
Sound Healing Methods: 7 Ways to Raise Your Vibration

Sound is one of the most powerful healing modalities in energy medicine; not only does it have the capability to help you reach your core frequency, but it also connects you to your higher energies (and, thus, Source). One of the best things about the many different sound healing methods available is that you don’t need to be a natural musician or have special training — all you need is your voice and a few basics about sound therapy. The key to using sound successfully is finding the particular technique that will help you achieve your healing goals.

If you were to ask 20 different people to describe the concept of sound, you’ll likely receive 20 very different answers. For example, someone who enjoys going to live rock and roll music performances may describe the emotional side of sound because of a musician(s) ability to communicate strong feelings with the audience by singing a verse or playing a guitar riff; another person may enjoy live music and find it emotionally powerful, but describe sound it in a completely different manner as they prefer the sweet sound of a violin playing a classical concerto.

Despite being extremely subjective, the healing capabilities of sound are universal. Sound not only helps you relax (and therefore decreases your stress levels), but it also can move through any energetic blockages you may be experiencing — including some physical blockages! If you, or someone you know, has ever tried to pass a kidney stone you are aware that it is an extremely painful ordeal (I’ve heard women say it makes childbirth feel like a walk in the park). When the stone is too large to be passed out of the body, doctors utilize a procedure called lithotripsy that uses sound waves to literally shatter the kidney stone into smaller pieces that can then be passed more easily.

While the application of sound in modern medical procedures is groundbreaking, we often forget about the tried-and-true ancient sound healing wisdom that our ancestors have been using for thousands of years. After all, the ultimate goal of sound healing is to reach a place of oneness, where pain and darkness are absent and there are only peace and love. Before I dive into the exciting world of sound therapy and the many different methods you can use to heal, it’s important that you experiment with each method (even if you are drawn to one particular practice over another); just like sound itself is subjective, each of these healing methods have individual strengths that you may find useful in different situations.

Sound healing techniques and exercises to help you fine-tune your vibrational frequency:

  1. Achieve Balance with Voice Toning Exercises

Your own voice is a powerful healing tool for shifting your mental, emotional, and spiritual processes. Toning is the sound of your vibrating breath—a sustained single tone, with no words, no melody or harmony, and no rhythm. It often uses the sound of Om, which is said to be the very first vibration that became sound. It represents the union of body, mind, and spirit all in one. The “oh” part of Om vibrates at the level of your solar plexus chakra, thus helping you resolve issues around your identity and purpose, while also boosting your self-confidence. The “mm” part of Om is like humming with your lips closed and is the most powerful sound for bringing you into harmony with Source.

Try it now.


Incorporating toning into your sound healing toolkit will help you breathe more deeply, giving your body and organs more oxygen, and opening your energy flow — so you stay healthy and can live a long, peaceful life. When you do this toning exercise (or sing or chant), it doesn’t just help you — the sound frequencies that pass through your lips go out into the world and lift up your family, friends, coworkers, and all of humanity!

  1. Connect with Source by Chanting

Chanting is the rhythmic singing of sounds or words, and it is commonly used as a spiritual practice. While certain types of chanting can be highly complex (such as the great responsorial and offertories of Gregorian chant in the Catholic tradition), it can also be straightforward (as kirtan from India). There are chants in African, Hawaiian, and Native American cultures as well as Vedic chants, Qur’an readings, Baha’i chants, Buddhist chants, chanting mantras, and psalms or prayers in Christian churches.

Kirtan — which is call-and-response chanting — is part of India’s devotional tradition called bhakti. The names of God or mantras are chanted to the accompaniment of the harmonium, tablas and other drums, and hand cymbals. It was Paramahansa Yogananda who originally introduced kirtan to the West in April 1926 — to a group of over three thousand people who joined together at New York City’s Carnegie Hall to chant Guru Nanak’s “O’ God Beautiful” together.

Yogananda wrote, “Sound or vibration is the most powerful force in the universe. Music is a divine art, to be used not only for pleasure but also as a path to God-realization. Vibrations resulting from devotional singing lead to attunement with the Cosmic Vibration or the Word.”

Many people feel silly or embarrassed when chanting, but I hope you’ll give it a try at least once and see if it’s the right sound healing method for you. We often engage in kirtan at our retreats; check out our retreat schedule here, and come to the next one, in person or by stream!

  1. Chakra Sound Frequencies for Healing

Consistent sounds, especially pure vowel sounds, relate directly to the unwavering energy of Source. A mantra is a word or a phrase that is repeated frequently.

For example, if you kept repeating the seed syllable of Om, you would be doing a mantra. When you are repeating a syllable, word, or phrase, you “hear” its sound and sustain that sound silently in your head. The mantra vibrates throughout your body, mind, and emotions. Repeating a mantra can help you cope with post-traumatic stress disorder, help you chill out if you’re in a traffic jam, and accompany you on hikes or during your time at the gym. If you don’t already have a personal mantra for use in meditation, consider enrolling in my Vedic Meditation™ course and I’ll give you your own personal mantra to use in your sound healing exercises.

While mantras work on your whole being, sound healing for the chakras is called chakra tuning. Ancient Egyptian priests used vowel sounds to resonate with chakras, while Aboriginals from Australia and shamans in Native American traditions use toning and repetitive sounds in ceremonies to correct imbalances in the human energy field.

From a physical perspective, the simple act of chanting “om” or “aum” actually causes the release of melatonin, endorphins, and nitric oxide, relaxing your blood vessels, reducing your heart rate, and slowing your breathing. The result? A calmer, more relaxed you, courtesy of sound!

  1. Sound Healing Instrument: Singing Bowls

There are two main types of singing bowls: Tibetan singing bowls (good ones are made of bell-metal bronze, a combination of copper and tin, while cheap ones are brass and have lots of impurities) and crystal bowls made of quartz crystal. Tibetan bowls are most frequently used to sound a tone at the beginning and end of a meditation session. The sound of these bowls brings a deep sense of relaxation and opens your chakras. Singing bowls were traditionally used in Asia, and the history of making sound with bronze bowls may even go back thousands of years to the Bronze Age.

You produce sound from the bowls by using a mallet moved around the outer side of the bowl’s rim, much the same way as when you run a wet finger around the rim of a glass to make it sing. The sides and rim vibrate, creating a sound that has a basic frequency and several harmonic overtones. The sound waves released by both types of singing bowls emit a pure radiant sound that reaches up to the Divine. These pure tones create a vibrational sound field that resonates with and reharmonizes the chakras and the parts of the body associated with those chakras.

Healing through sound combined with the power of crystal possibly goes as far back as the legendary land of Atlantis. Even today crystal singing bowls are sometimes referred to as Atlantean bowls. Crystal magnifies and transmits pure tone. It’s one of the reasons quartz crystal is an integral part of telecommunications.

Crystal bowls are similar to robust radio transmitters, sending energy out into the atmosphere. The pure tones can activate the brain waves that send you into an advanced state of consciousness and can affect different areas of the brain, releasing hormones and neurochemicals that can lessen pain, overcome addictive tendencies, boost willpower, and pump up creativity.

You can find singing bowls on Etsy, certain bookstores, or health and wellness boutiques (including some yoga studios).

  1. The Healing Sounds of Tingsha

Tingsha is a type of cymbal used in Tibetan Buddhist prayers and rituals. In some rituals, the cymbals are used to summon the “hungry ghosts” so they can be “fed” vibrationally. Hungry ghosts are not generic ghosts, like the spirit of your dead Aunt Millie, but ravenous spirit beings with tiny mouths and enormous bellies who represent those with emotional needs that have not been met. Old legends say that hungry ghosts were greedy women in previous lifetimes who never gave away any food. Calling the hungry ghosts and then offering them food, incense, or even a prayer lessens their suffering. In the bodhisattva tradition, enlightenment is only possible after all suffering has been eliminated for all beings.

Shamans use tingsha to clear the environment of any negative or disturbing energies and to bring auric fields into harmony. They are used in meditation and sound healing in much the same way as singing bowls. Generally, tingsha cymbals awaken and initiate healing on all levels and are said to generate an opening in physical, mental, and spiritual reality.

To produce a clear, harmonic sound, suspend each cymbal by its cord, holding it firmly where the string enters the hole on each tingsha. Strike the edges of the tingsha together, usually once, by angling one cymbal at about 90 degrees to the other. Let the tingsha sound until they become silent.

  1. Sound Healing Instrument: Tuning Forks

You may think of the tuning forks that are used to tune a piano, but there other types of tuning forks that can tune your body. All your organs, glands, and cells vibrate at their own specific frequencies, and these frequencies correspond with musical notes. There are twelve keynotes in the human body, and all the parts of If your heart is healthy, it will vibrate at the note of F.

