• cover

  • third-eye

    To self-heal the sixth energy center,
    visualize your goals, dreams, and
    outcomes. Picture the exact outcome
    you desire and open to the wisdom of
    your higher self and your inner guidance
    system. Affirm your willingness to listen
    to your own inner direction.

  • third-eye

    When the sixth chakra is in balance,
    we keep an open mind and seek the truth.

    Do I see others as heading down the “wrong”
    path? Am I honoring my own ethical and
    moral obligations?

  • third-eye

    Without imagination and intuition
    as its guiding force, our lives would
    become stagnant. Suppressing the truth
    suppresses our intuitive abilities. If we
    are divorced from our essence, our true
    purpose, we lose inspiration.

    Do I feel blocked? Why do I think that is?
    How do I receive my inspirations?

  • third-eye

    Do I have an illness whose onset coincided
    with an emotional event or loss that I did not
    want to fully “see?” Have I ever been blind to
    the truth? In what ways do I deny or ignore
    what’s true? How do I distinguish lies from
    the truth?

  • third-eye

    When the sixth chakra is awakened, it
    brings inspiration, insight, perception,
    wisdom, and vision. When it is closed,
    we may be unable to trust what we see.

    Do I project negative beliefs outward or onto
    myself ? Would I call myself an optimist or a
    pessimist? Why do I see the world as positive
    or negative?

  • third-eye

    When we are ready, the pieces of
    our history rise to the surface of
    consciousness, often in dreams.
    Those pieces of our stories act as our
    “teachers,” guiding and directing us
    to the truth.

    Do I dream and can I remember my dreams?
    Do I have nightmares? What are my dreams
    telling me?

  • third-eye

    The sixth energy center is all about
    discernment, and being able to see
    the “whole picture.” The more we see
    beyond the me-versus-you/us-versusthem
    duality to the deeper truth of
    unity, the more we can heal the illusion
    that we are separate from others.

    Do I suspect I’m a little closed-minded? Can I
    empathize with others? In what ways do I think
    only about me and mine, and not about others
    in the larger community or the world?

  • third-eye

    Do others see me as being overly intellectual?
    Do I have a hard time concentrating and
    keeping my mental focus? What distractions do
    I give in to? Is it easy for someone to fool me?

  • third-eye

    The sixth chakra is the source of
    intuition. Intuitive ability is best
    understood as a skill rather than a gift
    bestowed on a special few.

    Do I recognize my ability to move beyond the
    normal scope of my five senses? In what ways
    do I tune in to my intuition and act upon it?
    Am I willing to validate my intuitive and
    psychic experiences?

  • third-eye

    Do I have any of these conditions?

    – Headaches
    – Upper or frontal sinus conditions
    – Neurological disturbances
    – Bad eyesight, floaters, glaucoma, cataracts, macular degeneration, blindness
    – Stroke, hemorrhage
    – Brain tumor

    What emotions or past experiences do I feel
    may have contributed to this problem?

  • solar

    Butterflies in your stomach (anxiety,
    excitement, or fear) is actually a sign
    that the third energy center is getting
    ready for a challenge. The remedy?
    Ask yourself:

    “What am I afraid of ? What can I do to
    protect myself ?”

    Bringing your feelings to your awareness
    is the best way to change them.

  • solar

    We may say we demand truth and
    justice, but we often accept
    exaggeration, rumor, innuendo, and
    flat-out lies fed to us by the media.

    Do I believe what I read in the paper or
    online, or what I see on the evening news?
    How do I decide what is true or not?

  • solar

    When our third chakras are fit and
    healthy, we are able to take action with
    clearly focused intention. We have no
    need to take power from someone else.
    We can accomplish a great deal in the

    Do I live my truth without regard for what
    others think, and take responsibility for my
    own words and actions? What is my personal
    code of honor ?

  • solar

    Co-dependent relationships are based
    on the outward push (aggressor) /
    inward collapse (victim) dynamic.

    Am I involved in a co-dependent relationship?
    In which role?

    Describe your feelings about the
    relationship. How do you think the
    other person feels about it?

