Lucid Dreaming

The Power of Lucid Dreaming

Lucid Dreaming

Today let’s talk about the power of lucid dreaming — it is such a powerful tool when it comes to activating our intuition. Some of you may be lucid dreaming already, even if you aren’t familiar with the term. But even if the idea is foreign to you right now, it’s possible to learn how to step into your dreams, change your story, and orchestrate your destiny, right here and right now.

Lucid Dreaming

First, what is it: lucid dreaming happens while you’re asleep but aware that you’re having a dream. You fully realize that your conscious mind is hovering over your dreamscape, and that you can think, act, and change the things that happen in your dream to get an improved outcome.

Learning how to lucid dream can take time, but once you know how to do it, you may well find that your creativity — even during the day when you’re wide awake — starts flowing more easily. You may also feel an arising sense of calm permeating your soul.

Anyone can benefit from opening this pathway to greater awareness and self-knowledge. What happens is that when you have a lucid dream, you become the director of your subconscious.

You are familiar, I bet, with daydreams. During a daydream, your mind flies off to some imagined place and you engage with it as if it as if it’s actually happening. Daydreaming is a lot like immersing yourself in an unfolding movie. It’s an act of imagination while you’re fully conscious but you become unaware of your present surroundings.

Lucid Dreaming

You can get lost in a daydream. Some people live their lives there, content to imagine wonderful things rather than taking real steps to make them happen. “Get your head out of the clouds and your feet back on the ground,” is something a lot of daydreamers heard as kids.

Daydreaming begins with a compelling thought, memory, or fantasy. From there, the daydreamer’s imagination takes flight. The longer the daydream, the deeper the dreamer becomes immersed in his or her private fantasy land.

People who daydream a lot generally find it easier to become lucid dreamers. That’s because daydreaming is a lot like practicing lucid dreaming while awake. In fact, visualization is one aspect of a robust lucid dreaming practice.

Lucid Dreaming

When you experience lucid dreaming, you can confront challenges, fears, and hang-ups to become happier in your own skin. Lucid dreaming has the power to release repressed memories and even cleanse bad karma. This is one of the reasons that the Vedic sages were so keen to develop their lucid dreaming abilities.

So, let’s start our journey through lucid dreaming with the Vedic sages, who have practiced the discipline for thousands of years. The Upanishads describe four states of consciousness. The first three are waking (jagrat), dreaming (svapna), and sleeping (suṣupti). Dreaming (svapna), resonates most closely with our Western notion of the subconscious. In Vedic philosophy, both dreaming and sleeping are considered more important, in a spiritual sense, than waking (jagrat).

While dreaming, a sleeping person frequently is required to acknowledge the vibrations emitted by past deeds and karma. Psychic unrest, events of the day, and other intense experiences may also give rise to dreams. Generally, good dreams correspond to dharma, the path of rightness, while bad dreams are adharma, that which is evil or wrong. In Vedic culture, extending from ancient times, the world itself, or what we all think of as reality, is an illusion—that is, nothing but a dream—made by the God Vishnu.

The fourth state is pure consciousness, called Turiya, which is reachable through meditation and good works. To reach pure consciousness is to truly understand the infinite and to cease from suffering and reincarnation. Turiya exists beyond dreams and beyond time.

Every culture has tried to understand the meaning of dreams so they could trigger their power to change mindsets, perceived limitations, and unhelpful life trajectories. Tibetan Buddhist monks, for example, practice Dream Yoga to strengthen their mind’s ability to detach from their bodies and move fearlessly through their dreams as active participants.

Lucid Dreaming

Ancient aboriginal cultures throughout the world have embraced the spiritual and divinatory power of dreams, too. Many of you may be familiar with dream catchers, the traditional Native American artifact that catches bad dreams and allows good dreams to pass through.

Lucid Dreaming

Here’s another example: the Māori in New Zealand, also known as Tangata Whenua, the People of the Land, believe that your spirit leaves your body during dreams, and your dreams can warn you of omens and deliver premonitions.

The Ancient Greeks and Romans believed that dreams give us insights into the past, present, and future. Aristotle talked about lucid dreaming in his Parva Naturalia, which was written in the 4th century BC. He wrote, “often when one is asleep, there is something in consciousness which declares that what then presents itself is but a dream.” In other words, we often know we’re dreaming, and that we’re caught between two worlds, neither fully awake nor fully asleep.

Several centuries later, Saint Augustine, the Christian theologian born in Algeria, believed that lucid dreams happen when the soul briefly leaves the body to get a glimpse of the afterlife.

Early psychotherapists of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries took lucid dreaming seriously, considering them a key to unlocking the human personality and desires. Sigmund Freud believed dreams let us process fragments of memories, repressed anger, and sexual impulses that hang around in our subconscious. Things that might be too painful or destructive to express in daily life can be set free in a dream. By entering the dream as an active participant, he felt that patients could rewrite the early scripts of their lives and release embodied trauma. Though many of us in the energy medicine world today have moved away from Freud, his early dream analysis was an important step along the road to understanding the mind-body connection.

Lucid Dreaming

Before we leave Freud, I also want to mention his notion of free association. Freud believed that letting patients make their own connections between their dreams and real life was a far better method than forcing interpretations on them.

As I mentioned earlier, your dreams reflect your unique journey through life. This is important because, as you begin to lucid dream, you might need some gentle guidance to help you interpret your flashes of insight. There are many pathways to understanding lucid dreams. But with practice, you can learn to trust your inner wisdom and intuition.

Lucid Dreaming

Ultimately, you have the power to make choices and to influence how your story ends in the dream state and when you’re wide awake. This is another reason that the Vedic sages paid attention to dreams; they are an aspect of karma.

Unfortunately, as they so often do, scientists initially distrusted the idea of lucid dreaming because it was hard to test. Many scientists thought of dreams as more-or-less a neural garbage disposal unit that “cleared out” our brains while we slept. But by the 1970s, technological advances for sleep studies helped bring Western science around to the idea that our brains are doing important work while we dream.

Scientists now know that lucid dreams usually occur during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, a period of very deep sleep with lots of observable brain activity. Current evidence strongly suggests that lucid dreaming therapy will soon be incorporated into Western medicine.

Today, popular figures like actor Leonardo DiCaprio and novelist Stephen King talk about their practice of lucid dreaming, which suggests that all of us will want to give it a try. The Nightmare on Elm Street movie used the power of lucid dreaming to help terrified teen-agers overcome evil. And in the recent television hit, Evil, a scientific skeptic turns to lucid dreaming as one way to try and beat the devil. We might call this a “lucid dreaming uprising” in which our modern world is reaching for ancient wisdom to reconnect with our intuition and spiritual essence.

So, by now you’re probably wondering how to activate the power of lucid dreaming into your life, right?

Swami Satyananda Saraswati originated a twentieth century school of Yoga Nidra. In 1976, having founded the Bihar School of Yoga in the 1960s, he built a system of guided meditation that helps devotees enter the lucid dreaming state. His system draws on the ancient tantric practice of nyasa, which combines the power of touch along different parts of the body with specific Sanskrit mantras. 

Lucid Dreaming
Satyananda’s approach isn’t directly connected to traditional Vedic texts, but it does have historical precedents in the Vedic philosophy. It’s interesting to note that the United States Army and other big organizations have used the Yoga Nidra approach developed by Satyananda to treat soldiers who experience post-traumatic stress disorder.
Lucid Dreaming

There are some foods that can enhance your ability to lucid dream. Foods rich in vitamin B6 are linked with greater dream recall and intensity. One of the roles of vitamin B6 is to convert the essential amino acid tryptophan into serotonin and niacin. This conversion helps your body regulate appetite, sleep patterns, and mood. Foods that help enhance lucid dreaming include chicken, soybeans, turkey, tuna, venison, lamb, salmon, halibut, shrimp, and cod. If you’re vegan or vegetarian, good lucid dreaming foods include kidney beans, pumpkin seeds, tofu, cheese, and soy sauce.

It’s best to eat these foods and take vitamin B6 during your evening meal, just a few hours before you retire for the night.

Here are a few practical steps to enhance your ability to experience lucid dreams.

Make a dream pillow and infuse it with a meditative essential oil. It can be any comfortable pillow, and an essential oil like bergamot, clary sage, lavender, mugwort, orange, rose, roman chamomile, or sandalwood. You can also diffuse essential oil into the air using a diffuser instead of putting drops on your pillow. (Some people have adverse reactions to essential oils that touch the skin, so a diffuser may be best for them.)

Lucid Dreaming
Lucid Dreaming

Sleep in a cooler than normal room. To keep from feeling hot or too warm and uncomfortable during sleep, throw open a window or run a fan to keep your body temperature feeling exactly right for you. Studies have shown that sleeping in a cool place improves the frequency and duration of REM (dream level) sleep.

Exercise/Yoga Exercise and yoga several hours before sleep has been shown to enhance REM sleep.

Turn off all electronic devices with lit screens one hour before bed.

