ptsd awareness

PTSD Awareness

In honor of National PTSD Awareness Day, I would like to encourage all of blog readers and friends to join me on Facebook and share your thoughts and experiences with PTSD.

While people usually associate PTSD with the men and women who serve our country in the military, I assure you that this terrible disease can strike anyone. As with all mental health diseases, PTSD is something that people are uncomfortable talking about in the open — which only increases the feelings of isolation that PTSD patients suffer from. Below is my personal experience with PTSD

My experience with PTSD


My husband and I were doing a one-day rock climb at Lover’s Leap, a sheer rock face west of Lake Tahoe, and I was in the lead. Cold and tired, I had set the belay wrong. I heard Eric cry out below me, and felt the rope burning through my hands as he fell 50 feet toward the ground. Then I saw his head hit the ground, hard. The rescue took all day. I was dehydrated, freezing, in shock, and my hands had been cut down to the bone from trying to stop the fall. Eric sustained a closed head injury and I had PTSD.

I was cold and tired and I had set the belay wrong. Suddenly, I heard Eric cry out below me, and felt the rope burning through my hands as he fell 50 feet toward the ground.

Then I saw his head hit the ground, hard.

The rescue took all day.

I was dehydrated, freezing, in shock, and my hands had been cut down to the bone from trying to stop the fall.

Eric sustained a closed head injury.

A week or two after the accident, I developed an embarrassing speech impediment. I couldn’t really drive, I was too sure there was an accident waiting to happen. My food allergies intensified. I knew I wasn’t okay, and sought help.

I had PTSD.

I got the diagnosis of PTSD and immediately began working on it with meditation, journaling, and energy healing.

Over time, I got better. I am eternally grateful for support and love of Eric, my friends and family, and my extended Soul family during that difficult time.

Whether you are a PTSD sufferer yourself, have a loved one struggling with the disease, or simply want to join the conversation and help bring this debilitating disease into the spotlight, let’s connect on Facebook or Twitter!



summer solstice energy

When the Light is Brightest . . .

At Stonehenge, the Solstice is the day when the Sun rises over the Heel Stone and lands smack in the center of the Altar Stone. It’s preceded by Midsummer’s Eve, when magic abounds and the little folk can be seen.

In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna describes the Summer Solstice as the way out of the physical world and into the spiritual realms. It’s a time when the veil is so thin that it separates you from non-physical reality, and can be easily pierced. And it stays that way for days before starting to slowly fade.

We are in the midst of it now!

The next six months will see a daily diminishing of the light, so ritual fires are lit. Great bonfires to hold the sun’s heat, to honor the power of the Sun, to reflect the fire in the sky…or a candle on your altar or hearth.

It’s a time to do rituals and ceremonies that celebrate your connection to the Great Father Spirit, and to take stock of where you are and what you want to accomplish in the months leading up to Winter Solstice. It’s at this time that there is the most light in the sky, so take advantage of its radiance and reflect light on whatever you need to transform in your life.

Fire transforms wood into ash, ice into water, water into steam. In your body, there are transformative processes — like digestion — which take the food you eat and burn it into life energy. The solar energy also is associated with the light within, the light of consciousness. So, look inside: the light is bright at this time of year. As St. Francis of Assisi has been quoted as saying, “A single sunbeam is enough to drive away many shadows.”

The Sun has traditionally been considered masculine (Father Sun as opposed to Mother Earth), so it’s a good time to look at any issues you may have with masculine energies.

  • Are you overly competitive?
  • Stuck in logical rational thinking to the exclusion of your intuition?
  • Are you courageous enough to speak your truth?
  • Are you willing to take action?


Male or female, you want your masculine and feminine attributes to be in balance. It’s not Mars vs. Venus, it’s both/and.

All ancient spiritual traditions venerated the Sun. In Egypt, the head of the Sphinx is crowned by the Sun on Summer Solstice. The ancients knew that the journey the Sun makes each year can be seen as the journey of enlightenment, with the Sun standing for the Spirit in each of us. The Winter Solstice sees the birth of the Sun (the Son); the Spring Equinox sees the solar hero’s death and resurrection; followed by ascension at the Summer Solstice, the highest point when the Son reunites with the Divine. (The Autumn Equinox is the plunge into the regenerative darkness that will nurture the rebirth of the Sun at the Winter Solstice.)

When you become aware of the power of the cycle of the Sun and the seasons, you can align yourself with cycle of natural energies that help you connect to your own radiant spirit.

So, swim with the sunrise, walk in forest glens, gaze into the fire outdoors at night, but remember to use the light to shine on and fire up your relationship to your brightest and best self.


You’ve Got a Friend from Above

As the song from the movie Ghostbusters goes: “When there’s something strange in your neighborhood, who ya gonna call?” Rather than summoning the ghostbusters, how about calling on the “ghosts” themselves.

What could I possibly mean by that?

Okay, let’s say you’re driving somewhere you’ve never been before. Of course, you didn’t write down any directions because you assumed your trusty GPS would get you there. If only you had charged your phone before leaving the house! Now what? When that happened to me, I pulled onto the shoulder of the road, sat in meditation for a few minutes, and called on my Grandfather Desmond. While a drinker and a screw-up during life, now on “the other side,” he had proven himself a whiz at navigation. Sure enough, I pretty soon I figured out which way to go. Des also comes in handy when hiking on mountain trails.

I have other helpers who are not in physical bodies. There are medical experts, (some of whom I brought home with me after working for some time at John of God’s in Brazil), who show up when I need guidance during a complex healing session. There are spiritual guides who impart their wisdom when I am teaching. And there are powerful angelic entities that arrive when I am shepherding a student to another spiritual level. My life is rich with these friends from above that cannot necessarily be seen.

