
Heather Locklear and Possible Prescription Abuse

Heather Locklear, the former “Melrose Place” star, has been fined and placed on informal probation. She pled “no contest” to a reduced charge of reckless driving, which reduced the original charge of driving under the influence of prescription drugs. Heather was fined $700 and ordered to take a 12-hour driving program. In June, she checked herself into rehab for what was termed “anxiety and depression,” likely doublespeak for another issue. In September, she had been pulled over for driving erratically and was found to be under the influence of prescription drugs.

If Heather has a problem with prescription drugs, the State of California has just enabled her to continue. A sentence that could have actually helped Heather would have to returned her to rehab for an extended stay. Sending her home doesn’t help her at all.

Don’t be ashamed if you or a loved one has a problem with prescription drugs; according to the National Institute of Drug Abuse, this problem has been on the rise for 10 years. In 2004, 9.3 percent of 12-graders reported using Vicodin. And in this troubled economy, people turn even more to substance abuse for relief. A spokesman for Mainstream Kansas City Inc., an alcohol and drug rehab treat center, said, “We’re seeing an extreme uptick in the abuse of pharmacological drugs. We have noticed it for several years, but it really became more pronounced in the last few months.

I hope Heather’s friends and family reach out to help her in this difficult time. As a recovering addict myself, I know how difficult it can be, especially with a perception that the eyes of the world are upon her.

Heather, you get past this!


Travolta Family Responds to Tragedy

I’m very impressed with the state of mind of John Travolta and his wife, Kelly Preston, upon the tragic and unexpected death of their 16-year-old son, Jett. Rather than looking for someone or something to blame for his death, they posted this statement on John’s website: “Jett was the most wonderful son that two parents could ever ask for and lit up the lives of everyone he encountered. We are heartbroken that our time with him was so brief. We will cherish the time we had with him for the rest of our lives.”

This is such a positive response to what many would perceive as a negative situation. It’s not that the Travolta’s won’t grieve, as they should. It’s the gratitude they are able to feel, no matter the circumstances. I commend them both.


Steven Farmer—Hearing the Earth’s Messages

The world speaks to us; we just have to be receptive enough to hear. Steven Farmer, a shamanic practitioner, joins us today to discuss animal spirit guides, his pursuit of shamanism, and intuitive healing. Steven is the author of Earth Magic: Ancient Shamanic Wisdom for Healing Yourself, Others, and the Planet. We all have a powerful connection to the natural world and the spirit world; Steven helps us find and strengthen this connection. Steven has a wealth of knowledge and experiences that we invite you to draw from, most important of which is to take the time to listen and foster our intuitive abilities. Join us for this illuminating interview.

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Marci Shimoff Is Happy from Within

Why aren’t we happy? What is missing? According to our guest, Marci Shimoff, it is the inner core of peace and well being. In her book Happy for No Reason, we see a balanced approach to becoming happy. It’s not possessions, it’s not money, and it is accessible to all of us. We hover around a happiness “set point,” unless we are active in changing it. Happiness is all about habits, and we can change our habits to bring greater meaning and peace to our lives. Tying in with this is our next guest, Brian Klemmer, author of Compassionate Samurai. Brian talks with us about the importance of honesty, responsibility, transparency, and values – all the qualities of enlightenment or “happy for no reason”! Wonderful guests to touch millions who are suffering needlessly.

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A Call to Action from Andrew Harvey

From early exposure to various spiritual beliefs, Andrew Harvey has become a renowned mystical scholar and author and an important influence in the spiritual journey of many. Andrew discusses with us our personal and collective shadows and how we need to “eat the dirt of our shadows” so we can realize that we are but part of a divine plan, confront the truth about ourselves, and gain clarity. Andrew is also the force behind the Institute for Sacred Activism, which urges us to meet the challenges of our contemporary life with courage, inspiration, compassion, love and spirit to affect global changes. In this time of enormous change and turmoil, Andrew’s voice is one we need to hear. Join us for this most timely and important guest.

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Body Language of Obama and McCain

Body Language of Obama and McCain

Yesterday’s meeting of Obama and McCain revealed interesting body language. Obama had his legs widely crossed, he lounged back in his chair and angled his body toward McCain, all of which signified openness and a high level of ease. McCain, on the other hand, seemed pretty ill at ease. That’s not a criticism — any of us would feel the same. His legs were crossed very tightly (more like a woman’s), he sat up ramrod straight and his body was angled straight ahead, not at Obama. All of this simply demonstrates  that we can’t hide how we really feel to others — our bodies speak louder than words.


Dr. Christiane Northrup and Brian Klemmer: Honesty in All Aspects of Life

Dr. Christiane Northrup, OB/GYN, is at the forefront of women’s health issues and in honoring the mind body connection within the medical community. Dr. Northrup joins us today to talk about her book, The Secret Pleasures of Menopause, as well as about understanding the relationship between women’s health and our minds and souls. Shifting gears, we have Brian Klemmer, author of The Compassionate Samurai, with us to discuss the importance of being compassionate and ethical in the midst of a “cut-throat” world. Both guests show us the importance of maintaining a strong sense of self in the midst of adversity. This is a wonderful and full show. Join us.

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Yes We Can – But Not With Her

When I learned John McCain had selected Sarah Palin to be his running mate, I thought, “Hallelujah! No matter who wins, it will be an historic first.” Then I saw and heard Sarah Palin, and thought, “No! If they win, no one wins. Women certainly do not win. In fact, we will be set back a century.” From her seduction of the camera to her inexcusable ignorance, Governor Palin’s brand of politics we can do without. Is this what we want to teach our daughters? That women don’t succeed on their merit but on their resemblance to a Barbie doll? Learn what Sarah Palin’s demeanor tells us about her anti-feminist ideals at my blog on the Huffington Post.