Regular meditation is another way to prepare your mind for lucid dreaming, as does setting your intention to lucid dream. For example, you might write in a notebook beside your bed your intention to lucid dream just before going to sleep every night as a way to prepare your subconscious. A nightly routine can also help signal your brain that you’re shifting from the waking to the dreaming state.

Lucid Dreaming

Lucid dreaming is powerful, so it can also be unsettling because there is no way to cleanse past karma in just one or two lucid dreaming sessions. So, please recognize that this technique, just like meditation, requires time, practice, and devotion. If your past trauma is intense and/or painful, it’s especially prudent to find a teacher or spiritual guide who can gently guide you through the process. Those of you saddled with post-traumatic stress disorder will want to make sure you have support in place before you try out lucid dreaming.

Finally, I must mention that the renowned inventor Nikola Tesla, mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan, and author Lewis Carroll are among the many creatives and mathematicians who have drawn upon the power of lucid dreaming to unlock creativity and access the wisdom of their subconscious minds. In the final analysis, lucid dreaming, like meditation, opens our hearts to what is timeless and lets us see things as they really are, stripped of the half-truths and lies we often tell ourselves when we’re awake. In the words of Carl Jung, “One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.” Becoming a lucid dreamer activates your power both to see the darkness and to move beyond it into the light.

Lucid Dreaming is just one skill that you can master that can help you see beyond the physical bounds of time and space and obtain wisdom from realms beyond ours. And it is one of the skills taught in our bestselling Astral Wisdom course. Learn to design the life of your dreams by mastering the out-of-body experience by accessing this course here >>

Sacred spaces

Seeking Sacred Space: Where’s Your Natural Cathedral?

Sacred spaces

“The place seemed holy, where one might hope to see God.”
— John Muir, “My First Summer in the Sierra,” 1911

Conservationist John Muir was known for his ability to find spiritual connection in the natural world. Yosemite Valley was sacred space for him, and he called it “the grandest of all the special temples of Nature….” Is there a place in nature that makes your spirit sing? Maybe you love to be in the mountains, at the beach, or in a quiet garden filled with roses. Summer is underway as the solstice ushered in the season of greatest warmth and light. Summer brings more opportunities for us to get out and connect with the natural world and grow in spirit. Contact with Nature renews and refreshes us and gives us the comfort of knowing we belong to something much larger than our small selves.

It’s our nature to seek spiritual joy in the natural world. From ancient times, people have gravitated toward places on Earth that are graced with high-vibration spiritual energy. There are many such places around the world, and people often built their holiest institutions over such power spots, vortexes or places of spiraling spiritual energy. They recognized that bathing in these elevated vibrations was beneficial to raising consciousness and facilitating spiritual development. Ojai, California, my home, is a beautiful natural setting known for this kind of spiritual energy. Many visitors feel recharged and uplifted after visiting there. North America is brimming with places that have been held sacred by Native Americans for thousands of years. Some research may reveal a number of sacred spaces in your locale.

Sacred spaces

What Makes a Sacred Space?

Beyond natural places that communities of people have found sacred over time, each one of us has a personal sacred space in nature that we love. We know it by the joy it brings. So many of us love the peace we find swimming in the waters off the western shore of Maui. Here in the silent blue world of the ocean, we delight in meeting sea turtles and sharing swim space with them. My friend, Louise Hay, loved San Diego’s mid-city urban garden, Balboa Park, with its vast array of trees and flowers from around the world as well as her own backyard garden where she grew vegetables, fruits, and flowers.

Novelist Susan Straight finds beauty in her seemingly stark hometown landscape in Southern California. For her, the date palm trees of the desert city of Indio, standing in stately rows and catching the golden sunlight and silver moonlight, are beautiful. Lines of trees that make up the date farm landscape are “like a cathedral” she says. For many people, forests of any kind, whether palm trees or giant redwoods, are a natural temple. Our eyes are drawn upward by the great height towering above us. Looking at the sky our hearts open.

Great mountain peaks also draw our eyes toward heaven. Photographer and environmentalist Ansel Adams was another admirer of the Yosemite Valley and its “vast edifice of stone and space.” President Theodore Roosevelt said of camping in Yosemite, “It was like lying in a great solemn cathedral, far vaster and more beautiful than any built by the hand of man.”

Sacred spaces

Maybe the desert is a landscape you love. The desert has always been a place of spiritual connection and reflection, a place of open space and silence and starry nights.

Artist Georgia O’Keeffe loved the northern New Mexico desert for the pure light, the clear air, and the astonishing colors of the hills and the sky. The Grand Canyon is a place of pilgrimage for millions. Sunrise and sunset paint the desert cliffs for anyone who would like to watch.

Sacred spaces

If water is your love, Crater Lake in Oregon, the deepest lake in the U.S., is an especially beautiful site considered sacred by Native Americans of the region. The lake is used as a site for vision quests and other ceremonies. Lakes, rivers, and waterfalls may be part of your vision of a spiritual home.

How to Enjoy Your Sacred Space

From early childhood, I’ve had a special connection with Lake Tahoe, one of the deepest lakes in the world. The energy there is profound, and when I visit there, I sense that its water is sacred, coming from the original source. Maybe your beloved natural place is your traditional family vacation spot. Take a moment and picture your sacred space.

If you have a chance to visit a sacred space of your own this summer, intend to connect with your heart, mind, and soul. Experience the place with all your senses. Feel the ground beneath you (or the water surrounding you). Look up at the sky, the clouds, the stars, the mountain peaks and the treetops and give thanks for the beauty and the peace. Give thanks for the gift of life and the field of loving energy that all of us share.


Ode to Influence – my forever friend

I’m crushed today, the living embodiment of a grief so deep — and a surviving joy so strong — that nothing else, right now, can take the edge off.

Influence and I had a major love affair. My husband, Eric, once said to me, “I hope you never have to choose between me and that horse, because Influence will surely win.”

Influence passed a few days ago at age 32. Because he was ten years beyond the “expiration date” for his breed (Dutch Warmblood), I began to think he would live forever. And he will. He became part of me, and I of him.

I don’t know if you’ve ever loved a horse up close and personal. If you have, you’re with me right now. If you haven’t, here’s what it’s like.


I was a late bloomer to horses, in fact, embarrassed to admit, on the shady side of 40. When I moved to yet another ranch, I could see people on horseback nearby. Intrigued, I ran right over, introduced myself, and pleaded, “Can I get on?”

The neighbor’s place was a cutting ranch. The horse I mounted that morning was trained to separate (“cut”) cattle and other livestock from herds so ranchers could deal with them individually.

That same day, I quickly learned just how far it was from the horse to the ground. My steed cut quickly back and forth, and I didn’t have a clue. Riding a cutting horse is like riding a tilt-a-whirl without a seatbelt. Yikes!

Undaunted, I sought out a dressage trainer, having witnessed the beautiful ballet-like marriage of horse and rider in that discipline. The next day I met Laura, the perfect trainer, and away we went, searching for the perfect horse.

It took an entire year to find Influence. We looked literally every weekend from dawn to dusk, up and down the length and breadth of California, until my vedic astrologer finally announced, “Eureka, Influence is the one.”

Even though Influence was green (four years old instead of the customary five) and thus technically a bit young for dressage training, and even though I was even greener (a true babe in the woods, having barely ridden), Influence’s breeder released him a year early because (frankly) I drove them crazy. I simply wasn’t able to leave him behind, once we had chosen each other, which was obvious from the moment we met. As young as he was, Influence was so sane, so quiet (even unridden and unbroken), that the breeder finally relented and let me take him home.

Of course, everything was ready when I got him home: the “bassinet,” the blankets, the toys — you name it. I spared no expense for this blessed event.


Influence upended my life in the best possible ways. I took all my meals outside with him, and even slept in his stall for a week the time he had an adverse reaction to a vaccine. Doing so, however, toppled our relationship. Forever after my sleeping on the floor, beneath his feet, he considered himself in charge —a condition from which he never recovered, much to Laura’s consternation. But, given his affable personality, he was very kind and compassionate (if sometimes sassy), it never became a problem. But I must have lost a hat a week to his sense of humor and penchant for hats made of straw.

Influence simply couldn’t fathom why he wasn’t allowed to sit on the couch when my dog (of whom he was insanely jealous) could, so I invited him inside. (Yes, all 1500 pounds.) That seemed to satisfy him; fortunately, he sought the same proximity, not necessarily the same seating arrangement As soon as weather permitted every Spring, we moved outside and slept in a tent near him.

Influence was a stunner, looks-wise. Coal black with a white blaze and four white socks. In fact, he was so remarkable that the breeder talked me into entering him in the annual Keuring where experts came from the Netherlands, searching for the perfect horse. Influence won for North America and came in second worldwide that year. At which time I advised him not to get a big head, telling him “pretty is as pretty does!”

Because Influence spoke perfect English and I spoke decent Horse, we had no trouble communicating. When my friends would pull out their baby pictures, I would pull out his photos. And I’m sure it was no coincidence that I adopted him the year after that my doctor told me pregnancy was definitely not in the cards.

I took Influence everywhere I went: the dentist, the gas station, the grocery store. He would stand patiently in his trailer, nibbling on hay, and wait for me.