My student Nina dreamt of a huge lion patrolling the outer perimeter of her daughter’s house. In the dream, it felt like there was a perilous situation and the lion was there as guardian and protector. Sure enough, the next day Nina learned that an escaped prisoner had been in her daughter’s neighborhood that night and had broken into a nearby home. Nina said that the lion is her spirit guide and always shows up when there is danger.

When you need help, who do you call?

Puzzling over a project at work? It’s not exactly a 911 situation, but you do need some expert advice without indicating to the boss that you can’t figure it out on your own. You can send a silent signal out to the universe, requesting assistance. And then open yourself up to hearing/feeling the response. You have to be open and available to receive the aid that is offered by “friends in high places.”

You can learn to connect with these invaluable guides when you have a strong foundation in meditation. When you can calm your mind and sit in the spaciousness of internal silence, you begin to honor your ability to link to your own intuitive powers and to recognize the messages that come from the vast network of beings who are an energetic heartbeat away on higher planes of consciousness. Don’t disregard any thoughts that seem to pop up in your mind, or a sudden feeling that a certain direction could be the right solution to your problem. It’s hard for these guides to come to your aid when you ignore the messages you receive. Meditation is the best way for contacting your spirit guides.

Of course, your most trusted guide is your own Higher Self—the part of you that is always identified with the higher spiritual energies of the universe. The more you heal your old wounds, release your trauma, and saturate your being with meditative peace, the more in tune you will be with your intuition, and the more you will be able to receive the messages your Higher Self is sending you. This is the guide that is always with you, always available for you to call upon.

How many times a day do you stand at the crossroads? You are always making decisions: to stick to your eating plan or belly up to the buffet; to diss your ex or find something pleasant to say; to twist the truth or give a real answer. Do you recognize the moment when you make these choices or are you living your life blindly, without considering the consequences of all those little decisions you make all day long?

When you start to call upon your Higher Self, or invoke the aid of the guides from above, you learn to live more consciously. You start to walk upon the path of the spiritual masters. And you find it’s good to have friends in high places.

All summer long, I’m sharing the very best ways you can connect with and learn from your guides by learning to heal, thrive and grow into the very best version of you.

Join the Summer Healing Series and save on all of my favorite products and online courses that will help you create the life you’ve always wanted.

Each week, more and more products will be added… so be sure to keep checking back to find the ones that are perfect for you!

Click here to explore the catalog now >>>


Open the Treasure Chest of Your Spiritual Gifts

You’re sitting outside, enjoying the cool morning breeze and the sun warming your skin as you sip your chai tea. You are content, basking in the lovely spring day before you have to head to work. Suddenly you feel anxious, unnerved, and a thought arises: something bad has happened. Moments later, your cell phone rings. Your mom says your dad is in an ambulance on the way to the hospital with a heart attack! As you throw a few things in a suitcase and head to the airport, you wonder: How did I know something was wrong with someone I love before the phone even rang?

Indeed, how did you know?

That feeling—the anxiety that flooded your body in seeming contradiction to the relaxed moment in the morning sun—came from somewhere beyond your five physical senses. There was nothing in your environment that created that anxiety; you had no previous knowledge that there was anything wrong with your dad’s health. But you have an energetic connection with your parents, even if you’re not thinking about them. In your mom’s worry about your dad, her panic as the ambulance doors closed to whisk him away, as she picked up the phone to call you, her energy reached out to you . . . and you felt it.

You’ve just had what is called a “paranormal” experience—beyond your five physical senses.

Of course, if you’d been in the office with a thousand things on your mind, you probably would have dismissed the feeling as just another indication that you really, really need a vacation. And that’s what happens all the time. You receive messages, but don’t listen to them or believe they are real. You doubt the reality of something that you can’t touch, taste, see, hear, or smell.

If only you realized how many other channels of communication with the universe are available to you! It’s like having a treasure chest that is buried beneath doubt and cynicism. And what a treasure chest it is!

The clairs are in that buried chest. The “clairs” are the senses beyond the five you know. Clairvoyance is seeing without the use of the eyes; clairaudience is hearing without the ears; clairalience is smelling without the nose; clairsentience is feeling without touch; and claircognizance, as you just experienced, is a knowing beyond the mind. “Clair” is French for clear. You were given a clear knowing that something was wrong before it was verified on the physical plane.

Whenever I sense the presence of the Egyptian Goddess Isis, I always “smell” the woodsy, spicy smell of sandalwood. When I first meet someone, I just “know” the contents of their soul. When I “see” a flame above someone’s head, it’s telling me they are ready for initiation—the higher level energy is poised above them waiting for me to help download it into their consciousness. And when I’m working with an individual, I often  “hear” medical information they need in order to heal.

And those gifts are just some of the jewels in that treasure chest. There are gifts that manifest physically, like the ability to be in two places at once, called bilocation. Great saints, like Padre Pio, have been witnessed doing that. In levitation, you body actually is lifted into the air. In psychometry, you can gather information about someone simply by touching an object of theirs, like a hairbrush or bracelet.

In other cultures and at other times, these gifts of the spirit (and others I haven’t mentioned) were considered normal. Energy healing was an accepted way to work with physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual difficulties. Telepathic communication was accepted as valid.  Our culture tends to suppress them. You have some of these abilities, they just need to be acknowledged and they will open further.

On a recent student call, one of the guys mentioned that the day after his Dad died, his mother whispered to him: “I don’t want anyone else to hear this because they’ll think I’m crazy, but I heard Dad call my name today, loud and clear.” She was worried that she was losing her mind. It was the only opening to the realms beyond the physical that she had ever experienced, or at least that she could not deny. But like many so many, she thought discount the experience because she couldn’t fit it into her understanding of reality. With the help of her son, who’s an advanced student of mine, she was able to integrate this experience into her worldview and look forward to more messages from beyond.

