Find An Alternative Approach To Overcoming Illness At A Spiritual Healing Center

More and more, people all over the world are turning to the kinds of progressive, alternative medicine techniques taught at a spiritual healing center. While traditional Western medicine treats only the outermost physical symptoms, spiritual medicine addresses total wellness at the deepest levels. No matter what obstacles the body faces, incredible relief is possible by drawing upon ancient wisdom and the timeless power of energy.


Where Western Medicine Goes Wrong

Playing “catch-up.” All too often, conventional medicine treats physical problems long after the initial imbalance which caused them. At a spiritual healing center, root conditions can be nurtured and balanced long before major manifestations of illness arise.


Over-medicating. Factory-made pharmaceuticals are often a blunt tool which can actually stifle true healing by simply masking the very surface of imbalance. Unfortunately, many prescriptions are as much motivated by corporate profit as by a desire to help.


The rush to surgery. Which method intuitively sounds more reasonable – violently cutting open the body, or gently restoring balance to its systems? Our instincts are usually correct – taking a nurturing approach to healing can have far more benefit than a harsh and potentially life-threatening operation.

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Alternative Healing Methods You Can Study At A Spiritual Healing Center

Luckily, we have more options than just pills and scalpels. In every time and culture in the world, from the Aztecs to Native Americans to the ancient Chinese, medicine men have practiced a natural, non-harming method of healing – energy medicine. This balancing and application of the unseen energy which courses through all living things is a time-tested technique which has been studied and validated from traditional practice to the halls of today’s most respected universities.


Falling under the umbrella of “alternative medicine,” there are countless energy healing techniques which have provided powerful relief from every physical malady you can think of.


✹ Meditation: You’ve heard of and maybe even practiced meditation, but did you know it is one of the most powerful healing modalities known to man? By accessing expanded states of consciousness, we are able to soothe internal imbalance, and tap into vast wells of unseen power to bring our bodies into wellness.

pretty-women-woman-smile-hd-get-59357.jpg✹ Chakra Balancing: The chakras are like invisible portals in every human body – think of them as energy vortexes which guide the flow of energy throughout all parts of our lives. By learning to clear and balance these gateways, we are able to bring a state of alignment and momentum to our life experience.

✹ Acupuncture/Reflexology: These well-known alternative techniques you’ll find practiced at a spiritual healing center clear channels along energy meridians in the body by stimulating very specific pressure points.

✹ Herbal/Flower Remedies: What could be more natural than creating medicinals from the planet we live on? These types of remedies need no factory or corporate agenda to restore wellness.

✹ Healing By Touch: A skilled energy medicine practitioner can move and release stagnation with the aid of physical touch. One such technique known as Reiki uses the placement of hands over and on the body as a powerful tool for energetic alignment and the promotion of overall well-being.


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Study Energy Healing At Deborah King’s Groundbreaking Spiritual Healing Center

Most healing modalities labeled as “alternative” are actually more natural than the majority of Western medical techniques. When you are ready to explore the transformative power of energy healing and put it into practice in your own life, turn to one of the world’s most respected and well known spiritual healers – Deborah King.

Fans all over the world made Deborah’s groundbreaking book “Be Your Own Shaman” a smash hit New York Times best-seller. Now, you can draw upon Deborah’s powerful synthesis of both ancient and leading edge energy healing theory and practice in an all-new online curriculum.

375x321_what_does_your_smile_say_about_you_features.jpgThe LifeForce Energy Healing Online Program is a fully downloadable class series that will clearly and patiently give you a basis in all of the major concepts of energy healing (More Info). This multi-level series will help you connect mystical wisdom with hands-on everyday application. The result of your experience at this spiritual healing center will be a comprehensive mind-body-spirit approach to the total wellness that is everyone’s birthright. There’s nothing alternative about that.

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