Power of red coral

The Unique Balancing Power of Red Coral

Gemstones are resonant objects, objects that pulsate and vibrate with the resonance of specific planets and cadences, providing us connectivity and understanding.

A gemstone, at its very basic definition, is a mineral which has been cut or polished. These minerals are created through the rhythmic creation processes of Earth — from volcanic eruptions to intense pressure under the layers of Earth. It’s a beautiful process whose product – gems – reflect and capture the energies and motions of the Earth, and it is these captured rhythms which we strive to sync.

But not all stones come from those processes. In fact, one stone – red coral – comes from a unique and altogether wonderful process on Earth. I want to share this process with you.

Red coral comes from a life cycle. We’ve all seen images of the beautiful coral reefs in the oceans, or perhaps taken a snorkeling trip through the underwater forests. The coral that forms these reefs are the exoskeletons of living organisms.

Coral was alive. These small, precious living things live, thrive, and die in colonies. As they continuously grow and die, they deposit small amounts of calcium carbonate – the same mineral that makes up pearls and eggshells. These small deposits grow over time, building these magnificent underwater forests that we call reefs.

Within these mineral skeletons, new corals continuously grow, giving rise to coral’s nickname: living rock. This lifecycle is what makes coral so vibrant, so unique among the gemstones that we study and align with. It’s a powerful, deeply connective stone that is in tune with the oceanic circle of life.

Red coral, due both to its red color and its very deep and root resonance to life, aligns with the planet Mars. Mars, which we affectionately call the Red Planet, exists as a symbol of masculine virility, passion, and war throughout cultures in the East and the West — in both Vedic and Western astrology. When properly aligned, Mars’s energy brings vitality, strength, resolve, and passion. When overly charged, Mars’s energy can bring anger, irrationality, pain, and destruction.

The ancients knew this. The Greek thinkers specifically understood that Mars energy, whom they called Ares, ran the risk of becoming too aggressive, too warlike. They understood that Mars energy needed to be moderated. They understood that Mars energy could consume an unwary soul. In those days, they would call upon the wisdom of Athena — the goddess of wisdom and strategy — to moderate that passion. Today, while you still may call upon your higher divine wisdoms, I encourage you to also look to precious red coral. Remember, within this precious gemstone is an entire ecosystem of life, death, creation, and destruction.

This tether to life and death, unique to coral among all gemstones, imbues this stone with a profoundly moderating energy, which helps you filter out the aggressive powers that Mars can bring. This is the beauty of red coral. It strengthens you with the powerful gifts of Mars, while preventing you from falling into the throes of irrational passion.

When you connect with Mars, and I encourage you to do so, do remember that you are dealing with a powerful, primordial energy. Respect the vast, passionate, masculine power that flows through Mars, and understand that this energy should be moderated and mediated. You may also wish to call upon the strength and wisdom of the Pallas Athena. Her energy is best thought of as strong, even-tempered, intellectual, and righteous.

The beautiful and oceanic power native to red coral provides an excellent and protective conduit for this energy. I would love to teach you more about how to connect with the vibrational frequencies of gemstones and planets such as red coral and Mars. If you’re interested, please come and join me at the Shift Network, where I’ll soon be teaching a seven-week course on Vibrational Medicine.

Come on over and resonate with us!

Vibrational Medicine

The Science Behind Vibrational Medicine

You are a living, breathing field of energy. Your body is made up of molecules and atoms that produce energy, which is always in motion. So like everyone and everything else in the universe, you are creating energy through your vibrations.

My field of energy medicine is also called vibrational medicine because we use the energy within and around you to benefit your health.

Research has shown how the body’s electrical and magnetic energies kickstart the chemical processes of the body, and there is evidence that these energies definitely impact your health.

Vibrations work in a rhythm. There are big rhythmic patterns, like the ocean tides or the changing seasons. Inside your body, your beating heart, the rate of your breathing, and circadian rhythms can all be felt and measured.

But there are also much smaller vibrations happening inside your cells. Researchers have even been able to detect the nanovibrations of a single strand of hair!

All these big and small vibrations together generate waves of electromagnetic energy. The vibrations and the energy they create can change your cells, which in turn affect the way your body is working.

The molecules of your body vibrate at different rates, which can move faster or slower when things change. For example, a change in temperature can affect a molecule’s vibration.