If you think of your body as an orchestra, your various body parts are all musical instruments playing at their own frequency or pitch. If you are healthy, your body will play a harmonious tune. If your body parts are discordant, you can use certain tuning forks to bring your body into alignment. When the right tuning fork is put near the organ or the chakra that is not in harmony, the sound waves will raise the vibration or pitch of that area. Tuning forks clear energetic blockages in the meridians in a similar way to acupuncture.

There are many different types of tuning forks. Classical tuning forks, the ones you’d use to tune your piano, are based on a piano’s chromatic scale. Then there are custom-made tuning forks that correspond with the twelve major organs in traditional Chinese medicine, as French musician and acupuncturist Fabien Maman, called the father of vibrational sound healing, discovered in the 1970s. He found that the pitch and timbre of musical notes had the ability to affect a cell’s shape, color, and energy. If you can tune in to the “fundamental note” of the cell, your energy field will come into harmony.

Certain tuning forks are tuned to the frequencies and musical intervals of heavenly bodies—the sun, the moon, and the planets. Other tuning forks address specific ailments and illnesses. Some tuning forks make a high-pitched delicate sound that can open you up to the angelic kingdom. Chakra tuning forks are a set of seven forks tuned to the frequencies of the seven chakras. Standard tuning forks are used for toning, releasing energy blockages, and clearing chakras or auras. Weighted tuning forks have a much stronger vibration and stay at their frequency for a longer period of time, so it is easier to feel their vibration. They work well for acupuncture-type treatments and muscle relaxation, and can provide immediate pain relief.

A very simple way of using a tuning fork is to strike it, which sends out strong vibrations through the air, and place it near the part of the body you want to heal or in the area of the chakra to energize it. Tuning forks can help provide a deep relaxation and relief from stress, promote mental clarity and concentration, increase physical energy, integrate the left and right brain, and bring the nervous system into balance.

  1. Healing Rhythms and Drumming Therapy Exercises

One of the oldest methods of sound healing is shamanic drumming, which a shaman can use to facilitate communication between a patient and the spirit world. Drumming is also a shamanic technique for journeying, shape-shifting, and divination. The shaman listens intently to find just the right sound and uses certain repetitive rhythms to summon forth the guiding spirits.

The Greek definition of rhythm is “to flow.” Various rhythms convey different meanings, while volume and tempo affect the emotional body. The sound and rhythm of the drum create the bridge that allows you to flow into the world of spirit. Before a ceremony or ritual, the shaman will hold the drumhead over a fire, heating it until the drum is at the pitch the shaman wants to use.

The sound waves coming from the drum energize the systems of body, mind, and spirit and make them vibrate in harmony.

Drumming has been shown in studies to have a positive effect on those with Alzheimer’s disease, depression, cancer, stress, and Parkinson’s disease, as well as those with chronic pain.10 For example, neurologist Barry Bittman’s study on group drumming therapy showed it could increase cancer-killing cells in the body. Psychologist Robin Dunbar at the University of Oxford showed that drumming could release endorphins and decrease pain. Drumming can treat anxiety and stress, sleep issues, fatigue, high blood pressure, chronic pain, emotional disorders, and much more, as well as boost the immune system and deepen self-awareness. Drumming allows us to resonate with the natural rhythms of life.

Of course, other instruments can also be used for sound healing. There’s a very old, amusing story about using an instrument to find your perfect note, and it goes like this: In a faraway country, a man played all day on a musical instrument. This instrument had many strings, but he just sat and plucked one string over and over again. His wife said, “Dear, you have this wonderful instrument, yet all you do is play that one string over and over. All your friends have this same instrument, but they play all the strings and create beautiful melodies and songs. Why do you play only that one note?” The man smiled at his dear wife. He said, “Thank you for bringing that to my attention, and here is your answer: the others are busily searching to find their note, but I have already found mine.”

Learn more about sound healing

We will be offering a very special Sound Healing learning and experiential session at our upcoming retreat in Ft Lauderdale this September 29 – Oct 1, 2023. Come join us for this and so much more at a once-in-a-lifetime experience on the beautiful shores of Ft. Lauderdale. Learn more by clicking here >>

Law of abundance

Abundance Comes from Within

Law of abundance

Did you know that the greatest gift you can give yourself is the gift of abundance? Whatever it is you want—peace, joy, laughter, happiness, strength, a dream career, a better connection to Source, a deeper alignment with your higher self and life purpose—anything your heart desires can be attracted to your life with an abundant mindset and an open crown chakra. With this one shift, you can literally change everything!

The Source of Happiness

You’ve probably noticed that there are people who seem to have it all: health, wealth, successful careers, marriages, partnerships, and most of all, they are honestly happy. From the outside looking in, it may seem as though the material prosperity they’ve achieved created their happiness, but the truth is that it’s usually the other way around. Internal perspective, clarity, and alignment with your soul purpose leads to external abundance. Abundance begins within you, with your thoughts and attitude, and with the proper mindset, there’s no limit to what the universe can provide for you.

Law of abundance

You Get What You Give

The world is a closed circle; energy can’t be created, only transformed, and every single thing on this planet is linked to every other thing through the unified field. This means that you are connected to your neighbors and everyone else, to the physical earth, and to higher planes and Source, and what you do affects your personal energy as well as the energy around you. You see this in little ways every day. Think about how easy it is to get sucked into someone else’s bad mood when they’re nearby—their energy can literally drag yours down.

But the reverse is true as well, and positive energy can also spread like energetic wildfire. In fact, that is what you are doing by studying energy healing and walking the path of light; you are helping to raise your own vibration, which raises the vibrations of those around you, and collectively, the universe at large. This is no small thing—energy may be invisible, but it is more powerful than anything you can see with your eyes, and as it heals you, it heals the whole planet.

Ask and You Shall Receive

It is this same principle of interconnectedness that guides abundance. Your thoughts and emotions have their own energy, and what you think about, obsess about, will eventually manifest. You give it weight by thinking and feeling about it so much. This has been proven in studies that show how effective prayer is. Thought and emotion together push that energy out into the world where the desire can be formed and returned to you. Abundance is as simple as a consistent, meaningful request to the universe, accompanied by giving back what you hope to receive.

Law of abundance
Law of abundance

Shift Your Focus

So if you spend all your time thinking about the fact that you don’t have enough money, the universe sees that as a request, and you will be provided with a continued absence of money. If you constantly lament the fact that you’re not in a relationship, it will be hard to find one. If you are always worried about getting sick, then the universe will provide you with an illness. The universe will give you what you put your energy into, so if you want to manifest the good, you have to shift your focus and attitude.

If you want more money, start donating what you can spare. If you want more love, adopt a pet. Be of service without expectations. True abundance is an inner knowing that you are living the best version of yourself, so switch from focusing on the lack of what you want to focusing on bringing what you want into your life so you can be that best version.

Sometimes I find students can’t manifest their desires because they don’t really believe they deserve them. If your thoughts contradict your emotions, the universe tends to hear your feelings. You may think you want more peace, but if you secretly feel you deserve to be punished for past mistakes, you will continue to be punished. Energy healing techniques like meditation and journaling to release those negative emotions can help you adjust your thoughts toward the positive, and allow you to attract the abundance you want and deserve.

Open Your Crown Chakra

Another way to create internal abundance is to open your seventh chakra, which sits at the top of your head and is connected to thought, consciousness, information, and intelligence—all aspects of the process of knowing. When the seventh chakra is clear and balanced, divine energy can flow into it from the universal field, expanding your consciousness, and providing you with a greater awareness of what you are truly meant to do. With this knowledge, you then have the potential to manifest the life you want to have—the life you were born to live—and the abundance you seek.

Law of abundance

Of course, the Crown Chakra is just one of the several chakras you should focus on in order to find true balance, peace, happiness, and health in your life. And while this is too much to discuss in an article, we do have a resource that will help you gain this transformational knowledge (which can literally impact every part of your life). It is our bestselling Secrets of Chakra Wisdom Course. Learn more about it here >>

Law of abundance

Purpose Leads to Abundance

The more open your crown chakra, the more connected you are to your higher self, which allows you to really understand your purpose on this earth. Purpose is what many successful people attribute those successes to, and I see this quite often in my energy healing courses and workshops as well. Students who have won the lottery or finally reached the tenth floor executive office suite and are still not fulfilled are usually not following their true path—the roadmap their soul laid out for them before incarnating. Sure, they may look “successful,” but they are miserable, so does that really count as success?

People whose abundance blooms out of motivations deeper and more personal than money or fame are always happier. Real successes are life achievements that are in perfect alignment with your soul purpose and are therefore fulfilling and meaningful on a spiritual level as well as a personality level. My purpose is this—teaching you energy healing and how to live a healthier, happier life, which has made me happier and healthier, too.