  • solar

    Is it hard for me to commit to people, projects, or to myself? Do I frequently feel overpowered by people I am with? Do I need the approval of others to feel okay about myself? Am I very sensitive to criticism? Why?

  • solar

    The third chakra, located at the solar
    plexus, is the seat of self-worth—our
    self-esteem and personal power. Here
    we harness our energy and convert it
    into action.

    Do I habitually stand with my arms folded
    in front of me, above my waist, in an
    (unconscious) effort to protect my solar plexus
    area? Can I face new or challenging situations
    without fear? Can I express my authentic self?

  • solar

    We live in an outward push culture,
    characterized by an intense desire to
    succeed. People who are aggressive,
    pushy, or impatient will overtake and
    overwhelm others to gain power.

    Is winning everything to me? Am I a
    compulsive overachiever? What pushes me
    in that direction? Do I enjoy playing “power
    games?” Have I ever victimized another
    person? Why?

  • solar

    Do I cooperate with others as a team player
    or do I invariably need to hog the limelight?
    Am I easily intimidated by others? Do I try
    to control others or events? In what ways?

  • solar

    Is my personal motto “Don’t get mad, get
    even?” Am I the person who gets mad at a
    cop for giving me a speeding ticket? Am I able
    to acknowledge and move through my feelings
    of anger and resentment without blaming or
    verbally attacking others? Do I often “explode?”

  • solar

    Am I prone to the following conditions?

    – Problems with the pancreas,including diabetes and hypoglycemia
    – Digestive difficulties, including gastric or duodenal ulcers
    – Liver problems, including cirrhosis, hepatitis, or liver cancer
    – Hiatal hernia
    – Gallstones
    – Hemorrhoids
    – Varicose veins
    – Problems with the spleen

    What emotions or past experiences do I feel
    may have contributed to this problem?

  • sacral

    Can I recognize and acknowledge my
    emotions? Can I sense others’ emotions?
    Do I mistake others’ emotions for my own?
    What am I feeling right now?

  • sacral

    Is shame part of my inner reality? Do I deny myself pleasure? Do I unconsciously find ways to shame myself or others?

    Write about what brings up your feeling of shame, then wash away the shame. Add 1 pound each of sea salt and baking soda to a hot bath, and soak for 20 minutes. Allow your old feelings and thoughts about your past to be drawn out by the salt water. Imagine your guilt or shame dissolving into the bath as you say: “I speak the truth and reclaim my true nature. I am pure. I am clean.”

  • sacral

    Women who rely on seduction to
    manipulate others usually have an
    excessive and distorted second energy

    Do I have an entrenched belief in my cellular
    memory that a woman is nothing without a
    man, or that a woman is “less than” a man?
    What do I believe?

  • sacral

    The second chakra is the seat of our
    inner child. Substance abuse and
    addiction relate to the emotional reality
    of the lost child.

    What is my inner child seeking through
    addictive substances or behavior? What else
    could satisfy that need?

  • sacral

    Am I uncomfortable saying “no?” How do I
    establish good boundaries for myself?

    A distorted second chakra can lead to
    poor boundaries within ourselves and
    with others, and the use of seduction
    and manipulation.

    Does my dark side—those parts I deem
    unlovable or that society condemns—erupt at
    times in unexpected and embarrassing ways?


  • sacral

    Describe your childhood experience of
    sensuality and sexuality.

    What do I remember about being touched as a
    child? Was my upbringing one of clarity and
    safety? Am I carrying within me the secret of
    sexual abuse?

    Write or draw any memories, even if
    it’s just a “feeling,” in your journa

  • sacral

    Do my friends complain that “everything is
    always about me” or that I am too needy?
    Do I have obsessive attachments? Do others
    see me as a martyr? Do I feel chronically alone
    or lonely? Why do I think that is?

  • sacral

    What money problems do I have? Can I
    survive on my own? Are my credit cards out
    of control? Do I feel that I give and give
    and give and get nothing back?

  • sacral

    Have I had any of the following illnesses?