If you knew there was a buried treasure, wouldn’t you want to dig it up? To open the lid and delight in the gifts it contained?

You can unearth the spiritual gifts that lie buried within you. And you can learn to be as comfortable with the reality of these spiritual powers as you are sitting in the sun and sipping a cup of tea.

This summer could be an exciting time for you to begin the exploration of your own spiritual gifts and abilities… but the first step to any progress will be building a powerful meditation practice for yourself. I teach a form of meditation that can help “get you there” faster and easier than you ever thought possible. Click here to get started today >>>


Going Home: Moving Inward Through Meditation

You know the saying “home is where the heart is.” It’s the feeling you get when you return from a long day at work and your dog is waiting at the front door, jumping up and down to greet you. Or your kids rush over to give you a hug. Or you open the front door and enter your peaceful solitary sanctuary. You kick off your shoes, turn on the TV, and relax. You’re home.

Well, I see it somewhat differently. For me, home is the heart space I return to each morning in meditation. Sitting still in the wee hours of the morning and sinking into the flow of subtle energies that naturally arise after decades of committed practice is my home base.

Have you ever visited a new place and suddenly felt like you knew it? You knew just where to turn, knew the smell of the air, and felt like you looked just like the people who lived there.

A friend of mine had that experience when she first went to the foothills of the Himalayas in India. Although she’d been born and raised in New York City, a far cry from the sacred hills of the sub-continent, she immediately identified a remote village as “home.” It was as if she’d landed back in a past life, a happy life, and was delighted to have finally found where she “belonged” on earth.

That’s how I felt when I landed in the space of meditation. I knew that place. I belonged there. And it brought me great comfort and a sense of security, just like the feeling of “home.”

As a spiritual teacher, I’m often asked by my students whether they are living in the “right” place. Some live in the same town, and possibly the same house, they grew up in, and where their parents, grandparents, and even great-grandparents lived. Others live in relative isolation from family, and have created their “home” space by relying on a circle of friends.

Some think moving here or there will change their lives for the better, and sometimes that is true—a better job, a larger social network with the potential for finding a mate, a healthier climate for your particular body can be beneficial. But before making any drastic changes in your life, think about reversing your thought process and instead of moving outward, first try moving inward.

Meditation can change everything in your life—your health, your stress and anxiety level, your love life. Even if you’re waking up in a different hotel room every day, even if there is no partner or dog to greet you when you get back, even if you rarely see your family or friends, you can carry your home around with you, like the turtle carrying its shell. And like the turtle, you can withdraw into your portable home at any time to recharge and revitalize your energy and reawaken your connection to the deepest feeling of home that exists—your connection to your own Higher Self, the sacred space of knowing you are part of the All. No matter how isolated you may be from others on the physical plane, you are held in the warm embrace of the interconnected web of energies that you access through meditation.

Ellen DeGeneres compares meditation to shutting down your computer when it goes crazy, and when you reboot, it’s all okay again. Paul McCartney calls it a “lifelong gift.” Nicole Kidman uses a meditation app on her phone to time her 20-30 minute session every day. Jerry Seinfeld says meditation is what got him through the intense nine years of writing, producing, and acting in his TV show. Jane Fonda calls it the secret to aging gracefully. George Lucas based Yoda, the sage of Star Wars, on the founder of a meditation practice. And the list goes on and on. These celebrities (and many, many more) have found they can carry “home” with them.

So if you find yourself longing for the comfort of “home,” learn to meditate. I provide a path to learning a special kind of mantra meditation designed to release stress and heighten your intuitive powers>>>

You’ll be able to go home, any time, anywhere.


What To Do When The World Has You Down

Does the world have you down?

You’ve been watching/reading the news, probably online, checking out the unbelievable political and governmental dramas going on around the world, and wonder if it all hasn’t gone to that proverbial hell in a hand basket. You might as well binge watch “Big Little Lies” and wolf down a bag of chips, followed by a pint of chocolate chocolate chip, the full fat kind. The world sucks, your job sucks, your relationship—wait, you don’t have one—sucks, and now you’re facing some scary medical tests. Figures.

Do yourself a favor and stop hanging out in the land of fear and no hope. There is more to life, you just have to dig a little deeper inside to find it.

I remember feeling that way when facing a diagnosis of cervical cancer. The doctor had just told me that I’d need invasive surgery unless something drastic changed in the next few months. It seemed like an overwhelming task. How was I going to heal without going through that awful sounding surgery? Would I be able to keep up my courtroom appearances? And what about my athletic endeavors? I was in my mid-twenties and was used to living my life at top speed, barreling along without stopping for a moment to reflect on what was churning inside me—the residue of a traumatic childhood filled with sexual and emotional abuse. I needed a drink, pronto, to toss down the pills.

That feeling lasted as I walked out of the doctor’s office and onto the street. As I stood there wondering how I was ever going to make my life livable again, an ad about meditation on the back of a bench at a bus stop caught my eye. I thought, wow, that’s what I need.

With just that thought, my fear and hopelessness were gone, replaced by a fierce determination to take my life in hand and transform into what I just knew was going to be better, even great.

You never know where the next message you need to hear will appear.

If you’re suffering from a present or past trauma, like I was, you need to know that there are both ancient and modern methods of releasing the emotional distress that’s associated with those traumas.