When you find what you are meant to be doing on this earth, no matter how much money you make, you’ll have no shortage of fulfillment and joy. And chances are, you will make more money, have more peace, resiliency, love, and everything else your heart desires as well, for true abundance is what you feel in your soul, not just in your bank account.

Of course, becoming the type of person who can welcome and attract abundance requires effort for most of us, a process for overcoming past traumas and healing. And if you are ready to begin your personal journey, consider joining our flagship LifeForce Energy Healing Level I program >>

Spiritual awakening

A Powerful Tool for Healing and Spiritual Awakening

Spiritual awakening

“You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.” –Rumi

Are you ready to step up in spirit? Whenever you’ve asked yourself the eternal question, “Why am I here?”—what answer seems to filter back again and again?  “You are here for a reason.” There is no doubt about it. You are conscious and aware in a special way that allows you to feel joy, love, awe, and delight—as well as pain and sorrow. Given these powerful qualities, you must be here on a mission!

Your presence on this page, reading these words, reveals that you know an important secret about your life. You are traveling somewhere. There’s an important kind of growth and transformation that calls to you. You are seeking the opportunity and the means to expand your consciousness, your connection to that vast force field that is the Creator of All That Is, Source, Spirit, or God.

You are part of this omnipresent unified energy field, even if you can’t always see or feel it. Everyone experiences a yearning to connect to that Source, with the ultimate goal of reaching ever-higher levels of consciousness that bring us closer and closer to manifesting that God-force within.

Spiritual awakening

In my work as a spiritual teacher and energy healer, I have the privilege of facilitating this universally longed-for expansion of consciousness. I try to do it face-to-face whenever possible—making it even more thrilling! Growing in consciousness opens the doors for each member of the human family to travel their own path to universal harmony and peace. Each advance in consciousness gives you another glimpse of the infinite, the unconditional love you long to connect with.

Whatever your particular journey has been up until now, rest assured that nothing happens in your life that isn’t part of your Divine plan. Everything will serve your highest purpose in some way. Take a moment to re-imagine your story, to see the obstacles and traumas and challenges of your life as the necessary foundation for your spiritual development.

Ask yourself what may have prepared you to develop the gift of being able first to heal yourself and then possibly others. Where do you stand right now in your spiritual growth? Are you focused, sensitive, compassionate? Do you frequently spend time in nature, meditation, or prayer? Have you begun to work through the wounds and emotional issues from your childhood? The list of possible experiences, qualities, and skills you already possess to help you is endless. Real healing power is inside you; it just needs to be awakened, nurtured, and practiced.

What have I seen students experience as they achieve another step toward their full spiritual awakening? Each step you take to advance your spirit brings you closer to the life you were meant for, the purpose you are here to accomplish. As you uncover and heal your wounds and clear your negative energy patterns, you reveal your gifts and build your power to use them. As you work to grow your consciousness, you will experience greater appreciation for life, higher self-esteem, more compassion for others, heightened awareness of your purpose, a greater curiosity for learning, a sense of elevated spirituality, even greater awareness of the world we all share and the need to heal and care for our shared planet.

Spiritual awakening

How does this spiritual advancement take place? This may sound basic, but there is nothing without love—for the self and for others. Coming together with a common purpose as we do at my live events fosters this love in amazing ways. You can make yourself ready for a spiritual step up with the practices of energy healing, including meditation, prayer, journaling, forgiveness, and being of service. Meditation and prayer put you directly in communication with Source, while journaling puts you in touch with your own emotions and, along with forgiveness, helps you keep clearing out negative energy. Spirit has a purpose for those who are dedicated to being of service to others.

I have found being present with others to be one of the most powerful tools for healing and spiritual awakening. I love offering live events where many can pursue their spiritual paths in community. Remember the Bible verse, “For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” (Mathew 18:20). Your connection to Source grows in the presence of other like-minded seekers. Helping others on their journey is one of the most powerful ways to grow in spirit.

Here are some of the advantages you’ll experience when you join a live event for spiritual study:

Spiritual awakening
  1. Support. The healing energy of many hearts focused together gives you strength and a feeling of unity of purpose. Your efforts seem less difficult when others are working beside you to resolve their challenges.
  1. Selflessness. Feeling that it isn’t all about you is profoundly healing. Others have struggled and suffered, too. You’ll build compassion and experience the joy of releasing ego-centered fears, doubts, and blocks to forgiveness and acceptance.
Spiritual awakening
Spiritual awakening
  1. Learning: You aren’t alone in the challenges and desires you face. Others have worked through problems like yours and achieved amazing results. You will see what is truly possible for you in the example of others who offer a healing role model for advancement and opportunity.
  1. You might also find some wonderful new friends as you work together to step up in spirit. Meditating and praying together satisfies the desire of every heart to connect to Oneness and magnifies the positive healing energy sent forth into the world.
Spiritual awakening

If you’d like to attend such an event, where you are surrounded and embraced by a warm healing energy, consider joining us for the next Deborah King Center retreat. It’s happening in Scottsdale, AZ on Sunday April, 30, 2023 – Wednesday May, 03, 2023, and will provide you an incredible, likely life-changing, opportunity to connect with a community of like-minded healers and seekers of truth, to gain transformational knowledge, and to create memories that will last a lifetime. Click here to learn more >>

Angels of Energy Healing

Angels ASAP—Get Help Faster Than Is Humanly Possible

Angels of Energy Healing

Have you seen those license plate frames that say, “Never drive faster than your angels can fly”? Well that’s a good reminder to everyone to rely on the very real protection of angels, but it’s also a useless worry. You could never outpace your angels—they fly faster than a speeding bullet!

No Help is Faster than Angels

Angels are the best support you can call for, and they embody the meaning of “as soon as possible.” You can’t even send a text faster than you can call for your angels! Summoning your angels can be as informal as sending a mental request, or as formal as a ritual involving an invocation and candles and incense, and any method in between. However you ask for your angels, it’s an instant appeal for help sent through the energetic airwaves, with your angel’s response time potentially clocking in at under a second. Nothing could possibly be faster.

Angels of Energy Healing

The Perfect Support System

Angels can respond to your call quicker than you can blink an eye because angels do not have physical bodies. Angels are made of light and love—they are pure energy—so they are not restricted to the laws of time and space that humans are. As a spiritual teacher and energy healer, I am often asked by students if they can take up too much of their angels’ time. You are probably just as conscientious and don’t want to prevent angels from helping someone in real danger while you receive advice. But you needn’t worry. Angels have unlimited time, or rather, don’t abide by the rules of linear time, and can therefore help everyone who needs them. Angels exist on a higher plane and they can travel vast geological distances in nanoseconds and even be in two places on Earth at once.

This makes them the perfect support system for you, since they are never too busy to accept your request for help or too far away to feel your energy shift when you are in life-threatening danger. An angel may stall your car to prevent your from entering an intersection right before a madman runs a red light and barrels through it, or give you a warning twinge in your gut to keep you from petting an unfamiliar, unleashed dog you notice later is wild-eyed and looks a little off, or they might have to literally stop a bullet to save you, but angels can always tell when you need an emergency intervention. In non-emergencies, angels can’t interfere with your life without permission.

Non-Emergency Response

Calling your angels is like calling spiritual 911, except even faster. But angels can also be of tremendous help in non-emergency situations. Angels can help you with anything and everything, from emotional support during a difficult break-up or the loss of a loved one, to clearing your chakras and processing old traumas, to physical and energy healing. Angels can afford to lend a watchful eye to children or loved ones and offer advice about important decisions or deeper soul guidance when you just feel lost in your life. Angels can even provide directions when you are physically lost like in the wilderness or in a new city. These celestial counselors don’t mind being your heavenly GPS or celestial sounding board—they are always happy to help you walk the path of light, and to keep you safe and healthy.

Angels of Energy Healing

Angelic Healing

In addition to the amazing speed of the angels and their ability to help instantaneously, you’ll want to start contacting your angels as soon as possible so they can begin energetically healing your mind, body, and soul. Many of my students remember to call upon their angels when they feel their safely is threatened, but fewer of them take advantage of the healing properties of angels. All angels are angels of energy healing and can help restore your whole being back to its optimal state. But they can only assist you if you ask. With your intention strong and your desire pure, let the angels know how you would like them to help, and I promise, they will respond in some way.

Angels of Energy Healing

For physical healing, you can ask that an angel apply his healing touch to your wound or injury, even emotional injuries or blockages in your chakras or energy field. If you want to request the guardian angel of all energy healers and energy healing in general, you can call on Archangel Raphael, whose emerald green light often accompanies his powerful healing energy. If you need mental help, perhaps in the form of a burning question that needs an answer, you might call Archangel Uriel for clarity, or if you need guidance on how to find a long-awaited career opportunity, your personal guardian angel is probably your best bet since he has been with you since your birth and knows your past, present, and future better than you do.

