
Is Bill Cosby a Serial Rapist?


That’s the question being asked on TV news and leading websites across the country. Only a handful of people know the truth, but Bill Cosby’s accusers are now more than a dozen strong, and the stories they tell are strikingly similar to one another.


Maybe the real question isn’t whether or not he’s guilty, but what it means to young women everywhere if he’s been able to suppress these crimes for decades on end. He’s certainly not the first celebrity to be accused of sexual assault, and other Hollywood heavyweights have experienced little or no damage to their careers as a result of similar allegations. That sends a louder message than any headline ever could.




The allegations against Cosby are being treated as entertainment – it’s “good TV” it to see a high-profile comedian with a clean cut image linked with a sex scandal – but there are more important issues to consider. In this post, I discuss how Bill Cosby appears to be hiding behind his fame and money to prevent an important truth from coming to light.


Pets or Partners?



Do we choose the animals in our lives, or is it the other way around?


A friend of mine once had a cat show up outside her door on the same day she found out she had breast cancer. She hadn’t been looking for a cat, but he moved right into the house as her companion and became her new best friend.


You hear the same thing all the time from dog and cat owners who will tell you they weren’t looking for a pet, but were simply “adopted by” an animal and couldn’t let them go.


I was actually looking for a horse when I first met Influence, my Dutch Warmblood. For more than a year, I had been riding stable horses, but wanted a horse of my own to love. As I tried to narrow the list, I sent my Vedic astrologer three horse names from every weekend search. Unfortunately, he rejected them all, telling me to be patient, my horse was out there.




Just when it seemed like I would never have a horse of my own, I met Influence at a horse show. He was huge – 1,600 pounds – and black with a white blaze on his forehead and four matching white socks. As I watched him being unloaded from the trailer, I could tell instantly how calm he was, even while many of his counterparts jumped out and were difficult to control. To my surprise, the owner told me this show was his first time away from the farm, and that he’d never been saddled.


As Influence and I looked at each other across the stall railing, I could only describe myself as smitten. He must’ve felt the same, because I heard him ask me very clearly in my mind to take him home. Even my astrologer agreed, telling me “this is the one you’ve been waiting for,” but warned me not to bring him home right away since he was at risk for an injury in the next few weeks.


Like a lot of us, I ask for advice I don’t necessarily follow, so it’s probably no surprise that I brought Influence back to our ranch, in the wilds of the Sierra Nevada Mountains near Lake Tahoe, right away.




Sure enough, three days after I brought him home, I peered out the window and saw him looking frightened. Influence was holding up his front leg and blood was spurting out – the sure sign of a serious injury. My vet warned me that he’d probably never be “sound” again, but I took him to a clinic anyway.


That turned out to be a good thing, because not only did it save my horse, but he went on to recover fully. In fact, just a year later I took him to a breeding show and he won the top award for the finest conformation in North America. “Don’t let that go to your head,” I cautioned him. “Pretty is as pretty does!”


Together, Influence and I were a green horse with a green rider… absolutely the worst combination there is, according to the experts. When I look back now, it occurs to me that I never actually became Influence’s master. Instead, we were like classmates together. We were best friends.


I took Influence everywhere with me: to the doctor, the dentist, the supermarket. Whenever I would return to my truck, he would be there, patiently waiting for me. He became the child I never had. After a peacock suddenly flew out of the trees one day as we rode by and he reared, unceremoniously dumping me on the ground, I wanted him to be “spook proof” so I could fulfill the old adage of always keeping the horse between me and the ground. To that end, I got him nearly every animal on the planet and we raised them together: our dearly beloved pig, a billy goat who chased us around the ring while we rode, Bessie, the black and white milk cow that I bottle raised from infancy, chickens, ducks, a dozen llamas, and a pond of fish. Despite his size, Influence was very gentle and loving with the other creatures.


All of our vacations for the next 25 years centered around where Influence wanted to go: one summer we trained with Jane Fonda at her ranch in Montana, another at a Healing Touch workshop on the Pacific Coast, and countless trips centered on horse shows around the country where we got to play dress-up together.


His stall had a sliding door that faced into my office so even when I was working, we were together. If he got sick, I slept in a hammock in his stall. What can I say? These are the things you do for a good friend.



Influence taught me how to talk to the animals. I had only been riding him about a week when, one day, we found ourselves out in the desert for a short walk. I can still remember him saying to me – quite clearly – “It’s too hot out here and my feet hurt.” As if to reinforce the point, he gave me a cute look that said, That’s right, you heard me.


He’s also spoken up on other occasions. For instance, he used to complain how it wasn’t fair that the dog got to come inside and he didn’t, saying, “I’d be perfectly happy sitting on the couch and eating popcorn, too.”


The first time he ever saw me ride another horse, he got so upset, he turned his big behind to me, and refused to speak to me for the rest of the day. Animals have feelings too!


Perhaps the most important lesson I’ve learned from my horse, though, was when I figured out he was staying with me because he wanted to, not because he was fenced in. One day, as I was walking another horse around and feeding him carrots, Influence jumped his fence and cantered over to us with no effort at all, flouncing his tail and prancing in circles around us. He made it clear that he was angry when I fed treats to another horse and not him. Apparently you can be a good Influence and still have a bit of jealousy now and then.


At the same time, he made the instant point that he could leave anytime he wanted to. That actually made me feel better about our friendship than anything else.


Over the years, I have learned so much from Influence. He showed me how to move as one with him in performing the difficult movements of dressage, and then on a deeper level, took me down a path of studying the energetics of animals and learning to communicate with them telepathically. Best of all, he taught me about the unconditional love that can exist in the natural world when we’re open to receiving it.


I’m so thankful to Influence for choosing me.



Real-Life Spells—Have You Been Cursed?


Halloween is one of the few times of the year when it becomes acceptable to embrace and celebrate the dark side, but what happens when the darkness crosses the boundary of fun and games and begins to actually harm you?


You may not have to worry about the trick-or-treating witch on your doorstep casting a spell on you, but “spell casting” is in fact real, and Halloween is a good time to learn how to recognize the signs of someone sending you negative energy and what you can do to protect yourself.


What is real-life spell-casting?


Spell casting, which is referred to in energy medicine as psychic attack, is negative energy that comes in from someone or somewhere else and gets lodged in your energy field or body. That negative energy can come from a variety of sources and arrives in varying degrees of intensity. In the movies, curses and spells are intentional affairs—they take planning and ritual and magic, but in real life, “spells” are usually unconscious and more subtle. Any time another person forms an intention, perhaps consciously, perhaps not, to harm you in some way, the “spell” is cast. A person may be sending you negative energy and not even realize they are doing it, like someone in a bad mood who is rude to you in line at Starbucks or on the freeway.