One of the first things I did was to make sure that I recognized what I was actually feeling. It’s amazing how we can deny our emotions. So I started writing down (in the margins of my legal briefs!) whatever I was feeling. It turned out I was jealous, jealous, jealous of everyone who looked and sounded better than I did in court. And it seemed I was a lot angrier than I thought. If you’re not sure what you’re feeling, google “lists of emotions” for a comprehensive overview of both positive and negative emotions.

Then I started to journal. I emptied out my vault of memories and, as the years of abuse filled the pages, I started to feel lighter and lighter. I was finally speaking my truth. It wasn’t pretty, but it was real, and I was able to start processing those experiences instead of burying them where they could do more hidden damage to my body and mind.

Then I learned to meditate, and I felt like I had found my long-lost best friend. I knew we’d never be separated again, and we haven’t. I have sat in meditation every day since then, and can’t even begin to list the benefits I have reaped from the practice. And it was from the community of meditators that I learned about the secret practice of sutras.

Sutras are aphorisms, short sayings that come from the ancient Vedas. It was through learning and practicing the sutras that the screaming I heard inside myself—the unheard cries of my childhood—eventually vanished and I finally felt whole, and wholly healed. (The cancer, by the way, went into remission about the same time; the doctors were dumbfounded.)

You, too, can heal your emotional wounds and the physical manifestations of that wounding. Turn your attention inward and listen to what you need to do. A path will open up that you can follow, with diligence and intention, to being the highest version of yourself and living your true destiny.

If you’re ready to reclaim your power, rediscover your voice and stand up for what you believe in… you have to try new things, take risks, and remember that the most powerful force in the universe is love.

Join my best-selling course, Master the Secrets of the Sutras. In it you’ll find the very best teachings I’ve collected after 40 years of practicing the art of energy healing and I’m sharing it all with you.


If Only, If Only…

Marlon Brando in the classic movie On The Waterfront says, “I coulda been a contender. I coulda been somebody…” Do you, too, have regrets about not living the best of all possible lives? What would that look like for you? And what’s keeping you from living it?

Maybe you see yourself as a great inventor; if only someone would come along and fund your ideas, you could be a multi-millionaire. Or maybe you’d be the world’s best TV personality, if only you could get a break.  And you could really rock the latest fashion, if only you could lose those pesky extra 20 pounds.

If only, if only . . . the two saddest words in the English language. The regrets of people at the end of their lives include: I wish I had lived my dream. I wish I had taken more risks. I wish I’d taken better care of myself. And high on the list is: I wish I’d been more loving.

You don’t have to be filled with regrets. You might not want to celebrate your 90th birthday by jumping out of a plane, like ex-president George H.W. Bush did, but you can live up to your own highest potential. Read my HuffPost blog “5 Steps to a More Perfect Life” and share your dream there; talking about it helps make it come true.


Stuck in neutral?

hard choice

Well, I’ve finally gotten around to writing about procrastination. I guess there’s a reason I often repeated Scarlett O’Hara’s words in Gone With The Wind: “I’ll think about it tomorrow. After all, tomorrow is another day.” Indeed, we all do it. We put off till tomorrow what we don’t want to face today. It can go on indefinitely. There are, however, consequences to not moving forward in your life, to not embracing change. Emotions get buried deep inside, trouble ensues.

What’s interesting is that procrastination doesn’t come from laziness. Believe it or not, that “lazy bum” who can’t get off the lounge chair in front of the TV has a lot in common with the spiritual seeker who frequently blows off meditation practice. It all comes down to self-love: loving yourself enough to get into gear and do what you know you have to do in order to be the person you want to be.

So how do you start the ball rolling? How do you finally get off the couch and walk into the rest of your life? That’s what I’ve just written about in a blog for The Huffington Post. You can read it and comment there


Using a Pendulum to Tune-Up Your Chakras

One of the most remarkable tools of energy healing is the pendulum. If you think of a pendulum as the hypnotist’s pocket watch swinging back and forth or the driving mechanism of a grandfather clock, you have part of the picture. A pendulum is simply a weight suspended from a fixed point so it can move freely—back and forth or around and around.

In energy healing, this small, symmetrical object hanging by a cord can be used to increase your sensitivity to energy flow by acting as an amplifier, helping you access the unified field, as well as your higher self. A pendulum can help you find the location of a chakra energy center and check its healthy activity level.

When you’re first learning to use a pendulum, I recommend one made of wood (preferably beechwood) with a conical shape. This will be best for giving you the information you’re looking for from chakras without distortions. Carry your new pendulum around with you for a few days in a little pouch or your pocket so it begins to resonate with your energy. The first step in using your pendulum is to bless it. You’ll want to do this before each use. For example, you

might ask for your higher self and all the higher beings that are prepared to assist you to influence the movement of the pendulum as you work. It is the movement of the pendulum that will guide you to the information you seek, so you will want to be sure you are open and available to assistance both from your own higher self and your spirit guides.

When you’re ready, your pendulum can provide valuable feedback for good health when you use it to check chakras, which are focal points of energy in the human energy field. The pendulum amplifies energy and can help you locate and gain information about the chakra’s functioning. Here’s where the chakras are located:

  • First Chakra – at the base of the spine
  • Second Chakra – halfway between the first chakra and the waist
  • Third Chakra – halfway between the navel and the breastbone
  • Fourth Chakra – in the center of the chest
  • Fifth Chakra – in the middle of the throat
  • Sixth Chakra – between the eyebrows
  • Seventh Chakra – at the top of the head


Begin by having your subject lie down on her back, on a surface at the best height for you to stand in a straight and comfortable posture beside her. Kitchen counters are ideal! With your posture straight and your arm extended a little forward from your body, suspend the pendulum over each energy center, about four inches above the chakras. As the pendulum starts to move, note the direction of its movement. Is it clockwise, counterclockwise, elliptical (irregular), or not moving at all? Write this down, and then move up to the next chakra.