    – Sexual dysfunction, impotence, frigidity, or promiscuity
    – In women: fibroids, endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, menstrual or menopausal problems, ovarian cysts or cancer, difficulty conceiving
    – In men: prostate problems or prostate cancer
    – Inflammatory bowel disease, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, diverticulitis
    – Appendicitis
    – Chronic low back pain or sciatica
    – Bladder or urinary problems
    – STDs

    What emotions or past experiences do I feel may
    have contributed to this problem?

  • sacral

    Have I used sex in abusive or seductive ways
    to get what I want? In what circumstances?
    Do I often fake orgasms? Am I vitally alive
    sexually? Am I passionate about people,
    causes, my work?

  • root

    Do I like the feeling of being spacey?

    Consciously work on getting grounded.
    The best way to get grounded in your
    body is to connect to the earth: walk
    barefoot on grass or a sandy beach,
    walk through a park, go hiking in the
    wilderness, or sit with your back against
    a tree.

  • root

    Accidents are the way our bodies and
    the universe say: “Hey, pay attention!
    You’re important!”

    Do I frequently have accidents? Do I think
    they are all “coincidences?” What are these
    accidents saying to me?

  • root

    What is my relationship to food?

    Most eating disorders are primarily a
    first chakra issue. Individuals who feel
    like they have no control over their
    lives may zero in on eating as the one
    aspect they can control. Eating keeps us
    here, and here is where we want to be.

  • root

    All of me is really here, in my body, at this
    very moment. I am at home on the earth.

    Does this describe you? Why, or why not?
    Write your feelings about the statement,
    “It is safe and I want to be here now.”

  • root

    Am I frequently defensive? Do I act guilty
    even when I’ve done nothing wrong? What do
    I think this stems from? Do I always try to
    follow the family or societal “rules?”

  • root

    Key root chakra issues are safety and trust.

    Do I feel safe in new places or with new
    people? Do I feel unwelcome in groups? Am I
    nervous all the time? What are my excessive
    fears or phobias?

  • root

    Am I disorganized in my personal space or
    work habits or neglectful of my body? Do I
    pay my bills on time? Do things fall out of
    my closet when I open it? In what ways am I
    resistant to changing my habits?

  • root

    Do I have any of the following conditions?

    – Eating disorders or malnourishment
    – Adrenal insufficiency
    – Problems with feet, legs, or coccyx
    – Rectal or colon cancer
    – Spinal problems
    – Immune-related disorders
    – Osteoporosis or other bone disorders
    – Sluggish immune system

    What emotions or past experiences do I feel
    may have contributed to this problem?

  • root

    Many of us “split” from our bodies
    when we were very young.

    Do I have a pattern of disassociating from
    my body when I am frightened or distracted?
    What routine tasks am I often “absent” from,
    like showering, cleaning, driving, exercising?
    Where do I “go?”

  • root

    Have I experienced traumatic or shocking
    events, like major illnesses, accidents, natural
    disasters, surgeries, abuse or violence?

    Describe. How did I release the emotions
    this event triggered in me?

  • heart

    Come Monday morning , do I love going
    back to work?

    Monday mornings are classic times for
    heart attacks. Think about it.

  • heart

    Unconditional love, forgiveness, and
    surrender—the ability to “let go and
    let God”—are the hallmarks of a heart
    chakra in perfect balance.

    Have I forgiven myself or others for past
    infractions, or do I still harbor guilt or
    resentment? Why?

  • heart

    Some of us are terrified that giving
    in to our sorrow means we will
    get trapped in it, never to recover.
    But grieving is necessary when we
    encounter a loss.

    What losses have I experienced in life? Have
    I allowed myself to fully be with and feel my
    sadness? How did I release my sorrow?

  • heart

    Real love is an emotion of truth. Love
    has the power to heal all the wounds
    we may have suffered—if we allow it
    to flow.

    Have I isolated myself from others, or am
    I excessively drawn to others, in need of their
    approval and love? Do I give too much
    attention to the needs of others and not
    enough to my own?

  • heart

    A feeling of being unlovable for who
    we are or a feeling that we have to fight
    to be loved can create an environment
    of ill health in the body.

