Your Aura

Your Aura: What the Human Energy Field Can Reveal About You

Look in the mirror and what do you see?  Does your reflection end with the tidy package inside your skin, dressed for work or a walk or a trip to the store? Is that all there is? Or do you see that bright and beautiful being of light that is really you shining through? The truth is that there is a glowing field of energy that surrounds you, emanates from you, serves and protects you as you walk through this world—your aura!

The human energy field, the aura, is a manifestation of the universal energy field that is the cornerstone of all life. Thousands of years before the birth of Christ, it was called prana by East Indians and chi by the Chinese. The mystics of all cultures talk about the human energy field in some way. Your aura consists of electromagnetic energies of varying densities that permeate through and radiate from the physical body. These particles of energy are suspended around the healthy human body in an oval shaped field, extending out from the body approximately 2-5 feet on all sides.

You can think of your aura as a living template for the body. Your body ultimately mirrors whatever is happening in the energy field. Any distortion or imbalance in your field will sooner or later negatively impact you physically. If you make a correction in the field, a corresponding change will manifest in the body. The energy levels of your field are not only as real as your physical self, but they are also, in some ways, even more important. That’s why energy healing—directed at restructuring, rebalancing, and recharging the energy field—can have so much positive impact.

Seven layers or bodies make up the human energy field. Unlike the layers of an onion, each one interpenetrates the next and then extends out beyond the skin. Each level up the “scale” is a higher vibration and extends out further than the one below it. Each one has its own unique frequency. They are interrelated, and reflect your feelings, emotions, thinking, and behavior. Together, the levels hold our physical form, provide life energy, and make communication possible between all the various parts.

The levels of the human energy field and what each one can tell you about your health and well-being:

Level 1: The Etheric Body

This closest level to your body, a few inches out from your skin, is the seat of pleasure and pain. The more you take care of your body, the stronger and brighter blue these lines will be.

Level 2: The Emotional Body

This cloudlike level reflects your feelings and emotions about yourself. Bright colors indicate positive feelings; dark colors are negative. If you let your feelings flow, the colors keep changing; if you stop the flow, this level looks really dirty and stagnant, creates blocks and impacts your health.

Level 3: The Mental Body

Strong and charged lines here indicate an active, clear mind; weak and undercharged, you won’t be very interested in learning and won’t have much clarity. If your 3rd level is strong but the first 2 are weak, you live mostly in your mind.

Level 4: The Astral Level

Seat of your relationship with the universe and everything in it. If this level is strong and healthy, you’ll have great relationships; if it’s weak, you may avoid intimacy.

Level 5: The Etheric Template

This level of divine will looks just like a blueprint of the 1st level—the form for your body. A level of precise order and symbols, not feelings. If you’re in accord with divine will, you’ll feel a sense of connectedness with the world around you; if you’re weak here, you won’t be comfortable with your place, your job, or your station in life.

Level 6: The Celestial Body

Filled with beautiful streamers of rainbow-colored light radiating out about 2 to 3 feet from the body. When healthy, the colors are bright with straight beams of light. This is the level of divine love. Here we feel the joy and bliss we reach through meditation, prayer, and chanting. A weak 6th means you won’t have much in the way of spiritual experiences. If it’s too strong in relation to the others, you may be avoiding having a physical life. The 6th level can be charged every day by even just 15-20 minutes of meditation.

Level 7: The Ketheric Template or Causal Body

Gold lines that vibrate at a very high frequency and form a golden egg around the body to protect it. This level of divine mind holds the whole field together and is where we learn to communicate telepathically and have knowings that flood our consciousness. A big 7th level indicates a big thinker in direct connection with divine thought. An unhealthy 7th level person will hate their own imperfections and have trouble bringing their creative ideas to fruition.

As you become acquainted with the levels of the human energy field, it’s better to start by feeling your way around rather than by seeing the levels clairvoyantly. I rely on my feelings and knowings; clairvoyant information is just icing on the cake.  In my work as a spiritual teacher and energy healer, I have observed that it is not as important to “see” the energy levels as it is to sense or feel them. You can learn to do this using the sensory power of your whole body.

If you’re interested in learning more about auras and how to sense them, as well as discovering a host of energy healing techniques to heal, thrive and grow, check out my online certification course today.

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