LifeForce Energy Healing® V


certification course

2024-2025 Course Registration Now Open

An Invitation for Our Most Passionate Students to Take part in an Entire Year of Transformation, Skill-Building, and Direct Guidance from Deborah King to Achieve the Life You Are Meant to Live

At the Deborah King Center, we are here to change and heal the world.

The most powerful and direct way we can do this is to empower others to become who they are meant to be, to become leaders in their community, and agents of powerful, positive change in the world.

The LifeForce Energy Healing® V program is designed to do just that. It is the most exclusive thing we do here at the Deborah King Center. It is also the most powerful and life changing.

Each year, Deborah King takes a small, passionate group of students under her wing and works directly with each of them to help reveal their life’s purpose, as they build the skillset and base of knowledge necessary to share their gifts with the world.

Due to the intimate, powerful, metamorphic nature of this program, membership openings are very limited.

If you’d like to spend the next year of your life overcoming your past, stepping into your future and into your best self, act now.

At a glance

Space is limited and students are selected by Deborah King

Classes begin


As a Master-Graduate, you will be able to identify challenges and obstacles that your less experienced peers are encountering along their paths. This course will equip you with ways to establish trust and integrity by creating an environment of safety and consideration for those who choose to join you on this amazing journey.

Meditation Teacher

Students in Level V 2025 are offered additional instruction on meditation training and are authorized to teach meditation training.


When guiding others on their journey, it’s no surprise that your confidence is directly intertwined with your perceived level of compassion. When you recognize that you are perfect just the way you are, you can move forward and elevate both your practice and that of your students.


By continuing to deepen your relationship with Source, you will learn to recognize and harness your own natural healing and teaching abilities. Share these spiritual gifts with your loved ones and use as you rejoice with your Soul Family.


Take back control of your destiny and answer the call of your Spirit from its future on the horizon! Heal traumas of the past that have caused wounds once and for all and attain a higher consciousness that you can share with the world as a Master-Graduate Energy Healer.


In a world plagued by hate and confusion, now is the perfect time to bring love and clarity to both your inner Spirit and your community. Thank the connections of your past that have sculpted you into the person you are today, as you continue on the path to transformation and enlightenment.


Take your place as an indispensable member of a global movement in higher consciousness. Say “yes” to becoming a certified LifeForce Energy Healer® Master-Graduate.

LFEH IV is a prerequisite for the LFEH V Master-Graduate course.

While all are welcome to apply, due to the intimate nature of the program, Deborah personally vets each applications.

Become a Master-Graduate

You will spend your class year uncovering techniques and tools leading directly to your higher spiritual abilities. This will empower you to step into the true potential of who you can be in this lifetime – a true leader who is healed and who works toward healing others and the world.

You will spend a full year…


This is the ONLY program available where you have the opportunity to work directly with Deborah.

With over 40 years of experience, having helped thousands, Deborah is the most qualified energy healing teacher in the world today as well as a spiritual teacher famous for her ability to initiate you to higher levels.

As a select Master-Graduate, she will guide you as you take the next step in your spiritual and personal life journey.


Experience an unprecedented level of camaraderie by joining an exclusive, connected community and create lifelong friendships with people from around the world.

Cultivate lifelong friends in a network of people on the same path of growth and development.

Leverage the collective healing energy of the Deborah King Family to ascend to new heights.


Through your work with Deborah and your fellow IV and V students, you will discover the true purpose of your life so you can go forth to manifest an existence of happiness, meaning, and fulfillment.

You will heal from past traumas so that you can actualize your most powerful self and leap forward with meaning.


Throughout the year, at regular bi-monthly video meetings with Deborah as well as at three exclusive virtual Reunions and two in-person retreats (also livestreamed), you will learn and practice ancient and modern energy healing tools and techniques so that you can be empowered to heal yourself as well as others.

Deborah will share esoteric teachings that she has accumulated over four decades of training with shamans, sages, and healers across the globe along with her wealth of experience from working with thousands of individuals.

Obtain the knowledge and training necessary to achieve your spiritual, relationship, and professional goals.


Together with Deborah and your fellow Master-Graduates, you will learn to unlock and share your gifts with the world in powerful, actionable ways that empowers true change in your own life and the lives of those around you.


Becoming a leader means delivering your message to an audience. In today’s technological age, there is no shortage of methods for doing just that.

You will be given the opportunity to develop your powerful message and identify the best way(s) for you to deliver it to Deborah’s IV/V classes, her Soul Family, and 3rd-party venues when she arranges for you to be invited.


Walk alongside Master Teacher Deborah King and your peers as you truly step into the process of living your life’s true purpose, becoming the leader in your own life and in your community, and sharing your gifts and abilities with others.

DKC Events

Exactly What You Need to Become the Leader You Are Capable Of Being

Your Annual Tuition Includes:

Level Vs in the 2024 class qualify for training to offer Mantra Meditation to in-person clients provided by the Deborah King Center.

You will have the opportunity to practice your skills on calls, ask Deborah your personal questions, and interact with your community, as you train with other students. As a Graduate, you will have the unique opportunity to lead calls as a teacher, working under Deborah’s guidance. This is an exclusive benefit reserved for Graduate students that isn’t available anywhere else!

