
Vibrational Sound Therapy for Healing

My childhood was dedicated to music. As an adult, I returned to the study of music briefly when I gave myself a term at the Longy School of Music of Bard College in Cambridge, Massachusetts, just to have fun with music. While there, I attended a weekend workshop taught by the conductor of the Paris Symphony. He was very gifted. The ten of us attendees sat around in a circle, he would make a sound, and we would answer with a sound; there was no other conversation that weekend. I fell right into this experiential lesson, and I could feel my body changing as it was bathed in this spontaneous creation of sound. After the workshop, I walked outside, and suddenly I was hearing full chords and harmonics. Wondering where that music was coming from, I realized it was from the sound of an overhead jet. I had been initiated into a state where music was everywhere, and I remain there today.

Each healer works differently, but for me, the channel I use the most is sound. I actually hear a note or particular chord that tells me what healing channel I’m on. The notes identify which guides are there. I am like a resonating instrument, picking up the sound that’s coming in. I listen to a person’s body to hear what key she is in. If I hear a particular tone, I know I’m hearing cancer. I can listen still deeper and hear the state of her soul and her deepest longing. I connect to Source and hear which note will help that person, and then I direct and transmit that healing sound to the individual. Sometimes I use my voice to sound out the tone; sometimes I send the tone silently.

Everyone and everything in the universe vibrates at a certain frequency, which we refer to as sound. When you connect with other beings or things that have the same frequency pattern as yours, you are in alignment with them. In other words, you resonate with them. We are happiest when we’re around people who have very consistent frequencies that match our own. Our resonance gives us a feeling of calmness and peace. Even better is when we’re around people we love and who love us. Love’s particular frequency is higher than all other commonly known frequencies. When you are expressing the energy of love through sound, it has the power to heal. The consistent and pure tones of the higher emotions— hope, love, optimism, belief, happiness, joy, freedom, and so on—nurture your nervous system and the beating of your heart.

Conversely, when we’re around hurtful people who are yelling, screaming, and making loud noises, we want to run because we’re responding to their negativity. The sound of fear, for example, is much like a scream. It isn’t healthy for your heart function or for your immune or nervous systems. If someone stood near you screaming in fear for a couple of hours, you would likely want to escape the situation. Now imagine subjecting your kidneys to the same frequency as that scream—it’s not hard to believe that they might suffer some ill effects after prolonged exposure, is it? But this is what happens when fear stays inside you for a long period. All the lower emotions—frustration, impatience, doubt, worry, hatred, jealousy, guilt, unworthiness, despair, pessimism, and powerlessness—are distorted sounds that can eventually break down your physical health. Erratic and inconsistent frequencies, such as those from phones, computers, cars, planes, and electricity, can also be distracting and unsettling.

When you are facing a difficult challenge or negative situation, tuning in to your body as if you were tuning in to your favorite radio station will help you reach its healthy frequencies. Raising your vibration is as much about the purity and consistency of your sound frequency as it is about raising your frequency. A consistent frequency means one that doesn’t waver. Love, for example, is a pure form of consistent frequency, so when we resonate with the frequency of love, we are bringing ourselves into that vibration, which leaves no room for negativity.

Much like your emotions, your intentions are also based on vibration. The more unwavering the vibration or frequency, the stronger your intention will be.It’s incredibly powerful to hold a firm intention to send love to someone who needs healing. However, if your intention isn’t firm, you may find it difficult to effect healing.

When your thoughts are aligned with the highest vibrations, they reach the core frequency of love that can be heard throughout the universe. That’s why thoughts backed with focused intention are the greatest forces for healing. This premise leads us to the fundamental goal for all energy healers—to reach our core frequency and send out a force of positive thoughts and intentions as often as we can to help heal the world.

* This article is an excerpt from Heal Yourself — Heal the World (Simon & Schuster, 2017) and has been reprinted with permission. To read more about sound healing in the book, order a copy on Amazon.

Sound Healing Methods

More on sound therapy for healing

Blog Article

Sound Healing Methods: 7 Ways to Raise Your Vibration

Tibetan Tingsha Cymbals

Sound is a powerful healing modality in energy medicine. One of the best things about the many sound healing methods available is that you don’t need to be a natural musician or have special training — all you need is your voice and basic skills. Check out the entire article and add these 7 sound therapy methods to your healing regimen today.

On-Demand Workshop

Highlights of the Sound of Healing

If you’re interested in taking your sound healing technique to the next level, enroll in the Sound of Healing workshop today.

Taught by New York Times bestseller Deborah King, the Sound of Healing is a 10-part, on-demand, self-study, go-at-your-own-pace video workshop in which you’ll learn new sound therapy methods that you can use to heal yourself or others. From understanding seed sounds for each chakra to witnessing and following along with a hands-on-healing session, this sound healing certification course will show you how to create harmony — body, mind, and soul.

ayurveda insomnia

Insomnia No More

Sleep. You’re always getting too little of it. Or even if you’re getting enough, chances are, it’s not the right quality. Or if it’s the right quality, it’s the wrong type. There are even different types of insomnia.1 With all these different variables, does anyone have the solution to perfect sleep? At first glance, it would appear the answer is “no.” The CDC reports that 1/3 of American adults don’t get enough sleep and even when we go on vacation, 63% of us still struggle with sleep.2 3

Arianna Huffington recently wrote a book about sleep where she explores how sleep can impact multiple areas of your life: physical, mental, psychological, professional, social, and even sexual. Arianna was inspired to write The Sleep Revolution after she collapsed from sleep deprivation, exhaustion, and burnout in 2007 due to a high-stress lifestyle; her fall was so hard, that she broke her cheekbone.

Most people (luckily) won’t suffer from a catastrophic breakdown like Arianna; rather, they’ll find they fall into bad sleep habits, such as “catching up” on sleep during the weekend after getting too few zzz’s during the work week. Or, they may struggle to get their bodies and minds back on a good sleep schedule when we “fall back” or “spring forward” for Daylight Savings. Regardless of the cause, addressing sleep issues will help you live a more balanced and healthier life. Moreover, if you are currently on a healing journey, restorative sleep is a crucial component to your long-term success.

