7 Tips for Losing Weight Without Diet or Exercise!

No one likes to look in the mirror and see those extra pounds that two sets of Spanx can’t hide. And no one likes to feel guilty about eating something yummy or not running a half-marathon. Fortunately, there are ways to lose weight—believe it or not— that don’t include starvation diets and sweating.

Here are 7 tried-and-true tips that will help you fit into your favorite jeans again:

      1. Get enough sleep. Weight loss is impossible if you are sleep deprived. Once you start getting the amount of sleep your body needs, you’ll lose a pound or two a month without doing any else. Really. Sleep deprivation affects the hormone ghrelin, which stimulates appetite, and leptin, the hormone that sends the message to your brain that you are full. When you don’t get enough zzz’s, you are much more likely to eat a whole pizza rather than just a slice or two. So turn off the TV and the computer and your smart phone an hour before bed, make sure your bedroom is totally dark and cool and no stimulants like caffeine.
      2. Get enough sun. It’s a simple formula: light deprivation causes depression; depression can lead to weight gain. We actually need a minimum of 20 minutes of sun on our bodies in the early morning or late afternoon, without sunscreen, at least five days a week all year to get enough Vitamin D to feel happy. If you live in a place where you get the winter blues, known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), your hypothalamus gland gets imbalanced and sad, irritable and tired. It also makes you crave more carbs. If this is you, check out full spectrum lamps and light therapy boxes that mimic natural sunlight.
      3. Double your meals. Now you really think I’ve flipped, but listen. Take the food you currently eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and divide it in half—that means splitting your normal portion for each meal into two, not doubling the amount you eat. In other words, eat half that turkey sandwich at lunch, and the other half mid-afternoon. Make sure there is some good quality protein in each of the meals/snacks you eat, even if it’s just a handful of almonds. When you let your body get too hungry, you run the risk of overeating. Keep your blood sugar stabilized and you’ll stop heading to Starbucks for a pick-me-up. And speaking of Starbucks, when you do end up there, stick to the Hibiscus, not the double Frappuccino!
      4. Don’t isolate yourself. If there is a hole in your life where relationships should be, then you are probably filling it with food. These days it’s easy to be in regular contact with people, even if you don’t leave the house. Call them, email or chat online, meet new “friends” on Facebook, get in on the conversations on your favorite websites. Think about joining one of the websites like or even if you’re just looking for a walking partner.
      5. Forgive yourself for having gained weight. We all know the power of forgiveness. But forgiving yourself can be much harder than forgiving someone else. When you are ashamed about having put on the pounds, forgiving yourself is an important part of releasing your past and moving forward. Forgive yourself for the specific things you feel bad about, not about the person you are. You’re a good person no matter how much you weigh.
      6. Deal with your repressed emotions. Your story may not include childhood sexual and emotional abuse (like mine did), but we all carry emotional wounds of one sort or another. When you have an emotion but don’t acknowledge it or process it, you may wind up gaining weight as an act of protection against getting hurt again. Think about the fact that the belly is the center of the emotional body. You may be numbing yourself with food to keep from feeling certain “unacceptable” emotions—like shame, jealousy, anger, bitterness, etc. Stop running away and face what you feel. It might help to talk to a therapist or see an energy healer soon.
      7. Stop stressing about your weight. You’ve already got enough stress in your life, what with kids and aging parents and your job or lack of one and your relationships and paying your bills, and then there’s your doctor harping on you to lose weight before you come down with diabetes or heart disease or something worse. Of course, you’re more likely to crave a big bowl of chocolate chip ice cream if you’re stressed. If you worry about your weight, you’re simply adding to the stress, as well as creating more emotional pain, like low self-esteem. Constant stress can make you want to eat fatty, salty, or sugary foods in order to calm down. So what can you do to relieve your stress besides running five miles a day? Try 20 minutes of meditation. You’ll be amazed at how much your stress level will drop. Take it from a spiritual teacher and energy healer, meditation is the fastest way to address stress. 

Yin and Yang: Darkness into Light



“The dance between darkness and light will always remain – the stars and the moon will always need the darkness to be seen, the darkness will just not be worth having without the moon and the stars.” ― C. JoyBell C.

I’ve always been intrigued by the Chinese Symbol for Yin and Yang, the black and white circle divided into two teardrop shaped halves, each containing a smaller circle of the opposite color. This simple symbol is so profound and expresses so much – balance, flow, transformation, and the opposing forces of nature that make up almost everything!

Yin and yang elements are expressed in pairs: the moon and the sun, female and male, darkness and light, hot and cold, good and evil. The elements stay in balance and are not static or separate, instead they are complimentary and relative to one another because they come from a common source. Just like the yin and yang symbol itself, the nature of yin and yang lies in the interchange and interplay of the two components – like night flows into day, the opposite forces in yin and yang flow into each other.

It is said that the nature of yin and yang was first recognized by Fu Shi some eight thousand years ago. He developed the principles of yin and yang, which provide an explanation of the laws of nature that govern the universe. According to his principles, the actions of yin and yang apply to every facet of life and are expressions of everything that exists in our universe.

Lao Tzu, the Taoist sage, tells us that one polarity cannot exist without the other. If there is no “light”, there is no “dark”, no “up” without a “down”. He writes, “Under heaven all can see beauty as beauty only because there is ugliness. All can know good as good only because there is evil.”  He asks: “Is there a difference between yes and no?” “Is there a difference between good and evil?”

Meditate on Lao Tzu’s words for a few minutes and you will see how understanding and embracing the concept of yin and yang allows you to suspend judgment on any one component as you realize that the forces in your life are in a constant state of change, and that they balance and flow exactly as they are meant to.

We can deal much more effectively with past traumas and current problems by visualizing them as naturally flowing (like night flows into day) and becoming their opposites. What if we accept the negative events in our life as a pathway to growth and enlightenment? How much more gracefully can we accept challenges if we know that experiencing them will help us to recognize and appreciate the better times that will come if we just allow them to?

