Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian practice that you can use to dislodge and expel the challenges from your life and heal yourself. Translated, the word means “to correct a mistake, to return to rightness and perfection.” Ho’oponopono frees you from anger, regret, fear, jealousy – any ill-will, even if, and especially if, it’s buried in your subconscious and you aren’t consciously aware of it. The practice is all about healing yourself, releasing your own limitations, and becoming free.
Here’s the history: the ancestors of today’s Hawaiians settled on the Hawaiian Islands at the beginning of our modern times. They most likely came from the Polynesian islands, and, according to legend, they were descendants of the inhabitants of the Pleiades, who came to Earth many thousands of years ago. Their advanced knowledge and practices spread widely – to China, Egypt, India, the Americas, and beyond.

Until the arrival of Christian missionaries in Hawaii, there was no written Hawaiian language, the knowledge was passed down orally by the Kahuna, the shamans, “the one who guards the secrets.”
The essence of Hawaiian philosophy was “lokahi”, meaning unity, and “pono” which means harmony with everything that exists. So, everything, from the smallest blade of grass, to man, has a soul, has awareness, and has the ability to communicate; everything is to be in harmony with the cosmos.
The last Queen and the birth of Morrnah Simeona
Just before the turn of the century, the US invaded Hawaii, the Queen of Hawaii was overthrown, and the islands were overtaken by the US government.

Morrnah Simeona was born 30 years later. She was only a three-year-old child when her ability to heal others became apparent. She was soon recognized as an important healer by the Kahunas. Morrnah did not receive any formal education about Ho’oponopono – she was born with it. She was an extraordinary child; to this day there are legends about how she put her hand in the river, and the fish came to her hand. Morrnah adapted Ho’oponopono for modern times in such a way that it can be easily mastered by all of us. It is a process of purification and release in which you participate in direct connection with the Divine. In the process, you find your divine part. This is a return to source, a return home. The practice is short, consisting of these few phrases:
I’m sorry,
Please forgive me,
Thank you,
I love you.
Mornah ultimately left Hawaii and lectured and taught all over the US, Europe, and Asia. Huge crowds followed her. Ho’oponopono turned out to be such an effective tool that scientists, universities, and international organizations became interested. The United Nations and the World Health Organization invited Mornah to lecture; today, millions of people do this practice. Morrnah offered the world this treasure, as a gift to the entire planet, as a return to source, a return home.
Allow the Divine into Your Life
Morrnah said that modern westerners find it very difficult to put analytical thinking aside and get closer to their Higher Self. She believed that westerners reach intellectual heights but often end up feeling separated. By falling into the trap of analysis and overthinking, they do not allow the Divine into their lives. They don’t understand that the outside world is not an independent creation; it is only a reflection of their own interior life. Morrnah taught that every stress, illness, or problem in relationship can be healed by working with the self.
Morrnah predicted the breakdown of the political system in Europe. In the Fall of l989, she went to Warsaw and Czechoslovakia, widely taught Ho’oponopono, and a few weeks later, the Berlin Wall fell. Morrnah announced that her task on Earth had been completed and she quietly passed.
How does Ho’oponopono work? It removes the negative effects of thoughts, words, emotions, and deeds from your mind, body, and energy field, cleansing you physically, mentally, and spiritually. It’s a short but powerful ritual of repentance, forgiveness, and transmutation, the three fundamental Ho’oponopono principles. The result is we return to our previously undamaged essence, a place where all we know is unconditional love.
We all know the truth of this statement: “Hurt people hurt people.”
From the moment of your first betrayal in life, whether for you it happened in the womb, or in infancy, or when you were three or four, your view of the world changed from one of love and light to one of pain. Chances are, you may remember something that happened to you when you were young that has stayed with you all these years; some basic betrayal that has been nearly impossible to forgive. The hurt has remained to this day, whether you are conscious of it or not. Allow yourself to benefit from this method of forgiveness and prayer:
I’m sorry,
Please forgive me,
Thank you,
I love you.
I want to tell you another story about this amazing practice: a few years ago, in Hawaii, at the State Hospital, there was a special ward, a clinic for the mentally ill criminal. People who had committed extremely serious crimes were sent there – crimes like murder, rape, kidnapping, and worse. According to a nurse that worked there in those years, the place was so bleak that not even the paint could stick to the walls: everything was decaying, terrifying, and depressing. No day would pass without an inmate attacking another inmate or a member of the staff.
The people working there were so frightened that they would walk close to the walls if they saw an inmate coming their way in a corridor, even though the prisoners were all shackled, all the time. The inmates were never brought outside to get fresh air. Staff quit often and keeping positions filled was a chronic problem.
One day, a new psychologist, Dr. Stanley Hew Len, a gifted student of Morrnah Simeona arrived at the ward. The nurses rolled their eyes, bracing themselves for one more doctor that was going to bombard them with theories to fix the situation; they knew he would exit soon when things became unpleasant. However, this new doctor didn’t seem to be doing really anything in particular while at work; he spent all day sitting in his office. From time to time he would ask for the files of the inmates, but he never met with the inmates himself.

Little by little, things started to change in the hospital. One day, the walls were painted yet again, but this time, they stayed painted. The gardens started being taken care of, the tennis courts were repaired, and prisoners were allowed to go out and play tennis. Over the next few years, more and more prisoners had their shackles removed.
In the end, the atmosphere changed so much, that all the prisoners were released. Dr. Len worked there four years. The clinic for the mentally insane criminals closed; Dr. Len’s job was complete.
What did Dr. Len do to effect this miraculous transformation in both the staff and the inmates, what was his secret? His secret was Ho’oponopono. He sat there every day and simply engaged in the practice. The practice, when properly performed, creates such a strong vibrational field of positive energy, that it heals all the negativity in the surrounding environment. In his case, that included the negativity in every warden, nurse, and prisoner, even the negativity in the walls of the building!
I’m sorry,
Please forgive me,
Thank you,
I love you.
When you realize that you are the sum total of your past thoughts, deeds, feelings, and interactions, you can easily see how the Ho’oponopono technique can revolutionize the way you interact with the world. The purpose of the practice is to eject the negative effects of your memories and to restore you to your pristine essence so you can again become a perfect reflection of love and light.

Anything Not Love-Centered is Not You
Your undamaged essence is love. Everything else – fear, anger, sadness, intolerance — causes dis-ease (and, ultimately, disease). Any old memories that cause you to feel anything other than love acts like a poison. The opposite of a feel-good song, those old memories bring you down and depress your spirit.
The Divine honors the petition, clearing the Intellect (our conscious mind) by freeing it from thought-forms. The Divine also removes toxic emotions, feelings, and conditioning from our subconscious and fills the subsequent void with our essence, which is Love. In doing so, stress is eliminated, and only loving thoughts remain.
If you believe, as I do, that our souls live forever and may even return for new experiences in subsequent incarnations, Ho’oponopono offers an opportunity to break free from what holds you back so you can fully experience life and change the world around you.
There’s a beautiful Hawaiian prayer that I’d like to share with you called “I am the I”:
“I” come forth from the void into light,
“ I” am the breath that nurtures life,
“I” am that emptiness, that hollowness beyond all consciousness,
The “I”, the Id, the All.
“I” draw my bow of rainbows across the waters,
The continuum of minds with matter.
“I” am the incoming and outgoing of breath,
The invisible, untouchable breeze,
The undefinable atom of creation.
“I” AM THE “I”.
If you know you are in need of healing, but aren’t sure that you are ready to carry that burden on your own shoulders quite yet, consider booking a private session with one of Deborah King Center’s Certified Practitioners. Learn more by clicking here >>