In American culture, we look for a quick fix for anything that ails us – including sleep. As of 2014, there were over nine million Americans using prescription meds to get a good night’s rest. While this is certainly concerning, the alarming statistic is around emergency-room visits related to those prescriptions: in a four-year period, there were twice as many people hospitalized because they had “overmedicated.” This study, conducted by the Substance Abuse and Mental Services Administration, did not even address the fact that sleeping pills, like Ambien, are dangerously addictive; they also interfere with your meditation and daytime clarity as well.4

So, what can you do get a better night’s rest? Take a page out of your energy healing handbook.

Ayurveda for sleep

Ayurveda is the world’s oldest healing system and literally means “the science of life.” Originating in India, Ayurveda considers sleep one of the three essential parts of good health (the other two are proper diet and balanced sexuality). In fact, sleep is so central to optimal health in Ayurveda that the word for “natural sleep” is Bhutadhatri – a combination of the Sanskrit word Bhuta (your physical body) and Dhatri (mother). Bhutadhatri nourishes one’s body like a mother nurtures her child.

Below are three Ayurvedic sleep remedies to help you achieve health physiologically, psychologically, and neurologically:

1. Indulge in a cup of warm spiced milk

Turns out, the old wives’ tale of drinking warm milk to fall asleep has merit. Take that warm milk one step further by adding a spice like cardamom, cinnamon, or nutmeg, and you will have a good night’s sleep in a warm mug.

This Ayurvedic sleep remedy is based around the mother-nurturing concept: milk is the first thing that we consume after birth, and drinking warm spiced milk as a part of your bedtime routine will have a nurturing effect on our body and mind. Science has also shown that there are components in milk that support the quieting of the nervous system, which in turn promotes restful sleep.5

2. Just breathe

Before you head to bed, practicing your breathing exercise can have a powerful effect on your energy – and your ability to fall or stay asleep.

Pranayama is the control and extension of the breath that activates your Prana (your life force energy). To begin your Pranayama breathing exercise, start by focusing on and connecting to your heart. Once you have made a connection, inhale deeply and chant “om” on your exhale. The “o” sound should be three times as long as the “m” sound. Repeat until you feel nourished and ready to fall asleep.

3. Go to bed no later than 9 or 10 PM (and wake between 4 and 6 AM)

Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. Who knew Ben Franklin was a follower of Ayurveda?

When you sleep from 9 or 10 PM to 4 to 6 AM, you are giving yourself a natural boost of sattva to start your day (sattva is Sanskrit for optimism/clarity). An important part of Ayurveda psychology, sattva is best described as the amazing happiness you feel just from being alive, which children so easily embody.

And be sure that one of the first things you do in the morning is step outside for a moment and take in the early morning light. Daylight sets you up to be more awake during the day. (Note: if you live in the north where daylight hours are limited in the winter months, invest in a quality light box that you use upon waking to simulate daylight.)

As a part of your early to rise routine, get your physical exercise in before noon. It’s better to wake up early enough to go to the gym before work rather than going in the evening if you are over the age of 25.

Drinking warm spiced milk and practicing Pranayama is often the easy part of a natural sleep remedy. It’s the going to sleep at 9 or 10 PM (and waking at 4 to 6AM) that most people struggle with…after all, life today, with all of it’s online distractions, has no such schedule.

So, what else can you do to get a good night’s rest?

Work with nature, not against it

While we are all special flowers in our own right, nature is rather impersonal and plays by the physical laws of the universe (and not your night owl tendencies). Your body is part of nature and there’s no sense in fighting against your innate programming (spoiler alert: you’re not going to win this round).

You are programmed to go to bed when it gets dark and wake when it’s light. Your biological rhythms – controlled by your internal body clock – affects everything from body temperature and appetite to hormones and sleep timing. These biological rhythms tie back into the three pillars of Ayurvedic health: sleep, proper diet, and balanced sexuality; if one area of your health is off, the others will suffer as well.

So, the secret to getting your zzz’s isn’t a magic pill or potion; once again, ancient energy healing wisdom, combined with being in touch with your body and Mother Nature, and getting to bed at a decent hour, delivers a sleep solution that will put you on the path to living your best life.

So, here’s to restful sleep!


Top 3 Reasons to Try Energy Healing




What is energy healing? It is the practice of tapping into the universal energy field for information and then making small shifts in the individual’s personal energy field in order to help someone heal of mental, emotional, or physical distress. Because all three of the key aspects of humanity: mind, body, and spirit, are inextricably linked, when one part gets sick, the other two sides of that triangle also become unbalanced. Energy healing heals the whole person, acting through the personal energy field to get at problems under the surface of the body and the psyche.

Energy medicine saves lives. It saved mine, eradicating the cancer in my body when I was twenty five. As a master energy healer, I have worked with thousands of students who can attest to the fact that they were healed and/or saved with energy medicine. If you let it, energy healing can save your life, too, whether you need physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual healing.

If that isn’t reason enough to give energy healing a try, here are three more:

1. Energy healing can heal almost anything.

I have been an energy healer and spiritual teacher for decades now, and I know from experience that there are no limits to what energy healing can accomplish, provided it is in line with the soul’s life plan. Physical injuries and diseases, crippling emotional pain, completely closed-down chakras, all of these ailments and more have been healed with energy medicine. I have seen energy healing face some of the darkest sources of pain a human body can withstand and win, lifting the weight of that pain and providing relief for the patient.

I even had a remission from cancer at the hands of an energy healer, which is what motivated me to begin learning about energy medicine. I became so amazed and enthralled by what I saw and learned that I ultimately left a thriving career as an attorney to devote my life to energy healing, helping people become the best versions of themselves and fulfilling their true life purpose.

