s their own idea.

Bringing us back to the Honorable Roy Moore. This troubled and disgraced judge, assailed by teenage accusers, notorious for spewing ideas that scared people on both sides of the aisle, who had to be watched at high school football games because he hung around young cheerleaders, knows just how to handle it. He denies, denies, denies.

Roy says he didn’t do it, he denies everything. Alabama voters soon will decide if they believe him and give him a pass, or looking beyond politics, hold him morally accountable.

The new normal can’t be that something is true because the speaker believes it to be true, or thinks it ought ¬to be. That’s not good enough. That sells everyone short.

Because truth is what simply is. When truth is under siege, the lynchpins of society become precariously unmoored. Red or blue, young or old, rich or poor, black or white, immigrants or Mayflower descendants, there are pronounced consequences for all of us when the truth is abused and misused.

My first book, Truth Heals, (no irony there) addressed sexual harassment; I’ve long advocated zero-tolerance for it. Yet, I also believe in the power of forgiveness and second chances, but with a caveat: forgiveness that is earned by taking ownership for behavior, learning from past mistakes, and accepting the empirical truth about truth.

That truth does matter.

Because truth must matter.

For all us, from individuals and private citizens to public servants and world leaders.

One standard for all because the truth is the truth and a lie should not be weaponized.

Obliterating the truth can’t be allowed to excuse a serial child molester like Roy Moore. A man with a history of perverse behavior so widely known that as an Alabama District Attorney he was banned from the mall.

By any measure, that takes some doing.

Truth should be revered, respected and protected at all costs.

Because in the end, the truth is all we have.


Shrugging at Addiction

Do you have a friend or relative who is struggling with addiction to opioids? Would you even know if they were in the grips of addiction, or are they too embarrassed to admit it?

The opioid crisis has reached epidemic proportion in the good old U.S.A. People are in pain—whether that pain is physical, like post-surgery, or emotional, like the hopelessness and despair that has encompassed whole towns and rural areas in our country. And when you go to the doctor, looking for help with your pain, you are handed a prescription—a legal pathway that can lead straight to addiction. Eventually you are desperate to get more of these miracle pills that take away your pain for the moment, even if they cause more pain in the long run. Or you simply turn to heroin—easy to get, hard to let go of.

It’s a terrible thing to experience, whether in yourself or in a loved one. And “just say no” has been proven, over and over again, not to work, despite the current president saying about drugs, “it’s really, really easy not to take them.”

It’s not easy, but there are ways that will help. Ready my blog in Psychology Today at https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/mining-the-headlines/201711/shrugging-addiction and add your comments on my Facebook page; let’s help become the change we all want to see!



ayurveda insomnia

Insomnia No More

Sleep. You’re always getting too little of it. Or even if you’re getting enough, chances are, it’s not the right quality. Or if it’s the right quality, it’s the wrong type. There are even different types of insomnia.1 With all these different variables, does anyone have the solution to perfect sleep? At first glance, it would appear the answer is “no.” The CDC reports that 1/3 of American adults don’t get enough sleep and even when we go on vacation, 63% of us still struggle with sleep.2 3

Arianna Huffington recently wrote a book about sleep where she explores how sleep can impact multiple areas of your life: physical, mental, psychological, professional, social, and even sexual. Arianna was inspired to write The Sleep Revolution after she collapsed from sleep deprivation, exhaustion, and burnout in 2007 due to a high-stress lifestyle; her fall was so hard, that she broke her cheekbone.

Most people (luckily) won’t suffer from a catastrophic breakdown like Arianna; rather, they’ll find they fall into bad sleep habits, such as “catching up” on sleep during the weekend after getting too few zzz’s during the work week. Or, they may struggle to get their bodies and minds back on a good sleep schedule when we “fall back” or “spring forward” for Daylight Savings. Regardless of the cause, addressing sleep issues will help you live a more balanced and healthier life. Moreover, if you are currently on a healing journey, restorative sleep is a crucial component to your long-term success.