What those of us in energy medicine have long known, and researchers are now studying, is the way your body’s rhythmic vibrations, and therefore your health, are affected by your thoughts and emotions. Anxious thoughts, for example, trigger stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, which speed up or slow down your heart rate. A continued change in vibration over time can affect your health.

Your personal energy field and its chakras are powered by your emotions. That’s such a key point – let me repeat it: your thoughts and emotions affect your field and your rate of vibration. If you are inundated with negative thoughts, you will vibrate at a lower frequency. If you are exposed to an ongoing low frequency energy, you will feel negative and may eventually become ill.

Think of the way the vibrations of music can affect how you think and feel, and thus affect your body. You know how the music in the movie amps up the intensity of what you’re seeing on the screen. The soundtrack for action movies, for example, pumps up the tension and your sense of excitement at key points with a rapid tempo, while chick-flics inevitably have a string orchestra playing love songs to lift you into a heart space.

If you change your thoughts and emotions, and even your environment, you can slow down or speed up the vibrations that are happening at the cellular level. A change in even the smallest nanovibrations can influence how you feel and the health of your body. It’s the mind-body connection.

Science doesn’t yet understand how vibrational energy does what it does in your body, but in vibrational medicine we see how a change in your body’s vibrations can shift your mood, improve your health, and help you realize your goals and dreams.

You are very susceptible to changes in frequency – the rate of vibration. There is plenty of evidence that links positive patterns of thoughts and feelings to better health and overall well-being. A high enough frequency, created by vibrations of joy, peace, and forgiveness, and you feel good, happy to be alive, and grateful for your spiritual awakening and your community. If your vibration dips too low, you may feel fearful, confused, angry, or in despair.

My goal, as a teacher of vibrational medicine, is to help you elevate your frequency, so you vibrate at a higher rate and be filled with positivity, wellness, and light.

The higher your frequency, the more likely you are to experience an initiation, those illusive step-ups in spirituality that I’m famous for helping occasion: spiritual breakthroughs in which you are admitted to the higher planes. Just as initiations are forms of higher consciousness, so too their existence is predicated on higher frequency wavelengths.

When our atoms vibrate together – or resonate – they form a connected consciousness. That is why when you resonate with another being, you feel less like a solitary figure and more part of the whole. Raising your individual consciousness requires raising your vibratory resonance, so you can connect with others and with the universe at large. Your field must oscillate faster and more intensely to resonate with the manifest beauty the universe has to offer you.

Want to experience a higher frequency? Come join me this coming Saturday, June 5, at 10:00 a.m. Pacific, on Shift Network, as I go in-depth on this topic and lead a guided meditation to do that very thing!


The beauty of your unique advanced gifts


Earlier, we talked about the incredible beauty we all discover throughout our process of initiating through higher levels. Today, I want to deepen that conversation. I want to talk about the advanced gifts that you will discover throughout your own initiation journey.

What’s an advanced gift?

You already have several, even though you may not be aware of what they are, exactly. An advanced gift is an outsized spiritual power that you are already blessed with – one that with a little focusing and guiding can become stronger and more beautiful.

Think about it for a second – we will often say that people are born with “the gift of gab” or “she’s a great listener.” These advanced gifts are a little bit like that, except we examine them on a deeper, more spiritual level. Instead of “the gift of gab,” maybe you have a profound ability to speak to others in meaningful ways, and share the higher wisdom of the universe to those who need guidance.

So today, I want to bring you on a meditative journey to help discover, identify, and strengthen your advanced gifts.

A gift so many of us have – and forms the basis of medical intuition – is our intuition itself. We intuit all the time. Perhaps you’ve gotten a sense of what someone was going to say, right before they said it. Or your gut told you, “you shouldn’t take that job offer” only for the company to go belly-up within a few months.

Intuition, right?

There are many more advanced gifts, such as the ability to sense the energies and energy fields of others, to commune with the spirits of those who have departed ahead of us, or simply to connect and ground yourself to the greater world. We all, thankfully, are blessed with a wonderful assortment of advanced gifts that we can strengthen by simply being cognizant of their existence.

There is so much more to unlocking the power of advanced gifts, and I cannot wait to share with you these wondrous insights. Please follow along with me in this guided meditation to learn how you can tap into your ancient, advanced gifts. I’ll teach you how to begin strengthening them and using them in your life.