Now this is not to say that if you have a serious illness, like cancer, that you should ignore modern medicine. Quite the opposite! When you need healing, use all the resources you can, and that means energy medicine in concert with traditional medicine. Meditation and journaling are other helpful ways to reach your innermost desires and get in touch with your higher self to assist in making any decisions you have about your health.


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2. You are already a healer.

Our ancestors were able to heal themselves and others without any special training because back then, humans were more regularly in touch with their higher selves and the unified field. Capabilities such as reading or sending thoughts between loved ones, being fully grounded in Mother Nature, and yes, energy healing, were not considered “supernatural” the way they are today. These skills and abilities were common and widespread in ancient humans, but have since been overshadowed and ignored in favor of technology and our fast-paced intellectual culture

Don’t worry—the capacity for energy healing still resides within you! Though the memories of how to access these “powers” have been buried, the information is still stored our collective unconscious. With practice and training, you can reawaken these innate abilities.

Healing courses or workshops can provide you with the training and instruction you need to get started in energy medicine, or improve your practice if you’ve already begun. An experienced energy healer can also double check that your own energy field is in proper shape to treat others.

3. Energy healing boosts your spiritual development.

Whether you are healed by an energy healer or heal yourself in the process of becoming an energy healer, your spiritual progress gets a lift. One of the most common stumbling blocks for seekers of the light is imbalances in their chakras caused by emotional trauma or unresolved emotions. These imbalances are called distortions, and a distorted chakra can wreak havoc on your energy field by blocking the flow of energy like a clogged pipe, even shutting it down completely. Both scenarios can result in physical pain and suffering that is a direct reflection of your emotional pain.




Energy healing helps to clear those blocks from your chakras and restores your energy field to its optimal state of unrestricted flow. With your energy field in good shape, you can begin to expand your consciousness and reach higher states of awareness.

One of the best things about a practice of energy healing is that it forces you to stay centered and grounded. You cannot heal others without a clear energy field, and a clear consciousness free from ego and fear, which means you must vigilantly maintain your own spiritual health. Meditation, expressing and releasing your emotions, and staying in tune with Mother Earth are all helpful in keeping yourself clear of negative energy.

The benefits of energy medicine are more than I can express with words, but I can say that a happier, healthier life, expanded consciousness, and being able to heal friends and loved ones are just the tip of the iceberg.

If you would like to learn more about the life-changing and life-saving field of energy medicine, check out my Hay House LifeForce Energy Healing Online Course, which is a twelve week program designed to teach you how to heal yourself and others, and will certify you to be an official energy healer!





Are You a Hero?


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.

~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

On Monday, January 20th, we honor the memory of Martin Luther King, Jr.—the inspiring leader and real hero in the fight for civil rights.


In 1955, Martin Luther King Jr. graduated from the seminary with a doctorate in theology prepared to lead a church, but the racial segregation and prejudice that existed in the South at that time compelled him to take action on a much larger scale. He studied and adapted Gandhi’s technique of nonviolent resistance to overcome the problems faced by his people. He spent his life giving speeches, leading protest marches and boycotts, sacrificing his own safety, comfort, and freedom in the pursuit of racial equality.


King delivered his famous “I Have a Dream” speech in 1963 to a quarter of a million people on the Mall in Washington, DC, and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize the following year. Five years later, he was gunned down in Memphis, Tennessee, where he was about to lead a protest march.


Who can be a hero? Anyone who sees an injustice and propels themself into action on behalf of others in need, or in defense of a cause. Like Martin Luther King, Jr., heroes often risk their comfort, financial security, and/or personal safety for the good of others. But you don’t have to risk life and limb to be an everyday hero. For example:


  • Danielle Gletow posts the wishes of foster kids online so they can be granted. She said, “I’m here to be the mom to all these kids who might not feel like they have one.” Her group has helped make more than 6,500 wishes comes true in 42 states.


  • Estella Pyfrom created “Estella’s Brilliant Bus, using her life savings to fund a mobile computer lab that helps tutor thousands of low-income students in Palm Beach County, FL. As she says, “It’s not just a bus, it’s a movement. And we’re going to keep making a difference.”


  • Duncan, Dylan, and Isabella Frost, three siblings who live in Denver, collect turkeys, canned goods, and money each fall by holding a Frost Family Turkey Bowl before Thanksgiving. This year, the flag football game scored 60 turkeys and $700 for the Denver Rescue Mission, which serves 100 different agencies during the holidays.


  • How about all those teachers who use their own funds to buy school supplies for their students? They are also heroes, going above and beyond to inspire the up-and-coming generations.


Each and every day, there are dozens of opportunities to step in and get involved. The next hero could be you! You know you would help if you witnessed:

  • a child being bullied at school, or an adult discriminated against at work
  • a victim of domestic abuse
  • someone who has had too much to drink and is about to drive
  • an animal that is being neglected or abused
  • an inappropriate or offensive comment is spoken
  • someone who is hungry, homeless, or in need of medical attention.


As an energy healer and spiritual teacher, I talk about how you can spread our light by “becoming the change we want to see in the world.” I urge you to take your inspiration from Martin Luther King, Jr., as well as from those who have made a difference in their own communities. You can be a hero, too!


A New Year and a New You!


If you asked me for my New Year Resolution, it would be to find out who I am. ~Cyril Cusack


It’s that time again! Time to box up the decorations, put away your party clothes and get serious. New Years Day signaled an end to the excess of the holidays and a fresh start to a brand new year. Before you break out your journal and start setting goals and writing lists, think for a moment – what’s the secret to making your New Year’s resolutions stick?


Take your time, and set goals based on who you are, not the person your mother or father or significant other think you should be. Don’t take other people’s standards as a mandate that you need to change. Does a picture in a magazine or a critical comment from a friend make you feel like you have to whip yourself, home, or career, into shape? Before you start jotting down “to-dos”, spend some time contemplating what you really want, and get in touch with your own feelings.  You make the rules, and there’s no rule that says New Year’s resolutions have to be nailed down in the first week of January. The best way to make sure your resolutions will stick around is to set goals that are appealing and meaningful for you.