Who casts these spells?


Someone you briefly interact with who transfers their negativity to you is a small “spell,” a mild and temporary attachment of negativity that will likely dissipate in a few hours or with a clearing salt bath or dip in the ocean (which, by the way, are helpful clearing techniques for many psychic attacks). It’s also an example of a non-specific attack—that person would spew their negative energy at anyone in range.


Energy attacks can also be directed at you purposefully, often over the course of many years, and you can guess that these would be stronger and harder to shrug off. The stereotypical “evil” mother-in-law who nitpicks and makes snide comments at her son’s wife, or the overbearing older sister who say things like, “When are you going to get a real job?” while flaunting her expensive jewelry are examples of individuals shooting negative energy into your field. These types of continual attack, especially when coming from a loved one, can really wear you down and start to close your chakras and crimp your energy flow, making you feel even worse.


Basically, a physic attack can come from anyone at any time. These attacks can be minor like a harsh email or phone call, or a friend who wants to gossip about your friends, or major, like in the cases of stalking, bullying, or abuse. Since the “spells” can be subtle and come from seemingly insignificant exchanges, how do you know if you’ve been “cursed” with someone else’s negative energy?




How do you know if you’ve been cursed?


The symptoms are unique in each situation, but there are some signs to watch for. Sudden and unexplainable physical pain, especially in the back or head, that won’t go away; depression or other intense emotions like irritation or paranoia that don’t seem to have a cause; a fuzziness in the head or confusion or lack or focus; or just a general feeling of being totally “off.” These can all be symptoms of negative energy clouding your field. If you’ve truly been “slimed” with negativity, you will feel it, trust me. And trust your intuition. If it’s telling you that the migraine you’ve had for three days is the result of your partner’s belittling, it probably is.


Chronic symptoms or health issues may be caused by psychic attacks from earlier in your life as well. Perhaps you’ve had consistent back pain for years or depression that always returns no matter what you try. In that case, you might ask yourself if negative energy you absorbed from someone else during a trauma or betrayal could be lingering. Working with an energy healer or spiritual teacher and attending healing courses can help you identify where you may have been “cursed” with someone else’s negativity so you can release it and finally heal.


What can you do to avoid getting attacked?


The best medicine is prevention. Just like energy medicine can heal your field before any physical symptoms manifest, the best thing you can do to avoid being “cursed” by someone else is to keep your energy field healthy. Negative energy from others can find the chinks in your armor, the holes in your energy field, and sneak in under the radar. If you are diligent in your energy healing practices and keep up a daily meditation routine, journal regularly, connect with nature, and chop wood and carry water in service of others, your chakras will be clear and your defenses will be tougher. Your force field of protection will be so strong, negative energy won’t be able to pierce your light-filled field.


It’s also smart to avoid people who emanate negativity when possible, and in order to do that, you need to learn how to discern what type of energy someone is putting out. This is one of the things you learn in my energy healing courses: how to recognize and handle dark forces and incoming psychic attacks.


So this week, as you enjoy the décor of the season, the fake spider webs covering shrubs in yards, windows full of hanging ghosts, and jack-o-lanterns sitting on stoops, try to be aware of the energy around you, as well as the energy you are putting out. Remember that light attracts light and dark attracts dark. To keep the curses at bay, be full of positivity.





Domestic Violence Affects Us All


Whether it comes in the form of spouse battering, beating or molesting a child, intimate partner rape, or emotional control over another, domestic violence ruins lives. I know, as I experienced both emotional and sexual abuse as a child. I know how it leads to various addictions to cover up the pain. I know how hard it is to face the shame and embarrassment, to want to keep this secret covered up.


Domestic violence does not respect any boundaries. You can be white, privileged, and rich enough to buy really good concealer, but that black eye is the same one sported by those of every race, religion, and socio-economic status. It doesn’t matter how famous you are, how gifted as an artist or athlete or star, you can still be either the victim or the perpetrator of domestic violence.


And nothing is worse than keeping it a secret. As anyone who has read my book Truth Heals knows, it’s that buried pain that can wreak havoc with our lives—certainly with our relationships, our health, and our happiness.


Go to Psychology Today to read my blog on this topic at






Piercing the Veil: How to Connect to the Spirit Realm



Have you made successful contact with spirits from beyond? Now is the time to try! You do not need to be a medium in order to connect with spirits beyond the physical plane, but there are certain times of the year when it becomes easier. As a spiritual teacher and energy healer, I can feel the spiritually significant shift in seasons occurring this month, which means it’s the ideal time for you to bridge the gap between the physical realm and the spirit realm for guidance, support, love, and reassurance about the immortal nature of your soul. Blurred Lines Between Worlds

Autumn is a time of transition, a time when the leaves change color from red to orange to yellow, when the clear skies of summer become filled with rolling clouds, and the days begin to get darker earlier. The winds of change are in the air, and these visible forms of transformation on display from Mother Nature are a good reminder that there are other blurred lines occurring right now as well: between the living and the dead, between your body and your soul, between HHHeaven and Earth.

Spirit Invitations

The end of October has been a spiritually significant time for centuries. Ancient people held rituals and harvest festivals at this time to mark the end of summer and begin the preparations for the colder months to come. What we now call Halloween has its roots in Celtic harvest festivals, particularly the Gaelic festival called Samhain, which means “summer’s end.” These cultures recognized that this date was the midpoint between the autumnal equinox and the winter solstice, which makes it a period of indistinct boundaries between physical and spiritual, and a powerful time for communion with spirits. As part of their celebrations, the Celts would honor the dead and invite them into their homes, make offerings of freshly tilled food, and communicate with loved ones who had passed to the other side.




Transition Traditions

More recent and contemporary traditions still celebrate the thinning of the veil between worlds in similar fashion. The Mexican holiday Day of the Dead includes gatherings of friends and family to remember and celebrate loved ones who have passed on. People build altars and bring these along with the deceased’s favorite foods and drinks to the grave sites. Similar rituals take place around this time in many other countries as well. It seems the whole world is aware that the transition between seasons is also a time to pay tribute to the transition between life and death and connect with the spirit realm.

So how can you take advantage of this in-between time to increase your connection with the other side?