One way to unlock your advanced gifts is to align your personal energy field and achieve a higher vibrational frequency. That may be easier said than done, but I’ll be sharing how you can do just that during a free event in partnership with The Shift Network. I’d love to have you join me. Click here to reserve your free seat >>


You decided to come here


Here’s what’s amazing. Each of us chose to come to Earth.

We are reincarnated countless times. Each time, we choose to come to Earth to learn certain lessons, to evolve our own consciousness, and to get closer to our own higher selves. It’s immaculate.

And each time we reincarnate onto Earth, our memories of our past lives are wiped clean. This allows us to go through our current journey on Earth unencumbered.

But, it makes finding our purpose a little difficult sometimes. We’ve all felt that. We have all struggled many times to understand why we are here, why we chose to come here.

Though we cannot recall our true origin, or our conscious purpose, we can intuit our purpose if we listen closely. When we are still, when we reflect, we can sense a nagging or a knowing where we begin to understand what we are meant to do.

From there, we can make conscious decisions that lead us closer to discovering our purpose. As we continue down our path to our purpose, our consciousness can shift into a higher level.

This shift is called initiation. It’s an integral part of our process of becoming enlightened, and it’s what I want to talk to you about today.

Initiation is not a “one-and-done.” Indeed, there are hundreds of levels that you can be initiated through, as your being learns to vibrate at higher and higher frequencies. However, on our time here on Earth, it’s very rare (if not impossible) to advance beyond level seven.

But what are these levels? What does it mean to ascend to level three? How do you know you are ready for an initiation? Can you will yourself to have an initiation?

Great questions. These are things I am asked frequently. And while I’ll go over some of the specifics in my video, I want to stress that no, you cannot force an initiation. Instead, you have to be receptive, but not on push. It’s a bit like love, right? You can’t force love. You can only prepare yourself to be in a great place to accept love when it arrives.

So, in this video, I’ll talk to you about the initiations. I’ll explain the seven levels of initiation. I’ll give you some meditative guides on the first four levels, help you prepare your mind for initiation, and tell you a little about my experience having my own initiations.

Join me, and learn about your soul’s ancient journey from the time before time, and learn how your choices you make today can guide your soul to its hidden purpose.

To continue your journey, I encourage you to check out our year-long Master-in-Training program. This exclusive, intensive program is designed to help you heal emotionally, physically, and spiritually while uncovering your true purpose in this Earthly existence; to initiate and shift into higher and higher vibrational frequencies. If you’re ready to step into your true purpose, take the first step by clicking here.
Let in the Light

Follow the Light

Your eyes are closed. Warm, humid air nestles on your cheeks. The air feels palpable. You lie still, rocking on what feels like water, yet, oddly, you remain dry.

You open your eyes. It’s dark. Warmly dark. Enveloping dark. Above you: a warm darkness. Below you: darkness. In front and to the behind, more dark.

It’s pleasant. Like a warm summer’s night, just as the breeze dies down when the sun finally sets.

Where are you? Where are we?

We are at the beginning. The beginning of where all consciousness begins on the journey to enlightenment. In the dark.

You blink once, twice, three times for good measure. A small dot in the distance. A dot that stands out against the darkness. You can see it. In fact, it’s the only thing you can see. It is, in fact, light. Illumination. Unsure why, you find yourself drawn toward the light. Pressing forward. Pushing through the darkness.

As you lean into the illumination, your own body becomes apparent. You can feel your legs walking forward. You can now see the ground beneath your feet. Behind you: shadow. You turn your head around and see that the darkness has grown more pronounced. More defined. Delineated between what is light and where there is no light.

For the first time, you feel fear of this dark. Even though, before, the dark was all-encompassing. Now, split by the light, the dark feels stronger. You can even see yourself reflected in the dark.

This is your shadow. Notice how it grows larger as you walk forth into the light. Notice how the shadows of all the lit rocks, hills, trees, and people grow greater as the light shines forth.

The light illuminates all. That is what light does.

From the ancient religions of Zoroastrianism, Hinduism, Judaism, and Orthodox Christianity, great teachers have understood that light is divine. Light, is the source of all life and consciousness. Thousands of years before scientists understood how stars fused hydrogen to helium – releasing tremendous energy and life-bringing light, primitive humans knew that the light was life.

And it is. Without the brilliance of light, we’d have no home for life. We’d have no plants to photosynthesize and produce oxygen. We’d have no warmth. We’d be cold and in the dark – huddled around the few sources of heat our planet produces.

