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The Unique Balancing Power of Red Coral
Gemstones are resonant objects, objects that pulsate and vibrate with the resonance of specific planets and cadences, providing us connectivity and understanding.
A gemstone, at its very basic definition, is a mineral which has been cut or polished. These minerals are created through the rhythmic creation processes of Earth — from volcanic eruptions to intense pressure under the layers of Earth. It’s a beautiful process whose product – gems – reflect and capture the energies and motions of the Earth, and it is these captured rhythms which we strive to sync.
But not all stones come from those processes. In fact, one stone – red coral – comes from a unique and altogether wonderful process on Earth. I want to share this process with you.
Red coral comes from a life cycle. We’ve all seen images of the beautiful coral reefs in the oceans, or perhaps taken a snorkeling trip through the underwater forests. The coral that forms these reefs are the exoskeletons of living organisms.
Coral was alive. These small, precious living things live, thrive, and die in colonies. As they continuously grow and die, they deposit small amounts of calcium carbonate – the same mineral that makes up pearls and eggshells. These small deposits grow over time, building these magnificent underwater forests that we call reefs.
Within these mineral skeletons, new corals continuously grow, giving rise to coral’s nickname: living rock. This lifecycle is what makes coral so vibrant, so unique among the gemstones that we study and align with. It’s a powerful, deeply connective stone that is in tune with the oceanic circle of life.
Red coral, due both to its red color and its very deep and root resonance to life, aligns with the planet Mars. Mars, which we affectionately call the Red Planet, exists as a symbol of masculine virility, passion, and war throughout cultures in the East and the West — in both Vedic and Western astrology. When properly aligned, Mars’s energy brings vitality, strength, resolve, and passion. When overly charged, Mars’s energy can bring anger, irrationality, pain, and destruction.
The ancients knew this. The Greek thinkers specifically understood that Mars energy, whom they called Ares, ran the risk of becoming too aggressive, too warlike. They understood that Mars energy needed to be moderated. They understood that Mars energy could consume an unwary soul. In those days, they would call upon the wisdom of Athena — the goddess of wisdom and strategy — to moderate that passion. Today, while you still may call upon your higher divine wisdoms, I encourage you to also look to precious red coral. Remember, within this precious gemstone is an entire ecosystem of life, death, creation, and destruction.
This tether to life and death, unique to coral among all gemstones, imbues this stone with a profoundly moderating energy, which helps you filter out the aggressive powers that Mars can bring. This is the beauty of red coral. It strengthens you with the powerful gifts of Mars, while preventing you from falling into the throes of irrational passion.
When you connect with Mars, and I encourage you to do so, do remember that you are dealing with a powerful, primordial energy. Respect the vast, passionate, masculine power that flows through Mars, and understand that this energy should be moderated and mediated. You may also wish to call upon the strength and wisdom of the Pallas Athena. Her energy is best thought of as strong, even-tempered, intellectual, and righteous.
The beautiful and oceanic power native to red coral provides an excellent and protective conduit for this energy. I would love to teach you more about how to connect with the vibrational frequencies of gemstones and planets such as red coral and Mars. If you’re interested, please come and join me at the Shift Network, where I’ll soon be teaching a seven-week course on Vibrational Medicine.
The Science Behind Vibrational Medicine
You are a living, breathing field of energy. Your body is made up of molecules and atoms that produce energy, which is always in motion. So like everyone and everything else in the universe, you are creating energy through your vibrations.
My field of energy medicine is also called vibrational medicine because we use the energy within and around you to benefit your health.
Research has shown how the body’s electrical and magnetic energies kickstart the chemical processes of the body, and there is evidence that these energies definitely impact your health.
Vibrations work in a rhythm. There are big rhythmic patterns, like the ocean tides or the changing seasons. Inside your body, your beating heart, the rate of your breathing, and circadian rhythms can all be felt and measured.
But there are also much smaller vibrations happening inside your cells. Researchers have even been able to detect the nanovibrations of a single strand of hair!
All these big and small vibrations together generate waves of electromagnetic energy. The vibrations and the energy they create can change your cells, which in turn affect the way your body is working.
The molecules of your body vibrate at different rates, which can move faster or slower when things change. For example, a change in temperature can affect a molecule’s vibration.
What those of us in energy medicine have long known, and researchers are now studying, is the way your body’s rhythmic vibrations, and therefore your health, are affected by your thoughts and emotions. Anxious thoughts, for example, trigger stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, which speed up or slow down your heart rate. A continued change in vibration over time can affect your health.
Your personal energy field and its chakras are powered by your emotions. That’s such a key point – let me repeat it: your thoughts and emotions affect your field and your rate of vibration. If you are inundated with negative thoughts, you will vibrate at a lower frequency. If you are exposed to an ongoing low frequency energy, you will feel negative and may eventually become ill.
Think of the way the vibrations of music can affect how you think and feel, and thus affect your body. You know how the music in the movie amps up the intensity of what you’re seeing on the screen. The soundtrack for action movies, for example, pumps up the tension and your sense of excitement at key points with a rapid tempo, while chick-flics inevitably have a string orchestra playing love songs to lift you into a heart space.
If you change your thoughts and emotions, and even your environment, you can slow down or speed up the vibrations that are happening at the cellular level. A change in even the smallest nanovibrations can influence how you feel and the health of your body. It’s the mind-body connection.
Science doesn’t yet understand how vibrational energy does what it does in your body, but in vibrational medicine we see how a change in your body’s vibrations can shift your mood, improve your health, and help you realize your goals and dreams.
You are very susceptible to changes in frequency – the rate of vibration. There is plenty of evidence that links positive patterns of thoughts and feelings to better health and overall well-being. A high enough frequency, created by vibrations of joy, peace, and forgiveness, and you feel good, happy to be alive, and grateful for your spiritual awakening and your community. If your vibration dips too low, you may feel fearful, confused, angry, or in despair.
My goal, as a teacher of vibrational medicine, is to help you elevate your frequency, so you vibrate at a higher rate and be filled with positivity, wellness, and light.
The higher your frequency, the more likely you are to experience an initiation, those illusive step-ups in spirituality that I’m famous for helping occasion: spiritual breakthroughs in which you are admitted to the higher planes. Just as initiations are forms of higher consciousness, so too their existence is predicated on higher frequency wavelengths.
When our atoms vibrate together – or resonate – they form a connected consciousness. That is why when you resonate with another being, you feel less like a solitary figure and more part of the whole. Raising your individual consciousness requires raising your vibratory resonance, so you can connect with others and with the universe at large. Your field must oscillate faster and more intensely to resonate with the manifest beauty the universe has to offer you.
Want to experience a higher frequency? Come join me this coming Saturday, June 5, at 10:00 a.m. Pacific, on Shift Network, as I go in-depth on this topic and lead a guided meditation to do that very thing!