Try these techniques to shift the negative elements that you see over to the positive:

Acceptance – accept your past mistakes, traumas and misfortunes and realize that they have made you the person who you are today, and have given you the strength and experience that you need to create a better life for yourself.

Wisdom – take advantage of the opportunity to learn from negative experiences so that you don’t repeat them. Be aware of your decisions and take responsibility for your actions – it will take you a long way toward higher consciousness!

Gratitude – look for the light and appreciate it, and in bad times, know that experiencing the darkness will make you value the light even more.

Attraction – be positive and open to the laws of the universe, picture the dynamic, flowing symbol of yin and yang, and have faith that the dark times will cycle into the light!

There are so many things that we deal with every day in our own lives and in the world around us that are dark and difficult. There are times when it’s hard to imagine that the world will change and life will get easier. Using the techniques above will help manifest the change that you want to see in your life and the world.

As a spiritual teacher, energy healer and life coach, I frequently recommend limiting exposure to the news, violent television shows and movies, and making sure to spend time meditating, talking to good friends, and exercising. These are just a few of many ways to keep the dark and the light in balance in you life!


The Divine Masculine



We’ve all heard a lot about the Divine Feminine as women have become more aware of how the connection to the “goddess within” empowers them, but what has happened to men’s awareness? Have they been so ensconced in their patriarchal positions that they haven’t needed to connect to divine masculine archetypes? Men, it seems to many women, have been the problem in their lives, not their divine counterparts.

Before the Western world congealed around the big three patriarchal religions—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam—there were multiple gods and goddesses. Both had their roles, and both were divine reflections for men and women. Early Jewish tradition included the worship of the goddess Ashera along with the male Yahweh. Early Christianity gave far more importance to Mary Magdalene as the disciple Jesus loved best, before her subsequent demotion as a prostitute would indicate. When God became a distant, jealous, and vengeful male deity, women were relegated to supporting or demeaning roles.

In the last decades, the goddess traditions have come into their own for many women. And as these women grow stronger in their self-esteem and honor the divinity within themselves, they look around and wonder where the men are who will accompany them on their journey toward wholeness. What would those men be like? Even more than that, what does the divine masculine look like—in both men and women? Let’s take a brief look at the archetypal energies of the divine masculine, which include the King, Priest, Sage, Warrior, and Lover.

The King (in his fullness) has unyielding strength of character and inspires and unites his realm, which he serves alongside his Queen, who is an equal partner. He brings order and safety, combining strength with right action and wisdom. He is a stabilizing force and can calmly support and nurture the well-being of those in his care. He has a transpersonal selflessness, like a kind-hearted father. He knows that everything changes, everything is as it should be, and there is nothing to fear. This benevolent leadership is seen in men like Mahatma Gandhi, the Dalai Lama, and some CEOs of companies that take into account the well-being of their employees as well as the well-being of the planet.

The Priest archetype is that of spiritual awareness directed inward—the insight needed to aid in the enlightenment of the self. He facilitates between the physical and spiritual worlds, between the personality and the Spirit. He knows how to transmute energies and to reach a higher perspective. He is not pushed or pulled by inner or outer storms.

The Sage is closely aligned with the Priest, but adds the aspect of dharma, right action. He is detached from the flow of ordinary life, choosing to be wise about whatever is needed for harmony. He is connected with spirit while staying grounded in his connection with the earth, the source of his wisdom. While the Priest is focused inwardly, the Sage’s service is outward, manifesting the wisdom he channels.

The Warrior archetype is the most honored by the mainstream patriarchal society, but not in his fullness. The true warrior is a protector, not an invader. A true warrior has the courage to serve the highest good, even when it challenges him personally. In other words, he is loyal to the greater good beyond any chance of personal gain. He fights “the good fight”—the inner battle with his own ego. He makes you feel safe, not oppressed by his protection.

The Lover is a primal archetype, often misunderstood. In his fullness, the Lover is a man of heart and wisdom, combining Eros and Spirit—the urge to bond and unite. He is passionately engaged with life and interested in all forms of sensuality without shame. You can touch his mind, body, and soul. He appreciates beauty in all its forms. He may be a good husband and father, or head a non-profit working to heal the world.

Wholeness, of course, doesn’t separate the divine masculine and the divine feminine into the male and female genders. Wholeness requires that both our inner feminine and our inner masculine are balanced. It’s not just men who need to honor the divine feminine within themselves as well as in their women, but women also need to honor the divine masculine in themselves as well as in their fathers, husbands, sons, and lovers. Let us evolve in consciousness so we transcend the duality of male and female and honor both Isis and Osiris, Radha and Krishna, Mary and Jesus, yin and yang as they live within us in harmony and balance and true divine love.


Open Your Third Eye!

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The sixth chakra, also known as the “Third Eye” chakra, is where we process and interpret visual information. It controls what we visually see, imagine, and what we psychically and intuitively perceive.

A discussion on the third chakra provides me with the perfect opportunity for me to share an old Taoist tale about intuition, transcendence, and horses.  Some of my favorite things!

Duke Mu of Chin said to Po Lo: You are now advanced in years – is there any member of your family who I could employ to look for horses in your stead?  Po Lo replied “ a good horse can be picked by it’s general build and appearance. But the superlative horse—one that raises no dust and leaves no tracks—is something rare and fleeting , elusive as thin air. My sons can tell a good horse when they see one, but they cannot pick a superlative horse. I have a friend, Chiu-fang Kao, who when it comes to horses, has vision equal to mine. Please go and see him.

Duke Mu located the man, and sent him off to look for a superlative steed. Three months later he returned with the news that he had found one. “What kind of horse is it?” asked the Duke? “Oh, it’s a dun colored mare”, was the reply. However, when the horse arrived, the animal was not at all  as described, it was a coal black stallion!