In American culture, we look for a quick fix for anything that ails us – including sleep. As of 2014, there were over nine million Americans using prescription meds to get a good night’s rest. While this is certainly concerning, the alarming statistic is around emergency-room visits related to those prescriptions: in a four-year period, there were twice as many people hospitalized because they had “overmedicated.” This study, conducted by the Substance Abuse and Mental Services Administration, did not even address the fact that sleeping pills, like Ambien, are dangerously addictive; they also interfere with your meditation and daytime clarity as well.4

So, what can you do get a better night’s rest? Take a page out of your energy healing handbook.

Ayurveda for sleep

Ayurveda is the world’s oldest healing system and literally means “the science of life.” Originating in India, Ayurveda considers sleep one of the three essential parts of good health (the other two are proper diet and balanced sexuality). In fact, sleep is so central to optimal health in Ayurveda that the word for “natural sleep” is Bhutadhatri – a combination of the Sanskrit word Bhuta (your physical body) and Dhatri (mother). Bhutadhatri nourishes one’s body like a mother nurtures her child.

Below are three Ayurvedic sleep remedies to help you achieve health physiologically, psychologically, and neurologically:

1. Indulge in a cup of warm spiced milk

Turns out, the old wives’ tale of drinking warm milk to fall asleep has merit. Take that warm milk one step further by adding a spice like cardamom, cinnamon, or nutmeg, and you will have a good night’s sleep in a warm mug.

This Ayurvedic sleep remedy is based around the mother-nurturing concept: milk is the first thing that we consume after birth, and drinking warm spiced milk as a part of your bedtime routine will have a nurturing effect on our body and mind. Science has also shown that there are components in milk that support the quieting of the nervous system, which in turn promotes restful sleep.5

2. Just breathe

Before you head to bed, practicing your breathing exercise can have a powerful effect on your energy – and your ability to fall or stay asleep.

Pranayama is the control and extension of the breath that activates your Prana (your life force energy). To begin your Pranayama breathing exercise, start by focusing on and connecting to your heart. Once you have made a connection, inhale deeply and chant “om” on your exhale. The “o” sound should be three times as long as the “m” sound. Repeat until you feel nourished and ready to fall asleep.

3. Go to bed no later than 9 or 10 PM (and wake between 4 and 6 AM)

Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. Who knew Ben Franklin was a follower of Ayurveda?

When you sleep from 9 or 10 PM to 4 to 6 AM, you are giving yourself a natural boost of sattva to start your day (sattva is Sanskrit for optimism/clarity). An important part of Ayurveda psychology, sattva is best described as the amazing happiness you feel just from being alive, which children so easily embody.

And be sure that one of the first things you do in the morning is step outside for a moment and take in the early morning light. Daylight sets you up to be more awake during the day. (Note: if you live in the north where daylight hours are limited in the winter months, invest in a quality light box that you use upon waking to simulate daylight.)

As a part of your early to rise routine, get your physical exercise in before noon. It’s better to wake up early enough to go to the gym before work rather than going in the evening if you are over the age of 25.

Drinking warm spiced milk and practicing Pranayama is often the easy part of a natural sleep remedy. It’s the going to sleep at 9 or 10 PM (and waking at 4 to 6AM) that most people struggle with…after all, life today, with all of it’s online distractions, has no such schedule.

So, what else can you do to get a good night’s rest?

Work with nature, not against it

While we are all special flowers in our own right, nature is rather impersonal and plays by the physical laws of the universe (and not your night owl tendencies). Your body is part of nature and there’s no sense in fighting against your innate programming (spoiler alert: you’re not going to win this round).

You are programmed to go to bed when it gets dark and wake when it’s light. Your biological rhythms – controlled by your internal body clock – affects everything from body temperature and appetite to hormones and sleep timing. These biological rhythms tie back into the three pillars of Ayurvedic health: sleep, proper diet, and balanced sexuality; if one area of your health is off, the others will suffer as well.

