“In the spring a young man’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love.”~ Alfred Tennyson
Spring is right around the corner. There’s something about the season with all that delicious creative energy bursting into blossom!
Beloved poet Tennyson was right about a young man’s fancy—and everyone else’s, too. After the icy chill of winter, who wouldn’t be overjoyed to welcome back the warmth, the light, and the reawakening of the natural world?
The association of spring with love and intimacy is pretty intuitive. With the birds and bees having their finest hour, spring is the perfect season for taking a look at what makes a happy and healthy intimate relationship.
Whether you are young or a bit older and whatever your fancy, ask yourself today if your sex life is all you wish it could be. If not, why not?
Most people confide that finding and maintaining a healthy and lasting love relationship is their most difficult task in life. This makes sense when you consider the “ingredients,” the state of well-being, that you need in order to embark on any relationship.
I believe that finding a loving partner becomes easier when you know something about energy healing. In my work as a spiritual teacher and energy healer, I’ve helped many people with the healing they needed to accomplish before the love they hoped for could enter their lives. Whenever two people interact on any level, there is an exchange of energy between them. Learning how this energy works can help you not only strengthen, but supercharge your love relationship.
Your healthy love life begins with a balanced second chakra energy center. People with integrated sacral or sexual centers enjoy touching and being touched. They are comfortable giving and receiving pleasure. They have a sense of internal balance between their masculine and feminine qualities. A healthy second chakra is a fertile place—an engine of creative possibility that allows inspiration to flow through the body. As the seat of the inner child and emotions, this center also hosts our creative and generative impulse. Using energy healing techniques can ensure your second chakra is clear and balanced and thus the energy you bring to any relationship is positive.
Since a heart-felt connection makes the best foundation for a happy sexual union, an open and balanced fourth chakra energy center is also important. The fourth chakra rules over the heart and forms the link between the physical and the nonphysical—both components of the highest and best sexual experience. A healthy heart chakra is the center of unconditional love, gratitude, and—so important for intimacy—the willingness to be open and vulnerable. When the heart center is in balance, you are content, peaceful, caring, and compassionate. Doesn’t that sound like the ideal scenario for wonderful sex?
Once your second and fourth chakras are spinning with pure and free-flowing energy, you can try these 3 tips for ramping up your sexual happiness and wellbeing:
1. Step Outside and Smell the Roses
Strengthen the feeling that you are part of the growing, regenerating, blossoming world of nature. People are natural beings, another expression of the created and creative world. Take a walk and feel the powerful connection you have to the sky, the earth, the wind, and the trees. If you can walk beside a body of water, that is especially healing and energizing. Nature awakens all your senses, and sensory awareness leads to great enjoyment of life, including great sex.
2. Move Your Body Every Day
Yes, sex is exercise, and if your body is limber and strong, wouldn’t that help you enjoy an even happier intimate experience? Your body loves to move, and the energy that flows when you get physical enhances every aspect of life. Taking care of your material body every day with good health habits, including a regular exercise routine, can’t fail to make all of your life’s activities more vibrant and energetic. You want to feel good in all you do, and exercise primes you for physical, and spiritual, joy.
3. Come From a Giving Place
In energy medicine you learn that what you put out into the world is reflected back to you. The best way to achieve greater love, including sexual love, is to be more loving. What you give is truly what you get, and if you extend yourself with an open heart and a desire to give, a magic takes place that creates intimacy on a whole new level. Consider your Source–and your partner’s. When you tap in to that creative, loving energy, just think how vast your capacity for giving and receiving can be.
With your energy positive and focused, you are ready to let your fancy run free. Open your heart to let your love shine forth this spring! To learn more about balancing, clearing and charging your chakras, the fastest way to ensure a massive shift in your energy and have lasting change affecting every aspect of your life, join me in Secrets of Chakra Wisdom. The chakras hold the key to healing past traumas, building lasting relationships, breaking through financial blockages, unleashing creativity, and achieving your goals on an abundant and energetic level.