  1. Honor the deceased.

Just as Day of the Dead or Samhain traditions included inviting the spirits of loved ones to visit by putting out favorite foods and drinks, you can set a place at the table for a loved one during this month as an invitation. You might bring valued possessions of the deceased to their gravesite, or set up an altar or light a candle in their name, or have a party to tell stories about their life and celebrate the time they spent on Earth. Honoring the dead can happen many ways—choose the method that feels right to you.

Once you have made room for a spirit in your environment, be aware for signs of their presence. A photograph of them may levitate or fall off a wall, or an object the loved one gave you that you lost might suddenly reappear. You may hear their voice or even see an apparition. During this month of easy cross-overs between worlds, you can expect a noticeable response from the spirit realm, so stay alert.




  1. Pay attention to your dreams.

Spirits without bodies often prefer to make contact with you through your dreams. Sometimes a spirit will visit you to give you a warning of an impending event, or advise you about your health, or provide other helpful information or guidance. When you attend healing courses and have an active practice of energy healing and meditation, you become more open to the other side than many people are, so a spirit may visit you and ask you to pass on a message to someone else who is less receptive.

You can usually recognize a true visitation dream by a few tell-tale signs. The dream might feel much more “real” and vivid than other dreams; the spirit may reach out or hug you, and you still feel the contact when you wake; a deceased friend or family member will appear as a much younger version of themself; you may experience extremely intense emotions of forgiveness, anger, relief, and love; and lastly, there is likely to be a gut sense that it was that person “for real” and not just a memory or projection. As you’ve learned through energy healing, go ahead trust your third chakra, trust your intuition—it’s most likely telling you the truth.

  1.  Remember you are not solely a physical being.

When you make a true connection with a spirit from the other side, it will reinforce what you learn in energy medicine: you are not just your body. You are a soul housed in a body for this lifetime on Earth, but when your body dies, your soul does not; it simply transitions back into the spirit realm, back where it came from.




Once you have interacted with souls who no longer have bodies, you will have no doubts that spirits live on, or that you will continue to live after you leave your body. When the veil is permeable, it’s easier to recognize that the illusion is the physical world; the reality is that you were born in the spirit realm and you will return there. This life is a stepping stone in a long soul journey. This expanded perception of mortality gives you the strength to confront the fear of death, which just may be the greatest gift of piercing the veil and connecting with spirits in the beyond.

The upcoming winter solstice is the next time of year when the veil between worlds will be at its most permeable, so if you are interested in learning more about how to connect to the other side, I hope you’ll consider joining me in person or by live stream in December for my Piercing the Veil event, where my special guest, James Van Praagh, internationally renowned medium and spiritual teacher, and I will bridge the gap between this world and the next. Hope to see you there!




Elder Abuse: Could it be Happening in Your Family?


A lot of our biggest life lessons tend to revolve around family, and especially our parents who shape and form us in so many important ways.


When you’re young and rebellious, it never occurs to you that you might find yourself on the other side of the argument someday, as a parent dealing with your own difficult child. And you certainly don’t consider that your own parents will eventually become elderly, forcing you to take on more of a parental caregiver role to them.


Even if we don’t for see these changes coming, though, they still happen. We all age. And as we do, the lessons related to our family keep on coming.


One of those lessons really came home to me recently when family members decided to take matters into their own hands about my elderly mother driving.




Situations like these call for skillful communication. More than that, though, they require a sense of respect and dignity. To take that from the people we love, and have given us so much, is a terrible thing to do. It’s also an incredibly easy trap to fall into when you’re just trying to look out for an elderly parent’s best interests.


To read the rest of my elder story on Huffington Post, follow this link… I’d love to see your comments, hear your stories, and get your feedback there!




3 Ways to Take Advantage of the Lunar Eclipse



An exciting celestial event is happening this Wednesday—a total lunar eclipse, also sometimes called a “blood moon.” An eclipse occurs when the earth comes between the sun and the moon, blocking the sun’s light from reaching the moon and covering the moon in Earth’s shadow. Partial lunar eclipses are relatively common, but a total lunar eclipse can only occur when the moon is full and is perfectly aligned with the sun and Earth, which doesn’t happen very often. You can imagine the energy radiating from such a cosmic arrangement!

One of the basic tenets of energy healing is that you are connected to the universal field, which is connected to everything in the entire universe, including the sun, the moon, and beyond. So when a planetary line-up like a total lunar eclipse occurs, you should sit up and take notice, because that energy affects you directly.

The Moon of Change

Ancient people were terrified of total lunar eclipses because, while the moon is technically in darkness, it rarely goes black. Instead, it usually turns a blood red color or a deep orange or even copper-colored, which is sunlight skimming off the earth’s atmosphere, the light of all the sunrises and sunsets ringing the earth. Before we had sufficient technology, people thought the red “blood” moon was a sign from the gods or an omen of war or disease. These kinds of fears were likely intensified by the power of the eclipse, since emotions are closely connected to the moon.

The Moon Influences More than Tides

Emotions tend to run high during all full moons, but this eclipse will likely cause feelings that have been simmering to boil over, and emotional eruptions wouldn’t be surprising from even the most mild-mannered folks. Lunar eclipses are also associated with change and decisions. They often signal an ending or a new beginning, especially within relationships of all types.




But don’t worry! These shifts and new starts, the emotional turmoil, it all leads to a place of discovery, truth, and awareness. The trick is to learn how to take advantage of the lunar eclipse’s transformational energy, and use it to heal yourself and your relationships. Of course, any energy medicine techniques you perform during this time will be amplified by the moon’s energy, as will your meditation, so be sure to do plenty of both for the best results. Here are three more ways to benefit from the lunar eclipse:

  1. Embrace change.

Change is always a little scary, but it’s also the only way you can grow. Lunar eclipses are periods of “course corrections,” times in your life where you can change the direction you are traveling in order to live a more truthful, authentic life. Keeping up your daily meditation and attending energy healing courses can help you handle any adjustments, and once the new, better routines are in place you will be glad you embraced the shift. Just remember that the changes that arise from this celestial energy are necessary, and though they may be difficult, they are going to make you stronger and happier in the long term.

  1. Let go of the old and bring in the new.

Now is the time to let go of anything that’s no longer working: habits or patterns of behavior, jobs, people, foods, anything that is no longer serving the authentic you. Sometimes habits begin as helpful crutches meant to carry you through a rough patch, but when they become problematic, you have to muster the strength to quit. Lunar eclipses especially force you to look at your relationships. Do any seem to hold you back or bring you down? Be prepared for a shift in the way you relate to someone or several someones, or the world, or even yourself during this time. This lunar eclipse will give you the extra courage you need to move on from anything that’s old and unneeded.