Duke went to Po Lo, complaining “Your friend knows nothing about horses, why he couldn’t even distinguish the beast’s color or sex!” Po Lo smiled, “Ah, then he is worth a thousand of me put together! What Kao keeps in view is the spiritual mechanism. In concentrating on the ethereal essentials, he loses track of the details. Intent on the inward qualities, he loses sight of the external. He sees what he wants to see, and not what he does not want to see. He looks at the things he ought to look at, and neglects those that need not be looked at. So clever a judge of horses is Kao, that he has it in him to judge something better than horses.”

When the horse arrived, it turned out indeed to be a superlative animal.

I love this story! I heard it years ago, but it still pops into my head often, always reminding me to look beyond the surface and to open my mind and trust my intuition, or my gut impressions.

I encourage you to take some time to think about the story and how it relates to the 6th Chakra and to your own spiritual practice. Sit quietly and consider these questions:

  • Have you had the experience where someone became significantly more attractive (or less attractive) the more you’ve gotten to know them?  What caused your perceptions to change?
  • Are you open to what lies beyond the physical when meeting someone new? If not, what kinds of things distract you?
  • Looking back on the people who you have known in your life, which of them have the kind of wisdom and insight that would allow you to trust them to pick out a superlative horse, friend, or partner for you?

As we evolve and move into a higher consciousness, we naturally begin to  focus less on the physical and more the light or the spirit within. By connecting to that light, we can communicate at a much deeper level, and have deeper, more meaningful relationships.

When our sixth chakra is in balance, we approach life with an open mind and seek to know the truth. We listen for guidance within ourselves and rely on our perceptions, experiences and the sixth chakra’s power of discernment. Opening this chakra opens the line of communication to your higher self and so it makes your wise inner guidance much more readily available. Set the intention and make a commitment to listen within for direction and then honor the guidance you receive with your actions.


A New Look at Your Eyes!

Submitted by Nancy Neff – Certified Energy Healing Practitioner and Deborah King Center LifeForce Coach

Although I’ve always been healthy and fit, eating well and exercising to maintain my physical and emotional self, like most people I considered my eyes to be in a separate category from the rest of my body. I knew shedding excess pounds could help with heart disease or diabetes, or that getting regular exercise or time outdoors could help with depression. But I used to think there was nothing I could do to change my “bad eyes”—my mother’s constant lament about my nearsightedness when I was a child.


Yes, I grew up wearing glasses that seemed to get thicker every year, as I retreated further into my books and away from interacting with people. I was so worried about my vision getting even worse that I practiced walking around the house with my eyes closed, memorizing the location of the furniture. Those thick eyeglasses were eventually replaced by thick hard plastic contact lenses, which I wore for decades. Then I learned that it was possible to improve my eyesight. Wow! You might as well have told me I had wings and could fly.


In working with a behavioral optometrist to gradually improve my vision, I sometimes struggled with too-weak glasses that caused me to strain, get a headache, and feel tired. I learned that strain meant I was doing something in an inefficient way. Seeing clearly is supposed to be easy! I found that if I gave an image a second or so, it often cleared up. Since I was used to rushing through every task I took on, this was a real exercise in patience for me.


I made a pivotal change in improving my visual health and function when I started to study energy medicine. I had been focusing only on the mechanical aspects of vision improvement, like wearing increasingly weaker glasses (or none at all when it was safe), shifting my gaze from near to far periodically when reading or at the computer, blinking enough, and resting my eyes whenever they felt tired. Now I also started to pay attention to how my visual system was feeling. I let myself really enjoy the everyday miraculous act of seeing, inviting the rich colors of my environment all the way in with no lenses to block them, being more aware of depth and the interplay of light and shadow.


I’m also more aware of how my eyes are an intrinsic part of me, and that anything which helps my body and my attitude to be healthier will help my eyes as well. Many people disregard simple health practices that would help their vision, like staying well-hydrated (the eyes are mostly water), or good posture (a cramped neck or shoulders can restrict the blood flow to the small capillaries that nourish the eyes), or getting enough rest. The eyes heal and regenerate during sleep, and you ignore your body’s messages of fatigue at your peril.


Vision varies with your current level of happiness (or not), your level of fatigue, and your surroundings (out in nature vs. in a cramped hectic office). If you experience momentary visual blur, it is not necessarily cause for stronger glasses; maybe you just need a meal, or to get up from your computer and go for a walk! Take a moment to check in with your body and your eyes to see what they need right now before jumping to the conclusion that your vision is declining.


Like pain in the body, visual blur is simply a signal from your system that you need to change something. Maybe it’s a belief, like “Since my mother’s vision declined when she was in her 40s, mine will too.” To paraphrase Henry Ford, if you believe your eyes are going to get worse, they probably will! Deborah King, spiritual teacher and master healer,  tells us that limitation or wrong beliefs exist first in the human energy field, which surrounds us; if they stay in place long enough, they can become a problem in the body. The eyes are actually an extension of the brain: the inside back of the eyeball, the sensitive retina that receives the light rays and images to decode, grows out of brain tissue as the human embryo develops. So I believe that if you can change your mind to have a more positive uplifting attitude, you can change your vision for the better.


Another thing I’ve learned from my energy medicine studies and healing courses is that maintaining a positive, grateful, optimistic attitude about my vision is essential to my seeing clearly. Clear visual focus requires mental focus, paying attention to what I’m looking at. Try looking at the world with the joyful curious eyes of a child to whom everything is new. Seeing is a gift, every day. The eyes have it!

Written by Nancy L. Neff – Certified Energy Healing Practitioner and Deborah King Center LifeForce Coach


Start Living Like a Goddess Today!


You have my permission to give yourself a gift and start living like the Goddess that you are, today.  Don’t even think about waiting until you’re ten pounds thinner, land the perfect job, or meet your dream partner to let your inner Goddess free.  You have the power within you to beautify your life, and the lives of the people around you, starting right now.