Think out of the box when it comes to health and fitness. Getting in shape, eating healthy and losing weight are popular resolutions that tend to show up on the same lists year after year. If your healthy intentions routinely go awry, shake things up a little this year. Instead of counting calories, set a goal to eat more veggies and swap out coffee and soft drinks for herbal tea and cool water. If the gym doesn’t inspire you, go for walks or snow-shoeing. Take baby steps, and have fun along the way!


Schedule time for fun. New Years resolutions don’t have to be hard work. Here’s an easy one – resolve to spend more time doing things that bring you happiness and fulfillment. Exactly what that means is different for everyone. For me it’s spending time in nature, meditating, going to movies with my husband, and swimming. For you it might be discussing a good book with a friend, taking your dog to the park, or taking a long walk on the beach. Think about what activities bring you joy and make it a priority to schedule them into your day.


Get help if you need it. While many people use the New Year as an incentive to finally stop drinking, smoking or engaging in other addictive behavior, many are not equipped to make such a drastic lifestyle change on their own. If you plan to kick a destructive habit, know that there is a world of help and support available. If you’re ready to make a change, enlist the help of a friend, counselor, and/or support group, and take time to heal the unprocessed emotions that might be contributing to your addiction.


Can’t think of a resolution? Try my old standbys. As a spiritual teacher, I encourage journaling and meditating – they can absolutely change your life. Choking down and suppressing your emotions is all too common in our society, but to be truly healthy and happy you have to acknowledge your feelings and live in truth. Journal writing can help you to do that. If that sounds appealing to you, it’s simple to start. Resolve to write in your journal every day, use a notebook or computer – whatever you like, but most important, be honest! It’s time to honor your feelings and your journal is the place to do it. Don’t hold anything back!  Meditation is another way to tap into your feelings – a daily practice of 20 minutes can be an amazing gift you give yourself. Meditation will help you manage stress, heal your body and your psyche, and find your true path in life.  In every one of my healing courses, I teach my students about the power of journaling and meditation – I urge you to try them!


As you look forward to starting the New Year and progressing along on your journey of spiritual growth, I urge you to start from a place of unconditional love, and be sure to include yourself. Shine your light on you and the people around you, and give yourself the gift of self-love and acceptance!


Anticipating the Light

Newgrange, Irland

“In the depth of winter, I finally learned
that within me there lay an invincible summer.”
~ Albert Camus


As the seasons continue their relentless cycle, once again we find ourselves nearly at year-end, facing the darkest day of the year. December 21, 2013 marks the winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, when we’ll experience the shortest day and longest night and see the sun peak at its lowest point in the sky. The term solstice means “sun stands still,” and for a fleeting moment the sun actually seems to pause in the sky – a signal to the world that the long night is over and we can look forward to the weeks to come when the days lengthen and the sun once again begins to work it’s magic here on earth!


For most of us today, the challenges of winter don’t go much beyond travel delays, ice on our windshields and the need to bundle up in warm coats, scarves and gloves. To others, the grey, gloomy days of winter can trigger Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) a mood change that’s associated with the change of the seasons. To ancient cultures, the winter solstice had much greater significance as each year citizens calculated their odds of living through the winter, dreading the approach of cold and darkness as they longed for spring to return.


The longest night of the year marks the return of the light in many cultures and has long been held as a sacred time of year. We can see evidence of these ancient tributes in places that were built to acknowledge this astronomical event, and in many of today’s winter holidays and rituals.


At Newgrange, a Stone Age passage tomb in Ireland, the sun shines down its long passageway into the central chamber at the first crack of light on the winter solstice. Each year, people gather at Newgrange on winter solstice to wait for the dawning of the light, and just as it did over 5,000 years ago, for seventeen minutes as the sun rises the whole chamber is illuminated. It’s an extraordinary experience to wait in the darkness for the longest night of the year to come to an end, as the old sun dies and the new sun is born. In 2007, for the first time, the illumination at the passage tomb was broadcast live so that people around the world could experience this magical moment in their own living rooms.


Gods have a way of appearing just as things are at their darkest! The infant Jesus, whose birth is celebrated right around the time of winter solstice, brought light back into the world. In the days of the Roman Empire, many of their gods were born near the time of the solstice: Apollo, Attis, Baal, Dionysus, Helios, Hercules, Horus, Mithra, Osiris, Perseus, and Theseus. In the third century, their festivals were combined into one “Birthday of the Unconquered Sun” on December 25th. In Japan, the sun goddess Amateratsu emerges from her cave at this time of year.


Simple rituals, ancient and modern, help us to shed our own light on the darkness. All over the world people gather together with loved ones, light candles, decorate their homes, share meals and/or exchange gifts. All these winter holidays—Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanzaa, Saint Lucia Day, Dong Zhi (which literally means “the extreme of winter”), Diwali, Koleduvane (a festival in Belgium for the birth of the sun), Gody (in Poland), Shabe-Yalda (rebirth of the sun as celebrated in Iran) – are celebrating the return of the light during the darkest time of the year.


As a spiritual teacher and energy healer, I encourage you to remember that without darkness, there can be no light. To celebrate the seasonal cycle, why not develop your own personal rituals to mark the passing of darkness and the ascension into the light! Take a hike to a high outdoor peak, attend a meditation retreat or energy healing workshop, create a special journal entry to process any darkness that you have accumulated this season, or find a way to spread some light to others who are experiencing hardships or depression.  Enjoy this mystical and hopeful time of year!


Connect to the Light with Prayer!

“Prayer is not asking. It is a longing of the soul. It is daily admission of one’s weakness.