    Do I think I have to be perfect to be loved?
    Could I love myself just as I am? Why not?
    How am I holding love back? Am I in touch
    with what I love? Which attributes could I
    develop more: altruism, love, compassion,
    forgiveness, hope, trust, harmony, support

  • heart

    Have I ever felt rejected by family or friends?
    What did I do with the pain? Am I bitter
    over what has happened in the past? Am I
    usually jealous of others? Where am I hurting
    right now?

  • heart

    Shutting down the heart is a common
    response when pain seems unbearable.
    But a heart that is shut down from
    the feelings we don’t want to feel also
    becomes closed off from receiving love.

    Do I give and receive love easily? Do I
    withhold love? Could I be more loving to
    others and myself ?

    One of the best ways to open a
    closed heart is through giving and
    receiving love with a pet. Pets love us
    unconditionally and make it safe for
    us to learn to love again.

  • heart

    Heartbreak is universal.

    Have I ever been betrayed by a love partner?
    What did I do as a result? Did I betray
    someone else? What made me do that? Am
    I overly fearful of betrayal or do I attract it
    to myself ?

  • heart

    The heart chakra is the bridge between
    the 3 lower chakras that connect us
    to the earth and the 3 upper chakras
    that connect us to the Infinite. It is
    the link between the physical and the
    nonphysical, between self and other(s).

    Do I think of my heart as being open or closed?
    Why do I think that? What actions do I take
    based on following my heart?

  • heart

    Do I have any of the following conditions?

    Congestive heart failure, heart attack, mitral valve prolapse, chest pain
    – Arteriosclerosis, peripheral vascular insufficiency
    – Asthma, shortness of breath
    – Allergies
    – Bronchitis, pneumonia, emphysema, lung cancer
    – Breast cancer, breast disorders, such as mastitis or cysts
    – Immune system deficiencies
    – Circulation problems
    – Tension or pain between the shoulder blades
    – Shoulder, arm, and hand issues, such as carpal tunnel

    What emotions or past experiences do I feel
    may have contributed to this problem?

  • crown

    Have I allowed fear, anxiety, or anger to shut
    down my connection to the divine?

    By using techniques that allow us to
    release emotions that otherwise block
    the light, we tear down the walls that
    separate us from the truth: there is
    truly nothing to seek. Everything is
    within us. We are all connected. We
    are all one. To know that is to know
    all. Prayer, meditation, and nature are
    powerful tools for achieving a real
    connection to the divine.
    f ront 10

  • crown

    Am I frequently confused? Do I overrationalize
    a lot? Is my memory problematic?
    Would others say I think for myself or that
    I follow the crowd?

    How would you describe your mental

  • crown

    Do I trust that the universe wants
    to support me? Do I trust that I am
    loved and protected? Do I trust that
    everything is working out for my
    highest good?

    If not, say out loud: “Show me how to trust more!”

    By surrendering ourselves to
    something greater, we relinquish
    our small egos to a more expansive

  • crown

    Am I enmeshed in a rigid belief system or
    spiritual addiction? Have I ever been part
    of a group that could be considered a cult?
    Have I ever been led astray by a so-called
    spiritual teacher or guru? How would others
    describe my beliefs? Am I tolerant of others’

  • crown

    Do I have trouble getting going in the morning?
    Do I have a sense of joy that comes from living
    my purpose in the world or am I plagued by
    depression? If I’m not happy with my life, what
    have I done to change it?

  • crown

    The crown center opens outward
    and upward, pulling light energy in
    from above and flooding us with an
    experience of transcendence.

    Do I attract light to myself? Have I been
    called cynical or apathetic? Do I hang out
    with people who are filled with light or am
    I attracted to the “dark side?”

    Write about the qualities you find
    attractive in your partner or friends.

  • crown

    Opening the crown chakra requires
    gentleness, willingness, truth, and

    Do I honor the connection I currently have
    with the divine? In what ways? Do I have
    a ritual that connects me with my higher self
    or with the transcendence of nature? Do I
    practice prayer and/or meditation?