Living like a Goddess means getting in touch with the most positive and powerful side of yourself – your divine femininity.  It means connecting to what’s natural and real, and not being afraid to express your love for friends, family and the world around you! It means spreading a little light and laughter wherever you go. Most of all, it means accepting and loving yourself.


So where do you start? Here are a few suggestions to help your inner Goddess emerge:


Be still and listen to your inner voice. It’s easy to get so caught up in day-to-day worries and to-dos that you forget to take a moment for yourself. That’s a good way to lose touch with the Goddess inside you!  Breathe deeply, smile, and take a moment – even when things are at their most chaotic. Make it your priority to do the things that allow you to connect with your deepest self.  For me that list includes taking time to meditate (the effects are almost magical), kayaking, and long walks in the woods.


Embrace your inner wisdom.  Write down your thoughts. Share them with others – or don’t. It’s up to you. Post your thoughts, observations and inspirations on Facebook, or type them in your personal journal and lock it on your desktop or handwrite them in a beautiful journal you hide in your closet. Goddesses come in all styles! What matters is that you express yourself, and give yourself a pat on the back for your wisdom and insight.


Connect with others. Take a few moments for the people in your life. Unless you’re on a deserted island, you come in contact with people, and Goddesses get energy and joy from connecting. Make the effort to really engage!  Listen to your friends, your co-workers, your children, your partner.  Put down the cell phone, the book or the TV remote and let the people that you love know they have your full attention for a moment.  When you’re out in the world give strangers that you meet the gift of a joke, a smile, or a complement. It will make routine interactions more fun, and allow your Goddess light to shine!


Wear what makes you happy now. Don’t wait till you’re at your “perfect weight”. Dress to fit the body you’re in and show off your best features. If you like flowing skirts and bracelets – go for it! If you’re more the shorts and tank top kind of gal, dress for yourself! If you feel most like yourself in super short hair, embrace it. There are no rules, the only rule is to do what makes you feel beautiful and happy. Create your own signature style that is uniquely you, and if you want to change it up every day, that’s okay too.


Forgive yourself and others. In order to spread light in the world you first have to let go of the darkness inside you.  Fear, resentment and jealousy will keep you from being the loving, shining Goddess that you know you can be! Let go of the old stale resentments and grudges that are blocking you. Remember, forgiveness isn’t admitting that the other person was right, and it’s not a sign of weakness. It’s

a conscious decision to let go of resentment and anger and move on with your life. And while you’re at it, be sure to forgive yourself for any past mistakes that you’ve been beating yourself up about.


Finally – Share the love: Don’t play it cool. Give yourself permission to let people know how you feel about them. Let your favorite teller at the supermarket know that you make a special effort to check out in her line. Tell a little girl that you love her pink rain boots. Take your dog for a walk and appreciate her loyalty and love. Write a letter to a teacher or mentor, thanking them for inspiring you. Tell your parents, partner or siblings what they mean to you.  Let your children know what makes them special to you.


Being a Goddess is about making the most of the time you have on earth. And if your goal is to become a spiritual teacher, energy healer, or life coach, it’s crucial, as your prospective clients will definitely want their mentor to be a goddess! Unleash your feminine power and have a beautiful life!


Women and Cancer: New Solutions

Medical sign person - woman showing blank poster


Women are afraid of cancer and rightly so. By the time women are in their fifties, they usually know of more than several friends or relatives who have had some form of cancer. So let’s talk about what’s new in the field of energy medicine for women who are dealing with cancer.

New studies have shown that double mastectomy as a solution for those with a high genetic possibility for getting breast cancer does not improve survival rates. A protocol based on hope rather than fear will go much farther in supporting a women’s goal to be cancer free. As a spiritual teacher, I would recommend a supportive measure like a strong, daily meditation program as the best insurance for avoiding and defeating cancer.

Scientific studies these days are focusing on combining natural substances with pharmaceuticals. Researchers at Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center have found that combining tamoxifen (the most prescribed breast cancer drug) with a compound from feverfew, a flowering plant, may prevent resistance to the drug. Other studies have shown that grape seed extract works synergistically with certain chemotherapy drugs to make chemo more effective.

As a practitioner of energy healing, I have always believed that when you have been diagnosed with cancer, you need everyone on your team—your oncologist, surgeon, radiation oncologist, etc.—along with practitioners of whatever complementary and alternative (CAM) treatments are most appealing to you.

On the CAM front, more and more is happening. One of the most encouraging developments when dealing with any form of cancer is the emergence of more “integrative oncologists.” These are doctors who specialize in cancer but go beyond the standard Western medical care. While still utilizing surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy (although administered in very different ways than usual), these docs include lifestyle evaluations, recommendations for specific herbs and supplements to bring the whole body to a better state of health, and the inclusion of CAM treatments like acupuncture, guided imagery, massage, biofeedback, yoga and tai chi, the expressive arts, and meditation. They understand the importance of bringing mind-body-spirit into harmony. Check out

In April of 2013, the first integrative oncology conference was held at the UC San Diego Center for Integrative Medicine; it was called “a groundbreaking event with transformative potential” and focused on the complex relationships between tumor, host, and dietary, lifestyle, and environmental factors as well as what can be done to take care of imbalances and reduce cancer. There are also annual conferences that focus on integrative therapies. The Annie Appleseed Project hosts an annual evidence-based complementary/alternative cancer therapies conference that challenges the existing medical treatment paradigm and provides outstanding information to practitioners and patients about new possibilities for surviving and beating cancer (and they serve only organic food!).

Another way in which energy medicine is going mainstream is by having the top cancer centers in the country embrace CAM. The MD Anderson Cancer Center is holding its 9th annual Integrative Oncology Training Conference for licensed acupuncturists, massage therapists, and yoga and mind-body practitioners to provide an overview of evidence-based practice in cancer care, such as understanding the benefits, precautions, or contraindications of using these modalities for someone with cancer.

