
3 Tips to Fast-Track Your Spiritual Progress



Are you cruising in the fast lane of the spiritual highway? Would you like to be?

If you’re type A like I am, then you are always looking for better, faster, more efficient ways to accomplish your goals, even when seeking the light. Everyone must travel their own road to expanded consciousness and connection to Source, but you can merge into the far left lane at any time and speed up a little, as long as you’re safe.

Safe is the key word here—you never want to force yourself into any type of energetic advancement because it won’t stick and it could actually be harmful. But, if you’re cautious and determined, you can jumpstart your spiritual progress with a few essential activities that will improve your life in every way.

1. Practice Meditation.

Meditation is the firmest foundation on which to build your spiritual temple. Done properly, meditation has so many benefits it almost seems like magic. It lowers stress, improves sleep, relaxes tense muscles, reduces blood pressure, improves focus and concentration, boosts immunity, and calms the mind and body. Meditation has also been shown to be incredibly effective in treating emotional imbalances, anxiety, and depression. And those are just some the mental, emotional, and physical advantages of a healthy meditation practice.




When you learn to meditate with an experienced spiritual teacher, the benefits jump to new heights. Meditation can help expand your consciousness and bring you to more advanced levels of awareness, help you better connect to the universal field, and prepares you for initiations—the process of, with the help of a facilitator, your energy field moving up to a higher vibration. Meditation can also activate spiritual gifts and talents that have lain dormant, including clairvoyance, heightened intuition, telepathy, astral travel, even the gift of healing!

I can tell you with certainty that without meditation, I would not have made it to where I am today. Meditation grounds and centers you, connects you to Spirit and quiets the external thoughts so you can explore your deepest self. Twenty minutes, twice a day, and you will feel the transformation meditation has on all aspects of your being, I promise.

2. Practice Energy Healing.

Attending healing courses and workshops is by far the fastest way to reach higher levels of consciousness and speed up your spiritual progress. It seems that each workshop I do vibrates at an even higher level than the last and the collective energy of the group can lift you off your feet. This energy makes healing courses and workshops fertile ground for removing vectors and cords, clearing chakras, and initiations.

Whether you participate in an online or in-person healing course, they can help you pinpoint which of your chakras is not functioning optimally and guide you to make the necessary adjustments to correct your energy flow. This is why energy healing workshops can fast-track your spiritual development—a master healer and spiritual teacher like me can remove negativity in one day that would take you much longer to process on your own.




Now, of course, after you go home from an energy healing session, you still must do the work to maintain the clarity in your chakras and your personal field, but an energy healer can kickstart that process for you.

The other great thing about energy medicine is that when you are training to become an energy healer, you cannot help but get healed yourself. You must be in alignment with you higher self, your guides, the earth, and Spirit in order to effect any real healing, so you must constantly be checking on your own field and keeping up habits that will keep your energy field clear and charged. Journaling to express your true emotions, grounding yourself to Mother Nature by spending time outside, and of course, meditation, should all be part of your spiritual repertoire. Just like brushing your teeth, cleansing your energy field should be a part of your daily routine.

3. Practice Meditation and Energy Healing Together.

Utilize both practices concurrently to get the most out of each. Meditation and energy healing act as supports for each other, like tree branches that grow together, twisted and wrapped around each other so that if you removed one, the other would weaken. Together, those branches are stronger, tougher, more stable, and so will be your spiritual roots if you practice both meditation and energy healing on a regular basis.

Energy healing removes the negativity from your field so that the transformative energy brought to you in meditation has a place to settle. Meditation shores up your base so that you can be initiated to higher levels, and energy healing clears away the emotional underbrush so you can grow enough to be ready for those higher levels. The two practices are linked in a symbiotic relationship, each helping the other be a better version of itself and making the sum greater than its parts.

If you meditate and participate in energy healing, you will be making huge spiritual leaps and bounds on your personal path to light. Before you know it, you’ll be cruising down the spiritual highway in a convertible, singing your favorite song and swaying in the wind, knowing you are doing good work.

If you would like to learn more about boosting your spiritual evolution through meditation and energy healing, you’ll want to check out my Hay House LifeForce Energy Healing Online Certification Course, which teaches you how to heal yourself and others, and certifies you in the exciting field of energy medicine!




Never Get Sick Again After You Read This Powerful News



How many times have you been aching and feverish in bed, or coughing and shivering with a cold, and wished that you could avoid getting sick ever again? Probably every time—I sure do! Being sick is harmful in so many ways. Even minor illness like flus and colds wreak havoc on your body and your energy field, and the negative side effects of sluggishness, soreness, and slowed mental capacities last for days after you start feeling better.

