
Labor Day: Celebrate Hard Work!

Labor Day

It is only through labor and painful effort, by grim energy and resolute courage, that we move on to better things. –Theodore Roosevelt

Labor Day, the American holiday that began in the 1800s as a time to honor the everyday working masses, has become an occasion to mark the end of summer with hot dogs, parades, and lots of political speeches. For most, Labor Day is nothing more than a long weekend, but you can always reinvest a holiday with deeper meaning by becoming more conscious of what it means to you.

Is labor the sweat on your brow as you rescue hurricane victims or build a house? Or is it the grinding of your brain cells as you struggle to write a book, design a computer website, or compose a lesson plan for third graders? Those of us who don’t toil in factories or out in the hot sun or wear hard hats to work are also laborers, often in pursuits that are a “labor of love.”

For many women, labor means the hard work involved in birthing a child. The uterus contracts and the labor pains intensify until there is no choice but to open and allow nature to take its course. At least in a “natural” birthing experience, the pain involved is bearable because it has such a positive outcome—a baby. It’s amazing how much our minds control the way we experience pain: if it’s seen as pointless, it hurts a lot more.

Nowadays we do everything possible to avoid pain. Laboring women are given spinals to block the sensations. At work, laws are put into place to protect us from the pain of discrimination or sexual harassment or safety issues. Think of all the “labor-saving” devices we own to keep us from the pain of housework.
I’m sure you would like you and your loved ones to go through life effortlessly and pain-free, but then how would you give birth to your most courageous self and your most creative expressions?

Have you ever created something you were really proud of—a work of art, an intellectual achievement, a refinished piece of furniture, a change in your lifestyle, a new relationship? It took work, didn’t it? You may have labored long and hard to lose those fifty pounds, to perform in public, to get that degree. Undoubtedly, you experienced some pain in the process, but the result was well worth the effort. Or do you avoid projects or situations that seem like they are going to be “labor intensive?”

It’s a good thing your body doesn’t mind laboring. Think of how hard your physical body works—all those internal systems that have to function well for you to be healthy. Pain in the body is a warning signal: something is wrong, broken, sick. Hopefully you listen to the messages your body makes every effort to send you. And think of the effort involved in doing the hard inner work of clearing out old habits, stale beliefs, toxic emotions.

Without labor, without your willingness to undergo some pain and discomfort in the process of changing or creating the circumstances of your life, you would be stuck, stagnating, never getting off the couch or turning off the television. Appreciate the many ways in which you labor, and see what areas of your life require some more effort on your part. Create a ceremony this Labor Day weekend to honor the work you do. Meditate on your willingness to work hard to fulfill your life purpose. And enjoy that hot dog—beef, pork, chicken, turkey, or tofu—while taking a well-deserved day off!




“There is no need to go to India or anywhere else to find peace. You will find that deep place of silence right in your room…”

–Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

Many people think that the purpose of meditation is to tune out, to get away from it all. While that’s partially true, the real purpose of meditation is actually to tune in. There are gaps between your thoughts, and meditation is a way to get into those gaps, and while you’re there, to connect to the universal energy field—the field of All That Is, source, or God.

The best method of meditation that takes you into the universal field involves internally repeating a mantra. A mantra is an ancient seed sound—a syllable or portion of scripture—that was discovered by very advanced, very wise seers some 5-10,000 years ago and preserved in the ancient Vedic texts. Those wise elders, men and women, were able to determine what sounds would transport us through the portal and into the unified field of all information.

These special sounds, or mantras, are chosen and given to a meditator by their teacher, who uses quite a bit of discernment, training and ritual to choose the right sound for that student in that moment in time. The seed sound is sacred and should be kept private and treated with reverence. Once whispered to a student by a teacher, it should not be spoken aloud by the student, only heard internally. It is not to be told to or taught to others. If I teach you to meditate (which I do online), I send you your personal mantra ahead of time.

When to meditate:

The best times to meditate are 1) when you first wake up in the morning—before coffee or exercise, before breakfast or a shower, before you check your email, before you even leave the bedroom; 2) then again in the evening, right after work and before dinner. If you try to meditate when you’ve just eaten a large meal, or when you’re very sleepy or hungry, it won’t work as well. And meditating after dinner or much after 6:00pm can make it hard to go to sleep afterwards.

What to expect from meditation/what might occur:

Meditation raises your consciousness, and in the process it rights anything that is wrong. This includes issues from your life, including long ago, that you’re working through. With meditation, you’re getting rid of the energy from traumas or the energy of others that is in your system and causing you trouble.

As a result, during meditation, some people will see faces or other images representing traumas or issues they are working through, some will hear sounds, some will feel vibrations or other sensations through their body. This is completely normal and nothing to be concerned about. Just don’t focus on it and simply return to the mantra.