We were inseparable.


In an effort to always keep Influence between myself and the ground, the cardinal rule of horsemanship, I decided to expose him to as many experiences as possible to render him spook-proof. (when a 1500 pound dressage horse “spooks,” he moves sideways at lightening speed as you go flying through the air).

We already had a dozen llamas, and Influence had a great time gaily chasing them around the field, never getting within nipping distance of Mama Llama, who wouldn’t have taken kindly to any interference with her herd. He was, however, afraid of the cattle we saw on our forays into the wilderness around Lake Tahoe, so I got him a 1-day old calf I named Bessie, and bottle-fed her in his stall, to get him used to cows. Bessie turned into a stunning black and white dairy cow of the same weight as Influence and they were fast friends, but he continued to spook at cattle in the mountains, telling me “they aren’t Bessies.”

That same year, I collected peacocks, ostriches, chickens, ducks, a goat named Mr. Goat, and a pig, a big favorite in the family. Always subscribing to the belief that anything worth doing is worth doing to excess, I even got a pond of trout to round out the ranching experience.

Influence and I talked about doing the annual cattle drive over the mountains in Nevada, but, fortunately, we backed out on that idea. One of us probably would have been killed — or died trying!

Influence never seemed to age beyond the age of eight (in human years). So, I always had this charming companion who woke up every morning, wanting to know what fun was planned for the day.


My equine friend only got mad at me twice. One time I was putting sunscreen on his white nose when he lost his balance and fell down right in front of me. He said, “You pushed me!” I said, “I did not. You lost your balance!” Two minutes later, all was forgiven.

The other time was the first time he caught me riding another horse. Oh boy, was he ticked off! To communicate his extreme displeasure, he turned his big butt to me and refused to talk to me for the rest of the day.

Fortunately, after I explained to him that I needed more training than he did, my “indiscretions” were permitted so long as I didn’t get too cozy with any of these older schoolmaster horses.


Influence and I attended scores of horse shows and what fun that was! We’d get all dressed up and blow an entire weekend having a ball with other horse-crazy people. It doesn’t get much better than that, except for the countless moments in his stall, or pasture, or in the mountains, or inside the house, when we’d commune with each other, content just to spend precious, peaceful moments together.


Sadly, I had to quit riding before Influence was ready to quit due to a mountain climbing accident, but I made sure he had a warm bed, a roof over his head at night, fields of green grass, plenty of horse friends (including a girlfriend ☺︎), and all the treats he could safely handle.

He was bucking and running until one morning earlier this past week, when he suddenly went off his feed. Nothing could be done, and he was dead by nightfall. I was there at his passing and I felt his enormous spirit go through me as he headed for greener pastures in the sky.

It is impossible, still, to imagine his pasture or paddock without him standing there, with that impish gleam in his eye, waiting for me. I know he’s up there, in horse heaven, and that, one day, he’ll be there waiting for me, to usher me through the pearly gates. Rest in peace, Influence, until we meet again.

Healing and Grace

Five Ways to Bring Healing and Grace Back into Your Life

Healing and Grace

Never underestimate the power of a change of seasons to awaken your spirit. Last week, we officially crossed over into a new season, as “Old Man Winter” loosened his grip on the weather of the northern hemisphere and made way for the feminine touch of spring. From ancient times, humans have regarded spring as a female persona bringing with her a rebirth of light, warmth, new growth, and new life. You too are eager to welcome an infusion of the Divine Feminine, the gifts of the feminine face of God. The long sleep of winter melts away, and you open yourself to the possibilities for hope and healing that a new season brings.

There’s so much work to be done as you look around you. The gifts of the Divine Feminine are needed to bring harmony, peace, balance, love, and compassion to a troubled world. The powers of the feminine spirit live in both men and women and can be cultivated like spring flowers. If you use them first to heal your inner world, you can bring them forth to help, heal, save, and rescue the outer world in every way you can imagine. What would you do with the power of your Divine Feminine connection?

Bring food to starving children, shelter the homeless (and nation-less), end war, comfort and heal the sick, the suffering, and the heartbroken?

The possibilities are as vast as the universe, but where do you begin? Step one is small and close to home. First, you need enough power to stand up and put your own life back on track. Look within and wake up your connection to the Divine Feminine, the flowing energy of unconditional love. Plug in to that power with your inner resources and you can begin to channel a life-changing, world-changing force for healing and grace.  Learn to make your inner light a match for the heavenly light that calls to you!

Here are five ways to wake up your spirit this spring and call forth the gifts waiting to bloom within:

1. Nurture— Take care of the miraculous living being who is you. Are you a loving parent to your inner child, treating yourself with kindness, compassion, and patience? Are you considerate of your physical needs for proper nutrition, adequate sleep, and regular exercise? Do you love and appreciate yourself and respect the awesome gift of life? Do you practice feeling gratitude for all your experiences, lessons, and blessings?

Healing and Grace
Healing and Grace

2. Heal— How do you create wellness and wholeness within? Do you have a regular practice for connecting to Source? I believe that the best practices for increasing your light and keeping your psyche healthy are meditation and prayer. Try to meditate for 20 minutes twice a day and connect to Source through whatever form of prayer is most meaningful for you, whether it be contemplation, affirmations, music, art, or moving your body. Connecting to a power greater than yourself eases pain, anxiety, fear, and creates inner peace.

3. Grow—How often do you see the sky, touch the earth, and gaze at distant mountains? You are part of the ever-growing, changing, and expanding world of Nature, even though modern technology tries to suggest otherwise. Stress comes from being ungrounded, when you lose your connection to Mother Earth. Happiness and peace come from immersing yourself in the sights, sounds, scents, and textures of the outdoors. Without regular exposure to nature, you lose the feeling of belonging to something larger than your small self. Watching a flower sprout and bloom inspires your spirit to grow!

Healing and Grace
Healing and Grace

4. Express—Do you look within and strive to understand and appreciate your thoughts and feelings? Do you find ways to express your unique experience of life? Keeping a daily journal helps you develop the ability to express yourself. Recording ideas and impressions can help you find patterns in your thinking to help you know yourself. The more you know, the more you grow. As you grow in spirit, you will have the tools to express yourself, share your ideas, build and strengthen relationships. The more you discover about yourself, the more easily you’ll be able to connect and communicate.

5. Serve—Do you serve by placing a warm meal in front of a homeless veteran? Or by showing a struggling child how to read a story or solve a math problem? Do you visit the local shelter to play with the animals waiting for a loving home? Do you march for the rights of others to vote, work, worship, exist in peace and safety? Each act of service in the world begins with your inner sense of purpose and connection to your fellow beings and the Source of all that is. Your inner spiritual work creates inner peace which the world sees reflected as love, hope, and encouragement.

Healing and Grace

Let the spiritual power of the Divine Feminine help you to nurture, heal, grow, express, and serve this spring! Dedicated inner work is one of the primary ways you awaken your own powerful gifts. You become more patient and tolerant. Your intuition gets sharper, and you start to experience the loving qualities of your inner essence. With a regular practice of connecting to Source, whatever that may mean for you, you’ll suddenly find that there’s space for more light to come into your life and more light to share with the world!

If you are ready to take steps towards your personal evolution, transformation, and growth this Spring, be sure to take advantage of our special Spring Sale event, which is going on right now. You can access an array of Deborah’s most popular, bestselling, transformational on-demand courses at steep discounts. Pick the transformation(s) you’ll pursue today. Click here to learn more >>


Finding Balance during the Equinox: Spring Cleaning the Mind

Spring Equinox

Spring officially arrives today, March 20th, at 5:24 PM EDT, as we reach the Spring Equinox. In one of those rare moments of total balance in the Northern Hemisphere, during the Equinox, day and night are both 12 hours long. The sun rises exactly due east and sets exactly due west.

If only we could put our own lives in such balance!

The spring equinox usually heralds a compunction to sweep out all the dust bunnies, rearrange sock drawers, and tackle that mess in the garage. But this year, I suggest that spring cleaning can have a new meaning for those of you who truly seek an expansion of consciousness: try cleaning out your old beliefs, the ones that no longer serve you.

Spring Equinox

Whether we realize it or not, much of what we believe has its roots in our childhood, when we unconsciously absorbed the ideas and prejudices of our families, friends, teachers, and the culture we grew up in. For example, if you grew up in the south-west of the United States in the past 40 years, there’s a strong chance you assume all Mexicans are illegal and suitable for menial labor only. However, if you grew up in France during the same time period, you might assume that any Algerian you pass on the street should be engaged in manual labor.

Look carefully at the ideas you hold to be self-evident. Do you think that nobody should eat meat? That liberals (or conservatives) are responsible for all our societal woes? That cancer or other illness is somehow our own fault?

Take the time to examine your beliefs. Start with the areas of your life that are causing problems. Are you unhappy with your weight or appearance? Why? What was your family’s attitude toward body image? Did they mock fat people? Praise your sister but ignore you? Compliment those who were light-skinned? Make sure you had a nose job when you turned sixteen? Banned short skirts? Not let you out of the house unless you were wearing make-up?

