Do you have a favorite back-to-school story? Did you ever embark on a path of learning that changed your life? Maybe even saved your life? Many years ago when I was seeking a way out of the sorrowful and frightening mess that my life had become, I discovered something beautiful—a door to my destiny. I had a learning path that I never suspected was waiting for me.
I needed healing in mind, body, and spirit. I had been burning the candle at both ends (and in the middle!), running so fast from the pain within that I didn’t see the life-threatening dead end that lay before me. When I was told I had cancer, I already sensed that I had an even more serious problem, a spiritual deficit that negated everything else in my life. Who was I and where was the happy and meaningful life I was born for?
You know my story. At the moment when my downward spiral was about to consume me, I discovered the power of Energy Healing. I sought treatment for my illness because I realized how precious my life was. Lying under all the pain and abuse I had both experienced as a child and inflicted on myself as an adult was love. I loved my life and I loved the world around me. And entwined with that love was work I was meant to do. Could I save myself and find my work?
When Energy Healing treatments helped me rise back up in hope and health, I had to know more. What was Energy Healing, where did it come from, and why did it work? Why did I feel like I had come home when I embarked on years of study and exploration of this incredibly powerful healing modality?
Fast forward through my decades of study, prayer, practice, and experience to the present moment. I look back on my learning path with such gratitude and give thanks for the opportunity I was given to work as a Master Energy Healer. Has my path been exciting and joyful? You know the answer. There is nothing that feels better than growing your connection to Spirit, developing the unique gifts you have inside, and using that connection and those gifts to help others.
Why not use this season of learning and back-to-school promise to try the Energy Healing path for yourself? You never know where it will take you, but I can tell you that the experience of healing yourself from fears, doubts, old wounds, and hidden trauma is only the beginning. You will learn to become the best version of yourself by exploring who you are, what you want, and why you are here. Uncovering your highest self, the best version of you, is a mighty responsibility. Your connection to All That Is makes you a vital link in the chain of life. Your contribution to the unconditional love that connects us all is needed for our world to heal and thrive—even survive.
The study and practice of Energy Healing both saved my life and opened the door to my work as a Master Energy Healer. If you decide to join me on the path of study I’ve followed and now teach, you’ll learn all the ways you can bring light, spirit, energy, and unconditional love back to every area of your life…and the whole world. I’ve taken everything I’ve learned over the last thirty years of study and practice in ancient healing techniques, meditation, vedic arts, shamanic rituals and so much more, to bring you the very best way to bring lasting, positive change into your life.
The study of Energy Healing helps you awaken your mind, body and spirit to the truth of your life purpose. It will forever change the direction of your life. Your transformation will also change the lives of everyone around you. This awakening allows you to step into the very best version of yourself – one without fear, doubt, anger or regret – and to move forward in your life with joy, resilience and abundance.
Are you ready to become the beacon of light and love you were meant to be? I’ve now shared my healing work with tens of thousands of people from over 50 countries around the world. The results of sharing this knowledge and seeing it flower continue to amaze and uplift me. Try to imagine how it would feel to live with greater awareness and the presence of heightened clarity, guidance and wisdom:
How would your life be different?
How would you feel?
How would you look?
What decisions would you make?
What would become important?
Who would you reach out to help?
Energy Healing is really about illuminating the pathway to your true potential. One you couldn’t have achieved – let alone been truly aware of – if you hadn’t taken that important first step of study and exploration. To learn about Energy Healing is to feel its power in your own consciousness, and even to become the healing influence on others and the world that you are destined to be. Along the path of learning, you’ll find the direction, support and community you’ve been searching for and watch your healing gifts blossom before your eyes.
In our infinite universe, the opportunities for growth, expansion, healing, and empowerment are as vast and varied as the members of the human family themselves. What you have within holds the key to your future. Begin your own journey of exploration today…
and create the joy-filled and extraordinary life you deserve.