This moon’s energy also encourages following your dreams. When you let go of the old, it’s time to make room for the new. Be true to yourself, believe in yourself, and take an emotional risk. Take the dance or art class you’ve been considering. Contemplate moving or changing careers or becoming an energy healer! Really dig deep during this eclipse and see what you can give up and what you will gain as a result.




  1. Reveal your truth.

This eclipse has a risk-taking aspect to it, an increase in courage, especially related to other people in your life. Is there someone close to you who you are hiding something from, or someone you feel like you can’t reveal a part of yourself to? Now is the time to act! Use the boost in bravery to stand up for yourself or your principles and admit your truth to the person who needs to hear it most. Use this lunar energy to say something you’ve been trying to but couldn’t find the strength.

Whatever you hold back can get caught in your energy field and chakras, slowing down the flow of energy to you and weakening your body and spirit. As an energy healer and spiritual teacher, I always encourage my students to journal or otherwise express their deepest emotions and personal truths because it helps keep the chakras clear and healthy. But this week, I want you to try to take a step further and express your truths to someone else. Use the lunar eclipse to spear-head change. I bet you will feel a great weight lifted from your heart chakra.

All change can be difficult at first, but it is also a great opportunity for growth. Exercise isn’t always fun, but you feel so good afterwards, and you feel proud of yourself for powering through, for accomplishing a goal through the sweat and resistance, so it’s worth it. That’s what it feels like to make necessary adjustments in your behaviors and relationships, to shake things up, to correct the course of your life. This lunar eclipse is the perfect time to “just do it!”




The Sixth Chakra: Gateway to the Angels



The sixth chakra is associated with inspiration, intuition, memory, imagination, dreams, higher consciousness, and transcendence. But did you know that the sixth chakra is also a gateway to communing with the angels?


Higher Seeing


The sixth chakra, which is known as the “brow” chakra or “third eye” because it sits on your forehead in between your eyebrows, is the foundation of seeing and higher seeing. This energy center governs images and visuals, and the interpretation and storage of those visuals. This includes images you receive from your eyes—images that are from here on the physical plane and then become memories—as well as images that you have never actually seen with your physical eyes, like imagined scenarios or dreams, or even visions of higher planes or spirits. When your sixth chakra is open and expanded, you are more easily able to see and interact with those higher beings, including your angels.


Intuition, Angels, and Your Third Eye


Intuition is strongly linked to the third eye, which makes perfect sense because intuition is a type of non-visual seeing, a method of discerning truth without physical evidence. In energy healing, I often use my intuition to guide me, and when I am centered and in alignment with a fully functioning sixth chakra, my intuition never lets me down. Sometimes your intuition may even be coming from your angels! After all, they reside on the sixth level of the field and can easily communicate with you through your intuition. Angels will always guide you to make the choices most in line with your soul’s true purpose, and can whisper advice or support in your ear when you ask for help. With an open sixth chakra and an unobstructed energy field, you are more likely to receive angel messages and feel their divine love.




The Costs of a Closed Sixth Chakra


Since the sixth chakra is all about seeing and understanding, when you choose not to see the truth of a situation, it can create blockages in your chakra, which is detrimental to your health. Conditions related to the eyes and nose like glaucoma, cataracts, or sinus infections can develop, as can headaches or migraines, and neurological problems or brain disorders can be related to a severely dysfunctional sixth chakra as well. A closed sixth chakra may also lead to an inability to trust your own intuition and inner guidance, you may not remember your dreams, and it will be harder to interact with beings of light like your angels.


Healing Your Third Eye


In order to clear blocks in your sixth chakra, and all your chakras, the best thing to do is to attend energy medicine workshops or healing courses. In between courses, keep up your progress by meditating for twenty minutes twice a day, staying grounded and in tune with Mother Nature by getting outside, and speaking or writing your truth. Expressing your true emotions is particularly important for the health of your sixth chakra. Admitting your deepest truths will go a long way in clearing any blocks in your third eye, which is all about seeing the truth. And don’t forget to ask your angels for help! All angels have the power to heal as well as guide and protect, so go ahead and request that they extend their healing touch to your third eye chakra. They are happy to heal your intuition! It’s kind of their specialty. Asking your angels for help in restoring your sixth chakra will also make it easier to ask your angels for help with anything else, so it’s a win-win!


Wisdom Beyond Your Five Senses


On the opposite spectrum from a closed or blocked sixth chakra, an open and expanded sixth chakra offers heightened awareness for greater seeing, possibly even clairvoyance, greater hearing, greater understanding of the world, and a deeper connection to your spirit guides, angels, and Source. When your third eye starts to open and grow, it’s almost like magic. You will begin to see and sense the synchronicity of the universe. Things that would have previously seemed like coincidences suddenly make sense and you realize that nothing is really random—it is all part of the grand design. An expanded sixth chakra allows you to transcend the restrictions of time and space and your personal identity, and gain access to the universal field where all knowledge is stored, and where divine love flows freely. When you awaken the power of your sixth chakra, you receive inspiration, perception, and wisdom beyond your five senses.




Moving up in Consciousness


Essentially, when you fully open your sixth chakra, you attain ascension: a moving up and out of your body into higher realms, an increase in vibration, an expanded consciousness, a realignment with your higher self, and a direct connection to Source and your angels. Normally this type of jump in spiritual level requires a facilitator of some kind, an energy healer or spiritual teacher, to guide the higher vibrational energy into your body as in the case of an initiation, or to lead you in a guided meditation like the one I’ve done in this free video to expand and open your third eye.


Take care of your sixth chakra with energy medicine and regular doses of energy healing from your angels, and your intuition, inspiration, and ability to see beyond will vastly improve.


To learn more about journeying to higher planes and connecting with angels, please check out my three-part live online healing and ascension course, Angels of Energy Healing, where you will learn how to access the healing energy of angels, ascend to higher realms, and experience the life-changing power of divine love. Come join me today!



Are You Receiving Messages from Angels? Find Out!


Have you ever received a sign from the universe? Perhaps you were contemplating a big decision right before bed and then you woke up confident of the right choice, or you were mulling over a problem and the answer seemed to just drop into your head. Maybe you were thinking about contacting an old friend and a song like “Stand By Me” played on the radio, or you were feeling gloomy and the clouds parted to reveal a rainbow and lifted your spirits. These types of drop-in support, guidance, and love are indeed signs from the universe, most likely from your angels! And these angelic messages are more frequent than you might realize, as long as you know where to look.