Up Your Angelic Communication

To encourage your angels to communicate with you more frequently, you can maintain a daily practice of meditation, which opens you up to the heavenly realms by expanding your awareness. Other ways to increase your ability to connect with your angels are spending time communing with nature, keeping your negativity in check by expressing your emotions, and attending healing courses, especially my course on angels of energy healing, to make sure your energy is flowing freely. Just like with any practice, the more you contact your angels, the easier it will become. Soon, you’ll be interacting with your angels every day.

Faster than Humanly Possible

Whether you need emergency protection, long-term-healing, or immediate guidance to a problem, angels will be at your side sooner than would be possible from any Earthly counselor or paramedic. With angels keeping guard, “as soon as is humanly possible,” as the saying goes, is no longer fast enough.

Angels of Energy Healing

If you would like to discover more about how to have immediate contact with your angels and have them heal you, please consider joining me for my six-part healing and ascension course, Angels of Energy Healing, where you will expand your awareness, learn how to access the healing energy of angels, and experience the life-changing power of divine love.

Angels of Energy Healing

3 Reasons Angelic Advice Is the Best Advice

Angels of Energy Healing

What if there was a way for you to get advice anytime you needed it? Not just from anyone, but from an impartial, loving, big-picture-oriented being who could also see into the deepest parts of your soul and knew everything about you, including your future? Imagine the power of that advice! With angels, you can do more than imagine that power—you can feel its benefits in your life. When you know how to call on your celestial companions and receive their heavenly guidance, you can make better choices and remain on the path of light.

Angels of Many Talents

Angels tend to be thought of as protectors, and also as messengers for God’s love. They are both of those things, but they are also incredibly gifted energy healers. You can call on your angels for any type of healing, whether you need to cure a physical injury or illness, or need their angelic energy to help clear a blocked chakra, or if you are just feeling a little blue. Angels are the most powerful practitioners of energy medicine you will find. I always invite Angels of Energy Healing to assist in my healing courses and workshops, and I find their advice invaluable.

Angels are also incredibly insightful guidance counselors. They have a unique view of the larger universe as well as your place within it, so their guidance comes from a higher vantage point with a broader view. Angels are experts on the human experience and on you, and that is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to why angels give the best advice. Here are three good reasons you’ll want to start contacting your angels for their divine wisdom whenever you need clarity, direction, or support.

Angels of Energy Healing
  1. Angels can see your past, present, and future.

    Angels are energetic beings without a physical body, which means they are not restricted to the same linear timeline we are. They are also not limited by geography which is how they can help so many humans at one time. Because of their fluidity through time and space, they have access to the past, present, and future all at once. Angels can see exactly what you’ve done in your past, even the things you might try to hide from yourself, and they can see your innermost wants and needs. With that perspective, angels can give you guidance that is exactly the right thing for you at that moment.
  1. Angels know your life purpose.

    Your soul and your higher self know the path you are meant to travel on this earth, but sometimes the information takes a few years to reach your conscious mind, and this is where angelic guidance can benefit you. Since angels are directly connected to the infinite knowledge of Source, angels are able to see your life purpose—the goal your soul set for this lifetime—even if you can’t quite yet. Armed with this knowledge, they are able to offer advice that is in line with your true life’s ambition and will keep you on the path your spirit planned for you to walk, the path that leads to your development of your most desired qualities.

    As a spiritual teacher and energy healer, one of the most common issues I see in my students is the uncertainty of where their life is going. This can cause fear and stress, which can clog your chakras and slow your energy flow, so receiving a little direction or encouragement from one of your celestial life coaches can give you the confidence you need to go out and follow your dreams.
Angels of Energy Healing
Angels of Energy Healing
  1. Angels will never judge you; they only radiate love.

    It can be hard to discuss certain matters with friends or family, as they have their own baggage that informs their opinions about what you do, and they also have an investment in your life. For example, a friend who is jealous that you want to start your own business while she feels stuck in her job may not be supportive if you were to admit that you are thinking about quitting your position and diving into your dream venture. This friend’s advice would likely be tinged with her own issues, subconsciously or not, and her suggestions may not be in your best interest.

    An angel, on the other hand, will always give you one hundred percent unbiased advice full of love. Angels are made of the light of the Creator and of pure, unconditional love, and their job is to radiate that love down to Earth. Angels will always approach any situation in your life with love and without investment in the outcome. They only want you to be happy and healthy.

    The next time you’re making a decision large or small and could use some direction and guidance, call upon your angels and they will be there. You can ask angels to dispense advice to you during your dreams, or ask for them to deliver a message through an angel sign you won’t miss. Meditation is also a good way to prepare yourself to better open yourself up to the heavenly voices, and guided meditations like the ones in my Angels of Healing Energy Course allow you to interact with your angels directly. Angels are always available to offer their holy help—you just have to ask.

If you would like to discover more about how to contact angels, receive their advice, and have them heal you, please consider joining me for my three-part healing and ascension course, the course where you will expand your awareness, learn how to access the healing energy of angels, and experience the life-changing power of divine love


One Healing Technique with 3 Powerful Results


You probably know how important it is to keep your energy field clear, balanced, and fully charged, and if you’re like me, you want to learn every effective energy healing technique you can. Hands-on healing is a wonderful modality to use at any level of your studies, but a particularly great place to start healing other people if you’re new to energy medicine. It’s so powerful, it accomplishes three vital healing components in one step.

Energy Medicine to the Rescue


Your chakras are the gatekeepers of energy between you and the universal field, moving old energy out and new fresh energy in. This replenishes your field and, in turn, your body, keeping you healthy. But when trauma occurs and is not processed or when emotions are repressed, they can become stuck in your body and cause blockages in your energy field and chakras as well. A blocked chakra is like a crimp in a hose—your energy will be prevented from flowing properly and that will eventually manifest as pain or illness in your body.

This is where energy healing comes in. A qualified energy healer can remove blockages, increase your energy flow, and recalibrate your field. Attending healing courses and workshops and working with an energy healer is a great way to jumpstart your healing, as well as prepare for a healing practice of your own. As you continue to learn more about energy medicine and practice its techniques, you will be able to perform energy healing on others, beginning with chelation.

Clear, Charge, and Balance

One of the best qualities of energy healing is that it is flexible. There are many ways an energy healer can manipulate energy in order to heal themselves and others, and chelation is one of the most fundamental techniques.

Chelation is a form of hands-on healing, meaning that in this modality the healer touches the client with their hands in order to bring new, vibrant energy into the client’s body while clearing old energy away. This technique is often a good way to start a healing session as it accomplishes three essential aspects of energy healing: clearing, charging, and balancing the personal energy field.


From the Earth to Your Body—Energy Travels Up

Chelation has a very specific sequence of steps that emulate the way in which energy is naturally brought into your field. You start at the client’s feet because that’s where energy first enters the field, up from the earth and through the soles of your feet, and then fanning out through the rest of your field and your body.


Bringing in the universal energy this way allows the body to sense the energy as it rises and send it to where it most needs to go—to any distortions or pain or disease. Energy from the unified field is conscious, it has will, and it knows more than we do about where it is needed.

You are a conduit for the healing, so let the energy flow through you, and then let it do its thing. Through you, the energy will clear out any stagnant energy in the subject, recharge their chakras, and rebalance the field. It’s a lot of bang for their healing buck, so to speak, and a technique I highly recommend you learn.

Before You Begin a Chelation

Before you begin a chelation healing, be sure to attune yourself to the light and check in with your higher self, intuition, and your guides, just as you would for any energy healing session. Then, take a deep breath and use your intuition to sense which of the seven chakras is in the most need of clearing, charging, or rebalancing, and quickly write that feeling down.

Next, spend a few minutes asking your subject questions and gaining a little history from them. Jot down their comments and compare those notes to the observations you made with your intuition. If your intuition is not yet one hundred percent accurate, don’t worry! It takes time and practice to cultivate your intuition. Keep at it, and I promise it will improve. Meditation is one way to increase your intuitive powers, and a daily meditation practice provides dozens of other benefits as well.


Find the Right Height

Chelation takes place while the healing subject is lying on a table or another surface that is a good height for you to be able to stand comfortably next to the client without leaning over them. A kitchen counter with some blankets or pillows as padding can be a perfect option since they are usually just the right height for you to stand with your back straight.

How to Avoid “Push”


If you lean too far over the client’s body, you will be in “push” mode, which is something you want to avoid. In the push position, your own energy field and your own intention, rather than the intention of the healing energy, can interfere with your client’s healing.