  • crown

    The crown chakra is our connection
    with spirit, our higher power, and the
    universe. Our connection to the realm
    of spirit can become elusive when we
    are occupied with our daily world.

    Do I believe that I am connected to everyone
    and everything? Do I long for the magical
    connection I felt to the universe as a child?
    How do I perceive my connection to spirit?

  • crown

    Am I mad at God for something? A loss, a
    betrayal, an unfair life? Do I feel like my life
    is hard? Why do I think that?

  • crown

    Do I have any of the following conditions?

    – Anxiety and depression
    – Bipolar disorder
    – Coma or amnesia
    – Headache, migraine, brain tumor
    – Stroke
    – Epilepsy
    – Multiple sclerosis or Parkinson’s disease
    – Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and dyslexia
    – Cognitive delusions
    – ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease)
    – Mental illness, schizophrenia, and multiple personality disorder
    – Dementia or Alzheimer’s disease

    What emotions or past experiences do I feel may have contributed to this problem?

  • throat

    It is a challenge to start speaking the
    truth. The best way to get there is to start
    by asking yourself, “What do I really want?”

    When you can trust yourself to be
    truthful on the pages of your journal,
    you can trust yourself to be truthful
    in the world. You’ve given yourself
    permission to be you—to speak your
    mind, to give voice to the truth of who
    you are. If not now, when?

  • throat

    A balanced fifth chakra is at one with
    the concept of divine will—the powerful
    force of spiritual energy from higher
    dimensions that can awaken new
    consciousness, bring about profound
    realization, and strengthen our
    personal will.

    How am I in harmony with divine will? Am
    I open to new options and possibilities, or do I
    cling to the way I’ve done things in the past?

  • throat

    The throat is the power center of living
    from our truth. When balanced, we
    live from our dreams, our visions, our
    greater purpose, our integrity, our love
    of who we are, and our blessings in life.

    Do I feel like I am living my purpose in life?
    If not, why? Am I able to see the obstacles
    and challenges of my life as blessings?

    Try to write about them that way.

  • throat

    The throat chakra is the seat of inner
    guidance—the quiet voice from within
    that guides us in every situation—if we
    take the time to listen.

    Am I able to hear and act on inner guidance?
    In what ways? Am I a good listener?

  • throat

    The fifth chakra is the seat of pure

    Do I have a good sense of timing and rhythm?
    Am I able to express my mind and my
    emotions in unusual or artistic ways? In what
    ways do I live creatively?

  • throat

    A person with a distorted throat chakra
    tries to make deals with the universe to
    have things go their way.

    Do I insist on everything being “my way or the
    highway?” Do I tend to direct and orchestrate
    excessively? What do I fear would happen if I
    just let go?

    The road to surrender: Make no
    judgments; have no expectations; give
    up the need to know why; and trust
    that unscheduled events are a form of

  • throat

    Do I tell the truth? What little white lies do
    I think are all right? Do I carry through on
    what I say I will do?

  • throat

    The throat chakra functions as a regulator, controlling what we let out or keep in.

    Am I willing to say what I think or am I always self-editing? Do I say what I think others want to hear?

    We discharge excess energy through speech or sound. Sometimes we have to take it up a notch and yell or scream.

    Am I able to yell when necessary, or do I yell too often?

  • throat

    Do I talk too much or too loudly, or stutter? Do I have trouble being quiet? Am I excessively shy? Do I have a fear of public speaking, or speaking at all? What is my throat chakra trying to tell me?

  • throat

    Do I have any of these conditions?

    – TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorder in the jaw or clenched jaw
    – Swollen glands in the throat, throat cancer, a tendency to choke or gag
    – Neck problems
    – Chronic childhood tonsillitis or ear infections
    – Hypo- or hyperthyroidism, thyroiditis, thyroidcancer, Hashimoto’s, Grave’s disease
    – Chronic sinus problems or chronic hoarseness or laryngitis
    – Any disorders of the throat, voice, mouth, teeth, or gums
    – Frequent pain in the cervical vertebrae or shoulders

    What emotions or past experiences do I feel may have contributed to this problem?

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