Within the last decade, most major cancer institutions in the U.S. now feature an integrative oncology center or clinic that offers some evidence-based interventions, such as acupuncture, mindfulness meditation and stress reduction techniques, and counseling in nutrition and exercise. To find a cancer center that provides these kinds of treatments by practitioners trained in cancer care, go to When one of my friends was dealing with breast cancer, she went to the Sari Asher Center for Integrative Cancer Care in Palm Beach and was amazed to find a (female) massage therapist who was trained to work directly on her breast to lessen scar tissue after surgery and radiation.

If whole-person integrative medicine is to become the new standard of care, and all of us involved in energy medicine certainly hope this happens, there is a lot to be done before most doctors and patients understand its potential. Of course, the biggest problem with CAM treatments is that most integrative services are not YET covered by insurance. There are groups that have been formed to bring about change in this area. With cancer rates predicted to soar 75% worldwide by 2030, it’s more important than ever that energy medicine is included in the treatment (and prevention!) of cancer.


That Voice in Your Head



You know that voice in your head—the one that says, “You’ll never get that job, why bother applying?” or “You are way too old for a man to ever love you.” Or how about, “It’s hopeless, so I might as well have another drink, another cookie, another day spent in front of the TV.” It’s your internal tape loop of negativity, your personal pathway to self-sabotage.


Where did it come from?


There’s a really good chance that voice of doom came from your mother as she worried, fretted, and generally stressed out over you. And you internalized her fears and negative belief system. Even now that you’re all “grown up,” you might be living your life based on the foundation of her limiting beliefs.


Even though I’m now a spiritual teacher and teach healing courses and life coaching courses, I know what it’s like to have grown up with a fearful and non-supportive mother. As we approach Mother’s Day, I’m grateful that my mom has turned into a sweet little old lady and we finally have the chance for a different relationship, even this late in the day. But it took a long time and a lot of internal work for me to understand where that embittered and rejecting mother came from (I wrote about her in Truth Heals) before I could silence her voice in my head and live according to the “still small voice” in my heart.


Do you find yourself listening to your mother’s voice in your head? Is it a voice that tears you down or does it build you up? Do you believe it when it tells you that you’re not enough? Read my piece on the Huffington Post at for some suggestions on how you can silence Mother Dearest’s voice in your head.


Children and Guns: A Really Bad Idea


It happened again—a 13-year-old boy shot his 6-year-old sister in the chest. Children are routinely shooting other children. As a spiritual teacher and health & wellness expert, I have deep compassion for both the parents and kids in these traumatic situations, but I’m horrified at the number of guns that manage to find their way into the hands of children.

It is estimated that the 80 million gun owners in the U.S. have over 300 million privately owned firearms, making America the number one ranking country in gun ownership. In contrast, law enforcement and the military own 4 million guns. How’s that for a startling statistic? Private gun owners outgun the authorities by about 79 to 1. With that many guns around, and the fact that many of these guns are not kept locked away, it’s no wonder that children have access to these deadly weapons.

Think of what happens to a child who is playing with his parent’s gun and winds up shooting a sibling, a playmate, or an adult. Think of the shock and upheaval, the pain and anguish, and the pure heartbreak all around. Think of what it will take from a life coach or an energy healing practitioner to release that nightmare.


Ayurveda: Ancient Energy Medicine


Over 6,000 years ago in India, during Vedic times, the rishis (enlightened seers) connected to the unified energy field and brought back information on how the body worked and what promoted health, making Ayurveda the oldest form of health care in the world. The Sanskrit term is made up of “ayus,” which means life, and “veda,” which means knowledge or science; thus ayurveda is the knowledge (or science) of life. “Ayu” comprises the mind, body, the senses, and the soul—the whole package of what we call “life.”

The fundamentals of Ayurveda can be found in the ancient Hindu scripture called the Rig Veda, which contains a series of prescriptions for helping people overcome various ailments. Ayurvedic doctors today don’t look at the illness or disease condition you have and try to treat that; instead, they look at telltale signs within your mind and body’s unique make-up to figure out where you personally are out of balance. Each person’s state of balance, and therefore the state of their health, is truly individual. In this way, ayurveda is very empowering: each of us is able to take charge of our life and healing—the very basis of energy medicine at its finest. It not only aims to help you regain balance if you’re already sick, but is very proactive in preventing illness.

Ayurveda is based on the premise that the universe is made of five elements—air, fire, water, earth, and ether. The rishis said that man is a microcosm of nature, so the five basic elements that are present in all matter also exist within each individual person and are represented by three doshas, or energies: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Vata (air and ether) is the force that directs nerve impulses, circulation, respiration, and elimination; kapha (water and earth) is responsible for growth and structure (protection); and pitta (fire and water) governs metabolism in digestion as well as in organ and tissue systems.

The doshas are the place where body connects with mind—the place where our thoughts turn into matter. When any of the doshas go out of balance, Ayurveda has specific lifestyle and nutritional guidelines to help individuals reduce the excess dosha and get back into balance. By restoring our doshas to a state of balance, we can have a mind-body that is always healthy. In Ayurvedic literature, a healthy person is defined as “he whose doshas are in balance, appetite is good, all tissues of the body and all natural urges are functioning properly, and mind, body, and spirit are cheerful…”

Cheerful! Are you filled with joy? Can you maintain or quickly return to a loving space in the face of adversity? Are you grateful for the blessings (and challenges) in your life?

When you see what Ayurveda means by being in balance, you can understand how this ancient system of energy medicine is light-years ahead of present-day Western medicine. The whole emphasis is on where you stand as an individual. Your unique mind-body constitution is called prakruti, which means “nature”—your individual nature or body type. It is very helpful in your own quest for health and energy healing that you learn what your prakruti is—which of the doshas are most prominent in your make-up and what you can do to keep all the doshas in balance. Through observation over time—looking at your own tongue, face, eyes, nails, and lips—you can learn to diagnose which doshas need adjustment. Ayurvedic physicans also take your pulses—the same ones an acupuncturist feels to see if your qualities of life are strong, weak, flat, fast, or shallow—and can thus tell which doshas are in excess.