It is better in prayer to have a heart without words than words without a heart.”
~ Mahatma Gandhi

When you think about prayer, what comes to mind? Does your mind flash back to your childhood, when you dropped to your knees every night at bedtime and asked God to bless your friends, family and pets?  Do you picture yourself chanting out prayers at church, harmoniously in sync with the rest of the congregation? Or do you remember hasty deals made with your God, praying for the safety of a traveling loved one, that your biopsy will turn out to be benign, or that you’ll ace that job interview?

Prayer can be all of those things, and more! As a spiritual teacher and energy healer, I encourage you to explore a new dimension of prayer – as a conduit to the light. Regardless of your faith, prayer is a beautiful way to connect with your own spirituality.  Through meditation and prayer, you can open up your heart to the power of unconditional love, and flood your spirit with the light of higher consciousness!

My new blog at explains how you can use prayer in this enlightening way! Try this technique in your daily life, and open yourself up to the forces of light and love in the universe.

Interested in exploring other ways to expand your consciousness and live in the light? Check out my brand new book, Entangled in Darkness: Seeking the Light, and join me on the path to enlightenment!


A New Look at Your Eyes!

Submitted by Nancy Neff – Certified Energy Healing Practitioner and Deborah King Center LifeForce Coach

Although I’ve always been healthy and fit, eating well and exercising to maintain my physical and emotional self, like most people I considered my eyes to be in a separate category from the rest of my body. I knew shedding excess pounds could help with heart disease or diabetes, or that getting regular exercise or time outdoors could help with depression. But I used to think there was nothing I could do to change my “bad eyes”—my mother’s constant lament about my nearsightedness when I was a child.


Yes, I grew up wearing glasses that seemed to get thicker every year, as I retreated further into my books and away from interacting with people. I was so worried about my vision getting even worse that I practiced walking around the house with my eyes closed, memorizing the location of the furniture. Those thick eyeglasses were eventually replaced by thick hard plastic contact lenses, which I wore for decades. Then I learned that it was possible to improve my eyesight. Wow! You might as well have told me I had wings and could fly.


In working with a behavioral optometrist to gradually improve my vision, I sometimes struggled with too-weak glasses that caused me to strain, get a headache, and feel tired. I learned that strain meant I was doing something in an inefficient way. Seeing clearly is supposed to be easy! I found that if I gave an image a second or so, it often cleared up. Since I was used to rushing through every task I took on, this was a real exercise in patience for me.


I made a pivotal change in improving my visual health and function when I started to study energy medicine. I had been focusing only on the mechanical aspects of vision improvement, like wearing increasingly weaker glasses (or none at all when it was safe), shifting my gaze from near to far periodically when reading or at the computer, blinking enough, and resting my eyes whenever they felt tired. Now I also started to pay attention to how my visual system was feeling. I let myself really enjoy the everyday miraculous act of seeing, inviting the rich colors of my environment all the way in with no lenses to block them, being more aware of depth and the interplay of light and shadow.


I’m also more aware of how my eyes are an intrinsic part of me, and that anything which helps my body and my attitude to be healthier will help my eyes as well. Many people disregard simple health practices that would help their vision, like staying well-hydrated (the eyes are mostly water), or good posture (a cramped neck or shoulders can restrict the blood flow to the small capillaries that nourish the eyes), or getting enough rest. The eyes heal and regenerate during sleep, and you ignore your body’s messages of fatigue at your peril.


Vision varies with your current level of happiness (or not), your level of fatigue, and your surroundings (out in nature vs. in a cramped hectic office). If you experience momentary visual blur, it is not necessarily cause for stronger glasses; maybe you just need a meal, or to get up from your computer and go for a walk! Take a moment to check in with your body and your eyes to see what they need right now before jumping to the conclusion that your vision is declining.


Like pain in the body, visual blur is simply a signal from your system that you need to change something. Maybe it’s a belief, like “Since my mother’s vision declined when she was in her 40s, mine will too.” To paraphrase Henry Ford, if you believe your eyes are going to get worse, they probably will! Deborah King, spiritual teacher and master healer,  tells us that limitation or wrong beliefs exist first in the human energy field, which surrounds us; if they stay in place long enough, they can become a problem in the body. The eyes are actually an extension of the brain: the inside back of the eyeball, the sensitive retina that receives the light rays and images to decode, grows out of brain tissue as the human embryo develops. So I believe that if you can change your mind to have a more positive uplifting attitude, you can change your vision for the better.


Another thing I’ve learned from my energy medicine studies and healing courses is that maintaining a positive, grateful, optimistic attitude about my vision is essential to my seeing clearly. Clear visual focus requires mental focus, paying attention to what I’m looking at. Try looking at the world with the joyful curious eyes of a child to whom everything is new. Seeing is a gift, every day. The eyes have it!

Written by Nancy L. Neff – Certified Energy Healing Practitioner and Deborah King Center LifeForce Coach


5 Steps to Get More Energy Today!

5 Steps to Get More Energy Today!

The one commodity we all want is energy: energy to do the things we have to do, like take care of the house, the kids, and the bills, and energy to do the things we love, like sports, shopping, and hobbies. You may have begun complaining you were low energy when you were in your teens or twenties, and that feeling of not enough energy has by now become chronic.

Good news! There are 5 simple steps you can take to reverse the drain on your energy tank, and start filling it every day, rather than continuing to let it be siphoned off.

1. Connect With Others
Nurture your good relationships and end the bad ones. It is important to have close relationships and feel a sense of connection to at least one important person in your life. If you stay in regular contact with people – it doesn’t matter if it is a family member, co-worker, or friend from high school – your energy level will be positively impacted. At the same time, end relationships that are robbing you of energy; disconnect from supposed friends and family that wear you out; life it too short to spend your precious energy on problem people.

If you feel an absence where relationships should be, then I urge you to take steps to fill it. Find a local community group that shares a common interest like gardening or reading; volunteer at a shelter or local campaign office; sign up for dating sites online; be open to opportunities to make new friends and form lasting and meaningful relationships. This connection with others will help you stay energized.