Meditation is not just for the things that are wrong, for processing negative things in your psyche; it is also for everything that’s already right, because it elevates us to perfection. Meditation will make the things that are right for you even better. It turns health around and is life-saving—and it gives you joy.

It also helps develop your connection to other planes and spiritual beings. If you naturally have some perceptive abilities, you will find that the information you receive will become more valid once you begin meditating properly. It’s usually right after you meditate, not during, that you’ll get your best perceptions.

You can also expect to have some pretty wonderful and amazing spiritual experiences when you meditate this way. In fact, an effective meditation practice is the one prerequisite to having what’s known as an initiation—a spiritual step up in consciousness.

The most important reason to meditate

The most important outcome of your meditating for 20 minutes twice a day is that you are helping every other sentient being on the planet. If you want to do your part to save the world—when you hear the news and you see devastating images on your TV or computer screen, or you worry about whatever’s really bothering you—go meditate.

By doing so, you are actually sending out a ripple of your higher consciousness into the unified field that can change the world. Be the change you want to see!

Learn to Meditate with Deborah!


Open your 2nd Chakra!

Activities to open your 2nd Chakra

  1. Move your body: take 10 minutes and dance by yourself to your favorite music. What movement feels best to you? Slow and sensuous or wildly abandoned? What doesn’t work? What feelings come up when you dance? Get in touch with how you feel when you are moving your body.
  2. Nurture your sensuality: indulge in a yummy treat once a week, luxuriate in a bubble bath or use scented oils, treat yourself to a special lunch with a friend, or . . .
  3. Nurture your sexuality: whether you’re currently with a partner or not, it’s always good to keep the sexual energy moving—use fantasy or erotic books or romantic movies or sexy clothing or flirtatious conversation or . . .

It’s No Myth: Vampires Are Among Us!

Vampires are among us!

Our culture today is obsessed with vampires! You don’t have to go far to see the latest trendy vampire story. Turn on your television, open a magazine, or walk by the latest billboard on the street…check out some of the top-selling books and yep, vampires are among the storyline subjects! From hit tween television series like The Vampire Diaries to adult drama on HBO’s True Blood to big screen blockbusters such as the Twilight series to Tim Burton’s upcoming flick, Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter, these blood-sucking creatures are everywhere these days!

What is it about vampires that makes them so trendy and captivating?

The reality is, our society has been mesmerized by vampires for centuries. Vampires are not a new phenomenon or trend. From Bram Stoker’s classic 1897 novel, Dracula, to more modern takes like Anne Rice’s popular The Vampire Chronicles, stories of these nocturnal blood-sucking monsters have fascinated and entranced our culture for years and years. Early mythologies and folklore of vampire legends date back centuries to a surge of vampire superstition originating in the Balkans and Eastern Europe and trickling into Western Europe. This vampire superstition in Europe actually led to mass hysteria and in some cases, corpses being staked and people accused of vampirism. The interpretation of the vampire by the Christian Church and subsequent vampire literature, such as an 1819 novella by John Polidori entitled The Vampyre, inspired later works, such as Bram Stoker’s Dracula, which is arguably the basis for most of our modern vampire fiction.

What is it we like about vampires?

People gravitate towards a tragic story and no story is more tragic than that of the vampire – former human beings in normal society, often victims themselves of tragedy or sad circumstance, and unwillingly made into vampires, forced to roam the night, inflict pain on others and take their own victims simply to “survive”. Most people want to root for the vampire and wish them to have a soul and heart. Recent movies and television shows depict vampires trying in earnest to fit into modern society, despite their differences and challenges.

Our society has an obsession with the unknown and a fear of mortality. The vampire lives on forever in immortality so it is a topic that entices our richest imaginations and dreams.

Vampires represent the things our society is afraid of: danger, death, sexual desires, and power. The vampire is a lonely creature, an outsider, and many people identify with the feelings of being the outsider amidst society. Watching how the vampire makes a life for him- or herself gives society hope that we too can find a way to move forward and live, despite any struggles to conform.

The vampires you see on-screen may also be a metaphor for the vampires in your own life, the energy vampires who drain your soul and spirit and suck you dry. These are the real-life vampires to watch out for, who can cause actual harm and damage to you. I’ll be talking more about energy vampires on my Hay House Radio show this Wednesday, August 8, at 5:00pm EDT.

Vampires are the one trend that has outlasted the test of time and do not seem to be going out of style anytime soon. It’s fun to enjoy these supernatural creatures in books and on-screen – Just try to keep the real life energy vampires out of your life and enjoy their fictional counterparts as pure entertainment!