With all that’s going on in the world, do you feel called to help change the world?
Do you feel called to really step into the life you were meant to live so you can bring your gifts where they’re so needed?
Maybe you have spiritual gifts awakening inside you… perhaps energy healing or telepathy or clairvoyance…
Or maybe there’s a creative project you’ve been meaning to tackle — it could be anything — perhaps a book you were meant to write that will help shift people’s thinking and change old systems that don’t support humanity or the planet…
You might feel a call to be an activist or to step deeper into activism — for women, for children, for immigrants, for endangered species…
Or a game-changing idea for addressing climate change, reducing plastic, or guiding companies on ethical practices…
People around the world are awakening to the need for change, and maybe your gift is igniting them into action, giving them hope, counseling them, or giving them guidance to grow.
Whatever you’re called to, if you’re getting little nudges, it’s no wonder…
The “global pause” has not been easy for many, but it’s certainly brought a lot of time for reflection on what needs to change.
While these times we’re living are certainly “unprecedented,” they’re transformational times…
… catalytic times, rife with potential, calling you to action to help birth a new Earth.
For all we know, we could look back on 2020 and think of it as “The Year We Seized the Chance to Make Gigantic Changes.”
Now more than ever, it’s time for you to step into leadership. Because when you achieve the life you were meant to live, you lead others by example, but you also lift as you RISE.
Are you ready to be who you’re meant to be, to become a leader in your sphere of influence?
To be an agent of powerful, positive change in the world?
To create the life you want for yourself, your family, the Earth?
One of the keys to creating this needed change — and stepping into leadership in your life, your community, and beyond — is through raising your frequency and connecting to your higher guidance.
In this 7-minute video, I will lead you through a powerful practice to raise your frequency and connect you to your higher guidance — and the unique mission of your Soul to be a leader.
Remember you have infinite power to help make the changes we need in our world.
Remain open for messages from your heart… it always has guidance for you, and may send you “nudges” in the most unexpected ways.
And stay tuned for the next part in this series where we will access the wisdom of your upper chakras and higher realms for more guidance and grounding for your leadership role.
For more information on stepping into your role as a leader in every aspect of your life, you can check out my Lifeforce Energy Master Certification Course. Open Enrollment closes soon.