Even as long as I’ve been an energy healer and spiritual teacher, I always make sure to ask myself before every session if I’m push, and if I’m present. It just takes a second to affirm that you are in the right space, that you are grounded and working from a foundation of light, and that your ego is subdued. Make this check-in a habit before energy healing sessions and you will have better results and strengthen your skills faster.

 An All-Purpose Tool for Your Healing Tool Belt

Chelation is one of the best tools to have in your energy medicine tool belt because it is able to charge, clear, and balance with one healing modality. It is absolutely worth learning, and in my LifeForce Energy Healing Online Certification Course, I spend a whole week teaching you chelation step-by-step through readings and a video demonstration. This course also teaches you how to heal yourself and others, and certifies you in the field of energy medicine.

Who’s In Charge Here? 3 Ways to Reclaim Your Personal Power

I am not afraid of storms for I am learning how to sail my own ship. ~Louisa May Alcott

How are you personally feeling right now? Stressed? Overwhelmed? With everything going on right now, reinforce by a 24-hour news cycle, no one could blame you. It’s easy to focus on the external. And you won’t be alone if you are looking around for excuses (and easily finding them).

Look for a new job? Tell my partner I want to make some changes? Devote time, energy, and resources to my own personal well-being and spiritual growth? Who, me?

If this sounds familiar, the time has come to reclaim your vital feeling of personal power.

Over time, there are many reasons why you may have let go of your personal power, your ownership of the real, authentic you. Your parents knew better about how you should live. Your teachers insisted that you think and act according to their views. You didn’t want to challenge or confront someone else’s overpowering will. Whatever caused you to let your personal power diminish, it’s time to regain the precious gift of knowing who you are and what you want.

Your body’s third chakra, the source of will, purpose, and action, is the seat of self-esteem and personal power. Located at the solar plexus midway between the navel and the sternum, the third chakra corresponds to the center of your metabolic fire—that which fuels you and gives you vitality. From this center you harness your energy and convert it into action. If your third energy center is compromised, you may feel doubtful, indecisive, and lacking in self-confidence. You might suffer from low energy, lack the ability to follow through, or always feel like a victim of circumstance, a pushover. Loss of personal power makes you unable to interact positively and powerfully in the world or even to simply show up for life each day.

When your third energy center is fit and healthy, you feel able to take action. Your intentions are clearly focused. You are able to claim your personal power with no need to demand or ruthlessly take power from someone else. Power flows to you because you know who you are and feel ready to accomplish all that you dream of.

Use these 3 steps to take to regain your personal power:

  1. Free your spirit of toxic energy.
    Let go of the old. Examine your life for anything or anyone that diminishes your personal or spiritual power. That includes old messages in your head from your parents or other authority figures, echoes of self-doubt and discouragement, beliefs that you are not worthy or undeserving of love. It includes people who put you down or “love” through control or abuse. As an energy healer and spiritual teacher, I always tell my students to protect and preserve their personal power. You need your personal power to heal yourself and the world.
  1. Decide your direction.
    After you have released all your old crippling patterns of thought and behavior, energy will flow back to you. Your inner strength and power will be replenished and ready for new direction. It’s time to set intentions for this new phase of your life. What do you truly want? Use your journaling and meditation practices along with walks in nature, proper rest, and good self-care to help you discover your hopes and goals. Give your newly regained personal power a strong focus.
  1. Begin to take action.
    Now that you have let go of all that was holding you back and decided what your soul wants to accomplish, take the necessary actions to reach your goals. You have the power, the will, and the self-awareness you need to move forward. Allow the joy of regaining your personal power, your spiritual energy and inner strength to propel you forward. You are ready to manifest your dreams.

Using your personal power in service of the light is never selfish. Any action you take will help to raise your vibration and therefore raise the vibration of the planet. When you are acting from a place of love, being your true self, and living the life you came here to live, you are putting your personal power to the highest and best use.

Bonus: Surround yourself with a community that supports you and lets you step into your most powerful self. Our year-long Master-in-Training program provides just that, along with guidance and healing that empowers you to live the life you were meant to live. Learn more by clicking here >>


Access Higher Realms for Guidance: Your Leadership Role Right Now (Part 2)


Are you ready to step into your purpose as a leader — so you can LIVE your soul’s deepest desires, and help us heal our world?

In Part 1, we started exploring how you’re being called to step into leadership right now and I shared a quick, powerful practice for tapping into the guidance of your eighth chakra.

In Part 2, we’ll build off of the foundation we created together, and I guide you to tap even beyond your eighth chakra to find the unique mission of your soul — your true life purpose that’s calling you to step into action now

We’ll start with a revisit to your 8th chakra — the epicenter of your entire chakra system. Then we’ll tap into your 9th, 10th, 11th, and we’ll even discuss the 12th chakra — the seat of all-knowing awareness.

The 8th chakra for wisdom & higher perception

In the video below, you’ll sense your 8th chakra as a light-filled orb. This is the first transpersonal chakra, associated with the origin of enlightenment and ascension.

Here you can sense that you’re connected to a large community of higher beings, because this chakra takes you beyond your singular self. The 8th chakra connects you with higher spiritual perceptions and wisdom. Here you develop a new spiritual awareness that can bring great changes to your professional and personal life as you go beyond yourself and into your desire to help heal the planet.

Your 9th chakra for tapping into your karmic blueprint

Next I introduce you to your 9th chakra, where all the abilities that are related to the Christ light energy are waiting for you, to be used in both your inner and outer worlds. This chakra is about four feet above your head — and it’s a joy-filled center that sparks the light in all the cells of your body.

The ninth chakra holds your karmic blueprint, as well as the key to the destiny of your soul. You become aware of all the knowledge and the various skills you have acquired in all your experiences and in every lifetime.

As I guide you into this chakra, you’ll take a look at three principal life blueprints: the creator, the healer, and the teacher. You’ll see which one you hold as your main blueprint — the one that you’ve developed the most throughout your lifetimes. As you’ll discover, your karmic blueprint determines your destiny!

Your 10th chakra for tapping into your deepest, highest skills

The power to manifest is within your own subtle energy body. It’s not about affirmations or visualizations — it’s about drawing Divine, Soul energy from the higher realms, into the physical realm.
Through your 10th chakra, you can start to manifest your desires and bring into the world the skills and knowledge you learned in your past incarnations.

The 10th chakra is also responsible for divine creativity — the ability to bring all facets of your life into harmony and to bring manifestation into every area of your life.

In this video practice, I guide you in a meditation to heal your 10th chakra. I show you how to release the energy blockages by dissolving fear. I also share a mantra to use for balancing the masculine and feminine within your 10th chakra and your entire energy field.

The 11th chakra for going beyond the physical world

At the level of the 11th chakra, you start to go beyond the laws of the physical world, like gravity or space/time, and start to use other siddhis—advanced powers.

This chakra contains your spiritual library — everything you need to be both human and divine. It holds all the connections you need to activate higher spiritual abilities such as teleportation, telekinesis, the instant manifestation of thought into matter, and bi-location and travel outside the limitation of time and space. Of course, this is a very advanced chara, and these gifts will not manifest until the 12th chakra begins its opening.

The 11th chakra has all the connections you need to activate the higher spiritual abilities, such as teleportation, telekinesis, the instant manifestation of thought into matter, bi-location and travel outside the limitation of time and space.

Of course, these will not manifest until the 12th chakra begins its opening. These skills are meant to prepare you for your existence after ascension. It is the new path your soul will follow in its newest form, while still in your physical body.

The 12th chakra for merging with the cosmos and all-knowing awareness

At the Monadic level of the 12th chakra, you are merged with Cosmos and all-knowing awareness. You will be thrilled by the brilliance of this 12th chakra, located about 20 feet above your crown chakra; it’s like a sun vibrating with swirling colors.

And like the sun, it burns hot and bright, since it is the source of your power and strength as well as your capability of manifesting change in both physical and nonphysical reality. All the energies of ascension reside here, which can speed up the ascension process in all the chakras below the 12th. You can also develop control over the elements when the 12th starts to open.

Here is the entrance to the vastness of the cosmos. If the 11th chakra is not wired correctly it can cause problems in the 12th chakra. And blocked energies here can cause issues with out-of-body travel, random healing skills, spontaneous inner visions in the midst of normal living, and even being able to have objects appear and disappear. This happens when the blocked energy is strong enough to bust out and pours too much energy into the 11th chakra where these skills reside.

In this video, I guide you in meditation to help balance the 12th chakra and calibrate your entire energy body at a high spiritual vibration.