Posted November 12, 2008 | 07:22 AM (EST)
Sarah Palin hasn’t gone away. Oh, she may be back in Alaska, but she’s also all over the media, as in recent interviews with Greta Van Susteren on Fox News, on the Today show with Matt Lauer, and on Larry King Live. Even Oprah has invited Sarah to her show!… Read Post


Joan Borysenko Discusses the Mind Body Connection

Those who meditate regularly for five years are physiologically twelve years younger. There can be no better testimonial for the power of the mind and the benefits of our being mindful. Joan Borysenko, author, spiritual teacher, and psychologist, joins us to talk about spiritual experiences and how they affect changes on our bodies. Joan takes us on a tour of her very personal journey to enlightenment and belief in mind body medicine, discussing the importance of using all the modalities available to us in order to connect to the spirit, whether conventional or alternative. This is an exciting glance into the mind of one of leaders of mind body medicine and practical spirituality.

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Reawakening the American Dream

Goethe wrote, “In all things it is better to hope than to despair.” We chose hope with Barack Obama’s election to the highest office in the land. After years of being stuck in a quagmire of dishonesty and negativity, it is like spring to have a positive force in the White House. A great office needs a great person, and in Obama, we fortunately have one who acts with grace, compassion, and composure. To navigate us through this difficult time, we need a figure who can garner respect throughout the world – not just in moneyed circles but in the furthest reaches of the world. For more of my thoughts on the politics of the day, visit my blog at the Huffington Post.

Posted November 6, 2008 | 02:26 PM (EST)
It’s been a long time coming, this resurrection of hope and excitement in America, and around the world. I’ve been inundated with calls and emails from all over the world celebrating the direction our country has taken. In this global age, when it is possible for a small village in… Read Post


Anything is possible. At last.


Last night was a momentous occasion in the history of this country, and in the world. Racial barriers not only crumbled, they disintegrated. Young Afro-Americans have a new image of what they can become when they grow up. And all of us can see in the spousal body language of Barack and Michelle Obama what it means to have real love and intimacy in a marriage relationship.

Those were real heartwarming hugs and kisses, direct eye contact and ear-to-ear smiles. The joy was apparent, as clear as the fact that they were in this together. During his speech last night, Obama said, “We would not be standing here tonight without the unyielding support of my best friend of the last 16 years, the rock of our family, the love of my life, the nation’s next first lady, Michelle Obama.” Or as Whoppi Goldberg put it on this morning’s The View, there will be “a whole lot of whooping going on” in the Obama White House.

Body language tells us a lot about people. And what it tells us about our next President and his First Lady is that the White House will be a true home filled with tenderness and love, a place of safety and security for their two girls, and a place from which compassion and understanding can radiate out to the world.


Using Our Voice – How Liz Dawn Celebrates Your Life

On the eve of an historic election, we are using our collective voice. Speaking up, living our truth is indicative of healthy fifth chakra energy. We can also do this nonverbally with our body language. Our show today focuses on communication and how our energy centers “speak” to us and others on an unconscious level. This is the premise behind Mishka Productions, which facilitates Celebrate Your Life conferences, providing thousands with the opportunity to hear self-help and spiritual authors. Liz Dawn, President of Mishka Productions, is my guest today and shares with us the unique opportunities her organization offers. We can all celebrate our lives – it starts with accepting the truth!

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No Love Lost

At first, John McCain’s choice of Sarah Palin as vice-presidential candidate made great sense: someone young to balance his age; a beautiful woman to his distinguished man; someone who could deliver a “first” in American history. But then they started spending time together and that façade quickly vanished. Was anyone fooled into thinking that these two – who could barely stand to look at each other – could come together to run the country? Especially during these times? Body language tells us much more than empty words, and they spoke volumes about these running mates. Fortunately for all of us, the American public listened. I discuss this odd couple in my blog at the Huffington Post.

Posted October 30, 2008 | 10:36 AM (EST)
The romance is obviously over. If John McCain could have gotten away with not hugging Sarah Palin on stage at the rally in Hershey, Pennsylvania, he certainly would have done so. His body language spoke loud and clear as they fake hugged: “Let’s get this over with. You’re the worst… Read Post


The Thirty Day Trials of Steve Pavlina

Eating disorders are pervasive in our culture; millions suffer from anorexia nervosa to binge eating disorders. They stem from disorder in our root chakra, our sense that we aren’t safe here. You are starving your emotions. This is why eating disorders are so difficult to recover from: they require confrontation of truth and recognition of the mind body connection. Author Steve Pavlina joins us to talk about his book Personal Development for Smart People: The Conscious Pursuit of Personal Growth, which ties perfectly into this issue and many others that require us to live consciously and take responsibility for our lives. Starting with a thirty day change, we can see that meaningful change is possible if we tackle it one day at a time. Start your own process with us today.

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Yoga, News Fasts, and Other Ways to Survive the Economy

There is a yoga pose called tadasana, or mountain pose. You stand with your weight balanced on both feet, align your ankles, knees, and hips, and your head and shoulders. You become very aware of yourself and the feeling of being connected to the earth. It is this feeling that we lack as we hear about the Dow’s precipitous drops, banks failing, and Fortune 500 companies tanking. We find that the solid base we have been standing on is nothing but air. The emotional pain of this economy is also an awakening for us – a chance for us to build a more solid foundation for our lives. How can we remain grounded when our world changes by the hour? See my blog on the Huffington Post for more on keeping sane as the economy goes crazy.

Posted October 23, 2008 | 10:00 AM (EST)
It’s everywhere we turn these days–the bad news about the economy. It’s one more fear piled on top of all the other fears festering in our guts. Here comes another breaking news alert: the stock market is down, no, now it’s up, no, down. The foreign markets are… Read Post