
The Positive Effects of Saying No

How many times do we find it difficult to say “no” to something, even if it’s what we really, truly want to say? How often are we over-committed, over-exhausted, and just plain OVER it, because we agreed to too many tasks?

Are you a people-pleaser and say “yes” all the time? Well, there is hope for you yet! The first step is realizing you are not alone and that most people have difficulty uttering that simple, two-lettered word!

Know that the power rests with you and no one else. You can say “no” and I can help you do it! It is not about the fact that you are saying “no”, but how you are saying it! At the end of the day, you are the person who has to live with the commitments and choices you have made, so why not make each day count more for yourself?

Learn more about how you can empower yourself by saying “no” with my latest article in Om Times at: https://omtimes.com/2012/04/the-power-of-no/

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