One of the questions I’m frequently asked is, “When should I absolutely trust my intuition?” And the first — and most crucial — part of my response is, “Pretty much always.”

Of course, whenever I say this, I witness doubt, disbelief, and at times — especially for those who want to be able to trust their intuition absolutely — I see fear on many faces. Because trusting one’s intuition can feel an awful lot like insanity to the uninitiated.


Perhaps the best description of intuition is “knowing something without knowing how you know it.”

Intuition is part of your DNA and an aspect of your survival mechanism. Especially if you come from a troubled childhood, as I did, intuition is the awareness that has kept you alive and surviving all these years.

Intuition is the ability to discern and decide that something is true even though the way you reached your conclusion appears to have come from beyond your five senses or schooling. In fact, your five senses and the schooling you received from parents and teachers can sometimes interfere with your intuition, or at least with your ability to honor it with trust.

Intuition has been described as hunches, gut feelings, and ethereal gleanings. I like all of those descriptions, but I’m particularly fond of “ethereal gleanings,” because that description comes closest to what I consider intuition to be. It’s getting vital information from the ethers, the place of All Knowing Wisdom, past, present, and future, as we conceive of time.


The ever-present question for most of my followers— “When should I absolutely trust my intuition?” — throws a spotlight on their chief concern: “What if it turns out I’m wrong?”

The question, at its essence, is fear-based, and fear is a frequency that can shut down your ability to “own” what you know. I often hear, “I nearly always second guess myself when it comes to my intuition, because I don’t know how I reached the conclusion it sends me.”


Please always take a moment whenever second-guessing happens to you, to ask yourself, “In whose voice does my second-guessing arise?”

In almost every circumstance, I think you’ll discover that the voice is decidedly not your own! It might be a parent or teacher or other authority figure whose education or insights make them seem more likely to be right than your gut feelings.

In my experience with thousands of clients, that’s who it usually is: someone who has told you at some point they know better than you; they’ve told you to get your head out of the clouds and your feet back on the ground.

But without your intuition, the ground may very well be a not terribly safe place to be.


You know that I love and respect science; I’m the last person who will discount what science has discovered. But what science hasn’t yet settled on, despite decades of doing its best to settle on something solid, is where intuition comes from, because there is nothing scientists can measure with their five senses or finely tuned instruments that nails the answer down. Is it an extra sense? Is it genetic memory? Or is it something that comes from the great beyond, from the Unified Field of All Information, from the Akashic Records, or from what some call God? Science can’t tell us. But intuition exists and it has kept us alive and safe for as long as we’ve been on earth.


For every well-known intuitive (and there have been scores of them), there are countless other intuitive individuals who never made it into history books. Again, I assert that without finely tuned intuition, we wouldn’t have survived long enough as a species to be where we are right now.

Think back to our earliest days as a species when we were living in natural surroundings and completely dependent on weather, animals, and plants — many of which were intermittently potentially fatal to us. Our ancestors needed their intuitive wits about them to know when it was safest to venture out of their caves to get some sunshine and find sustenance. We tend to forget that we humans have lived by our wits for a lot longer than we’ve lived with widespread education, electricity, grocery stores, insulated homes, and timesaving appliances. Our intuition remains every bit as available to us now as it was then, but we don’t usually have to rely on it as crucially just to survive the day, so it may have atrophied some. But, like a muscle, it can be reinvigorated with conscious, intentional use.


I have every confidence that you can remember times in your own life when your intuition informed or surprised you.

So often, career choices, new relationships, and even routine outings, come with intuitive flashes; think how many times you’ve said something like:

“I knew I shouldn’t have gone that way that day, although I normally always go that way!”

“The minute I said yes, I just knew, somehow, I’d be sorry – but I second-guessed myself and said yes, anyway.”

“I know this career isn’t one I will love, but father wants me to do it, it pays well, so I’ll make it work.”

“Why is this crazy idea calling to me so strongly? I don’t know how to write/draw/sing/dance like the pros do but I just feel somehow I could!”

“I sense something unsafe today. I think I’ll wait to go out until I get the all-clear signal.”

“I just know that something is wrong with (name your far-flung loved one) about (their health). I’ll text them to see how they are.”

You can trust your intuition to tell you what you need to know to navigate through life.

So, if you want to increase your intuition, you will want to ensure that your 6th chakra, also called your “third eye,” is open, as it’s the seat of your intuition. First of all, where is it, and what is it?

It’s an energy center in your personal energy field, and it’s located just slightly above your eyebrows in the center of your forehead. The lower five energy centers are all located in your body, but this brow chakra is in your head, so its nature is more elusive. It’s the control center of the body—the center for intuition and wisdom, as well as the seat of so many gifts. When it’s balanced, you combine a clear and focused left-brain with an open and intuitive right brain; you can see and know what is most important for you and your life.

The governing gland is the pineal, which is in the center of your head, close to your eyes; sight is the major sense here. Called the “seat of the soul,” the pineal gland uses light fluctuations to produce the hormones that control over 100 body functions.

In the fifth chakra, you got information in the form of vibration or sound and through symbols like words. But here, in the sixth chakra, you get information in the form of images through light. You see light in the form of color, which is produced by the various frequencies in the light’s wavelengths. The lower chakras’ colors—red, orange, and yellow—are a lower frequency. As you go up the chakras, the higher ones are green, blue, lilac, and white or gold. The lilac color of this chakra conveys peace and tranquility.

The basic principle, then, of the sixth chakra is image formation, where you create, receive, interpret, and store visual information on the internal screen of your mind.

This energy center governs what you see, what you imagine, and what you psychically and intuitively perceive. The upward movement into this chakra is one of transcendence—moving up from the body into the mind where you can go beyond the limitations of your physical nature and the normal limitations of time and space. Here, you can remember an experience of the past, as well as imagine the future. This is also the realm of imagination, where you can expand your consciousness and receive information in ways beyond your basic five senses and beyond the physical plane.

One of the benefits of transcending the limitations of time and space is that you get to expand beyond your small, personal identity and gain entry to the unified field—the infinite source of all information—past, present, and future—and receive valuable guidance. You can do this through specific intuitive abilities like telepathy (that’s a way of communicating thoughts directly between us); getting information regarding the future (that’s called “precognition”), or information about remote locations (also called “remote viewing”), and visuals (that’s called “clairvoyance”).

So, the sixth chakra is the source of intuition. That’s the ability to sense a situation through non-logical means, which may or may not include images on the internal screen of your mind.

Let me assure you, you have innate intuitive abilities and are already using your intuition every day. Maybe you know who’s calling before you look down at your phone. Or perhaps you can sense when somebody in your family is sick before anyone else. Or maybe you could intuit that your partner was cheating before he/she told you. You have these kinds of “knowings” because the gift of intuition is inherent in your cellular memory.

Another aspect of the sixth chakra is memory. The experiences of your past are stored in memory. Whenever you remember something from your past, you are calling up its image and projecting it upon your internal mind screen.

Dreams are found here too, as they combine your memory with your imagination. Through symbolic visual images, dreams are the way your psyche communicates to you, telling you what’s going on in your unconscious. Each element in a dream is full of meaning, so take the time to think about your dreams; keep a dream journal.

The poet William Blake is famous for having said about intuition:

“To see a world in a grain of sand and heaven in a wildflower, holding infinity in the palms of your hand and eternity in an hour.”

If honing your intuitive abilities to a point where you can trust them completely interests you – especially when it comes to leveraging your intuition to maximize your health and wellbeing – please join me in my powerful Medical Intuition course – available on-demand.

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