
Cold Moon and Reflection

I like taking time to look at the moon – particularly the full moon. I take comfort in knowing that all around the world, millions of us are looking at the same moon at the same time. And we all are looking at the same moon that all of humanity has looked at over our shared time on Earth. And billions more of us will look at the same moon for millennia to come.

When I stop to stare at the moon, I feel a connection. I feel as if a great reflection of light has shone upon me. Not just the light of the sun reflected off its surface – but the light of these souls, past and present, all staring up at the moon in wonder.

It’s interesting, this concept of “reflection.” Thousands of years ago, the brightest minds in our land believed that the moon created its own light, until a thinker named Anaxagoras proved differently. No. The moon doesn’t create light. It reflects light. It’s a mirror.

This got me thinking about something a little closer to my chest: my heart. For many thousands of years, it was supposed that the heart created all of the blood in the human body. The liver consumed it. It wasn’t until 1628 that William Harvey proved that no, it doesn’t create blood. The heart circulates it. It is an engine.

These are groundbreaking discoveries that have taught us so much about our universe and ourselves. But, I imagine, for a moment, that when these discoveries came – there may have been a little sadness.

Sadness for an understanding that no, the moon isn’t a creator. It is a reflective rock.

Sadness for a realization that no, the heart isn’t a creator. It is a circulator.

I’ve felt this sadness. We’ve all felt this sadness: the sadness that comes from a feeling that our life isn’t what we wanted it to be. Maybe we didn’t discover a cure for cancer, or win a Nobel Prize, or win an Oscar for our environmental documentary.

And for a moment, we have a sadness: because we think we’re not what we dreamed we’d be.

We feel, dare I say, inadequate.

But I’m here to tell you that isn’t true.

Think of the moon. Is the moon any less special because it doesn’t create its own light? No! The moon gives us light in the darkness, serving as a literal beacon and guiding light when we are enveloped by cold and confusion.

The moon connects us with each other: it serves as a spiritual conduit with souls around the world.

Is the heart any less magnificent because it doesn’t create blood? I think not. It sends life-sustaining blood to our brains, to our lungs, to our toes, to our liver. It sustains us. The heart drives our body. It doesn’t need to create our lifeblood to spread our lifeblood.

We are just as magnificent as the moon and the heart. And when we discover our purpose or where we excel – be it as a sharp accountant, an inspiring teacher, a nurturing father – we must remember that our magnificence is not tied to what others have envisioned for us.

We all have a role to play. It just might be that our role is unexpected. It might be something we never imagined.

Our moon lifts our tides; our hearts oxygenate our bodies.

When we stare at the moon, the energy of our hearts ties to every human who has ever stared at the moon, past and present. It’s a mirror to the souls of our human race. It reflects the sun’s energy to us, and our energy onto each other.

Is there anything as magnificent? No other object in the universe does for us what our moon does. No other heart serves your body as yours does. No other person makes the same difference that you make.

You are magnificent. And – equally important – everyone is as magnificent.

Let us celebrate our uniqueness while recognizing the immaculate validity of each of us: children of the human race. Embrace this mystic, inner energy.

Can you feel it? The energy we share? Learn how to master this interconnected network of energy.

And consider further activating your unique gifts and learn how to embrace the pure radiant light of healing through a journey of Medical Intuition; you can learn all about that upcoming course and join me here.

And reflect your newfound knowledge back into your shared community.

Become as the moon. Reflect your energy and set the world alight with your magnificence.

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