Here are a few ways to interpret the meaning of the pendulum’s movements:

  1. Clockwise movement indicates that the chakra is open and the feelings governed by it are well balanced and full.
  2. Counterclockwise movement indicates possible blocked energy or negative experiences with the feelings related to that chakra. Whether the circle is larger or smaller also tells you whether the energy is flowing nicely or restricted.
  3. An elliptical swing indicates a right- or left-side imbalance of energy flow in the body, perhaps due to overusing either the right masculine side or the left nurturing side.

But what if there is no movement at all? This might indicate that you’re holding the pendulum above the wrong place on the body. If you try again and are sure you are in the correct location, it can indicate that blockage is present.

The size of the chakra is not the size of the circle that the pendulum makes; rather, the size of the pendulum’s circle is a function of your energy field combined with both that of the pendulum and the subject.

It’s important to remember that the health of your own energy field has a direct impact on your effectiveness in reading the other person’s energy centers. Don’t be discouraged when you first begin, if you find that you can’t even figure out where the chakras are. Practice, practice, practice. It won’t be long before you’ll start to see results.

To learn more about your chakra energy centers, join Deborah on an 8-week journey to explore the Secrets of Chakra Wisdom. And if you’re ready for pendulum work, you can get a beautifully balanced, beechwood pendulum right here.

winter solstice 2015

Winter Solstice Carries Angel Messages Meant Just for You

One of America’s best-loved holiday traditions is settling in on a cold winter’s night to watch the classic TV special, “A Charlie Brown Christmas.” When Linus recites the famous Bible passage from 2nd Luke, a magical transformation takes place.

“And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” —Luke 2, 13-14

We hear an angel choir singing and the Peanuts kids’ humble celebration turns holy. Aren’t we just like the beloved cartoon children? As the winter solstice approaches, we wait for the arrival of heavenly messengers and open our hearts to receive their gifts.

According to wisdom tradition, the winter solstice brings the realm of the angels closest to the human plane. Angels are “bending near the earth,” as the carol says. Just as the Northern Hemisphere of our planet reaches the shortest period of daylight and the longest night, the angelic realm leans in, ready to listen to our hopes and dreams and offer us the hope and healing we seek.  When we reach the winter solstice on December 22, 2015, we’ll see the sun peak at its lowest point in the sky. The term solstice means “sun stands still,” and for a fleeting moment, the sun actually seems to pause in the sky – a signal to the world that the long night is over.

As a spiritual teacher and energy healer, I encourage you to honor the winter solstice by taking advantage of this special season to listen for your angels. You can reach out to them during this time of rest and reflection and listen for their messages. Tune in to your “angel awareness.” Have you had an experience with an angel who offered life-changing advice? Was there someone who appeared to you during a difficult time and offered comforting words, support, or a fresh look at your situation? It could have been an angel helping to steer you down the path you are meant to travel. Recall the times in your life when you received a message of love and healing from an angel. Messages take all shapes and forms, but an angel is always there.

Angels are higher beings living on higher planes, and the more time you spend connecting with them and their angelic vibrations, the higher you travel on your own path of light. It is also true that the internal spiritual work you do, including healing courses and workshops, meditation, and processing your emotions, will help strengthen your ability to contact and interact with angels. An angel’s purpose is to spread love, and they do this by healing, protecting, guiding, and sharing divine love with you so you can experience the deep soul knowing that you are loved. You are loved beyond your wildest dreams, and you are loved unconditionally. Once you’ve experienced the high angelic realms where you can hear the heavenly choirs singing their celestial music, your heart will expand as it fills with love and your inner light will radiate kindness, and you will begin the process of becoming an ambassador of that light and love to others.

The winter solstice has always been a good time to deepen your meditation practice. You can diminish your personal darkness and increase your light as the world enters the annual return to longer, brighter days. Just as the ideal time for daily meditation is in the hours before dawn when the world is still, so is the deep of winter a time of stillness. Use this quiet time of reflection to soothe your spirit. Reach out to your angels during this sacred season. With knowledge of the future and your true heart’s desires, the angels provide accurate and incredibly helpful guidance that is always worth following. Although angels live in the higher planes where they are able to bask in the glow of God’s love at all times, we are lucky that they are willing and able to lean in and carry that love back down to earth, and into our hearts. Enjoy this mystical and hopeful time of year by listening for your angels!

The world in solemn stillness lay,

To hear the angels sing.

Learn more about connecting with your angels of energy healing during this special time of year.


Discover the Secrets of Chakra Wisdom!

What do you want to change in your life?

Are you overwhelmed and looking for more peace? Are you unsure of your future or which life path is right for you? Are you seeking healing, spiritual enlightenment, or deeper satisfaction? Chakras are your secret weapons against living a life full of discontentment, disconnection, and fear. With the wisdom gained through opening these powerful energy centers, you can transform your behaviors and attitude to better live in alignment with your higher self and true soul purpose, and become the light bearer you were meant to be.

The Solution to Your Problems

Nearly everyone is searching for something these days. Many of my students come to me feeling generally underwhelmed with their careers or their relationships or their sense of purpose, and they don’t understand why they just can’t seem to get out of their slump or improve a certain aspect of their life. Others have an illness or injury that refuses to respond to traditional medicine, or something intangible like depression or weight gain or insomnia. Does this sound like you? Whatever particular problem is plaguing you, when you unlock the wisdom of your chakras, you’ll find the key to solving it so you can be on your way to a healthier and happier future.