But we have light, and we give thanks to the light. We celebrate Diwali, the festival of light that honors the victory of light over darkness. We celebrate Easter, where Christ, light incarnate, arose from the dead, having gained victory over death and Hades.

I love these celebrations. And I love that we celebrate these victories of the light over darkness yearly. Because while the religious events that we celebrate may have occurred once, the journey of light over darkness is continual.

And that is because the darkness is but the absence of light. And the greater the light expands, the more darkness we are able to see.

Return, for a moment, to our warm, humid darkness. Imagine you hold but a single candle. It extends a circle of light around you – just one foot wide. Around that: darkness. But how much darkness is there? It’s hard to say. From where you’re standing, it appears to simply be where the light stops – 1 foot away.

But grow that light. When the light grows to ten feet wide, we can see so much more. We see so much light! But we also see the limits of that light. And we see that the darkness expands far more than we originally understood. Now, darkness surrounds our circle for 10 feet instead of 1.

This is why we always celebrate the victory of light over the dark – because the light’s illumination is continually expanding. And as the dark retreats, more is uncovered. Our shadows grow longer. This growing darkness may give us pause – may make us yearn for the days when our light was smaller – when the world was simpler.

When these moments feel overwhelming, when the pull of the darkness feels so warm, I want you to do one thing: find the light. Find the tiny, pin-drop light that was there at the beginning. And hold that light true. That light is your compass. Stand in the light. Sit in the light. Lie down in the light. Bask in that one dot of light, until it overwhelms you with safety and security.

And when you’re ready, walk toward it once again.

It’s a long journey, and the shadows the light raises may be imposing. But the light is life, and by journeying through the light, your true self will be illuminated.

Follow the light, bathe in the light. Come celebrate the light with me.

If you’re a guy or a gal ready to bring more light into your own world, and into the world of those closest to you, join Deborah for a transformational seven week journey as she helps you Awaken the Divine Feminine – an energy source essential for light…and enlightenment. Click here to join the journey now.

Learn Energy Healing

The One Secret You Need to Know to Awaken Your Inner Energy Healer

Learn Energy Healing

Long ago, humans had powers that today we consider extraordinary. Our ancestors were able to connect to each other through telepathy, talk to loved ones who had passed beyond the physical plane, and conduct powerful healings using energy medicine. Though energy healing is no longer an everyday routine for most people, those skills are not lost! Energy medicine can become a daily part of your life like it was for the ancients, and with this secret I’m going to share, you can learn to heal yourself, your family and friends, and even your pets. You have an energy healer inside you—it’s just waiting to be awakened!

Healing at Your Fingertips

Shamans and medicine men and women were respected for their wisdom and knowledge, which was passed down through generations. I have been fortunate enough to study with religious leaders, shamans, and even mystical beings on other planes in order to hone my own healing abilities and become a spiritual teacher who can now guide you into the realms of spirit. With this technique, you can become a shaman—a healer. You will be amazed as your natural-born healing talents emerge and you can heal yourself emotionally, physically, and spiritually, and begin to treat others for their ailments as well. The power of healing can be quite literally at your fingertips.

The First Step to Energy Healing

Energy healing begins with doing the requisite self-work to resolve issues that may be disrupting the flow of energy in your field. The work can include spending time in nature to get grounded, meditating to expand your consciousness, journaling to get in touch with your emotions and release past emotional traumas, and healing courses in order to clear your chakras of blockages. You may have already reached a higher state of consciousness and are prepared to take the next step on your journey toward becoming an energy healer.

You probably know about the seven chakras which are points on your body that spin energy in and out from your personal energy field to the universal energy field. But did you know there is another key point that is essential to uncovering your spiritual gifts, including the gift of healing? This point is often overlooked, but it’s very important. Let me introduce you to the thymus.

Where Your Spiritual Development Sits

Your thymus is a lymphoid gland that is part of your immune system and has a direct impact on your health by helping your body fight viruses. Your thymus also plays a chief role as the seat of your spiritual development.

The thymus is a small raised spot on your chest, between your throat chakra and your heart chakra, just below the space where the two sides of your collar bone come together. This acorn-sized gland can have mountain-sized effects on your physical, emotional, and spiritual health, and activating your thymus can boost your spiritual growth and reveal your inherent energy healing capabilities. That’s right. Activating your thymus is the secret to uncovering your inner energy healer!

