David and Goliath



I usually don’t venture into the land of politics, but I am watching to see if Initiative 522 in the state of Washington will pass or not as they continue to count votes there. I, for one, would like to see labels on food that tell us if we’re about to consume genetically-modified ingredients. Of course, the money is on the side of those who don’t want truth in labeling, which could hurt the bottom line.


I’m also interested in this particular battle because I’m fascinated by one of the major contributors to the YES on 522 campaign—David Bronner, the grandson of the founder of Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soap. This is one David who is not afraid of taking on the Goliaths of agribusiness.


Under his command, half the profits of the company go to activism and donations to charity. He not only walks his talk, he proudly proclaims his truth on the labels of that tingly pure castile peppermint soap. And he still endorses his grandfather’s belief in an All-One philosophy.


To read more about this remarkable man, who is living his passionate life purpose and standing tall in his truth, read my blog on the Huffington Post at … https://www.huffingtonpost.com/deborah-king/david-bronner-versus-the-gmo-goliath_b_4227934.html

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