Are you in financial distress? What was your family’s attitude about money? Were they content with and grateful for whatever they had? Were you desperate for extras? Was saving expected of you?

Are you an activist? Do you listen to a broad range of views before deciding where to focus your energies, or do you assume that your beliefs are the only right ones and the “other side” is completely wrong? Were political issues debated in your home, or were there simply pronouncements that determined which way you were expected to believe?

Spring Equinox

There are two main questions to ask yourself about any belief you hold: “Where did this belief come from?” and “Does it still work for me, or is it limiting me in some way?”

The most difficult belief to examine is about your basic identity. The famous Indian sage, Ramana Maharshi, started a lineage of spiritual self-inquiry with the critical question: Who am I?

Indeed, who are you if you strip away your dearly-held beliefs? Who are you beyond your occupation, your marital status, your motherhood or fatherhood, your sexual orientation, your bank account, your politics, your gender? Who are you?

Spring Equinox

One of his students asked Buddha, “Are you the messiah?”


“No,” answered Buddha. 


“Then are you a healer?”


“No,” Buddha replied.


“Then are you a teacher?” the student persisted.


“No, I am not a teacher.”


“Then what are you?” asked the student, exasperated.


“I am awake,” Buddha replied.

Right now is the perfect time to reset, rebalance, and re-examine everything in your life. To understand what past traumas have solidified you in your current position and what you must heal from and overcome in order to move forward. A great way to do this, is to connect with other healers and seekers of truth.

And while it may not be possible to hop on a plane and go to a retreat this very moment to jump-start this process, it is possible to relive a powerful retreat that was recently held in Malibu by the Deborah King Center. We’ve distilled the powerful teachings and experiences into 11 hours of life altering material. And you can learn more about it here >>

Higher Chakras

3 Things You Didn’t Know Your Higher Chakras Could Do

Higher Chakras

Over the years there has been a lot of information published about chakras. Often you’ll find that even people who aren’t actively pursuing a spiritual path have heard the term chakra, and may even be able to tell you where one is—a vast shift in awareness since I started studying energy healing three decades ago! Now, the seven major chakras are fairly mainstream.

But what do you know about the higher chakras? Though the higher chakras are much less talked about, they are just as important. In fact, they are essential for connecting you to the vastness of the universe and meeting your higher self.

You Have to Crawl Before You Can Walk

Higher Chakras

Before we can discuss the higher chakras, which are the conduits to higher realms, we must first address your seven main chakras, which are your roots. Just like any tree needs a solid base from which to grow its branches into the sky, you need a strong foundation in your lower chakras before you can reach the stars through the higher chakras.

Your seven bodily chakras, which start with your root chakra at the base of your spine and move up along your spinal cord until reaching the seventh chakra at the top of your head, each govern different aspects of your life here on the physical plane. This includes the way you see yourself, how you perceive and interact with other people, and your larger ideas about the world and your place within it. Pretty important stuff!

When in good health, the seven chakras spin gently in the correct direction. This allows the chakras to move energy in and out between your field and the unified field beyond, replenishing your personal field and maintaining your health.

As Routine as Brushing Your Teeth

When your energy field isn’t healthy, your body isn’t healthy, so if you feel your chakras could use some cleansing and recharging from energy medicine—and, honestly, whose couldn’t?—consider attending energy healing courses or workshops. If your chakras need a jumpstart, an energy healer can sense where there are blockages and remove them. An experienced energy healer will also be able to open and charge your higher chakras.

While you’re waiting to work with an energy healer or spiritual teacher, keep up a daily practice of meditation, journaling, and staying grounded in nature, all of which go a long way toward clearing the imbalances in your energy field. It may help to schedule meditation and other energy-clearing activities until they become as routine as showering and brushing your teeth.

These practices help to free up emotional baggage that can slow your spiritual progress, and make it easier to connect to the higher chakras and reach the higher levels of consciousness that await you.

Higher Chakras

Going Up, Up, Up

Each chakra has its own color and vibrational tone, and as you move up the chakras, the vibrations increase. In the higher chakras, the tones begin to sound heavenly, like angels singing, and it is just gorgeous and uplifting to hear.

Here are 3 more things you may not have known about the incredibly powerful higher chakras:

1. Higher chakras can lead you to your higher self.

The first of the spiritual chakras is the eighth chakra. This chakra is the passageway that connects your personality in this body, in this lifetime, with your immortal soul, the part of you not confined by physicality that spans many bodies and lifetimes.

Higher Chakras

When you journey to the eighth chakra and beyond, you will be able to meet with your higher self, provided you have done the requisite self-work through energy healing, meditation, or other means. Your higher self is a perfect being made of light and love—it’s you, the ideal version of you— and she can offer guidance no one else can.

Your higher self also has access to the Akashic records, which contain all knowledge, and can answer questions your conscious mind doesn’t know the answers to—past, present, or future.

2. Higher chakras can reveal your life’s purpose.

The higher chakras contain the best parts of yourself, the qualities you came into this body and this life to manifest. When you activate the higher chakras, you can download those qualities and that energy and absorb them into your being. This allows you to act from a place of spiritual truth, in alignment with your soul.

The higher chakras, particularly the eighth, hold the record of your soul contract—the plan your soul set in place before you incarnated, or, your life purpose. You must learn specific lessons in this life in order to evolve, and while your higher self never forgets what those lessons are, your personality can. When you begin to reach the higher spiritual chakras, you are able to get in touch with your higher self and check out the blueprints you made for this life.

3. Higher chakras allow you to experience divine love.

Students often ask what the higher chakras are like, and it becomes difficult to describe because they are experiential planes, not intellectual. I can say that by the tenth chakra you start to feel ungrounded, like you’re floating above your body, so you’ll want to be sure to only go this high when led by a spiritual teacher or energy healer. If you can join me for one of my meditations where I take you to the higher chakras, I promise it will be an experience you won’t forget.

Higher Chakras

But the greatest gift that reaching higher chakras provides is the experience of Divine love. The perception you have of being a separate being, alone, will begin to crumble as your consciousness expands and you become aware of just how immeasurably large this universe—and therefore the universal field you’re connected to—is.

Cosmic love will change you down to your core. The effects of understanding that you are part of the interconnected world and knowing that you are loved unconditionally will make you more compassionate and loving towards others, and the Divine love will radiate like ripples, spreading through you and out into the world.

If learning to attain states of higher consciousness is of interest to you, then you may want to take a virtual journey to beautiful Malibu, to relive a powerful Deborah King Center retreat with our Highlights of Higher Consciousness Video Series. You’ll be able to tap into teachings on Vedic philosophy, connecting to the Divine, reaching a state of pure consciousness, and so much more! Learn how to access the video series here >>

Law of abundance

Abundance Comes from Within

Law of abundance

Did you know that the greatest gift you can give yourself is the gift of abundance? Whatever it is you want—peace, joy, laughter, happiness, strength, a dream career, a better connection to Source, a deeper alignment with your higher self and life purpose—anything your heart desires can be attracted to your life with an abundant mindset and an open crown chakra. With this one shift, you can literally change everything!

The Source of Happiness

You’ve probably noticed that there are people who seem to have it all: health, wealth, successful careers, marriages, partnerships, and most of all, they are honestly happy. From the outside looking in, it may seem as though the material prosperity they’ve achieved created their happiness, but the truth is that it’s usually the other way around. Internal perspective, clarity, and alignment with your soul purpose leads to external abundance. Abundance begins within you, with your thoughts and attitude, and with the proper mindset, there’s no limit to what the universe can provide for you.

Law of abundance

You Get What You Give

The world is a closed circle; energy can’t be created, only transformed, and every single thing on this planet is linked to every other thing through the unified field. This means that you are connected to your neighbors and everyone else, to the physical earth, and to higher planes and Source, and what you do affects your personal energy as well as the energy around you. You see this in little ways every day. Think about how easy it is to get sucked into someone else’s bad mood when they’re nearby—their energy can literally drag yours down.

But the reverse is true as well, and positive energy can also spread like energetic wildfire. In fact, that is what you are doing by studying energy healing and walking the path of light; you are helping to raise your own vibration, which raises the vibrations of those around you, and collectively, the universe at large. This is no small thing—energy may be invisible, but it is more powerful than anything you can see with your eyes, and as it heals you, it heals the whole planet.

Ask and You Shall Receive

It is this same principle of interconnectedness that guides abundance. Your thoughts and emotions have their own energy, and what you think about, obsess about, will eventually manifest. You give it weight by thinking and feeling about it so much. This has been proven in studies that show how effective prayer is. Thought and emotion together push that energy out into the world where the desire can be formed and returned to you. Abundance is as simple as a consistent, meaningful request to the universe, accompanied by giving back what you hope to receive.

Law of abundance
Law of abundance

Shift Your Focus

So if you spend all your time thinking about the fact that you don’t have enough money, the universe sees that as a request, and you will be provided with a continued absence of money. If you constantly lament the fact that you’re not in a relationship, it will be hard to find one. If you are always worried about getting sick, then the universe will provide you with an illness. The universe will give you what you put your energy into, so if you want to manifest the good, you have to shift your focus and attitude.