Small Gland, Huge Spiritual Impact

When you activate your thymus, it becomes expanded, triggering the opening of channels to higher realms. An activated thymus acts like a beacon, telling the universe that you are part of the pantheon of light workers, that your intentions are full of love. This message spreads throughout the cosmos and becomes your special “signature.” Your thymus activation will also help prepare you for spiritual initiations into higher levels, which means you will be a step closer on the path to Source.

Say Hello to Your Inner Energy Healer

As your thymus opens further, the spiritual talents you have will reveal themselves. Since energy healing sits in our collective unconscious, you have the ability to heal even if it doesn’t manifest itself immediately after activating your thymus. We all move at our own spiritual pace, and your journey can’t be rushed, but trust that you will develop the skills as long as your intention remains true. In the video below I walk you through the complete process of activating your thymus so you can connect to Spirit and wake the inner energy healer I know is inside of you. It’s who you were born to be, so embrace your birthright today.

With an activated thymus, your healing powers will continue to grow until you’re conducting healings on your friends and family if that’s your goal. Whatever level of healing ability you would like to achieve, an activated and expanded thymus is a solid foundation on which to build your practice of energy medicine.

If you’re drawn to energy healing and would like to develop your innate abilities, check out my LifeForce Energy Healing® I Certification Course, that teaches you how to heal yourself and others, PLUS certifies you in the field of Energy Healing!


Embracing the Liminality of 2020

I want to talk with you about liminality. About thin places. Thin times.

Liminality refers to a state of transition or of a rite of passage. It is an innate quality present within a space, a time, or a person.

Perhaps the most popular date of liminality would be Hallowtide – the three days making up Hallowe’en, All Saints’ Day, and All Souls’ Day, which I wrote and spoke about at length last Fall.

We see the liminality of Hallowtide reflected in our celebrations. We embrace our fears of death as we cuddle on the couch watching the latest horror film. We embody our fears as we dress in the clothes of our monsters and ghosts. We commune with death as we make offerings to our departed loved ones.

Hallowtide is a thin time. I want to talk about another thin time.

Friends, this year has been (for all of us) a very trying time. Many of us have lost loved ones. Many of us have had close calls with death ourselves. Destruction, anxiety, and illness have been more present this year than in many generations.

It appears that this year itself has been a thin time. The veil between our worlds feels gossamer where it once felt heavy.

It’s an uneasy time. This feeling of thinness between our worlds has made everyone feel uneasy.

As we depart from Hallowtide and move toward the Winter Holidays, it can be tempting to try and ignore the thinning of the veil. The Winter Solstice has always been a spiritual and natural “reset” for our world, bringing new vitality as the sun begins to increase in strength again.

So many have thought “2020 is going to be a year not to repeat. 2021 is my 2020 do-over.”

What you’re hoping for is to simply “patch up” the veil between our worlds. It’s a natural reaction to such a complicated time. It’s not fun being uneasy. You want that unstable feeling to end.

But these thin times are rare, and it is important to understand the opportunity, wisdom, and enlightenment that thin moments and thin places can offer.

Just as on Dia de Los Muertos, you commune with your ancestors, during the waning weeks of 2020, you must commune with the energy flowing between our worlds.

I know that is a difficult choice. After all, it sometimes feels that far more energy has flown from our world to the spirit world this year. It can be vulnerable to open yourself up to the other world. But embracing the power of liminality allows you to cultivate understanding and enlightenment, helping you start the new year on the right foot.

So how do you embrace liminality?

Find thin places. Thin places are physical, real places where the distance between our world and the spirit world is at its closest. These places may not be the same for everyone.

For some of you, these thin places might be as simple as a hill in an empty forest. For others, a grand ruin in a far-off country might be the thinnest of places. It’s a place where there is an immediate sense that a greater power is present. You feel connected to a force, an energy, a divinity that you can’t discern elsewhere.

Stand still in the thin places. Don’t interrogate. Be present, and allow yourself to become a vessel, a conduit for wisdom and light. Imbue yourself with the energy that crosses over.

As you approach the Winter Holidays of Christmas, Hannukah, Yule, Kwanzaa, and many others, fully enmesh yourself in the ritual of these holidays.

Ritual without meaning is ceremony. Fully realized ritual allows you to tap into the energy of this thin time.