In Sanskrit, the word chakra means wheel or vortex, and that’s what a chakra is: a spinning wheel or vortex of energy, pulsing and pushing energy in and out between your personal energy field and the universal field that interpenetrates all things. This energy exchange is necessary for your health as that new fresh energy cleans, balances, and nourishes you. Without it, your chakras and your energy field become weakened as does your psyche and body. Healthy chakras keep energy moving, therefore keeping you healthy.

Energetic Nourishment

Think of it this way: your energy field needs nourishment just like your body does, and the universal field provides that necessary food. When your chakras become blocked or distorted, you don’t get enough nourishment from the universal field, and just like when you don’t eat enough good food, your energy plummets, you become mentally foggy, your emotions go haywire, and you can eventually get sick.

Energetic nourishment is especially important because what happens in your energy field is reflected in your body. That’s how energy healing works: when you heal the energy field, you also heal the body. By correcting distortions in your chakras, energy healing can heal anything from headache to heartbreak, from diabetes to a broken ankle, from obesity to cancer. That’s how I was led to energy medicine: a cancer diagnosis that woke me up and helped me discover my true calling as a spiritual teacher.

My First Energy Healing Experience

I was a hard-charging attorney in my twenties, climbing the corporate ladder without regard for my health. I was addicted to the alcohol and pills I’d used to try to bury an abusive childhood, and I suffered from depression, eating disorders, and eventually, cancer. Unwilling to start with invasive treatments, I got permission from my doctors to explore alternative therapies and I had a spontaneous remission at the hands of an energy healer. I felt the cancer leave my body—that’s how powerful the healing experience was for me on that table. For confirmation, my doctor ran some tests, and sure enough, the cancer was gone.

I was so amazed and intrigued, I began studying with shamans, seers, and healers, learning as much as I possibly could about chakras and how energy affects health. The more I learned, the less I was surprised by my remission. Medicine men and women and healers around the globe have been practicing energy healing for centuries, and our early ancestors were in tune with their natural energy healing abilities as well. These healers and spiritual teachers understood that chakras hold the keys to your physical, emotional, and mental well being, and your spiritual growth.

What Happens to an Imbalanced Chakra

There are seven main chakras that roughly follow a line from the base of your spine to the top of your head. Each chakra governs different areas of your life and is connected to different parts of your body. When a chakra is blocked, the arenas corresponding to that chakra will become affected.

For example, the throat chakra is the source of your authenticity, the place from which you speak your truth. If your throat chakra is imbalanced, you may have difficulty speaking your mind and expressing your feelings, and may find that you are easily manipulated by others. If the chakra stays dysfunctional for long enough, physical symptoms like problems with the thyroid, neck, jaw, teeth, gums, or mouth can develop. This is why energy healing is so important—keeping your chakras clear, charged, and balanced is the best way to maintain your health.

The Higher Chakras

There are also the secret higher chakras, starting with the eighth chakra, through which you can gain access to higher planes, psychic abilities, and eventually Source itself. In my thirty years of study and practice I have been led by Spirit to become intimately familiar with these higher chakras through advanced states of meditation, and now I want to pass that knowledge on to you!

I’ve just released a beautiful free 3 video teaching series that contains the best of what I’ve learned about chakras in my three decades as an energy healer, spiritual teacher, and seeker of the light. In the first video lesson you’ll explore the mystical higher spiritual chakras I just mentioned, and how you can begin the process of activating them and moving toward an amazing awakening of spirit. In the second and third ones, you’ll learn all about the main seven chakras and how you can make them work for you. Hope you enjoy these videos!

Click here to view the Free Video Training>>>>>>>


Find Your True Voice – The Secrets of Your Throat Chakra

As we move up the spine and enter the 5th chakra in the throat, we are moving into the more etheric or spiritual energy centers of the human body.

This cobalt blue chakra is basically concerned with communication and is associated with ether or sound. Being the first of the spiritual chakras, it is the portal through which we bring spirit into the physical realm by using sound and communication to voice our own unique expression of spirit. This chakra is the seat of expression.

You can see how the fifth chakra is a link between our inner and outer worlds. We create in the second chakra and then communicate that inner experience out into the world through our fifth chakra; we also communicate our inner desires out into the world to create our lives.

Sound is the rhythmic vibration of molecules of air. So, as we begin to understand the fifth chakra’s qualities of communication and sound, we begin to see the world in terms of vibration—the culmination of all of the activity that has occurred in the previous four chakras. At the level of the fifth chakra, we experience all of the inner workings and goings on of the previous four chakras simply as an overall vibration quality. So when we meet someone, we register them as a vibration. The higher the vibration, the more harmonious the person is within themselves.

All vibrations or wave forms are subject to resonance—where vibrations lock into rhythm with each other— the governing principle of the fifth chakra. When something resonates with us, whether it’s a person, an idea, or a piece of music, we experience that person or thing with greater harmony, energy, clarity, joy. Likewise, when we hear something that rings inside us as true, it is resonance at work. Resonance brings order and unity within and creates a much more harmonious state.

This is why I always say that if you want to change the world for the better, meditate more—as meditating will raise your own vibration and consciousness, and that vibration will emanate from you out into the world, where—thanks to resonance—it will influence others’ vibrations to rise to its level as well.

Communication is also subject to resonance. But before we can have resonance with others, we need to have resonance within ourselves. This means living and communicating according to our truth—which brings us to a key theme of the fifth chakra—speaking our truth. From an energy perspective, the throat chakra is THE power center of living from our truth. We do this through voice and through choice—the messengers of the fifth chakra. Choice gives voice to our desires, and, in turn, our voice expresses our choice.

