If you’re seeking answers to your “big life questions”…
Looking for insights on your relationships…
Or yearning for clarity on the exact next steps for a project or new business…
There’s an essential technique to add to your toolkit, which is to access wisdom from your “Astral body” — a dimension of your subtle energy body, and referred to also as your etheric body.
In esoteric teachings, you might have heard the phrases “Astral travel” or “Astral projection.” The term Astral body is also linked with intentional out-of-body experiences, or “OBEs.”
The word “Astral” means “of the stars,” and so it was the Astral body that traveled to the Astral plane, which was thought to consist of the celestial spheres. The medieval alchemists also used that term because of the ability of the Astral body to travel in the “starry” regions.
Today, we think of our Astral bodies as another dimension of our consciousness…
Your Astral body is the essence of your Soul, separate from your physical, mental, and emotional bodies, but linked to EVERY aspect of your being.
Your Astral body is capable of accessing realms of information throughout the universe…
Through your Astral body, you can take a remarkable journey beyond time and space, beyond your physical body, and beyond ego…
Into the Astral Realms… where you can tap into your own powerful abilities for healing and growth — bringing forth the perfect, light-filled and limitless being you truly are.
You can develop various practices to shift your awareness beyond your physical body to access these deeper levels of consciousness — including through Lucid Dream states and OBEs.
OBEs are particularly powerful in working with your fear of death and dying… and also in helping you to process the death of loved ones (including your beloved pets!) as well as healing other experiences of grief and loss.
While these transcendental experiences may sound “far out,” they are actually very common and very accessible… and it’s possible that you’ve already experienced one or more yourself…
Have you ever been lying in bed, sort of half-asleep and half-awake, and suddenly feel like you’re floating…
Maybe you’ve had the sensation of moving around your room… looking down from the ceiling and watching your physical body lying peacefully in bed…
Maybe you think about a friend, and then have a sense of “visiting them” or “seeing them” and what they’re doing… or maybe you’ve experienced traveling to spiritual centers across the world, or temples in foreign lands in meditation… or maybe you find yourself in a lush valley studded with gorgeous flowers under a brilliantly lit sky and you’re in front of the exalted presence of an angel or spiritual guide…
Sometimes when this happens, you might become frightened or questioning what’s happening… then you hear a loud sound in your head, or whoosh, and you jerk awake in bed, back in your physical body… leaving you wondering, what just happened?!!
These are classic OBEs…
And about 14 percent of the population has had an out-of-body experience, often more than once in their lifetime.
OBEs are commonly reported during a crisis… like an auto accident or during surgery. Many people have reported floating above their body near the ceiling of the hospital room, watching objectively as medical personnel work on them. They have heard the doctors pronounce them dead. These types of OBEs are called near-death experiences.
Many spiritual teachers and scientists alike, have documented, and reported their own OBEs and near death experiences (NDEs)…
An Astral journey can take you to places where you can experience the love and bliss of the higher states of consciousness… or to realms where your etheric/vital body gets worked on by higher beings to restore your state of health…
In this powerful 15-minute video, I’m going to lead you through a guided practice from my Astral Wisdom course…
This guided practice is powerful, yet simple, and will help bring you calm and ease, as well as support you in connecting with other realms for wisdom and healing…
I will be guiding your journey, so relax and enjoy yourself. We’ll be traveling together to Mt. Shasta, one of the earth’s seven sacred mountains and one of my favorite places.
To discover more practices for accessing the Astral Realm — you can check out my digital course, Astral Wisdom.
This special digital course is one of our most popular courses and is a featured selection in our 2020 Spring Sale collection — on sale NOW!
You can access Astral Wisdom, and the ENTIRE sale collection, here.