There are four areas of life that can be altered to keep the doshas in balance: diet, exercise, daily routine, and seasonal routine. For Vata, the key is regularity, for Pitta it is moderation, and for Kapha it is stimulation. When Kaphas are out of balance, they tend towards sinus congestion, poor circulation, and sluggish digestion that can lead to obesity; they need to get up and move! Pittas out of balance tend toward excessive anger inflammatory conditions, and be over-stressed workaholics.  Those with a Vata constitution can have poor digestion, easily catch colds, develop insomnia and fatigue. This is, of course, a very brief peek into a highly complex system of health care.

If you’d like a better idea of what your doshas are, click here for a quiz that will help you determine your prakruti. And if you’re interested in learning more, I teach Ayurveda in the LifeForce Healing Program as well as in workshops.


Raising the Vibration of the Earth!

Raising the Vibration of the Earth!


Have you despaired over the condition of our beloved planet: global warming, rampant pollution, the rape of natural resources, and the propensity of humans to hate and kill other humans who don’t hold the same beliefs, skin color, or sexual orientation? Have you wondered what you, an individual, can do to change the way things are? As it turns out, you can be a powerful force for good. And if enough individuals are aligned in the same way, together we can do a LOT to help the planet come into balance at a higher vibratory level.

In 1905, Albert Einstein proved that as we break matter down into smaller and smaller components, we move beyond the material realm and into the place where everything is simply energy. This is the Law of Vibration, which is a law of nature; these laws are found in the occult teachings of ancient Egypt.

In the Law of Vibration, the lower the vibration, the slower something moves; the higher the vibration, the faster it moves. So the difference between the chair you are sitting on and the wind blowing through the window is really only the difference between the levels of vibrating energy, or frequencies. The chair, which seems solid and unmoving to the naked eye, is merely vibrating at a slower rate, while the wind blowing through the open window is moving much faster.

The same is true for emotions and thoughts. Fear, grief, and despair vibrate at a very low frequency, while love, joy, and gratitude vibrate at a much higher level. Positive thoughts vibrate much more quickly than dark negative thoughts. If a frequency is vibrating fast enough, it is emitted as a color of Light. If you wanted to convert sound to Light, for example, you would have to raise its frequency by forty octaves! Obviously, Light is a much higher vibration than sound.

When two frequencies are brought together, the lower always rises to meet the higher one. This is called resonance. Using the principle of resonance, you can actually increase the speed at which your body’s molecules vibrate by thinking and feeling love, joy, and gratitude. When our atoms speed up, we can reach higher dimensions of consciousness and the closer to Spirit or Source we become.

There have always been some humans on earth who knew that we have the power to control our mental/emotional forces. But the natural laws—the “secret knowledge”—was closely guarded by the few (so they wouldn’t be burned at the stake!). Now this knowledge is available to all who seek it, and this knowledge is what you can use to help not only yourself, but also the Earth. As a spiritual teacher, it’s my job to pass this information on to you.

When the mind is thinking positive thoughts and the heart is producing high level emotions like love and joy, they create an energy together that is transmitted into the universe. This wave will travel infinite distances and attract things that are vibrating at the same frequency. Lower frequencies will be raised up through resonance. In other words, the Law of Vibration is the foundation for the Law of Attraction. Whatever thought/emotion waves you generate will be the type of things that are attracted to you! That is how the Law of Vibration works in tandem with the Law of Attraction: through the frequencies and resonances that are produced. Like energy attracts like energy.

When you are steeped in unconditional love—the highest emotional vibration—all your atoms are singing the song of life at its highest. You are no longer part of the problem; you are part of the solution to the problems of the planet. If you react to what is happening around you with anger or bitterness or fear, you are lowering your own vibration and sending out a low thought/emotion wave. Jesus said: “Agree with thine adversary quickly… “ (Matt. 5:25). He is talking about your adverse reactions, the low vibration of your resistance. “Agree” means to raise your vibration to get in tune with Source, to resonate with the divine flow.

One of the best ways to develop your vibration is in the study of energy healing and energy medicine – healing courses offer you opportunities to step up to the next level.  Check out our upcoming courses for one in your area or come by livestream.

So let your Light shine and send forth a positive vibration on Earth, and you will be helping to raise the vibration of Earth itself!


Connecting with Your Earth Star

Earth connected


Here we are, gathered together in our love for our home, this beautiful planet Earth. Most of the time, we are in our minds, thinking about all we have to do, about all the hurts we are experiencing, about how we don’t have enough, or how we aren’t enough. Today, we are going to shift our awareness from who we are and what our Mother, the Earth, needs from us: to thank her for all she provides and to offer ourselves as helpers in the great task of repairing the world.


Sit quietly and connect to whatever nature is around you. Can you hear the wind rustling the leaves in the trees outside your home? Do you smell the flowers on your altar? Can you feel your cat curled up on the couch near you? Notice whatever sounds and sensations are around you.


Now, turning your attention from outside, come in to your center, to the heart chakra. Breathe gently in and out of your heart. Rest here as you start your journey deep into the earth.


A long time ago, the ancient peoples of the earth lived in harmony with the earth. They knew that Earth was a living, breathing being, just as they were. The world was not separated into the sacred and secular; all life and all creation were sacred. Then, hundreds of years ago, the industrial revolution swung into high gear and we started treating Earth badly; we heedlessly dumped pollutants of all types into her soil, her waters, her mantle of sky. We raped her forests, killed off many of the species that made up her animal and mineral kingdoms.


Breathe in the sorrow of what we have done to Earth. Connect to her suffering. Feel her pain.