If you want more money, start donating what you can spare. If you want more love, adopt a pet. Be of service without expectations. True abundance is an inner knowing that you are living the best version of yourself, so switch from focusing on the lack of what you want to focusing on bringing what you want into your life so you can be that best version.

Sometimes I find students can’t manifest their desires because they don’t really believe they deserve them. If your thoughts contradict your emotions, the universe tends to hear your feelings. You may think you want more peace, but if you secretly feel you deserve to be punished for past mistakes, you will continue to be punished. Energy healing techniques like meditation and journaling to release those negative emotions can help you adjust your thoughts toward the positive, and allow you to attract the abundance you want and deserve.

Open Your Crown Chakra

Another way to create internal abundance is to open your seventh chakra, which sits at the top of your head and is connected to thought, consciousness, information, and intelligence—all aspects of the process of knowing. When the seventh chakra is clear and balanced, divine energy can flow into it from the universal field, expanding your consciousness, and providing you with a greater awareness of what you are truly meant to do. With this knowledge, you then have the potential to manifest the life you want to have—the life you were born to live—and the abundance you seek.

Law of abundance

Of course, the Crown Chakra is just one of the several chakras you should focus on in order to find true balance, peace, happiness, and health in your life. And while this is too much to discuss in an article, we do have a resource that will help you gain this transformational knowledge (which can literally impact every part of your life). It is our bestselling Secrets of Chakra Wisdom Course. Learn more about it here >>

Law of abundance

Purpose Leads to Abundance

The more open your crown chakra, the more connected you are to your higher self, which allows you to really understand your purpose on this earth. Purpose is what many successful people attribute those successes to, and I see this quite often in my energy healing courses and workshops as well. Students who have won the lottery or finally reached the tenth floor executive office suite and are still not fulfilled are usually not following their true path—the roadmap their soul laid out for them before incarnating. Sure, they may look “successful,” but they are miserable, so does that really count as success?

People whose abundance blooms out of motivations deeper and more personal than money or fame are always happier. Real successes are life achievements that are in perfect alignment with your soul purpose and are therefore fulfilling and meaningful on a spiritual level as well as a personality level. My purpose is this—teaching you energy healing and how to live a healthier, happier life, which has made me happier and healthier, too.

When you find what you are meant to be doing on this earth, no matter how much money you make, you’ll have no shortage of fulfillment and joy. And chances are, you will make more money, have more peace, resiliency, love, and everything else your heart desires as well, for true abundance is what you feel in your soul, not just in your bank account.

Of course, becoming the type of person who can welcome and attract abundance requires effort for most of us, a process for overcoming past traumas and healing. And if you are ready to begin your personal journey, consider joining our flagship LifeForce Energy Healing Level I program >>

Spiritual awakening

A Powerful Tool for Healing and Spiritual Awakening

Spiritual awakening

“You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.” –Rumi

Are you ready to step up in spirit? Whenever you’ve asked yourself the eternal question, “Why am I here?”—what answer seems to filter back again and again?  “You are here for a reason.” There is no doubt about it. You are conscious and aware in a special way that allows you to feel joy, love, awe, and delight—as well as pain and sorrow. Given these powerful qualities, you must be here on a mission!

Your presence on this page, reading these words, reveals that you know an important secret about your life. You are traveling somewhere. There’s an important kind of growth and transformation that calls to you. You are seeking the opportunity and the means to expand your consciousness, your connection to that vast force field that is the Creator of All That Is, Source, Spirit, or God.

You are part of this omnipresent unified energy field, even if you can’t always see or feel it. Everyone experiences a yearning to connect to that Source, with the ultimate goal of reaching ever-higher levels of consciousness that bring us closer and closer to manifesting that God-force within.

Spiritual awakening

In my work as a spiritual teacher and energy healer, I have the privilege of facilitating this universally longed-for expansion of consciousness. I try to do it face-to-face whenever possible—making it even more thrilling! Growing in consciousness opens the doors for each member of the human family to travel their own path to universal harmony and peace. Each advance in consciousness gives you another glimpse of the infinite, the unconditional love you long to connect with.

Whatever your particular journey has been up until now, rest assured that nothing happens in your life that isn’t part of your Divine plan. Everything will serve your highest purpose in some way. Take a moment to re-imagine your story, to see the obstacles and traumas and challenges of your life as the necessary foundation for your spiritual development.

Ask yourself what may have prepared you to develop the gift of being able first to heal yourself and then possibly others. Where do you stand right now in your spiritual growth? Are you focused, sensitive, compassionate? Do you frequently spend time in nature, meditation, or prayer? Have you begun to work through the wounds and emotional issues from your childhood? The list of possible experiences, qualities, and skills you already possess to help you is endless. Real healing power is inside you; it just needs to be awakened, nurtured, and practiced.

What have I seen students experience as they achieve another step toward their full spiritual awakening? Each step you take to advance your spirit brings you closer to the life you were meant for, the purpose you are here to accomplish. As you uncover and heal your wounds and clear your negative energy patterns, you reveal your gifts and build your power to use them. As you work to grow your consciousness, you will experience greater appreciation for life, higher self-esteem, more compassion for others, heightened awareness of your purpose, a greater curiosity for learning, a sense of elevated spirituality, even greater awareness of the world we all share and the need to heal and care for our shared planet.

Spiritual awakening

How does this spiritual advancement take place? This may sound basic, but there is nothing without love—for the self and for others. Coming together with a common purpose as we do at my live events fosters this love in amazing ways. You can make yourself ready for a spiritual step up with the practices of energy healing, including meditation, prayer, journaling, forgiveness, and being of service. Meditation and prayer put you directly in communication with Source, while journaling puts you in touch with your own emotions and, along with forgiveness, helps you keep clearing out negative energy. Spirit has a purpose for those who are dedicated to being of service to others.

I have found being present with others to be one of the most powerful tools for healing and spiritual awakening. I love offering live events where many can pursue their spiritual paths in community. Remember the Bible verse, “For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” (Mathew 18:20). Your connection to Source grows in the presence of other like-minded seekers. Helping others on their journey is one of the most powerful ways to grow in spirit.

Here are some of the advantages you’ll experience when you join a live event for spiritual study:

Spiritual awakening
  1. Support. The healing energy of many hearts focused together gives you strength and a feeling of unity of purpose. Your efforts seem less difficult when others are working beside you to resolve their challenges.
  1. Selflessness. Feeling that it isn’t all about you is profoundly healing. Others have struggled and suffered, too. You’ll build compassion and experience the joy of releasing ego-centered fears, doubts, and blocks to forgiveness and acceptance.
Spiritual awakening
Spiritual awakening
  1. Learning: You aren’t alone in the challenges and desires you face. Others have worked through problems like yours and achieved amazing results. You will see what is truly possible for you in the example of others who offer a healing role model for advancement and opportunity.
  1. You might also find some wonderful new friends as you work together to step up in spirit. Meditating and praying together satisfies the desire of every heart to connect to Oneness and magnifies the positive healing energy sent forth into the world.
Spiritual awakening

If you’d like to attend such an event, where you are surrounded and embraced by a warm healing energy, consider joining us for the next Deborah King Center retreat. It’s happening in Scottsdale, AZ on Sunday April, 30, 2023 – Wednesday May, 03, 2023, and will provide you an incredible, likely life-changing, opportunity to connect with a community of like-minded healers and seekers of truth, to gain transformational knowledge, and to create memories that will last a lifetime. Click here to learn more >>

self care self love loving yourself

Self-Love Affirmations: My Five Best Lessons

self care self love loving yourself

How often have you been given a compliment by someone, only to shrug it off in your mind? Perhaps it is a close friend praising your exceptional cooking skills after you have prepared an elaborate meal, or, maybe it is a complete stranger that oversees you drawing in your sketchbook at a coffee shop one Saturday afternoon and is in awe of your natural talent.

You have no reason to doubt the sincerity of the admirer, so why do you not take the compliment to heart?

Imagine how it would feel to believe others when they praise you.

Now, go one step further and think about how — if you fully accepted these positive and empowering messages about yourself — you would interact with the world. The sky would be the limit on what you could accomplish!

Positive affirmations for self-acceptance

One of the most important challenges in life is being able to say, “I love myself” — and believe it.

I know that in my own life, learning the lesson of self-love was the key to actualizing my life purpose.

Years ago, my husband, Eric, and I were in a mountain climbing accident; he almost died from his head injury and couldn’t work for many years. I blamed myself for the accident and, already a poster child for addiction and other self-destructive behavior, my own health started to deteriorate. It wasn’t until I hit a wall that I  made an important realization: not only did I have to forgive myself, but I also needed to start liking myself.

I started the practice of saying positive self-love affirmations, which helped me more fully love, accept, and forgive myself.

self care self love loving yourself

Positive affirmations are a powerful form of prayer and they work because it is your beliefs and ideas about who you are that manifest into your real life. Carrying around guilt and shame is exhausting and self-destructive: negative beliefs are dense energy that drag you down and are likely the culprit at the root of your physical and emotional problems. When you stop thinking about yourself negatively, you release all that heavy energy and are able to transform your life into one of happiness. And being happy and healthy is your birthright.