Angels Standing By


You are surrounded by angels. Right now, and always, you have at least one angel standing by, keeping watch over you, tending to your well-being, and providing healing, hope, and happiness whenever you ask. Keep in mind, you do have to ask. Angels can’t interfere with your life without your permission—they have to abide by the law of free will. The one exception is in life-threatening situations, when they may set off little warning bells in your brain or your gut to alert you to a potentially harmful situation even without you asking. It’s a good thing, too, as in any true emergency, you may not have time to call for help.


Angels were never human, but they can take human form to physically save you from harm, or to deliver a very important message. I have heard stories from many students—and have quite a few of my own that I share in my Angels of Energy Healing Online Course—about people who appeared out of nowhere to answer a question, or to pull them from a burning car or otherwise save them from an immediate threat. Perhaps you have your own mysterious savior story! But angels can also appear to you or answer a question or plea for guidance in ways that are more subtle.




Angel Calling Cards


Angels vibrate at such a high level that it can sometimes be difficult for them to communicate with humans. Or rather, it can be difficult for our limited human brains and bodies to process angel communications. In order to commune with the angels, you either need to raise your own vibration, or be led into the heavenly realms by an experienced spiritual teacher. Because this takes time and practice to master, and is not always practical, angels have figured out other ways to get their messages of support, guidance, and love to you.


Each angel has his own “calling card” so to speak—and as you begin to connect with your angels more and more, you will come to recognize each of your angel’s signs. For example, I always know when Archangel Michael is near by the sound of his wings. Now for you, Archangel Michael may manifest in a scent or repeated number.


While each angel will have its own “vibe,” here are three very common signs of the angels you can watch out for:




  1. Feathers


Ancient artists depicted angels as beings with wings to symbolize their ability to travel back and forth between heaven and earth, and angels themselves have embraced this idea, so feathers have come to be one of their most prevalent signs. You may know that your angel is present when you hear the rustling of feathers as if giant wings are unfurling, or feel the gentle brush of a feather on your cheek or arm.


Feathers themselves can serve as angelic signatures, especially when you see feathers where they wouldn’t normally be. If you see a feather, particularly a pure clean white feather, sitting somewhere that it would make no sense for a feather to be on its own, like your nightstand or office drawer, it is likely a message from your angels.


  1. Music


The songs of the heavenly choirs are almost indescribable—light and beautiful and resonant. So gorgeous and full of love they bring you to tears. When you hear the music of the angels, you will know. And if you do, it means your angels are about to speak to you or save you from danger, so be on alert. Angels may also send you messages or advice through human songs. Have you ever heard the same song five or six or even ten times in the same day in different places? Listen to the lyrics! It is likely your angels giving you a sign.




  1. Physical Sensations


Your body can tell you a lot when you pay attention, including when an angel is present. Because angels exist on a higher plane they can be near you without you seeing them at all—but your energy field and body will pick up on those higher vibrations. The most common physical sensation is a feeling of warmth or a tingling when an angel of energy healing is working on healing your body or chakras. You may also have goose bumps or feel a small amount of pressure in your head or back of the neck. Angel signs in the body are never painful! If you feel pain, something else may be at work.


Increase Your Angel Interactions


There are more angel signs, including light, rainbows, scents, and more. You can increase the frequency of signs from heaven and your ability to connect to your celestial guides and cultivate relationships with your angels by walking the path of light. After all, angels are made of that light. A daily practice of meditation, processing your emotions, and attending energy healing courses and workshops to keep your chakras clear and charged are all important parts of energy medicine, but they also expand your awareness and raise your vibration, making it a bit easier to communicate with the angels.


To find out more about angel signs and how to call on your angels for any type of help at any time, please check out my three-part live online healing and ascension course, Angels of Energy Healing, where you will learn how to access the healing energy of angels, and experience the life-changing power of unconditional love. Come join me today!


Is Unconditional Love Nothing But a Dream?



Human love is rarely unconditional. I experienced this first-hand in my own family. My father loved me deeply but, sadly, was unable to control his tendency to pedophilia. My mother refused to love me, blaming me for stealing my father’s affection. Human love can be selfish and ego-based, and is typically conditional. This is borne out by the record number of parents mistreating their children, family members who no longer speak to each other, the frequency of divorce, and on and on.


Most likely you have experienced a lack of love in one form or another, maybe in judgments from your parents, or a former partner or friend. Some of the saddest examples of conditional human love are gay teens whose parents disown them when they come out with their personal truth. Human love has limits, because humans have limits.


The first time I experienced unconditional love, sitting meditating one morning in the cool pre-dawn hours, I was overwhelmed with how it felt – very different from anything I had ever experienced. Once felt, I began to work every day to recreate that feeling and, ultimately, to be able to share it with others. At first, I could only manage to be in unconditional love (that’s where your heart chakra is open more than 100 degrees) for a few minutes. The more I practiced on different people every day, the better I got. Flash forward 25 years, and now I can keep my heart chakra open to 180 degrees for nearly a day (remember, that’s only half way); it requires tremendous focused intent and leaves me exhausted at the end. Compare Jesus, the greatest healer in modern times, who figured out how to open His heart chakra 360 degrees, allowing Him to heal crowds and walk on water, setting the bar super high for the rest of us. Keep in mind, Jesus was a person, just like you and me, so this is an almost unbelievable human achievement. That’s why 2,014 years later, we’re still talking about Him! And trying to emulate Him!


So love is the most powerful force in the universe. Love neutralizes fear. It can heal you, heal others, change the world. And unconditional love, the love beyond all love, is the most powerful type of love in existence. It is love deeper than you can possibly imagine—you have to feel it for yourself. Once you have felt the all-encompassing love of Source, your heart will be filled to the brim and that unconditional love will start spilling over into the world, touching everyone you interact with and leaving a trail of light and love. Remember that Captain and Tennille song, “Love Will Keep Us Together”? Well quite literally, this kind of love does keep us all together.


What Exactly Is Divine Love?


When I speak of divine love, I mean ultimate unconditional love, the highest, purest, most perfect love you can experience. You can call it Unconditional or Divine or Source or even God; whatever terminology makes you most comfortable. It is all the same force, the same energy. This kind of love is part of the universal field of energy; it is what connects and harmonizes all elements of the universe together.


