Did you know there are angels of energy healing out there, waiting to come to your aid? These angels are with you right now—all you have to do is let them know you want their help and they will be by your side in an instant, ready to heal your mind, body, and soul with their powerful celestial energy.
More Than Messengers
Angels are most well-known as messengers of God. In fact, the word angel comes from the Greek word angelos, which means messenger. In the stories of many religions, angels bring God’s word to humans, acting as intermediaries between the heavenly and earthly realms, and angels still serve this role today. But angels are so much more than just messengers!
Angels are also guardians, record-keepers, guidance counselors, muses, best friends, teachers, and in dire circumstances, emergency responders. Angels love you unconditionally—no matter what you do, your angels will still support and stand by you. They’re like family, only better because there is no judgment! But best of all, angels are natural healers and can help you heal anything from a headache to a broken heart to a blocked chakra. All you have to do is ask for their healing touch, because every single angel is an angel of energy healing.
Really feel into your energy field and remember the times in your life when you received a message of love and healing from an angel. It might have been a special sign from a loved one that’s no longer on this plane, a healing phone call from a long-lost friend or a comforting hug when you most needed it. Messages take all shapes and forms, but an angel is always there.
Angels of Energy Healing
Angels are literally made of light and love—they are made of energy. They can choose to take human or any other form, but their true, natural state of being is as radiant white light and pure, unconditional love. They still have a consciousness; they are thinking, individual beings with their own personalities, but they do not have a body. They are made of the very thing we use as the healing agent in energy medicine: positive energy! This means that all angels have the ability to energetically heal you instantaneously, no matter what type of healing you need. And trust me, they are among the most powerful energy healers you can find!
Angels are also a connection to divine love—the most powerful love in the universe. Angels live in the radiant love of Source—can you imagine how wonderful that must be?—and they bring that divine love back down to Earth, to you, so that you can experience the life-changing unconditional love of God. Once you have felt the warmth and complete bliss of divine love, your consciousness expands, and you become more self-aware, more aware of the love all around you, and you know in your soul you are loved by Spirit. You also become a beacon of love for others, just like angels.
Ask yourself: When is the last time you felt this powerful sense of Divine Love? Have you ever had a healing experience that was purely angelic? When is the last time you were contacted by an angel while you were meditating or in a dream?
Hear the Angel Voices
Your angels of energy healing are around you at this very moment. They are tuned into your energy and can sense when you are in a life threatening situation, but otherwise they will not interfere with your life unless you ask them to. In my work as a spiritual teacher and energy healer, I often call upon angels as guides to assist in energy healing sessions; they are such powerful natural healers. You’ll definitely want to learn how to contact your angels so you can call them to your side to heal, support, guide, inspire, or simply love you.
Angels don’t have to follow the same rules of time and space as we do, so they are never overworked or too busy for you; you don’t have to worry about “hogging” your angels. They are there for you. A solid spiritual foundation of meditation and healing courses or workshops will heighten your capacity for communicating and interacting with angels, and also provide a strong foundation for ascending to the angel realms where you can hear the celestial choirs.
When is the last time you’ve been guided by an angel to do or say something? Have you ever stopped in your tracks and known that you were walking into danger or dark energy? Your angels will often whisper to you (and occasionally shout)!
Energy Healing, Angelically Super-Charged
In energy healing, I guide light energy from the universal field, through my field, and into your field, just as you do when you perform energy healing on yourself or others. The energy does not come from us; we are just the conduits. When angels perform energy healing through us, the energy is very powerful – just imagine its super-strength!
If you would like to discover even more about how to contact angels and have them heal you, please consider joining me for my three-part healing and ascension course, the Angels of Energy Healing Live Online Event, where you will expand your awareness, learn how to access the healing energy of angels, and experience divine love.