As I learned to love and forgive myself, an entirely new world of healing bloomed before me. Not only did I learn to heal myself, but I also discovered how to help others through energy medicine. Suddenly, the message of self-love became a beacon on my road to fulfillment, joy, and service to the world.

Here are the five best lessons I learned about self-love affirmations and learning to love me for me — and how I use those lessons in my energy medicine practice:

  1. Forgiveness comes first To put it bluntly, my childhood was difficult: my father sexually abused me and my mother was completely devoid of the ability, at that time, to make me feel loved.The grief of my difficult childhood resulted in self-destructive patterns as a young adult, and it was only when I began to forgive myself — and later, others — that I began to heal.Forgiveness is the cornerstone of any effort to rebuild, recover, and renew your journey to the light. When I work with students today, the first thing we address is dispelling any buried feelings of guilt, grief, self-blame, or self-doubt that is preventing positive healing energy from entering their lives.It’s important to note that repressed memories are very common among trauma victims and remembering the exact details of what caused the shame isn’t necessary for healing. Rather, it’s only necessary to want to be cleared of the shame and to move onto the next phase of the journey. Start with the self-love affirmation, “I have been forgiven.
self care self love loving yourself
self care self love loving yourself
  1. Retrain your brain You may not realize it, but if you constantly have negative thoughts about yourself it’s because you trained your brain to think this way. Now, that being said, you probably didn’t purposely train your brain to think negatively — most people struggling with self-love are in their current predicament because of a specific situation.In order to go from negative to positive, you need to become more aware of your thoughts. Spend a few minutes each day observing and identifying patterns in your thoughts. When you begin to understand where your negative thoughts originate (or how thoughts decay from neutral to negative), you can now interrupt your thought process and interject a positive self-love affirmation. Repeating this process over time will rewire your brain and you’ll start to have more confidence in yourself.  self-love affirmations will start to materialize.Start daily self-love affirmation practice where you tell yourself that you have the “right stuff;”  be specific about what that stuff is and it will start to materialize.
  1. Being grateful –> more blessings Having an attitude of gratitude in every area of life brings more to be grateful for. All the positive thoughts and emotions that enable you to serve others with love stem from a sense of reverence and thankfulness.Seeing each day as filled with opportunity and promise helps you grow closer to the open-hearted, open-minded, and loving spirit you were born to be.Feeling gratitude even for those experiences that are difficult and painful is an act of faith. I came to realize that my early life challenges prepared me for the depth of understanding and connection that guides my healing work today.
self care self love loving yourself
self care self love loving yourself
  1. Love connects us all The energy that holds the universe together is unconditional love.Extend that love to yourself, with affirmations like, “I really like myself just the way I am!And pretty soon, you’ll be able to extend that love to others as well.
  1. Let your laughter ring I love to laugh and am always looking for opportunities to do so. Laughter is healing and reflects a confident belief that all is well. As a beloved child of the Divine, you are here to be a joyful explorer of life. When you laugh, you are reducing pain and stress, building immunity, and lighting up the world for yourself and others. Being a role model for joy is a powerful teaching tool. Your faith in the power of healing love shines forth when you send a ripple of joy out into the world.
self care self love loving yourself

Turn the light of love toward the precious life that is in your keeping. Begin or revitalize your own affirmation practice of loving and forgiving yourself. Do the healing inner work that will set you free to love and serve others. You are wonderful and you are worthy—and the world is waiting for your healing joy to come forth!

Loving Yourself: The First Step to Healing

What is self-love? What is it not?

In this audio seminar, New York Times bestseller and spiritual teacher, Deborah King, will guide you through this important first step of your healing journey. The type of self-love that lights up your soul and illuminates your life isn’t found in a poem, a relationship, or silly a Hallmark holiday — it’s found in care and compassion and will make you stronger and healthier, so your life shines fire bright.

Angels of Energy Healing

Angels ASAP—Get Help Faster Than Is Humanly Possible

Angels of Energy Healing

Have you seen those license plate frames that say, “Never drive faster than your angels can fly”? Well that’s a good reminder to everyone to rely on the very real protection of angels, but it’s also a useless worry. You could never outpace your angels—they fly faster than a speeding bullet!

No Help is Faster than Angels

Angels are the best support you can call for, and they embody the meaning of “as soon as possible.” You can’t even send a text faster than you can call for your angels! Summoning your angels can be as informal as sending a mental request, or as formal as a ritual involving an invocation and candles and incense, and any method in between. However you ask for your angels, it’s an instant appeal for help sent through the energetic airwaves, with your angel’s response time potentially clocking in at under a second. Nothing could possibly be faster.

Angels of Energy Healing

The Perfect Support System

Angels can respond to your call quicker than you can blink an eye because angels do not have physical bodies. Angels are made of light and love—they are pure energy—so they are not restricted to the laws of time and space that humans are. As a spiritual teacher and energy healer, I am often asked by students if they can take up too much of their angels’ time. You are probably just as conscientious and don’t want to prevent angels from helping someone in real danger while you receive advice. But you needn’t worry. Angels have unlimited time, or rather, don’t abide by the rules of linear time, and can therefore help everyone who needs them. Angels exist on a higher plane and they can travel vast geological distances in nanoseconds and even be in two places on Earth at once.

This makes them the perfect support system for you, since they are never too busy to accept your request for help or too far away to feel your energy shift when you are in life-threatening danger. An angel may stall your car to prevent your from entering an intersection right before a madman runs a red light and barrels through it, or give you a warning twinge in your gut to keep you from petting an unfamiliar, unleashed dog you notice later is wild-eyed and looks a little off, or they might have to literally stop a bullet to save you, but angels can always tell when you need an emergency intervention. In non-emergencies, angels can’t interfere with your life without permission.

Non-Emergency Response

Calling your angels is like calling spiritual 911, except even faster. But angels can also be of tremendous help in non-emergency situations. Angels can help you with anything and everything, from emotional support during a difficult break-up or the loss of a loved one, to clearing your chakras and processing old traumas, to physical and energy healing. Angels can afford to lend a watchful eye to children or loved ones and offer advice about important decisions or deeper soul guidance when you just feel lost in your life. Angels can even provide directions when you are physically lost like in the wilderness or in a new city. These celestial counselors don’t mind being your heavenly GPS or celestial sounding board—they are always happy to help you walk the path of light, and to keep you safe and healthy.

Angels of Energy Healing

Angelic Healing

In addition to the amazing speed of the angels and their ability to help instantaneously, you’ll want to start contacting your angels as soon as possible so they can begin energetically healing your mind, body, and soul. Many of my students remember to call upon their angels when they feel their safely is threatened, but fewer of them take advantage of the healing properties of angels. All angels are angels of energy healing and can help restore your whole being back to its optimal state. But they can only assist you if you ask. With your intention strong and your desire pure, let the angels know how you would like them to help, and I promise, they will respond in some way.

Angels of Energy Healing

For physical healing, you can ask that an angel apply his healing touch to your wound or injury, even emotional injuries or blockages in your chakras or energy field. If you want to request the guardian angel of all energy healers and energy healing in general, you can call on Archangel Raphael, whose emerald green light often accompanies his powerful healing energy. If you need mental help, perhaps in the form of a burning question that needs an answer, you might call Archangel Uriel for clarity, or if you need guidance on how to find a long-awaited career opportunity, your personal guardian angel is probably your best bet since he has been with you since your birth and knows your past, present, and future better than you do.

Up Your Angelic Communication

To encourage your angels to communicate with you more frequently, you can maintain a daily practice of meditation, which opens you up to the heavenly realms by expanding your awareness. Other ways to increase your ability to connect with your angels are spending time communing with nature, keeping your negativity in check by expressing your emotions, and attending healing courses, especially my course on angels of energy healing, to make sure your energy is flowing freely. Just like with any practice, the more you contact your angels, the easier it will become. Soon, you’ll be interacting with your angels every day.

Faster than Humanly Possible

Whether you need emergency protection, long-term-healing, or immediate guidance to a problem, angels will be at your side sooner than would be possible from any Earthly counselor or paramedic. With angels keeping guard, “as soon as is humanly possible,” as the saying goes, is no longer fast enough.

Angels of Energy Healing

If you would like to discover more about how to have immediate contact with your angels and have them heal you, please consider joining me for my six-part healing and ascension course, Angels of Energy Healing, where you will expand your awareness, learn how to access the healing energy of angels, and experience the life-changing power of divine love.

Angels of Energy Healing

3 Reasons Angelic Advice Is the Best Advice

Angels of Energy Healing

What if there was a way for you to get advice anytime you needed it? Not just from anyone, but from an impartial, loving, big-picture-oriented being who could also see into the deepest parts of your soul and knew everything about you, including your future? Imagine the power of that advice! With angels, you can do more than imagine that power—you can feel its benefits in your life. When you know how to call on your celestial companions and receive their heavenly guidance, you can make better choices and remain on the path of light.