This chakra is also the seat of inner guidance—the place where we have access to that still, quiet, wise voice within that can expertly guide us in any situation we find ourselves in. Our responsibility, of course, is to listen! If we ignore or override that wise inner voice, and if we do that enough, it WILL ultimately stop talking to us. In fact, disregarding our inner guidance will effectively shut down the normal processes of this chakra.

Living according to our truth is a daily practice of checking in with ourselves to hear our truth, including our subtle guidance, and then monitoring ourselves as we interact with the world to make sure we are in alignment with that truth and with higher will.

If the fifth chakra is distorted or shut down, we can have problems with communication. If there is excessive energy in this chakra, someone may talk too much, or too loudly, or in inappropriate ways (such as gossiping or blaming others). A deficient throat chakra could present different issues, such as stuttering or the fear of speaking. Other issues include feeling like we’ve lost the rhythm of life, experiencing an inability to take in what others are trying to give us, or being excessively shy. Still another problem is blocked creativity.

So, what can you do to balance your fifth chakra? Practice journaling as a way to express all your thoughts, feelings, and insights about yourself—a tremendously powerful way to begin expressing your truth. Speaking your truth out loud will also help to clear this energy center. You could also sing: in the shower, in the kitchen, in the car, in public! Chanting works, too.

The rewards of balancing this powerful energy center are more powerful communication, enhanced creativity, and an ease and flow to life.

The Secret Chakras Nobody Bothered to Tell You About

Many of you already know that there is an ancient wisdom hidden in your chakras – when they are open and clear you can receive messages of Divine guidance and spiritual growth.

You can even experience powerful initiations into higher energetic vibrations.

You might know about the 7 physical chakras – but did you know there are even more chakras above your head? These higher chakras are the gateway to discovering your true purpose in this life on this earth… and yet they are rarely spoken about… until now.

Once your physical chakras are balanced, cleared and charged – you pave the way to accessing these higher chakras and the gifts they are waiting to bestow upon you.

These can be anything from psychic and intuitive abilities, astral travel, bilocation and so much more.

I’ve just released a beautiful free video series that contains the best of what I’ve learned about chakras in my three decades’ of study and practice as an energy healer.

In the first video lesson we’ll explore the mystical higher spiritual chakras, and how you can begin the process of activating them.

In the second video lesson, you’ll learn all about your base chakra and ways you can clear, balance and strengthen it to begin a powerful process of healing.

You can view the first two lessons by clicking here >>>>>>>




What’s Missing from Your Yoga Practice?

Yoga is currently one of the most popular forms of exercise in the world. Celebrities tout its benefits on late night TV shows, corporations, schools, and even jails have instituted yoga programs, and there is a whole business dedicated to designer yoga clothes and accessories. There is even baby yoga! But this popularity makes sense when you understand how valuable a tool yoga is for your wellbeing. Yoga improves digestion, immune function, flexibility, strength, joint pain, anxiety, sleep, sex, focus, memory, self-esteem, inner peace, and connection to Source, just to name a few of its dozens of benefits. But if you want to get the most out of yoga, consider adding a missing ingredient that will take your practice to new heights: Ayurveda.

In Sanskrit, the word “yoga” means “to join together” or “union,” and comes from the same roots as the word “yoke,” as in two things yoked together. In yoga, the yoking is in reference to the union of mind, body, and spirit. The word Ayurveda comes from the Sanskrit roots Ayu, meaning “life” and Veda¸ meaning “knowledge” or “science.” So Ayurveda means the “science of life.” Some scholars suggest that Ayu doesn’t just mean life, but even more specifically, the state of being in which mind, body, and soul are joined together and there is total integration. This unity and connectedness is the goal of both yoga and Ayurveda—and energy healing—and every step toward that unity dramatically improves your quality of life.



What Is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is a system of medicine that’s over five thousand years old, even older than traditional Chinese medicine. This “science of life” originated with ancient seers called rishis. These enlightened men and women sat for hours in deep meditation, communing with what they called the “Cosmic Consciousness,” and what we in energy medicine call the universal field. This unified field or Cosmic Consciousness or Source or whatever you want to call it holds the past, present, future, and all information in existence, and these rishis returned from their meditations with beyond-earthly insight into the world. They turned this insight to the human body and “discovered” the healthcare system of Ayurveda.

The rishis in their infinite wisdom discerned that the energy from the universal field manifests itself in all matter—including humans—as five basic elements: air, fire, water, earth, and ether or space. Within the body, those basic elements come together in different combinations to make up three biological or metabolic bio-energies, which Ayurveda calls doshas. There are three doshas: the space and air elements combined to form the Vata dosha, the fire and water elements combined to form the Pitta dosha, and the earth and water elements combined to form the Kapha dosha. Each person has a unique mind-body constitution, or prakruti, which means “nature,” that is their body type. Your prakruti is based on which dosha(s) are most prevalent in you.

These doshas are super important, as they are the bridge between the body and mind, the spot where your thoughts turn into matter, and here, you can see the first signs of health problems and treat them before they develop. Ayurveda is a lot like energy medicine—it’s why they can work in tandem so well—as it is the imbalances in the energy that cause physical problems. By following Ayurvedic principles and rebalancing the doshas, you can restore your body to health and reestablish the mind-body-soul connection.

How Do Ayurveda and Yoga Work Together?

Just like Ayurveda, the governing principle of yoga is balance, and both traditions have healing properties. They have even been called “sister sciences.” When yoga was first brought to the west, Ayurveda was left out, even though both practices were born out of the larger tradition of Vedic knowledge in ancient India. When you bring these two modalities together again, you’ll understand why they were made to be yoked.

Yoga on its own is not a system of medicine, but rather a spiritual practice and type of treatment. It heals, but does not diagnose. For that, you need a system of medicine which has a clear understanding of how the body and energy field work. That’s what Ayurveda does—allows you to understand the cause of the problem so you can assess, diagnose, and then treat.

