My childhood was dedicated to music. As an adult, I returned to the study of music briefly when I gave myself a term at the Longy School of Music of Bard College in Cambridge, Massachusetts, just to have fun with music. While there, I attended a weekend workshop taught by the conductor of the Paris Symphony. He was very gifted. The ten of us attendees sat around in a circle, he would make a sound, and we would answer with a sound; there was no other conversation that weekend. I fell right into this experiential lesson, and I could feel my body changing as it was bathed in this spontaneous creation of sound. After the workshop, I walked outside, and suddenly I was hearing full chords and harmonics. Wondering where that music was coming from, I realized it was from the sound of an overhead jet. I had been initiated into a state where music was everywhere, and I remain there today.
Each healer works differently, but for me, the channel I use the most is sound. I actually hear a note or particular chord that tells me what healing channel I’m on. The notes identify which guides are there. I am like a resonating instrument, picking up the sound that’s coming in. I listen to a person’s body to hear what key she is in. If I hear a particular tone, I know I’m hearing cancer. I can listen still deeper and hear the state of her soul and her deepest longing. I connect to Source and hear which note will help that person, and then I direct and transmit that healing sound to the individual. Sometimes I use my voice to sound out the tone; sometimes I send the tone silently.
Everyone and everything in the universe vibrates at a certain frequency, which we refer to as sound. When you connect with other beings or things that have the same frequency pattern as yours, you are in alignment with them. In other words, you resonate with them. We are happiest when we’re around people who have very consistent frequencies that match our own. Our resonance gives us a feeling of calmness and peace. Even better is when we’re around people we love and who love us. Love’s particular frequency is higher than all other commonly known frequencies. When you are expressing the energy of love through sound, it has the power to heal. The consistent and pure tones of the higher emotions— hope, love, optimism, belief, happiness, joy, freedom, and so on—nurture your nervous system and the beating of your heart.
Conversely, when we’re around hurtful people who are yelling, screaming, and making loud noises, we want to run because we’re responding to their negativity. The sound of fear, for example, is much like a scream. It isn’t healthy for your heart function or for your immune or nervous systems. If someone stood near you screaming in fear for a couple of hours, you would likely want to escape the situation. Now imagine subjecting your kidneys to the same frequency as that scream—it’s not hard to believe that they might suffer some ill effects after prolonged exposure, is it? But this is what happens when fear stays inside you for a long period. All the lower emotions—frustration, impatience, doubt, worry, hatred, jealousy, guilt, unworthiness, despair, pessimism, and powerlessness—are distorted sounds that can eventually break down your physical health. Erratic and inconsistent frequencies, such as those from phones, computers, cars, planes, and electricity, can also be distracting and unsettling.
When you are facing a difficult challenge or negative situation, tuning in to your body as if you were tuning in to your favorite radio station will help you reach its healthy frequencies. Raising your vibration is as much about the purity and consistency of your sound frequency as it is about raising your frequency. A consistent frequency means one that doesn’t waver. Love, for example, is a pure form of consistent frequency, so when we resonate with the frequency of love, we are bringing ourselves into that vibration, which leaves no room for negativity.
Much like your emotions, your intentions are also based on vibration. The more unwavering the vibration or frequency, the stronger your intention will be.It’s incredibly powerful to hold a firm intention to send love to someone who needs healing. However, if your intention isn’t firm, you may find it difficult to effect healing.
When your thoughts are aligned with the highest vibrations, they reach the core frequency of love that can be heard throughout the universe. That’s why thoughts backed with focused intention are the greatest forces for healing. This premise leads us to the fundamental goal for all energy healers—to reach our core frequency and send out a force of positive thoughts and intentions as often as we can to help heal the world.
* This article is an excerpt from Heal Yourself — Heal the World (Simon & Schuster, 2017) and has been reprinted with permission. To read more about sound healing in the book, order a copy on Amazon.

More on sound therapy for healing
Blog Article
Sound Healing Methods: 7 Ways to Raise Your Vibration
Sound is a powerful healing modality in energy medicine. One of the best things about the many sound healing methods available is that you don’t need to be a natural musician or have special training — all you need is your voice and basic skills. Check out the entire article and add these 7 sound therapy methods to your healing regimen today.
On-Demand Workshop
Highlights of the Sound of Healing
If you’re interested in taking your sound healing technique to the next level, enroll in the Sound of Healing workshop today.
Taught by New York Times bestseller Deborah King, the Sound of Healing is a 10-part, on-demand, self-study, go-at-your-own-pace video workshop in which you’ll learn new sound therapy methods that you can use to heal yourself or others. From understanding seed sounds for each chakra to witnessing and following along with a hands-on-healing session, this sound healing certification course will show you how to create harmony — body, mind, and soul.