Your rituals, whether it be lighting advent candles, burning the yule log, or baking Christmas cookies, further thins the veil between our worlds. Use your rituals to glean insight from the thinness of 2020. Use this insight to position yourself for 2021.

Let the thin times roll!

2020 Winter Solstice

The Abduction of Persephone, the Goddess Queen of the Underworld in the Dark Days of Winter

The trees are bare and stark. The sky blackens with storm clouds. It gets dark outside early in the day. In the gloomiest part of the year, all you may want is to sit in front of a blazing fire, snuggled up in a warm blanket, a cup of hot chocolate in hand. But know that we’re coming up to the Winter Solstice, when, slowly but surely, the light starts coming back. In the dead of winter, when spring’s flowers and budding trees are still months away, the days start getting longer, and more light starts to infiltrate our awareness.

The descent into darkness is laid out in the Greek myth of Persephone. Zeus gives his brother Hades (the King of the Underworld) permission to abduct his daughter Persephone. Hades rises up from a dark hole in the earth, seizes Persephone, and takes her off to the underworld to be his wife. The permission given to Hades by Zeus shows that the journey into darkness is not at odds with the will of heaven. Her abduction is a step forward in her growth as a spiritual being, a rite of passage into a fuller life.

Persephone resists this process, as we all do. She seeks help from gods and men, none of whom will come to her rescue. Finally her mother, Demeter, appeals to Zeus and he agrees to set Persephone free—if she has not eaten any food in the underworld. By the time Hermes arrives in the underworld with Zeus’s message, Persephone has already eaten some pomegranate seeds. As a compromise, she is allowed to spend six months a year with her mother in the upper world, and then must join her husband in the underworld for the rest of the year. Thus, Persephone encounters her shadow side most profoundly through her intimate relationship.

The spiritual journey is more than just an ascent into the light; it is also a descent into the shadow world, where we earn the wisdom we need to be lightbearers. Of course, the best way to stay in the light, no matter how dark the winter (or your life) may be, is to connect with the light within you in whatever way you find most conducive. You may do it through a practice of meditation and/or prayer, through any of the creative arts, or through some form of service to those who are in need.

You can find comfort and warmth by joining with others, whether in traditional religious holiday observances or by creating your own ceremonies and traditions. Shared experiences of consciousness are a powerful way to increase your light.

It’s possible to find light even in our darkest moments in life. Like Persephone’s underworld, the darkness holds the source of our greatest illumination. My diagnosis of cancer as a young woman held within it the seed of my becoming a healer. Your higher self, your inner Zeus, knows what you need in order to grow stronger in the light.

Are you in the grips of the underworld? Instead of denying or running away from or fighting against a plunge into an emotional, physical, mental, or spiritual dark night of the soul, use whatever challenges come your way to grow inside. Here are some tips on how to surrender to the process and come out lighter and brighter:

  • Don’t label something as bad or wrong. Let go of the need to judge what is happening to you. Accept the experience for what it is.
  • Don’t blame others. Take responsibility for your own life.
  • Stop projecting stories from your past onto this moment in time. The same goes for living in fear of the future.
  • Embrace whatever challenges come your way, and don’t worry if things don’t turn out as you had planned. Trust that higher forces are guiding you.
  • Even though you might not be able to see the big picture yet, know that there is a reason for whatever you are experiencing. You are part of the grand plan.
  • Be at peace, and be willing to do the inner work that is needed to heal the outer struggle.


We are all being called to be lightbearers, to help shine light in the dark corners of the world. We are spiritual beings who are here with a purpose and a mission. Our soul qualities need to develop. So whatever dark days you are living through, know that there is, in fact, light at the end of the tunnel. Persephone arises into the upper world every spring, signaling the time of rebirth into the light.


3 Ways to Beat Stress Now

Are you stressed out? Perhaps even at this very minute you’re feeling overwhelmed. Stress is part of your body’s natural fight-or-flight response to danger, and it’s necessary. Your ancestors needed that adrenaline rush so they could run away from tigers, avalanches, and enemy tribes and you need that adrenaline to escape real physical danger as well. The stress response can help you pull through a difficult time, as long as it’s only temporary. What you don’t need or want is a constant underlying stress—that type of all-the-time stress is often the result of an imbalanced first chakra, and is hugely detrimental to your health and quality of life.

But there’s hope! In fact, clearing and balancing your first chakra is something you can do relatively easily with energy healing techniques to help ground you and reconnect you to your body.