Unrestricted and Unconditional




Divine love has no limits, no restrictions, no parameters. Divine love is one hundred percent unconditional. Source will love you no matter what you do. There is absolutely nothing you can say or do or even think that will break or undermine the love Source has for you exactly the way you are. There is no judgment, no disappointment, only love. It’s incredibly freeing to know that deep and pure a love.


How Do I get this love?


So how can you experience the unconditional bliss of divine love? If you are reading this, you are already headed in the right direction! Divine love is what you move toward as you walk the path of light – by meditating, working with a spiritual teacher, practicing energy medicine, clearing your chakras, communing with nature, and being of service – each of these steps moves you toward experiencing the immense love of Source and all its benefits. Attending healing courses is another great way to connect to divine love.


Where do the Angels Fit in?


Angels bring divine love down to Earth directly from Source. They radiate divine love, so when you are in contact with your angels, you are receiving the energy of the Divine. They are literally conduits for the unconditional love of Source. Interacting with angels is almost like being able to reach into the heavens, and they’ll take you one step closer to Source.


Some say meditation is a communion with God, and that is one way to look at it. Done correctly, meditation raises your consciousness and propels you into the higher realms where you are more easily able to access your Higher Self, your guides and angels, and, ultimately, Source. In this expanded state, you may feel yourself fill up with peace and love, an effect which can last for hours or days after the meditation. A daily practice of meditation will increase your interactions with the higher realms and the time you spend basking in divine love. Consider guided meditations as well, like the ones I lead in my Angels of Energy Healing Live Online Course, that can take you higher than you are able to go alone.




Your Cup Will Runneth Over


However you experience the power of unconditional love, once you have, you will be utterly filled. There will be so much love inside your Spirit that you won’t be able to contain it, and as your well of love runs over, that love will spread out like a wave, washing over everyone you interact with and lifting their vibration too. Your behavior will shift as well—that love inside you will make you more compassionate and kind. You will be radiating that love through your actions and through your energy field, helping to create more awareness and kindness in turn.


This is how the light revolution will prevail over darkness—through energy healing practitioners and seekers of the light like you raising their own consciousness and opening themselves up to the magnitude and immensity of divine love. You become an ambassador of that divine love, like a pebble tossed in a pond, rippling out love to the world and changing the course of the planet.


If you would like to learn more about how to become an ambassador of divine love, please check out my three-part live online healing and ascension course, Angels of Energy Healing, where you will expand your awareness, learn how to access the healing energy of angels, and experience the life-changing power of unconditional love. Come join me today!



Have You Met Your Angels of Energy Healing?

Did you know there are angels of energy healing out there, waiting to come to your aid? These angels are with you right now—all you have to do is let them know you want their help and they will be by your side in an instant, ready to heal your mind, body, and soul with their powerful celestial energy.

More Than Messengers

Angels are most well-known as messengers of God. In fact, the word angel comes from the Greek word angelos, which means messenger. In the stories of many religions, angels bring God’s word to humans, acting as intermediaries between the heavenly and earthly realms, and angels still serve this role today. But angels are so much more than just messengers!

Angels are also guardians, record-keepers, guidance counselors, muses, best friends, teachers, and in dire circumstances, emergency responders. Angels love you unconditionally—no matter what you do, your angels will still support and stand by you. They’re like family, only better because there is no judgment! But best of all, angels are natural healers and can help you heal anything from a headache to a broken heart to a blocked chakra. All you have to do is ask for their healing touch, because every single angel is an angel of energy healing.

Really feel into your energy field and remember the times in your life when you received a message of love and healing from an angel. It might have been a special sign from a loved one that’s no longer on this plane, a healing phone call from a long-lost friend or a comforting hug when you most needed it. Messages take all shapes and forms, but an angel is always there.


angel statue


Angels of Energy Healing

Angels are literally made of light and love—they are made of energy. They can choose to take human or any other form, but their true, natural state of being is as radiant white light and pure, unconditional love. They still have a consciousness; they are thinking, individual beings with their own personalities, but they do not have a body. They are made of the very thing we use as the healing agent in energy medicine: positive energy! This means that all angels have the ability to energetically heal you instantaneously, no matter what type of healing you need. And trust me, they are among the most powerful energy healers you can find!

Angels are also a connection to divine love—the most powerful love in the universe. Angels live in the radiant love of Source—can you imagine how wonderful that must be?—and they bring that divine love back down to Earth, to you, so that you can experience the life-changing unconditional love of God. Once you have felt the warmth and complete bliss of divine love, your consciousness expands, and you become more self-aware, more aware of the love all around you, and you know in your soul you are loved by Spirit. You also become a beacon of love for others, just like angels.

Ask yourself: When is the last time you felt this powerful sense of Divine Love? Have you ever had a healing experience that was purely angelic? When is the last time you were contacted by an angel while you were meditating or in a dream?

Hear the Angel Voices

Your angels of energy healing are around you at this very moment. They are tuned into your energy and can sense when you are in a life threatening situation, but otherwise they will not interfere with your life unless you ask them to. In my work as a spiritual teacher and energy healer, I often call upon angels as guides to assist in energy healing sessions; they are such powerful natural healers. You’ll definitely want to learn how to contact your angels so you can call them to your side to heal, support, guide, inspire, or simply love you.

Angels don’t have to follow the same rules of time and space as we do, so they are never overworked or too busy for you; you don’t have to worry about “hogging” your angels. They are there for you. A solid spiritual foundation of meditation and healing courses or workshops will heighten your capacity for communicating and interacting with angels, and also provide a strong foundation for ascending to the angel realms where you can hear the celestial choirs.

When is the last time you’ve been guided by an angel to do or say something? Have you ever stopped in your tracks and known that you were walking into danger or dark energy? Your angels will often whisper to you (and occasionally shout)!

Energy Healing, Angelically Super-Charged

In energy healing, I guide light energy from the universal field, through my field, and into your field, just as you do when you perform energy healing on yourself or others. The energy does not come from us; we are just the conduits. When angels perform energy healing through us, the energy is very powerful – just imagine its super-strength!

If you would like to discover even more about how to contact angels and have them heal you, please consider joining me for my three-part healing and ascension course, the Angels of Energy Healing Live Online Event, where you will expand your awareness, learn how to access the healing energy of angels, and experience divine love.




3 Ways Angels Keep You Safe

Have you ever heard that voice in your head that cautions you to take the sharp turn in the road a little more slowly, and then an accident happens right in front of you, an accident you just narrowly avoided? Or maybe you’ve heard the stories of mothers who suddenly develop super strength to lift a heavy piece of furniture off their children, or of other miracles in which fraying ropes hold long enough for last-minute rescues or a search team finds an unconscious missing hiker in a remote part of a park because someone had a “hunch.”