Think of it this way: energy healing is a system of medicine just like Ayurveda. An energy healer can sense your problems and chakra blockages and suggest a course of treatment, which can include meditation, journaling, grounding, chakra clearing, etc., but you need that umbrella of energy medicine to first evaluate and diagnose your issue and then recommend the curative measures. Directed efforts are more effective, and that requires a diagnosis.

This is how Ayurveda can take your yoga practice sky high—by tailoring your yoga therapy to address the issues identified through Ayurveda, you turn yoga into a targeted healing machine for your unique constitution. There are yoga postures that correspond to specific doshas, and once you learn those, you will be amazed at how much more you’ll get out of your yoga practice. You’ll come away feeling more refreshed and with a deeper internal peace.

Touch Heaven & Earth

This doesn’t mean you can’t take your regular yoga class. People who have different prakrutis are in classes together every day. What you can do is alter your poses to address your personal needs. Attitude and intention go a long way in all these healing therapies—yoga, Ayurveda, energy healing—and yoga is a place to follow through with your intentions. Your body and spirit are different from everyone else’s so why should you do your asanas the exact same way? Aligning your practice with your Ayurvedic constitution will boost your results tenfold.

So if you’re a Vata, try practicing more slowly and deliberately; if you’re a Pitta, try to relax into your asanas and avoid overheating; if you’re a Kapha, challenge yourself! Go for those tough poses. If you don’t know your dosha, consider working with a spiritual teacher or taking healing courses or an online quiz. And if you don’t already practice yoga, I encourage you to start! Like meditation, it’s most effective when done regularly.

Let me leave you with this idea: Ayurveda is the physical health counterpoint to the spiritual act of yoga. Yoga is for reaching higher states of consciousness and Ayurveda is for reaching balance on the physical plane. Done together, you can touch heaven and earth and heal yourself in the process.


Yoga and Energy Healing: Friends With Benefits


Nearly everyday, it seems like there is some new health fad or alternative therapy saying they can help you lose weight fast or detox your system in twenty-four hours or make you happy with a pill. These quick-result claims are usually bogus, and are often actually harmful, because the way you heal yourself is not quickly, but sure and steady like the turtle. Your health is not worth risking for a magical overnight cure, and all true, effective, lasting healing takes some time and effort. But if you want to get the most healing bang for your buck, there is one healing practice that has stood the test of time and is the closest thing to a magical cure you will find: energy healing.

Health Is a Balancing Act

The mind-body-spirit connection has been well established by studies and research that illustrate that your system is a balancing act: each aspect of your being—mind, emotions, body, and soul—affects the other aspects directly. Unprocessed emotional trauma can block your chakras, disrupting your energy flow, and those distortions in your chakras can cause physical illness or injury. Spiritual depression, too, can cause physical depression—an experience you may have gone through before finding the right spiritual path—and physical pain can cause spiritual pain or lack of faith.
Think of each element of your being like a support beam in a house. When one beam cracks or fails, the whole building is weakened and becomes more susceptible to additional problems. You are like that house; when your chakras are blocked or your body is ill or any foundational part of you is somehow not functioning properly, it throws the whole structure—you—out of balance, and leaves you open to further harm.

How Many Ways Is Yoga is Good for You?

This is where energy healing can come in and save the day. As an energy healer and spiritual teacher, I introduce my students to many techniques that clear, charge, and balance their chakras and energy field and therefore heal the rest of them: journaling, meditation, being of service, forgiveness, shamanic breath work, Ayurveda, and many more. Today, I’d like to focus on one technique that is nearly as old as energy medicine itself: yoga.
This ancient Indian practice has soared in popularity, with yoga studios everywhere and yoga clothes as their own fashion trend. This spiritual practice is now done by everyone from celebrities to businessmen to schoolchildren, and most people know at least a pose or two. There have been many studies and plenty of evidence to support the wide range of positive results attributed to yoga that it’s now well known for its myriad health benefits.


Physically, yoga improves flexibility and muscle strength, aids digestion, helps you sleep better, lowers blood pressure, ups your immune function, decreases pain, and even increases sexual performance! Mentally, yoga helps you focus, releases stress, reduces anxiety, and calms your thoughts. Yoga has also been linked to higher self-esteem, amplified inner strength and power, deeper awareness, and more peace. Plus, it can help you tone your body and lose weight. And this is just the tip of the yoga iceberg!

Yoga’s Spiritual Side

At its core, Yoga is a spiritual practice, passed down from yogis who devoted their lives to spiritual pursuits, and “yokes” the body and the soul energetically, just as does the practice of energy healing. Yoga uses movement or postures, called asanas, to revitalize your nervous system, your circulation, and your flow of prana, positively affecting your personal energy field. Yoga also emphasizes the breath, or pranayama, and uses the breath to move prana in and out from your body during the movements. The asanas and breathing are done together in a specific way to soothe and link your body and mind, clear and balance your chakras, and bring you in touch with Source.

Yoga makes a great complement to your energy medicine practice and any of my healing courses. Yoga is not just about stretching your mind and body, but about really connecting to yourself on a deep spiritual level, grounding you to the Earth and your physicality so that you have roots from which to grow your spirituality, and increasing the flow of energy within you. Yoga and energy healing both strive for harmony and balance, clarity of thought and intention, and a deeper understanding of your higher self.

In its own way, yoga is a type of energy healing, so when you practice yoga and energy healing together, the results will multiply exponentially. They’re like friends with benefits, each helping to boost the effectiveness of the other, and working toward the same goal of healing and transforming your entire being.