So, the secret to getting your zzz’s isn’t a magic pill or potion; once again, ancient energy healing wisdom, combined with being in touch with your body and Mother Nature, and getting to bed at a decent hour, delivers a sleep solution that will put you on the path to living your best life.

So, here’s to restful sleep!

American Indian beliefs earth

We Are the Land

One of the concepts central to Native American beliefs is the principle that “we are the land.” Woven tightly into many aspects of Native American life and spirituality, this fundamental idea goes beyond being close to nature or seeing the world through an environmental lens. The American Indian dogma of “we are the land” centers around the belief that the Earth is the mind of the people and the people are the mind of the earth. It is impossible to separate the two and our destiny can’t be isolated because the Earth is a part of our being and a reflection of ourselves.

“We are the land” is not a romantic analogy meant to convey that one is a “nature lover” or “close to nature;” rather, it means that we are literally the same being, composed of the same connections and consciousness that ties the roots of the Earth to the roots of human bodies and minds. Just like the base chakra, if these roots are not grounded, it is impossible to create connections with the world around you. Because we are one and the same, everything is sacred and must be honored, loved, and respected. From mountains and oceans to honeybees and flowers, all living things are made up of the same five elements: earth, water, fire, air, and space.

Wakan Tanka

Native American Indians see nothing standing between them and Wakan Tanka, which can be loosely translated as the “Big Holy.” Wakan Tanka is not a god of punishment, but the ruling power of Good.

At the time of creation, the Creator to the Native People gave these sacred instructions:

  • Do nothing to pollute our Mother, rise up with wisdom to defend her.
  • Show deep respect for the mineral world, the plant world, and the animal world.
  • Treat the earth and all of her aspects as your mother.
  • Take full responsibility for your actions.
  • Be truthful and honest at all times.
  • Dedicate a share of your efforts to the greater good.
  • Look after the well being of mind and body.
  • Do what you know to be right.
  • Give assistance and kindness wherever needed.
  • Work together for the benefit of all Mankind.
  • Show great respect for your fellow beings.
  • Remain close to the Great Spirit.
  • Treat the Earth and all that dwell thereon with respect.


Everything is a part of us, and we are a part of everything – complete unity. Indigenous oral traditions passed down through generations preach the need to be humble in the face of Mother Nature, a wise mindset indeed. In fact, it would do “modern” society good to take a page out of the “we are the land” guidebook; by completely ignoring its directives, we continue to treat the Earth as an owned asset in a capitalist race to the bank. So far, we have polluted the air with harmful industrial emissions, poisoned the land with pesticides, and contaminated the water with chemicals. We have unleashed the destructive power of uranium by mining it and making bombs that are capable of complete annihilation.

By living close to the land, the First People understood the natural laws that govern the elements and knew it was wrong to dig up powerful substances buried deep within the Earth. Today, we live in a state of constant disconnect – from the Earth, our bodies, the beating heart of the All – and are finally being forced to face the consequences of years of disrespect to the laws of nature: massive superstorms and extreme climate changes unleash wind, fire, and flooding on an unprecedented scale.

Possibly the most important lesson we can learn from Native elders is the idea of harmony, that is, living in relation to the earth, the sky, the animals, the spirits. When you are dedicated to maintaining harmony – both within yourself and in your outside world – you are walking on what the Native traditions call the “path of beauty.”

To walk the Earth in harmony, in balance both within yourself and externally in the environment, requires purification to correct any discordance or “dis-ease.” You need to heal wherever you have not followed the natural order of life on Earth.