Chakras: the Governors of Your Health

If you’re familiar with yoga or energy healing, you already know that chakras are focal points of energy in your body that line up along your spine. There are seven body chakras, and each one corresponds to different body parts and emotional and mental arenas. Together, the seven chakras govern all areas of your life, from relationships to affluence, communication to career, and every aspect of your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

When a chakra is clear and open, it spins gently, moving energy in and out between your personal field and the universal field of energy. You need this fresh energy from the unified field to nourish you and keep you healthy. If your chakras are imbalanced or blocked, your energy flow becomes blocked as well, which can result in all kinds of health problems. A distorted first chakra can lead to issues with your immune system, your legs and feet, your tail bone and colon, and your bones.

Chronic Stress and the First Chakra

If any of your chakras are distorted, it can cause stress, but the most classic cause of chronic stress I see in people is the generalized anxiety created by an ungrounded first chakra. This is the stress that sometimes fades but never disappears, and often occurs even when there are no external stressors.

If you experience constant stress even when life is relatively calm, and you have some of the physical symptoms mentioned above and/or any of these other common symptoms of an imbalanced first chakra: a “spacey” or “floaty” feeling, trouble with organization or focus, fatigue, problems sleeping, or feeling like a victim, your first chakra probably needs some attention and healing.

Causes of an Imbalanced First Chakra

Distortions in the first chakra can be caused by any type of violence or trauma that made you feel unsafe, especially if you experienced the event as a child. Abuse, abandonment, divorce, accidents, and illness are all common triggers for distancing yourself from your body because it’s too painful or scary to stay. This is a defense mechanism I employed myself—shutting down my first chakra and leaving my body to survive the pain of an abusive childhood. What it took me years of energy healing courses, working with spiritual teachers and healers, and meditation to learn was that the only way I could heal the trauma was to be in my body. You can really only protect yourself from harm if you stay present and stay connected through your root chakra.

Your Base, Roots, and Foundation

Your first chakra is your foundation. It is located at the base of your spine and it’s the base of your whole chakra system. What happens if you try to build a structure on a wobbly foundation? The structure will be unstable at best, and at worst, collapse completely. Trying to construct a strong chakra system with a weak base chakra is like trying to build a house on a lot made of Jell-o.

You need this base, this foundational first chakra, to be charged and healthy, or all the rest of your chakras and your greater wellbeing will suffer. This is why a blocked or distorted base chakra leads to chronic stress: how can you relax if your whole energy flow is unstable? Feeling unsafe and uncertain is a likely indication that your first chakra needs a tune-up. http://www.amazon.com/Truth-Heals-What-Hide-Hurt/dp/140192302X

You can also think of it this way: your first chakra is like your roots. It keeps you firmly planted in your body and grounded. In fact, in Sanskrit, the word for the first chakra means root support. The root chakra governs your connection to Mother Earth and its job is to support and sustain your life. In order to grow tall and strong, a tree must spread its roots far enough into the soil to be able to holds its ground while also accepting nourishment from its surroundings. In order for you to heal yourself and grow your spirit, you must plant your roots and get grounded.

Here are three great ways to get grounded and beat stress:

1. Spend time in nature.

Because the first chakra is so closely connected to earth energy, one of the best ways to clear, charge and balance, your root chakra is to interact with nature. Reconnect your body with the earth by walking barefoot directly on land—a grassy field or a sandy beach is a pleasant and soothing way to absorb earth energy. Go for a hike, sit next to a tree (or hug one!), or let the sun warm your skin. Just being outside or touching stone, wood, or water will help to ground you.

2. Meditate.

Twenty minutes of meditation twice a day is ideal, and the more you do it, the more you will notice the grounding and calming effects. Like energy healing, meditation is cumulative, meaning the results build on the previous efforts, so keep it up and the benefits will continue to increase! If you don’t already have a successful meditation practice, please let me teach you. https://deborahking.com/courses/learn-to-meditate-with-deborah/
It only takes several hours to learn how via download and it will totally change your life; it certainly did mine.

3. Focus on your body.

Body-focused activities like yoga, pilates, massage, martial arts, or other forms of exercise are a great way to become more body-centered and grounded. Remember, one cause of first chakra distortion is disassociation from the body, so reaffirming your bond with your body can go a long way in healing your first chakra.

If you’d like to learn more about charging and healing your first chakra, and the rest of your chakras, check out my free video training here