More Than Luck

Incidents like these are quite common, but that doesn’t make them any less astonishing! It’s more than luck. The simple reason for the frequency of these amazing events is that every single person has their own guardian angel, protecting them at all times.

Your guardian angel is present right now, watching you, keeping you out of harm’s reach, and stepping in to help in the face of danger. That mother was able to lift a heavy item because she was blessed with the assistance of a heavenly hand. That search party member who had a “hunch” was receiving a message from an angel—perhaps both his guardian angel and the lost hiker’s angel. As a spiritual teacher and energy healer, I can’t tell you how many stories I’ve heard similar to these in which “miracles” are really the result of angel bodyguards doing their duty. Take a minute to think about your own close-calls. I bet at an angel was involved in at least one of them.

Safety First

Angels are celestial creatures who are connected to God or Source or Spirit, or however you define the unconditional love of the higher realms. Angels’ “job” is to act as messengers between Source and you—they’re quite literally light bearers, bringing light to Earth and inspiring people to be their best selves. This is why invoking angel guides and the study of angels work so well in tandem with energy healing—the goal of each is to expand your awareness and facilitate your transformation into the beacon of light you were born to become.




Of course, in order to be your best self, you have to be healthy and safe, and angels can help you with that as well. Here’s how:

1. Angels are always available when you ask for help.

Aside from life-or-death situations, like the examples above in which angels actually saved lives, angels will not interfere with your free will. Angels’ purpose is to spread light and love, and taking away your ability to choose your own path goes against that purpose. Angels will sit back and let you do as you please, but if you want guidance, all you need to do is ask.

You can call on angels for anything that feels threatening, from a creepy person who seemed to be following you, to an abusive relationship, or even if you just need a dose of divine love from a judgment-free celestial being, angels can be by your side in less time than it would take to send a text. You’ll soon remember when you thought text and email were fast! With angels, you can call them in a tiny fraction of a second. You can even contact your angels in your dreams, or through meditation. Once you know how to contact your angels, they will feel as close as your shadow, easy to turn to for guidance, comfort, or protection when you need it most.

2. There are multiple angels on your speed dial.

Your guardian angels are yours for life, always keeping an eye out for your safety, but there are also additional angels you can call on in specific times of need. For example, Archangel Raphael is associated with healing. Even his name means “one who heals.” Raphael would be a good choice for angelic assistance anytime you need healing.

Other angels have different areas of expertise, and there are many different types of angels, though only some are available to receive contact from humans. Angels, like humans, have their specialties, and learning more about which angels can help you when, and how to contact each type to ask for help is a great place to begin your angel studies. With only a little bit of effort, you can begin contacting your angels anytime you need help with anything from the energy to get through a tough day at work to guidance about whether or not to buy a house or start a business to whether or not to consider someone a potential partner.




3. Angels help you release negative emotions.

One of the tenets of energy healing is that it’s vital to keep your chakras and energy field clear of negativity. Over time, if lower level feelings of anger or shame or envy or what have you are not dealt with, they can get stuck in your body, creating crimps in your energy flow, which eventually lead to physical health issues.

Likewise, if traumas from the past are not properly processed and released, they too can become trapped in your energy field. Whatever the source of the negative emotions, once they become body-bound, they act like plaque in a clogged artery, and must be removed in order to allow for the free-flow of energy to resume.

Angels can help you start processing these emotions, so you can begin to clear your energy field. Before you go to sleep, ask for your angels to gently begin to lift some of the emotional baggage from your body and field, and notice in the morning that you may feel lighter. Just by asking an angel to work on you brings light into your field and body, which pushes out the darkness. Attending healing courses and working with a trained energy healer is also a beneficial move to rid your body and field of unwanted negativity.

These are just a few of the ways in which angels keep you safe. In addition to steering you away from physical danger like falling ladders or car accidents, angels also keep dark forces at bay, lead your spirit on adventures while you’re dreaming or during deep meditation, and teach you what unconditional love truly feels like. Once you’ve experienced the presence of your angel, you’ll feel less alone knowing they are always ready to jump in and help, and you’ll feel more secure, more at peace, and full of a love that goes beyond any human limitations.


If you’re attracted to angels and learning more about how you can call upon these celestial guides for healing and support, click the link to watch a video about how you can discover more!




Supermoon Sunday: Tap into the Power of Lunar Energy


How often do you go outside and look at the moon? You probably spend most of your waking hours enjoying the light of the sun, which is influential in its own right, but did you know that the energy of the moonlight holds its own special power?

What Is a Supermoon?

This Sunday a supermoon will rise into the night sky and bathe the world in its shimmering white light. A “supermoon” is a full moon that occurs when the moon’s orbit is closest to the earth, making the moon appear even bigger and brighter than normal. Lucky us!

A full moon is always a powerful time for meditation, energy healing, and recharging your energy field and chakras. That is why so many cultures have rituals and ceremonies that take place during full moons—the full moon shines down so much pure energy that anything it touches can’t help but feel its radiance and love. The supermoon effect amplifies that power and makes it even stronger.

Energy Medicine and the Full Moon

Energy healing during this potent time can yield incredible results. The illumination it provides is not only physical, but on the soul level as well, lighting up corners of your subconscious and giving you access to insights about your emotions, yourself, and your path, so you’ll definitely want to take advantage of this next week’s lunar energy!

Here are my top 7 ways to do just that:

1. Get in touch with your emotions.

Emotions are magnified during the full moon. Have you ever heard people say, “It must be a full moon,” when things start to go crazy? Since emotions are so easily accessible during this time, it’s a wonderful opportunity to acknowledge and release them. This will help clear your chakras, and allow for the healing energy of the full moon to work its magic. Journaling is especially beneficial right now, and in addition to expressing your inner truths and feelings, it’s a good time to write out your intentions, make decisions about what you really want, and fully embrace your truest self.

2. Take a moon bath.

The moonlight is cleansing to your mind, body, and spirit, so spending time under its vibrant white glow is like a soothing bath without the water. Take a walk under the moon, preferably with some of your skin bared to the light. Gaze up at the brilliance of the moon for as long as you can, basking in its energy and love. What do you feel in your body and in your chakras? What messages is the moon lighting up inside of you? A moon bath steeps your body and spirit in purifying light, washing away negativity and leaving you fresh and renewed.