Angels of Many Talents

Angels tend to be thought of as protectors, and also as messengers for God’s love. They are both of those things, but they are also incredibly gifted energy healers. You can call on your angels for any type of healing, whether you need to cure a physical injury or illness, or need their angelic energy to help clear a blocked chakra, or if you are just feeling a little blue. Angels are the most powerful practitioners of energy medicine you will find. I always invite Angels of Energy Healing to assist in my healing courses and workshops, and I find their advice invaluable.

Angels are also incredibly insightful guidance counselors. They have a unique view of the larger universe as well as your place within it, so their guidance comes from a higher vantage point with a broader view. Angels are experts on the human experience and on you, and that is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to why angels give the best advice. Here are three good reasons you’ll want to start contacting your angels for their divine wisdom whenever you need clarity, direction, or support.

Angels of Energy Healing
  1. Angels can see your past, present, and future.

    Angels are energetic beings without a physical body, which means they are not restricted to the same linear timeline we are. They are also not limited by geography which is how they can help so many humans at one time. Because of their fluidity through time and space, they have access to the past, present, and future all at once. Angels can see exactly what you’ve done in your past, even the things you might try to hide from yourself, and they can see your innermost wants and needs. With that perspective, angels can give you guidance that is exactly the right thing for you at that moment.
  1. Angels know your life purpose.

    Your soul and your higher self know the path you are meant to travel on this earth, but sometimes the information takes a few years to reach your conscious mind, and this is where angelic guidance can benefit you. Since angels are directly connected to the infinite knowledge of Source, angels are able to see your life purpose—the goal your soul set for this lifetime—even if you can’t quite yet. Armed with this knowledge, they are able to offer advice that is in line with your true life’s ambition and will keep you on the path your spirit planned for you to walk, the path that leads to your development of your most desired qualities.

    As a spiritual teacher and energy healer, one of the most common issues I see in my students is the uncertainty of where their life is going. This can cause fear and stress, which can clog your chakras and slow your energy flow, so receiving a little direction or encouragement from one of your celestial life coaches can give you the confidence you need to go out and follow your dreams.
Angels of Energy Healing
Angels of Energy Healing
  1. Angels will never judge you; they only radiate love.

    It can be hard to discuss certain matters with friends or family, as they have their own baggage that informs their opinions about what you do, and they also have an investment in your life. For example, a friend who is jealous that you want to start your own business while she feels stuck in her job may not be supportive if you were to admit that you are thinking about quitting your position and diving into your dream venture. This friend’s advice would likely be tinged with her own issues, subconsciously or not, and her suggestions may not be in your best interest.

    An angel, on the other hand, will always give you one hundred percent unbiased advice full of love. Angels are made of the light of the Creator and of pure, unconditional love, and their job is to radiate that love down to Earth. Angels will always approach any situation in your life with love and without investment in the outcome. They only want you to be happy and healthy.

    The next time you’re making a decision large or small and could use some direction and guidance, call upon your angels and they will be there. You can ask angels to dispense advice to you during your dreams, or ask for them to deliver a message through an angel sign you won’t miss. Meditation is also a good way to prepare yourself to better open yourself up to the heavenly voices, and guided meditations like the ones in my Angels of Healing Energy Course allow you to interact with your angels directly. Angels are always available to offer their holy help—you just have to ask.

If you would like to discover more about how to contact angels, receive their advice, and have them heal you, please consider joining me for my three-part healing and ascension course, the course where you will expand your awareness, learn how to access the healing energy of angels, and experience the life-changing power of divine love


The Five Elements of Writing Your Bestseller

Write your bestseller book

Writing is a calling.  We may write because we have an important story to tell and cannot rest until it is out in the world. Or we may write because we want to help others who are struggling with similar challenges or traumas in their lives. Writing is connection; it is a way of saying, “I am here and my story matters.” Bringing your unique book into the world can be like launching your child into adulthood. You must finally let go but you also watch carefully and pray that others are kind.

From a more pragmatic point of view, A. A. Milne also noted that  “Almost anyone can be an author; the business is to collect money and fame from this state of being.” Writing is one of those human endeavors, like music, dancing, or painting, in which the sublime and the practical often collide.

Write your bestseller book

To be a writer is to be an artist. To be a successful writer is also sometimes to be a businessperson, entrepreneur, marketer, public speaker, and all-around jack of all trades.

Few of us can do all these things well or consistently, without burning out, which is why I love to streamline and share what I have learned through trial and error with other writers. Here are five elements to writing a bestseller that I believe every writer needs to consider.

These five elements do not have to be done in the order I discuss them here. In fact, you will often find yourself jumping back and forth between them during the writing process. However, each element is crucial to the success of your book.

  1. Preparation
    The preparation stage requires a quiet, relaxed environment. I encourage the authors I work with to meditate briefly before this stage. You want to center yourself, relax your breathing, and invite your Muse to come closer and abide with you.

    During preparation, you probably already have an idea or a message that you are passionate about exploring and sharing. You have a burning desire to get the word out about an experience or trial or tribulation that has happened to you. If you choose to write fiction, you want to build a world that no one has even seen before and make that world real to your readers.

Write your bestseller book

If you are a niche writer who wants to write about healing or coaching or music or space or nature, or anything else that inspires you, you must marinate in the subject for a long time before you start putting words on paper. Doing the work to become versed in your subject can be challenging but rewarding.

If you write fiction, you should prepare by reading other writers in the area you want to be in, to see how published writers create books that speak clearly and powerfully to the reader. If you’re an entrepreneur, the preparation stage includes reading market research to understand how your book idea compares to other leaders in your field.

At the preparation stage, you become an apprentice of sorts. Like an eager student, you want to absorb every bit of information you can find about your niche and the topic that calls to you to write.

Write your bestseller book
  1. Incubation
    In this stage, as the book continues to marinate, you may start to dream about the topic or receive flashbacks or intuitive hits about the topic even when your mind is elsewhere. Your subconscious will be actively turning over ideas, often without your knowledge, generating insights, questions, and decisions. Incubation is a crucial stage because it can take a significant amount of time and can’t be rushed. You need to trust your incubation process and give it time to flourish.
  1. Insight
    Once your Muse or Higher Self has decided it is time to move forward, the first classic sign of creativity tends to appear. In the Insight stage, don’t be surprised if you have frequent “A-ha” and “eureka” moments where everything starts to fall into place.  Your Muse might also kick you in the side and urge you to “Get on with it!”

    The creativity element happens most frequently when you are doing something rote or mindless, such as taking a shower, walking the dog, or sitting in traffic. The previous two elements – preparation and incubation — have been busy moving you along the path to this moment of utter joy and clarity. You feel intensely motivated.

Write your bestseller book
Write your bestseller book
  1. Evaluation
    The evaluation process is not always easy for creative people. Writers can be an odd combination of fragility and ego. We may have a hundred different things we want to say but we know we don’t have time to elaborate on all of them, so we pare down our story to a manageable single topic or storyline.

    Yet doing so can be hard. Writers from William Faulkner to Steven King have described the evaluation stage as “killing our darlings,” since pruning ideas, paragraphs, and even whole chapters feels awful. Bear in mind, though, that you aren’t really killing them. If you find yourself paring your book frequently, it likely means that you have another book in you. You can save some of your words for later.

In this stage, we also need to evaluate our idea from our Ideal Reader’s perspective, not our own and find those parts of the story that can be deleted without losing the golden thread that ties the book together.  Ask yourself, “Is this idea or topic or story an outside-the-box novel idea, or am I beating a dead horse, saying things that have already been said before a thousand times?” Eventually, you will reach the point where you can confidently say, “these are the ideas and stories and quotes that have the most merit so I’m going to use them.”

  1. Elaboration This stage is where the writing begins. You may find yourself returning to previous stages as your book evolves, but if you have done a thorough job of preparing, incubating, contemplating, and evaluating, you are now ready to write. So, take up your pen (or laptop) and begin.
Write your bestseller book

These five elements are essential to the process, but there is so much more that goes into achieving bestseller status. Truth be told, it can become a bit overwhelming unless you have an experienced helping hand to guide you along the way. That is exactly what we offer with the Deborah King Publishing Services. We help you go through our proven, step-by-step process to go from zero to book launch. And you can learn all about it by clicking here >>

2023 Martin Luther King MLK Day

Celebrating Martin Luther King’s Legacy

2023 Martin Luther King MLK Day

January is a month for reflection and hope. From festive celebrations on New Year’s Eve to the widespread tradition of making resolutions, January gives each of us an opportunity to pause and consider how we might best use our time and energy to thrive. It is so easy to get caught up in the busyness of life, in the ceaseless daily demands that pull on our attention and distract us from the bigger picture. Taking a moment in January to envision and write down your goals for personal and spiritual growth is a gift that will pay dividends over time in terms of a life that has purpose.

In the United States, commemoration of the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday (January 16, 2023) is in keeping with this spirit of reflection and renewal. The federal holiday was established in 1983 and recognized in all fifty states by the year 2000. Martin Luther King (MLK) remains America’s most globally famous and influential civil rights leader. Hiroshima, Japan, for example, acknowledges MLK Day each year, due to King’s unwavering commitment to nuclear nonproliferation. MLK Day is also officially recognized in the Canadian provinces of Toronto and Ottawa.

