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Full Moon Magic: Harness Lunar Energy for Healing

You don’t have to be a NASA scientist, astronomer, or astrology-aficionado to appreciate the sheer awe-inspiring magic of a full moon.

It’s an experience we’ve all encountered: after a long day, you’re heading home at twilight and suddenly you notice a stunning full moon rising on the horizon. Whatever thoughts were on your mind disappear and you feel an amazing surge of energy and awe. Your connection to the natural world wakes up and you, too, begin to shine!

Full moon energy

Full moons stir up our emotions and amplify mystical powers connected to the human spirit. You take joy in watching what was once dark come into the light, your mind plays out scenes of potential chaos in a wild and untamed world while also basking in deep and uninhibited feeling that is impossible to define.

The time of the full moon is a powerful energy healing opportunity, an optimum time for meditating, recharging your energy field, and clearing your chakras. That is why so many cultures have full moon rituals and ceremonies—there’s so much pure energy in the moonlight that anything it touches can’t help but respond to its radiance and love.

Using the lunar energy of a full moon can yield incredible healing results, both physically and mentally. Full moons bathe your skin in a soft light, while also illuminating the often overlooked crevices of your subconscious—giving you insights into your spirit and soul.

Five full moon rituals that use the healing power of lunar energy:

Full moon ritual #1
Shine a light on your emotions

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During the full moon, emotions are magnified. You have probably heard people blame the full moon when human behavior gets a bit wacky.

Because emotions are more easily accessible during a full moon, it’s a perfect opportunity to acknowledge and release them. By releasing strong emotions that come to light during a full moon, you’ll clear your chakras; this full moon cleansing ritual ensures that you are able to capture the full spectrum of healing energy from the full moon.

If you actively journal, you’ll see big benefits during a full moon.  In addition to expressing your inner truths and feelings, it’s a good time to write out your intentions, make decisions about what you really want, and fully embrace your truest self.

Below are a few journal prompts to help you get started:

  • What does my physical body most need right now?
  • What environments make me feel good?
  • What self-care routines most nourish and heal me?
  • What am I stopping myself from doing?

Full moon ritual #2
Take a moon bath

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Moonlight has holistic healing properties and is able to cleanse your mind, body, and spirit. Spending time under a full moon’s vibrant white glow is like stepping into a warm soothing bath (without the water).

Take a walk under the full moon, preferably with some of your skin exposed to its healing light. As you begin to relax, gaze up at the brilliance of the full moon and bask in its energy and love. Pay special attention to the feelings and emotions coursing through your body and in your chakras. Listen closely to your subconscious: perhaps there is a message that the moon is lighting up inside of you.

A moon bath steeps your body and spirit in purifying light, washing away negativity and leaving you fresh and renewed.

Full moon ritual #3
Tack up some dreams

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Harness the positive energy of the moon by envisioning your goals and dreams. Picture your life as you wish it to be and tack up some actual pictures of your dreams and desires on your vision board. As you dream, so shall you become!

What are your intentions? Your goals? Bucket list experiences?

The full moon will magnify any energy you send out, and help guide it into the welcoming embrace of the universe. Be clear and specific about what you wish to manifest and don’t be surprised when your intentions come true.

Full moon ritual #4
Turn toward the positive

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The full moon’s light is so strong, it’s hard for darkness to stand up in the face of its glory. Use this opportunity to discover and release negativity.

The moon can reach the deepest parts of your soul and pull out the things you’ve been hiding or trying to ignore. The moon illuminates any negative emotions stored in your chakras or your body and reflects that knowledge back to you so that you can begin the process of clearing those blockages through meditation, healing courses, or other practices.

Full moon ritual #5
Turn down the covers—outside!

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I have always tried to spend my summers sleeping outside, especially during the full moons. While some are puzzled by my choice, anyone who is a camper, hiker, or nature-lover understands my habit instantly: in addition to grounding myself to Mother Earth, I give my body much needed Vitamin M (moonlight, that is).

So, grab a sleeping bag and pitch a tent in your backyard or, find a warm blanket and string a hammock between two sturdy trees. Falling asleep under twinkling stars and a glowing full moon will leave your body, mind, and soul more rested than eight hours of sleep ever could.

Go one step further and meditate or pray, and let the peace and beauty of the full moon soak into your body and soul while you drift off to sleep. You’ll wake up refreshed and rejuvenated.

Your meditations, prayers, dreams, willingness to forgive, and extend love are all magnified by the lunar energy of the full moon. Whatever good feelings you experience for yourself (or wish for others) are more powerful than ever right now. Any love you send into the world and any service you perform will be extra powerful.

Give yourself the gift of moonlight this week. Get outside and enjoy the benefits of spending time in the soft white glow of the full moon.

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