The Navajo “blessingway” teachings lay out this natural order in the four cardinal directions:

  1. East is the sunrise, the season of spring and new growth, when a child learns spiritual and moral standards.
  2. South is noon, the season of summer, when a youth receives an education and starts to work.
  3. West is sunset, the season of autumn and harvest, when the parent maintains the family and home, and becomes the storyteller and conducts ceremonies.
  4. North is midnight, the season of winter and endings, when the grandparent reflects on the Self, and teaches reverence for the natural order and how to restore resources and maintain the right relationship to the elements.

In the Center of the natural order is the hearth, informing all the directions through the central position of spirit and love.

Our modern tradition is radically different, comprised of competition, plunder, and despair. When you walk in harmony with all of the creation, you feel your connection to everything and everyone around you. You don’t plunder the resources of Earth or rape her for your own pleasure. You don’t strive to be or have more than anyone else. You live in the love of harmony and community, not the despair of failure, separation, isolation.

Walking in Beauty is the closing prayer from the Navajo Blessingway Ceremony, the main healing ceremony that is designed to bring forth positive blessings and prevent bad things from happening.

Walking in Beauty

With beauty before me I walk
With beauty behind me I walk
With beauty above me I walk
With beauty around me I walk
It has become beauty again
Today I will walk out, today everything negative will leave me
I will be as I was before, I will have a cool breeze over my body.
I will have a light body, I will be happy forever, nothing will hinder me.
I walk with beauty before me. I walk with beauty behind me.
I walk with beauty below me. I walk with beauty above me.
I walk with beauty around me. My words will be beautiful.
In beauty all day long may I walk.
Through the returning seasons, may I walk.
On the trail marked with pollen may I walk.
With dew about my feet, may I walk.
With beauty before me may I walk.
With beauty behind me may I walk.
With beauty below me may I walk.
With beauty above me may I walk.
With beauty all around me may I walk.
In old age wandering on a trail of beauty, lively, may I walk.
In old age wandering on a trail of beauty, living again, may I walk.
My words will be beautiful…

Heal and Live in Harmony

Today we fail to invoke the sacred. We seem to be counting on technology to fix the problems we have created: a machine to collect all of the plastic littering our oceans; better detection systems to warn when hurricanes, fires, tornadoes, and tsunamis are approaching; slightly less harmful pesticides and herbicides; a way to inject the CO2 we have emitted into the atmosphere back into the ground. Compare these short-term solutions to what the elders are trying to teach us: new scientific discoveries will not necessarily be the change that leads to the betterment of all living beings.

What is needed is a change in attitude – a change in awareness.

It is only when we understand and live the true meaning of unity that we will bring our inner lives into harmony and heal our “dis-ease.” When we learn humility and stop treating our Mother Earth like a personal treasure chest to fund our every whim and desire, will we recognize a change in attitude. Coming into balance with all living beings and respecting their right to be here as much as our own will reflect a change in awareness. When we stop thinking we are safe and secure from the consequences of our own actions, then, and only then, will we be getting down to the root cause rather than simply treating the symptoms. Then, and only then, will we too walk in beauty.

hollywood sexual assault scandal

Me Too

Harvey Weinstein, the Hollywood movie mogul and star-maker, has been accused of sexual intimidation and abuse by over 40 women, including big names like Angelina Jolie, Gwyneth Paltrow, Mira Sorvino, and Ashley Judd. His behavior was a well-known secret in Tinseltown, but his easy ride is over. And it’s because of the power of women to speak up, to speak out and tell their truth.

Powerful, seemingly untouchable, and arrogant men are getting a huge wake-up call these days. The “code of silence” is in a death spiral. Men like Bill Cosby, Roger Ailes, Bill O’Reilly, other offenders, and now Weinstein, have discovered that their wealth, fame, and industry clout are no longer enough to protect them from the consequences of their rampant mistreatment of women.

But getting rid of one offender or another isn’t going to change the general cultural acceptance of patriarchy and entitlement. Nina Jacobson, the female producer of the “Hunger Games,” said “We want to get to a place where the cost of silence is greater than the cost of speaking out. We want to shift the shame to the bully and away from the victims.”