2. Connect With Yourself
Your connection with yourself is just as important as your connection with others. Your own spiritual health is an important component in how much energy you have. If you are connected spiritually to your inner self and higher consciousness, you are far more likely to feel energetic and ready to take on life’s challenges in all of its forms. There are endless ways you can connect with yourself spiritually – whether it’s through meditation, yoga, singing, cooking, pottery, art, prayer, music, sports – the list is endless – so long as you can feel a sense of meaning in life beyond yourself and feel connected to the bigger picture when doing the activity. Take some time every day to engage yourself in something that allows you to step outside your bubble of “me” and loosen the hold of ego. And once you have connected to the deeper, inner parts of yourself, you will find that you will lose your fear of change, which is another drain on your energy.

3. Respect Your Body
While no one is going to be perfectly healthy in every aspect all the time – everyone has some aches and pains at some point or other – you can make a point to protect your health by adopting a healthy lifestyle and choosing to take good care of your body. Do you eat poorly? Do you smoke? Do you drink too much? Do you exercise enough? Do you get enough sleep and fresh air?

You can change your old habits and instill new ones that are healthy and will foster not just better physical health, but increase your energy level. It is said that it only takes 21 days to implant a new habit. In just three short weeks, you can make the positive changes you need to take better care of yourself and your body. Your mind and soul will thank you for it, and you will be connecting not just to yourself, but to all the grace in the universe as well, which is the ultimate source of all energy.

4. The Importance of Touch
Touch is very important to your energy level. Touch keeps the energy flowing and opens up the energetic pathways. Besides touch with an intimate partner, there’s also massage, acupuncture, and other modalities that provide healing touch. The more in-tune your body is with touch, the more in-tune you will be with your overall energy level.

5. Briefly Unplug
When was the last time you gave yourself an hour unplugged? I’m not suggesting there’s anything wrong with being plugged in – I believe that the internet, Facebook and other social sites are a great way to stay connected and, in that respect, are a source of energy. But working an hour or so into your day for meditation, napping, or just hanging out on the porch talking to friends, is a good way to re-energize as it allows your energy field a break from EMFs (electro-magnetic frequencies) that can be fatiguing.

The 21st Century is full of constant drains on our energy levels; life is too short and valuable to feel tired. Try incorporating these five tips into your life starting today and you will be well on your path toward reversing the energy drain and becoming more energized!


The Secret Seven: 7 Tips to Buff up your Chakra System

Energy medicine promotes healing by working within an individual’s personal energetic field and seeing how it interacts with the larger energy field. We can tell what’s happening with someone by checking in on their 7 main chakras, the centers of energy that run from the base of the spine up through the top of the head.

These 7 centers, along with up to 20 smaller chakras, govern our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. In other words, chakras hold the secrets to how you feel about yourself and your world, how you get along with others, the condition of your body, your relationship to money, whether or not weight is a problem, how you make decisions, and your spiritual advancement.

That’s a lot to ask of something most people can’t see. But then again, we can’t see the radioactive particles released from a damaged nuclear reactor either, and yet we take seriously their capability to affect our lives. The energy centered in the chakras has a very profound effect on our lives.

So what can you do to create and maintain healthy and balanced chakras? Here are seven sure-fire simple steps you can take to balance your chakras:

 1.    Connect to Mother Earth: Take a walk in nature.

The first chakra is your Root Chakra and is the very foundation of physical and emotional health. It is your basic connection to Mother Earth- the roots you plant in the soil of your being. This is where your physical strength lies, and the psychological strength to withstand whatever you have to deal with.

A simple walk barefoot on grass or a sandy beach will do wonders to ground you. Hug a tree, go hiking in the wilderness, or visit a local park. You don’t have to live in the countryside or mountains to strengthen this connection with Mother Nature. Grounding yourself will give you the experience of “I am here, and I am safe” and this presence is so essential to your health. Take time out of your day to make sure you make this connection and you will automatically strengthen your Root Chakra.



 2.    Calm your Body and Environment with Water.

The second chakra is the seat of sensuality, sexuality, emotion, and the inner child. It governs how we relate in groups, how we establish inner and outer boundaries, and how we find pleasure. A common problem related to the second chakra is addition. You may be using drugs, alcohol, pills, food, smoking, exercise, or sex as ways to avoid dealing with your emotions, to numb yourself. The physical problems of a poorly functioning second chakra are often the kinds of things that breed shame if the health issues concern their sexuality. One way to heal the shame is to soak for at least 20 minutes in a bath of warm water with one pound each of sea salt and baking soda.  Imagine all your guilt and shame dissolving in the bath water and being washed away as you say:“I speak the truth and reclaim my true nature. I am pure. I am clean.” Water is healing, and immersing yourself in water on a regular basis is a self-nuturing habit.

 3.    Get Moving!

The third chakra is the seat of our self-worth – our self esteem, will power, and personal power. It is the seat of our mental body, where we identify with our ego and our individuality. A strong will means we know what our goals are and have an idea of what we want to do. The power in the third chakra is our right to act, to use our will, to follow through with what we start, to meet challenges head-on, and to not be stopped by fear. You can balance your third chakra through physical movement, especially outside in the sun in the early morning or before sunset. Don’t get too warm if you tend to be angry or short-tempered! Physical movement awakens and recharges your body. You can also try T’ai Chi, Yoga, or Pilates!

 4.    Love a Pet!

The fourth chakra is your heart chakra and it is the center point, where you merge the strength and support of Mother Earth from below with the wisdom and guidance from above that combine to make you a compassionate human being. A poorly functioning fourth chakra can keep you in bondage to emotional attachment. It is through your heart chakra that you can come to feel the presence of unconditional, unlimited love – for your self, for all beings, for the world and beyond. One of the best ways to boost your heart chakra is through giving and receiving love with a pet. Our pets love us unconditionally and make it safe for us to learn to love again. Do you have room in your life to adopt a dog or cat? You can feed your heart chakra and at the same time change this animal’s life forever in a positive way. No room or time to adopt your own? What about visiting your local shelter or even just visiting a friend’s friendly pet and sharing some love with them?