3. Manifest your desires.

Harness the positive energy of the moon by envisioning your goals and dreams. Spend some time picturing your life as you wish it to be. What are your intentions? The full moon will magnify any energy you send out, and help guide it into the welcoming embrace of the universe. Be clear and specific about what you wish to manifest and don’t be surprised when your intentions come true.


4. Release negativity.

The moon’s light is so strong, it’s hard for darkness to stand up in the face of its glory. The moon can reach the deepest parts of your soul and pull out the things you’ve been hiding or trying to ignore. The moon illuminates any negative emotions stored in your chakras or your body and reflects that knowledge back to you so that you can begin the process of clearing those blockages through meditation, healing courses, or other means.

5. Be creative.

What is your special talent or hobby? Do you paint or cook or act or sing? Maybe you enjoy decorating or gardening or a sport. The full moon is the time to do whatever creative activity makes you feel joyful! Any creations you make this next week will be imbued with the light and energy of the full moon, and can even act as special tokens or talismans that will allow you to recall the moon’s energy whenever you need it in the future.

6. Sleep outside.

I try to sleep outside all summer, and especially during the full moons. So this warm August night, why not give it a try? Grab a sleeping bag or blanket and head out under the canopy of sparkling stars and the glowing full moon and just bask in the light. Meditate or even say a little prayer, and let the peace and beauty of the moon soak into your body and soul while you sleep. You’ll wake up refreshed and rejuvenated.

7. Boost your feminine energy.

Women, take note: you in particular need the feminine lunar energy of the moon in order to keep your energy field vibrant and strong. This is not to discount the guys, because they need feminine energy as well—remember everything is about balance—but the female energy of the moon is absolutely essential for women to maintain the health of their field. Of course, all energy healing efforts are boosted by a full moon, but gals may find this time especially fruitful during.

I hope that you’ll try some or all of these techniques during this coming supermoon weekend. At the very least, make an effort to get outside this next weekend and enjoy the benefits of spending time lovingly enveloped in the soft white glow of the moon!


Five Signs That You’re Ready to Initiate


It happens at more and more of my healing courses these days: students experiencing initiations, or spiritual advancement. I used to facilitate just one or two initiations per year, and now I find them happening every day, sometimes to an entire room of people!

As you climb to higher and higher levels of consciousness through initiations, you are also helping to raise the vibration of the whole planet. Initiations come from a place of unconditional love, and that love touches the hearts of everyone who is lucky enough to witness it, and everyone who comes into contact with the initiate.

For such a life-altering event, initiations can sometimes be confusing, especially if you’re new to them. Below are the top five questions I get asked about initiations with answers I hope will help clarify things as well as get you excited by the prospect of your own initiation!

1. What is an initiation?

The short version is that an initiation is a spiritual step up, like moving to the next grade in school. The longer explanation is that initiations are the process of reconnecting with Source, one level at a time. Just as you wouldn’t go from first to sixth grade, you can’t just jump up to the same spiritual plane where Spirit exists from here on the physical plane, it would be too high a vibration to handle all at once. You have to move slowly, raise your vibration level by level. Initiations bring in higher level energy, raise your awareness, and open you up to spiritual gifts.




Initiations happen in all cultures, though they go by different names. In India they call this energy the kundalini rising, in western Christian cultures where I first learned of this process they call them initiations, but it is all the same energy. Whether the facilitator is a Brazilian shaman beating a drum, a Texan minister speaking in tongues, or an energy healer and spiritual teacher like me, the Source energy that flows through us is the same, bringing you expanded awareness and a deeper tie to Spirit.

2. Why are initiations happening more frequently now?

Spirit has infinite information and infinite wisdom; it knows what this planet needs and when. Our world has grown so large so fast, we can barely keep up with ourselves. With increased connectivity it is easier for good energy to spread through the means of Skype and Facetime, so much so that we can even do energy healing sessions and healing courses via the internet!

But this also means that negative energy can spread more rapidly as well, and since negativity is always desperately seeking the light, Spirit saw a need for more light bearers to come into their full potential sooner. If more and more people initiate to higher awareness, the world will start to heal from the inside out.

3. How can I encourage an initiation?

You cannot force an initiation to occur, but what you can do is build a strong base for the initiation to rest on. Prayer, meditation, running, nature, or something else that brings you into mind, body, and spirit into alignment is a good place to start your spiritual practice for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is the link to initiations. Sometimes a student will have the initiation energy waiting above their head, ready to download into their body, but there is no base for me to place it on. You must have a spiritual practice, whether that be meditation or prayer or something like that as a foundation. I never have limiting beliefs about what that foundation can be for an individual – one time, it was pole dancing!




But the best thing you can do is be of service. Chop wood, carry water. Do the manual labor; don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty—literally or metaphorically. Maybe you can plant trees in your neighborhood or volunteer to work with homeless teens. Anything you do that is in service to others, giving your time and energy to benefit someone else with no expectation of reward—that is when Spirit will reward you with a step up.

4. Why do I cry at an initiation, even if it’s not happening to me?

Initiations are pure, unconditional love. When I say you initiate to a higher vibration, well, that vibration is love. When that love comes from Source and into your energy field and body, your heart chakra opens wide to welcome it in. Not just your heart chakra, but anyone who is present, live or via the internet, anyone who witnesses that initiation has their heart chakra expanded, too. That’s why you feel all warm and fuzzy inside at my workshops when other students initiate—your heart chakra is opening, and that can bring tears to your eyes.

5. How can I tell what my level of initiation is?

The best approach to take with initiations is to try not to wonder what level you are on. Curiosity is one thing, but it can be hard to keep curiosity from turning into an egotistical need to know, which defeats the purpose of striving to be of service. Attending energy healing courses and workshops and working with a trained energy healer will help you get a sense of where you are and how much work needs to be done to prepare your energy field for an initiation.

First and second level initiations are subtle and do not require a spiritual teacher to facilitate. In fact, if you are reading this, there is a very good chance that you have already initiated to the second level and you didn’t even notice. Beyond that, a spiritual teacher is needed to be the conduit for the energy from Source to you in higher level initiations.

Initiations are like cats—they come when you stop calling for them or asking them to show up. Meditate and being of service is the best advice I have for preparing for initiations. When you are so engaged with spreading positivity beyond yourself, the initiation will materialize when you least expect it, just like a cat. And it will bring you more joy than you can possibly imagine. It will also bring you para-normal spiritual gifts, perhaps clairvoyance or the ability to know beyond this plane, or perhaps even the gift of healing!