Your Body and Energy Field Are Inextricably Linked

If you’re taking my Hay House LifeForce Energy Healing Online Course or otherwise know about energy medicine, you know that your body was created from your human energy field. In fact, your personal energy field existed before your body and held the template for your physical body which then manifested when you were born. This means your energy field and your body are inextricably linked, so when your body is affected by an illness or injury, it’s reflected in your chakras and your personal energy field. Repairing any weaknesses or imbalances in your energy field will support the corresponding issues in the body. This is the foundation of energy healing.

When Something Feels “Off”

Unlike traditional western medicine, energy healers like me can sense illness well in advance of when it appears in your body. You can probably sense it, too. When you feel “off,” but medical doctors can’t find a cause, it’s often because the problem in your field hasn’t yet physically manifested. If left untreated, a distorted chakra or other disruption of your energy flow will eventually show up as sickness of varying degrees, depending on the severity of the energy block.

If you think about it, what this means is that illness is essentially psychosomatic—a bodily reaction produced by the mind. Now, I don’t mean to say that your pain or ailment is imaginary or “all in your head.” It is much more complicated than that.




Consciousness Creates Sickness

Your consciousness interacts with your body through your energy field, so your thoughts, feelings, attitudes, and everything that makes up your current self affects both your body and your energy field since both are connected to that consciousness.

Your thoughts and feelings directly impact your energy field, which we have already established directly impacts your body. Then it follows that since your consciousness affects your body, all illness is self-inflicted, though not intentionally of course. I see it all the time as a spiritual teacher, negative thoughts and feelings really can and do make you sick if you do not process and deal with them.

Avoid Sickness by Keeping Your Field Clear

With this powerful insight, you now know that to avoid feeling physically sick, you need to maintain the health of your energy field. Generally, attending healing courses, journaling to express your true emotions, and daily meditation can go a long way in keeping your chakras clear and charged. But to delve even deeper into the state of your energy field, you’ll want to understand the levels of the field, and the specific characteristics and influences of each.

There are seven main levels of your energy field, listed below. These levels interpenetrate each other and your body and extend beyond your physical form. Each level reaches out a few inches past the previous one and is a step higher in vibration—like a higher octave.

Reach New Levels of Understanding

Each level feels and looks a certain way when it is healthy, and when it is over- or under-charged. It does take practice to learn to sense the state of these energy levels, but with some training from an energy healer, you’ll eventually be able to perceive the health of all seven levels of your own and others’ energy fields!




The seven levels of the field are explained in detail in my Hay House LifeForce Energy Healing Online Course, including how each level should appear and feel when it is operating optimally and when it has been weakened, which areas of your life are impacted by each level, and, most importantly, how energy medicine can improve the health of all seven levels, but here is a brief overview.

The Seven Levels of the Field

1. Etheric body. This level is the closest to your body, just a few inches beyond your skin. This level is associated with pain and pleasure, and is the easiest to self-assess. This level is all about the physical: your senses and your body experiencing life.

2. Emotional body. This level is a mirror for your feelings about yourself. When you don’t love yourself enough, this level can look dirty like smog. If you do have a lot of self-blame, or self-shame, energy healing can help lift your self-esteem and clear up this level of your field.

3. Mental body. This level governs learning and focus, and tends to be relatively strong in modern cultures. We tend to be intellectually motivated, often so much that we forget or ignore our emotions and “gut” reactions.

  1. Astral level. This is the level that is associated with your relationship to everything in the universe, everything outside yourself. If this level is weak, you may avoid intimacy and have difficulty with relationships.
  2. Etheric template. This level is so important—it holds the blueprint for your physical form and is the level that connects to divine will. If you feel as if you are disconnected from many aspects of your life, this level may need some work.
  3. Celestial body. This is the level associated with divine love, and, when healthy, looks like gorgeous streams of rainbow-colored light. Meditation is especially effective for charging this level, and without a strong sixth level, it will be difficult for you to have the spiritual experiences you’re seeking.
  4. Causal body. Think of this level like a golden egg around your body—a protective coating that keeps your energy field safe and contained.

If you would like to learn more about the seven levels of your energy field and how healthy they—and you—are, check out my Hay House LifeForce Online Energy Healing Online Course, which will teach you how to heal yourself and others, and certifies you in the exciting field of energy medicine!