If you are interested in guidance, so that you can find balance in all aspects of your life, reveal your life’s true purpose, and become your most powerful self, the doors are currently open for our exclusive Lifeforce Energy Healing® Master-in-Training Certification Course


How are you being called to step into leadership right now?


With all that’s going on in the world, do you feel called to help change the world?

Do you feel called to really step into the life you were meant to live so you can bring your gifts where they’re so needed?

Maybe you have spiritual gifts awakening inside you… perhaps energy healing or telepathy or clairvoyance…

Or maybe there’s a creative project you’ve been meaning to tackle — it could be anything — perhaps a book you were meant to write that will help shift people’s thinking and change old systems that don’t support humanity or the planet…

You might feel a call to be an activist or to step deeper into activism — for women, for children, for immigrants, for endangered species…

Or a game-changing idea for addressing climate change, reducing plastic, or guiding companies on ethical practices…

People around the world are awakening to the need for change, and maybe your gift is igniting them into action, giving them hope, counseling them, or giving them guidance to grow.

Whatever you’re called to, if you’re getting little nudges, it’s no wonder…

The “global pause” has not been easy for many, but it’s certainly brought a lot of time for reflection on what needs to change.

While these times we’re living are certainly “unprecedented,” they’re transformational times…

catalytic times, rife with potential, calling you to action to help birth a new Earth.

For all we know, we could look back on 2022 and think of it as “The Year We Seized the Chance to Make Gigantic Changes.”

Now more than ever, it’s time for you to step into leadership. Because when you achieve the life you were meant to live, you lead others by example, but you also lift as you RISE.

Are you ready to be who you’re meant to be, to become a leader in your sphere of influence?

To be an agent of powerful, positive change in the world?

To create the life you want for yourself, your family, the Earth?

One of the keys to creating this needed change — and stepping into leadership in your life, your community, and beyond — is through raising your frequency and connecting to your higher guidance.

In this 12-minute video, I will lead you through a powerful practice to raise your frequency and connect you to your higher guidance — and the unique mission of your Soul to be a leader.

Remember you have infinite power to help make the changes we need in our world.

Remain open for messages from your heart… it always has guidance for you, and may send you “nudges” in the most unexpected ways.

And stay tuned for the next part in this series where we will access the wisdom of your upper chakras and higher realms for more guidance and grounding for your leadership role.

For more information on stepping into your role as a leader in every aspect of your life, you can check out my Lifeforce Energy Healing® Master-in-Training Certification Course

Harness Summer

How to Harness Summer’s Healing Energy

Harness Summer

With summer in full swing, you are probably enjoying the longer days and warmer weather, and the feeling of freedom that comes with the season; it’s such a habit from when we were kids and school ended and summer began. There is just a general joyfulness that people feel when these months roll around, a loosening of the reins and a laid back attitude that’s so welcome after a long winter and spring.

Maybe you’re like me, and your summer must-haves include camping trips, sleeping under the stars, climbing mountains and swimming in remote waterfalls. Or maybe you’re more a fan of road trips, national monuments, outdoor movies, firefly chasing, picnics, beach bonfires, or a thousand other things that you can do during this magical season. I’m going to recommend you add one more to your summer “must-do” list: energy healing. With it, you can tap into an even greater magic of summer: the power of the season to heal!

Summer’s freedom and weather create the perfect opportunity to move toward healthier habits and heal yourself from the inside out. Whether you are basking in the sun or swimming in the ocean or laying out on the lawn, here are a few ways to take advantage of the long days and sun to enjoy yourself, while benefitting from the powerful healing combination of energy medicine and summertime.

Harness Summer
  1. Reconnect with nature.

Being outside is an essential component of any energy medicine practice, as it helps to ground you and clear, balance and charge your chakras. Being connected to the energy of Mother Earth is something our culture is steadily losing, but you can reclaim that peace and joy that comes from being in tune with nature. You just have to get outside!

With summer days being so long, you have no excuse not to head outdoors. Even if it’s just a walk after dinner, being outside in the fresh air and sunlight is healing for your body, mind, and soul. Study after study shows that being outside can help to ease anxiety and depression, and decrease physical healing time. Being outside in sunlight exposes you to vitamin D, which most people do not get enough of, elevates mood, and reduces stress.

Take a walk or visit a vista point near your home and take in a beautiful sunset, walk in a forest or meadow, hike a mountain trail, smell some flowers, or simply sit in a nearby park. Head to an outdoor movie or concert, or have a picnic. One of my favorite ways to get outside is to sleep under the stars, which is easier to do during the warmer summer months and is a great way to improve your sleep and open your soul to the vastness of the universe. Even if you work indoors all day, as I do, you can still spend 7 or 8 (or more!) hours every night outside, basking in the moonlight.

And speaking of the moon, don’t forget to walk at night too, especially under a full moon: moonlight is a spiritual necessity for you as it charges and balances your eighth chakra, the seat of your Higher Self.

There is no wrong way to spend time in nature!

  1. Spend more time around water.

Water is a powerful tool for healing. Think about how great you feel after a soak in the tub or a dip in the ocean. Even just taking a walk along a waterfront, river or lake will help clear your mind and lift your spirits. Water is an elemental force for good, a conduit of universal energy. It can help you clear your second chakra and second level of your personal energy field of energy blockages.

Since salt has its own healing qualities, saltwater is especially healing – take time to head to the beach and play in the surf.

Remember to drink enough water during on hot summer days. Dehydration can manifest as muscle aches and sluggishness. So pack a water bottle and go for a swim, hike near a river or stream, or head to the beach, and take advantage of all the wonderful ways you can enjoy water this season!

Harness Summer
Harness Summer
  1. Shift into healthier habits.

The bright and potent energy of the summer urges you to move into action mode and gives you the strength to shift your habits to healthier ones and progress on your spiritual path.

Perhaps you need to move your body more, or more consistently process and express your emotions, or recommit to a daily meditation practice. Perhaps you would like to attend more healing courses or workshops and better integrate your life choices with your true soul purpose. Maybe there is a career change you’d like to make or a project you’re waiting to start. The idea is that whatever you have been wanting to do, now is the time to get started!

Summer is full of opportunities, so make sure you embrace the light of the season to help you heal yourself and grow your spirit.

If you are interested in this type of learning, check out my LifeForce Energy Healing Course…. Click here

Unleash your powers

How to Unshackle your Ability to Heal Yourself and Others

Unleash your powers

T oday I intend to blow your mind by sharing one surprising fact and several subsequent insights that promise to leave you eager to make the most of the rest of your life. And what I share should certainly help unshackle your innate ability to heal yourself and others.

I’m going to prove to you that we are all connected energetically, and why this fact can revolutionize the way you think, see, and interact with everyone you knowingly come into contact with – and why you are, in fact, in contact with everyone at every moment, no matter how far apart you are from them, or how predisposed you are as to how you feel about them.

So, let’s get started with a few quotes, to establish this premise that we’re all connected.

In “Cosmos: A Personal Voyage,” a thirteen-part, 1980 television series written by astronomer Carl Sagan, Carl Sagan assures us that, “We are made of star-stuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself.”

Unleash your powers

As astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson explained more completely in his book “Astrophysics for People in a Hurry,” “What we do know, what we can assert without hesitation, is that the universe had a beginning, and it continues to evolve. And every one of our body’s atoms is traceable to … the thermonuclear furnaces within high-mass stars that exploded more than five billion years ago. We are stardust brought to life, then empowered by the universe to figure itself out – and we have only just begun.”

And, finally, to help you get an even better handle on the romance that encircles this fact, Lawrence M. Krauss wrote in his book, “A Universe from Nothing: Why There is Something Rather than Nothing,” “The amazing thing is that every atom in your body came from a star that exploded. And the atoms in your left hand probably came from a different star than your right hand. It really is the most poetic thing I know about physics: You are all stardust. You couldn’t be here if stars hadn’t exploded because the elements for life – the carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, iron, all the things that matter for evolution – weren’t created at the beginning of time. They were created in the nuclear furnaces of stars, and the only way they could get into your body is if those stars were kind enough to explode.”

I’ve repeated this established fact three times simply to underscore that you and everything else in the universe is energetically connected because all of what’s here now came from the same source. In physics, this is what is known as Quantum Entanglement: whenever something begins as a whole, even though it is physically separated, energetically it is still connected.

Now, let’s simply linger with this fact for a few more seconds, whether it’s old or new to you, so you have a chance to embrace not just the fact but the potential for global transformation that it suggests.

“Whenever something begins as a whole, even though it is physically separated, energetically it is still connected.”

Some of my favorite quotes refer to this fact. A Serbian proverb states, “Be humble for you are made of earth. Be noble for you are made of stars.”

