
An Open Letter to Bill Cosby’s Legal Team



Are Bill Cosby’s lawyers working to defend their client’s name… or drag potential rape victims through the mud publicly?


More and more, it seems to be the latter. Despite the fact that there are now some 20 women accusing Mr. Cosby of sexual assault – and the list seems to be growing on a day-to-day basis – his lawyers continue to insist the claims are “old” and “ridiculous.” They ignore what could be an important truth and heap scrutiny and pressure on those who may have been victimized by their client.




As a fellow attorney and a recovered sexual assault survivor, I’ve written an open letter to Mr. Cosby’s legal team. In it, I explain why it sometimes takes the truth so long to get out, the myriad struggles these women could be going through, and why blaming the victim isn’t just a poor strategy, but also ethically bankrupt.


Follow this link to Psychology Today to see what kind of advice I have for Bill and his lawyers, the media, and society at large.


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