
Living on Orange Alert Constantly

After 9-11, the Bush Administration flashed orange and red alert levels, reminding us in Technicolor of the danger we live with. School shootings, massacres in malls, wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, tensions with international communities. And we hear it all day, every day. There is no built-in time anymore for de-stressing. We can watch the Dow all day, and the Asian Markets all night, drowning our sorrows in starchy, sugary, fatty foods. Our physical and emotional health suffers, causing anxiety, depression, fear…But wait, don’t get more depressed! There is good news and steps you can take. Even five minutes of meditation or unwinding each day can start you on a path to increased peace of mind. Start by reading my blog at the Huffington Post.

Posted 12.11.2007
Americans feel increasingly stressed and helpless. Among the most common problem people give voice to are feelings of overwhelming anxiety and depression. Read Post

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