Energy Medicine
Energy medicine is literally what it sounds like—energy IS the medicine. Let’s start with the basics: you have a personal energy field that surrounds and interpenetrates your body. Your field is connected to the universal field, and your chakras move energy in and out between them, nourishing your energy field and consequently your body. What happens in your personal field is mirrored in your body, so when your chakras are dysfunctional, energy doesn’t move properly and your psyche and body will manifest that crimped energy flow with depression or anxiety or even illness or injury. When an energy healer helps you make corrections to blocked chakras or other distortions in your field, it also corrects the corresponding issue in the psyche and body. By clearing, charging and balancing the field, an energy healer can treat the body and spirit. That is just one way energy healing is unique. Here are five more:
  1. Energy medicine heals nearly anything.

    In my three decades of experience as an energy healer and spiritual teacher, I have seen energy healing cure everything from completely closed chakras to depression, broken hearts to broken ankles, asthma to cancer. Yes, even the big C can be healed with energy medicine. Not only have I seen this, but I lived it. I was diagnosed with cancer in my twenties. After the initial shock, I began to research alternatives to the surgeries my doctors suggested. I got their permission first, and they gave me six months to see what else was out there. I tried everything to get rid of the cancer, and it was on the table of an energy healer that I had a spontaneous remission. I felt the disease leave my body, and she felt it too, and we were both in awe. A few tests from my doctors proved the cancer was gone. It had completely disappeared! Here is a video of me explaining this:
  • I was amazed, but my story is not uncommon. Energy healing can heal anything as long as it is aligned with the individual’s life plan. I have help heal tens of thousands of people of mental, emotional, and physical ailments. Energy medicine has no limits, because the universal energy field has no limits.
  1. Energy medicine detects illness before physical symptoms develop.

    Traditional western medicine is body-based, meaning it treats physical problems. If there are not (yet) physical symptoms, western medicine really can’t do much. You may have experienced this: you go to a doctor with a complaint and they can find nothing “wrong,” even though you live in your body and know that something is “off.” It’s likely that this is a case of a problem brewing in your energy field that hasn’t yet bubbled to the surface.
Energy Medicine

A skilled energy healer can sense illness or ailments in your energy field long before they manifest as physical problems. Distortions or blocks in your field will eventually crop up in the body as pain or disease, but with energy medicine, you can treat the root cause in your energy field and eliminate the condition before it ever manifests in your body. How great is it to be able to remove an illness before you even get sick?

  1. Energy medicine heals all aspects of you: body, mind, and soul.

    While western medicine is excellent at treating physical problems, it usually doesn’t address the mental, emotional, or spiritual components of an illness. All four of these aspects of your being are like interwoven threads of a tapestry—you can’t pull one thread without the others unraveling. You can’t treat one part of your being and expect the other parts to be fine.

For example, if you have high cholesterol and you’re on prescribed pills but they don’t seem to be working, it may be because of distortions in your heart chakra. An unbalanced chakra will continue to cause physical sickness, and until you heal the energy flow, you won’t be completely healed in your body either. Learning more about the chakras, perfecting your meditation, and spending time with Mother Nature can begin the process of clearing your energy field and help you heal faster.  

Energy Medicine
  1. Energy medicine is painless and has no negative side effects.

    I’m not sure this one needs elaboration! Isn’t everyone looking for the “miracle cure” that is pain free and has no negative side effects? Well, energy medicine might be it! Some people feel a slight warmth surrounding the area when receiving a physical healing, and sometimes a healing can set free some long-repressed tears, but energy healing is painless. Since energy healing uses energy to heal, there are no scars or even any recovery time. You’ll want to drink lots of water after energy healing, but no hospital beds or prescription drugs are necessary.

Energy Medicine
  1. Energy medicine works with almost every other type of healing.

    I am a big proponent of the “all hands on deck” approach to illness. When you’re sick, you want all the valid and effective treatments available to work together to completely heal you, which includes western medicine. Energy medicine doesn’t replace western medicine; it works in concert with it, to heal the whole you. It works well with other healing modalities too, like acupuncture or massage. The idea is for you to heal your body and energy field completely, which may require coming at it from multiple directions or modalities. Trust your instincts and go with what works for you.

Energy medicine is an all-around great choice: solid results, boundless healing capabilities, and zero down side. Why not try it out?

If tapping into the power of energy is something that interests you, look into joining our flagship program: LifeForce Energy Healing® I Certification Course. It is the best first step you can take to learn how to work with your own energy field, to align with the energy of the universe, and to heal your mind, body, and spirit. Click here to learn more >>

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