And in her book “The Puzzle Ring,” Kate Forsyth writes,
“There’s a flame of magic inside every stone & every flower, every bird that sings & every frog that croaks. There’s magic in the trees & the hills & the river & the rocks, in the sea & the stars & the wind, a deep, wild magic that’s as old as the world itself. It’s in you too, and in me, and in every living creature. Even the dirt I’m sweeping up now is stardust. In fact, all of us are made from the stuff of stars.”

Unleash your powers

I can just imagine your reaction to what I’ve just shared. I’m sure you are breathless, speechless, gob smacked, if you’re learning this fact for the first time in your life, or if you’ve never really pondered it as profoundly before. Or maybe you’re nodding your head so fervently that you’re perilously close to giving yourself a mild case of whiplash! Whatever your reaction, I hope it will remain robust as I continue, because this insightful fact carries enormous implications.

Unleash your powers
I believe the immense and increasing consciousness of this fact that we are all energetically connected is nearing the tipping point, the 100th monkey moment (defined below), that is required to create the kind of world we envision as a sort of nonreligious heaven on earth, where all human beings are beloved, welcome, heard, respected, and treated the way all sentient beings should be.

And yes, I know this may come across as Pollyanna-like naivete, given the current political and corporate climate in which the authorities are dedicated to trying to keep us all in separate silos so we think we have nothing in common with each other that could make us decide to join together to establish a common good for all.

But, in my opinion, the authoritarian and patriarchal personalities among us are on the brink of losing, and that’s why they’re scrambling right now to support and pass laws and to insidiously create internal strife and silos that seek to separate us from each other to maintain a status quo that has kept them in the catbird’s seat for far too long.

However, in order to prevail, we have to remember that these folks are not enemies. They are a part of the same energetic stardust fabric that we are, and therein lies our path to transforming them.

If you know how a tuning fork works to tune musical instruments, then you have a sense of what our task is. It is to combine our higher vibrational energy fields until they become purer and greater than theirs. When this happens, those minds will begin to vibrate at higher, more truly spiritual levels and shift them into higher consciousness, so they can finally realize that equity and lovingkindness are the quintessential forces in the universe and that they have been defeating their own best interests by continuing to exploit other beings (all of whom they are related to) and this planet.

Unleash your powers

Yeah, it’s a lot to take in. But it’s the only way we can survive long-term. Countless Indigenous populations have known about their connection to earth, to the cosmos, and to each other for eons. It’s time the rest of us figure it out and embrace it, too.

And that’s why so many of you are here right now, and why I’m here. We’re here to love and guide the authoritarian powers and their fear-based supporters to change their basic assumptions and shift them from a mindset of scarcity and lack, to a mindset of abundance, joy, self-healing, inclusion, and lovingkindness.

To put this magnificent spiritual and energetic plan into action, it’s crucial to make sure that you and I and everyone else who is proactively involved in this endeavor are operating from within an energy field frequency that vibrates to the energy of lovingkindness.

It isn’t always easy to enter this higher energy vibration, but unless we position ourselves here, there is the very real risk that we may be derailed by an intense, far less helpful emotion like frustration or anger. If you’re familiar with The Hawaiian forgiveness meditation of Ho’ponopono, which I taught a few months ago, that’s a good place to start. If you aren’t familiar with it, you can practice it with me here:

Understand, here, that the lower-vibration folks you’re attempting to influence and assist are misguided and fearful, standing in their own way of enlightenment, no matter which position they hold in society. Although some are indeed sociopathic — lacking the ability to experience or understand empathy, the concept of fair play, or looking beyond their own narrow interests — most are not. So, proceed as if each of them has a moral compass and as if they are a beloved, but fearful, part of yourself, because that’s the case. Again, we’re all connected. Approaching them in any other way will just cause them to erect a barrier against your perceived “intrusion” into their fortified castles.

Commit this quote from Abhishek Kumar to your memory banks: “If you want to be loved, love. If you want to be understood, understand. If you want peace, make peace. If you want light, be a light. If you want to be seen, shine. If you want to be heard, listen. You only get what you give.”

Befriend them. Help the fearful and misinformed feel safe with you and loved by you. To the degree that you can accomplish this, you will have success. If you manage to truly befriend them at the heart level, Jeanette LeBlanc’s description of your improved relationship will prevail (I’m paraphrasing here): “Out there is a love who …. speaks, like you, in poetry and candle wax and stardust. And that person, when you find him or her, will see you and know you – just as you are and just as you should be. And they will say yes. Yes, you. I will go there with you. I have been waiting for this.”

Be patient. When people realize they’ve been misled or mistaken, it takes a while to process, mourn, and recover. They may backslide a time or two or three, but it will usually be the fear center in their hyperalert brain going off again. They will need time to desensitize their amygdala and retrain it. Recall that it took you time to get where you are now intellectually and energetically. Grant them the same leeway and grace.

Unleash your powers
You may be familiar with the 100th monkey effect that I mentioned earlier: it is being widely shared today via a host of movies, TV shows, and documentaries. In a nutshell, it refers to the phenomenon in which a new behavior or idea is spread rapidly by unexplained means from one group to another group or even to another place once a critical number, hypothetically, 100 members of one group exhibit the new behavior or acknowledge the new idea. The behavior is said to propagate even to groups that are physically separated and have no apparent means of communicating with each other, like monkeys on another island altogether.

This effect is what you can expect to start happening as you influence others in the direction of loving kindness for every sentient being.

When we live our lives in response to and in conjunction with loving kindness, we will leave a legacy that can profoundly change the trajectory of the future. And on some far distant day, I hope, as each of us transition from this plane of existence to the next, someone may write about us along the lines that Akshay Vasu wrote regarding another stardust soul: “And her heart burst, like the stars do in the end, and she fell on her knees. But the whole world looked at her in awe. She lit the whole universe with her fire for a moment. In the end, she was as beautiful as the stardust falling from the sky … and her heart didn’t ache anymore.”

Wouldn’t we all love a send-off like that one!

If personal healing is of serious interest to you – if you want to become an agent of change for yourself, those closest to you, and the world at large – then you might want to consider joining our most intense, yet most life-changing program: the year-long Master-in-Training program. This week, we are holding a free Open House so that you can learn what to expect from this commitment to change your life, the world, for the better. This is a very personal and, by nature, exclusive program. And space for the free Open House is limited. So, if you are serious, be sure to reserve your free seat here >>

Energy Medicine

Going Beyond Traditional Medicine: 5 Things Energy Medicine Can do

Energy Medicine
Energy medicine is literally what it sounds like—energy IS the medicine. Let’s start with the basics: you have a personal energy field that surrounds and interpenetrates your body. Your field is connected to the universal field, and your chakras move energy in and out between them, nourishing your energy field and consequently your body. What happens in your personal field is mirrored in your body, so when your chakras are dysfunctional, energy doesn’t move properly and your psyche and body will manifest that crimped energy flow with depression or anxiety or even illness or injury. When an energy healer helps you make corrections to blocked chakras or other distortions in your field, it also corrects the corresponding issue in the psyche and body. By clearing, charging and balancing the field, an energy healer can treat the body and spirit. That is just one way energy healing is unique. Here are five more:
  1. Energy medicine heals nearly anything.

    In my three decades of experience as an energy healer and spiritual teacher, I have seen energy healing cure everything from completely closed chakras to depression, broken hearts to broken ankles, asthma to cancer. Yes, even the big C can be healed with energy medicine. Not only have I seen this, but I lived it. I was diagnosed with cancer in my twenties. After the initial shock, I began to research alternatives to the surgeries my doctors suggested. I got their permission first, and they gave me six months to see what else was out there. I tried everything to get rid of the cancer, and it was on the table of an energy healer that I had a spontaneous remission. I felt the disease leave my body, and she felt it too, and we were both in awe. A few tests from my doctors proved the cancer was gone. It had completely disappeared! Here is a video of me explaining this:
  • I was amazed, but my story is not uncommon. Energy healing can heal anything as long as it is aligned with the individual’s life plan. I have help heal tens of thousands of people of mental, emotional, and physical ailments. Energy medicine has no limits, because the universal energy field has no limits.
  1. Energy medicine detects illness before physical symptoms develop.

    Traditional western medicine is body-based, meaning it treats physical problems. If there are not (yet) physical symptoms, western medicine really can’t do much. You may have experienced this: you go to a doctor with a complaint and they can find nothing “wrong,” even though you live in your body and know that something is “off.” It’s likely that this is a case of a problem brewing in your energy field that hasn’t yet bubbled to the surface.
Energy Medicine

A skilled energy healer can sense illness or ailments in your energy field long before they manifest as physical problems. Distortions or blocks in your field will eventually crop up in the body as pain or disease, but with energy medicine, you can treat the root cause in your energy field and eliminate the condition before it ever manifests in your body. How great is it to be able to remove an illness before you even get sick?