In Judasim, there is a concept called tikkun olam, which means “repairing the world.” In the mystical tradition of the Kabbalah, God made the world but didn’t complete it. It was left one step away from divinity so that human beings could complete creation. But instead of taking responsibility for the world, humans insisted on the right to eat from every tree in the Garden. This made the work of tikkun much harder, and so every human being is called to do the work of healing and returning the soul to the world.


To repair the world, we have to first repair our consciousness so that we can see the world and each other as Source intended. Breathe in a strong intention to be of service in helping to repair the world.


How can we help repair the world if we are not standing firmly upon the earth? Often in meditation we focus upward to commune with Spirit, raising our energy up to and out the crown of the head. Today we travel in the other direction. It’s in the lower chakras of the feet and the toes, and below, that we need to tap into and connect with Earth’s energy.


The Earth Star chakra is below our feet, about 12-18 inches down into the Earth. It is through that chakra that we put down roots into the earth’s core. This is the key doorway that allows us to receive energy from the Earth and to be supported by it.


The chakras in the center of the sole of each foot allow energy to flow in and out the feet. Your Earth Star is a large wheel of energy, or a sphere. Visualize a cord of energy, like the roots of a tree, going down from the bottom of your feet and connecting to your Earth star.


Feel your connection to the earth. Ground your energy by plugging into the Earth Star. Below the crust of the earth, deep down in Earth’s core, below the shifting tectonic plates, beneath the floor of the mighty oceans.


Ask Mother Earth to help you stay grounded and stable. Talk to her. Thank her. Honor her. Promise to help her by remembering to water your plants, hugs trees, listening to the messages she sends to you through the natural world. Remember this space, and tune into it whenever you get ungrounded, flighty, too much in your head.


Go into the darkness of the earth, its rich, nourishing soil, to reconnect with the parts of yourself you have tried to hide. Bow low before the powerful dark energies you have split off from. Now that you have your roots planted in this nourishing earth, now that you are stable in your grounding, you can acknowledge what you have tried to hide, to ignore, to pretend wasn’t who you are.


You are light and dark, yin and yang, earth and sky, male and female. You are one with it all. There is only One. You are whole, and holy. From this place of Oneness, you are now ready to repair the world.


May every day be Earth Day.


Ascension: Moving Up in Consciousness



This week we are celebrating two major holidays: the Jewish Passover and the Christian Easter. Both come at the beginning of Spring because they hold the promise of redemption and resurrection—the flowering of the soul as it seeks the light and grows in consciousness.


The ritual meal of Passover, called the Seder, is designed as a journey from darkness to light. Seder means “order,” and its significance lies in God’s order for how to proceed from spiritual slavery through purification and on to spiritual freedom, as shown by God’s redemption of the Israelites from Egyptian bondage. One part of the story involves the sacrificial lamb whose blood on the doorway to a home indicated that God would “pass over” that house and the firstborn would be spared. In Christianity, Jesus became the lamb who sacrificed himself so that others would be saved. Then Jesus took it one step further and ascended bodily to heaven. Usually the term “ascension” (as used by religions) applies to those who enter heaven while still alive, such as what is called the “assumption” of Mary. In the case of Jesus, he died, was resurrected, and then raised bodily to heaven.


What does ascension have to do with your own spiritual journey? It’s not being raised bodily into heaven, but that does serve as a symbol of what ascension means for the spiritual seeker: moving up the ladder of spiritual growth and having the ascension experience of merging with the Clear Light of God (while still keeping your physical body). So in fact there are two types of ascension: spiritual ascension involves the liberation of the soul, while physical ascension has been reserved for a select few souls who have mastered all the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of life and are able to take their bodies with them into the higher realms.


Think of ascension as the process by which you eventually transform your material desires and habits, thoughts and emotions, into the spiritual desire and pursuit of liberation and God-realization. This takes place through a series of initiations, like many of you have experienced at my events and workshops. As you climb the initiatory ladder through the various planes, you eventually ascend in a full merger with the I Am Presence, , while still here on Earth.


You don’t have to be perfectly healthy to ascend, or completely free of all negative emotions or ego and the lower self. It is said you have to balance only 51% of your karma to ascend. You’ll feel similar to the person you were before, but you will be operating at a higher octave and carrying more Light. You’ll be more connected to spirit and to the Ascended Masters. In times past, when people took the initiation in which they had the full experience of ascension, they usually left their bodies and went into the spiritual world. However, nowadays people ascend and continue to serve on Earth in order to help bring in the New Age. Even those at lower level initiations who are unaware of the initiation as it happens, or who don’t think of themselves as “spiritual,” are open to finding their life’s purpose and trusting their intuition.


Here are some signs that you could call “symptoms” of ascension:


  1. You feel like you’re on an emotional rollercoaster. You are easily touched and can cry over any heartwarming moment, even a commercial on television. Try to stay present with your emotions and feel them fully, allowing them to pass through you with ease.
  2. You feel a stronger connection to nature. You may like animals you never liked before, or appreciate even the coldest winter.
  3. You may feel like a yo-yo in your energy levels. One day you can barely crawl out of bed, while another day you feel like you’re walking on air and bouncing off the walls. Don’t worry. It will stabilize. This can include unusual sleep patterns, and your dreams may be very intense.
  4. You may develop food intolerances, allergies, or crave strange foods. Listen to your body and trust it. Remove offending foods and then try them again in a few months.
  5. You become more aware of synchronicities in your life. Appreciate the guidance you are getting from these signs and messages.
  6. You may have body aches and pains, especially in the neck, shoulder, and back, which are the result of intense changes in your DNA level as the “Christ seed” awakens in you.
  7. You may feel called to change your job or career.
  8. You may feel lonely, even in the company of others. Don’t let this cause you anxiety; it’s just difficult to relate to others at this time. You also may feel like you’ve lost your passion. You simply need to shut down for a while in order to upload the new Christ-seed energy.
  9. You may feel slightly disoriented and even feel a loss of identity. Who is that person in the mirror? Don’t worry; you are okay.
  10. You feel a deep desire that is hard to explain to go “home.”