2023 Martin Luther King MLK Day

The Civil Rights Movement in the United States took place between 1954 to 1965. It began with the Supreme Court’s decision in Brown v. Board of Education that segregation in the public schools was unconstitutional and culminated in passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Martin Luther King’s public career dovetailed with this crucial period of American history. Already prominent in the Black community as a Baptist minister, King reached national fame—largely via the then new technology of television—as the leader of the Montgomery Bus Boycott. This successful 381-day organized protest resulted in the Supreme Court striking down segregation on Alabama public transport as unconstitutional in November 1956.

Following this victory, King continued to lead civil rights marches throughout the segregated South. He was instrumental in creating the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), headed by Black clergymen, and in organizing the movement around the principle of non-violence. Non-violence, in this case, did not simply mean refusing to meet aggression with a counterattack (though that was crucial).

Instead, non-violence as a tactic drew from a deeper moral and spiritual worldview. In promoting nonviolence, King incorporated the teachings of Jesus and the recent example of Gandhi’s peaceful and successful resistance in India to the British Empire to argue that civil rights activists had to lead by example. Meeting violence with violence ultimately reduced the humanity of everyone involved and provided antagonists with a pretext for yet more aggression. In his own words, now etched in the south wall of the MLK Memorial in Washington, D.C., “darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”

2023 Martin Luther King MLK Day

To end the cycle of violence, and to embody the righteousness of the civil rights cause, King urged those who participated to remain nonviolent. While by the late 1960s, many activists began to waver in their commitment to passive resistance, King held firm that long-lasting change could only be achieved through sustained non-violence. Indeed, in 1966, following passage of the Voting Rights Act, King moved the marches to the segregated neighborhoods of Chicago and other Midwestern and Northern cities, making the case that segregation was not only a Southern problem but an American one.

2023 Martin Luther King MLK Day

It is easy to forget today how radical some of King’s ideas were in their time. As with anyone who is commemorated in a statue, a stamp, or a holiday, the edges of history tend to blur a bit. King was a revered figure in his day, but also a polarizing one, and he was certainly a complicated man who worked under near constant public pressure. By the late 1960s, he began to link the cause of racial justice to social justice and started work on a planned Poor Peoples’ Campaign. His involvement was cut short by his assassination in Memphis, TN, on April 4, 1968.

Yet while King, like all consequential figures, often divided his audience, the lasting impact of his life and work is assured. King was on the front lines of the mid-century Civil Rights Movement from Montgomery to Selma to D.C. to Chicago. He believed that reconciliation was not only possible but inevitable, and, in this, he continues to represent the best of the United States. Just as he drew on the deep heritage of Christianity, and the long history of non-violence, King grounded his speeches and writings in the United States Constitution. He did not seek to work outside of that framework, but rather to have the United States live up to the ideals contained in the Declaration of Independence and the 14th Amendment.

As we pause for a moment in January to reflect, to plan, and to think about our own spiritual journeys, it is relevant to remember that King’s actions and writings do not sit frozen in the past but provide inspiration for the present and future of peace and justice. As he wrote, in an August 1967 address to the SCLC, “we must walk on in the days ahead with an audacious faith in the future.” When we celebrate MLK Day in the United States, we are not only looking backwards at our history, but moving towards a more perfect union.

2023 Martin Luther King MLK Day
Celebrating the Vedic New Year

Vedic New Year: Global Traditions and Our Relationship with Time

Celebrating the Vedic New Year

Calendars are flexible and so is time. The Gregorian calendar, the solar dating system commonly used today, was created by Pope Gregory XIII in the late 16th century. It is itself  a revision of the Julian calendar, established by Julius Caesar.

“I like to think of a new year being possible at any moment, as every moment is a kind of doorway,” said Joy Harjo, the United States poet laureate. “You can go any direction.”

Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, arrived this past year in September with the sounding of the shofar.

Sometimes I think of time as fluid, almost reversible, the way that music can be. Playing the scales, I can play them forward or backward, and lose myself in them, for a moment, not having a sense of direction, or, for that matter, a sense of time.

December 31, which comes from the Gregorian calendar, is an internationally accepted marker of the shift from the old year to the new. However, many cultures adhere to different dates and traditions. The Chinese Lunar Calendar, for example, is based on the cycles of the moon and the sun. In 2023, New Year’s Eve celebrations in China (and in Chinese ethnic communities around the world) will begin on January 21 and end on February 5, the day of the Lantern Festival.

Celebrating the Vedic New Year

In India, there are multiple days and festivities associated with the new year, depending on the region, culture, and calendar that one consults. These traditions began to emerge approximately three millennia ago. To fully understand New Year’s within Indian history requires study.

Here we look at some of the most significant differences and Vedic traditions. In each case, celebration of a new year is a time for joy, spiritual reawakening, new beginnings, and the release of bad karma.

A Short Overview of the Vedic New Year(s)

Celebrating the Vedic New Year

Per the Vedic calendar, Ougadi (Ugadi), the New Year, will take place on March 22, 2023, and is a public holiday, though states and regions may differ from the federal government regarding which days are officially recognized. Ougadi is primarily celebrated as the official New Year by the Hindu Telugu and Kannada communities, though celebrations occur across India with great fanfare.

In Vedic astrology, the timing of the new year corresponds to the movement of the Sun into Aries and the start of the first month (known as the Chaitra month). This is an auspicious time for karma removal, spiritual dedication, and new projects. The Vedic New Year also recognizes the day on which Lord Brahma, the Creator, created the universe. 

Diwali (or Deepawali), known in English as the Festival of Lights, is another tradition associated with the concept of a new year and the need to celebrate and reflect. Diwali began as a celebration of the summer harvest and takes place in the fall season. The next Diwali will take place between November 12 and November 16, 2023. 

Let me emphasize that India is an extraordinarily diverse country wherein regions may differ culturally, linguistically, historically, and ethnically. Western states, such as Gujarat, and areas in northern India are most likely to associate New Year’s Day with Diwali, as described above.

Other regions and/or cultures may celebrate the New Year at a different time. For example, the Marathi New Year (Gudi Padwa) will take place on March 22, 2023, as per the Hindu calendar. Sikh Indians in Punjabi celebrate the New Year (Baisakhi, sometimes known as Vaisakhi) on the 13th or 14th of April each year, to recognize the birth of Sikhism as a faith and to ask for good fortune in the coming year. As with the Vedas, comprehending the richness of India can take more than one lifetime’s worth of effort!

Celebrating the Vedic New Year

Several gods and goddesses are evoked in Vedic New Year’s celebrations, again depending upon the region and cultural traditions. For many Vedic believers, Diwali reveres the Goddess Lakshmi, the wife of Vishnu and the goddess of wealth and prosperity. Meditation is one way to honor the power of Lakshmi.

Ganesha, the elephant-headed son of Parvati and Shiva, is also evoked by many Vedic believers as he is the god of new beginnings and good luck and has the power to remove obstacles. The mantra Om Gum Ganapatayei Namah roughly translates as “I bow to Ganesha, who is capable of removing all obstacles. I pray for blessings and protection.” This is a devotional mantra to use when asking for protection and guidance as you navigate the challenges of a new year.

Celebrating the Vedic New Year

Diwali has spread from India to include countries such as Guyana, Fiji, Sri Lanka, and Singapore (though dates may differ), as well as many adherents of Buddhism and Jainism. While dates and traditions may differ widely, common to all these celebrations is a focus on family, spiritual reflection, knowledge, hope, and joy. Indian tradition holds that adherents should begin to prepare for Diwali thirty days in advance through various cleansing and organizing rituals and customs that clear out the old and make way for the new.

Some Final Thoughts

Vedic philosophy is rich and complex, spanning such interrelated concepts as vedic astrology, ayurveda, meditation, and the chakras. It requires sincere devotion, a spiritual teacher, and a commitment to stay the course even when things become challenging. This brief overview of the New Year in the Vedic tradition can give you only a glimpse of the bounty that awaits careful study.

One way to become more familiar with the wisdom that the Vedic New Year brings is to seek out Diwali celebrations. Diwali is celebrated throughout the world and the spectacle of food, generosity, and beautiful colored lights can inspire and uplift. I love the unique traditions and history of this area of the world and enjoy sharing them with you.

In closing, you may also find the Lakshmi Gayatri Mantra to be a powerful way to honor Lakshmi and the New Year and to seek abundance and good fortune: Om Mahalakshmyai Cha Vidmahe Vishnu Patnyai Cha Dhimahi Tanno Lakshmihi Prachodayat.

Much can be learned from the Vedas, including mantras, which can be leveraged to enhance (and often simplify) your daily meditation practice. It is this sort of meditation that is taught in our bestselling Vedic Meditation course, through which you can also receive your very own personal mantra. Click here to access it  now >>

Celebrating the Vedic New Year

I wish you a happy and abundant New Year.