  1. Energy medicine heals all aspects of you: body, mind, and soul.

    While western medicine is excellent at treating physical problems, it usually doesn’t address the mental, emotional, or spiritual components of an illness. All four of these aspects of your being are like interwoven threads of a tapestry—you can’t pull one thread without the others unraveling. You can’t treat one part of your being and expect the other parts to be fine.

For example, if you have high cholesterol and you’re on prescribed pills but they don’t seem to be working, it may be because of distortions in your heart chakra. An unbalanced chakra will continue to cause physical sickness, and until you heal the energy flow, you won’t be completely healed in your body either. Learning more about the chakras, perfecting your meditation, and spending time with Mother Nature can begin the process of clearing your energy field and help you heal faster.  

Energy Medicine
  1. Energy medicine is painless and has no negative side effects.

    I’m not sure this one needs elaboration! Isn’t everyone looking for the “miracle cure” that is pain free and has no negative side effects? Well, energy medicine might be it! Some people feel a slight warmth surrounding the area when receiving a physical healing, and sometimes a healing can set free some long-repressed tears, but energy healing is painless. Since energy healing uses energy to heal, there are no scars or even any recovery time. You’ll want to drink lots of water after energy healing, but no hospital beds or prescription drugs are necessary.

Energy Medicine
  1. Energy medicine works with almost every other type of healing.

    I am a big proponent of the “all hands on deck” approach to illness. When you’re sick, you want all the valid and effective treatments available to work together to completely heal you, which includes western medicine. Energy medicine doesn’t replace western medicine; it works in concert with it, to heal the whole you. It works well with other healing modalities too, like acupuncture or massage. The idea is for you to heal your body and energy field completely, which may require coming at it from multiple directions or modalities. Trust your instincts and go with what works for you.

Energy medicine is an all-around great choice: solid results, boundless healing capabilities, and zero down side. Why not try it out?

If tapping into the power of energy is something that interests you, look into joining our flagship program: LifeForce Energy Healing® I Certification Course. It is the best first step you can take to learn how to work with your own energy field, to align with the energy of the universe, and to heal your mind, body, and spirit. Click here to learn more >>

Spring Equinox

Spring Equinox: Planting Your Soul Garden in 5 Easy Steps

Spring is just around the corner and the flowers have gotten the word! At the vernal equinox, the equilibrium is perfect—night and day, light and dark are balanced on the brink of change. The shorter days of winter are past and the longer days of summer are approaching. Just as the natural world is poised for a season of new growth and rebirth, so is the human spirit. Spring is the perfect time for cleaning, clearing, balancing and beginning fresh. I’m sure you can feel the urge to open your heart to brighter and better times ahead. Why not plant the seeds of new spiritual growth today? Think of the beautiful blooms and life-giving plants that nature is calling forth right now. You can be blossoming, too, and nurture a garden for your soul.

What spiritual growth would you like to experience this spring? What do you need to be happier, healthier, more loving, and more giving? As a spiritual teacher and energy healer, I can suggest a dizzying array of ways for you to nurture your soul, discovering new life and vitality where you might not expect it. Just acknowledging your connection to the Divine source of all life is a great beginning. All growth, all healing, and all awareness are yours for the asking when you draw closer to the ultimate energy of creation. Let’s look at some of the seeds you can plant right now for a blossoming future.

Spring Equinox
  1. Clear and balance your personal energy system. Since all the universe is made of energy, the best way to keep flowing and growing is to make sure your connection to the power grid is solid. Your chakras, your personal power stations, work best when swept clean of the negative energy, the debris of last season’s traumas and disappointments.
Spring Equinox
  1. Rediscover your connection to Nature. There’s no denying your deep attachment to the natural world. You are as much a part of the green and growing flow of life as that lovely daffodil blowing in the spring breeze. Treat yourself to regular visits to a favorite natural place—a park, a grove of trees, a beach, a hillside, or even a leafy neighborhood block. Make this your place to observe closely and know well. Your place will welcome you as a regular and offer the grounding energy of Mother Earth, the blessings of fresh air, sunlight, and infinite sky overhead.
Spring Equinox
  1. Start a course of spiritual study. Whether you read spiritual texts, study the wisdom of ancient or modern masters, or take classes and workshops, you can embark on a program of learning that feels good to you. When faced with the greatest challenge of my life, I studied energy medicine and found not only healing but my soul’s purpose and the path to profound joy.
Spring Equinox
  1. Keep a daily journal of your observations, your feelings, and your blessings. One good thing about regular visits to your favorite spot in nature is that you will always have something to write about. You can begin with your observations of things you notice with your practiced eye: a new bird, a friendly squirrel, new plant growth, a blossoming flower, a spider web, colors, patterns of light. Then move into your feelings and thoughts each day and finally record all the things you have discovered to be grateful for. Your gratitude creates a positive and healing energy that attracts even more reasons to feel blessed and beloved by the Universe.
  1. Learn to meditate. With the help of a trained instructor who can guide you, you can create a meditation practice that will stay with you and open amazing avenues to peace, joy, and understanding. If you always suspected there was more to you than the material world was seeing, there is! Meditation offers an opportunity to travel deep within and discover the astonishing connection you have with the Universe and all that is. If you have questions, the answers can be found and a path can be opened to the life of your dreams.

Just as a healthy garden needs a connection to the universal elements that nurture and nourish life so does a healthy soul. Take steps to provide the optimum conditions you need for your spiritual growth, blooming health and abundant happiness by starting a meditation practice with me!

Power of red coral

The Unique Balancing Power of Red Coral

Gemstones are resonant objects, objects that pulsate and vibrate with the resonance of specific planets and cadences, providing us connectivity and understanding.

A gemstone, at its very basic definition, is a mineral which has been cut or polished. These minerals are created through the rhythmic creation processes of Earth — from volcanic eruptions to intense pressure under the layers of Earth. It’s a beautiful process whose product – gems – reflect and capture the energies and motions of the Earth, and it is these captured rhythms which we strive to sync.

But not all stones come from those processes. In fact, one stone – red coral – comes from a unique and altogether wonderful process on Earth. I want to share this process with you.

Red coral comes from a life cycle. We’ve all seen images of the beautiful coral reefs in the oceans, or perhaps taken a snorkeling trip through the underwater forests. The coral that forms these reefs are the exoskeletons of living organisms.

Coral was alive. These small, precious living things live, thrive, and die in colonies. As they continuously grow and die, they deposit small amounts of calcium carbonate – the same mineral that makes up pearls and eggshells. These small deposits grow over time, building these magnificent underwater forests that we call reefs.

Within these mineral skeletons, new corals continuously grow, giving rise to coral’s nickname: living rock. This lifecycle is what makes coral so vibrant, so unique among the gemstones that we study and align with. It’s a powerful, deeply connective stone that is in tune with the oceanic circle of life.

Red coral, due both to its red color and its very deep and root resonance to life, aligns with the planet Mars. Mars, which we affectionately call the Red Planet, exists as a symbol of masculine virility, passion, and war throughout cultures in the East and the West — in both Vedic and Western astrology. When properly aligned, Mars’s energy brings vitality, strength, resolve, and passion. When overly charged, Mars’s energy can bring anger, irrationality, pain, and destruction.

The ancients knew this. The Greek thinkers specifically understood that Mars energy, whom they called Ares, ran the risk of becoming too aggressive, too warlike. They understood that Mars energy needed to be moderated. They understood that Mars energy could consume an unwary soul. In those days, they would call upon the wisdom of Athena — the goddess of wisdom and strategy — to moderate that passion. Today, while you still may call upon your higher divine wisdoms, I encourage you to also look to precious red coral. Remember, within this precious gemstone is an entire ecosystem of life, death, creation, and destruction.

This tether to life and death, unique to coral among all gemstones, imbues this stone with a profoundly moderating energy, which helps you filter out the aggressive powers that Mars can bring. This is the beauty of red coral. It strengthens you with the powerful gifts of Mars, while preventing you from falling into the throes of irrational passion.

When you connect with Mars, and I encourage you to do so, do remember that you are dealing with a powerful, primordial energy. Respect the vast, passionate, masculine power that flows through Mars, and understand that this energy should be moderated and mediated. You may also wish to call upon the strength and wisdom of the Pallas Athena. Her energy is best thought of as strong, even-tempered, intellectual, and righteous.

The beautiful and oceanic power native to red coral provides an excellent and protective conduit for this energy. I would love to teach you more about how to connect with the vibrational frequencies of gemstones and planets such as red coral and Mars. If you’re interested, please come and join me at the Shift Network, where I’ll soon be teaching a seven-week course on Vibrational Medicine.

Come on over and resonate with us!