 5.    Express Yourself: Use your Voice.

The fifth chakra is our center of creativity. This chakra is where we express our choices and communicate who we are. Because our use of sound and communication purifies our lower selves and allows us to experience the higher vibrations of spirit, we can tune up our fifth chakra by expressing ourselves more clearly and exploring our creativity. All creativity is a way to communicate what we feel. Use your voice and read out loud your favorite book or poem. Write something yourself and recite it! Sing a song – in the shower, in your car wherever! When your fifth chakra is in balance, you can live your dreams and visions, your greater purpose. Let yourself be who you are and give yourself a voice!

 6.    Visualize and Find your Inner Sight.

The sixth chakra, or “third eye”, is the center of higher intellect. The gifts of the spirit emerge in this chakra, like clairvoyance, telepathy, precognition, and psychokinesis. You can boost this chakra by working to rid yourself of the clutter in your mind so you can “see” more clearly. Daily meditation is a wonderful way to get rid of old beliefs and thought patterns that are holding you back. When you have awakened the sixth chakra, you are in touch with inspiration, insight, wisdom, and vision.

 7.    Invite the Divine!

The seventh chakra, or crown chakra, connects us to spirit, our higher power, and the universe. It lights up our consciousness. When our crown chakra is open, our perception is clearer, broader, and we are allowed to not only see our daily patterns, but also the deep metaphysical patterns of our lives. Like the sixth chakra, meditation is a powerful tool to boosting this chakra. Perhaps prayer or communion with nature will assist you as well. Ask your own higher wisdom for guidance and signs that you are on the right path, and make time for yourself to listen for internal messages regarding purpose and direction. Visualize positive and peaceful outcomes. The truth that emerges will open the door for you to greater levels of connection.

Your chakras are all interconnected. They embrace you as a whole person. As you do the inner work of clearing and releasing past traumas, negativity and outmoded belief systems, you will lighten the load of your chakras. Your energy will move into greater balance, and as a result, you will feel better. So why not take the initiative and seek out ways to better balance your chakras?



Which Healing System Will Work for You?

Recently, the Wall Street Journal reported doctors are tracking a patient’s mood, social life, and lifestyle to better manage their illness. They are trying to define health not just in the degree of mobility a knee or shoulder may offer, but whether the knee or shoulder is limiting their patient in participating in what makes their life full and meaningful. From regular monitoring, the doctors say they will be able to determine how extreme their patient’s treatment should be and what alternative medicine therapies to recommend.

It’s important to understand the mind-body connection as it relates to health. It is becoming more well understood that recurring cases of emotional stress can manifest a real mind-body connection issue that can present themselves in many physical problems—and can even impact someone’s own healing system mechanisms. So we are broadening our view of health and wellness and understanding one healing system is rarely enough.

Praying, meditating, journaling and chakra healing are all forms of healing systems. They allow conventional medical treatments to work more effectively; they allow us to explore the depth of our emotional pain—no matter what it is attributed to—without the fear of losing control and losing ourselves. Use these healing systems and see which one works best for you.

Every ancient culture on Earth, from the Mayan and the Aztec to the East Indian and Chinese, had healing systems that worked. The key is to learn which one will work for you.


Gifts of the Spirit

Once you have examined your beliefs and opened yourself to new possibilities, and even briefly touched the unified field and tasted Oneness, certain abilities may begin to manifest. These expanded faculties have been termed gifts of the spirit, to use the language of religion, or psychic abilities as they are called in the secular world. They are sometimes a testament to, and manifestation of, Source working in and through you. These gifts or skills are typically divided into three categories: teaching gifts, sign gifts, and revelatory gifts.

Teaching gifts are inspiring moments when someone is able to give understanding to another person or group on a specific point of difficulty or a challenge. It’s as though the words are an actual infusion of light and clarity, delivered at exactly the right moment for maximum effect. We saw the beauty of this gift when Martin Luther King, Jr., gave his “I Have a Dream” speech. Delivered from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, King’s passionate words demanding racial justice and equality electrified America.

His magnetism, sincerity, and emotion—all of which were clearly visible in his body and voice—infused listeners with a deeper recognition of the political and racial situation that was facing the country at that time. More than 40 years later, his words still ring with beauty and truth, awakening us to a vision of what peace could actually mean.

Sign gifts include the gifts of faith, healing, and miracles. They have the power to bring even the most skeptical individuals to their knees.

Finally, we have revelatory gifts, which include prophecy, the ability to sense beyond our reality, and speaking in (and interpreting) tongues. Prophecy here means when a person suddenly communicates with lucidity and authority, where the words are clearly coming from a source outside of him or her. Today, this would be termed discernment in the religious arena (not to be confused with the discernment of examining our beliefs), or channeling in the popular vernacular. We call abilities to sense be- yond the norm paranormal, and that umbrella term includes feel- ing (clairsentience); seeing (clairvoyance); hearing (clairaudience); and touching, tasting, and smelling beyond the usual limits of those senses.

Speaking in tongues involves a spontaneous outpouring of seemingly unrelated sounds that has the energetic effect of connecting the communicator to Source. Often, one person will speak and another, likewise tapped into Spirit, will interpret the tongues. Many years ago, I visited dozens of random churches where I happily participated in this activity. “Tongues” can also be practiced alone as a very intimate form of prayer, often accompanied by a deep sense of joy and communion—it was said to be a favorite of Agnes Sanford. It’s my sense that some indigenous people, with the help of dancing and drums, also speak in tongues when they are connecting to Spirit.

These gifts are always given for the benefit of the community, and not to boost an individual’s ego. Once limited to ascetics and monks, today the gifts are available to all: students, housewives, working people—all manner of regular folks living otherwise ordinary lives, including you!