We all evolve at our own pace. Ascension is not a competitive sport. Each of us must go through all the levels, all the initiations, on our way back “home.” So as you celebrate the beginning of Spring and the holidays that give us such deep symbols of spiritual growth and freedom, take a moment to feel gratitude for being on your own journey of ascension!


Near-Death Experiences (NDEs)

light at the end of the tunnel


I have talked before about near-death experiences, such as my own on my first date with my husband-to-be, when I slipped into an icy river and almost drowned. What I haven’t told you about are the after-effects of such an experience, which almost always change a person’s life—usually for the better.

As there is often a choice involved as to whether or not they will return to their body—and obviously those who tell the stories of their NDEs have always chosen to return for one reason or another, when they do come back, they understand that they have a purpose in life, a reason for being here. The same is true for those who “hear” a voice telling them that it is not yet their time, as I did, no matter how much they would like to stay in the loving warmth and comfort of the Other Side. For many, an NDE is the beginning of their spiritual journey. They may make major changes in their life, such as, in my case, switching careers; others may begin or end a relationship, or move, although these changes may not manifest for years.

A woman named Alice nearly died after giving birth to her third child. In her NDE, she was lifted into joy and ecstasy, and was given a choice to remain or return to her body. She was being taught, and felt herself expanding and becoming part of All That Is. She came back with reluctance, and managed to squelch any aftereffects for 20 years, until her psychic sensitivities warned her she had to make major changes in her life or die. “My inner voice burst into activity, somehow picking up the loose threads of my near-death experience…. and I finally listened.”

The typical effects of an NDE can include stunning psychic abilities, an extended perceptual range, and heightened faculties in general. After an NDE, you may be visited by the dead, know in advance of pending deaths, or be aware of the exact moment someone dies. Often, the spiritual guidance that people receive on the Other Side makes it possible to get through whatever challenges they face when they return—whether it’s a long, arduous recovery from a car crash or the disbelief of others when they try to talk about their experience.

Everything that happens to you—whether you see it as “good” or “bad”—happens for a reason. It’s not necessary to come so close to death that you see yourself at your own funeral in order to find your life’s purpose, develop your psychic abilities, and learn to live a more fulfilling life, filled with love, peace, and compassion for others and for yourself.

To learn more about out-of-body experiences, join Deborah and Hay House in a fun filled 4 part series on Astral Travel!


Out-of-Body Experiences (OBEs)



Have you ever seen your physical body sleeping peacefully in bed while you are looking down from the ceiling? Have you ever dreamt that you are flying? Did you ever “visit” with a spiritual guide or angel in a heavenly realm? If so, you’re one of many who have had an out-of-body experience (OBE).

Science may call OBEs hallucinations, caused by psychological and neurological factors, but the 10-15% of people who admit to having had such experiences know otherwise. They know that these experiences feel even more real than what scientists call reality. Whether your OBE happened spontaneously as part of a lucid dream, as you were falling asleep, as a near-death experience due to some trauma, as a result of extreme physical effort, or if you deliberately induced it through astral projection, these events are hard to deny. And why would you want to?

We all leave our bodies every night. In the dream world, you roam free, totally separate from your physical body lying in bed. The difference between that and an OBE is that during an OBE you have a greater consciousness in your astral body than you do in a typical dream, and you are aware that your physical body is still in bed while you are free to travel about.

I recently had this type of lucid dream/astral travel while I was at Miraval, where I lecture and teach workshops. I was semi-awake, lying in bed, when I was suddenly transported back to L.A., visiting with my cats. Ginger, who is old, was with Mr. Manx, who has been dead for quite some time. The two of them had lived together for ten years, and I thought that maybe Mr. Manx had come to take Ginger to the Other Side. Then I “left” and went to see my mother, who lives in northern California. The cats had come to take me to my mother. Their eyes, and my mother’s eyes, were shining white. I woke up and called my mother immediately to find out how she was.

In an out-of-body experience, you may find yourself in a location here on Earth or in an apparently real domain that’s clearly not on Earth—the “other worlds” talked about by traditional peoples or the astral plane as it’s called by occultists and New Agers. Normal physical laws don’t apply as travelers go from one realm to another. You can travel backwards or forwards in time, go to heaven or hell realms, visit with loved ones who have passed on (including pets!), or meet with high spiritual beings who give you insight and guidance.

While we are alive in our physical bodies, our astral bodies are the ones that do the traveling. Of course, there are beings who only possess etheric bodies, such as planetary angels or solar angels, called devas. Devas often appear to clairvoyants as colored flames about the size of a human being.  The Theosophists also believed that nature spirits, elementals, and fairies, who can all be observed through an activated third eye, are all etheric entities on the path of deva evolution. These types of beings possess etheric bodies, but no physical ones.

Your astral/etheric body can travel out of your physical body, but where it can go is related to how high your vibratory level is. You can nurture your etheric body with light and positive energy. You lower your vibration through negative thoughts and emotions, especially fear. When you learn to control your astral body through soul mastery of your thoughts and feelings, it can help your physical body to heal, slow down the aging process, and take you to visit higher planes while still alive on Earth. This is the key to ascension, which I will discuss in detail in a later blog, as well as to spiritual out-of-body experiences.

When you learn how to deliberately induce an out-of-body experience through lucid dreams or in deep meditation, you’ll come to appreciate the great potential of your astral body, as well as its connection to energy healing.

Starting next week, on Thursday, March 14th, I’ll be teaching the ins and outs, ups and downs of astral travel in a 4-week live online Hay House event (/events-workshops//astral-travel). Join me to learn how to astral project and explore the higher astral realms safely. It’s a sure-fire way to deepen your connection to spirit and to lose your fear of death. Really!