As a Master-Graduate, you may direct message Deborah any time you feel the need; Deborah is always pleased to help you with your life challenges.

You will have the opportunity to lead and teach at regular weekly meetings with your small groups. As a small group leader, you will master the skills of public speaking and leadership. These frequent calls empower lifelong friendships, strengthen your personal resolve for progress, and help you work towards bettering yourself and your course mates.

In this program, you are partnered with a series of students to learn how to give healings. We’ve created an environment in which you can heal from past trauma while fast tracking your training in the world of becoming a powerful energy healer. Under our umbrella, you will be guided through different healing modalities, allowing you to gain the type of life changing, real-world experience that isn’t available in any other program of this kind.

This the only energy healing program of its kind, providing real-world, hands-on healing experience. Work with a partner to heal and receive healing.


There is nothing more powerful than real-time contact.

You will have the opportunity to join Deborah and your fellow Masters-in-Training and Graduates for three virtual Reunions and two in-person Retreats during which you will receive advanced training and deepen your connection and friendship with other attendees. (If you’re unable to attend In-Person, not to worry, there will be a LiveStream.)

We live in a media-rich world. In order to spread your message, you can take advantage of the channels of communication through which people are consuming content. One of the most powerful is video.

You will have many opportunities to practice your on-camera messaging,  and receive feedback.

Now is your time to shine! As a Master-Graduate, you’ll be given multiple opportunities throughout the year to teach other students while strengthening your abilities at video conferences and live events. There is no better way to master these skills to truly become the leader you are capable of being.

Upon completion of the course, you will receive a LFEH V certification in LifeForce Energy Healing® practice.

A True Opportunity to Build Your Brand if That’s Your Desire

This program is designed to empower you to achieve your true potential so that you can, in turn, impact others through your enhanced spirituality. You will achieve a new personal level of spirituality, while gaining the skills and knowledge to attract your own audience and build a successful brand in whatever field you’ve chosen.

The Master-Graduate program provides a platform for this via:

  • Guidance from Deborah and her team on building a successful brand.
  • Client leads from the Deborah King Center database if you’re going into healing, coaching, or an alternative modality.
  • Paid private session opportunities only available to Master-Graduates.
  • Direct access to Deborah for answers and support.
  • Opportunities to coach, mentor, and provide constructive feedback to students at other levels in the program.
  • Opportunity to act as an Ambassador for the Deborah King Center.

You will have even more opportunities to spread your message, your name, and your brand, as you share your knowledge and insights with Deborah’s audience on her live shows.


Gain access to a vast array of selected courses and products. You can use this powerful collection of resources to build your own practice and continue to grow your skills as a healer, coach, or any field of endeavor.


Receive four (4) complimentary vouchers to share with friends or clients.

About Deborah King

Deborah King is a New York Times best-selling author, meditation teacher, renowned spiritual leader, and a leading authority on energy healing and energy medicine.

A successful attorney in her 20s, Deborah masked childhood traumas and an abusive family life with drug and alcohol addictions while still managing to succeed in her professional life. All of that changed radically, however, when she was confronted with a cancer diagnosis.

Forced to evaluate her lifestyle, priorities, and unresolved issues from her past, Deborah saw her illness as a wake-up call that inspired huge shifts in her life. First steps included addressing her addictions, learning to meditate, and opening herself to alternative possibilities.

After receiving permission to delay the surgery from her physicians, Deborah worked with practitioners in the energy medicine field, and along with use of tools like meditation and journaling, she experienced a spontaneous remission of the cancer. After her recovery, she realized that doing her best to ignore problems and unresolved emotions all her life had led her to the point of illness, addiction, and turmoil. The experience left Deborah determined to become a meditation teacher and a thought leader and speaker so that she could help others lead healthy, happy and harmonious lives.

Through her subsequent journey of knowledge, Deborah learned more about the ancient Eastern life force energy healing techniques that transformed her life forever. She traveled to every corner of the globe to work with shamans and healers while spending hour after hour in meditation, living among animals and nature.

Deborah firmly believes that Western cultures need the energy medicine methods of healing, transforming, and growing more than ever. Through her books, workshops, and events, she’s helped thousands to find their truth and heal, transform their lives, and grow beyond the pain of past traumas, just as she once did.

Frequently Asked Questions

Deborah King curates the group carefully to insure that each new addition is spiritually ready and will thrive and grow in this exclusive environment.

If you have an internal yearning to heal yourself and share your knowledge with others, you are ready: “When the student is ready, the teacher appears.”

LFEH IV is a prerequisite for the LFEH V Master Graduate course.

Our contact information


Email[email protected]

Phone: (800) 790-5785

LFEH IV is a prerequisite for the LFEH V Master Graduate course.

When you join Level IV, you automatically receive all the teachings and materials of Levels I-III; Deborah assures you that you will have plenty of time to review those materials during the course year.

Regular Price $11,500

Today’s Price: $8,500

Pay in full

$ 8,500 Best offer

3-pay Plan

$ 3,000/mo $9,000

12-pay Plan

$ 800/mo $9,600

Sign Up for LifeForce Energy Healing® V

Call or text (800) 790-5785 for details

Beautiful Gifts from Deborah’s Master Graduate Students

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