Copyright notice: Excerpt from pages 67-68 of Be Your Own Shaman by Deborah King, published by Hay House Books.


What do the colors in your aura mean?

Everyone has an aura—the colors that portray the electromagnetic field that emanates out from the human body. Of course, every living thing and every object in the world also have auras, as we are all composed of particles of vibrating energy. In a person, the aura extends out about 2-4 feet from all sides of the body (as well as above the head and below the feet) in an egg-shaped field.

I teach how to sense auras and what the colors indicate about someone’s feelings, thoughts, behavior, and health. Once trained, you’ll be able to sense where imbalance exists and what needs to be corrected. Keep in mind that you can sense colors, using your whole body, and that “seeing” is less reliable than whole body sensing.

So what do the colors of the aura mean? There are some generalizations, but there are many gradients of colors, each with subtle differences in meaning. For example, the color red in the aura often relates to the life-force of the physical body, including the heart and circulation. We usually associate red with the first chakra, and indeed a deep red can indicate that someone is well-grounded, realistic, or oriented to survival.

Red is the densest of all colors, which means it can create the most friction, as in anger, anxiety, or obsessions. But look at the range that is possible: a muddied red can point to anger, while a clear red is powerful and passionate—just think of a woman who can carry off wearing a bright orange-red dress: she’s confident about herself and her sensuality. If it’s a bright and clear color, chances are that person has a healthy ego.

When red veers off into pink, new meanings arise. If the pink is light and bright, there may be a new romantic relationship happening. Or it can indicate clairaudience, artistic leanings, sensitivity, or tenderness. A murky dark pink, on the other hand, shows that the person may be immature or have a dishonest nature. A dusty pink can mean that someone is being “nice” instead of being “real.”

Each of the colors—red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, as well as gold, silver, black and white, and earth colors—can change constantly, depending on your mood, what’s happening in your life, and what you’re up to at any given moment. Those who are trained to “read” auras have to have a lot of flexibility in their interpretations because different tones of the same color can have such different meanings. There is also confusion caused when someone else’s energy is in the aura.

Be careful of believing what someone tells you about your aura unless you totally trust that person’s abilities and integrity. It takes a lot of intuitive wisdom to interpret the colors of your aura.


Diabetes: Where is the sweetness in your life?

If you are over the age of 45 and overweight, you should take a moment and consider the risks of diabetes. A recent news article stated that more than a third of a billion people around the world have diabetes, a number that’s growing as more people adopt a Western lifestyle. There are almost 18 million Americans with diabetes, and about 5 million more who haven’t yet been diagnosed (in some cases of type 2 diabetes, there are NO symptoms). And that’s not counting the 57 million who are pre-diabetic.

Genetic predisposition, obesity, and lack of exercise are certainly factors in diabetes and need to be considered, but in energy medicine we can often trace the non-physical origins of the disease back to control issues, especially overbearing parental control and a propensity for bottling up emotions. When difficult emotions are not expressed, they are stashed in the body and held down so as not to have to deal with them. This emotional “lid” puts pressure on systems, organs, and glands, especially the circulatory system and the pancreas. It makes sense that the leading cause of death for diabetics is cardiovascular disease, ending in heart attack or stroke.

What I frequently hear at the cellular level of someone with diabetes is where is the sweetness in life? Sugar has been substituted for love, and the body’s mechanisms that regulate sugar are out of whack. In my experience, both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes can be dramatically improved through a change in one’s core beliefs and the release of stored emotions, along with changes in diet and exercise.

Have you let someone hijack your personal will? Have you turned to soda, cake, and candy rather than facing your relationship with a controlling parent? Have you given up trying to do something about your weight? Have you convinced yourself that you have no time or ability to exercise? Are you resigned to having the same disease that crippled a member of your family?

Of course, if you are diabetic, you’ve got a lot of company, including Halle Berry, Nick Jonas (of the Jonas Brothers), Patti LaBelle, Larry King, Randy Jackson (hey “Dawg”), Sharon Stone, Elizabeth Taylor, Billie Jean King, Delta Burke, Dick Clark, Meat Loaf, Della Reese, Morgan Freeman, Aretha Franklin, and B.B. King. Diabetes can strike anyone of any age, race, or gender.

I urge you to get tested if you think you might be at risk. The American Diabetes Association has a short simple test at to help you become aware of your risk factors for this prevalent disorder. Diabetes is fully treatable, so the more you know about your risk, the better. Remember, knowledge is power!

If you do get diagnosed as having diabetes, watching what you eat and exercising are absolutely essential, but you also need to treat the mind and spirit. It can be difficult to overcome emotional eating habits that you have learned in childhood, but you can vastly improve your health by working through the emotions that have led you to this point, and by finding ways to reduce your internal stress.

It’s time to wake up, check your risk of diabetes, and see what you can do to prevent it. If you do have diabetes, you can regain control of your life and regain a sense of self-worth. You do have it in your power to relieve or eliminate your symptoms, reduce and eliminate your risk of serious complications, and live a happy, healthy, and full life.


5 Tips for Dealing with Negativity from Others

5 Tips for Dealing with Negativity from Others

She’s sly, and hurtful to you when your husband’s back is turned. He thinks his mother is a sweet peach; you, on the other hand, know the black pit of her heart. Maybe your mother-in-law really is a sweetie, but you’ve got a brother, aunt, co-worker, or so-called friend who delights in dumping their negativity on you.

They may not realize consciously what they are doing, but these drama queens, nasty relatives, and “frenemies” can really put a damper on your enjoyment of life, and can affect your health and emotional well-being.

What can you do when someone is blasting you with their unwelcome energy? How can you protect yourself from wearing that coat of slime? After all, you don’t want to feel so irritated and depleted every time you have to see that person.

For five great tips on how to protect your personal space, release negativity that’s been dumped on you, retrieve your own energy and return theirs, read my latest blog in The Huffington Post at You’ll feel so much younger, filled with positive energy and vitality, that it’s like turning back the hands of time.