It’s that time of year again: resolution time. More precisely, it’s about this time that people either make a real, lasting life change, or already start giving up on their resolutions.
Most people give up.
That’s because while setting resolutions can be a good and healthy practice, resolutions are often fueled by external pressures—from family, friends, partners, society—and are so often abandoned at some point during the year because they were not created authentically.
It’s not too late to correct course. Take some time to consider what it is you really want for your life in the near future.

What do you want to accomplish: professionally, emotionally, spiritually? How do you want to feel about yourself and your relationships at the end of next year? What are your strengths and gifts, and how can you put them to better use? Meditate and journal about your true feelings.
Really get in touch with the true you, your higher self, and feel free to ask your spirit guides to help clarify anything for you so you can move into the new year with goals that align with your soul purpose.
A resolution is more likely to stick if it resonates with you on a spiritual level. I’m willing to bet that you have at least one variation of self-healing on your list of New Year’s resolutions because nearly all promises you can make to yourself involve an aspect of healing. Even goals like losing weight or quitting smoking require that you work on healing yourself from the inside out, going deeper to get at the root of the problem rather than only treating the symptoms.
If you vow every year to lose ten pounds but never examine the emotional reason lurking behind your tendency to overeat, that resolution is not going to do much to help you. An attainable goal begins with healing your core, your energy, your soul. Energy medicine heals your chakras and energy field, which heals your mind, body, and spirit, and improves the chances of success for any resolution you can make.

Here are 3 great ways to begin healing your soul this year:
- Make Spirituality A Priority
In your busy life, spirituality may be something you sometimes set on the back burner, abandoning it in favor of the more obviously pressing concerns of daily life. The problem is that spirituality IS a pressing concern—it is just quieter than bills or your family when it gets ignored. Without making time for your spiritual routines and energy healing practices, you are doing yourself a great disservice.

Daily meditation, journaling, taking healing courses, getting outside to connect with nature, staying grounded—these activities are things you need for your health and wellbeing. Without them, your stress levels will rise, your relationships can suffer, and your chakras can become blocked, which can create physical illness or injury.
Taking time out of your demanding schedule to meditate might seem like a selfish act when you have fifty things on your to-do list, but you can’t function optimally if your energy field is weakened. You can’t take care of anyone else, or do a good job at work, or be a good friend, partner, or pet owner if any part of your being is unhealthy, so taking care of your spiritual health is just as important as brushing your teeth or exercising.
- Turn Over A New Leaf
Letting go is one of the major tenants of energy healing, and it is a valuable practice at this time of year. Letting go of detrimental behaviors, toxic relationships, limiting beliefs, and negative voices is a great gift to give yourself for the coming year. With all that baggage dropped, you can start the next year of your improved life with a clean slate, a blank page to fill with what you want. Not what your parents or partner want, but what is best for you and your life purpose.

Clearing out all that negativity opens up space for fresh positive energy to fill up your chakras and energy field, uplifting you and carrying you toward the light.
- Give To Others
To help yourself, you need to help others. It’s as simple as that. Being of service heals your soul more quickly than any other method, and is the fastest way to move up in spiritual consciousness. Now, this does not necessarily mean you have to volunteer at a food bank or work with at-risk youth, though those are certainly wonderful ways to give to others. Being of service is a daily practice, a general selflessness, a shift in perspective so that you are thinking of others before yourself. This is difficult to maintain, but like anything else, the more you do it, the better you get. And the better you will feel.

As an energy healer and spiritual teacher, I can’t praise too highly the value of healing your soul this year. If you focus on that, and you’ve made authentic resolutions, all your other plans and goals for a happy new year are likely to fall into place.
If you’d like to really commit yourself to real healing, and real progress, consider taking the first step by joining our flagship LifeForce Energy Healing Level I certification course by clicking here >>